2) There are ________International ________International legal Instruments a) + b) 2 #) ) 13 3) The Chicago Convention was held in the year a) 1 b) 1. #) 131 ) (one o% te abo&e* 4) The Toyo convention o! 1"#3 a) ea$s /!t oen#es an #erta!n oter a#ts #omm!tte on boar !n a!r#ra%t b) To ens"re sa%et o% persons an propert on boar te a!r#ra%t #) oo orer an !s#!p$!ne on a!r#ra%t ) A$$ te abo&e* $) The convention !or su%%ression o! &nlaw!ul sei'ure o! aircra!t was convened at a) In!a b) Too C) Hag"e ) 4ontrea$ 5) Te #on&ent!on %or mar!ng o% e6p$os!&e /as #on&ene at 77777777777on 77777777777
a) 1st 4ar# 11 at 4ontrea$ b) 2t 8"ne 1+ at 9SA #) 2t De# 1 at atman" ) (one o% te abo&e () The signatory to the conventions are reuired to a) Ena#t nat!ona$ $eg!s$at!on to g!&e ee#t to #on&ent!ons b) Its opt!ona$ #) Its B!n!ng ) (one o% te abo&e* *) The +A,- stands !or a)Co"nter meas"res aopte b go&ernment an In"str b) Stanar an re#ommene pra#t!#es #) Te#n!#a$ #o"nter meas"res o% Anne6e ; 1. ) A$$ te abo&e* ") The ICAO security manual tells state a) Imp$ementat!on o% stanars b) Ho/ to a#!e&e stanars #)
a) b) #) )
>at nees to be one >at oters so"$ o Dos an Don?ts (one o% te abo&e*
12) The %rimary o/0ective o! Air%ort +ecurity -rogramme a) To ens"re a&!at!on se#"r!t meas"res an respons!b!$!t!es are #$ear$ e@ne an "nerstoo b tose /o nee to !mp$ement tem* b) It so"$ #$ar!% !n eta!$ a$$ meas"res tat are re"!re to be !mp$emente at te a!rport #) It so"$ meet te re"!rement o% (at!ona$ C!&!$ A&!at!on Se#"r!t Programme ) A$$ te abo&e* 13) The national avsec %rogramme can /e dened as a) ega$$ en%or#eab$e b) (at!ona$ Po$!#!es #) Pro#e"res an ps!#a$ meas"res ) A$$ te abo&e 14) There are _________ o o! security %rograms a) (CASP b) (CASCP #) ASP ) A$$ te abo&e* 1$) ICAO a) Is a Internat!ona$ 9( Bo b) Is a asso#!at!on o% States #) Asso#!at!on o% A!r$!nes operators ) (one o% te abo&e*