Content Creaon
Content Goals
Content Guidelines
AIESEC Experience
Global Volunteer
Brand Partnerships
Global Talent
Social Media
Global Entrepreneur
Brand Archuitecture
Legal Notes
Engage With AIESEC
Translang Products
Year of Revision & Creaons 65
Great brands are consistent. Everyme. Everywhere. The beauty of being present in more than 120 countries and territories is the challenge of maintaining a single, unique identy, along with being simple enough to be understood by local audiences. That’s why the new Blue Book is here, to guide us in every single aspect of the AIESEC brand and to ensure we all know exactly how to represent ourselves as one unied AIESEC in the world.
Our Why
Peace and fulllment of humankind’s potenal. We strive to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of ‘peace’ while aknowledging and respecng the views of others. Addionally, we strive for a world where through “fullment of humankind ’s potenal”, people can be the best version of themselves.
A I E S E C | O u r W h y
A I E S E C |
Our How
Our How
We place our condence in youth as a key to unlock a beer future. We believe that youth are the key to shaping a beer future. Through each and every experience we provide, we strive to develop youth leaders with the following four qualies:
Empowering Others
Soluon Oriented
Communicates clearly, engages in meaningful conversaons, and creates spaces that empower others to take acon.
Flexible, ready to take risks, and acvely nds soluons to challenges.
World Cizen
Self Aware
Aware of global events and enjoys taking an acve role in contribung towards making it a beer place for everyone.
Understands personal strengths, lives by his/ her values and constantly explores passions.
A I E S E C | O u r W h a t
Our What
We develop youth leadership through learning from praccal experiences in challenging environments. We ensure that praccal experiences in challenging environments are present by facilitang cross-cultural exchange and creang these opportunies in membership roles.
Cross-cultural exchanges
Membership roles
AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to work or volunteer abroad in non-familiar environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while contribung to the community in which they are working.
Our members work in teams to create and manage these crosscultural exchange experiences. This provides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own leadership potenal.
A I E S E C | O u r V a l u e s
Our Values
We live and act according to the following 6 values:
Acvang leadership
Demonstrang integrity
Living diversity
We lead by example and inspire leadership through acons and results. We take responsibility for developing the leadership potenal of others.
We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and acons. We full our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way aligned with what we envision.
We acvely learn from dierent ways of life and opinions represented in our mulcultural environment. We act inclusively, respecng and acvely encouraging the contribuon of every individual.
Enjoying parcipaon
Striving for excellence
Acng sustainably
We create a dynamic and welcoming environment through the acve and enthusiasc parcipaon of individuals. We enjoy being involved in our organizaon.
We connuously improve through creavity and innovaon. We strive to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do.
We act in a sustainable way for our organizaon and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generaons.
A I E S E C | O u r T a g l i n e
Our Tagline
Acvang youth leadership since 1948
We mobilize youth and like-minded organizaons to achieve the SDGs.
We empower youth to become more employable by working with organizaons across the world.
We enable young people to live an experience which will help shape a beer future for themselves and others.
A I E S E C | O u r P e r s o n a l i t y
Our Personality
Inclusive, Energec, Engaged, Genuine, Simple. We are global, independent, non-polical, and not-for-prot. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientaon, disabilies, creed, religion nor on the basis of naonal, ethnic or social origin. Overall, we are a youthful source of energy, always there to spark new soluons and ideas and prepared to support youth, no maer what background they have. We stay away from religious and polical topics; however, we want to engage in dialog on issues in our world, and bring together various perspecves. We always focus on a posive contribuon, ensure diversity and reject discriminaon. In our engagements with the topics we care about, no maer whether it is message or design, we strive to be simple and genuine.
A I E S E C |
O u r B r a n d To n e
Our Brand Tone
Our tone of voice is conversaonal and friendly. Our tone of voice is conversaonal and friendly. The aributes by which we dene ourselves are the following:
We are a network of people from dierent countries, cultures and backgrounds and believe in respecng everyone’s opinion and treang it as important. Therefore we are independent and non-discriminang on any basis.
We express ourselves in a friendly, lively and approachable manner, rather than being unnecessarily formal. We seek out conversaons on the issues we care about.
In order to deliver on our promises, we learn by doing and by taking acon on necessary risks and challenges.
We are engaged with topics that are currently inuencing the world around us, and as a youth-run organizaon, adapt to the eect these topics have on us as youth.
We express our energy and passion as young individuals who are not afraid to dream big and do big.
We represent diversity and do not discriminate on any basis. Therefore we represent a global youth voice that any young person in the world can relate to.
A I E S E C | O u r A u d i e n c e
Our Audience Being a youth-run organizaon that focuses on youth leadership development, we primarily engage youth and organizaons as our audiences. For us, youth is dened as anyone between the ages of 18-30. Any young person can parcipate in one of our products, regardless of educaonal status. Hence, we refer to “youth” or “young people” as our customers. Next to youth as our focus, we also communicate towards organizaons that are like-minded and can support us in making cross-cultural exchanges happen.
Don’t Refer to companies as our only external partners; we partner with diverse like-minded organizaons. Refer to students as AIESEC’s only customers, we focus on all youth.
