SETS VARI -Gymnast pull up routine This routine is for the advanced trainee only, it is inspired by the routines that Olympic ymnasts do to condition their enormous bac!s" #ou must be able to do $% strict form shoulder &idth supinated chins, to do this routine" ' % (ide rip )ull-ups , as many reps as possible $* seconds rest pause +edium rip )ull-ups , as many reps as possible $* seconds rest pause +edium rip hin-ups , as many reps as possible $* seconds rest pause arro& rip hin-ups , as many reps as possible $* seconds rest pause eutral rip pull up , as many reps as possible Rest . minutes -Andr -Andr� The /lyin /lyin S0uirre S0uirrel l Routine Routine This routine routine is named after after Andr� 1enoit, holder holder of the fastest fastest in 2ue double double at the 2illehammer Olympics, &ho could do &ide rip pull-ups &ith a $%* lbs dumbbell for a set of . reps on a 3*$ tempo" It is reserved for people &ho can chin-up &ith at least ..4 of additional load for 5 reps 6supinated rip shoulder &idth rip"7 Sternum hin-ups 8 9 3-: on a :*$ tempo, rest 3 minutes bet&een sets" Subscapularis )ull-ups . 9 ma9 reps on a 8*$ tempo, rest . minutes bet&een sets"; eative lose Grip hins . 9 3-: rest . minutes bet&een sets, use additional loads if possible, lo&er the body for a :-5 seconds count on every rep" ;6The Subscapularis )ull-up7 In this variation, you assume the startin position of the &ide rip pull-up, and pull yourself to the bar until the upper pecs ma!e contact &ith the chin-up bar" The nuance bein that at the top of the movement, you push yourself a&ay from the bar, and lo&er yourself under control" -Grip stamina and endurance &or!out 1einner 2evel< Time Tas! $st +inute $8 sec han %nd +inute $ pull up .rd +inute $* sec han 3th +inute $8 sec han, follo&ed 8th +inute %* sec han, follo&ed :th +inute $* sec han, follo&ed =th +inute 3 pull ups 5th +inute $* sec han >th +inute . pull ups $*th +inute han as lon as
by . shoulder shrus by % pull ups by 8 !nee raises 6or le raises7
you can
Intermediate 2evel< Time Tas! $st +inute $8 sec han, follo&ed by . pull ups %nd +inute % pull ups, follo&ed by %* sec han .rd +inute %* sec han, follo&ed by $8 sec >*; bent arm han 3th +inute .* sec han 8th +inute %* sec han, follo&ed by 3 pull ups
:th +inute side7 =th +inute 5th +inute >th +inute $*th +inute
. off set pull ups, each arm 6use a to&el or somethin to lo&er one $8 !nee6le7 raises, follo&ed by $8 sec han %8 sec han $8 sec han, follo&ed by . pull ups ?an as lon as you can
Advanced 2evel< Time Tas! $st +inute %* secs han, follo&ed by . pull ups %nd +inute %* secs slihtly bent arm han, follo&ed by either %* secs 2-sit or %* !nee6le7 raises .rd +inute 8 pull-ups, follo&ed by %8 sec han 3th +inute (ithout ettin off the bar, chane rip@position one hand at a time 98, stay at each position for 8 secs 6so a .*sec e9ercise7, follo&ed by %* sec han 8th +inute %* sec sinle arm han, follo&ed by same &ith other arm :th +inute 8 offset pull ups, both sides =th +inute .* sec >*; bent arm han, follo&ed by $8 sec straiht arm han 5th +inute . 2-sit pull-ups, follo&ed by either 8 sec front lever or $8 sec straiht arm han >th +inute %* sec han on % finers 6each hand7, follo&ed by . &eihted pull ups $*th +inute +a9imum slihtly bent arm han, at failure drop into straiht arm and hold till failure - no rest bet&een each han OVIT OBITIOIG The CIron GauntletC hallene $" Triple to&el han< one-handed 9 :* seconds Thro& three 6fairly thic!7 hand to&els over an overhead pullup bar" They should be layered, one on top of another" (rap your hand around the ends of the hanin to&els � or as far round as you can et" 6#ou 6#ou� ll be rabbin rabbin the e0uivalent e0uivalent of si9 to&els, to&els, since the the three to&els &ill be doubled over the bar" It It� s unli!ely your your finers finers &ill meet your thumb"7 thumb"7 S0ueeDe S0ueeDe hard, and and han do&n, so you are hanin by ust one hand" ?old your body&eiht li!e this for :* seconds" Then s&ap and han for :* seconds the same &ay but from the other hand" %" Inde9 finer pullups< $* reps )erform ten full pullups � hanin only by your t&o inde9 finers" 6#ou can han from the bar, but you can also use rins, or special straps@hoops if the bar is too thic! for your finers"7 ." One-arm finertip pushups< 8 reps Get do&n on the floor, and perform five deep one-arm pushups on the four finers and thumb" The palm must not touch the floor" The feet can be splayed apart" Repeat &ith the other hand" 3" Grip-and- s&itch < $* times per hand ?an from an overhead bar &ith one hand" Fse an overhand rip" ip up, and reverse the rip mid-air, catchin the bar &ith the same hand, but in an underhand rip" )ause at the bottom, before !ippin and reversin aain" )erform ten reversals, then repeat &ith the other hand"
Sound touhH touhH (ell, the to&el to&el hans are murder, murder, but I promise promise you, there there� s nothin impossible about this challene" The stronman Sando& could do one-arm pullups &ith any one finer � includin the pin!y and the thumb ?e &as also a fan of e9plosive rip &or!, and coul could d � hop hop� up an anled ladder usin ust one hand, by !ippin and catchin" +any martial artists understand the value of body&eiht &or! and do pushups on ust their t&o inde9 finers and thumbs" So the challene above is by no means an elite &or!out" Bespite this, most men � very po&erful men � &ho &or! their hands &ith &eihts, et stayed by this challene" They et the shoc! of their lives" They thin! their hands and finers are po&erful as hell from &eiht trainin and sprin rip &or!, but they discover that even simple body&eiht hand strenth e9ercises are too much" A S?OT O/ ABREA2IE -1eastmode .* day proram hest Insanity< 3 Sets 6+onday-Thursday7 $8 Reular )ush Fps 8 Biamond )ush Fps $* Bips $* Archin )ush Fps 6#our hips &ill be lo& to the round and your chest &ill be up7 $* Becline )ush Fps $* Bips on Straiht 1ar Rest for % minutes than o throuh all of them aain until you finish 3 sets" After you are done &ith hest Insanity than o on to 1ac! 1rutality 1ac! 1rutality< . ycles 6+onday-Thursday7 $* (ide )ull Fps 8 lose Grip )ull Fps 8 (ide Grip 1ehind ec! )ull Fps 8 Shoulder (idth 1ehind ec! )ull Fps 8 Fpside Bo&n )ull Fps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arm Assassin< 8 Sets 6Tuesday-/riday7 $* Shoulder (idth hin Fps %* (ide Grip Australian hin Fps $* Bips %* 1ench Bips $* lose Grip hin Fps %* lose Grip Australian hin Fps $* Bips on Straiht 1ar %* 1ench Bips --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2e Shoc!er Routine< 8 ycles 6(ednesday-Saturday7 $* )istol S0uats on each le %* ?annibal S0uats 6I call these ?annibal S0uats because I learned them from
?annibal" 1asically you have your feet toether as you do a no-&eiht s0uat" $8 )yramid alf Raises 6$8,$3,$. 6$8,$3,$.� 7 6Stay on one le until the pyramid is done" Ie- do $8 calf calf raises, raises, rest for $-% seconds, seconds, than do do $3, and so so on� 7 %* In Out S0uat Jumps 6S0uat &ith your feet toether, come all the &ay up and ump out to to a s0uat &ith &ith your feet feet out &ide" &ide" That� s one rep"7 rep"7 %* 2une (al!s $m (all Sit KORA )ESTERA -Koran front lever endurance set /ront lever 6ma9 hold7 /orearm front lever 6straiht bar victorian7 One arm -one forearm front lever d9@s9 (ide front lever KORA )ESTERA TFTORIA2S -/ROT 2EVER TO VITORIA /ront lever" +y favourite element is for sure the one handed planche" 1ut this is""special" /ront lever" I have been as!ed many times about this element" I dont do any !ind of specific trainin for this, or any other element of &or!out" I am ust tryin, attemptin the elements and its variations, I used to hold bad forms even &hen I started learnin this element, almost three years ao no&" Also, draon fla and &eihted 2 sits are ood e9ercises to speed up the process of learnin front lever, and core strenhtin" After basic front lever hold improvement, &or! on the front lever pull ups (IT? /A2SE GRI)" Then, hold it in position of pull up, &ith your lo&er stomach touchein the bar, aain, (IT? /A2SE GRI)" The ne9t step up is hold of the forearms front lever on the sinle bar, &ith the bar placed closer to your &rist then to your elbo&" e9t is Lassisted victorianL cross, the element you hold on the parallel bars" (ith time, hold it &ith as less your forearms placed on the bars, and &ith &ider and &ider parallels, until it lays stable on the /A2SE GRI)" Then, the Lalmost thereL e9ercise is draon press" This element is often performed so &ron &ay"" #our hiher bac! should be touchin the floor only" BonLt et me &ron, if you hold it &ith only &ith your les and ass off the floor, itLs still hard" 1ut come on, if you &ant victorian cross"""""" Then, start feelin comfortable &ith rins" They should be LstillL" Bo some attempts &ith L?FGE /A2SE GRI)L and ust neatives6slo& fall7 and you !no& you are on the level no&" Just reduce it to""to the L/A2SE GRI) -VITORIA ROSS TFTORIA2 /irst of all, as al&ays""S?OES O// /or learnin the victorian cross you donLt need to &or! hard for 3* seconds up to $ minute of front lever hold, or yeah, you also donLt need those .* seconds of ood form" /ront lever for victorian cross it still needs to feel li!e the Crestin positionC" Bo neatives for front lever, &eihted6an!les7 2 sit holds, pull ups and everythin that &ill help you et some additional strenht for body parts that front lever is ma!in you activate" I al&ays held front lever &ith bent arms in my first year of this sport, &hich made my triceps stroner for Cfront lever touchC and front lever pull ups in eneral" So, ILve improved my form over the time6you can find my video if you are &illin to
scroll do&n my profile for an e9ample7" ?ere it is, in order, &hat you should learn< /ront lever, front lever pull ups, front lever touch, &ide front lever, draon press, CassistedC victorian cross on p-bars, victorian cross on rins" (ide front lever &ill someho& be easier@harder for some of you than the draon press or any of those harder ones" After achievin each one of those, ma!e sure that you do them &ith T?E /FIG /OR+" BonLt ust move straiht or ay into the assisted victorian if you are not pullin the full roms or if youLre not pullin symmetrical &ith upper and lo&er body6dont let your les fall do&n, or your scapula lose itLs place" /or &ide front lever ust ma!e sure that you are not doin it &ith false rip6the only variation here that shall be done li!e this7 for ainin an e9tra strenht for victorian, and proress ma!in it &ider and &ider lever by time" Braon press is bein learned by one le holds or doin neatives, #OFR F))ER 1A TOF?IG T?E GROFB, or at least #OFR /FIG 2O(ER 1A AB ASS OT TOF?IG IT" Victorian cross on p-bars"" close p-bars, movin on to &ider ones and do fuc!in bananas6form shall not be so much fuc!ed up if you proressed perfectly in previous variations and elements that ILve mentioned o!7" One le holds, and form improvin" After you et comfortable &ith those""time for em RIGS" -/F22 )2A?E TFTORIA2 o, one handed planche is neither easier or harder than the full one" It all depends on &hat you train more" Bifferent muscles are active" (ell, .* seconds of tuc! planche" Then straddle planche lean holds ust to et the feel of muscles activations" Then try to o from tuc! into somethin li!e bent les straddle planche" After that ump from lean position to straddle planche, destroyin your form6one hand bent a bit, les a bit hiher, or Cboo! formC7 until you become able to hold that, then you improve your form, and after 5 seconds of ood form you are able to perform the same &ith Cyour les toetherC" After stabile hold try to press straddle planche to handstand, and from handstand do&n lo& to full planche as ood as you can" So, thatLs ho& I learned it" o tips no tric!s" Only thin you can add to ain some e9tra shoulder strenht are pseudo push ups and handstand push ups &all assisted6feets touchin the &all7, and handstand presses" This &ill also help before you are able to do .* seconds of tuc! planche" +y motivation &as i! Anisimov, in his Ln$! sense of styleL, Ln$! force of mindL videos on hid youtube channel, &hen he &as a stron uy" 6< -OE AR+ )2A?E Just because I never reply to those !ind of messaes"" This is smth li!e""&ritten tutorial" One handed planche" The most special element" T?E +OST I+)ORTAT< to start learnin this, you donLt need one handstand6not even t&o handed banana7, planche6not even adv" tuc! &ith t&o7, or crocodile6itLs even harder to balance for me So, main e9ercise is side planche, you need about $* seconds on the floor" It also &arms up and stretches your body parts needed for planche, one handed one" After this hold achievement, you can start umpin into one handed planche
position6upper body and hip less parallel to the round then planche should loo!, more to side6more to fla at the start77" After ump, use your finers on the other hand to touch the floor and stabiliDe it and hold li!e that assisted" I did . seconds after about 3 months of those" And yeah, airbaby one handed helps alot, but it destroys your s!in if you donLt protect your elbo& from your !nee" Also, LsideL front lever ives an e9tra strenht to the muscles" Or lihter e9ercises such us &indmills" So yeah, one handed planche is so special" ;?ere are some transitions of mine, and variations, harder to harder" I never achieved )ER/ET one handed planche push up, and hold on the rins, that second shit feels so impossible ahah" -SOR)IO 2EVER ?o&ever, this variation is far from easy, or incorrect form" In my opinion, itLs e0ualy, if not even a bit harder then assisted victorian cross on the p-bars &ith, ofcourse reular scapular retraction" It ma!es it hard the fact is impossible to breath6in my case7 &hile holdin, and head preasure is li!e the beiner bac! lever held" This hyper version should be done &ith< $-hips closer to the bar %-toes in line &ith the head" Or itLs ust for real a bad form lever -?E/ESTO TFTORIA2 /irst of all""S?OES O//" And $8 minutes up to half an hour of &arm up, if you dont &anna say C/F, TEBOITISC, and ma!e sure that your &rist fle9ibility is avarae smth" Bo the muscle up, up, rotate yourself yourself $5*� and ma!e your ass ass sit on the bar6or bar6or ust sit on the bar any fuc!in &ay you &ant to o!7" +a!e a false rip, your thumbs are al&ays FBER the bar, and do neatives" After you et comfortable &ith those, try to do this same shit do&n, but this time &ith pullin bac! up" It doesnt matter if you are not even oin far from C!orean dipC position at the start, as much as it matters to do it slo&ly and &ith full controll of the both arms timin" At the beinin arch your lo&er bac!, so you &ill ain some e9tra po&er for the element61FT IT 2OOS FG2# A/ IR7" Also, after those attempts do some other CbasicC e9ercices for strenht developin in body parts for hefesto< chin ups, one handed chin ups, hefesto on the floor6lol dat is impossibru, ust find some lo&er bar and place your les as much behind the bar as possible, to ma!e it harder 6&ith same princip of &arm up and false rip rabbin77" 1ac! lever hefestoH Get comfortable &ith the chin rip bac! lever, thats the easiest thin 6I dont even count bac! lever as the element as lon as you are not doin hefesto from there, or holdin the &ide ass shit one, but no one ives a fuc! ah7" ?o& many reular hefestos for this oneH (ell, number is ust not important, I only uess that you canLt o &ith *"" ItLs about the hefesto 0uality6form, control, speed6-77" Sit on the bar aain6is yo ass painfull dan7, ma!e the same false rip, and o for those neatives, but this time""dont o into the Cinverted s&inC position, but to the bac! lever" ;!eep your core fle9ed all the time" Arm&r&stlin helps alot" /inally unloc!ed the full planche press on thumbs and CdiamondC bac! lever hefesto" ;funny thin< this variation of hefesto is much easier then the reular one""if you
