perjalanan proses astral projection (keluarnya arwah dari dalam diri)
A ideia de que o homem possui um duplo astral ou corpo astral, comumente referido na tradição hermética como um corpo de luz que pode se deslocar de sua estrutura ou matriz física e jornar pelos ét... Descubre que es una Carta Astral y cuales son los Secretos que puede revelarte sobre tu VIda, Tu Personalidad y Tu DESTINO. Ingresa en y solici…Descripción completa
astralDescripción completa
psikologio temporer
Cirugia astralDescripción completa
penjelasan secara ilmiah meraga sukma (astral projection) dan panduan cara-cara meraga sukma
Descrição: A ideia de que o homem possui um duplo astral ou corpo astral, comumente referido na tradição hermética como um corpo de luz que pode se deslocar de sua estrutura ou matriz física e jornar pelos ét... Astral Pembahasan secara ilmiah dan modern mengenai Alam yang tak tampak dan para penghuninya:seperti alam orang yang bunuh diri,vampire,Roh alam ,M…Full description
about astral sex
Plano astral
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Astral Light's Cloning Center Experiences This blog is mainly focused focused on sharing sharing my experiences experiences at the Cloning Centers. Menu Bar Home Astral Light Astral Light !orberto "antiago# $ %ntro &ictures f Astral Light (eal Life Experiences Astral Light's (aps Ho) To Become A)are At The Cloning Centers Help *anted Cloning Centers $ Astral +etting The %nfo ut There Astral &ro,ection BE#- Lucid ream / M0 1ltra Email % "ent To The +o2ernment / thers Ho) To &ut on's 3ideos n 3 List f Celebrities % "a) At The Cloning Centers Astral Light's 4ournal Blog 1pdates / (ecent Additions Ta5en T a5en To The Cloning Cloning Centers Against Against 6our 6our *ill7 onald Marshall onald Marshall $ %ntro onald Marshall's riginal Letter onald Marshall's %nter2ie)s onald Marshall n 8The *orld !eeds A Hero9 Album Co2er +olden Truth
Cloning Centers $ on *hy on Ta5es Long To &ost7 *hy Hasn't The %lluminati 0illed on7 *ho %s (ainman7 The Highlight Highlight (eel (eel Become :amous r Ma5e %t %n Holly)ood Harass The +o2ernment About; Human Cloning- 3rill- Hosts / onald Marshall Mission %lluminati "ecrets onald Marshall Boo5s 3isual %nterpretation f onald Marshalluila Tila Tila !guyen# Michael 4ac5son / His :amily Lil' *ayne (ihanna 4ohn Lennon Lennon &rincess iana =ueen Eli?abteh / Elton 4ohn 4:0 Bruce Lee "tone Cold "te2e Austin / )en Hart 4ustin Timberla5 Timberla5e's e's / 4ay$@'s 4ay$@'s Message Message To To on Lady "o2ereign
*eird Al (onda (ousey Chris Benoit &aul *al5er Cent Tupac T upac "elena +ome? (o)dy (oddy &iper %mmortal Techni>ue A2ril La2igne Britney "pears 0esha Manny &ac>uiao Alex 4ones Brittany Murphy "arah &alin 4ohn Tra2olta Tra2olta Madonna 0urt Cobain Mi5e Tyson onald Trump a2id *ilcoc5 Aliens 3ril Type 3ril Type Type $ roning Ho) To etect A Host f 3ril
3ril Type Type D The +rey's# !E&H%L%M Tall T all *hites E2ol2ed :leas racos raconians# racos raconians# $ Lin5s Amon (a Elohim Crop Circles Area &indar %lluminati Technology HAA(& &ro,ect &egasus / +roundhog ays Time)a2es# Chemtrails @ombie 3irus &ro,ect Bluebeam M0 1ltra !egati2e &lane Hitler's Bell Contraption Chipheads (:% Chip ecapitated Head Homonculous Clones %nternal rug ispenser isasters / More