A I E S E C |
Our Behavior
Our Behavior
As we strive to be simple, clear and relatable, language is an important part of our behavior, so we need to ensure external alignment. This means that we separate internal language and abbreviaons from external messages. Besides the words that we use, the topic s we talk about are important as well. We like to converse in topics that are about youth leadership, aligned with sustainable development and with our vision and values. Enjoying parcipaon is important for us, though we strive to be known for the core of our organizaon, and not for the pares we might host in accordance to it.
Talk in internal common abbreviaons (GV, GT, GE, OP, EP, OPS, IPS, E XPA, ICB, ECB) to externals.
Promote pares by AIESEC, nor events that are in no way related to any of our mission, core acvies or products.
Carol S.
Victor Caraveo Publishedtodayv
Have fun and contribute to a good cause! #AIESEC
Hi Carol! I see that you are interested in oGT! H ow exactly can we support you? Have you registered in EXPA yet?
Logo | Elements
Elements & Versions
Our logo represents how AIESEC enables young people to discover and develop their potenal and head towards their future with a clearer and stronger vision for themselves. It can be used only in horizontal posion with any of its four color variants, depending on what looks more clear on your background or design.
It should not be modied in any way and should always be used a ccording to the guidelines in this secon.
& Ve r s i o n s
Logo | Size & Space
Size & Space
Do’s & Don’ts
We like our brand to be easily recognized; this is why we have these very simple rules for our logo:
Don’t change the font. Don’t change the ocial colors. Don’t squish or skew our logo. Don’t rotate the logo in any way. Don’t place our logo on a cluered background. Don’t add any element into the logo space. Don’t change the opacity of the logo. And please... don’t use old logos.
Keep the size legible and always give it breathing room. How much space does the logo need, exactly? The height of the blue bar on every side.
Space before the A missing
Logo | The AIESEC Human
The AIESEC Human
Since 1948 we have developed over 1,000,000 p eople through our programs and membership experiences. For us, the AIESEC Human is a reminder of our purpose: looking into the future and moving foward. It allows us to s implify our brand and be more responsive in the digital world and to what’s happening around us. That’s why the background can change to represent specic dates or events that are aligned to our purpose. We only use the AIESEC Human in white or blue, maintaining a at colored background. The AIESEC Human has a breathing room of 1/4 of its height on every side , so don’t put any elements in it.
Logo | Watermark
AIESEC Watermark Our watermark allows us to be easily recognized while mantaining a clean and simple design. It follows similar rules as the AIESEC Human: a breathing room of 1/4 of its height on the boom, le and right and half the height on the top.
Change the color. Put any element whithin the watermark breathing space. Use the watermark and the logo in the same publicaon.
Colors | Our Colors
HEX F85A40
RGB 248, 90, 64
CMYK 17 0, 63.71, 74.19, 2.75
Our Colors
RGB 10, 142, 160
CMYK 93.75, 11.25, 0, 32.25
RGB 255, 200, 69
CMYK 255, 200, 69
HEX 30C39E
RGB 48, 195, 158
CMYK 48, 195, 158
HEX F48924
RGB 244, 137, 36
CMYK 244, 137, 36
HEX 52565E
RGB 82, 86, 94
CMYK 82, 86, 94
RGB 82, 86, 94
CMYK 82, 86, 94
RGB 82, 86, 94
CMYK 82, 86, 94
This is our color palee. Our favorite color is AIESEC Blue. It’s bright and energec, represenng our youthful nature. Besides that, we use eight other colors to complement our AIESEC Blue, both digitally and i n print. If you don’t know what color to use, please use AIESEC Blue.
#037Ef3 3/126/243 98.8, 48.1, 0, 4.71
New Gradients In order to keep our brand updated to trends we selected a set of four gradients based mostly on our own color palee. They are only for digital use. These are linear gradients and should be applied in a 45º angle. HEX #037Ef3 HEX #30C39E
HEX #FFC845 HEX #EF4573
HEX #FFC845 HEX #30C39E
HEX #EF4573 HEX #BE3591
Font | Secondary Font
Our Favorite Font
Secondary Fonts
Our brand font is Lato.
Extra fonts can be added secondarily to emphasize words, but the main one should remain Lato. Use the font that works b est with your design, and always be consistent throughout whatever you’re working on.
We use it in print and on the web. Feel free to use it in any of its styles and weights.
Lato Hairline Lato Hairline Italic
Lato Light Lato Light Italic Lato Regular
Use an easily legible font. Use a font that contrasts with Lato. Use a font that adds to the tone of your design.
Use complex fonts. Use more than two fonts in one design. Use similar fonts.
Lato Italic
Lato Bold
Lato Bold Italic Lato Heavy Lato Heavy Italic
Lato Black Lato Black Italic
Every action maers
Every action maers
Every ACTION maers
Every action matters Every action maers
The AIESEC Experience is the way in which AIESEC develops leadership in young people. This experience is divided into three separate phases, each with its own products.
