The amount of water in the world is limited. Although water covers about two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, most is too salty to drink. In fact, less than .08% of the water on our planet is availab...
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Skeleton of Business Plan
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Business concept: Purpose of the venture: y y y To meet the demand of customer and built strong customer relationship. To create the employment opportunity for others. To contribute the economy of ...
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Fresh Fruit & Vegetables SUBMITTED BY: Muhammad Ismail Habibullah (15-MBA-0! Muhammad As"ha# (15-MBA-0$!
M# Sha)*a+ullah Shai,h
D.a#+m/+: Shl ) Busi/ss Admi/is+#a+i/
1 | Page
Executive summary
Company Oners!ip
#ype o$ %nit & 'e(ection
Mar*et +na(ysis 'ummary
Mana-ement summary
Critica( ris* $actor
2 | Page
(I!:E4u+i summa#6: /res! Mart i(( be a company !ic! provies $res! $ruits an ve-etab(es to t!e customers at reasonab(e price an at t!eir convenience #!e company i(( be aimin$or customer satis$action an retention rat!er t!an on expansion an !u-e -rot! #!e company i(( be e(iverin- $ruits an ve-etab(es at t!e oor o$ t!e customer Customers in t!e '!a!ee enair +ba city o not !ave access to t!e easy -oinve-etab(e mar*ets an so t!ey !ave to purc!ase t!eir reuire prouces $rom t!e ma((s an super mar*ets !ic! se(( t!ese $ruits an ve-etab(es at !i-!er mar-ins #!e customer a(so o not min to pay t!e extra price $or t!e ua(ity prouce !ic! t!ese retai( $ormats provie 6ou i(( $in it !i(e stanin- in t!e ueue at re(iance $res! or bi- baaar t!at peop(e are purc!asin- t!eir $ruits an ve-etab(es $or t!e !o(e ee* or $or t!ree to $our ays an are payin- bi((s o$ more t!an 7s 500 $or t!eir $ruits an ve-etab(e reuirements 8n t!is scenario $res! mart i(( provie re(ie$ to t!e customers $rom -oin- an stanin- in t!e (on- ueues $or t!eir reuirements #!e convenience an ua(ity prouce i(( ensure t!e customers satis$action an i(( be t!e see $or t!e company eve(opment an -rot!
Missi/: #o become a mar*et (eaer in $ruits an ve-etab(es mar*et in '!a!ee enair +ba city it!in 5 years
Name o$ our unit or business i(( be /res! $ruits & ve-etab(es Mart;=ome e(ivery because it is t!e project !ic! !e(ps customers to -et t!e $res! $ruits an ve-etab(es at t!eir !ome =ome e(ivery system is one o$ our competitive e-es #!e system o$ !ome e(ivery i(( not on(y !e(p t!e customers but it i(( a(so !e(p us to reuce t!e asta-e an e$$icient purc!asin- as per t!e orer
T6. ) u/i+: #!e $res! Mart i(( be a partners!ip $irm #!e $res! mart i(( $a(( uner t!e cate-ory o$ 'ma(( 'ca(e unit because its turnoveras e(( as t!e capita( investment in $ixe assets is (ess t!an 10 >acs
8m.a/6 O9/#shi. /res! /ruits & Ve-etab(es Mart is eua( partners!ip $irm one by M8smai( & M+s-!ar
S#is: Orer ta*en over p!one an on ebsites on(ine an !ome e(ivery on minimum purc!ase o$ 7s150A; $or t!e maximum istance o$ 4 to 5*m 5 | Page
+n Bua(ity assurance
(II!: Ma#,+ A/al6sis Summa#6 /res! $ruits & Ve-etab(es !as a e$ine tar-et mar*et t!at i(( be t!e basis o$ bui(int!is business /res! Mart is an e$$icient business venture as it i(( cater t!e necessity o$ a bi- c!un* o$ youn- an neey or*in- popu(ation $or procurin- Bua(ity /ruits an Ve-etab(es + $ore mentione *ios* occupies an eye;catc!in- space in an area !ic! is accessib(e to most customers