can stand the pain" BRAGA A2IEVI -Straddle )lanche Tutorial REAB T?E BESRI)TIO So your trainin should loo! li!e this &hen u are able to do the fro stand $" /ROG STAB<+a9 sets +a9 hold of fro stand until u reach .* sec of it,u can do push ups variations after u are done &ith fro stand trainin %" E2E)?AT STAB<+a9 sets +a9 hold of elephant stand until u reach .* sec,also do dips or push ups after the ma9 hold trainin ." TF )2A?E< &hen u reach the tuc! planche u can add e9cercises li!e pseudo push ups,lean holds etc,ho& my trainin loo!ed &hen i learned tuc! planche< ;ma9 set ma9 hold tuc! planche ;ma9 sets ma9 holds of lean holds6u dont have to do ma9,ust find a number of hold that u are comfortable7 ;ma9 sets ma9 hold of push ups aainst the &all 3" ABVAE TF< ma9 hold ma9 sets,&hat u can add< ;straddle planche attempts ;?andstand push ups,&ithout the &all6as many as u can,even one,ma9 sets7 ;)seudo push ups ; Tuc! planche press 6also &ith bent arms7 1T( REST (?EEVER F /EE2 ITS EEBEB 1ET(EE EA? E'ERISE I?O2AS A2IST?EIS -/ront 2ever Routine $6It is a routine for those &ho manae to !eep at least $* seconds of full front lever7 % 9 /ull front lever ma9 % 9 ?alf lay front lever ma9 % 9 Advance tuc! front lever ma9 3 9 Tuc! front lever ma9 $ minute rest bet&een sets -/ront 2ever Routine % . 9 /ull front lever pull up ma9 reps $ 9 ?alf lay front lever pull up ma9 reps $ 9 Straddle front lever pull up ma9 reps % 9 One le front lever pull up ma9 reps $ 9 Advance tuc! front lever pull up ma9 reps $ 9 Straddle front lever ma9 % 9 One le front lever ma9 $ 9 Advance tuc! front lever ma9 +ATTEO S)IAKKO2A 6BEFAFIS7 Volete la partenDa di OA) forteH 1enissimo, provate il BEAB OA)" 1usto inarcato e 0ualsiasi cosa completamente deattivata, traDionate fino a circa >*� mantene mantenendo ndo tale assetto" assetto" Avete mai sentito i RA+)I A2 BORSA2EH on 0uesto eserciDio li sentirete" Muesto �, a mio avviso, il milior eserciDio per la partenDa dellLOA), senDa sfruttare la contraDione sinerica deli altri muscoli" Enlish< Bo you &ant a stron OA) startH (ell, try the BEAB OA)" Arched body body and everythin everythin completely completely deactivated, deactivated, pull pull until >*� !eepin this this asset" This, to my advice, is the best e9ercises for a stron OA) start , &ithout usin syneric contraction of other muscles"
-Bid some supersets today in Rome .* sets of < $ /ront 2ever )ull Fp above full RO+ N $ Reverse +uscle Fp curlin up from bac! lever N$ o false false rip Inverted Inverted ross )ress )ress to ?andstand ?andstand 6belo& >*� or from perfect perfect ross &ith !nees on straps7 After that I did $= sets of < 1iceps /ront 2ever url NSlo& Impossible +F N )seudo 6feet on round7 /2 to Victorian &ith straiht arms N)seudo )ineda &ith straiht arms BAVE BFRATE -Gymnastics ab &or!out 68* ?ollo& roc!s N arch ups for advanced7 3* ?ollo& roc!s N arch ups .* ?ollo& roc!s N arch ups %* ?ollo& roc!s N arch ups $* ?ollo& roc!s N arch ups BAO 1A KAI https<@@pastebin"com@S=a?F1Be 6Goole Translate7 The roup body is ust a startin point for Russia6)lancheH7, and Russia has a reat variety of &ays to use it to train Russia very slo&ly" /irst, the characteristics of this action on the arm lean for&ard parallel to the body, also !no&n as LhoriDontal supportL" o& let me tal! about the muscle strenth and endurance needed for this action" Beltoid, bicep, pectoral, latissimus dorsi, buttoc!s, can be said that the &hole body into" Trainin methods" The first step, you have to overcome the pressure e9erted by your forearm, shoulder pressure, feet parallel to the stool on the bench, bac! and forth pressure or fi9ed" #ou can ma!e your feet ump &hen you are familiar &ith this action is very useful to overcome the arm pressure" +uscle strenth trainin, flat before, deltoid, pull-ups, barbell ro&in, practicin the bac!" In short the strenth in accordance &ith the practice of bodybuildin, an action that needs muscle strenth, to practice that aspect" remember Everythin is to adapt to pressure ?IESE /ORF+ )2A?E GFIBE Russian )ush-up 6)lanche push up7 Russian push-ups are formed by ordinary push-ups N ymnastics N acrobatics, &hich can be said to be a comprehensive and comple9 strenth trainin method, because it can basically train many muscles above the crotch at the same time, so it is more and more favored by strenth trainers" This Russian push-ups need lon-term hard trainin to achieve, it re0uires stron arm strenth, &rist strenth, bac! muscle strenth and coordination" hinese name< Russian push up /orein name< )lanche push-up Type< A Static Supportin Action &ith Super Bifficulty lassification< Russian upriht support, Russian upriht push-ups Effect< +ainly enhance arm and core strenth Emphasis< strenth trainin
atalo $ lassification
% Role . otes 3 E9ercise +ethods 6$7 )hase )hase )hase )hase
Accordin to the heiht of the body, it can be divided into t&o cateories< hih-posture Russian ta!eup and lo&-posture Russian ta!eup" Bevelopin )o&er Muality Russian push-ups Russian push-ups 6.7 Its main function is to develop the &hole human upper limb strenth, &hich can improve the static and dynamic strenth 0uality of the human body" It can play an important role in developin balance and supportin capacity" It can improve the central nervous system, &hich is beneficial to the firmness of bone, the fle9ibility of oints, the firmness of liaments, the strenth and elasticity of muscles" At the same time, it can accelerate blood circulation, increase vital capacity, promote ro&th and development, and improve sports ability" +otion Stae +ethod At the beinnin of the e9ercise, you should start &ith the &aist push-ups" (hen you feel s!illed in the &aist push-ups, you should try to et toether 6hands up, les donLt touch the round7" After the beinners are proficient in the trainin, they bein to move up to the advanced level" The ne9t step of the senior roup is to split the les, and it is close to success" If the senior can hold up for a lon time, try to stretch the les slo&ly bac!&ard, &hile stretchin, it is better to lean for&ard slihtly in order to maintain balance" (hen the split le can reach $8 seconds, you can do the combined le e9ercises Enhance physical fitness and health Reular and comprehensive e9ercise is beneficial to physical and mental development" It can reulate peopleLs psycholoy, ma!e people eneretic, and play a role in strenthenin the body, cultivatin sentiment and trainin the &ill" +atters needin attention
$" 1ecause this !ind of push-ups is very difficult, &e should step by step, from easy to difficult, from less to more, from liht to heavy" %" This !ind of push-ups can not be done by ordinary people, so accordin to their physical condition, control the e9ercise load, do not try forcibly" ." 1e prepared and rela9 to prevent inury and muscle stiffness" 3" +inors and the elderly are forbidden to practise, and there is no physical basis for them" )atients &ith heart disease and hypertension are forbidden to practise" E9ercise methods The first stae< Tuc! )lanche 6roup stability7< each roup maintains 8-$*S, so that the total load time reaches :*S, the ultimate oal is to maintain :*S in roup $, and then proceed
to the ne9t stae $P The second stae< Advance Tuc! )lanche maintains 8-$*S for each roup to achieve a total load time of :*S The ultimate oal is to maintain a roup of :*S and then proceed to the ne9t stae" The third stae< )lanche half lay ompared &ith the split-le6straddle7 Russian stirrin, the half-lyin Russian stirrin &ill reatly increase the pressure on the lo&er bac!, althouh the pressure still e9ists, but compared &ith the standard Russian stirrin, the action pressure of split-le Russian stirrin is sinificantly less than the former" The trainin points of the previous chapters concernin various Russian Tin variants are still applicable here" The body leans for&ard more, !eepin the hips and bac! in line &hile straihtenin the elbo&s" The main differences in this variant are !nee bendin, les perpendicular to thihs and feet pointin to the ceilin"
Straddle )lanche< $" AdvanceTuc!)lanche< 3 roups ; .* seconds %" Sidemon!ey or vertump in standin position< 3 roups ; %*-.* times ." )lan! 6/lat or (eiht-bearin /lat Supportin Transverse Abdominal +uscle E9ercise7 3 roups;:* seconds 3" Ta!e % days a &ee! to try out the split-le Russian stretch" ote< This !ind of trainin is very painful in the early stae" ontinuous trainin of 8-: roups is enouh, but after completin the first stae, your adaptability &ill become stroner, and this !ind of trainin belons to static trainin, i"e" isometric contraction" ompared &ith three muscle contraction modes< centrifual, centripetal and isometric contraction, it brins the &ea!est muscle soreness" 2ater, it can be used as strenth endurance trainin, plus more roups" E9perience is added to $* roups" Reminder is to practice at least once every other day, because muscles need to recover" The fourth stae< (hen the Russian stand can hold for $%-$8 seconds, it increases" $7 Advance Tuc! )lanche )ushFp 6i"e" push-ups &ith Advance Tuc! )lanche posture7 trainin" %7 (eiht-bearin flat support 6&eiht-bearin and self-&eiht e0uivalent, you can sit alone on your &aist to maintain stability7 %*S ; 3-: roups" If properly trained, the time to practice this movement may be : months for basic fitness enthusiasts, and nearly $ and a half years for poor basic fitness enthusiasts" It may ta!e % years to do Russian push-ups s!illfully" ot everyone can do it, but the bare-handed trainin involved in it is &orth referrin to" Specific note< )ractice this action best finertips on both sides, so as to increase shoulder oint space, avoid biceps muscle tendon s0ueeDe, can also avoid &rist due to poor fle9ibility" OSVA2BO 2FGOES -)lanche for beinners (OROFT )2A<
STE) $-7 )2A 2EA ?O2B %*SE (OROFT E' $-7 )lan! lean hold 8sec 39 %-7 )lan! lean bac! forth $*9 .-7 nee plan! lean hold %* sec 39 3-7 nee plan! lean bac! forth $89 8-7 Bumbbell straiht arm raises $*9 each 39 STE) %-7 )IE 2EA ?O2B %*SE (OROFT E' $-7 )i!e lean hold %-7 .-7 3-7 8-7 :-7
8sec 39 )i!e lean bac! forth $*9 )lan! arch to hollo& $89 1oat hold compressions $*9 Scapulas push ups $*9 Bumbbell straiht arm raises $*9 each 39
STE) .-7 /AE TF )2A?E ?O2B %*SE (OROFT E' $-7 /a!e tuc! planche hold 8sec 39 %-7 fa!e tuc! planche umps $*9 .-7 )i!e lean hold ma9 39 3-7 Bumbbell straiht arm raises $*9 each 39 STE) 3-7 TF )2A?E ?O2B $8SE (OROFT E' $-7 Tuc! )lanche hold 8sec 89 %-7 )lan! to tuc! )lanche 59 .-7 Tuc! 2-sit to tuc! planche $*9 3-7 Tuc! planche pumps $*9 8-7 Bumbbell straiht arm raises $*9 each 39 STE) 8-7 TF )2A?E )RESS (OROFT E' $-7 ?ih tuc! )lanche hold 8sec 39 %-7 Tuc! planche lean bac! forth 59 .-7 Tuc! 2-sit to tuc! planche press $*9 3-7 Tuc! planche hold ma9 39 8-7 BumbbellNband straiht arm raises $*9 each 39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Straddle planche STE) $-7 (aistline pseudo hold %* sec (OROFT E' $-7 (aistline pseudo hold aainst the &all 8sec 39 %-7 )seudo push ups aainst the &all $*9 .-7 (aistline pseudo neative aainst the &all 59 3-7 Straiht arm plan! lean hold $8 sec 39 STE) %-7 Straddle bend arm )lanche $8 sec hold (OROFT E' $-7 Straddle bend arm planche hold 8sec 39 %-7 Tuc! planche to straddle bend arm planche 89 .-7 Straddle bend arm planche umps N ma9 hold $*9
3-7 (aistline straddle pseudo push ups $*9 STE) .-7 Straddle bend arm planche push (OROFT E' $-7 Straddle bend arm pumps %-7 Straddle .-7 Straddle 3-7 Straiht
ups 89 bend arm planche hih push up 89" planche neatives 59 arm straddle plan! lean hold $*sec 39
STE) 3-7 Straddle )lanche hold (OROFT E' $-7 Straddle planche Jumps 89 %-7 Tuc! planche to straddle planche 89 .-7 ?ih bend arm straddle planche 8 sec hold 39 3-7 Straiht arm straddle plan! lean hold $8sec 39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ull planche STE) $-7 STRABB2E )2A?E 6 =sec 7 (OROFT E'ERISES $-7 Straddle planche ma9 hold 39 %-7 Straddle planche pumps 89 .-7 Tuc! planche to straddle bend arm planche 39 3-7 Straiht arms plan! lean %*sec hold 39 STE) %-7 )2A?E SIG2E 2EG 6 5sec 7 each le (OROFT E'ERISES $-7 )lanche sinle le ma9 hold .9 each le %-7 )lanche s&itchin les to failure 39 .-7 Tuc! planche to sinle le planche 89 each le 3-7 Sinle le planche pumps 89 each le STE) .-7 /F22 )2A?E (OROFT E'ERISES $-7 Straddle planche to full planche ma9 hold 39 %-7 tuc! planche to full planche till failure 39 .-7 Tuc! planche to bend arm full planche 89 3-7 Straiht arm plan! lean %*sec hold 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T?EAR# )OV -)lanche trainin 2evel $-%-. $ breathQ$ push up Biamond push up .*-3*-8* Archer push up 6d9@s97 %*-%8-.* )seudo planche push up %8-.*-.8 One arm plan! hold 6d9@s97 :*C-=8C->*C )i!e push up .*-.8-3* )lanche lean .*C-3*C-8*C )i!e loops push up .*-.8-3* Tuc! planche push up $8-%*-%8 2 sit to l planche push up 8-$*-$8 ?andstand push up &ith &all $8-%*-%8 2 sit to tuc! planche push up 8-$*-$8 Tuc! planche to full planche 8-$*-$8 $ le planche 6d9@s97 .6$*C hold7-:6$8C7->6%*C7 Tuc! planche push up $8-%*-%8 2E'A STEE2 $ &al!in front lever raise 63C7
8 cran! $ &al!in front lever raises 6.C7 3 cran! RFSSIA (OROFT -/ront lever in 3 &ee!s $*-%* series 9 ma9 :*C->*C rest 8C Adv" tuc! f"l" N 8C top hold 9 ma9 supersetted &ith 8 f"l" 9 ma9 /"l" raises /"l" neatives /"l" bycicle 6.C-8C each le7
2 ro&s N 8C top hold
-?annibal for ins planche in 3 &ee!s
-?andstand in 3 &ee!s /ree ?andstand Attempts $*-%* sets 6at least 8C hold7 (all assisted ?andstand )ush-ups 8 9 $* sets 9 $* reps ?andstand aainst the &all 61ac! to the &all7 8-$* 9 $*C-$8C ?andstand aainst the &all 6hest to the &all7 Bo % minute hold in total /ree ?andstand Attempts $* sets 6at least 8C hold7 -= e9ercises for better muscle up )F22 E9ercise $< hih pull-ups $* sets 9 8 reps )F22 E9ercise %< plyo pull-ups $* 9 8 )F22 E9ercise .< bunny hop pull-ups 8 9 $* )FS? E9ercise $< bar dips 8 9 $* )FS? E9ercise %< plyo bench push-ups $* 9 8 )FS? E9ercise .< freestyle plyo push-ups 8 9 ma9 reps 2IGA+ET E9ercise< Slo& muscle up attempt 8 9 ma9 time 6this is not static, try to et your elbo&s above the bar7 )I2OFS -?o& i started alisthenics - A22 ROFTIES /irst routine< :*C->*C rest Every set that is not ma9 reps is $: reps on first set , $3 the second and $% the third7 +a9 &ide pull ups N ma9 &ide push up +a9 close rip chin up N ma9 close push up +a9 chin ups N ma9 decline &ide push up . 9 b"&" s!ullcrushers N hefesto curls . 9 ma9 dips N b"&" ro&s . 9 )i!e push up N ma9 lo&er bac! e9tensions 8* crunches Second routine< )ush-)ull split )F22 As many pull up as possible in $ hour hanin the rip every set in this &ayQ &ide,close,chin up Once you canLt do anymore pull up s&itch to b"&" ro&s )FS? As many push up and crunches as possible in $ hour hanin the push up variation every set in this &ayQ reular,close,&ide
Once you canLt do anymore push up do them on !nees -/ront lever e9ample routine $ . 9 ma9 proression hold %8 )roression f"l" presses 6fastest possible time7 %8 )roression f"l" ro&s 6fastest possible time7 8* pull up N $8* push up 6fastest possible time7 % 9 ma9 hollo& body hold % 9 ma9 reverse hollo& body hold -/ront lever e9ample routine % . 9 $% )ull up N .* push up % 9 )ull up pyramid ma9 &ith $8C rest 8 9 8 eatives 8 9 +a9 resistance band f"l" hold . 9 +a9 b"&" ro&s . 9 +a9 dips . 9 +a9 b"&" s!ullcrushers -+uscle up e9ample routine $ @>*C-$%*C rest@ 8 9 8 ?ih pull ups 8 9 +a9 pull up N dips . 9 +a9 b"&" s!ullcrushers N b"&" ro&s . 9 +a9 &all handstand hold % 9 +a9 plan! N side plan! % 9 +a9 lo&er bac! e9tensions -+uscle up e9ample routine % @$%*C-$5*C rest@ 8 9 +a9 partial fast pull up N bar dips 8 9 +a9 proression f"l" hold N proression planche hold . 9 +a9 l sito hold N handstand hold $ 9 8* )ull ups N $8* push up 6fastest possible time7 % 9 +a9 crunches N russian t&ist % 9 +a9 reverse hollo& body hold -+uscle . 9 +a9 . 9 +a9 . 9 +a9 . 9 +a9 % 9 +a9
up e9ample routine . @$%*C-$5*C rest@ muscle up N pull up N bar dips strict muscle up &ith resistance band push up N b"&" s!ullcrushers b"&" ro&s N &all handstand hold hollo& body hold N obli0ue crunches N airplanin
-Impossible dip e9ample routine $ @ >*C rest@ . 9 +a9 neatives &ith hold . 9 +a9 feet assisted imp" dip . 9 +a9 dips . 9 +a9 straiht arm lean bac! on bars . 9 +a9 straiht arm lean bac! on floor 8 9 +a9 push ups -Impossible dip e9ample routine % @>*C rest@ . 9 +a9 neatives &ith hold N proression f"l" hold . 9 +a9 straiht arm lean bac! on bars N planche lean . 9 +a9 band assisted imp" dip N &ide pull ups . 9 +a9 straiht bar dips N chin ups 8 9 +a9 dips N supinated b"&" ro&s 8 9 +a9 b"&" s!ullcrushers N hefesto curls -Impossible dip e9ample routine . @>*C rest@
