Department of Education Region V Division of Camarines Sur Magarao-Bombon District CASURAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Casuray, Magarao, Camarines Sur
$b%ectives& !' Raise the academic achievement of pupils in all sub%ect areas in the (ational )chievement )chievement *est *est +()*, +()*, 2' ntensif. f. instruction instructional al supervision supervision of teachers teachers in all all sub%ect sub%ect areas' MONTH Ma. 2!"
4 u ne 2 ! "
SECOND WEEK School /lanning Conference
Continuation of Enrolment Continuation of Enrolment Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Monitoring and Supervision in the ndependence Da. Celebration conduct of the folloing& a' $pen $penin ingg of clas classe sess b' Distri Distribut bution ion of boo1s boo1s c' Coonndu d ucct ooff SReY SReY) for for 5rade d' Cond Conduc uctt of /re/re-* *est est in all sub%ects for 5rade -V e' $rgani $rgani6at 6ation ion 7 Election e ction of of Class $fficers
THIRD WEEK (ational Schools Maintenance 0ee1 or Brigada Es1ela /repar /reparati ation on and struct structuri uring n g of classrooms Chec1ing of 3esson /lans MTB-Grade I, Filii!"-Grade #, Ma$%-Grade #, MAPEH-Grade & Conduct /hil R +5rades 2-#, Submission of reports a' )nnual )nnual Superv Superviso isor. r. /lan /lan b' Calendar e ndar of )ctivi )ctivities t ies 8irst /arent-*eacher Conference*rac1 *rac1ing ing and /lanni /lanning ng for /upil /upil /rogress
FOURTH WEEK School /lanning Conference Enrolment /eriod Distribution of *eaching 3oad /reparation of Class /rogram District *eachers Conference Chec1ing of 3esson /lans ESP-Grade ESP-Grade &, E!'li(%-Gr E!'li(%-Grade ade ), S*ie!*e-Grade +, HEKASIGrade *eacher9s Conference
$rgani6atio n of Dif ferent Club
' 4ul. 2!"
E!'li(%-Grade &, Filii!"Grade &, Ma$%-Grade ), Start of (utrition Month Monitor and implementation of School Rules 7 Regulations Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Submit 8orm :;< 8orm 2 and =< Submit )ge /rofile and other due reports
E!'li(%- Grade +, Ma$%-Grade &, *arget Setting E!'li(%-Grade #, Ma$%-Grade S*ie!*e-Grade , #, MAPEH-Grade Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Chec1in g of *e>tboo1s and other supplementar. materials School /re-*est /roper entr. in 8orm < !=?-E and other attachments
)ugust 2!"
Ki!der, Arali!' Pa!li.!a!Grade , MAPEH-Grade # Submit 8orm :; Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Fir($ /.ar$er E0a1i!a$i"!
E!'li(%-Grade +, Ma$%-Grade , S*ie!*e-Grade & Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
September 2!"
E!'li(%-Grade ), Ma$%e1a$i*(Grade +,MTB-Grade # Chec1in g of student9s pro%ects and instructional materials Chec1ing of *$S and *@ for the 2nd /eriodical E>am /reparation of /ro%ect /roposal Submit 8orm :; Chec1ing of 3esson /lans E!'li(%-Grade , Filii!"Grade #, S*ie!*e-Grade ), HEKASI-Grade Chec1ing nstructional Materials Submit for :; Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
Filii!"-Grade , S*ie!*eGrade &, ESP-Grade & Chec1ing of 3esson /lans /reparation of /ro%ect /roposal District /ress Conference
E!'li(%-Grade#, MAPEH Grade &, EPP-Grade ) Di($ri2.$i"! "3 F-&4 E, # !d Pare!$-Tea*%er C"!3ere!*e Tra*5i!' a!d Pla!!i!' "3 Pr"'re(( Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Buan ng 0i1a E!'li(%-Grade #, HEKASI-Grade E!'li(%-Grade , +, Arali!' Pa!li.!a!-Grade Ma$%e1a$i*(-Grade &, ESPGrade Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Submission of /ro%ect /roposal for Chec1ing of 3esson /lans )pproval from the D$ *eacher9s Conference
Ki!der, Filii!"-Grade , HEKASI-Grade +, MTB-Grade & Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Division /resscon Se*"!d /.ar$er E0a1i!a$i"!