Experienal Leadership Development Global Volunteer Global Talent Global Entrepreneur
Engagement with AIESEC YouthSpeak Forum Local Volunteer Global Host
Life-Long Connecon This Blue Book provides the ocial value proposions for each of the ELD products. These are not oponal - using
anything other than these global value proposions is misrepresenng the brand. For more informaon on the other products of the EwA and LLC phase, consult the AIESEC Experience booklet.
Global Volunteer | Logo
Global Volunteer Logo
The concept behind the logo aims to represent the progam in a clear way:
Global represents the cross-cultural aspect. Volunteer represents the dierenator between exchange brands. The balloon represents the buying persona’s characteriscs: exibility, curiosity, adaptabil ity, diversity, movement Keep the size legible and always give it breathing room. How much space does the logo need, exactly? The height of the G bar on every side.
Please don’t modify the logo in any way. This includes adding or changing text, color and shapes.
Global Volunteer | Logo
Versions Dierent versions are available for you to use depending on what ts your design beer. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global Volunteer watermark, but don’t use them together in the same publicaon. Don’t forget to use Powered by AIESEC where appropriate. Not sure where that is? Read more in the Powered by AIESEC secon of the Blue Book.
Colors The Global Volunteer ocial color is AIESEC Red, but it can also be used in 100% White or 100% Black , depending on your design.
HEX F85A40
RGB 248, 90, 64
CMYK 0, 63.71, 74.19, 2.75
G l o b a l V o l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n
Our Value Proposion & Benets
Global Volunteer for Youth
Develop Yourself and the World
A cross-cultural volunteer experience for young people who seek to develop themselves and the world.
Cross-Cultural Environment
Develop Yourself
Be a local in an unknown environment and experience new cultures by working in a diverse and cross-cultural team.
Grow and develop by going through praccal experiences and learningby-doing. An intense cross-cultural environment allows you to increase your self-awareness and soluon orientaon, improve communicaon skills and develop a global mindset. Become the best version of yourself!
Volunteer Experience Volunteer abroad in NGOs or on projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Tackle pressing global issues to create posive impact in local sociees. Don’t just travel. Develop the world.
Discover the art of experienal wanderlust by working with NGOs or on projects directly contribung to the Sustainable Development Goals. Open your eyes towards the possibility to build, create, teach, and travel. Grab your backpack, it’s me to go!
G l o b a l V o l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n
Our Value Value Proposion & Benets
Global Volunteer for Organizaons
Make Local Impact with Global Volun Volunteers teers
A cross-cultural volunteer experience which allows organizaons to bring young people from all over the world to their social impact projects.
Global Perspecve
Source with Ease
Add mul-cultural avor to your team by bringing in our volunteers who care about world issues and bring innovave soluons to work locally.
Reduce your overhead and administraon me as we help source great volunteers from our global network for you. Our local AIESEC members assist in culturally inducng the volunteers,d as well as facilitang an enjoyable experience for them in the host city.
Posive Impact Enable eager and passionate volunteers to parcipate in your project to create posive societal impact. Build crosscultural understanding by facilitang the interacon of volunteers with local communies.
Working with the SDGs
Volunteer projects are fully SDG-aligned , we oen use the Goals Since all of our Global Volunteer as part of our promoon strategy. By describing our opportunies alon gside the SDG they target, we are showing our brand is impacul, relevant and credible. But the SDGs are actually an own brand, managed by the UN, whose brand guidelines we need to respect. Make respect. Make sure you follow these whenever you use th e SDGs. If you use the SDG logo, use the one without the UN emblem, as that one is reserved for UN agencies.
Always use the SDG icons or logo with the AIESEC logo in the same publicaon.
Make sure you keep a breathing room of 0.35 inches around the logo. There are ocial versions of the Global Volunteer Volunteer logo with an added SDG-support line. Check them out and use them as appropriate.
The SDG icons should not be manipulated, recolored, or cropped. You can download the most updated versions here.
The SDG icons and logo are available in the six ocial languages, feel free to use these translated versions as well.
Global Talent | Logo
Global Glob al Talen Talentt Logo
The concept behind the logo aims to represent the progam in a clear way:
Global represents the cross-cultural aspect. Talent represents the dierenator between Exchange brands. Dynamic Globe of Global Talent represents dynamicity, movement, connecon with dierent points of the world. Keep the size legible and always give it breathing room. How much space does the logo need, exactly? The height of the G bar on every side.
Please don’t modify the logo in any way. This includes adding or changing text, color and shapes.
Global Talent | Logo
Versions Dierent versions are available for you to use depending on what ts your design beer. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global Talent watermark but don’t use them together in the same publicaon. Don’t forget to use Powered by AIESEC where appropriate. Not sure where that is? Read more in the Powered by AIESEC secon of the Blue Book.
Colors The Global Talent ocial color is AIESEC Dark Teal but it can also be used in 100% White or 100% Black depending on your design. HEX 0A8EA0
RGB 10, 142, 160
CMYK 93.5, 11.25, 0, 32.25
G l o b a l V o l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n
Our Value Proposion & Benets
Global Talent for Youth
Gain Work Experience by Interning Abroad
A global internship opportunity for young people who seek to develop themselves and their career.