Basi ma#,+ I/)#ma+i/: Current(y t!e majority o$ t!e $ruits an ve-etab(es mar*et is unor-anie Or-anie retai(ers are a(so t!ere in Naabs!a! city but t!ey ou( not be $ormin- more t!an 10 o$ t!e tota( mar*et Naabs!a! city !ave !o(esa(e sabi mar*et Customers o$ t!e city expect t!e ua(ity proucts at reasonab(e price
a!: Ma#,+ S"m/+a+i/
#ar-et se-ment i(( be upper mi(e an upper c(ass peop(e (ivin- in t!e tar-ete area#ar-et customers ou( be t!ose !ouseives !o o not ant to move aroun $or purc!asin- $ruits an ve-etab(es
b!: Ta#"+ Ma#,+: >ocation can !ave a major impact on an enterpriseDs pro$itabi(ity because (ocation a$$ects t!e irect mar*etin- c!anne( use as e(( as t!e abi(ity to attract customers #!e mar*etin- strate-y is base on /res! /ruits & Ve-etab(es mart as t!e resource o$ c!oice $or peop(e an 9e tar-et t!ose parts !ere peop(es ant ua(ity an C(eanin- #!e customers i(( be t!ose peop(e !o ant to spen t!e ua(ity time it! t!eir $ami(ies an expect ua(ity $ruits an ve-etab(es at t!eir convenience
!: Ma#,+ Nds: #!e annua( consumption o$ $ruits an ve-etab(es in t!e Naabs!a! city can be estimate at aroun 7s 50 >acs annua((y
6 | Page
d!: 8m.+i+i: /res! Mart i(( be ab(e to e(iver -oos at t!e customeroerA reasonab(e price >oya( customer base creation i(( !e(p $or sustainab(e eve(opmentA -rot! sa(es continue to be a stron- $orce Our competition is primari(y $rom ot!er /ruits '!ops
(III!: Ma#,+i/": !: P#ii/" .li6: ?rouct pricin- is base on o$$erin- some cost(y to our customers compare to ot!ers in t!e mar*et because e provie t!e best ua(ity an $res! t!in- an our prices i(( be c!ar-e by oen o$ $res! $ruits an price o$ ve-etab(es c!ar-e by per *i(o
)!: Ad#+isi/" a/d .#m+i/ .la/s: #!ere are many sources by !ic! e o avertisements in t!e city an outsies as e -ive t!e in$ormation to t!e peop(es about our proucts or Mart as t!ey attract to our Mart an e ac!ieve t!e tar-et as e p(anne 'ome sources are -iven be(o:
(I&!: O.#a+i/s: a!: id/+i)6 +h la+i/< 9e ant to operate in 8nus Mart but to ee* be$ore t!ey a(reay opene ut t!eir ua(ity an mana-ement is not -oo so no e ant to open mart separate(y in t!e city (ocate in Mo!ni aar 7oa Naabs!a! b!: %*ui#m/+ ) la/d:
#!e basic activity o$ t!e /res! Mart i(( be to acuire an pac* t!e $res! ve-etab(es an $ruits an e(iver it One are!ouse i(( be ta*en on rent #!e -oos i(( be purc!ase ai(y an t!ere i(( be no any stora-e One are!ouse o$ 1000 suare $eet i(( be enou-! $or above state activities !: Ass + +#a/s.#+a+i/:
/or provie t!e orer On time e s!a(( be !ire one river an buy one auto ra*s!a as e e(iver t!e e(ivery sc!eu(e a(so i(( be strict(y a!ere rivers i(( be ne-ative(y rein$orce $or on time e(ivery to t!e customers
(&!: Ma/a"m/+ Summa#6 8n mana-ement e bot! Mu!amme 8smai( an Mu!amme +s-!ar is t!e oners o$ /res! $ruits & Ve-etab(es Mart /irst o$ a(( e 9or* to-et!er in Mart an a$ter some time !en e -ain ?ro$it $rom t!e business t!en e can !ire ne >abours $or 9or* !o or* !onest(y in t!e mart Mu!amme 8smai( receive t!e bac!e(or e-ree o$ Commerce $rom t!e %niversity o$ 'in! in t!e 2013 an no !e stuyin- in M+ urin- t!is time !e !as eve(ope re(ations!ips it! a number o$ community pro$essiona( an supp(ier contacts t!rou-!out t!e '!a!ee enair +ba area