$* 9 +a9 band assisted imp" dip $** dips N $** push up N $** b"&" s!ullcrushers 6fastest possible time7 -------------------------A1STEE2 OFRSE 6TEA+ VAB#+-1F// AABE+#7------------------------(armup JF+)IG JAS 6$-. min of .-8 sets bet&een the sets, .* sec or $ minute rest7 +OFTAI 2I+1ERS 6$".*-. min of .-8 sets bet&een the sets, you can rest .* sec7 T(ISTEB +OFTAI 2I+1ERS 6$-. min of .-8 sets &ith %8 sec rest bet&een the sets7 1FR)EES 6$8-.* reps of .-8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 ROSS 2EG IS 6.* sec of &or! of 8-= sets rest bet&een the sets $8 sec7 Remember to not drin! &ater in your core session 1EGIER ROFTIE $ TEA+ VAB#+ IS 6$* reps of 8 sets bet&een the sets $8 sec rest7 )2A 6start from .* of . sets &ith a rest bet&een the sets .* sec,you can increase your time of holdin N.*sec every $ &ee!7 SIBE )2A 6start from .* sec hold of . sets &ith a rest bet&een the sets .* sec,you can increase your time of holdin N.*sec every $ &ee! &hen you ettin stroner .-8 minutes in $ set it &ill be enouh7 RF? 6%8 reps of 8 sets &ith 38 sec rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ FR2S 6.* reps of . sets &ith $8 sec rest bet&een the sets7 1EGIER ROFTIE % SA+1O RF? 6.* reps of 8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 SIBE (EIG?T RF?ES 6%* reps per side . sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ T(ISTS 6.* reps of 8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ (EIG?T 2I/T 6%* reps of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ O+)RESSEB ?O2B 6.* sec hold of 8 sets &ith 38 sec rest bet&een the sets,every &ee! you can increase your time N.* sec at the end .-8 min of this holdin &ill be enouh7 1EGIER ROFTIE . A1S )F22 OVER 6$".* min of . sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 1I#2E 6.* sec of 8 sets &ith $8 sec rest bet&een the sets7 SISSORS 6$ minute of . sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 (A22 2I+1ERS 6$".* of . sets &ith 38 sec rest bet&een the sets7 1AR EE RAISE 6%* reps of . sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 1AR SIBE EE RAISES 6%* reps $* reps per side &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 ITER+EBIATE ROFTIES $ TEA+ VAB#+ TOES TO 1AR 6$*-$8 reps of .-8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ 1AR 2-SIT 6?oldin from .*sec-$ min of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ ABVAEB TOES TO 1AR 6$8 reps of . sets &ith $".* rest bet&een the sets7 TEA+ VAB#+ SA+1O RF?ES 68* reps of . sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 ITER+EBIATE ROFTIE % 1AR 2-SIT TO 1I#2E 638 sec-$ min of .-8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 1AR SISSORS 6638 sec-$ min of .-8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 1AR (A22 2I+1ERS 6638 sec-$ min of .-8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 )2A 6% minute hold of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 ITER+EBIATE ROFTIE . AROFB T?E (OR2B 6%* reps $* per side of 8 sets &ith 38 sec rest bet&een the sets7 (IBS?IE2B (I)ERS 6.* reps $8 per side of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 )ARA22E2 1ARS EE RAISES 6.* reps of .-8 set &ith 38 sec rest bet&een the sets7
TEA+ VAB#+ )ARA22E2 1ARS SIBE RAISES 63* reps %* per side of 3 sets &ith .* sec bet&een the sets7 )ARA22E2 1ARS 2-SIT RAISES 6$*-$8 reps of . sets &ith %* sec rest bet&een the sets )ARA22E2 1ARS ABVAEB RAISES 6$8 reps of 8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 ABVAEB ROFTIES $ 2-SIT ?O2B 6$ min of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 2-SIT TO 1AR 6$8 reps of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 BRAGO /2AG 6$* reps of 8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 ABVAEB ROFTIE % 1E? 2EG RAISES 6.* reps of . sets &ith $8 sec rest bet&een the sets7 BRAGO /2AG 1E? RAISES 6.* sec of doin this e9ercise of 8 sets and 38 sec rest bet&een the sets7 1E? 1OB# FR2S 6$8 reps of 8 sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 1E? (EIG?T RF?ES 6$*-%* reps of .-8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 1E? SIBE (EIG?T T(ISTS 6%*-3* reps $*-%* per side of .-8 sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets7 ABVAEB ROFTIE . 1E? (EIG?T )F22 OVER 6.* reps of . sets &ith 38 sec rest bet&een the sets7 1E? (EIG?T )FS? 6%* reps of . sets &ith $ min rest bet&een the sets6 1E? RO(IG 6%* reps of . sets &ith $".* min rest bet&een the sets7 1E? 1AR )FS? 6$* reps of . sets &ith .* sec rest bet&een the sets7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VAB#+ AVA2ERA ?ome &or!out sets Ep" $ Shoulder 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 Beep push up 9 8 2 sit tuc!s 9 $*C-%*C Tuc! planche push up 9 8 2 sit scissors 9 $*C-%*C Ep"% hest and triceps 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 2ean diamond push up 9 8-5 Tuc! planche hold 9 $*C-%*C lap push up 9 8-5 2 sit hold 9 $*C-$8C Ep" . ore and bac! 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 2 sit to tuc! planche 9 8-5 Abs roll 9 8-5 )lanche lean hold 9 ma9 8 attempts Archer push up 9 8-5 Ep" 3 Abs 6 $* sets @ $-% min rest7 V ups 9 5-$* )i!e push up 9 8-5 )lan! % min Tier push up 9 8-5 Ep"8 2es 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 S0ua S0uat t >* >*� 9 $* $* /ull s0uat 9 $* 2unes 9 $* N $** burpess6finisher7
Ep" : Triceps 6 $* sets @ $-% min rest7 1ar close push up 9 5 V sit hold 9 %*C Triceps e9tension 9 8-5 (ide push up 9 8-$* Ep" = Abs and triceps 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 ' triceps e9tension 9 8-5 2 sit to v sit 9 8-5 E9plosive push up 9 8-5 2 sit to straddle planche 9 8-$* Ep" 5 E9plosive strenth and core 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 Spartan push up 9 $*-$% +altese hollo& body 9 %*C 2alanne push up 9 8-5 +ountain climbers 9 $8-%* Ep" > Grip, &rist and forearm 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 )ush up on fists 9 8-5 (rist t&ist &ith a &eiht 9 8-5 6&rist pull up 9 8-57 /iner push up 9 8-5 /ist triceps e9tension 9 8-5 Ep"$* 2e routine anLt &al! 6$* sets @ $-% min rest7 lose to &ide s0uat 9 %* Buc! &al! 9 %*C S0uat to lune 9 %* 6s0uat N $ lune is $ repetition7 Static s0uat 9 %*C-.*C -%* dips %* push up 9 %* set :*C rest % Superset $7-$* pull ups@$mu@$*dips@$mu@$*dips@$mu@$*dips@$mu@$*dips@$*pull ups" %78mu@8dips@8mu@8dips@3mu@3dips@3mu@
[email protected]@
[email protected]@.dips@%mu@%dips@%mu@%dips@$mu @$dip@$mu@$dip@$*pull ups" -$* pull up $ muscle up 3* dips $* pull up -$* pull ups and %* dips 6N8*!7 9 $8 -%*@8*@$* pull up@dips@pull up -------%*@:*@%* -The routine is< $ set< $* pull ups N $8 dips N $8 push ups - everythin &ith no rest" The total is .* sets" The rest bet&een the set for one person is the time that the second person is doin it" Supersets episodes Ep" $ -$ muscle up 8 dip 9 % @ $ muscle up 3 up % dip 9 % @ $ muscle up $ dip 9 % @ -8 muscle up 8 dip @ 3 muscle up 3 dip muscle up $ dip @ = pull up6$*7 -$* muscle up .* dip $* pull up -$* pull up $ muscle up 3* dip $* pull
dip 9 % @ $ muscle up . dip 9 % @ $muscle $$ pull up @ . muscle up . dip @ % muscle up % dip @ $
Ep" % -$* Straddle planche push up $* adv" tuc! planche push up $* dip 8 deep dips Ep" . -Superset is< $ muscle up $ bar dip $* times - then $* dips and to pull ups &ithout lettin o the bar
Ep" 3 othin Ep" 8 -/irst superset - $* pull ups, 6muscle up, $* dips7 9 3 times, $* pull ups -Second Superset 6N$*!7 - 8 +F, $* dips, $* pull ups Ep" : /irst superset 6$)ull up $ muscle up $ dip79=N%* dip N$* pull up Second Superset 6N$*!7 $* pull up 8 muscle up $* dip 8 pull up -+uscle up routines Easy +edium ?ard
VAB#+ O2E#I --------------------------------------------------------+uscle up course--------------------------------------------------------1einner NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $ $* reular pull up after every reps you hold the bar for . second in each static position #our head over the bar Fnder the bar Bead han Reular push up %* reps after every rep you hold for 8 second on >* deree Than you o do&n to finish full movement and push yourself Fp Than you bac! to the bar and repeat first set Reular dips $8 reps after every rep you hold for 8 second on >* deree than you o more do&n than >* deree to finish full movement and push yourself Fp and repeat it $8 reps Its one circle 6repeat it . times7 Than $* reular pull ups on the last one hold the bar your had over bar try to hold $*$8 second only in one position had over the bar %* reular push up on the last one you hold on >* deree for %* second than try to pushin up and finish your push up after last rep Reular dips $8 reps on the last one hold on >* deree for $8 second than try to push yourself Fp Repeat it also . times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay % $ close rip pull up $ reular rip pull up $ &ide rip pull up $ close chin up $ different rip@chane the hands another one Try to do it &ithout touch the round
Than you o to the reular dips $@%@.@3@8@8@3@.@%@$ after every rep you need to stop for . second in dead hand position 6position before you start doind the dips7 $ dip . second pause %@
[email protected]@
[email protected]@
[email protected][email protected]%@.-$@. Than you bac! to the bar and repeat the same set but N$ rep,each rip % reps &ithoit touchin the round Than 1ar dips $@%@.@3@8@8@3@.@%@$ after every rep you also hold for . second i mean ma!e a pause Than o bac! to the the same set N$ rep so each rip you doin . reps Than the same set on reular dips Than bac! to bar plus $ each rip 3 reps Than the same set on bar dips Than bac! to the bar and ma!e the last set plus $ rep each rip 8 reps NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay . $ reular pull up $ le raises % reular push up % diamond push up $ reular chin up $ le raises 3 reular push up 3 diamond push up %@%-:@:-%@%-5@5
[email protected]$*@$*
[email protected]$%@$% 3@3-$3@$3-3@3-$:@$: 8@8-$5@$5-8@8-%*@%* :@:-%%@%%-:@:-%3@%3 =@=-%:@%:-=@=-%5@%5 5@5-.*@.*-5@5-.%@.% >@>
[email protected]>@>-.:@.: $*@$*
[email protected]$*@$*-3*@3* If you can do push in a ro& so you can li!e $*,$* rest aain $*,$* rest71ut still you need to finish all of them,and donLt leave the bar after pull ups you can o do&n &hen you finish all pull ups and le raises NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay 3 (eiht trainin 8 reular pull ups &ith %8 ! 8 reular push up &ith %8 ! 8 reular dips &ith %8! 8 reular chin up &ith %8 ! 8 bar dips &ith %8! Its one circle /irst 8 circles try to finish &ith %8 !,if you &ill feel ood so finish another 8 circles &ith the same &eiht,if not brin %* ! or $8 ! "Toether its need to be $* circle NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay 8 $ minute umpin rope as fast as you can .* burpees $* clap pull up over the bar $ minute umpin rope $* le raises $ minute umpin rope $* reular dips $minute umpin rope $ pull up,$ le raises % pull up,% le raises
[email protected]@3-8@8-8@8-3@
[email protected]%@%-$@$ $ minute umpin rope That ho& loo!s your $ circle 6i &ant you to repeat it at least . times7 1et&een every e9ercise you canLt drin! alot of &ater,ust a little bit,the better if you &ill drin! after all set NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay : $ le raises $ reular pull up than hold for . second your had over the bar,under the bar % le raises,% pull up aain hold for . second in each position . le raises . pull up hold for . second in each position 3 le raises 3 pull up hold for . second in each position 8@8 hold . sec in each position 8@8 hold . sec in each position 3@3 hold . sec in each position .@. hold . sec in each position %@% hold . sec in each position $@$ hold . sec in each position This set you need to do from $-8 &ithout touch the round than you can rest and from 8-$ &ithout touchin the round Reular dips 8 sets of 8 reps of the e9ercise called Russian Bips Its one set repeat it . times $ reular pull up than you chane the rip to the reular chin up doin $ reular chin up,than aain chane your rip to the reular rip aain $ than aain chane to the reular chin up Bo 8 sets of $* NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay = $* clap pull ups over the bar $* clap push ups in front of you >@>@5@5@=@=@:@:@8@8@3@3@.@.@%@%@$@$ $* reular dips than hold for $* second &ith a straiht in position before you start doin the dips than > dips > second hold 5@5-=@=-:@:-8@8 Than plus $8 ! #ou o to ma!e 8* reular pull ups 8 pull up %* second rest $* sets after every pull ups you can rest no more than %* second After you o to the bar dips and doin $* bar dips $* second hold &ith a straiht hands >@5-5@5-=@=-:@:-8@8 Its one circle,repeat it % times7 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay 5 .* second hold on the bar than : pull up &ith a reular rip %8 second hold 8 pull up %* second hold 3 pull up 6#ou need to hold in dead hand7 After .* bench dips % minute +ountain climbers $8 reular chin ups %* reular dips
% minute plan! .* berpee Its one circle,you need to do it &ithout any rest Repeat it 8 times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay > 8 close rip 2-sit pull ups 8 close chin up 2-sip pull ups %�8 deep reular reular dips6deep dips6deep its mean your shoulder shoulder need need to be more do&n than than the reulard dips7Or ust try to o as lo& as it possible for you Its one circle repeat it : times Archer pull ups % reps left hand@% reps riht hand Than you can rest li!e for $ minute And repeat it aain % reps for each hands #ou need to do 8 circles of it Type&riter The same thin % reps each side Repeat it 8 times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $* lose rip pull up -$* ! . reps -$8 ! . reps -%* ! . reps -%8 ! . reps -.*! reps Reular dips -%*! . reps -%8! . repS -.*! . reps -.8! . reps Reular rip -$* ! . reps -$8 ! . reps -%* ! . reps -%8 ! . reps -.*! .reps 1ar dips -$* ! . reps -$8 ! . reps -%* ! . reps -%8 ! . reps -.*! .reps -.8 ! . reps (ide rip -$* ! . reps -$8 ! . reps -%* ! . reps -%8 ! . reps -.*! .reps Reular push up -%* ! . reps -%8 ! . reps -.*! .reps -.8! . reps -3*! . reps lose chin up
-$* ! . reps -$8 ! . reps -%* ! . reps -%8 ! . reps -.*! .reps Reular dips -%*! . reps -%8! . repS -.*! . reps -.8! . reps NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $$ 8 pull close rip After every pull up you stay &ith your had over the bar and put your les in 2-sit position for 8 second after you push your les do&n and slo&ly o do&n to dead han position" Than % times 8 clap push behind your bac! 8 reular pull up &ith 2-sit holdin for 8 second in a top position your had over the bar $8 bench dips 6you need to touch the round &ith your ass,all the &ay do&n more than >* deree and up7 8 &ide rip pull up &ith 2-sit holdin for 8 second in a top position your had over the bar $* reular dips &ith a clap in front of you,at the beinnin you &ill touch the round &ith your fit itLs nothin bad 6ust try to push more e9plosive Fp and ma!e a clap as fast as you can7 8 close chin up &ith 2-sit holdin for 8 second in a top position your had over the bar % times 8 clap push up behind your bac! Reular chin up 8 reps &ith 2-sit holdin for 8 second in a top position your had over the bar $8 bench dips Bifferent reular rip 6left hand reular rip,riht hand chin up7 &ith 2-sit holdin for 8 second in a top position your had over the bar,than rest and chane the hands riht reular rip,left chin up7 $* reular dips &ith a clap in front of you NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $% .* burpees $".* minute mountain climbers $* le raises $".* minute umpin ac!s $* &indshield &ipers $8 reular pull ups . minute of umpin rope Repeat this set . times %* reular pull ups %* bar dips %* reular dips %* reular chin up pull ups %* reverse t-bar dips Than $8@$8@$8@$8@$8-$*@$*@$*@$*@$*-8@8@8@8@8 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $. 2e session
S0uats Toether itLs need to be 8 sets-% for &arm up and . &or!in $* s0uats 3*! $*s0uats =*! $% s0uats $**! 5s0uats $$*! $*s0uats $**! )ress machine %**! %* reps %.*! $5 reps %:*! $: reps %>*! $3 reps .%*! $%repa Romain dead lift 8*! . sets of $* reps 2anes 8*! . sets of $* reps for each le alves 8* ! 8 sets of $* reps On the end $* umps to >* deree $* full umps ass to rass $* lanes umps 8 each le This . e9ercise you need to do &ithout rest,than .* sec rest and you need to repeat it $* times7 That ho& loo!s les proram,you ust put less &eiht on those e9ercise or more &eiht because i donLt !no& ho& stron is your les7 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $3 % reular pull up 8 diamond push up 3 reular pull up 8 reular push up : reular pull up 8 &ide push up 5 reular pull up $8 reular dips $* reular pull ups $8 bar dips $* reular pull ups $* diamond push ups 5 reular pull ups $* reular push up : reular pull up $* &ide push up 3 reular pull up $8 reular dips % reular pull up $8 bar dips Than you repeat the same but &ith a reular chin up7 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $8 $* reular pull up %* reular push you repeat . times times %* reular dips $* reular chin up you repeat this . times 8 reular pull up 8 reular chin up
