Brahman is omnipresent
பரமரகசய A book based on of
Raja Subramaniyan
Brahma Sutra
[email protected]
பட007: படல: 020-021
(I. 21)
பரமஎறஒவஇகஎறறவபரம மம இக எற றக. இ பனள அந கள பவ இ வகயஙகள3னடய இவறனமகனளஆரயவண. 'எவ8லஒமரஇக' லஒமரஇக' எறசலவ எறசலவ'பரம 'பரம ஒவ ஒவ இக இக '' எற எற சல சலவ வ ஏழ வ வற றனம னமக க உள. லவ ல வறன றனம ம : இடமல இடம ல னம னம மரஇமடஎவ8 . . இநமரஎவ8லஇபல லஇபல அ வற எங இலன எ கத சலமய வளங. வளங. ஆலபரமஇப'இஇட' ஆலபரமஇப'இஇட' எ ஒ னம கனடய. பரம இல இட எற ஒலன. பமடமங 8 கம னநபவ பரம. இரணட இரண டவற வறனம னம : கமல கம ல னம னம இப இபழ ழ மர மர இக இக எற எற ல, ல, ஒ கத தல ல இந மர இலமல இந எற ப வடஙக ப அ இலமல பமப சலத ய வண வ ணய யல லன ன.. ஆல ஆல பரம பரம கத கதன ன கடந கடநவ வ.. அவ அவ இல க இ வனர இநலன இ3 இகபவமலன. பரமஎபழஇபவ.
வ வறனம றனம: மம ம ம னம னம மர சய சபல இந இபழ பக வளநள. வசந கதல இ மர இன கதல இ மரதந மக மறபட மறபட ய ய .. பரம பரம எபழ எபழ எநவ எநவ ம ம இலமல இபவ. மர , வளச, இளனம, னம னம,, மன மன எற எற ப மற மறலக லக உப உபட ட.. பரம பரம மனமனடயவ. கவறனம: கவறனம: பகமலழனம வ, அமர, கனளக, இனக எற பலவற பகஙகட ய மர. பரம எநவ பகஙகமலமலஎபழழனமயகஇபவ. ஐந ஐந வ வறனம றனம: ஒபல ஒப ல 3ன 3னம ம எ வ 8 ல இப மமர எல எணனகய மமரஙகள3லஒறஎவ8லஉளஎறஅத. லஉளஎறஅத. பரம இகஎலஒறமபடபரமகஇப சதயமலன எற இபவ பரம மம எற நகளவண. ஆ ஆ வ வறனம றனம: ஒறப ஒற பட ட3ன 3னம ம ப மர, ன மர ப மரஙக ரஙக மமரத ந வறபடனவ. எவ8லஇபமமரஎலஅட லஇபமமரஎலஅட ஒ ன மர இப வள. பரம இக எல பரமன ப வற எ எங இலனஎறப.
ஏவ ஏ வறனம றனம: வறபல வறப ல3 3னம னம வ, வ, கரபனவ கரபனவமரத மரதநவ நவனவ. னவ. இப பரம3டமநவஎகனடய. பரமஇக. மல சலபட ஏழ வறனமகனள க ந கணடலபரமஇகஎபபமஓரள வளங. இதல எப பரம3 னம. பரம அ உவவ, ஆந மயமவ எற அந கணடபபரமஇதலஇநவறபடவல எறநகளவண. வப எப ண 8 இயலப னமயல. 8 ள3 ள3ச சய யக கவ வ டக டக வ இ இக க .. வப வப 8 ஒ ககன. அபஇதலஎபபகள3ஒ ன. அனவஇகஅலஇலமமக அனவஇகஅலஇலமமக. . ஆல ஆலவ வப ப ப ப இயல இயல. . எ எபழ பழ .. அ ப ப பரம பரம எப எபழ ழ இப இபவ வ.. இதல இதல பரம பரம3 3 இயல. 8 டக இநல அ ப னமனய ககமக கட வஙகள எற அத. ப ப ந ந 8னர வக வடல அ வபதன இநவ. அபஒபஇகஎலஅ இதலஎனமனயபரம3டமநகடவஙகள எறஅத. வல. இபலபரம.
