Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Tuguegarao Tu guegarao City Second Judicial Region Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
$ %ersus &
CIVIL CASE !"########### '!R( C!LLECTI! !' S)* !' *!E+
ANSWER C!*ES !-, the defendants defendants by undersigned Counsel and in to plaintiff/s co0plaint in the abo%e$ entitled case, respectfully allege( 1" efendants efendants ad0it ad0it the the a%er0ent a%er0ent in paragra paragraph ph 1 and 2 of of the co0plai co0plaint3 nt3 2" efenda efendants nts specif specifica ically lly deny the allegat allegation ion in the paragraph paragraph 4 of the co0plain co0plaint, t, the truth being that, 5i0bo Arias and the defendants ne%er seen and tal6ed each other on July 1! "1# , because the defendants .ere in 5aguio City" As e%idenced by the photocopy of entry7e8it of %ehicles 0onitoring sheet issued by the 9ate Security epart0ent of the Subdi%ision .here the defendants reside" :Anne8 ;A<= 4" efendants specifically deny the allegation in the paragraph > of the co0plaint, the
truth being that, the plaintiff ne%er ga%e the defendants the alleged a0ount of Three ?undred 'ifty Thousand Pesos :4@,"= and that their signatures are forged and that they did not in fact sign the said docu0ent and no contract or e%en docu0ent .as e8ecuted for that 0atter and de0and strict proof thereof3 >" efenda efendants nts ha%e ha%e no 6no.ledge 6no.ledge or infor0a infor0atio tion n to for0 for0 a belief belief as to the truth truth of the a%er0ent in paragraph @ and B of the co0plaint3 @" efendants efendants specifi specifically cally deny under oath oath in the paragra paragraph ph and D the genuinen genuineness ess and due e8ecution of the alleged pro0issory note" B" efenda efendants nts specif specifica ically lly deny the allegat allegation ion in the paragraph paragraph of the co0plain co0plaint, t, the truth being that, there .as no notice recei%ed by the defendants, that their signatures are forged and that they did not in fact sign the said docu0ent and de0and strict proof thereof3
" efendants efendants ad0it ad0it the a%er0ent a%er0ent in paragra paragraph ph 1 insofar insofar as the receipt receipt of the de0and de0and letter is concerned and not the contents thereof3 D" efenda efendants nts ad0it ad0it the the a%er0en a%er0entt in paragra paragraph ph 113 113 " efenda efendants nts ha%e ha%e no 6no.ledge 6no.ledge or infor0a infor0atio tion n to for0 for0 a belief belief as to the truth truth of the a%er0ent in paragraph 12, 14 and 1> of the co0plaint and de0and strict proof thereof3 1" Any allega allegatio tion n not e8pres e8pressly sly and specif specifica ically lly ad0itt ad0itted ed herein herein shall shall be general generally ly denied3
AFFIRMATI$E DEFENSES ?a%ing ans.ered the Co0plaint, the efendants, PATROCENIO ALILAM AND ALFIANA ALILAM , assert the enu0erated Affir0ati%e efenses"
1" Signatures of the defendants are forged and that they did not in fact sign the alleged docu0ents" 2" All state0ents and co00ents 0ade by efendants about Plaintiff .ere 0ade by the efendants .ith good 0oti%e and .ere fair co00ents3 4" The Plaintiff has failed to set forth ulti0ate facts due to inconsistency of the state0ents as to the date of the alleged transactions e8ecuted bet.een the parties3 >" The Plaintiff has failed to attached docu0ents to pro%e that the efendants in fact .ere indebted to the Plaintiff3 @" o act or o0ission on the part of efendant either caused or contributed to .hate%er inFury :if any= the Plaintiff 0ay ha%e sustained"
COUNTERCLAIM efendants, PATROCENIO ALILAM AND ALFIANA ALILAM allege3 1" That by %irtue of this un.arranted and 0alicious act initiated by the Plaintiff, efendants .ere forced to engage counsel in the su0 of Ten Thousand Pesos :1,"=
-?ERE'!RE, it is respectfully prayed that the co0plaint be d is0issed and defendant be a.arded the a0ount of T.enty Thousand Pesos :2,"= !ther Fust and eGuitable reliefs are li6e.ise prayed for"
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan $January 2>, 21@
ATT%& 'IM(ERLE% DELA CRU)* MATAMMU Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City Attorney/s Roll o" @>B@> I5P o" 24, Cagayan 1$214 PTR o"4224, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, 1$21$14 *CLE Co0pliance o" 1111B2B4, @$41$1
-e, PATROCENIO ALILAM AND ALFIANA ALILAM ,of legal age, 'ilipino CitiHen and residing at Sa0paguita, Solana Cagayan after first ha%ing duly s.orn to in accordance .ith la. depose and say( 1" -e are the defendants in the abo%e$ entitled case 2" -e ha%e caused the preparation of the foregoing co0plaint 4" The contents therein are true and correct to the best of our personal 6no.ledge and based on authentic docu0ents" >" -e hereby certify that .e ha%e not co00enced any action or proceeding in%ol%ing the sa0e issue in any tribunal or agency, to the best of our o.n 6no.ledge, no such action or proceeding is pending in any other tribunal or agency and should -e thereafter learn that a si0ilar action or proceeding has been filed or is pending in Court, .e .ill underta6e to report such fact .ithin fi%e :@= days therefro0 to the court .herein this Petition and this certification ha%e been filed"
I -ITESS -?ERE!', -e ha%e hereunto affi8ed our signatures this 2>th day of January in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Philippines"
S)5SCRI5E A S-!R to before 0e this 2>th day of January 21@ in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines
ATT%& 'IM(ERLE% DELA CRU)* MATAMMU Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City Attorney/s Roll o" @>B@> I5P o" 24, Cagayan 1$214 PTR o"4224, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, 1$21$14 *CLE Co0pliance o" 1111B2B4, @$41$1
-e certify that on 2>th of January 21@, the original of this docu0ent .as filed .ith the Cler6 of Court3 and, a true and accurate copy of this docu0ent .as ser%ed on the other party 0ail, addressed to the T!( ATT%& %ULO $INCENT PANUNCIO! JR Natio,al -ig. Way! (a,tug! Ro/a0! I0aela
E2PLANATION A copy hereof is ser%ed on opposing counsel and the Regional Trial Court by registered 0ail, instead of by personal ser%ice, due to the urgency of filing the sa0e and due to lac6 of 0essenger of the undersigned counsel for the 0o0ent"
ATT%& 'IM(ERLE% DELA CRU)* MATAMMU Counsel for efendants