A guide to writing Cover Letter for undergraduates
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A guide to writing Cover Letter for undergraduates
Dear Ryan... You You know what, I’m really mad right now. now. I just got an email from the school administration asking the teachers to take unpaid leave! his is ridiculous. e have so many things to do and they are giving us less time. I’m sick and tired of this this "ure "ureau aucra cracy cy.. hey hey "ette "etterr come come up with with some some opti option ons s to sett settle le this this pro"lem. #ad$ly %&' words( )owdy partner, )av )ave you hear heard d the news news* * hey hey want want to clos lose our our sport ports s cent entre permanently. permanently. his is a"solutely preposterous. e e used to hang out and spend our time there. I love that place. e need to do something guys, pronto. +eed to discuss this pro"lem as soon as possi"le. et’s meet up this evening. -s usual, same time and same place... #ad$ly %& words(