a!: Ma/a"m/+ Tam: 'tart(y e or* to-et!er in mart an t!en a$ter some times !en e -ain pro$it $rom t!e business t!en e !ire 2 or 3 emp(oyees !ire $or or* an t!en e mana-e t!em as t!ey or* !onest(y
b!:L"al s+#u+u#:
30 $eet 11
8 | Page
2 0 f e e t
5 16
La6u+ D+ails 1 Entrance -ate 2 Cas! Counter 3 ai(y emane Ve-etab(es F+(( season avai(ab(eG 4 ai(y emane Ve-etab(es F+(( season avai(ab(eG 5 ai(y emane Ve-etab(es F+(( season avai(ab(eG " ai(y emane Ve-etab(es F+(( season avai(ab(eG ) ai(y emane Ve-etab(es F+(( season avai(ab(eG , 'easona( Ve-etab(es . 'easona( Ve-etab(es 10 'easona( Ve-etab(es 11 'easona( Ve-etab(es 12 'easona( /ruits 13 'easona( /ruits 14 ai(y emane /ruits F+(( season avai(ab(eG 15 ai(y emane /ruits F+(( season avai(ab(eG 1" Mix /ruits an Ve-etab(es as a 'a(as
!: Adis#s: Our respect$u((y teac!er My parents an my $riens are my avisors an supporters in our usiness p(an 9 | Page
(&I!: 'i/a/ial: 8n startin- $unin- or investment o$ 7'AH )00000 i(( be investe by t!e oners #!e -oa( is to $un t!e -rot! o$ t!e business $rom its earnin-s #!e $inancia( p(an contains t!ese essentia( $actors:
+ -rot! rate in sa(es +n avera-e sa(e per mont! t!at increases eac! year Continue to $un t!e -rot! o$ t!e business $rom t!e revenues it -enerates
S. )# Di#si)ia+i/: /res! Mart can a(so -o $or on(ine business /res! Mart a(so !as !u-e opportunity $or expansion t!e mar*et base as it i(( (ess capita( expeniture /res! Mart is a(so p(annin- to procure t!e $ruits an ve-etab(es irect(y $rom t!e $armers !ic! i(( open t!e $(oo o$ opportunity $or t!e company $or train- it! Ot!er or-anie retai( stores !o(esa(e open mar*et operations an easy $or t!e !ome e(ivery moe( #!ou-! t!e company !as many iversi$ication opportunities it i(( insist more on stic*in- to t!e core business o$ $ruits an ve-etab(es business #!e company ants to bui( a stron- bran $or t!e $res! $ruits an ve-etab(es #!e expansion o$ t!e !ome e(ivery moe( i(( be t!e core $ocus $or t!e company -rot! an expansion
8us+m# %la+i/:
10 | P a g e
Existin- customers ou( be retaine by proviin- $res! !y-ienic an -oo ua(ity $ruits an ve-etab(es time(y e(ivery is a(so !i-!(y insiste $or !i-!er customer satis$action 8n case o$ non e(ivery o$ t!e -oos t!ose -oos i(( be e(ivere $or $ree on t!e next ay #!e customers i(( be a((oe to c!an-e t!eir orer ti(( 10pm or 12pm
Psi+i/i/": 9!enever customers nee $ruits an ve-etab(es
(&II!: 8#i+ial %is, 'a+#: 1 /res! Mart i(( !ave to strive !ar to *eep t!e e(ivery cost in contro( 2 ?rocurement o$ t!e ua(ity proucts an t!eir ua(ity maintenance !i(e #ransit i(( a(so reuire substantia( system an e$$orts 3 #!e price o$ t!e $ruits an ve-etab(es are very muc! vo(ati(e 'uen price 8ncrease may couc! on t!e pro$it mar-in o$ t!e company 4 i- ris* is t!at i$ /ruits an ve-etab(es not proper(y se(( t!en maybe /ruits an ve-etab(es asta-e a$ter 2 ays Means maintenance is bi- issue
(I3!: Mils+/s
usiness Name +vai(abi(ity C!ec*: 8m.l+d usiness 8ncorporation: 8m.l+d
8ON8LUSION >oo*in- at t!e overa(( business p(an e can conc(ue t!at as $ar as t!e nee o$ t!e consumer is concern it can be satis$ie it! t!e !e(p o$ t!is business moe( /res!ness is t!e aspect !ic! matters as $ar as t!e $ruits an ve-etab(es are concerne #!is moe( emp!asies !ome e(ivery system #!e c!a((en-e $or t!is moe( i(( be inventory mana-ement e$$ective procurement an aste reuction an cost reuction +s $ar as t!e pro$itabi(ity is concerne t!is project is very (ucrative an attractive