Global Opportunity
Diverse Industries
Expand your horizon by allowing yourself to develop your career in a global seng. Work in a whole new environment and culture, while adapng to local life in another country.
Gain work experience in HR, Markeng, Educaon, Engineering and many other areas. Our pool of opportunies is always growing, with new industries and elds being added.
Work Experience
Develop Yourself
Launch yourself into a challenging role that allows you to gain a professional edge with our partners who are dedicated to providing an enriching experience, aligned with touchpoints that help you evaluate yourself and grow.
Grow and develop by going through praccal experiences and learning-by-doing. An intense cross-cultural environment allows you to increase your self-awareness and soluon orientaon, improve communicaon skills and develop a global mindset.Become the best version of yourself!
G l o b a l V o l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n
Our Value Proposion & Benets
Global Talent for Organizaons
Global Interns for your Organizaon
Hire global interns and add a compeve advantage to your business in today’s global market.
Hire with Ease
Talent Acquision
With us, sourcing internaonal talent becomes as easy as recruing in your local market. We customize our recruitment process to make it easy for you t o hire global talent.
Behind every successful organizaon that innovates is a diverse global workforce. Bring interns from all around the world to ensure global input in your business operaons. Infuse your business with the fresh perspecve of Millennials from around the world.
Stay Compeve
Boost Your Work Culture
Stay dynamic by bringing in proles aligned to what the market needs and demands; minimize the skill-gap. All around the world, our product aracts talent of diverse backgrounds: HR, markeng, engineering, soware development, educaon, sales and many more.
Millennials are bound to dominate our global workforce. Adapt your business to new trends and become youth-friendly. Our partners have always loved the energy and air that our interns bring to their workplace while also contribung to a dynamic environment.
Global Entrepreneur | Logo
Global Entrepreneur Logo
The concept behind the logo aims to represent the progam in a clear way: Global represents the cross-cultural aspect.
Entrepreneur represents the d ierenator between Exchange brands. The lamp bulb of Global Entrepreneur represents ideas, innovaon, design thinking, creavity, importance of a small idea to start something great. Keep the size legible and always give it breathing room. How much space does the logo need, exactly? The height of the G bar on every side.
Please don’t modify the logo in any way. This includes adding or changing text, color and shapes.
Global Talent | Logo
Versions Dierent versions are available for you to use depending on what ts your design beer. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global Entrepreneur watermark but don’t use them together in the same publicaon. Don’t forget to use Powered by AIESEC where appropriate. Not sure where that is? Read more in the Powered by AIESEC secon of the Blue Book.
Colors The Global Entrepreneur ocial color is AIESEC Teal but it can also be used in 100% White or 100% Black depending on your design. HEX 0A8EA0
RGB 10, 142, 160
CMYK 93.5, 11.25, 0, 32.25
G l o b a l V o l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n
Our Value Proposion & Benets
Global Entrepreneur for Youth Intern with a StartUp to Develop Your Entrepreneurial Leadership
A global internship opportunity in a startup for young people who seek to develop themselves and their career.
Entrepreneurial Snt
Global Opportunity
Put your entrepreneurial aspiraons to the test by working with a startup and embracing the challenges that come with it. Understand the behind-the-scenes of running an entrepreneurial venture through experience.
Take your professional and life experiences to the next level by exposing yourself to a whole new culture and environment, as you live your internship in a completely foreign society. Learn how to adapt in a mulcultural environment and stand out.
Expand your Network
Develop Yourself
Leverage from the many opportunies to grow your professional network that will support in your own future entrepreneurial endeavors. Connect with professionals and experts from diverse walks of life who will support later on.
Grow and develop by going through praccal experiences and learning-by-doing. An intense cross-cultural environment allows you to increase your self-awareness and soluon orientaon, improve communicaon skills and develop a global mindset. Become the best version of yourself!
G l o b a l V o l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n
Our Value Proposion & Benets
Global Entrepreneur for Organizaons
Global Interns for your StartUp
A cross-cultural product where our young talent brings added value to your venture with their entrepreneurial spirit.
Simple and Aordable
Enable Youth
AIESEC makes acquiring bright and f resh minds from around the world much easier than recruing locally. Meet your shortterm skill requirement by bringing in young talent from diverse backgrounds in an aordable way.
Hire interns who are as passionate to learn and contribute to your venture’s purpose as you are. Enable a fullling experience for them as they keenly take on challenges that a startup workplace brings with it.
Boost Your Workplace Tailored to the fast-paced and dynamic culture of today’s world, Global Entrepreneur gives you the opportunity to engage the next generaon in your startup scene. By connecng you with high potenal young people who are eager to explore, your workplace can evolve with a n internaonal edge.
Powered by AIESEC Brand architecture refers to the structure of product brands within an organizaon and how these are related to or dierenated from one another within the porolio. AIESEC uses an Endorsed Brand Architecture, which is made up of individual and specic product brands, which are linked together by an endorsing parent brand - AIESEC. Endorsed brand architecture allows: Connecng all our products to the single brand identy of AIESEC
Do Always use the Powered by AIESEC logo when using the individual product brands, or when referring to Youth4GlobalGoals
If adding a second l ogo to your publicaon makes it feel crowded, you can also use the AIESEC Human watermark as a brand endorsement. This is especially ng for cases where the endorsement is obvious such as posts on an AIESEC channel.