%* bar dips Repeat it . times also $ reular pull up $ le raises $* reps %* burpee $ minute of umpin rope Repeat this 8 times nee raises put your !nees to chest on bar and slo&ly o do&n $8 reps 6. sets7 try to do it &ithout any !eepin +ountain climbers $ minute 6.sets7 )lan! % minute 6. sets7 Side plan! 6left side $ minute7 6riht side $ minute7 % sets for both sides ?alf burpees its ust a burpee &ithout umpin up #ou put your !nees to the chest in push up position and bac! $* reps 6. sets7 And reular crunches .* reps of . sets NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $: $* burpees $* reular pull ups $* burpees $* reular pull ups $* reular dips $* reular pull ups $* bar dips6its one circle,you can rest only &hen you finish all circle7#ou need to !ill : circles NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $= 8 close rip 2-sit pull up 8 close chin up 2-sit pull ups $* reular dips &ith claps of front of you $* claps reular push ups $* reular pull ups &ith claps over the bar 6its one circle,repeat it $* times7 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $5 Reular pull ups $*!-. pull up $8!-. pull up %*!-. pull up %8!-. pull up .*!-. pull up .8!-$ pull up 3*!-$ pull up 38!-$ pull up 8*!-$pull up Try to repeat 8 times $ pull up &ith 8* ! The same you need to do &ith reular dips NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay $> $* reular pull-ups, $* re push up, $*re pull up , $* re dips $* re pull up , $* bar dips" Than you o to do everythin 6> reps,and minus one li!e@5@=@:@8@3@.@%@$7rest only &hen you finish one circle NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Bay %* Reular pull ups 8 sec hold dead han6its mean ust hold the bar &ith straiht hands7 $ pull up,$* sec hold % pull up, $8 sec hold . pull up,%* sec 3 pull up,%8 sec 8 pull up,.* sec : pull upeverythin you need to do &ithout touch the round" Reular dips the same time and the same reps but you need to hold &ith a straiht hands also and finish all &ithout touch the round Reular push up #ou start from normal static position before you start doin push up 8sec hold $ push up $*@%
[email protected]%*@3-%8@8-.*@:-.8@=-3*@5-38@>-8*@$* #ou hold up plus 8 sec to 8* sec and plus $ to $* push up Its one circle repeat it .-8 times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %$ $ reular pull up $ le raises %@%
[email protected]@3-8@8-3@
[email protected]%@%-$@$ &ithout touch the round $ reular dips 8 sec hold on >* deree,% dips 8 sec hold,. dips 8 sec hold 3@8-8@83@8-.@8-%@8-$@8 &ithout touch the round % re push up@% bar dips 3@3-:@:-5@5-$*@$*-5@5-:@:-3@3-%@% Its one circle,repeat 8 times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %% $* minutes you doin reular rip pull up as fast as you can,as much as you can $* minute reular dips as fast as you can,as much as you can $* minutes reular pull ups as fast as you can,as much as you can $* minutes reular push ups as fast as you can,as much as you can $* minutes reular pull ups as fast as you can,as much as you can $* minutes bar dips as fast as you can,as much as you can Its one circle,repeat it . times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %. %* ! $* reular pull ups % times 8 if you canLt in a ra& $* %* reular dips % times $* Repeat it 8 times Than 8 close rip pull up,8 close chin up,8 &ide rip,8 reular chin up, 8 different rip both hands,after every rip you can rest %* bar dips also &ith %* ! in a ra& Repeat it 8 times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %3 8 muscle ups &ith rubber bands than $8 bar dips and $* pull ups reular #ou repeat this set % times Than $* reular pull ups 8 muscle ups $8 bar dips Repeat % times Than . muscle ups 8 bar dips,. mu 8 bar dips,. mu 8 bar dips $* re pull ups Repeat it % times $* re dips $* diamond push up $* times $** reps each e9ercise NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %8 8 re pull ups 8 re push ups, 8 re chin up 8 diamond push up its one circle repeat it .* times
%* reular dips $ min of plan! for core, $8 re dips $ min of plan!, $* re dips $ min of plan!, 8 re dips $ min of plan!" Than you o up from 8 to up %* after every dips $ min of plan! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %: 8 reular muscle ups &ith rubber $8 diamond push up, 8 muscle up $8 reular push up, 8 muscle up $8 &ide push up, 8 muscle up $* reular dips68 times7, 8 muscle up $* bar dips 68 times7 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %= . close pull up,. re pull up,. &ide pull up,. close chin up,. reular chin up everythin &ithout touch the round $* diamond push up,$* reular push up,$* &ide push up,8 diamond push up,8 reular push up,8 &ide push Than you aain repeat pull ups and after o to reular dips and doin this routine (ithout touch the round % dips % sec rest 3@3-:@:-5@5-$*@$*-5@5-:@:-3@3-%@% Its one circle,repeat it . times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %5 8 re pull up $* burpees repeat it $* times 8 re pull ups $* re dips $* times 8 re pull ups $* bar dips $* times 8 le raises 8 reular pull up 8 le raises $* times NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Bay %> $* close rip pull ups than $* le raises &ithout touch the round 5@:@3@% $* diamond push up 5@:@3@% $* close chin up $* le raises 5@:@3@% $* reular push up 5@:@3@% $* reular pull ups $* le raises 5@:@3@% $* &ide push up 5@:@3@% $* &ide pull ups $* le raises 5@:@3@%
$* reular dips 5@:@3@%@3@:@5@$* $* different rip pull up at first one side $* le raises $*@5@:@3@% Than another one $* different rip pull ups you chane the hands $* le raises 5@:@3@% 1ar dips $*@5@:@3@% NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN -Intermediate ��������������������������������������������������
Vadym Oleyni! intensity &or!out Bay $ -8 close pull up,8 normal pull up,8 &ide pull up,8 close chin pull up,8 normal chin pull up6you can do it &ithout rest7 -$8 diamond push up,$8 normal push up,$8 &ide 6than $*@$*@$*@8@8@87 -%* normal pull up than one muscle up, %* dip bar and %* normal push up 6$8@$8@$8@$*@$*@$*@8@8@87 -8 second han hold one normal pull up $* second % pull up@$8 second . pull up@%* second 3 pull up@%8 second 8 pull up@.* second : pull up -On the dip bar 6 8 second straiht arm hold $ dip@$* sec % dip@$8 sec . dip@%* sec 3 dip@%8 sec 8 dip@.* sec :
[email protected] sec = dip@3* sec 5 dip7 -8 normal push than $* sec hold elbo& on >* deree @8 push $* sec hold@8 push $* sec hold@8 push up $* sec hold@8 push up $* sec hold ��������������������������������������������������
Bay % -3 pull up one muscle up $* bar dip, . pull % muscle up, % pull . muscle up, $ pull 3 muscle up, .* normal push up -3 muscle up $ pull up,. muscle up % pull up,% muscle up . pull up,$ muscle up $* bar dip 3 pull up,.* dip on parallel bar % times first routine, % times second routine ��������������������������������������������������
Bay . -$* normal pull up %* normal push up 6than rest $ minute7 do it $* times toether it &ill be 6$** pull up, %** push up7 -$* dips on parallel bar . normal muscle ups rest 38 second $* times -8 2-sit pull up &ith close rip hih pull up@8 chin hih pull up &ith the close rip 63 times normal close rip, and 3 times chin close rip7 -1urpees normal push up &ith umpin and claps � #ou have $* minutes doin your ma9 &ithout rest� ��������������������������������������������������
Bay 3 - (or! &ith &eiht #ou can choice the &eiht &hat you prefer $%-$3-$:-%*-%3-%5-.% or more -$* pull up &ith reular rip %* reular dips 68-$* circles7 (eiht +F hoice the &eiht &ith &hat you can do 8 +F and try to do 8 or $* circles ��������������������������������������������������
Bay 8 - /at burnin routines -$ push up $ pull up $ le raises 6.* times7 -$ minute normal umps on the umpin rope, $ minute speed $ minute doubles Jump 6toether 8 minute normal, 8 minutes speed 8 minutes doubles7 Sprint runnin -$** meters 38 second rest try that 8 times -8* burpees normal push up &ith ump and claps 6Everythin &ithout rest7 . cycles ��������������������������������������������������
Bay : - ?ard routine Seven Bead circles
-$� cycle - . normal normal pull pull up . dips on on parallel parallel bars $ muscle muscle up -%� cycle cycle - 3 pull pull up 3 dips dips % muscl muscle e up -.� cycle cycle - 8 pull pull up 8 dips dips . muscl muscle e up -3� cycle cycle - $* pull pull up $* dips dips 8 muscl muscle e up -8� cycle cycle - $8 pull pull up $8 dips dips 8 muscl muscle e up -:� cycle cycle - :* :* norma normal l push push up up -=� cycle cycle - $* muscl muscle e up -$ normal pull up % normal push up,$ muscle up 3 normal push up@% pull up,: push up,% muscle up,5 push up6last reps $* pull up,.5 push up,$* muscle up 3* push up7 ��������������������������������������������������
Bay = ardio and stretchin Jumpin rope S&immin Sauna +assae ��������������������������������������������������
-Advanced -E'TRE+E (OROFT )ROGRA+ 1# VAB#+ O2E#I BA# $ -$ pull up $ mu $ bar dip % reular push up % diamond push up -$ pull up $ mu $ bar dip % reular push up % diamond push up -% pull up % mu % reular dip 3 reular push up 3 diamond push up6 t&o time you do everythi everythin, n,i i mean t&o t&o time time $ t&o time time % t&o time time . and and you o up up to $* pull up $* mu $* bar dips 3* reular push up 3* diamond push up and aain $* pull up $* mu $* bar dip 3* reular push up 3* diamond push up7 BA# % -% pull up % mu % bar dip % reular push up 3@3@3@3 @:@:@:@: 5@5@5@5 $*@$*@$*@$* and do&n to % -$* front front lever lever rai raises ses &ith &ith clos close e rip rip 6al 6all l the the rips rips to >* >* der deree, ee, after after ful full l raises you need to touch the bar &ith your abs7 -$* front lever raises &ith reular rip -$* front lever raises &ith &ide rip -$* front lever raises &ith chin close rip -$* front lever raises &ith reular chin rip -8 tim times es 8 full full pla planc nche he rai raise ses s -8 times times 8 stra stradle dle planc planche he raise raises s BA# . -8 reul reular ar pull pull up $* reul reular ar push push up $8 reul reular ar dips dips %* bar bar dip dip 8 mu mu -$* re pull up $* re push up $8 re dips %* bar dips $* mu -$8 re pull up $* re push up $8 re dips %* bar dips $8 mu -%* re pull up $* re push up $8 re dips %* bar dips %* mu -$** burpees burpees than $** pull up than $** straiht straiht le raises BA# 3 $ hour of cardio 6you can do &hat you li!e7 -8 time time $* dra draon on fla flas s -8* reps of crunches hands and les oin up at the same moment 3 times -$* ump s0uats to >* deree $* full ump s0uats $*ump lunes you do this . e9ercise &ithout rest and repeat $*-%* times -$** -$** m spri sprint nt rep repea eat t 8 time times s &it &ith h a $". $".* * minu minute te res rest t bet bet&e &een en BA# 8 -$* pull up 8 mu $8 bar dip -8 mu $* pull up $ mu $8 bar dips -$ mu $8 bar dip $* pull up 8 mu
-8 mu $8 bar dip $* pull up -arc -arche her r pul pull l ups ups 8 rep reps s per per hand hand &ith &ithou out t touc touch h the the rou round nd 8 tim times es -um -ump p on on the the lon lon reu reula lar r dip dips s to the the fro front nt than than come comeba bac! c! % tim times es &ith &ithou out t res rest t and touchin the round -hih pull 8 as hih as you can &ith close rip . times ,than middle rip and &ide -one arm pullup 6 8 rep per hand &ith a rubber assecuration, 8 rep per hand you doin normal pull up than &ith one hand slo&ly try to o do&n7repeat all this % times -E9plosive reular dips6 slo&ly o do&n than stop and o up as fast as you can $* reps . times7 BA# : Spartans &or!out 8 pull up &ith ith a re rip than 8 push &ith a re re ri rip 8* time imes &it &ithout out any rest 8 re dips than 8 bar dips 8* times 8* times 8 mu BA# = (eiht session To increse your strenht up 8 pull up $: ! @ 8pull up %* ! @ 8 pull up %3! @ 8 pul up %5! @ 8 pull up .%! @ $ pull up 3*! @$-8*! @$-:*! and o up as much as you can the same thin &ith reular dips -8 pull pull up 8 mu mu 8 pull pull 8 mu mu $* $* bar bar dip dip 8 pul pull l 8 sec sec hol hold d on on eac each h pos posit itio ion n tha than n .* push 6repeat this 3 time,on the end you did al&ays .* push up7 A2IST?EIS +FS2E GAI )ROGRA+ 1# VAB#+ O2E#I +any people thin! that it is impossible to ain muscles &ith calisthenics" This type of thin!in is &ron" (ith calisthenics you can build lean muscles &ith pure strenth, endurance and full body control" It &ill ta!e more time then in bodybuildin, but it is still possible" Also, the muscles that you build &ith your o&n &eiht &ill be more productive" Train hard &ith pure dedication" (ith this proram your achievements &ill be unbelievable" I can tell you from my !no&lede that if you mi9 EBFRAE sessions &ith A2IST?EIS (EIG?T sessions 6also based on endurance7, you build pure lean and stron muscles" In this proram you &ill learn ho& to train in a proper &ay" Also, in order to ain muscles you need to train ma9imum 3 days per &ee!< $st day< endurance session &ith a little &eiht %nd day � &eiht session .rd day � endurance session 3th day � &eiht session After each trainin you need to rest $ day and eat &ell" The food should be clean and healthy" In the last three days of the &ee! 6each of these three days7" I recommend doin cardio for at least 3* minutes 6it could be umpin rope, runnin, bi!e, climbin, s&immin or cardio machines in your ym7" After cardio you should do full body stretchin" Remember< if you ta!e rest for over 35 hours, you &ill start losin strenth and endurance" #our rest should be no loner than 35 hours" ever do these routines &ithout &armin up" #our &arm up should be at least %*-.* minutes to et your muscles ready for this hard &or!" #ou should do all e9ercises &ith a ood form<
)ull ups Elbo&s out 6never in7 full rane of motion 6as you o up your chin should et over the bar, as you o do&n your arms should straihten out7, your body should be straiht and rela9ed 6dont put your chest to the front, also rela9 the muscles that are not &or!in in the e9ercise7, ma!e effort to pull yourself up 6dont ma!e effort to lo&er your body, ust rela9 it and let it lo&er by itself7" Bips 2o&er to >* deree position only 6never lo&er than that7, your elbo&s should be out in a 38 deree position appro9imately 6for &eiht sessions � elbo&s should be closer to the body than 38 derees7, ma!e a full rane of motion 6as you o up straihten up your arms7" )ush ups Elbo&s out, body straiht, full rane of motion" BA# $ ROFTIE (eiht session" (eiht for pull ups@dips starts from $* ! dependin on your level" As you proress this &eiht may o up to :*!" (eiht on reular dips and pull ups should to be the same" #ou may use the &eiht vest 6especially if you are &or!in &ith %* ! or less7 or belt and han the &eiht on a chain � or combination of both vest and belt" -8 pull ups of close rip - : sets" $-% minute rest bet&een sets" -$* reular dips - after 8th dip each time you o do&n you ma!e a static hold in >* deree position for 8 sec - . sets" -8 pull ups of &ide rip - : sets" $-% minute rest bet&een sets" -$* reular dips - after 8th dip each time you o do&n you ma!e a static hold in >* deree position for 8 sec - . sets" -8 pull up of close chin up" $-% minute rest bet&een sets" -$* reular dips - after 8th dip each time you o do&n you ma!e a static hold in >* deree position for 8 sec - . sets" BA# % ROFTIE Endurance session -$* reular pull ups -%* reular dips -$* reular pull ups -%* reular push ups Try not to rest or to rest as little as possible bet&een these 3 e9ercises" These 3 e9ercises is one set" #ou need to ma!e %* sets" It is possible that you &ill not be able to do all sets &hen you try this routine for the first time" ?o&ever, put the oal to be able to do %* sets" (hen you are able to do %* sets &ith no rest bet&een rounds and ust $-% minute rest bet&een sets � you can put on e9tra &eiht 6startin &ith 8! and up to %*! &ith time7" BA# . ROFTIE (eiht session /irst you do a superset 6&ithout lettin the bar o7< -8 pull ups 8 muscle ups $* bar dips 8 pull ups 6&ith &eiht at least 8 ! - up to %* !7" Then you do the follo&in< -% sets of 8 push ups the first one reular rip, the second one diamond push up &ith &eiht startin from .*! up to 5* ! -% sets of 8 reular dips &ith &eiht startin from .*! up to 5*!
