Benaissa Rural Settlements of the Oxyrhynchite Nome. A Papyrological Survey

Author:  montag2

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The purpose of a study of history is to shape the future. Too much of history teaching centers upon events, persons, or ideas as facts but does not recognize God’s providential hand in judgi…Full description


The purpose of a study of history is to shape the future. Too much of history teaching centers upon events, persons, or ideas as facts but does not recognize God’s providential hand in judgi…Full description

Descrição: The purpose of a study of history is to shape the future. Too much of history teaching centers upon events, persons, or ideas as facts but does not recognize God’s providential hand in judging huma...

Description : The purpose of a study of history is to shape the future. Too much of history teaching centers upon events, persons, or ideas as facts but does not recognize God’s providential hand in judging huma...