Easy plugging of new and upcoming products. New products can be introduced without associaon with the AIESEC brand if needed, and can be introduced in the brand porolio depending on their success. The success of one AIESEC product can posively inuence the other products in the porolio. Consequently, the reverse is also possible. Returns on investment on one sub-brand spill over to the other brands as well
Product Brands are brands on their own, however they must always include the “Powered by AIESEC” logo as an endorsement.
Don’t Don’t use the Powered by AIESEC logo on brands you might create, which are not ocially part of the AIESEC Experience
Engagement with AIESEC
Engagement with AIESEC
The Engagement with AIESEC (EwA) phase exists to spark an interest in young people to develop themselves and to contribute to a beer world. Currently, we have three products in the EwA phase: Local Volunteer
YouthSpeak Forum
Global Host
Local Volunteer is an Engagement with AIESEC product which gives a preview into what an AIESEC Global Volunteer experience looks like. It allows local youth to volunteer on a project or inside an NGO and address one of the Sustainable Development Goals for 6-8 weeks, alongs ide Global Volunteer parcipants.
YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings together young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-sector and mulgeneraonal space for inspiring conversaons around pressing global issues. Its aim is to make AIESEC a credible youth voice. The event oers the unique and interacve framework of Inspire, Engage, Act.
Global Host is an Engagement with AIESEC product which gives local families the opportunity to host Global Volunteer and Global Entrepreneur parcipants in their own homes during their experience with AIESEC.
Translating Products
Translang Products
The need to localize brand and communicaon channels is very relevant in many markets. To ensure the most eecve brand localizaon process, enes should adopt instrucons that will help control their brand message as it moves across borders. For enes opng to translate AIESEC Product Brands (Global Volunteer, Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur), it is mandatory to use a literal translaon - which means translang text from one language to another conveying the sense of the original. These translaons must also be approved by the brand responsible in the AIESEC Internaonal team. For enes based on bilingual countries or territories, it is recommended to either keep the brand in English or choose to translate it into the most predominant language among your target (youth and organizaons).
Content Creaon
There is a dierence between brand aligned and well designed. The applicaon of our brand into content is one of the main representaons of our voice in the world. We want our brand to be genuine, to show the authencity of our experiences, avoiding fake stories or environments. We want our content to feel clear, relatable and relevant. We challenge our audience, but also inspire them to act. We work hard to make every blog, image or video transmit emoons through storytelling. We loooove simplici ty.
Content Goals
Every piece of content that is created should have a clear purpose and trigger an acon. The goals of the posts that are created should be one of the following: Open a conversaon Communicate our organizaonal purpose
Create a like-minded community Tell the story of our products Posion ourselves amount inuenal partners
Address topics that are relevant to youth
Content Guidelines
Be personal, but not too personal
Be playful, but don’t overdo it
When engaging in conversaons with people, we approach them in a personal tone. Geng close to a person’s story and fostering authencity is what we love to do. However, as we are sll represenng an organizaon, staying objecve remains important.
We are represenng youth, therefore have a youthful, energec and playful voice. This means that we include a joke and 1-2 emojis per conversaon! However, we are not over-the-top in our energy, such as screaming and a lot of capital leers.
Be truthful
Be purposeful
We fact check everything and ensure that the sources we use are 100% reliable. This is because we want to be acknowledged as experts in the topics that we specialize in, such as youth leadership development.
In order not to waste me, we only spread something once it is useful and relevant. Everything we do needs to have a reason to be there and a clear call-to-acon.
Be representave We don’t use inappropriate street language, slang or sloppy abbreviaon (eg: doin’) in phrasing. Other than this, we are ensuring our spelling and grammar are accurate and triple (or quadruple) checked before publishing, as well as in American English.
Content Guidelines
Be acvaonal and inspiraonal
Be open and inclusive
Our tone is looking to acvate others to take acon. We strive to empower others to act on the issues they care about.
Diversity and no discriminaon are main things we embody in our content. We accept people of all shapes and sizes and are not judgemental. We are also very open for all opinions and welcome feedback.
Be simple
Be aligned
We want to be simple and not complicate our message or s hare very long stories. We strive to be as helpful and concrete as possible whenever communicang.
Repeon and having a structured paern is key in maintaining one brand tone. We work towards being as aligned as possible in all types of content, and in all kinds of places.
Photography | Our Approach
Our Photography Approach
Focus on the authencity of the story and the impact behind the main character. Photography is one of the main ways our generaon expresses itself. It is a representaon of our personality and the way we see the world. You will see incredible pictures of youth in projects all around the world, either developing in a professional environment or impacng a marginalized community. We want to show the passion and commitment youth puts into making the world a beer place. For the brand to be authenc, honesty and reality are key aspects of our photography. We want to expose the world as genuine and real as it is, but with dignity, with the thought in mind that we are here to make a change. We are not sending people abroad to be heroes, but we do believe they make a signicant impact. We want to show that bringing in a person from a dierent culture can impact a community that never had communicaon with foreigners. We aim to prove that i nternaonal professionals can bring a new perspecve to the business. We want everyone that interacts with our brand to feel what it is to live an experience with AIESEC.
