Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Te Teacher Tr Training Ma Materials
Level: B2 and C1
SURVIVAL GUIDE TO APTIS WRITING Four Four parts. 50 minutes
PART ONE – FILL IN THE FORM Basic personal information. 3 minutes emem!er: Months are written with a "#P$T#L LETTE : May, October Languages are written with a "#P$T#L Letter: Bahasa, Cantonese Hobbies and interests shoul% !e somehow connecte% &ith the general topic of your writing. f you are enrolling at a sports club, gardening would not be a suitable interest, would it! "o read #rst what the form is about and write three nouns or gerunds. Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
Level: B2 and C1
PART TWO – ANSWER THE QUESTIONS T&o short informal te'ts. (0-30 &or%s each. ) minutes total.
$he %uestions are %uite simple, but that doesn&t mean you ha'e to gi'e a simple answer. On the contrary, use comple( sentences and interesting 'ocabulary, but stay within the word limit. •
$ %eci%e% to *oin !ecause a friend of mine recommended it to me and badly need to brush up on my computer s)ills. $+ve onl, *ust *oine% !ut $ alrea%, li)e it 'ery much. hope can learn one or two useful things here. $ %eci%e% to *oin for a num!er of reasons. *irst of all,
Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
Level: B2 and C1
need to slim down a bit. also want to #nd acti'ities which would help me unwind at the end of the day. &d li)e to ta)e part in archery classes once or t&ice a &ee. •
$+m looing for&ar% to meeting li)e+minded people. $+m looing for&ar% to tr,ing out this new thing e'erybody is tal)ing about.
PART THREE – THREE SHORT RESPONSES ocial net&or. 30-/0 &or%s per ans&er. 0 minutes total.
gain, the %uestions are %uite simple, but here you should attempt e'en more interesting grammar and a range of 'ocabulary. -lease stay within the word limit. &m afraid the language here is unpredictable, so go to a wonderful website created by ason nderson, the British Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
Level: B2 and C1
Council trainer for further practice
PART FOUR – INFORMAL AND FORMAL EMAILS $nformal email. #!out 50 &or%s. 0 minutes. hort an% simple1 !ut informal, personal, emotional. Hi Mi)e, ust to let you )now that read this letter from our boo) club. •
Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
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Level: B2 and C1
Ha'e you heard about the price rise! ust a %uic)ish note to tell you that got a letter from the club, saying that the trip&s been cancelled. hat a rip+o3 t&s ridiculous 3 was so infuriated when read it. t&s a shame they didn&t tal) to us #rst. hat a nuisance3 hy can&t they change the date! hy don&t they hire a new instructor! really don&t understand why they didn&t tell us about it earlier. How do they e(pect us to pay so much! $hey could ha'e called o the trip and set a new date. On top of that, they will charge us for using the place. nd another thing is, they will close for two wee)s in 4ecember. 5eally, wouldn&t ha'e 6oined this club, if had )now it was going to be li)e that. ctually, &m thin)ing of #nding a new place. hy don&t we write them a letter! nyway, do you thin) we can go and tal) to them!
ll the best, "pea) to you soon, Cheers, lic6a Formal email. (0-50 &or%s. Formal1 impersonal1 polite !ut assertive. 2E P##4#P 6 2E $7E#. "LE# 7$8$$2 2F P##4#P. • • •
4ear "ir/Madam, Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
Level: B2 and C1
P##4#P 2E 9 E#2 F2 $T$4 #7 TE B#";42<7 T2 TE P2BLEM am &riting to complain a!out a faulty printer bought at your shop on 7.. am &riting to e'press m, %issatisfaction &ith the ser'ice recei'ed 7.. am &riting inform ,ou a!out the error in the bill 7.. •
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am &riting &ith reference to the in'oice number 77.
P##4#P T2 - 7E"$BE TE P2BLEM $ 7ET#$L nformation: incorrect, misleading, inaccurate, outdated, insu8cient *ood: a limited choice on oer, undercoo)ed, ser'ed cold, inedible, tasteless, insipid, unappeti9ing, Beha'ior: aggressi'e, inappropriate, unreasonable, negati'e attitude of the sta Clothing: shran) in washing, the colour faded, %uipment: damaged, faulty, defecti'e, stopped functioning, the battery does not charge, "ituation: it didn&t meet the re%uired standard, unacceptable, unreasonable, unsatisfactory, unpleasant, P##4#P TEE =2PT$2#L>9 M2E 7ET#$L $F E"E#? must also point out that the information on your website is inaccurate. spent se'eral wasted hours reading the manual. *urthermore, was disappointed with the negati'e attitude of your sta. P##4#P F2< 9 #"T$2@ would suggest updating the website. suggest you loo) into this problem 'ery seriously. belie'e this attitude will deter potential customers from using your ser'ice e(pect to be fully compensated 77. would recommend that you retrain your sta 7.. "L2$4 hope that my suggestions are ta)en into consideration. • •
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Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
Level: B2 and C1
4o not hesitate to contact me again if you re%uire any further information. loo) forward to recei'ing your response to my suggestions. loo) forward to your prompt reply. ;ours faithfully, •
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Contributed by: Alicja Bartosiewicz © The British Council, 2014 The British Council is the United in!do"#s international or!anisation $or cultural relations and education o%%ortunities& British Council 'alaysia is a branch ())*2+2A- o$ the British Council, re!istered as a charity in .n!land and /ales (20)1+1- and cotland (C0+++-