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Analysis & Rates The capacity of doing work by an artisan artisan or skilled skilled labour in the form of quantity of work per day is known as the task work or out turn of the labour. The out-turn of work per artisan varies to some extent extent according according to the nature, size, height, situation, location, etc., In bigger cities where specialized specialized and experienced experienced labour is available available the out-turn out-turn is greater than small towns and count country ry sides. sides. In well organi organized zed work work less labour is required.
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The following may be taken as the approximate quanti quantity ty of work work or out turn turn or task for an average artisan per day.
7. 8.
11. 12.
Particulars Particulars of items
Brick Brick work work in l i me or cement mortar in foundat foundation ion and plinth Brick Brick work work in l i me or cement mortar in superstructure Brick Brick work work in mud mortar in foundation and plinth Brick Brick work work in mud mortar in superstructure B ric k in c e me nt or lime mortar in arches B ric k in c e me nt or lime mortar in ja ck arch es Half brick wall in partition Coursed rubb rub ble le ston stone e mas on onr y in lime lime cemen cementt mortar including dressing Random rubb rub ble le ston stone e mas on onr y in l i me or cement mortar Ashlars mas on onr y in l i me or cement mortar S to to n e arc h work Lime concrete in foundat foundation ion or floor Lime concrete in r oo f terracing
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1. 25 25c um um
1. 00 00c um um
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( 35 35c uf uf t) t) pe per m as as on on
1. 50 50c um um
( 55 55c uf uf t) t) pe per m as as on on
1. 25 25c um um
( 45 45c uf uf t) t) pe per m as as on on
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5. 00 00s qm qm
( 50 50s qf qf t) t) pe per ma m a s on on
0. 80 80c um um
( 30 30 cu c u ft ft) pe pe r ma mas on on
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( 15 15c uf uf t) t) pe per m as as on on
8. 50 50c um um
( 30 300 cu cu ft ft) pe pe r mas on on
6. 00 00c um um
( 20 200 cu cu ft ft) pe pe r mas on on
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Upload your designs with cement or lime mortar 18. Pointing with cement or lime mortar 19. White was hi ng or colour washing coats 20. White was hi ng or colour washing coats 21. P a inting or varnishing doors or windows one coat 22. C o al ta rr in g or s ol igum painting one coat 23. Painting large s urf ac e o ne coat 24. Distempering one coat 25. 2.5cm(1’) CC floor 26. F lag s tore fl oor l ayi ng wi th l ime o r cement mortar excluding LC 27. Brick on edge i n f lo or l ime or cement mortar excluding LC 28. Brick bat floor as in above 29. Timbe r framing sal or teak wood 30. Timbe r framing sal or country wood 31. Door and window shutters panel ed or glazed
33. 34. 35.
Door and window shutters panel ed or battened Sawing hard wood S a wi ng s oft wood Single allahabad tiling or mangalore tiling Double allahabad tiling B rea ki ng of brick ballest 40mm (11/2”)
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1 0. 00 sq m
( 10 0s qf t) pe r ma s on
7 0. 00 sqm
( 700s qft)p er washer
2 00 .0 0s qm
( 20 00 sq ft) pe r washer
w hi te
Rain is fun but the fun may not last if your home fails to protect itself and its occupants from the elements. This wr.. Read more
25s qm
Flooring for Kids Room The flooring material that you choose has to be comfortable, easy to clean, and right for you and for your kid. It has.. Read more
Kitchen Island A kitchen island perks up your kitchen as multifunctional space and gives you additional eating area as well as food p..
(250s qft)per painter
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(350sqft)per painter
(350sqft)per painter
(350sqft)per painter
7 .50s qm
( 75 sqft) pe r p ai nte r
(100sqft)per painter
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7 .00s qm
( 70 sqft) pe r p ai nte r
If excavation is made deeper than the adjacent building then proper support should be planned for the old building before starting the work. In case of shuttering for even small bridges & culvert work the shuttering cribs or iron girders s hould be used.
8 .00s qm
( 80 sqft) pe r p ai nte r
0 .07c um
( 2. 5c uf t) pe rc arp ente r
0 .15c um
( 5c uf t) per c ar pe nte r
0 .15s qm
( 7s qf t) pe r c ar pe nte r
Brick Building Bathroom Board Cement Ceiling Color Concrete Construction Dampness Dining Door Finishing Flooring Furniture Glass Home Interior Interior decoration Kitchen Kota Light Marble Paint Plastic Plumbing Pop Sand Security Steel Study Termite Tile Vastu Window Aggregate
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0 .8 0s qm
( 0. 80 sq ft) pe rc ar pe nte r
72 Comment(s) 1 2 3 4
By Anonymous - On 4/2/2013 11:35:30 AM
4.00s qm 6.00s qm 6 .00s qm
(40s qft) per pair of sawers (60s qft) per pair of sawers ( 60 sqft) pe r ti le la yer
fine but add formula 2013
By Anonymous - On 2/28/2013 9:31:07 PM
Excellent data base
4 .00s qm
( 40 sqft) pe r ti le la yer By Anonymous - On 2/28/2013 2:42:36 PM
0 .75c um
( 35c uft) pe r or breaker
l abo urer
thanks a lot very good
Analysis & Rates, Analysis and rates for construction work, labour for co...