F The &ic5ton Murder Murders s Ancient Egypt &yramids Eye f HorusF(a An5h Egyptian Headress Egyptian +ods; siris / Amon (a !ostradamus %lluminati Card +ame F Cards %lluminati Card $ %nteresting Times %lluminati Card $ Head %n A 4ar %lluminati Card $ &lague f emons 6u$+i$hG 6 u$+i$hG Card $ a)n 0night 0night ther *hy %lluminati *ant +old7 Targeted T argeted %ndi2iduals %ndi2iduals T T.%.'s# .%.'s# Hitler / The 3ril "ociety 3atican "phere Bloc5ed Memories / The A)a5ening DDrd egree :reemason / Highest Le2el f "cientology 0no)ledge 3ril "ymbols The 3oynich 3oynich Manuscript Manuscript Talent T alent "ho)s Army f Light isney
e,a 3u "uper "oldiers &ineal +land China The 1nited !ations !ations MusicianFArtist $ Cloning Centers / Becoming :amous Army epopulation %nnocent Children :orum Lin5s Messages :rom on on's Experiences / &ersonal Life About The Cloning Centers Types T ypes f Clones Clones / Cloning Cloning &rocess &rocess isinfo Agents "ongs *ritten By on Celebs / High &role &eople Current AIairs Hinting About on's %nfo Lin5s (elating To 3rill *ic5edness %n High &laces "hare onald Marshall's %nfo Messages f %nterest :rom thers 1pdates :rom The Cloning Centers "olidarity *ith onald Marshall (ele2ant &osts (egarding Celebrity Tila Te>uila
Their Technology Mind Control Hints By Celebrities on's (ecent Experiences *ith Aliens List f Threads (elating To Aliens
This Blog
This Blog
onald Marshall $ %ntro
onald Marshall
Astral Light $ %lluminati prisoner onald Marshall is being ta5en to the cloning centers against his )ill and they are torturing him there. &eople including innocent children# are being used as sex sla2es and are being tortured there as )ell. on needs as many people as possible to help him inform the )orld about the %lluminati's secrets; Human Cloning- Cloning Centers- 3ril Li?ards- &arasited Human Hosts and ead Chipheads. &lease help rescue those that are trapped and silenced
)ith the threat of endless torture and death by sharing onald Marshall's information and 2ideos. The sooner this all becomes global- the sooner e2eryone )ill 5no) the truth and those that are trapped )ill be freed. He's been at the %lluminati$controlled cloning centers for o2er three decades. He pretended to be their the %lluminati# friend to gain as much 5no)ledge as possible about them- their technology and )hat they do...only to betray them- re2ealing their secrets to the )orld in an eIort to gi2e humanity a ghting chance. onald Marshall $ %t Jthe Cloning CentersK is basically a torture and child molesting factory- % )as one of those children but )hen % )as young to 5eep the per2erts oI of me % started singing songs... original songs- 2ery good ones- they told me to 5eep ma5ing these songs and % )ouldn't get hurt- and so % did- then they started bringing me there e2eryday for songs as the celebrities )anted more- they called me the goose that layed the golden egg- the phenomenon- but % ran out of ideas- then the torture began. They smashed my face to start- thro)ing me around scaring me a year old ne2er letting me remember in real life until % turned D. The torture )orsened until % )as being stabbed and burned and repeatedly sodomi?ed. At age D they allo)ed me to remember these clone memories and no) e2erytime % enter (.E.M sleep % am there- % don't ha2e dreams only clone memories- they made the mo2ie 9The %sland9 and 9%nception9 about this sub,ect. They thin5 they're 2ery sly and untouchable. Astral Light $ His song$ma5ing ability seemed to attract many celebrities and high$ prole people. E2eryone )anted to meet the 9magic song 5idFguy.9 They used this to lure people- so they can be droned as )ell. They )ant to to use him because because they