-% sets of 8 bar dips &ith &eiht start from .* ! up to 5* ! Everythin &ritten above is one SET 6#ou need to proress to be able to do 8 sets" Once you can do 8 sets increase the &eiht that you are puttin on7" BA# 3 ROFTIE Elements )ractice -/ront lever raises to >* deree &ith additional &eiht on your les from 3 ! up to $8! 8 reps of close rip 2-sit pull ups,8 reps reular rip 2-sit pull ups,8 reps &ide rip 2-sit pull ups - its one circle 6repeat 8 times7" -Archer pull ups &ith additional &eiht 6from $* ! up to %* !7 - % reps per hand is a one set" #ou need to do 8 sets &ith $ minute rest bet&een sets" -loc! type&riter 6 you o up to the side of one hand than &hen your chin is already over the bar you o to the side of another hand and do&n" Then same thin but &ith another hand7" % reps per hand is one set" #ou should do 8 sets &ith additional &eiht of $*-%*! 6about $ minute rest bet&een sets7" -Reular type&riter< $* reps - 8 per side is one set 68 sets7" 1et&een the sets % minute rest 6&ith time you can use additional &eiht of $*-%*!7 BA# 3 A2TERATIVE ROFTIE - $ arm pull up for those &ho can do it % pull up for each arm is one set" $-. minute rest bet&een sets" #ou should do %8 sets" Then you o to the parallel bars and do $* sets of 8 deep dips 6body is in appro9imately 38 deree position, as you o do&n your shoulders should almost touch the bars, adust your &rist and dont s0ueeDe the bar &ith all of your finers to reduce strain on the &rist7" $ minute rest bet&een sets" ;;;/or those &ho canLt do $ arm pull up< #ou should ta!e a belt and put it over the bar and ma!e the same set holdin the belt &ith your free arm" As you et stroner put your arm lo&er and lo&er on the belt" 8 pull ups for each arm is one set" $-. minute rest bet&een sets" #ou should do %8 sets" Then you o to the parallel bars and do $* sets of 8 deep dips 6body is in appro9imately 38 deree position, as you o do&n your shoulders should almost touch the bars, adust your &rist and dont s0ueeDe the bar &ith all of your finers to reduce strain on the &rist7" $ minute rest bet&een sets" BA# 8 ROFTIE 2es day &ith &eiht" 2e day is super important if your oal is to ro& proportionally and ain muscles" 2es contain the larest muscles in your body" If you tain les &ith &eiht, not only you &ill loo!@feel reat and proportionate, but also< $" #our body &ill be more in a muscle-production mode 6since your body &ill need to &or! to recover and ro& such lare muscles7" %" The &eiht of your les &ill be li!e an e9tra &eiht that you al&ays have on � your upper body
&ill et stroner and more muscular to correspond" -S0uats $st set is a &arm up set $* reps &ith 3* ! %nd set is a &arm up $* reps &ith =* ! 8 &or!in sets $ -$**! $* reps %-$**! $* reps .-$$*! $* reps 3-$%*! $* reps 8-$%* ! $* reps ; If you cannot &or! &ith these &eiht reduce them, but maintain the amount of sets@reps" Bo the e9ercises &ith a ood form" +a!e a oal to do them eventually &ith the &eiht I &rote" )ress machine< -%**! %* reps -%8*! %* reps % sets -.**! %* reps -.** ! $8 reps -.8*! $* reps . sets Romanian pull -8 sets &ith 5* ! $% reps 2unes -. sets of %* reps &ith =* ! alves -$* sets of $* reps &ith $**! 1OB#(EIG?T 2EG BA#@ARBIO ROFTIE If there is a day that your body feels really tired and for some reason you cant et to the par! or cant et to the ym to do the les &ith &eiht do the 1ody&eiht le session -$* umps to >* deree@$* full umps@$* lunes umps - its one set" Every e9ercise need to be done &ithout any rest" Bo %* sets of this" -$** m sprint to the hill $* times -8*** of umpin rope - after every $*** you need to ma!e $** double -#ou o do&n to your !nees ump to the >* deree s0uat" Then from the >* deree position you ump and put your !nees to the chest" In one set you have to do $* reps,bet&een the sets $ minute rest 68 sets7 ardio is super important to ive you reat resistance" Generally, before each &or!out you do I recommend doin at least $*** of umpin rope to ive you better resistance and et your muscles &arm BA# : ROFTIE (eiht endurance -$* different supersets &ith additional &eiht - startin from 8! up to %*! -8 muscle up 8 bar dips 8 pull up -8 pull up 8 muscle up 8 bar dip -$ pull up $ muscle up $ bar dip 8 times $* bar dips -$ pull up $ muscle up 8 times $* bar dips 8 pull up -8 pull up 8 muscle up $8 bar dip 8 pull ups -8 pull up $ muscle up $* bar dip 3 muscle up -8 muscle up $* bar dip 8 pull up -$ muscle % bar dip 8 times $* bar dips 8 pull up -8 muscle up from the static hold position on >* deree $8 bar dips 8 pull up -8 pull up muscle up from >* deree $8 bar dips 8 pull up � #ou need to have at least 8! of additional &eiht" If $* sets are too hard for you � start &ith 8 sets per trainin, but you should proress to doin $* sets eventually"
Once you can do $* sets &ith 8 !
start increasin the &eiht"
BA# = ROFTIE Endurance day -$ pull up $ muscle up $ bar dip - $* times 6&ithout lettin the bar o7" Once you let the bar o do immediately .* reular push ups -% pull ups % muscle ups % bar dips - 8 times 6&ithout lettin the bar o7" Once you let the bar o do immediately .* reular dips" -$ pull up $ muscle up $ bar dip 8 times 6&ithout lettin the bar o7" Once you let the bar o do immediately .* reular dips" -$ pull up $ muscle up $ bar dip 8 times 6&ithout lettin the bar o7" Once you let the bar o do immediately .* reular push ups -$* reular pull ups $ muscle up %* bar dips $ muscle up $8 bar dips $ muscle up $* bar dips $ muscle up 8 bar dips $ muscle up $* reular pull ups 6&ithout lettin the bar o7" Once you let the bar o do immediately .* reular dips" -$* reular pull ups $ muscle up %* bar dips $* reular pull ups $8 reular push ups 8 muscle ups $8 reular dips 8 muscle ups 6try to ma!e this as fast as it is possible for you7 ?o& to use this proramH -/irst &ee! $st day &eiht session@%nd day rest .rd day endurance session@3th day rest 8th day &eihted le session@:th day rest =th day another &eiht session 6than % days of rest - 35 hours of full recovery7 -Second &ee! $st day endurance session@rest .rd day another &eiht session@rest 8th day body&eiht le session@rest =th day endurance session@% days of rest 35 hour of recovery Remember to eat &ell and clean, sleep enouh" )arty@smo!in@drin!in &ill set you really far bac!, if you &ant to proress &ell, you need to concentrate on your oals and leave bad habits behind" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$* hiht l-sit pull in each pull ups you should touch the bar &ith your les 8 one arm pull up each arm Everythin need to be done &ithout lettin the bar ---------------E9plosive set -% e9plosive mu -%hiht l-sit pull up close rip -%hiht l-sit pull up reular rip -%hiht &ide l-sit pull up -. one arm pull up each arm -$* type&riters pull up -. mu -front lever hold6.C7 ---------------------?ell sets and reps Set for % persons $mu % bar dip@$mu@3@$@:@$@5@$@$*@$@5@$@:@$@3@$@%@$@$*@$8 pull up
-Street &or!out basic $" $ +F @ % 1ar Bips 98 %" $ )ullup @ $ +F 98 ." $* )ushups @ $* Bips 3" 8 )ullups @ 8 +F -E9treme calisthenics body&eiht and &eiht routines $* pull up 8 m"u" $8 bar dip 8 pull up 8 m"u" $8 bar dip 8 pull up $ m"u" 8 bar $ m"u" 3 bar $ m"u" . bar $ m"u" % bar $ m"u" $ bar $8 pull up
dip dip dip dip dip
9 9 9 9 9
% % % % %
-alisthenics in the Gym,no e9use ust o hard 8 m"u" 8* bar dip 8 m"u" $* pull up -(or!out motivation $ body&eiht set $ pull up $ mu $ bar dip $* times .* bar dips $* pull ups S0uat $* reps . times &ith :* !@ $* reps = times &ith 5* ! 2unes $* reps $* times &ith .* ! (eiht muscle ups % &ith $8 ! % &ith %* ! % &ith .* ! $ &ith .8! $ &ith 3* ! -+ental set $ m"u" $* bar dip $* pull up 6$*C hold head over bar - $*C hold head under bar - $*C dead han7 $* pull up 8 m"u" .8 bar dips $* pull up .* push up alisthenics psycho &or!out 3* min of cardio %* min of stretchin % body&eiht routine 68 pull up $ muscle up 8 bar dip 3@$@3 - .@$@. - %@$@% - $@$@$ 8 muscle up $8 bar dips 8 pull up7 68 pull up $ muscle up 3@$ - .@$ -%@$ -$@$ $ muscle up 8 bar dip $@3 - $@. - $@% $@$ 8 pull up 8C hold head over bar - 8C hold head under bar - 8C dead han7 $* pull up %* dips &ith .% ! $* circles
-Gym alisthenics 1east +ode motivation % pull up @% muscle up @% bar dip 98 .* push up % pull up @% muscle up @% bar dip 98 .* reular dips (arm up routines for you uys -?o& to improve endurance in alisthenics - craDy superset -$* pull up 8 mu =* bar dips 8 mu front lever hold $* pull up -(eiht calisthenics %* sets &ith %*! ?ell &or!out &ith %*! 3 muscle ups@8 pull ups@$ muscle up@8 bar 8 muscle ups@8 bar dips@8 pull ups 8 pull ups@8 muscle ups@8 bar dips $ muscle up@8 bar dips@3 muscle ups@8pull This 3 sets is $ circle each of sets has #ou need to repeat it 8 times,so toether
ups $8 reps" is onna be %* sets &ith %*!
-Insane endurance and strenth $ mu $ bar dip,$@%@$@.@$@3@$@8@$@:@$@=@$@5@$@>@$@$* at the end $* pull up Fltimate set N%*! by Vadym Oleyni! $* pull ups 8 muscle ups %* bar dips 8 pull ups N %* ! -E9treme body&eiht trainin by Vadym Oleyni! -raDy sets -$ mu@$* bar dip@$* pull up @ $*C static hold top-middle-bottom position@$* pull up@$mu@88 bar dip@8 mu@front lever hold@$* pull up -$ pull up@ $ mu @$ bar dip 6$* times7@ .* bar dips @$* pull up -% one arm pull up each arm � %8 sets rest bet&een the sets .*sec $ min -8 front lever raises@8 deep dips $* sets &ithout rest -2es session S0uats 3*!-$* reps =*! -$* reps $**!-$* reps � 8 )ress machine $8*!-%* reps %**-%* %8*-%* .**-%* .8*-$* Roman deadlift $* reps � . sets &ith =*! 2unes $* reps � : sets &ith =*! alves on press machine %* reps � 8 sets &ith $**! -(eihted calisthenics N8*! $* pull up@%* reular dip &ith 8*! itLs one circle you need to do $8 circles -2ess than 8* second &or! 5* reps $* pull ups $ muscle up :* bar dips $* pull up in $ minute -)ure body&eiht strenth $8 circles of the ?ell &ith :*! $ circle is
-% 9 8 pull up -% 9 $* dips At the end i did a set &ith some slo& moves,try to do them as slo& as it possible for you 6OA), 2 sit impossible muscle up , front lever raise7 -Evolution of a 1east 8 pull up @ 8 muscle up Routine &ith :*!< 68N8 Routine &ith =*!< 68N8
Superset N%*! - Routines & :*! and =* ! @ $8 bar dips @ 8 pull up N %* ! pull ups $*N$* dips7 9 $8 times pull ups $*N$* dips7 9 $* times
-1east mode )o&er Superset &ith %* ! 8 pull up $ pull up $ mu $ bar dip 8 times .* bar dips $* pull up -Road to ?ell - +ountain limb N.%! - Super?uman (or!out +ountain limb N.%! N .** reps N%*! &or!out immediately on top -Vadym Oleyni! hallene $7Vadym move; both sides and 8 muscle ups N%*! %7$* sec top hold $ mu@5 sec hold $ mu@: sec hold $ mu@3 sec hold $ mu@% sec hold $ mu 6N%*!7 ;archer pull up, type&riter to other side, archer muscle up to other side and do&n in opposite sides Q $ rep -$* hiht l-sit pull up . one arm pull up 6each arm7 8 reular muscle up N front lever hold -%** one arm pull ups 6in a sets % reps7 $** front lever raises6in a sets 8 reps7 $** deep dips 6in a sets 8 reps7 -8 impossible dips 8 ump bar to bar muscle up 8 russian l sit dips - beastmode last part reversed in $ minute 6$ muscle up $ dip7 """""" -8 one arm pull up each arm 8 hiht 2-sit pull up 8 reular muscle up /ront lever hold6.C7 : type&riter pull ups -$ muscle up $ bar dip $@%@ $@.@ $@3@ $@8@ $@:@ $@=@ $@5@ $@>@ $@$* at the end $* pull up -$ pull up $ muscle up $ dip 9 $* times N$8 push ups $8 reular dip 6% cicles7 -(eihted &or!out $* sets $ 9 . muscle up N 3* ! $* push up N $** ! $* draon flas ----------------------. V sit muscle up front lever hold . V sit pull up @front lever hold6 try to do it at least . times &ithout touchin the round7 -% reular dips@$ russian dip@$ muscle to the riht side@$ muscle up to the left side its one circle 6try to repeat it at least . times &ithout touchin the round7 ------------------------?ard &or!out routine -% pull up % mu % bar dip 8 time &ithout touchin the round than .* reular push up -% pull up % mu % bar dip 8 time &ithout touchin the round than .* reular dips ItLs to &arm your muscles" After you start hard shit -$* reular pull ups %* reular push ups %* times rest bet&een the sets li!e .* sec -%* reular dips $* reular pull ups %* times --------------------8 pull ups 8 mu .* bar dips $* pull ups 6N %* !7 -/ront lever pull up 6. reps7 One arm pull up 68 each hand7 Beep dips 68 reps7 Its one circle,try to repeat at least 8 times and Fp to $* -$ minute &or! 8 +u %* bar dips @$ mu $8 bar dips @$ mu $* bar dips @$ mu 8 bar
dips @8 mu -6$*pull up %* push ups,$* pull %* dips78 times &ithout any rest" -?ardest set ever $ $* )F22 F) N $ +"F %* 1AR BI)S $* )F22 F) N $ +"F %* 1AR BI)S $8 )FS? F) 8 +"F $8 BI)S 6OR+A27 8 +"F -?ardest set ever % 3 muscle ups $ pull up . muscle ups % pull ups % muscle ups . pull ups $ muscle up $* straiht bar dips 3 pull ups .* push ups '%" -?ardest set ever . $* pull up 8 muscle up 8* bar dip $* pull up -?ardest set ever 3 $* pull up $* muscle up %$ bar dip $* pull up -The hardest &or!out 2e session -$ s0uat 5*! %* lunes &ith $:! !ettle in each hand6&al!in7 -%@%*@.@%*@3@%*@8@%*@:@%*@=@%*@5@%*@>@%*@$*@%*@$*@%*@>@%*@5@%*@=@%*@:@%*@8@%*@$*@5* Repeat it % times Toether it should be %%* s0uats and 3** lunes Fpper body &or!out %* reular push up $* reular push@%* reular dips $* reular pull ups@%* bar dips $* reular pull ups 6Is one circle,bet&een e9ercise no rest after circle $ min $".* rest7i did :* circles -Vadym &or!out routine %* sets of< $* pull up %* push up %* sets of < %* dips $* pull up -$ hih (ide 2-sit pull up to the (ide front lever 6% times7 one arm pull up &ith a static in % position6both hands7 than $ reular one arm pull up 6both hands7 �Bo this set 8 times times� &ith a rest $-% min bet&een bet&een -Vadym instaram le &or!out 1ac! s0uat 5* ! %-3-:-5-$* umps on bo9 %*-$5-$:-$3-$% /ront s0uat $*-5-:-3-% 1o9 umps $%-$3-$:-$5-%* Beadlift 8 9$**@ 3 9 $%*@ . 9 $3*@ % 9 $:* -Vadym instaram pain &or!out 6N%* !7 9 % sets $* +uscle up, $* bar dips, $* pull ups, .* reular dips N $* +"u, $* bar dips, $* pull ups, .* push up ---------------------------------------+ASTER S?REBBA -1einner +ust be Bone in the order they are iven, e9ercises that are not timed should have a ma9imum $%* sec rest in bet&een each Set no more than . and a half minutes if you ste ust ettin bac!6&ith 2EA form for each &or!out7 ;Also its %3 days because i advise $ -% rest dayD a &ee! for muscle recovery;
Enoy"""""" Everythin is 1EAST+OBE BA# $ %** )ushups 6reps of $* and better7 8* pullups :* situps $** s0uats $** umpin ac!s BA# % $** JF+)IG JAS $8* )FS?F)S 8* Inervted pull ups 8* reular pull ups $** s0uats 8* !runches BA# . $** !runches $** s0uats .8 invertted pull ups 38 pull ups $8* )ushups BA# 3 8 minute Brill;; $** pushups and 8* pull ups in 8 minutes or less 8* &al!in lunes on each le 8* s0uats .* hyper e9tensions BA# 8 .* burpess Iso metric static holds on the pull up bar, 6?oldin on to the pull up bar &ith your chin above the bar7 for .* secs 9 3 8* dips .* le raises .* flurter !ic!s $8 bac! hypere9tentions =8 pushups BA# : 8 minute Brill;; 8* !nee !runches on the dip bar 8* !nee !runches &hole dead hanin on the pull up bar $** )ushups 8* pull ups in 8 mins or lesss $8* umpin ac!s Isometric static holds 6?anin on the pull up bar &ith your Eye at bar level7 for 38 seconds 9 % BA# = Iso metric static holds on the pullup bar Bead?an on the bar for $8 seconds then &ithout releasin the bar transition yourself to holdin &here your at eye level &ith the bar for %8 seconds 9 3 sets +ountain !limbers for $ min 9 . $** dips $** s0uats %* burpees