Photography | Our Photography Types
Our Photography Types
Social Impact
Professional Development
Focused on the social projects we provide and the impact they generate.
Focused on the internships we provide and how the parcipants develop through the experience.
Focused on our physical touchpoints, showcasing the diversity of our membership and our work as a leadership development organizaon.
V i s u a l s | O u r V i s u a l A p p r o a c h
Our Visual Approach
Simplicity is key. Visuals are one of the easiest brand representaons, but also the most frequent to be misaligned. By giving me to conceptualize and ideate during the producon me, we make sure to bring our message across in the designs we do. We seek trends that can make our brand speak our generaonal language. We make sure that each and every image portrays our brand personality and tone.
V i s u a l s | V i s u a l T y p e s
Visual Types
To highlight a text or phrase that refers to an external author.
To present a phrase or idea of an exchange parcipant.
To simplify a complex idea or process.
V i s u a l s | V i s u a l T y p e s
Visual Types
Partnership images
To represent data.
To encourage reacons in the audience.
To share about projects we are running with our partners.
V i s u a l s |
Our Illustraon Approach
The sky is the limit. We love to use illustraons. They’re perfect for explaining complex ideas, themes or processes. For the most part, we like our icons and illustraons to be at and colorful, always ensuring that our designs match our audience. For example, when talking about youth-related themes, we use playful, colorful illustraons. Whether simple, fun, or elegant, our content should always be easy to idenfy and understand at a glance. To help you bring ideas to life you can check our library here.
V i d e o | O u r A p p r o a c h
Our Video Approach
I want you to feel what I felt Videography is one of our main ways of expression and the most powerful content that allows others enjoy and engage with our stories. We ensure this by pung storytelling at the core of every producon, and by engaging our viewers with a youthful approach in our language, trends, and resources. We don’t see perfecon in the quality of the equipment used to record or the output footage, but in the story we expose and how we expose it. We understand the importance of being present in trends and being adapve to our channels. We showcase the most genuine moments and the everyday acons that bring our products to life.
Here you can nd elements that will help you improve your videos like: logo animaons, video outros, source pngs.
V i d e o | V i d e o P r o c e s s
Video Process Dene your objecves: Determine the main goal of your video, the place or channel it will be posted in, the length, your audience and the call to acon. Make a script: Organize your ideas on paper, allocate me slots for the main highlights of your video. Collect your resources: Once you know how your video will look li ke, collect any resource you need: footage, soundtrack, record audio, fonts, etc. Create the skeleton: Bring your story to life by c reang the rst skeleton of your video and tracing as much of the story as possible. Collect feedback: Share your story skeleton with people that can enrich it: colleagues, partners, team leaders, etc. Add details and enhancements: Once your story is approved, make sure you go the extra mil e. Ensure the quality of your video by adding details that will make it unforgeable: animaons, doodles, tles, i ntro, outro, credits, subtles, sound eects, color correcon, etc.
V i d e o | V i d e o T y p e s
Video Types
To movate our audience through a message or story.
To let our au dience know about our brand, our products or opportunies.
This message is for you(th). Take acon now, with the Young Person’s Guide: Changing the World Edion. #AIESEC #YouthDay #Youth4GG
You can explore and experience a completely new culture when you #LiveTheExperience! What are you waing for? ww #AIESEC #Leadership
V i d e o | V i d e o T y p e s
Video Types
Raising Awareness
To let our audience get informed about what is happening in the world.
To let our audience learn about new topics or trends.
On the occasion of the #PartnershipsForTheGoals Day, let’s take a moment to rewind and look back to how #Youth4GG came to being, as well as how we started the ght for the 2030 agenda! #AIESEC #Leadership
Today is #WorldBloodDonorDay! We want to say thank you to every individual that has donated blood in the past, saving a lot of lives. Small Acons, have big Impact! #AIESEC #Youth4GG #TakeAcon
V i d e o | V i d e o T y p e s
Video Types
Showcasing stories
To inspire our audi ence by presenng our parcipants’ experiences.
To let our audience know about our projects with our partners.
Changing the world is all about the small acons that end up making a big dierence. Follow Tamara’s journey in Indonesia as she works on SDG 4, Quality Educaon, in the eight episode of Youth4GlobalGoals: The Series. #AIESEC #Youth4GG #Tamara4GlobalGoals #PWC
Animaon To express a complex idea in a simple way.
Writing | Our Writing Approach
Our Wring Approach
Conveying passion in litle words Wring is a way of expression that leaves less space for interpretaon. As there is lile visual support, the text needs to be understandable and clear, while telling stories in detail. Therefore, our wring aims to do exactly that; convey our passion in short, clear wring. When we are producing wrien pieces, one of the most important things for us is to let our personality and passion as organizaon shine through. Through the way we write, we want to pull people into our stories, personalies and the passions that we have for the topics we write about. We want people to take acon and j oin us! The same goes for our wrien conversaons, where in a personal approach, we want to inspire acon in others.
