Analysis of Goldstar So!s "sin# M"lti Attri$"t! Mod!l
Submitted By: Group A
Asi% Sar%a S"#yata Sito"la
Construct a multi-attribute model for Goldstar sport shoes (pick at least 4-5 sport shoes brand in town! Based on your findin"s# su""est how sports shoe can impro$e and establish a brand ima"e $ia the strate"ies described in the chapter! %hile doin" this e&ercise identify minimum ' se"ments of sport shoe customers and run your sur$eys separately! Product Category: S&orts So!s
Most infl"!n'in# fa'tors tat (!r! id!ntifi!d fro% a lit!rat"r! r!)i!( of a r!s!ar' &a& !r *Har%an+aya, G"-!l, . Fili-, /0123 ar! ta+!n into 'onsid!ration in ord!r to t!st (!t!r t! sa%! fa'tors (!r! t! on!s infl"!n'in# t! &"r'as! d!'ision of Goldstar and ot!r s&orts so!s in N!&al4 T! fa'tors id!ntifi!d fro% t! &a&!r ar! 5"ality, d"ra$ility, S"ita$ility (it dr!ss "&, &ri'!, "s!r fri!ndly, sa&! and 'olor, $rand r!&"tation and a!st!ti' f!at"r!4 Fro% t! r!s!ar' &a&!r *Har%an+aya, G"-!l, . Fili-, /0123, t! attri$"t!s tat r!'!i)!d #r!at!r &r!f!r!n'! tan 60 7 ar! #i)!n (!i#t 10, tos! (it 8079607 ar! #i)!n (!i#t 6: tos! (it ;079 807 ar! #i)!n (!i#t ;: tos! (it <079;07 ar! #i)!n (!i#t = and t! attri$"t!s (it l!ss tan <07 ar! #i)!n (!i#t /4 Tis (!i#t is a&&li'a$l! for S!#%!nt A * SA34 For S!#%!nt > *S>3, )ario"s &!o&l! in t! s!#%!nt (!r! as+!d to #i)! t! (!i#t for t! attri$"t!s4 H!r!, S!#%!nt A *SA3 ? Coll!#! Goin# St"d!nts S!#%!nt > *S>3 ? @o$ Hold!rs T! ratin#s for !a' of t! fa'tors on t! $asis of t! $"y!rs ar! #i)!n $!lo(
%ei"hts S!
B"ality / D"ra$ility S"ita$ility (it dr!ss 1
"& = A!st!ti' < ri'! 2
10 6
10 10
6 6 ;
10 6
Us!r fri!ndly 8 Sa&! . Color 6 >rand R!&"tation Co%fort ;
; ; = ;
6 10 ; 10
)ulti-attribute )odel for Goldstar shoes Brands Chosen: T! $rands 'os!n for tis %od!l ar! Goldstar,Adidas, Ni+!,"%a and >F
D!!r Hill4 All t!s! $rands ar! )!ry &o&"lar in N!&al4
*indin"s and Analysis:
Segment A:
For S!#%!nt A, +uality# durability and price ar! of )!ry i# i%&ortan'!4 A''ordin# to tis findin#, Goldstar a)! $!!n a$l! to %!!t tis r!5"ir!%!nt to so%! !t!nt4 Ho(!)!r, Goldstar as not $!!n a$l! to li)! "& to t! '"sto%!rs !&!'tations to t! attri$"t!s s"' as S"ita$ility (it dr!ss "& for S!#%!nt A4 for all t! attri$"t!s tat s!#%!nt A r!#ard t! %ost, Godstar a)! $!!n a$l! to %!!t t!%, "st li+! for!i#n $rands4 Goldstar is a $it %or! &r!f!rr!d $y t! 'ons"%!rs tan t! ot!r N!&ali >rand >F D!!r Hill in t! o)!rall s'or!4 >"t >F D!!r Hill as !'!!d!d t! !&!'tation on t! 'ons"%!rs on t! attri$"t!s li+! 'o%fort and "s!r fri!ndlin!ss4
il! %a+in# a 'oi'! of t! s&orts so!s, $rand r!&"tation (as t! fa'tor tat s!#%!nt A &r!f!rr!d t! l!ast Segment B
For S!#%!nt >, Co%fort and d"ra$ility ar! t! %aor d!t!r%inin# fa'tors in &"r'asin# a s&orts so!s4 A''ordin# to tis st"dy, Goldstar as $!!n a$l! to %!!t t!s! r!5"ir!%!nts of t! '"sto%!r in S!#%!nt >4 Ho(!)!r, t! ot!r for!i#n $rands a)! $!!n d!li)!rin# )al"!, !'!!din# t! !&!'tations s!t $y t! '"sto%!rs in fa'tors s"' as 'o%fort4 Goldstar also as $!!n d!li)!rin# #ood )al"! in t!r%s of d"ra$ility and as 'o%&ar!d to ot!r for!i#n $rands, only la##in# $!ind UMA4 Ho(!)!r, t!r! a n"%$!r of fa'tors (!r! Goldstar as not $!!n a$l! to li)! "& to t! !&!'tation of t! 'ons"%!rs s"' as >rand r!&"tation, sa&! and 'olor and styl!4 On t! ot!r and ot!r for!i#n $rands ar! &!rfor%in# r!ally (!ll on t!s! f!at"r!s and t"s a'tin# as a 'o%&!titi)! disad)anta#! to t! $rand4 A&art fro% tat, it as not $!!n a$l! to &!rfor% at &ar (it !)!n its do%!sti' 'o%&!titor i4!4 >F D!!r Hill4 Marketing Implications:
D"ra$ility as stood o"t as its 'o%&!titi)! ad)anta#! and t"s, Goldstar so"ld &ro%ot! its!lf as a d"ra$l! &rod"'t4 Tat is (!r! it 'an 'o%! 'los! to its 'o%&!titors and #ain $!tt!r a' '!&tan'! fro% '"sto%!rs4 In t! fa'tors s"' as 5"ality and & ri'! it as don! fairly (!ll and it still 'an &ro)! to $!'o%! 'o%&!titi)! if a tro"#o"t 'a%&ai#n is d!)!lo&!d4 Goldstar as to fo'"s on t!s! tr!! as&!'ts in a dir! %ann!r if it ai%s to d!)!lo& its '"sto%!r $as! and (in $!tt!r %ar+!t sar!
Reference Harmankaya, A. P., Guzel, D. S., & Filiz, R. A. (2013). Factors Afecting University Students in Shoes Selection: Turkey Example.