BA# 5 88 invertted pull ups 38 dips 88 pull ups $$* )ushups =8 1ularian split s0uats on each side %8 bicep urls 9 % 6&ith $8- %8 pound &eiht7or resistance band $** bench dips 8* sit ups 8* !runches BA# > $8* S0uats =8 &al!in lunes 8* pull ups 8* invertted pullups BA# $* ISOmetric pyramid pushups $-$* 6unbro!en7 $ )FS?) T?E ?O2B your pushup position elbo&s e9tented for $* seconds then % pushups &ith a $* second hold then ., until you reach $* )ushups &ith a $* second hold,Then bac! do&n in reverse order 9 . " The oal is to complete as many rounds &ithout brea!in" 8* bo9 umps .* s . /ront Raises 6&ith medium resistance band or $*lb dumb bell7 $%* situps 8* Bips BA# $$ $8* )ushups =8 pullups %8 dips %8 invertted pullups 8* le raises $8* umpin ac!s BA#$% %** )ushups $** s0uats .* second dead han on the bar transitionin into 8 pullups &ithout lettin o 9 8 $8 !nee raises on the dip bar 9 8 %* !runches 9 8 BA# $. 8* burpees =8 pullups $** lunes on each le BA# $3 %** umpin ac!s $** invertted pullups $** bench dips 8* step ups on each le 8* !nee raises dead hanin on the pull up bar $8* )ushups Bay $$ $8* step ups $8 9 $* on each le .* Cmomentum !illedC pushups 9 $* 6$* pushups the pause for % seconds elbo&s
e9tended follo&ed by $* until you et to .*7 %* hanin !nee raises on the bar 9 $* $8 pullups 9 8 Bay $8 $* bo9 umps 9 . .* second plan! 9 . $** sit ups %* 9 8 $** pushups $* 9 $* Bay $: $** le raises $* 9 $* Isometric holds on the pull up bar $* seconds 9 $* Russian T&ists &ith $*lb- %*lb sand ba or &eiht %* 9 . Bay $= Incline straiht =8 bench dips $8 1icycle crunches Split s0uats $*
le hip raises $* 9 . 9 8 %* 9 . 9 $*
Bay $5 Reverse crunches %* 9 8 Inverted pull ups $* 9 $* $* 9 $* dips $** umpin ac!s Bay $> 1urpees count do&n $* - $ $*, >, 5, =,:, till $ burpee left +ountain climbers %* secs 9 : I so metric holds on the dip bar .* secs 9 3 Bay %* nee raises on the dip bar 8 9 8 )ushups 8* $* 9 8 Scissor !ic!s %* 9 8 2unes $* 9 8 S0uats $* 9 8 Bay %$ )ull ups 8 9 8 Inverted )ull ups $* 9 8 )ushups $* 9 $* Sit ups %* 9 8 )lan!s 38 seconds 9 . Bay %% %* 9 . curls &ith medium resistance band %* 9 . front raises &ith medium resistance band 8 dips &ith a 8 second isometric hold 9 $* $* diamond pushups 9 . $* reular pushups 9 % S0uats $* 9 8 Bay %. Shoulder press &ith medium resistance $* 9 8 Straiht le hip raises 8 9 $* Inverted pull ups $* 9 8 2e raises $* 9 8
Sit ups %* 9 8 Bay %3 )lan!s 38 seconds 9 : Straiht le hip raises $* 9 . )ushups $* 9 $* 1icep curls &ith medium resistance band %* 9 . $8* umpin ac!s Russian T&ists &ith %*lb sand ba,ball or &eiht %* 9 . Bay %8 (al!in lunes $* on each le 9 8 2unes $* 9 8 Sit ups %* 9 8 1ench dips %* 9 8 Bay %: 8 )ull ups &ith 8 second Iso metric hold holds 9 $* 8 dips &ith 8 second isometric holds 9 $* $8 shoulder press &ith medium resistance band 9 3 2e raises $* 9 . )lan!s .* secs 9 . Bay %= 1urpees pyramid Set $ - $* $ burpee ,then %,.,3,8, until you reach $* burpees )ull ups = 9 = Inverted pull ups = 9 = 1icep curls &ith medium resistance band %* 9 . Bay %5 1ird dos %* on each side 9 8 )ushups $* 9 $* S0uats $* - $ $*, then >, all the &ay to $ nee raises on the pull up bar $* 9 $* -Intermediate Bay $ %* burpee =* inverted pullups $** s0uats .* pullups 8* push ups 8* sit ups $8 mins or less;; Bay % 8* dips =8 inverted pullups 8 mins or less 9 3 Bay . $* rounds of each e9ercise $ min plan! .* sec flutter !ic!s $8 dips $* sec isometric hold $* le raises $8 s0uats Bay 3 $* rounds of each e9ercise
$8 pelvic hip raises $8 reverse crunches $8 &al!in lunes $ min plan! .* pushups Bay $** $8* $** .**
8 situps in 8 mins or less push ups in 8 mins or less inverted pull ups in 8 mins or less flat footed umpin Jac!Ls in 8 mins or less
Bay : $* bo9 umps %* decline pushups $% bo9 umps %% decline pushups $3 bo9 umps %3 decline pushups $: bo9 umps %: decline pushups $5 bo9 umps %5 decline pushups %* bo9 umps .* decline pushups In %* mins or less Bay = $8* lunes on each le $8* s0uats $** le lift $** scissors !ic!s 8* pullups Bay 5 $8* step ups $8 9 $* on each le .* Cmomentum !illedC pushups 9 $* 6$* pushups the pause for % seconds elbo&s e9tended follo&ed by $* until you et to .*7 %* hanin !nee raises on the bar 9 $* %* pullups 9 $* Bay > %* le raises 9 $* $8 inverted pullups 9 : $8 pullups 9 : %* reverse crunches 9 8 8* bo9 umps $*-$ muscle up countdo&n $* mu,then >mu, until $ Bay $* 8 burpees 8 inverted pullups 8 pullups then : burpees 8 inverted pullups continue Fntil you reach $8 burpees 8 inverted pullups 8* umpin lunes
pullups ,8
Bay $$ $so metric dip !ountdo&n $dip hold 8 secs then %dips 8 secs hold up until you reach $* dips &ith a 8 second hold"" Rest then o bac! do&n in the reverse order startin &ith $* dips and a 8 sec hold > dips 8 sec hold,until you only have $ dip and a 8 second hold" %* lo&er bac! hypere9tentions then $8,$*, 8,$*,$8,%* that set 9 % %** s0uats .* arm curls &ith the medium resistance band 9 8 Bay
%$ /lutter !ic!s layin do&n face up for %8 secs 9 $* $8 dips 9 $* 1ac!&ards lunes %* 9 $* ?anin !nee raises &ith chin above the bar $* 9 $* .* 98 shoulder press &ith the medium resistance band Bay $. 8min drill 8* pullups $** pushups in 8 mins or less 9 % $* inverted pullups 9$8 (al!in lunes until you reach $** on each le %* reverse crunches 9 8 Bay $3 EI1 +onsta Set 8* pushups %8 pullups 3* pushups %* pullups .* pushups $8 pullups %* pushups $* pullups 8 muscle ups ,then $ muscle $ bardip 8 sec hold then $ muscle % dips 8 sec hold,$ muscle . dips 8 sec hold, until you are at $ dip $* muscle ups and a 8 second hold 6all in %* mins or less7 $ min &all sits 9 . 2ateral raises &ith medium resistance band %* 9 8 Bay $8 Bead han 8 secs $ muscle up $ dip, dead han 8 secs % muscle ups % dips, dead han 8 secs . muscle ups . dips, dead han 8 secs 3 muscle ups 3 dips , dead han 8 secs 8 muscle ups 8 dips, unbro!en, then o bac! do&n" Bay $: $* lo& short pushups 6bouncies7$* reular pushups ,%* short $* reular ,.* short $* reular, 3* short $* reular, 8* short $* reular, :* short $* reular, =* short $* reular, 5* short $* reular, >* short $* reular, $** short $* reular" =8 pullups $** dips in 8 mins or less Bay $= $* reular pullups $* &eihted pullups 6minimum $%lbs7 $% reular pullups $% &eihted pullups $3 reular pullups $3 &eihed pullups $: pullups $: &eihted pullups $5 pullups $5 &eihted pullups %* pullups %* &eihted pullups $ minute hold head to bar 9 . Bay $5 $* inverted pullups s&itch reverse rip $* inverted pulls ,$* close rip inverted rips , $* close rip underhand 6 unbro!en7 8 sets %* secs on the pull up bar eye level %* sec hold head level, %* sec hold chin over the bar 8 sets Bay $> $ ump s0uat $* sec hold % ump s0uats $* sec hold, . ump s0uats $* sec hold, 3 ump s0uats $* sec hold, 8 ump s0uats $* sec hold , : ump s0uats $* sec hold, = ump s0uats $* sec hold, 5 ump s0uats $* sec hold,> ump s0uats $* sec hold, $* ump s0uats $* sec hold, ?oldin head to bar on pullup bar crunches for %* sec 9 8 8 sets of %* scissor crunches Bay %* $* dips 8 sec hold do&n to $ dip 8 sec hold then bac! up $-$* &ith 8 sec hold = pullups 8 sec rest then = pullups in a different rip then 8 sec rest aain follo&ed by = pullups in a different rip , do this se0uence = times for = sets chanin the rip each time Bay %$ 8 musclue ups 8 pullups , %* sec eye level % times is $ set" Bo this for 8 sets"
Then 8 muscleups
%* sec
hold chin over the bar for . sets
Bay %% $* push up $* second hold, > pushups > second hold second hold, 5 pushups 5 second hold second hold = pushups = second hold : pushups : second hold 8 pushups 8 sec hold 3 pushups 3 second hold . pushups . second hold % pushups % second hold $ pushup up .* second hold""""try to do un bro!en , then start the same process startin from $ then o bac! do&n from $*-$ aain $ minute isometic hold at eye level on the pull up bar 9 8 Bay %. Beadhan 8 seconds 8 pullups isometric hold eye level 8 secs unbro!en . times on the bar 6$ set7 9 : 8 dips 8 second hold 9 8 6$set7 9 8 Bay %3 % dips &al! on the dip bar % steps then another % dips until you reach %%, do this for 8 sets, then $* pullups &ith $* second hold &ith chin over the bar then > pullups $* second hold &ith chin over the bar do&n to $ pull up $* seconds chin over the bar, then ba9! up from $-$* then bac! do&n Bay %8 On the dip bar $ !nee lift 8 dips $ le lift ,% !nee lifts 3 dips % le lifts, . !nee lifts . dips . le lifts,3 !nee lifts % dips 3 le lifts, 8 !nee lifts $ dip 8 le lifts, then bac! up"$ reluar pushup then $ diamond pushup, % pushups % diamond pushups, . pushups . diamond pushups, 3 pushups 3 diamond pushups, 8 pushups 8 diamond pushups up to $* ,$* , try to do as unbro!en as possible" Bay %: $ minute &all sit 9 . %* s0uats $* second hold at the bottom $5 s0uats $* sec hold,$: s0uats $* sec hold, $3 s0uats $* sec hold, $% s0uats $* sec hold , $* s0uats $* sec hold, then bac! up BA# %= /or this routine &ill be $$-$8 $$ dips,pullups,pushups,s0uats and ump s0uats,lelifts, then $% of each, then $. up to $8 of each BA# %5 /or this routine you &ill be doin $* sets rounds of $* reps each e9ercise Split s0uats, bac!&ards lunes, .* sec hold eye level on pushup 1ar, 38 sec plan! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UUUUUSERGIO BI )ASMFA2E@@@@@ 6il mio criterio per il volume totale � < ma9 9 5 fino a ma9 9 $* 6se hai $3 un ottimo volume totale � $3*7 /or beinners< $* pullups, $* dips, $8 pushups, %* s0uats -(AR+F) )F22F)S@)FS?F)S 8* 638N87@8* .*@.* %*@%* 6$**@$**7 (OROFT )F22F)S@)FS?F)S@TRIS E'TESIOS $8 ' $8@$8@$8 8 ' %*@%*@%* 6.%8@.%8@.%87 TOTA2 $$38 RE)S -The ?ardest )ushup Set Ever - %*@3*@:*@5*@$** 8+BP %* pushups 3* pushups :* pushups 5* pushups
$** pushups Every set on the minute and to be completed &ithin 8 minutes" 68+B7
-KefLs :** )ushups $ 9 $* % 9 %* . 9 .* 3 9 3* 3 9 8* $** -)ushups Routine 8-$*-$8-%*-%8P I did every set on the 3th minute, only after every $* sets I rested 8 &hole minutesH -$8** )ull ups %* sets of $8 pulls %* sets of $3 pulls %* sets of $. pulls %* sets of $% pulls %* sets of $$ pulls %* sets of $* pulls Recupero< circa due minuti, meno fra le serie da $*" Totale 3 ore spaccate
-)F22F)S@BI)S@)FS?F)S )#RA+IB $-%-.-3-8-:-=-5->-$* :-=-5->-$*-$$-$%-$.-$3-$8 $$-$%-$.-$3-$8-$:-$=-$5-$>-%* $:-$=-$5-$>-%* total< 3*8 pullups, 3*8 dips, 3*8 pushups 6$%$8 reps7 -$-%-.-3-8-:-=-5->-$*-$$-$%- $.-$3-$8-$:-$=-$5-$>-$* total %** pushups 6rest same as number of reps7 -8 +IFTES )F22F)S ?A22EGE< As many sets of $* pullups as possible in 8 minutes" -$ )F22@$ BI) ' 8 % )F22S@% BI)S ' 8 . )F22S@. BI)S ' 8""" """$8 )F22S@$8 BI)S ' 8 6:** pull up@:** dips7 -%8 pullups@%8 dips 93 %.@%. 93 %$@%$ 93 $>@$> 93 $=@$= 93 $8@$8 93 %*@%* total< 8**@8** -$*9%* )F22F)S $*9$8 )F22F)S $*9$* )F22F)S $*98 )F22F)S total< 8** )F22F)S -after .* pullups deadstop for a &armup %* sets of %* pullups, only 3** 6$%*C rest7 -%* SETS O/ 3* BI)S 65**7 done in $ hour, % minutes rest every set -%* SETS O/ %* )F22F)S &anted to shoot for .* on the last set but only ot %> -$%** BI)S I 5* +IFTES 8* SETS< $*'%* BI)S 63* SE REST7 $*'%8 BI)S 6:* SE REST7 $*'.* BI)S 65* SE REST7 $*'%8 BI)S 6:* SE REST7 $*'%* BI)S 63* SE REST7 -)F22F)S )#RA+IB $-%-.-3-8"""%=N%.6.*7 -$* 9 $* )F22F)S 6+A' RO+ )OSSI12E7 8 ' %* )F22F)S 6REGF2AR7 $* ' $* )F22F)S 6+A' RO+ )OSSI12E7 8 ' %* )F22F)S 6REGF2AR7 $* 9 $* )F22F)S 6+A' RO+ )OSSI12E7 68** )F22F)S7 -$%** Bips $* sets of 8* 8 sets of 3* $* sets of .* 8 sets of %* $* sets of $* -8$ OA)S SIG2ES EA? AR+ 6$*% TOTA27 $* SETS O/ .* )F22F)S -$8** BI)S 6=8 SETS O/ %*7
-=** )F22 F)S 8 SETS O/ 3* 8 SETS O/ .* $* SETS O/ %* $8 SETS O/ $* -ma9out as &armup< >% $ TO 8* )#RA+IB< $%=8 dips total -the routine &as a $ to 3* and bac! to $ pushups pyramid 6$:** push ups7 -3 pyramids completed for a total of =8* pullups $-%-.-3-8-:-=-5->-$*-$$-$%-$.-$3-$8-$:-$=-$5-$>-%* $>-$5-$=-$:-$8-$3-$.-$%-$$-$*->5-=-:-8-3-.-%-$ 63**7 $-%-.-3-8-:-=-5->-$*-$$-$%-$.-$3-$8 $3-$.-$%-$$-$*->-5-=-:-8-3-.-%-$ 6%%87 $-%-.-3-8-:-=-5->-$*->-5-=-:-8-3-.-%-$ 6$**7 $-%-.-3-8-3-.-%-$ 6%87 -$ TO $8 TO $ 6%%8 )F22F)S7 3 TI+ES 6$*@%* seconds reps" I too! 8 minutes bet&een the pyramids"7 -$:** )FS?F)S 8+B< %%8 I 8 +IFTES $* SETS O/ 8* $* SETS O/ 38 > SETS O/ 3* N$ SET O/ :8 circa $ minuto fra i set e 8 minuti dopo oni dieci set -8** )F22F)S )#RA+IB $-%-.-3-8-:-=-5->-$*-$$-$%-$.-$3-$8-$:-$=-$5-$>-%*-%$-%%-%.%3-%8-%:-%=-%5-%>-.* .8 )F22F)S /AI2 6BOE .3N$7 -)FS? F)S < 8 9 >* 8 9 5* 8 9 =* 6$%** total7 63@8 min bet&een sets7 -$.% OE AR+ )F22F)S 6:: EA? AR+7 < %% SETS O/ . SIG2ES 6A2TERATIG AR+S7 -)FS?F)S )#RA+IB $ TO :* 6$5*8 )FS?F)S7 $ to $* $$ to %* %$ to .* .$ to 3* 3$ to 8* 8$ to :* -5** )F22F)S 3$ SETS 6% minutes bet&een sets, 3@8 minutes every $* sets7 %*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%* %*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%* %*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%*-%* %*-%*-$>-$>-$=-$>-$=-$=-$=-$:-$> -
-$ )ull up to $* bac! to $ 6$** pull up7 $* times -On a hih pushup bar< $* pushups@ %* pushups@ .* pushups@ 3* pushups@ 8* pushups ThatLs one round" #ou do every set on the minute 6so it ta!es 8 minutes7 Then you rest on the :th minute, and repeat" -3*'%8 )FS?F)S TOTA2< $*** )FS?F)S -$ TO $8 TO $ 6%%8 )F22F)S7 3 TI+ES $*@%* seconds bet&een reps" I too! 8 minutes bet&een the pyramids" -(AR+F) ROFTIE 88* )FS?F)S $-$*-$*-$ )FS?F)S )#RA+IB 8 TI+ES %* +IFTES ca" -3* +IFTES 3*'%8 )FS?F)S TOTA2< $*** )FS?F)S -Fsually done s&itchin from a lo& pushup bar to a slihtly hiher one" $-$-$-$-%-%-%-%-.-.-.-.-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-:-:-:-:-=-=-=-=-5-5-5-5->->->->-$*-$*-$*-
$*->->->->-5-5-5-5-=-=-=-=-:-:-:-:-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-.-.-.-.-%-%-%-%-$-$-$-$ 8*-8*-3*-3*-.*-.*-%*-%*-$*-$* SETS< -The elson Set - $$$ Reps 6$ +uscleup@$** Bips On 1ar@ $* +uscleups7 -.* pull ups, .* dips, .* push ups under % minutes 6Beny +ontana challene7 -The Fltimate Set< $ pullup $ muscleup $ dip, %-%-%, .-.-., 3-3-3, 8-8-8 -The five%*< $ muscleups %* dips on bar 8 times no rest -The Silver Set< %* )ullups @ %* +uscleups @ %* Bips @ $* )ullups -The ho!er $:8 Reps Endurance 1ar Set< $8 +uscleups, $8* S1BLs $ +uscleup 8* Straiht 1ar Bips % +uscleups 3* Straiht 1ar Bips . +uscleups .* Straiht 1ar Bips 3 +uscleups %* Straiht 1ar Bips 8 +uscleups $* Straiht 1ar Bips ---------------------------------------+A' TRFE Bamn set $ %* muscle-ups %8 dips N35 %8 pull-ups N.% $** dips 8* pull-ups Time - $="8: Bamn set % 8* pull-ups, $** push-ups, time ."38 Bamn set . %* pull-ups - %* push-ups $8 - $8 $* - $* 8 - 8 8 muscle ups Bamn set 3 Bamn set 8 3* pull-ups, 3* dips, 3* push-ups Bamn set : Vadym Oleyni!Ls set 3 muscle ups $ pull up . muscle ups % pull ups % muscle ups . pull ups $ muscle ups $* bar dips 3 pull ups .* push ups 9% Bamn set = )ull-ups %$ ?andstand )ush-ups< %$ Jump Rope Bouble< %$
)ull-ups $8 ?andstand )ush-ups< $8 Jump Rope Bouble< $8 )ull-ups > ?andstand )ush-ups< > Jump Rope Bouble< > Bamn set 5 $* )ull ups $*N$* One arm push ups .* seconds of ?uman fla $8 Bips &ith additional 35 ! $* )ull ups &ith additional 35 ! and $* 2e-hip raisins Bamn set > Set from 1ar (ars %*$: One arm pull-ups 8N8 /ront lever $8 sec +uscle-ups 8 )ush-ups .* Bips .* Archer pull-ups %* Bamn set $* $* +uscle Fps $* 1ar Bips $* )ull ups 8* )ush ups .* 2e-?ip Raises 8* Bips BA(A2I Alternate the e9ercises )ush-ups - .*@%>@%5@%=@%:@%8@%3@%.@%%@%$@%* )ull-ups - $*@>@5@=@:@8@8@8@8@8@8 Bips - %*@$>@$5@$=@$:@$8@$3@$.@$%@$$@$* hin-ups - $*@>@5@=@:@8@8@8@8@8@8 ABA+ RA( -?ard level (arrior (or!out Routine ?B Rest as little as possible % playrounds of fro umps %* &arrior pull up to abs 6deadhan-. destabiliDation hits-pull up to touch abs Q$ rep7 .* push up &ith someone on your bac! 6full rom, chest to bar7 8* s0uat ump fro umps 6s0uat-hih ump &ith !nees up-fro ump Q$ rep7 .* &arrior l sit le raises 6l sit-. destabiliDation hits-raise le to bar-o bac! to l sit Q$rep7 % playrounds of fro umps -Advanced &or!out $* 9 pull up@dips@push up N $: ! $* 9 pull up@dips $* body&eiht push up rest . minutes N %3 ! $* 9 pull up@dips $* body&eiht push up rest . minutes
N .% ! $* 9 pull up@dips $* body&eiht push up
