Configuration settings for batch managementFull description
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Descripción: Ejercicios Batch resueltos
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batch reactor
SAP Note
856825 - Checks and FAQs for LeanBatches Version 4 Gültigkeit: 03.11.2005 - aktiv
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Kopfdaten Freigegeben am 03.11.2005 20:25:44 Freigabestatus Released for Customer Komponente CRM-MD-PRO-IF-PRO Data Exchange Products Priorität Recommendations / Additional Info Kategorie FAQ
Symptom l
Useful Checks in CRM-System
1) Is Delta Download active for Business Objects CLASS & MATERIAL /nR3AC4 Objects should be active for the wanted RFC-DESTINATION Events by Object class: 00004000 CLASS CRS_CHARACT_COLLECT_DATA 00004001 CLASS CRS_CLASS_COLLECT_DATA 00004002 CLASS CRS_OBJCL_COLLECT_DATA_NEW 00001250 MATERIAL CRS_MATERIAL_COLLECT_DATA You can maintain these entries with the view V_SMOFEVOB. 2) Is Initial Download already processed for objects CLASS, ATTRIBUTE and OBJCL? /nR3AM1 At least for objekt OBJCL, field OK STATUS should be 'Done' (finished) 3) Is there an entry for CRM_DEFAULT_DESTINATION in table SMOFPARSFA pointing to the R/3 system (see SM59) /nSE16 for table SMOFPARSFA Key R3A_COMMON CRM_DEFAULT_DESTINATION -> R/3 destination This entry is necessary for Download Validation Modules CRM_CLASSIFICATION_CLASS_VAL, CRM_CLASSIFICATION_ATTRIB_VAL and CRM_CLASSIFICATION_OBJCL_VAL. 4) Is Set 'COMM_PR_BATCH' assigned to a Category ID /nCOMMPR01 Maintain Product Master Which Category ID in Hierarchy R3PRODSTYP /nCOMM_HIERARCHY Look for Category ID in Hierarchy R3PRODSTYP in TAB 'SetTypes' 5) Is source system of product <> CRM? /nCOMMPR01 -> Product_ID MenuFunction Goto->SourceSystems... There should be no entries! 6) Is product batch dedicated? /nSE16 for table COMM_PRODUCT Field 'BATCH_DEDICATED' = 'X'?
Useful Checks in OLTP-System
1) Mapping of Extractor FM in Plug-IN correct? /nSE16 for table TBE31 or use TX BF31 EVENT: 00004000 - 00004002 and 00001250 APPLK: BC-MID Correct Mapping: 00001250 BC-MID CRS_MATERIAL_COLLECT_DATA 00004000 BC-MID CRS_CHARACT_COLLECT_DATA 00004001 BC-MID CRS_CLASS_COLLECT_DATA 00004002 BC-MID CRS_OBJCL_COLLECT_DATA_NEW 2) Is material batch dedicated? /nSE16 for table MARC Field 'XCHPF' = 'X' or TX MM03, view 'Sales: general/plant -> 'batch management'
3) Is class assigned to class type '023' (batch) TX MM03, view 'Classification'
Trace Delta Download of Classification Download
1) Deregister Queue in CRM /nSMQR Deregistration Queue name: R3AD_OBJCL* 2) Trigger Event 4002 in R/3 /nCL20n Class: 023 Material: Material ID force Change! bevor saving switch to debugging Useful Breakpoint: FM CRS_OBJCL_COLLECT_DATA_NEW 3) Check Inbound Queue in CRM /nSMQ2 QUEUE: R3AD_OBJCL Should contain at least one entry! Run entry in Debugging-Mode Useful Breakpoint: FM CLIDL_WRITE_DATA - Check table IT_KSSK Useful Breakpoint: FM CRM_CLASSIFICATION_OBJCL_VAL - SR product_set_update 4) Look for entries in INOB/KSSK /nSE16 Table: INOB KLART: 023 OBJEK: R/3 Material ID There should be an entry for the R/3 Material ID
Trace Delta Download of Material Master Download
1) Deregister Queue in CRM /nSMQR Deregistration Queue name: R3AD_MATERIAxx* (xx=Prefix of Material ID) 2) Trigger Event 00001250 in R/3 /nMM02 Material: Material ID force Change! Attention - If you only do changes in tab 'classification', event 00001250 won't be raised. bevor saving switch to debugging Useful Breakpoint: FM CRS_MATERIAL_COLLECT_DAT 3) Check Inbound Queue in CRM /nSMQ2 QUEUE: R3AD_MATERIAxx (xx=Material ID) Should contain at least one entry! Run entry in Debugging-Mode Useful Breakpoint: FM COM_READ_BATCH_ID - Check es_batch-data-ff0010 FM COM_PROD_MATERIAL_MAINTAIN_API - Check IT_SET & ET_BAPIRETURN 4) Check Set COMM_PR_BATCH in CRM /nSE16 TABLE: COMM_PR_BATCH USER: your user Look for field FF0010. It should contain the class l
Q: Where do I see that a CRM product is batch dedicated?
A: /nSE16 for table COMM_PRODUCT, check componnent BATCH_DEDICATED = 'X' Q: Where do I see the assigned batch class to a CRM product? A: /nSE16 for table COMM_PR_BATCH, check component FF0010 The class assignment is not visible in Tx COMMPR01 Q: Can I use Tx like CT04, CL03 to maintain classes and characteristics in CRM? A: You can use them for displaying information, only. The R/3 system is the responsible maintenance system. Q: In R/3 the standard classtype for batch is 022. Why is CRM supporting classtype 023, only? A: Class type 022 is specifying the batch on plant level of a material. Unfortunately, there is no plant level for CRM products. Therefore CRM
(and APO as well!) is only supporting batches on material level (= class type 023). Q: I want to transfer my material classification (class type 001). Can I do this in standard CRM 4.0? A: No, it's not supported (see note 456868).
Weitere Begriffe LeanBatches BATCH_DEDICATED OBJCL
Ursache und Voraussetzungen see Symptom
Lösung see Symptom
Gültigkeit Softwarekomponente Von Release Zu Release Und Folgende BBPCRM 400 400 500 500
Referenzen Dieses Dokument verweist auf: SAP-Hinweise 618191 R/3 Datenaustausch der Klassifizierungsdaten (Klassenart 23)
Auf dieses Dokument wird verwiesen von: SAP-Hinweise (1) 618191 R/3 Datenaustausch der Klassifizierungsdaten (Klassenart 23)