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Upload your designs gauge 40. B rea ki ng of stone ballest 25mm (1”) gauge 41. A shlar stone dressing 42. F lag s tone dressing 43. Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil 44. Earthwork in excavation in hard soil 45. Excavation in soil 46. Number of bricks laid by a mas on i n bric k work upto a height of 3m(10”) 47. Amount of work done by a maz door hel pe r per day Mix
D el ive r b ri ck
Del iver mortar Scaffolding cost for single storey building
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0 .25c um
( 10c uft) pe r or breaker
Pi ct ur e Gal ler y Mo re Si gn i n Si gn u p method / calculation of all construction work Language ▼ related with cement& Select OR there are any book regarding the same.
l abo urer Thanks
0 .7 0c um
( 25 cu ft) pe rs to ne cu tt er
1 .5 0s qm
( 25 s qf t) pe rs to ne cu tt er
3.00c um
(100c uft)per mazdoor
(75cuft)per mazdoor
By Anonymous - On 1/24/2013 9:06:35 AM
(35cuft)per mazdoor 600 bricks per mason
Dear team, do u have any software of filling of BOQ of any cilvilwork for helping in the rates of louber in the site plz help in this matter
By Anonymous - On 2/17/2013 5:28:05 PM
Civl work contactr
By Anonymous - On 12/8/2012 12:16:26 PM
this site is too good for providing information about the work item rate for analyzing the cost of a particular job...
By Anonymous - On 11/18/2012 10:10:55 PM
(100cuft)mortar per mazdoor 4 000 no s to a di sta nc e o f 15m (50”) per mazdoor 5 .5c um ( 200c uft) per ma zdoo r Re.0.50per ( R es t. 1. 5% cu ft) of cum brick work.
Items 46,47 and 48 are based on the committee report on rates and cost government of India.
pls send youlabercharge without matteerial and with matteerial tottal2500 sqfeet area
By Anonymous - On 11/14/2012 5:55:36 PM
This is very helpful for doing better rate analysis. Thanks a lot.
By Anonymous - On 10/24/2012 9:44:06 PM
very valuble of this
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By Anonymous - On 10/23/2012 11:57:45 AM
Extracts from the report on productivity projects in building industries issued by National Building Organisation are given below:-
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By Anonymous - On 10/21/2012 8:06:14 PM Yes. It's easy. Nothing to install. Try it Free!
good knowledgeable
a ) E ar t h w o r k p e r 2 8 . 30 c u m ( 1 2 0 0 0c u f t ) 1) Excavation in foundations, trenches etc., in ordinary s oil including disposal up to Download Excel Dashboard 30m (100’) and lift of 1.5m(5ft) –5 beldars and 4 maz do ors c an d o 28. 30 c um Excel Dashboard Pro Software and Templates for Business. 50% Off. (1000cuft) per day. 2) Refilling excavated earth in foundations, pointh etc, including consolidation in 15cm(6”) layers-3 beldars, 2 mazdoors and ½ bhisti can do 28.30 cum (1000cuft) per day. 3) Disposal of surplus earth within a lead o f 30m (100’)-1 mazdoor can do 2.83cum (100 cuft) per day.
By Anonymous - On 8/25/2012 8:48:31 PM
very excellent
By Anonymous - On 8/23/2012 6:47:57 PM
b ) C em e n t c o n c r e t e w o r k p e r 2 . 8 3 c u m ( 1 0 0 c u f t ) laying cement concrete – 2 beldars, 3 mazdoors, ¾ bhisti and ¼ mason, c an do 2.83 cum (100 cuft) per day.
total conversion table
By Anonymous - On 8/16/2012 3:53:43 PM
thanks a lot.Its very helpful. Keep updating
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Upload your designs Search 3)Reinforcement work for R C C – 1 blacksmith or fitter and 1 beldar can bend and place in position 1 quintal (2 cwt) of s teel per day.
d ) S t o n e w o r k p e r 2 . 8 3 c u m ( 1 0 0c u f t ) -
Random rubble masonry with blue stone in foundations-3 masons, 3 beldars, 2 mazdoors and 1/4bhisti can do 2.83 cum (100cuft0 per day e) B r i c k w o r k p e r 2 . 8 3 c u m ( 1 0 0c u f t ) First class brick work in 1:4 cement mortar in superstructure partition walls, junc tions of roof , para pet wal ls and str ing co urs e – 2½mas ons ,4½ maz door s and 1/2 bhisti can do 2. 83 cum (100cuft) per day.