2ITT2E1EAST+ )ull-Fps < .%-.$-.*-%>-%5-%=-%:-%8-%3-%.-%%-%$-%*-$>-$5-$=-$:-$8-$3-$.-$%-$$-$*->5-=-:-8-3-.-%-$ Bips < .%-.$-.*-%>-%5-%=-%:-%8-%3-%.-%%-%$-%*-$>-$5-$=-$:-$8-$3-$.-$%-$$-$*->-5-=:-8-3-.-%-$ )ush-Fps < .%-.$-.*-%>-%5-%=-%:-%8-%3-%.-%%-%$-%*-$>-$5-$=-$:-$8-$3-$.-$%-$$-$*->5-=-:-8-3-.-%-$ you can pic! any of those to start &ith, u need to finish $ first untill you can pic! another" u need to finish them all in the fastest time"" try to o for the less rest"" thats &hats ma!e it a &or!out"" do it all &ith ood form, and !eep s&itchin li!e first u do .% basic push ups than .$ diamonds than .* declines etc etc same for pull ups and dips "" -Static pull up routine 8 (ide pull ups on the last rep you hold on top for $* seconds" $* sec rest %" 8 (ide )ull ups on the last rep you hold it &ith your head aainst the bar" $* sec rest ." lose Grip chin-ups 8 reps &ith % seconds holds on top and the middle6 u do the hold on everyrep7 $* sec rest 3" )horm )ull up $ rep and hold for $* seconds on top hihest possible head aainst bar"" &atch your shoulders"" $* sec rest 8" this set u try in $ attempt if u cant do it in $ set than u ump do&n and try aain"" till you ot it in $ attempt"" ommando pull ups, ust static hold left shoulder aainst the bar hold for $*, !eep the same rip hold &ith your head aainst the bar for 8" dont drop do&n s&itch the rip and no& touch your riht shoulder aainst the bar hold for $*- and another for 8 &ith your head aainst the bar"" $* sec rest :" ma9 lose rip )ull ups fast up slo& do&n"" ma9 out"" -1i lats routine 9 % Sternum pull ups ma9 $* sec &ide pull up ma9 $* sec lose rip pull ups ma9 $* sec hin up ma9 $* sec close rip chin up ma9 . minutes rest -1ac! routine every day < 3 9 $% &ide rip pull ups .* sec rest 3 9 $% close rip pull ups .* sec rest 3 9 $* muscle ups $ min rest
3 9 $* reverse ro&s .*sec rest -$ min push ups $ minut rest $ minut pull ups $ minut rest $ minut static hold on top of the pull up $ minut rest, repeat for $* to %* rounds -Tricep +easuperset< $%-$8 Tricep e9tensions $8-%* Bips $%-$8 Tricep dips %* Second Tricep stretch6 #OFR REST7 Repeat this for 3 to 8 rounds 6O REST7 -hest (or!out< %* straiht planche push ups, follo&ed by %* dips, follo&ed by .* half reps dips, follo&ed by 8* push ups -E9treme chest (arm up set < Rin /lys - 2es on chairs"" Side rin flys, straiht after %* dips" Set $ < Assisted )elicans, arms to the side o thre& your shoulders u almost in a bac!lever than u o bac! up aain, do this in reps &ith alot of control burn &ith some rin flys, straiht after %* dips repeat for 8 sets &ith lo& rest"" my chest and shoulders are al&ays sore the ne9t day" -A1S 2ittlebeast+ $* (indshield &ipers $* Braon flas $* Braon fla le raises $* Braon fla hip raises $* Slo& sit up 6V ups7 $* 2 sit to v sit $* 2 sit !ic!s +a9 2 sit flutter !ic!s -%-3-:-5-$*-5-:-3-% Q 8* reps do % push ups stand up, do 3 push ups stand up i usually dont stand up i do an lseat or et my !nees % my chest, 3-5-$%-$:-%*-$:-$%-5-3 Q $** i did . of these im plannin doin these &ith dips,pull-ups and push ups and sum mea sets li!e %-%-% pull dip push 3-3-3 pull dip push :-:-: pull dip push etc etc try &ith no rest" thats $8* reps in $ set -Indoor &or!out ?andstand )ush-Fps Q #ou can do this on handles if you &anna ma!e it harder"?O( (IBER ?O( ?ARBER AB #OF (I22 GET E'TRE+E2# (IBE $* 9 $* if you cant do $* on handles, do ma9 but more sets"" 1EAR TRA) 63 sets of .*7 /irst you must stand at least a foot a&ay from the &all, then lean on the &all usin your shoulder to brace yourself" o& bend bend your arm up into a � 2� position position &ith your fist fist in front of you" you" 6ote< 6ote< your shoulder and elbo& should be aainst the &all7 o& to do the 1EAR TRA)S you must use your elbo& to push off of the &all 6ot er!in your body7 in a controlled movement" 6Also notice that the further you are from the &all the harder it becomes7
AR+ RAISES- : sets total 6% sets of $** for&ard, % sets of $** out to the sides toether, and $ set of 8* out to the side $ arm at a time7this &or!s out your shoulders, but notice that if you tuc! your head do&n &hile doin � out to the sides toether� you &ould no& be doin your bac!, you may also use thins around you to add &eiht if you li!e, e9ample< boots, telephone boo!""" etc" I 2IE TO 1EGI (IT? AR+ RAISES, TO GET T?E 12OOB TO T?E S?OF2BERS"" -?EST.")FS? F)S- if you s&itch positions you must do at least % sets straiht before chanin"""6diamonds, shoulder &idth and &ide7 START O// (IT? OFTBO(S /RO+ $* 6do $* push ups hold for 8 seconds then do > do&n to 5"""etc"7 Al&ays from $* do&n to see ho& far you can o" #ou miht o from $* to =, ne9t day you miht et to :" Once you reach $* to $ you then must attempt to o bac! up to $*, same rules apply" I2IE )FS? F)S 6%8 sets of $*, &ith 8 seconds rest in bet&een each set &hile leanin aainst a dresser, &all or anythin elevated" Remember the hiher you are the easier it is"7 is"7 Since you� re not in the par! you you &ill need these these to imitate the the stairs BE2IE )FS? F)S 6$* sets of $*, pace yourself because these are more difficult7 These are the total opposite of the I2IE )FS? F)S" #ou must no& place your feet on anythin elevated" Remember the hiher you are the harder it is 1FR OFTS 6all the &ay do&n and half &ay up, and all the &ay up to half &ay do&n7 3 sets total" total" )ush yourself yourself until until failure, failure, until you can� t o no more" more" "SIT F)S, RF?ES- these you can perform riht in your bed SISSORS 68 sets of $*7 #ou start off by sittin almost at the ede of your bed, sit on your hands 6palms facin do&n hand over hand7 then lay bac!" o& raise your les slihtly and start openin and closin them li!e scissors, the tric! is that &hile openin and closin them you &ill have to place them foot over foot as they close 6open les, close them riht foot over left and then s&itch &ith left foot over riht7 RF?ES 68 sets of $*7 #ou start off the same &ay as the scissors" 1ut this time you &ould raise your !nees and torso toether into a crunch -2ittlebeast+ %**> routine 8* umpinac!s 9% 8* push-ups 9% )ull-Fps < set $ Q on set % Q on set . Q on
6IL+ BOIG T?IS (EIG?TEB7 bar bar l-seat rins
ormal +a9 9. /renshis 9. 6$ rep is $ pull up 8 C top hold - $ pull up 8C middle hold - $ pull up 8C lo& hold7 S&itch rip 9. (ide +a9 9. Side to Side 9. 6Type&riter7
Side One One 9. 6Archer7 lose +a9 9. One Bo&n 9. 6Assisted oap7 Soldier 9. 6commando7 behind the nec! ma9 9 . hin (ide 9. One arm deadhan 9: neatives 9: Bips < ormall +a9 9. &eihted 9. 6Beep dips alternative7 rin dips 9. 6bularian7 rin iron cross ups 9. Triceps ?annibal 9. 6tricep e9tension7 )ush-Fps< ?andstand )ush- Fps handles 9: ?ip-)ush ups 9: STRABB2E )lanche 9: Incline $* than hold 8 sec till you ot 8* )yramid $* > 5 = : 8 3 . % $ than bac! up to $* Tierbend )ush ups 9: Total 1urn out 9. Abs < Supersets 9. /ront lever 9 : 1ac! lever 9 : Braon/las 6&eihted7 9: lo&erbac! raises 9: planche holds 9: 2-seat s;;t 9 : 2e-raises 9: Ab&heel 9: 2es < )istols 9 : -%**> set $* l-seat dips 6yeah l-seat dips7 $* &ide rip pull ups $* push ups $* &ide handstand push ups u need to this all straiht after eachother so no rest my record is . straiht sets no rest -One arm pull up trainin 2ittlebeast+ /renchies pull up 8 to 5 reps on all rip 9. -)lanche trainin $st set hip push ups 9 3 @ reps%*N easy %nd set (IBE tuc!ed planche push ups 9 3 @ reps5-$%" .rd set full planche push ups aainst the &all 9. @ reps 5-$* i repeat this $ time this is my mornin routine for no& and my niht routine at home"
-A&esome set 6no rest7 ?andstand )ush-ups aainst a &all or door 6ma9reps7 )ull-Fps Strictform ontrolled 6ma9reps7 Biamond )ush-ups $ le up 6s&itchles &hen u on 8*47 or ?ip )ush-ups " 6+A'RE)S7 Bo this Very controlled" +IE < $8-%*-3*@8* -1urnin set no rest bet&een the reps first %* &ide rip pull ups 6controlled7 ma9 &ide pushups ma9 &ide pull ups ma9 &ide push ups and so on , till you cant o anymore"" so till you cant o anymore dont ive up burn ur bac! and chest after ur layin on the round li!e a piece of s;;t, stand up and do &ite ump ropes for 8minutes no& that is fire -1urnouts To 1rin The 1east Out Bid . sets A/TER TRAIIG" $* ?S)F $* hest to 1ar )ull-ups %* Rin )ush-ups -2ittle1east+ Routine- the Road to become supersaiyan 3 After The (arm upWand the stretches i start &ith my pullin routine, &arm up &ith a ma9 set of any pull up u li!e" -One arm )ull ups - One arm Assisted )ull ups On Rins - One arm eatives on Rins - One arm deadhans (eihted )ull ups Remember i do &eihted pull ups, &ith static holds and slo& neatives" - lose rip )ull ups &ith 33 lbs oal $8 $ % - lose rip )ull ups &ith 55 lbs oal $% $ % - lose rip pull ups &ith $%* lbs oal 8-5 $ % - (ide rip pull ups &ith 33 lbs oal $8 $ % - &ide rip pull ups &ith 55 lbs oal $% $ %
- &ide rip pull ups &ith $%* lbs oal 8-5 $ % - close rip chin-ups &ith 33 lbs oal $8 $ % - close rip chin ups &ith 55 lbs oal $% $ % - close rip chin ups &ith $%* lbs oal 8-5 (hy do i mention oalsH and &hat are the $ W % for, everytime i do my trainin, i &rite my numbers do&n $ stands for set $, % stands for set % &hy i mention oals is &hen i hitted that oal for e9ample i did the 33 lbs $8 times, than im onna start &ith the 55lbs and after that set that &ill be $%* and than $8*, al&ays move on and !eep challenin yourself" (arm up set < $* handstand push ups freestandin on handles, straiht after %8 dips follo&ed by an l-seat hold, straiht after tricep e9tensions, straiht after diamonds (arm up set % < $* planche push ups, %8 dips, no lseat hold, diamond push ups , straiht after tricep e9tensions" set $< put your vest on, rin flys on the round, straiht after dips, straiht after handstand push ups " set set set set
% . 3 8
< < < <
33 lbs dips ma9 55 lbs dips ma9 $%* lbs dips ma9 $8* lbs dips ma9
set : < ma9 planche push ups, straiht after bularian dips &ith a straiht body, straiht after normal dips on the dipbar, follo&ed by diamond push ups " set= < ma9 freestandin handstand push ups, straiht after ironcross presses,straiht after dips, straiht after tricep e9tensions" set 5 < s&itch rip planche push ups on a straiht bar, straiht after victorian neatives set $*< planche push ups on rins, follo&ed by lo&er urself do&n to an bularian dip hold push out to an ironcross and push up repeat untill you burn out, straiht after ma9 handstand push ups &ith the &all ore set $$ < draonflas &ith an!le&eihts, straiht after lsit to vsit raises on a dip bar &ith an!le&eihts, straiht after &indshield&ipers on bar or belo& dip bars &ith an!le&eihts" set $%< ab&heel rollouts &ith the &eihtedvest, straiht after, no vest, lseat to frontlever !ic! outs, straiht after Da!avelis" set $.< hanin le raises, &ithouth brea!in the 2, straiht after , frontlever neatives &ith ur arms not your body 6 o in a bended arm frontlever and lo&er
urself slo&ly to a loc!ed out frontlever7 &or!s a&esome, straiht after draonfla hip up !ic!s set $3< bac!lever to frontlever to bac!lever to frontlever to bac!lever to frontlever set belo& the dip bar Supersaiyan 3 Re0uirements < %* planche push ups % one arm pull ups % pull ups &ith %** lb of &eiht 8 dips &ith %** lb of &eiht maltese hold on rin %* second hold ironcross Trainin for bar-barian re0uirements do drop sets 8* dips - $ minut rest -8 reps untill * do .* pull ups - $ to % minut rest -8 reps untill * do around =* push ups - $ minut rest - 8 reps untill * FRAIA 2I+1ER +ET?OB The e9ercise starts &ith ma9 pull ups 6for e9ample 8 pull ups7, then you ta!e a rest for $* SEOBS and you do 3 pull ups, then aain $* secs rest and . pull ups etc till one pull up" After another $* secs rest you do % pull ups etc till 8" Then you do the same till $" And the the same till 8" ThatLs all" GRE# S+IROV -Oap trainin .-3 times a &ee! 8 sets, $-%-.-3-8 reps and do&n 2ORB VITA2 V$% -)o&er =< On lo& bar = close rip push up@ = (ide push up@ = Archer push up d9@ = Archer push up s9@ = )ush up@ = Tricep e9tension@ = )ush up -)ush up routine< $* push ups, 8 second hold at the top, > push ups, 8 second hold at the top 5 push ups, 8 second hold at the top until you reach $, then continue oin bac! up until you reach $* push ups &ith the 8 second hold at the top, and then finish it off returnin bac! to $ push up &ith a 8 second hold A22 I OE SET, (IT?OFT 2EAVIG T?E 1AR OR EES TOF?IG T?E /2OOR -1eastmode re0uirements --------%* minuti ma9--------8* push up %8 pull up 3* push up %* pull up .* push up $8 pull up %* push up $* pull up $* push up 8 muscle up $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle
up up up up up up up up up up
$ dip 8 sec hold % dip 8 sec hold . dip 8 sec hold 3 dip 8 sec hold 8 dip 8 sec hold : dip 8 sec hold = dip 8 sec hold 5 dip 8 sec hold > dip 8 sec hold $* dip 8 sec hold
BAR IG?T 8** )ush up 8** Bips 8** S0uats $** )ush up $** Bips $** +uscle up $** )ush up $** Bips T?E /ITESS JOFRA2S 22 -The )ull Fp hallene routine < .* )ull Fps, %>, %5, %=, %:, %8, %3, %., %%, %$, and %*" And if you brea! any of the sets you have to do 8* push ups per brea!" -/ull A2IST?EIS routine to 1uild a T?IER 1ac!, Shoulders Triceps The Routine< Inverted Ro&s - $** Reps Resistant 1and ?oriDontal )ulls - $** reps ?andstand push ups - 8* &@%8lbs or $** &@ body &eiht 1ench Triceps E9tensions - $** reps -)ull up routine % pull up 8C hold 3@8C :@8C 5@8C $*@8C and do&n to %@8C -Bo +ore RE)S )ull Fp )ush Fp Routine /or Endurance %* pull up 3* push up %* chin up 3* push up @ $8pull up .* push up $8 chin up .* push up@ $*pull up %* push up $* chin up %* push upH -F2TI+ATE A2IST?EIS 1A 1IE)S 1AR 1ARIAS ROFTIE X 1ody 1y hosen The Routine< $* )ull Fps $* )ush Fps On the minute for .* sets 2ETLS BO SO+E )F22 F)S -hest 1uildin Routine 8 muscle up $* bar dips %* clap push up dips % N $*C for&ard lean 6no loc!out7 3@$*C :@$*C 5@$*C to ma9 $* push up $*C top hold > push up@$*C do&n to $@$*C 1A+ 1AA+ hest (or!out at home 6hest Tricep7 Routine< Tuc! Bips - 8 Sets ' $* Reps Standard Bips - 8 Sets ' $* Reps nee lap )ush-Fps 8 Sets ' $* Reps Standard )ush-Fps 8 Sets ' $* Reps Type (riter )ush-Fps 3 Sets ' : Reps %8 Biamond )ush-Fps %8 E9plosive lap )ush-Fps $8 One ?and )ush-Fps 6Each Side7 $8 Splitter )ush-Fps 6Each Side7 6non plyometric spartan push up7 $8 Spiderman )ush-Fps 6Each Side7 %8 Superman )ush-Fps %8 ?annibal )ush-Fps 6diamond 2alanne push up7 -1ac! Bay Routine6 street &or! out @ alisthenics7 1ac! 1icep (armup< rear lunes N ump s0uat $* set 9 $* reps (ide chin up chest to bar 8 9 $* 2 sit head baners 8 9 $*-$8
/eet assisted head baners . 9 3* /ront lever hold :C or more 9 : E9plosive pull up 8 9 8-$* (eihted pull up 8 9 8-$* 8 circuits< % !nee raises@ % le raises@ % upside do&n deadlift
AEE+ SF)RE+E -A!eem Supreme 2e Routine https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQu>Sdv5O=RM
KE/ KAAVE2I ;;;;;Routines from the blospot;;;;; -(ednesday routine Very easy routine, itLs better if you have a partner to do this one" CThe (inate duelC most of you seen me post a vid of OL and I doin this a&hile bac!" ItLs one of my favorite routines that I do every time I et a chance to &or!out" ;;If you donLt have push bar setup ,you can improvise &ith anythin that you can chane your push-up anle &ith;;< itLs basically a push up pyramid that you build t&ice in one set" #ou start &ith $push up on the lo&er lever then another push up on the hiher level, start &ith $ all the &ay to $*, then $* aain then &or! you &ay do&n" A total of %%* in one set, to complete 8 sets is the oal" Try to find a partner to o bac! and forth &ith" )ast &or!out routines" /eb %>th
complete $8* push ups in 8mins, shoulder, then 8* e9act shoulder , then 8* 1ar-baric case you donLt !no& &hat 1ar-baric diamonds are hereLs a hand over the other formin a little diamond7
+arch %5th<8+B,easy routine today, $%8 dips in minutes" ThatLs a ood one I try