Writing | AIESEC Blog
Blogging gives us the unique opportunity to strengthen our vision and transmit our organizaonal message while showcasing the impact our opportunies create. Using a blogging plaorm can provide a space to share meaningful stories and inspire customers to live an experience with AIESEC, while connecng powerful visuals with persuasive pieces of wring. Whether they are about spotlighng a personal experience lived by an exchange parcipant or about providing clarity on a new concept, the arcles we publish should always follow the brand voice and be tailored to ou r customers. Remember, we are wring for youth, so adapt your style and what you express to best t what our desired audience wants to read. While doing research, look at blog pages popular among youth an d borrow elements that are going to enrich your pieces and channel. In order to ensure a complete and eecve content strategy it’s vital to take advantage of all the creave freedom and impact blogs can provide by including them in your plan. Don’t be afraid to use wring as part of your approach or to experiment and come up with innovave ways to engage customers with blogging. Great stories are not only amazing for conversion, but also the most powerful tool we have to engage youth with leadership development.
Writing | Blog Types
Blog Types
Personal story
Either by wring in rst person or presenng it as an interview, spotlighng someone’s experience brings the reader closer to the message and easily engages them with our purpose.
By keeping up with current trends and world issues, we make sure we stay connected to our audience. Informaonal pieces provide context, data and views on recent happenings by connecng them to our mission.
We inform customers about recent campaigns, new events or collaboraon by presenng them in promoonal posts, which guide them through the new experience, oer instrucons and generate excitement.
Used by most millenial blog networks, liscles present bigger chunks of informaon in an easily digesble and fun way. They are usually highly shareable, as well as easier to process on the go.
Used as a way to break out of the usual blogging paern, quizzes and surveys are an fun, interacve way to engage customers with your content and message without being t oo pushy.
Writing | PR Statements
PR Statements
When we are making PR statements, we make our tone more professional than in all other wrien pieces, because they are coming from AIESEC as an organizaon. Based on the content of the statement, the partners involved in it should always be clearly and correctly portrayed and tagged, as per the p artners’ wishes. The following are the most important things to keep in mind when wring a PR statement: Refer to AIESEC in the rst person (‘we’) and audience in the second person (‘you’). Use easily understandable and conversaonal l anguage, as if you are explaining something to a friend. Keep it short and sweet, brief, and to the point. It is beer to be clear than clever. Keep it professional. Use correct spelling and grammar. When using English, always use American English. Engage partners with it, and tag them if relevant. See ou r PR examples here; hps: //
Brand Partnerships | Our Approach
Our approach to Brand Partnerships Cooperang to amplify our common purpose As a sole brand, you can put a lot of eort into raising awareness for the topics you care about. However, the magic starts when you have the opportunity to team up with another organizaon or partner willing to ght along with you. This is exactly why we’re so fond of brand partnerships. They give us the opportunity to amplify our common purpose and give it a bigger reach. With brand partnerships, the most important thing for us is to ensure that we clarify this common purpose. We only partner in case the end goal of the campaign aligns with the mission of our organizaon. Addionally, the most important thing is that the brand partnerships do not aect either brand’s standards, integrity and voice. The channels that we use should also always be the most relevant ones to our partnership s, to make sure our audience remains engaged.
Brand Partnerships | Co-branding Guidelines
Co-branding Guidelines
When seng up a co-branding partnership, there are several things that need to be dened.
Clarity on the common goal The most important thing to dene is the goal of the partnership. The common goal should be something that aligns with the purpose of all the organizaons involved in the brand partnership. In case of AIESEC, this means that we can partner for youth leadership development, cross-cultural exchanges, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Clarity on the measurement of success The second step aer knowing the specic goal of the campaign, is knowing what the measurement of success will be, and therefore what co-branding type should be used. This can be employer branding, external product campaign, or other acvies, but for all organizaons involved, it should be clearly dened what they want to see as the measurement of success of the brand partnership.
Clarity on the channels Knowing the measurement of success from all organizaons involved in the partnership, there can be clarity on what channels and plaorms can be used to launch it. This includes discussing what social media and internal plaorms are the most relevant in order to reach the common goal.
Clarity on the content plan Since there is clarity on the goal, the call to acon and the channels used, the next step is to evaluate the content plan for the campaign. This includes determining what kind of content will be created, how it will be created, and in what meline. Therefore, in the content plan, the following are clearly dened: - The messages being sent - The call to acon - The content that will be created, and by whom - The hashtags - The meline In general, it is important that both pares are involved in making the campaign a success.
B r a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s | C o - b r a n d i n g Ty p e s
Co-branding Types
Employer Branding
Brand Posioning
Campaign focused on presenng our partners as employers of choice.
Campaign focused on raising awareness about a like-minded brand.
Awareness Campaign
Internal Product Campaign
Campaign focused on raising awareness about a specic common topic
Campaign focused on promong an AIESEC product sponsored by a partner.
B r a n d P a r t n e r s h i p s | C o - b r a n d i n g Ty p e s
Co-branding Types
External Product Campaign
Acvaonal Campaign
Campaign focused on promong an external product sponsored by a partner (IE Business School & PR → Let’s do it world).