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By Anonymous - On 7/31/2012 4:01:50 PM
Thank u so much for this i can easily calculate rate analysis.i want also current rate of this materials.
By Anonymous - On 7/24/2012 12:54:40 PM
yes it is very helpful to me want to ask one question you are given all these labour constant have u used cpwd or mes
F) Wood work :1)
For the frames of doors and windows –2 carpenters and 1 beldar can work 0.18 cum (6.40cuft) of wood equivalent to door frames 7.5cm x 10m of 1.2m x 2.1m (3’x4’of 3’x11’x7’)size per day. 2) For paneled, glazed, etc, shutters-15 carpenters and 4 beldars can make and fix 4 shutters 40 mm thick of size 2.00m x 1.15m (1 ½ thick of size of 6’-9x 3’-9’) per day. Quantity of wood per shutter – 0. 075 cum, ie2.66 cuft. g) I r o n w o r k : 1)
Fixing 40mm x 3mm=38cm(1 ½ “ x ½ ‘x 15”0 flat iron holdfasts-1 blacksmith (II class), I mason and I beldar can fix 36 holdfasts per day. 2) Fixing 16mm dia. 5/3” dia) M S rods – 1 blacksmith (II class), 2 carpenters (II class) and 3 mazdoors can fix 16.5m (54rft) per day. h) F l o o r i n g : 4cm thick (1 1/2 “)thick cement concrete flooring of 40sqm (400sqft) require 5 masons, 4 beldars, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti per day for mixing laying and finishing.
I) F i n i s h i n g : 1) Pl astering with any mortar 12mm (5”) thick – 3 masons, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti can plaster 40sqm (400a ft) per day. 2)White washing or colour washing (3 coats) – 1 white washer and 1 mazdoor can do 60s qm (600sqft) per day. 3) Painting two coats such as chocolate, red, grey, etc on wood are steel –3 P ainters and 2 mazdoors c an paint 10sqm (100sqft) per day.
By Anonymous - On 7/12/2012 10:17:06 PM
This article is excellent. Thanx a lot. Please keep updating
By vidyut raja - On 7/2/2012 8:15:48 PM
please send me complete rate analysis of RC C slab or column on basis of 10 or or 100 sq.ft or cu.ft. with material & labour for concrete M30--thanks
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0.85 cum (30cuft)
1.10 cum (40cuft)
S tone ballast
0.70 cum (25 cuft)
1.00 cum (35cuft)
0.85 cum (30cuft)
1.10 cum (40cuft)
S and surkhi
0.85 cum (30cuft)
1.10 cum (40cuft)
1.10 cum (40cuft)
1.40 cum (50cuft)
Tiles Allahabad or Mangalore
C ement
20 bags
S teel
0.75 tonne
1 tonne
Note; A bullock ……..carry about one tonne load. The average speed for a bullock cart may be taken as 3. 20km (2 units) per hour and ¾ hour may be allowed for loadi ng and unloading. Taking 8 hours working per day, the number of trips per day, can be calculated.
ON P UCC A META LLED ROA D – Tru cks 3 t onne rs
5 tonner s8 tonne rs die se l tr uck
Brick or Allahbad tiles or Mangalore tiles1000nos
Cement, steel and other Heavy materials 3 tonne
5 tonne8 tonne
Other materials – Ballast, Kankar, grit Sand coal, etc., 2.8cum 4.20cum5.6cum (100cuft) (150cuft)(200cuft) On kachcha earthen road the load will be less by 33 per cent.
The requ ireme nt o f ma teri als for diffe rent items of wor ks is as give n b elo w:Sl # 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sl # 8.
9. 10.
Pa r t i c u l a r s Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3” or 20 cm x 10cm x 10cm nominal s ize) for brick work D ry mo rt ar fo r b ri ck wo rk 3 0% Stone for rubble s tone masonry 125% D ry mo rta r f or r ub bl e s to ne masonry 42% Bricks for brick ballast for lime concrete Brick bats or brick ballast for lime concrete B ri ck b al la st f or l ime c onc re te
Qu a n t i t y 1350 nos 100cuft
Pa r t i c u l a r s Dry mortar for lime concrete I foundation and floor 35% Dry mortar for lime concrete in roof terracing 45% Materials for cement concrete 1:2:4 Ballas t or grit 88% S and 44%
Qu a n t i t y 35cuft for 100cuft
35cum for 100 cum
45cuft for 100cuft
45cum for 100 cum
88cuft for 100cuft 44cuft for 100cuft
88cum for 100 cum 44cum for 100 cum
3 0c uf t f or 10 0 c uf t 1 25 cu ft f or 1 00 cuft 42cuft for 100 cuft
5 00 00 n os p er % cum (500nos.per cum) 3 0c um f or 10 0 c um 12 5c um fo r 1 00 cum 42cum for 100 cum
1050cuft for cuft 1 50 cu ft f or cuft 1 00c uft f or cuft
37000cum for cum 15 0c um fo r cum 10 0c um fo r cum
100 1 00 100
100 1 00 1 00
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C ement 12.