E!'li(%-Grade +,Arali!' Pa!li.!a! #, EPP-Grade C.l1i!a$i!' Per3"r1a!*e a$ $%e S*%""l Le6el7 Di($ri2.$i"! "3 F&47&rd Pare!$-Tea*%er C"!3ere!*e Tra*5i!' a!d
$ctober 2!"
E!'li(%-Grade , Ma$%-Grade , Filii!"-Grade ) (utrition Month Celebration School ntramurals *eacher9s Conference Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
Filii!"-Grade ), HEKASI-Grade +, MSEP-Grade Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
E!'li(%-Grade #, Ma$%-Grade ), MAPEH-Grade & Mid -Year )ssessment and (SE* Semestral Brea1 +8or Students $nl.,
Pla!!i!' "3 S$.de!$ Pr"'re((
(ovember 2!"
December 2!"
4anuar. 2!#
8ebruar. 2!#
Submission of 5rading Sheets and Summar. Sheets Chec1ing of Class Records A( 0ee1 E!'li(%-Grade , Arali!' Pa!li.!a!-Grade ), MAPEHGrade Boo1 Month Celebration *eacher9s Conference Cleanliness and Beautification
E!'li(%-Grade &, S*ie!*eGrade +, ESP-Grade # Submission of tem )nal.sis< Mean< /3 of master. reports Chec1ing of 3esson /lans< /SS3C and M9s Submit 8orm :; ()* Revie E!'i(%-Grade , Ma$%-Grade &, HEKASI-Grade + Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Submit for :; Chec1 )necdotal Record of /upils /reparatio n of *able of Specification and *@ for =rd @uarter E>am Re(.1$i"! "3 Cla((e( T%ird /.ar$er E0a1i!a$i"! Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Submit 8orm :;
Filii!"-Grade &, MSEP-Grade ), MTB-Grade Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
Ki!der, Ma$%-Grade +, Arali!' Pa!li.!a!-Grade # Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
Filii!"-Grade +, S*ie!*eGrade ), Ed.5a(8"! (a Pa'aa5a$a"- Grade # Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Chec1ing of *est @uestions and *able of Specification
E!'li(%-Grade ), Ma$%e1a$i*(Grade , MAPEH-Grade & Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Chec1ing of /upils9 /ro%ects and nventor. of M9s
Start of Christmas Brea1 Reproduction of *esting Materials
E!'li(%-Grade +, Filii!"Grade , S*ie!*e-Grade & Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Computation of /3< Mean< SD
E!'li(%-Grade , Ma$%-Grade ), S*ie!*e-Grade & Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Earl. Registration Da.
E!'li(%-Grade #, S*ie!*eGrade , Arali!' Pa!li.!a!Grade ) Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Submit 8orm :; Chec1ing of /upil9s Submission of *$S and *@ for
Filii!"-Grade #, S*ie!*eGrade &, C%ara*$er Ed.*a$i"!-Grade + Valentine9s Da. Celebration Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Chec1ing of *est @uestions 7 *$S
E!'li(%-Grade &, Ma$%-Grade #, MSEP-Grade Chec1ing of 3/9s C.l1i!a$i!' Per3"r1a!*e a$ $%e S*%""l Le6el a!d Di($ri2.$i"! "3 F-&47)$% Pare!$-Tea*%er C"!3ere!*e Tra*5i!' a!d Pla!!i!' 3"r S$.de!$ Pr"'re(( E!'li(%-Grade &, S*9:ie!*eGrade +, MTB-Grade Chec1ing of 3esson /lans Reproduction of *est Materials
EDS) Revolution anniversar. +Special olida. for )ll Schools as per /residential /roclamation (o' :", Chec1ing of 3esson /lans
March 2!#
)pril 2!#
the :th 5rading /eriod /ro%ects and *eacher9s M9s F".r$% /.ar$er E0a1i!a$i"! 3"r Grade VI /reparation for the ()* Submit 8orm :;
Ad1i!i($ra$i"! "3 LAPG- F".r$% /.ar$er E0a1i!a$i"! 3"r Grade &, NAT Grade Grade I-V Culminating /erformance at the School 3evel
$bservance of ol. 0ee1
Re*"'!i$i"!7 Grad.a$i"! *eacher9s Conference Start of Summer Classes Cere1"!ie( Year-End )ssessment and Summer *raining for *eachers 3ast Da. of Classes revie Submit 8orm :; ssuance of 8orm !=;-E Report Card /repared b.&
MA; ROWENA B; VILLEGAS School /rincipal
Recommending )pproval&
MARILYN V; MARCO )ssistant Schools Division Superintendent