:aceboo5; https;FF))).faceboo5.comFdonald.marshall. T)itter; T)itter; https;FFt)it https;FFt)itter ter.comFdmarshall .comFdmarshalltruth truth
&ay&al 4en set this up for on#;
onald Marshall Q The Library NN#
onald Marshall Q Miami Beach April NP- N#
onald Marshall $ "unday- !o2ember N- N
Emai Em aill This ThisBlo BlogTh gThisG isG"ha "hare re to T)it )itter ter"ha "hare re to :aceboo :ace boo5 5"hare to &interest !o comments; &ost a Comment
Home "ubscribe to; &osts Atom# +olden Truth
9my symbol- golden truth going in all directions- bloody and bruised but still in form.9 $ onald Marshall
&hil Chuppa :aceboo5 (ogue ne &age onald Marshall / Human Cloning 3ideo (EM &hase Cloning 3ideo Cloning Center Experiences 3ideo 3ril / &arasited Hosts f 3ril rones# 3ideo
&hil Chuppa; Cloning Center Attendee
epictions of on
Art)or5 $ on
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As tralLightsC tralLightsCloni loni
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Music Britney "pears $ Brea5 The %ce Britney "pears $ Mona Lisa 0im Mitchell $ +o :or A "oda *here'd 6ou +o $ :ort Minor Murdo5 ubstep (emix# +rendel $ Time)a2e @ero Madonna $ Li2e To Tell Mo2ies
*orld f Tomorro) The Host They Li2e "ho)s "titchers The :ran5ens :ran5enstein tein Code ar5 Matter +ames "tar *ars; +alaxies E3E nline !e)s exClone &ro,ect; Mind Clones 1ploading Mind To To 3arious &latforms &latf orms Ancient Egyptians; !A / Cloning "cientists *irelessly Control Mice *ith Brain %mplant o)nload Brains n To A Computer / Li2e :ore2er "cientists Are Con2inced Mind Transfer %s The 0ey To %mmortality +o2ernments Are Hiding Aliens- Claims :ormer efence Minister &aul Hellyer Billionaire Transgendered Transhumanist $ 1pload Brain / Li2e :ore2er 1ploading Consciousness anger f 1ploading Consciousness To A Computer Mindreading Machine F Mind2oice Technology Cyborg (oaches Human +ro)n *ithin Months Mind 1ploading To A Clone r (obot "cientists 1se Brain %maging To (e2eal The Mo2ies %n ur Minds
Celebs (o)dy &iper- Alex 4ones / "ean "tone; Aliens %n Human Bodies 4ordan Max)ell Max)ell / Alex Alex 4ones; Aliens %n Human Human Bodies &aris 4ac5son $ reams Barac5 bama $ Mar5 Clone ouble# a2id *ilcoc5; Blue A2iansFraconians Eminem / r. re Clones Alex 4ones 8They Li2e9 ther The (eference (eference &alace &alace Hinting Q onald Marshall- Clones- Hosts- 3ril / Chipheads %llumiCorp Capt. 0aye; Human Clones / @ombie 3irus Brotherhood f The "hado)s Human Clones Cloning Centers; ying %s !ot The End... +eorge +reen Tal5s Cloning &residents Mind 1ploadingFo)nloading- Alien Bodies / Cloning A &rimer n Milab Abductions 3ril "ymbol Crop Circle Clone CentersF:actories / Cloned Bodies "oulFConsciousness Transfer %nto Clones Cherie Beltram; Cloning / Torturing Exposed
About Me
Astral Light My real name is !orberto "antiago but many of you 5no) me by the name of Astral Light or e2en Astral Pight. % reside in the 1nited "tates. %'m being brought consciousness consciousness transfer to a clone# to the cloning centers against my )ill all the time. My real body is being aIected remotely NFP as )ell. The intent behind the ma5ing of this blog )as to simply share some of my experiences and to help get this information out there. S Astral Light 3ie) my complete prole
Astral Light
Astral Light Home#
Aliens Home#
Astral Light !orberto "antiago# $ %ntro
3ril Type
&ictures f Astral Light
3ril Type Type $ roning