Bricks for R B work
13. 14.
D ry mo rtar fo r D ry mo rt ar plastering D ry mo rtar brickwork L ime fo r wh ite Dry di stemper
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
2 ¼cuft (2 bags ) for 100cuft 1200 nos for 100cuft
R B wo rk 4 5% f or 1 2mm ( 1/ 2) f or
po in tin g
wa sh ing on e c oa t for i st co at nd
Dry distemper for 2 coat S now-C em for Ist coat nd
Snow-Cem for 2 coat Paint ready mixed for painting one coat P a i nt ( s ti ff ) f or p ai nti ng o ne c oa t Bricks (20 x 10 x 10cm) for brick floor or half brick wall Dry mortar for brick floor or half brick wall Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3”) for brick flat work Dry mortar for brick fl at flo or Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3”) required for honey comb wall D ry mo rt ar fo r h on ey c omb w al l Materials for 2cm (3/4”)thick damp proof course of 1:2 cement mortar C ement S and
30kg for 100 sqm 20kg for 100 s qm
1 /3 gl .f or 1 00 sq ft
1 0l tr f or 1 00 s qm
1 kg f or 1 00s qf t 500 nos for 100sqft 1 2c uft fo r 10 0s qft
1 0kg f or 1 00 s qm 5000nos.for 100sqm 3. 20 c um f or 1 00 sqm 3500nos.for 100sqm 2.25c um for 100 cum 3250 nos .for 100sqm 2 .5 cu m f or 100 cu m
2cuft for 100sqft
350 nos for 100sqft 8cuft for 100sqft 325 nos for 100sqft 8 cu ft f or 10 0s qf t
3cuft (2.5bags ) for 100sqft 6cuft for 100sqft
8cuft for 100sqft
S and coarse
4cuft for 100sqft
C ement
2 ½ cuft (2 ½ bags) for 100sqft
Compound or impermo @ 1kg per bag of cement Bitumen or asphalt for painting
2 1/ 2 kg f or 1 00s qf t
2 coat G G I s heet for roof A G co rru ga te d s he et f or Timbe r for pane led door 4cm (1 ½”) thick Timbe r for battend doo r 4cm (1 ½”) thick Timbe r for pane led & shutter 4cm (1 ½”) thick Timber for fully glazed 4cm (1 ½”) thick
2 .5 kg f or 10 0s qf t
0.90cum (27 bags)for 100 cum 1.80cum for 1 00 cum 2 7kg fo r 1 00 s qm
1 5 k g f or 10 0s qf t
2.25cum for 100 cum 1.13cum for 100 cum 0.75cum for (221/2bags)for100 cum 2 2½ k g f or 1 00 sqm 1 50 kg fo r 1 00 sq m
1 0 k g f or 10 0s qf t
1 00 kg fo r 1 00 sq m
128s qft for 100s qft 11 5s qf t f or 10 0s qf t 1 5c uft fo r 10 0s qft
128 s qmfor 100s qm 11 5 s qmf or 10 0s qm 4. 5 c um fo r 1 00 cum 4. 0 c um fo r 1 00 cum 3. 0 cum fo r 100 cum 2.0 cum fo r 100 cum
3kg for 100s qft 2kg for 100s qft
4 5c uft fo r 10 0c uft 6cuft for 100sqft
Compound or impermo @ 1kg per bag of cement Materials for 2.5cm (1”)cc 1:1 ½ :3 damp proof course S tone grit
on D P C or on roof – 1 32. 33. 34.
1 kg for 100s qf t 0.65 kg for 100s qft 0.50 kg for 100sqft
0.08cum (24 bags)for 100 cum 42000nos/% cum(420 mps.[er ci,) 45 cu m fo r 100 c um 2.00c um for 100 sqm 0.60c um for 100 sqm 10 kg fo r 10 0 s qm 6 ½ kg fo r 100 sqm 5kg for 100 sqm
ro of shu tter sh utter
1 3c uft fo r 10 0s qft
gla ze d
11c uft f or 100s qft
8cuft for 100sqft
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