பரம அ உவவ. ஆந மயமவ. இதல அவ இயல. பரம ஒவ இக எப ம பக இக எற சலவந ஏழ வஙகள3லமறபட.
1. பரம இப ஒ மர இப உள ஏழ வறபகயனவ? 2. பரம3றஇயலகஎ பரம3றஇயலகஎ??
1. மரபரமஒஅலவவ மரபரமஒஅலவவனவய? னவய? 2. பகஇதலஎனமனயபரம3டமநகட வஙகயப அனவ இலன எற ஆ பழ பரமடடபனவகளகமவம? . சசந எற பனளஆரக.
Acknowledgments: My humb humble le respe respect cts s to my teac teache hers rs: 1. Swami http tp://ww www w. se selfk lfkno nowl wled edge ge. in Swami Suddhananda Suddhananda ht 2. Swami Swami Paramartha Paramarthananda nanda htt http p://www.ve vedan dantav tavidy idyart arthis hisan angha gha. org 30
3. Swami http tp://ww www w.ve veda dane neri ri.co com m Swami Omkaranand Omkarananda a ht 4. Swami http tp://ww www w.po poor orna nala laya yam m. or org g/ Swami Guruparana Guruparananda nda ht
My than thanks ks to
1. Mr Viswan Viswanat athan han for for creati creating ng Azagi Azagi Tamil Tamil Softw Software are http://azhagi.com 2. Open Open Office Office htt http p://do downl wnload oad.ope openof noffic fice e. org
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On the cove coverr page page: Swam Swamii Chin Chinm mayan yananda anda is the first irst sain saintt who brou brough ghtt the Vedi Vedic c wisdo isdom m out outside side the boun bounda dari rie es of Hima imalaya layas s. Until ntil his time ime, it is nece necess ssar ary y to reno renoun unce ce famil amily y life life to gain gain this his know knowle ledg dge e. He com commence enced d the pra practic ctice e of con conduct ductin ing g disc discou ours rses es imparting
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Jnan Jnana a Yag Yagna) in var variou ious cit cities ies,
it is
poss possib ible le for for the the true true seek seeker ers s to lear learn n Veda Vedant nta a on a part part-time time basi basis s. http ht tp://en.wi wikip kiped edia ia.or org g/ wi wiki ki/Ch Chin inma maya yana nand nda a H.H. Swami ami Chinmayan ayana anda was born Balakrishna Menon (Balan) in Ernakulam Ernakulam,, Kerala in a devout Hindu noble family called "Poothampalli" . Upon his birth, his father called for an astrologer, who stated that Balan's birth was an auspicious one, and that he was destined to be a king. Graduating from Lucknow University,, Balan entered the field of journalism where he felt he could influence political, economic and social University reform in India. But his life was changed when he metSwami metSwami Sivananda at Rishikesh and became interested in the Hindu spiritual path. [1] [1].. Balakrishna Menon took sanyas (monkhood) from Swami Sivananda and was given the name Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati - the one who is saturated in Bliss and pure Consciousness. Swami Sivananda saw further potential in Swami Chinmayananda and sent him to study under a guru in the Himalayas - Swami Tapovan Maharaj under whom he studied for 8 years. Swami Tapovan Maharaj was known for his rigid teaching style, to the point where he told Swami Chinmayananda that he would only say everything once, and at anytime he would ask questions to him. Even with these extreme terms, Swami Chinmayananda stayed with Tapovan maharaj until the very end of 8 years. Being a journalist at heart, Swami Chinmayananda wanted to make this pure knowledge available to all people of all backgrounds, even though Tapovan Maharaj had advised against it. It was then that with Tapovan Tapovan Maharaj's Maharaj's blessings, blessings, he left the Himalayas Himalayas to teach the world the knowledge of Vedanta of Vedanta throughout the world.
http://www.chinmayamission.co http://www .chinmayamission.com/swami-chinm m/swami-chinmayananda.php ayananda.php S w am am i C h in in ma m a ya y a n an an d a w as a s o n e o f t h e 2 0 th th c e nt nt u ry ry 's ' s m os o s t w o rl rl d -r -r e no no wn w n e d a n d r ev e v e re re d exponents of Vedanta, the foundation of Hindu religion and culture.