Help *anted
Ho) To etect A Host f 3ril
Cloning Centers $ Astral
3ril Type Type D The +rey's#
+etting The %nfo ut There
Ho) To Become A)are At The Cloning Centers (eal Life Experiences Astral Light's (aps
Tall T all *hites E2ol2ed :leas racos raconians# racos raconians# $ Lin5s
Astral &ro,ection BE# Lucid ream / M0 Amon (a 1ltra Email % "ent To The +o2ernment / thers Elohim Ho)$To &ut on's 3ideos n 3's
Crop Circles
Ta5en To The Cloning Ta5en Cloning Centers Against Against 6 6our our Area *ill7 &indar List f Celebrities % "a) At The Cloning
%lluminati Technology
Astral Light's 4ournal Blog
%lluminati Technology Home#
1pdates / (ecent Additions
onald Marshall onald Marshall Home# onald Marshall $ %ntro onald Marshall's riginal Letter onald Marshall's %nter2ie)s onald Marshall n Megadeth's 9The *orld !eeds A Hero9 Album Co2er
&ro,ect &egasus / +roundhog ays Time)a2es# Chemtrails @ombie 3irus &ro,ect Blue Beam M0 1ltra !egati2e &lane Hitler's Bell Contraption
+olden Truth
Cloning Centers $ on
(:% Chip
*hy on Ta5es Long To &ost7
ecapitated Head
*hy Hasn't The %lluminati 0illed on7
Homonculous Clones
*ho %s (ain Man7
%nternal rug ispenser
The Highlight Highlight (eel (eel Become :amous r Ma5e %t %n Holly)ood
Messages :rom on on's Experiences / &ersonal Life List f Threads (elating To Aliens on's (ecent Experiences *ith Aliens Hints By Celebrities Mind Control Their Technology (ele2ant &osts (egarding Celebrity Tila Te>uila T e>uila "olidarity *ith onald Marshall 1pdates :rom The Cloning Centers Messages f %nterest :rom thers "hare onald Marshall's %nfo *ic5edness %n High &laces Lin5s (elating To 3rill
About The Cloning Centers Types T ypes f Clones Clones / Cloning Cloning &rocess &rocess isinfo Agents "ongs *ritten By on Celebs / High &role &eople Current AIairs Hinting About on's %nfo
(eferences Home#
(eferences Home#
The (eference (eference &alace &alace
"cientists *irelessly Control Mice *ith Brain %mpl...
Capt. 0aye; Human Clones / @ombie 3irus 1ploading Mind To To 3arious &latforms &latf orms 4ordan Max)ell Max)ell / Alex Alex 4ones; Aliens %n Human Bodie...
Eminem $ (ap +od Beyonce's ®nancy
(o)dy &iper- Alex 4ones / "ean "tone; Aliens %n Hu...
Britney "pears $ Mona Lisa
Britney "pears $ Brea5 The %ce
&aris 4ac5son $ reams
Human Cloning Cons
exClone &ro,ect; Mind Clones
The Host
Ancient Egyptians; !A / Cloning Brain+ate e2elops A *ireless Brain$ Computer %nterface A &rimer n Milab Abductions Mind 1ploadingFo)nloading- Alien Bodies
o)nload Brains n To A Computer / Li2e :ore2er Billionaire Transgendered Transhumanist $ 1pload Brain / Li2e :ore2er "cientists Are Con2inced Mind Transfer %s
/ Cloning The :ran5ens :ran5enstein tein Code Barac5 bama $ Mar5 Clone ouble# They Li2e E3E nline Eminem / r. re Clones *here'd 6ou +o $ :ort Minor Murdo5 ubstep (emix#... Mindreading Machine F Mind2oice Technology T echnology
The 0ey 0ey To To %mmortality +eorge +reen Tal5s Cloning &residents "tarship Congress $ ay N %carus %nterstellar *orld f Tomorro) Clone CentersF:actories / Cloned Bodies 1ploading Consciousness Mind 1ploadingFo)nloading- Alien Bodies / Cloning... Human +ro)n *ithin Months
0im Mitchell $ +o :or A "oda
ar5 Matter
a2id *ilcoc5; Blue A2iansFraconians
3ril "ymbol Crop Circle
"cientists 1se Brain %maging To (e2eal The Mo2ies ... Mind 1ploading To A Clone r (obot
"oulFConsciousness Transfer %nto Clones Cherie Beltram; Cloning / Torturing Exposed
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