Campaign focused on presenng an onground acvaon, sponsored by a partner.
Sponsored Campaigns
Physical Engagements
Campaign focused on presenng an AIESECspecic topic, spon sored by a partner.
Printed material for physical partnership spaces.
Social Media | Our Approach
Our Social Media Approach
Publishing stories to gain impacul reach You can create beauful pieces of content, however, if you are not sharing them in a structured way on social media, this means that half of the eort put into the creaon is not opmally used. For that reason, we focus on ensuring that the way we structure our social media posts is also supporng the message we send. Through social media capons, comments and messages, we want to ensure that we are inspiring more people to act and interact with us.
Social Media | Channels
Accessibility to the largest global audience is what Facebook oers us. For that reason it is the perfect plaorm to reach the highest amount of youth with the most various messages and content types we have.
For us, Instagram is a natural plaorm used to express ourselves, as it gives us the opportunity to be visually present and share our stories in a simplisc and impacul way. It allows us to be creave, interacve and create conversaons with our main audience: youth.
A great channel for fast conversaons, easy interacons with externals and measuring trac on specic hashtags and during events.
It’s an important plaorm for us to present our longer-formaed videos. It provides a space for us to collect our storytelling through video, and make it aconable.
A perfect plaorm to reach likeminded organizaons who can support us. It is the best place to get professional input on our brand and present topics that concern us.
Social Media | Examples
Community Management
Building communies that engage. Having great content for your social media plaorms is only the rst step in ensuring success. With people being delivered more and more informaon during the me they spend online, the need for an eecve engagement strategy becomes paramount. It’s exactly because of this why we believe that one of the most important things to ta ke into consideraon, not maer the channel we speak of, is community management. Community management has long evolved from a purely administrave structure to a vital asset in any digital markeng strategy. It focuses on strengthening the brand message and organizaonal purpose through dierent types of direct and indirect interacons. By making sure that our customers receive the support, informaon and incenves they need, we directly contribute to the succes of any campaign and content plan. Community management includes answering comments, responding to feedback, managing page messages and ending calls to acon. In any interacon, it is vital that we stay true to our brand voice and communicate in a way that represents AIESEC and our vision in the best way possible.
Social Media | Hashtags
Capons, Tags & Hashtags
The capon is a crucial part of publishing the content, as it ensures that its message is amplied and has a call to acon. Structure a capon in the following way:
We are consistent in our hashtags and do not invent a new hashtag for every post. We will only add hashtags to be consistent and aligned in tracking.
Start with an acvang sentence that catches aenon. This can be an enthusiasc message, interesng fact, quote, or a queson. Make sure to tag the relevant pares in case you menon externals.
Ensure to read the content guidelines and have a look at the examples in the next page.
Include the connecng call to acon as many mes as possible: What do you want people to do?
For social media there are two types of wrien communicaon that we manage in a specic way. Firstly, the capons that are aached to each social media post. Secondly, the social media community man agement of comments, responses and messages.
If relevant, Include the hashtags for the content piece. The ocial hashtags that we use in the posts that we share on social media are: #AIESEC #LiveTheExperience #Leadership
When working with our ELD products, we also have the hashtags #GlobalVolunteer, #GlobalTalent and #GlobalEntrepreneur.
Have a look at the content guidelines, which apply for all social media posts! Have a look at specic wrien do’s & don’ts HERE, when it comes to what to write as capons and in community management.
Legal Notes
Legally, AIESEC’s general brand is the one that needs to be protected rst. It is trademark registered in the EU27 and a lot of other enes in the network. The Global Plenary allocated a specic fund for trademark registraon. If you are not sure if the AIESEC Brand is properly protected in your enty, contact the President of AIESEC in your enty or the Global Finance Board (GFB). Other names in our brand, suc h as. ‘YouthSpeak’ or ‘Global Volunteer’ are not registered trademarks of AIESEC b ecause they are generic brands. Vocabulary about Countries / Enes Legal forms aside, AIESEC is a single organizaon running its acvies on a global scale. This is why it is strictly forbidden to call enes “AIESEC XYZ”, and the only correct way to posion your enty is as “AIESEC in XYZ”.
We never only refer to “Countries” or “Naons”, because this will indirectly imply AIESEC taking a polical stand. Use “countries and territories”. This is a very sensive topic, so please pay aenon to it especially in your media and public relaons.
Don’t AIESEC XYZ Countries/Naons
Trademark number: 004400347 Type: gurave Nice Classicaon: 35, 36, 41 Trademark number: 004400339 Type: word Nice Classicaon: 35, 36, 41
Do AIESEC in XYZ Countries and territories
Year of Revision and Creators
This Blue Book was created with all passion and creavity of 6 AIESECers. July, 2018. Special recognion to: Sabino Alejandro Angel Mendoza Moniek van Waaijenburg Julian Kossmann Ioana Varga Lian Tolner Ankith Abraham Joaquim Sanvictores Tanya Landysheva Omar Issa Tamas Viski Ali Soliman Hans Dinata Laurin Stahl Noelle Guirola Omar Saldaña