everyday" April 3th,>,$*,$*,>,>,-bac! to %" #our body should be straiht on every rep" This is one of the e9ercises ILm currently doin to prepare for F!raine, ILll post a demo vid this afternoon" April %8th<ust li!e Cdead mans hanC this one is the dip version" 8secs then $dip, $*secs then %dips, $8secs then .dips- all the &ay to .*secs then :dips, then &or! your &ay do&n bac! to 8secs then $$dips, seconds o from 8,$*,$8,%*,%8,.*,%8,%*,$8,$*,8" $ dip for every hold, the last set is a $$, try to do this set &ith the least amount of brea! ups as possible"Bemo vid 3this at re0uest" +ay %nd
8sec dead han, 8 more pull ups then end the set &ith .8 push ups" 6%nd set7$* push ups, $* pull ups $*sec hold chin above, $*sec hold top of the head, $*sec dead han, $*more pull ups then end the set &ith .8 push ups 6.rd set7$8push ups, $8 pull ups $8sec hold chin above, $8sec hold top of the head, $8sec dead han, $8more pull ups then end the set &ith .8 push ups" 63th set7 bac! to reps of $* and $*sec holds but end push ups stay at .8 68th last set7 end &ith reps of 8 and 8secs holds end &ith ;;;.8;;;push ups" As a&ays less brea! ups as possible Than!s for supportin me and ILll continue to motivate yLall This is ust the beinnin" -(ednesday routine :"%*"$% 2ate but reat< need a ladder bar setup, if you donLt have one ust use a neutral rip, &ith the ladder bar, start from the left or the riht side, et a bric! or a $8lbs6:"5!7N dumbbell or &eiht< start &ith 8 pull ups then 8sec hold at top follo&ed by $* push ups, the bric! should be placed on your lap as close as possible to your stomach" Ten sets non stop, complete your ladder &or!in from side to side" Total of 8* pull ups, $** push up and 8* seconds of holds -(ednesday Routine :"%="$% 2ate aain6Kt7, %nite,lol &eLre oin to do a 1ar-club challene from last &ee! " $st< 8 muscle ups, $* dips, $* pull ups, $* push ups, thatLs one set" The only rest you ta!e is &al!in from your dip station to your pull up bar" Try to complete . consecutive sets &ithout stopin no loner than $*sec in bet&een sets" Good luc! -(ednesday Routine ="3"$% 3th of July and itLs hot and &et li!e a honeymoon" Today &e are oin to do +ar!Ls Straiht bar dip pyramid, this routine you should have % people for this one" Start &ith both people dead hanin on the bar, one person +-ups then completes % dips &hile the other person hans, soon as your done the ne9t person oes up to the same, soon as heLs@sheLs done, the $st person oes bac! up to do 3 dips" Repeat to $* then bac! do&n % " If you donLt have a partner dead han for ho& much reps you did e9< if you did 5 dips you should dead han for 5 seconds" -(ednesday Routine ="$$"$% This (ednesday is a very basic routine but itLs a very ood one<= muscle ups, $$ pull ups, $% push ups , = sets in $$ minutes follo&ed by $% cups of coconut &ater" Good luc! -(ednesday Routine ="$5"$% Ric!Ls set< this is a routine that should be done mid or the last part of your &or!out to increase the difficulty" $7dead han for 8secs, complete muscle up then >*deree 8sec hold6straiht bar dip position7 ma!e sure your stomach doesnLt touch the bar, after that o directly to a 8sec hold &ith chin above the bar follo&ed by a 8sec hold &ith the top of your head touchin the bar, then bac! to the dead han that completes one set" Try to complete 8 consecutive sets &ith the least amount of brea! ups" I &ill have post a demo vid on t&itter so you can understand the routine better" Good luc! -(ednesday Routine ="%8"$$
This &ee! &e have another C+ar! setC" ItLs simple but very effective" $st< 3 muscle ups follo&ed by $ pull up, then . muscle ups follo&ed by % pull ups, % muscle ups then . pull ups, $ muscle up then end &ith 3 pull ups" This is one set, as you !no& already about my routines that brea!s up are to be avoided " omplete 3 sets &ith $*mins rest in bet&een sets" Good form as al&ays -(ednesday routine6s7 >"8"$% ILm very sorry for not postin any routines for the past month, ILve been travelin to every&here I &as invited to" Shout out to everyone supportin my blo and tryin these routines, shout to everyone &ho clic!Ld one of the lin!s on my blo and purchased somethin" TodayLs routines< ILm not sure if you seen my Jamaica pool routine6itLs on my /1 pae7 I oriinally &anted that to be the routine for that &ee! but you !no& ho& it is &hen youLre vacation6laDiness !ic!s in7" This routine can be easy if done &ith bad form" $st
muscle ups then > dips" Repeat all the &ay to $ of each" O 1REA F)S (ith the pool o all the &ay do&n loc!in out you arms &ith every rep, holdin your breath everytime you o belo& ma!es it challenin" (ith the short bar you et a le &or!out" #ou have to use your les to help you ump into a muscle up, thatLs &hy you have to use a lo& bar" #our hands must stay on the bar at all times" I !no& the description miht be a litte vaue, as! me any 0uestion you miht have about the routines" ;;;%nd routine of the day;;; This is a mathematical routine thatLs a little tric!y" This is oriinally created to punish the brothers that li!e to bra!e up routines" This routine should be done &ith t&o people on the pull up bar facin opposite directions"If you donLt have some one to do this routine &ith youLre onna have to use your imainary buddy" $st< $ person does one pull up, then then %nd person does $ pull up &hile the $st person hans" e9t &ill be % pull ups, this is a ladder routine $-$* bac! and forth , the catch is you have to complete a full set of every set" The real catch is that everytime you bra!e up a set you have to combine the total number up pull ups you and your partner completed and do a push for every pull up, no matter ho& many times you brea! it up you have to complete the push ups before you o bac! to the pull up bar" This routine turns more into a push up &or!out than a pull up one" If youLre usin a imainary buddy ma!e sure you donLt cheat, the same time it too! you to complete a set is the same time you ive him" 2et me !no& if anyone has a difficult time understandin any routine ILll try my best to help you out" ILll post a fe& more routines this &ee! to ma!e up for the lost time" Than!s aain for the support"
-(ednesday Routine >"$%"$% (hatLs up everyone, ILm bac! from )aris even more tired, I had a reat time out there" This &ee!Ls routine is a nice one,itLs a pyramid as al&ays" $st"$>"$% This is a core routine is a ORE !iller, itLs short and to the point" 8+B style , I !no& everyone loves those" Another partner preferred routine, if you donLt have someone the complete this &or!out &ith , then ood luc! to you my brother because itLs even harder to et a perfect time alone" ItLs very simple, youLre oin to hold &ith your chin above the bar, body straiht , arms shoulder &idth apart,&ith your face as calm as a co&" The oal is to et the most time as possible holdin your chin above the bar in 8 minutes" (ith a partner you can share the 8min cloc!, &hen one person drops the other pic!s up &here is partner left off" #ou &ill need someone to help !eep your total time that you spent holdin &ith your chin above the bar and !eep the 8min cloc! runnin6% stop&atches are needed7 try your best to et a perfect time of 8 minutes " Good luc!, reat trainin -(ednesday Routine $*"."$% This &ee! &e have % routines< $st- &ill be the 2(T set, this is a hard routine and should be completed &ithout lettin o of the bar" ItLs $ pull-up, $ muscle-up, $ straiht bar dip" Start &ith $ end &ith 8 of everythin" Total of $8 pull ups, $8 muscle ups and $8 dips, the total time on the bar varies" If you have to brea! it up try not to brea! up the sets, meanin if you ust completed the third round and feel li!e you can only do 3 pull ups, rest and chare up so you can complete a full set" This is a very advance routine so feel very ood about yourself for even attemptin to do it" %nd- This is a simple and effective, 8* pull ups, 8* dips and 8* push ups, all timed" This is ho& I usually start a &or!out, itLs a ood &arm up@ cool do&n" As al&ays,try to complete &ith the least amount of brea!s as possible to decrease your time" +a!e sure you !eep trac! of your proress" This &or!out &ill help you increase your numbers and muscle endurance" Any 0uestions"""H
-(ednesday Routine $*"$*"$% onrats Ray 2,you made the (RLs" This &ee! is a push up routine created by Ray 2, itLs a ood one thatLs &hy itLs here" $st< 3* second hold in a full plan!6top of push-up position7 follo&ed by 3* pushups then straiht bac! to a .* second full plan! hold follo&ed aain &ith .* pushups this time" ontinue all the &ay to $*" Get a e9tra 8 seconds then 8 push-ups for to add a cherry on the top" Al&ays ;;O 1REA F)S;; (hen you brea! up you have to spend a lot more time ma!in up and itLs oin to cost you more Y" So remember itLs cheaper to !eep her"" ;;Apply the above info &herever needed;; Good trainin -(ednesday Routine $*"%3"$% A lever routine &as re0uested last &ee!6shout out to Steven 27 so here &e o, ILm e9pectin a lot of 0uestions to be as!Ld" +ost of these routines are more effective &ith a partner, it helps to have someone to !eep you from cheatin, motivate you, !eep count@time and ive you that much needed brea!" #ou should have ood idea on ho& to do a lever if not, youLre should do some research and come bac!" This blo is for routines and advice" I needed help postin this routine, so I as!Ld Ray 2 to e9plain it this &ee! since heLs the only person I !no& to complete it and the only person I !no& that can describe it" 2ever routine< )art OE" umber of participants needed Q ." $" The athelete performin the front levers hans from the bar" %" The The �counter� positions positions himself himself in front front of the athelete athelete on the the bar" bar" ." The athelete performs $* front levers" (ith each rep, the counter provides resistance for each rep 6i"e", the rise of the feet7 by firmly and abruptly pushin do&n on the tops of the feet" The push should occur &hen the athelete reaches an anle of about 38 derees 6&ith the round7" 3" To prevent � bac!s&in, bac!s&in,� the third third participant participant !neels behind the athelete on the the bar and simply holds his arm out to bloc! the les from s&inin bac!" 8" EA? 2EVER S?OF2B START /RO+ A BEAB ?AG" BO OT FSE S(IG" BO 8 SETS O/ $*" )ART T(O umber of participants needed Q %" This is similar to part one in that front levers are performed for reps" ?o&ever, this time, there is no resistance iven � but bac!s&in should still be avoided" $" Bo $* front levers, each from a dead han" %" On the tenth rep, rep, the counter counter holds the athelete athelete� s les up in a perferctly perferctly horiDontal position /OR $* SEOBS" (hen bein held in the front lever position, the athelete should be as straiht as possible" Bo not let the hips sa" Bo 8 sets of $*, &ith a hold on each tenth rep" - (ednesday Routine $$"="$% This &ee!Ls routine is actually ovemberLs 1ar-1arian forum challene6C/letchLs funC7&eLre onna ma!e it a ladder routine" onrats to the ne&est 1ar-1arian brother Ryan /" to celebrate &eLre oin to do his challene thatLs oin this month on the 1arbarian forum, if youLre not a
member, itLs time to become one" Start &ith $ normal push up follo&ed by $ diamond push up" Each set add one rep to each set, the ne9t round &ould be % normal push ups follo&ed by % diamond push ups" /rom $-$* of each is the oal" #ou have a ma9imum of 8 seconds to transition bet&een the t&o push up types and at no time can your !nees touch the round" 1ody should remain plan!ed 6no aYY in the air7, even as you are movin hands in and out" /eet should be toether" Great routine , ood trainin - The story of the 8* S&eaty palms , e9cited and nervous at the same time, &aitin for my name to be called in ym class" +y memories of the first time I had to perform pull-ups in front of an audience, the ym class instructor &ould serve as a ude in a . pull-up minimum physical test" I had t&o &ee!s to train but I only used one &ee! to prepare" 1efore that test I al&ays thouht I can complete at least 8 consecutive pull ups, I &as &ron , the strict form of the pull ups needed to pass the test &as a rude a&a!enin to my idea of &hat a pull-up &as" I trained everyday for a &ee! straiht, I &ent from Dero to . full RO+ pull-ups in five days" I barely spent a hour everyday trainin" I already completed the . pull-ups in my mind and to me that &as the hardest part to overcome, the physical part &ould be the easy part" I learned at a early ae that seein is believin, I al&ays picture myself achievin my oals first, then ma!in it a reality second" After I pass the C)TC , my oal &as to able to complete $* consecutive pull-ups" 8* pull-ups &as ust craDy at the time and I never thouht that any normal person can complete that number of repetitions in one set" To me that &ouldLve been amaDin if I can complete a &ee! &orth of &or!in out in one set, $* pull ups a day &as my &or!out reimen at the time6$$yr7" 8* pull-ups has been a physical oal of mine for a lon time" To me itLs much more to complete somethin li!e this than to practice a move in my bedroom for hours" I started &or!in out a lon time before it became a #T@/1 craDe" The computer is helpin the bar-&orld and !illin it at the same time, more and more people are concentratin on bein the ne9t calisthenics star by replicatin ymnastic moves in their bedrooms rather than oin outside in the real &orld,&or!in out and interactin &ith people that share the same passion" +y /1#T &as the streets of America, &here if you had a neative comment you &ould have to !eep it to yourself or be prepared to deal &ith the repercussions" I traveled par! to par! &or!in out hopin to find someone to challene, criti0ue, teach and motivate me to reach a hiher level" 1asics pull-ups became to borin at one point , so variations became a ne& &ay to challene myself and taret different muscle roups" /reestyle became the thin to do because of the audience it attracted and their reactions to seein somethin they thin! is mpossible for them to do" 1asic are the foundation that the 1ar-&orld is built from" The e9treme strenth moves are the evolution of body&eiht e9ercises and should al&ays be bac!ed up &ith a stron foundation of fundamental calisthenics" I ave myself % &ee!s to complete the C8*C but ILve been so busy I didnLt et to train as much as I &anted to" I had to strule .*611-%*7&hen I started, my ame plan &as to mentally et past the 8*, so my routines &ould consist of nothin belo& 8* reps, even if I had to brea! them up, ILll only ave myself a rest after 8* or better6reps7 &ere completed" I had to strenthen my rip ,especially my left hand6due to the bi!e accident7" +ost of the routines I used are on this blo, I &ill describe my trainin in better detail on the instructional " 8* pull-ups has been completed before me and no& they &ill definitely be more
stron and inspired individuals to complete them after me" ompletin the C8*Cmeans much more than me ust displayin muscle endurance, I am hopefully motivatin someone to set a oal and surpassin it" 8* &as the my first and oldest physical oal, ILm on to completin my ne9t oal,?opefully ILll have it by June $st Shout out to my 1ar-1arian brothers , Jon ?inds,?it ,Tech and all the teams that are true to themselves and everyone that support Kef Ka!aveli " #ouLre the ones that motivate me to accomplish all of my oals - (ednesday Routine $$"%5"$% This (ednesdayLs - A 2eitD Out production" Suested by Ryan / The C: RoutineC #ou could do :* sec rest bet&een sets" $ +F, 8 pull ups % +F, 3 pull ups ., . 3, % 8, $ Reverse the order $ pull up, 8 +F % pull ups, 3 +F ., . 3, % 8, $ End &ith< $ pull up N $ +F 9 : 6$% reps in $ set7" If you fail on a +F you have to repeat the pull up@+F combination" /or e9ample, you miss the $*th rep 6&hich is a +F7, you have to do the pull up before you can do the +F" Good trainin -e& #ear,e& Routines 1ar-baric routine time< This one is very advanced, it &ill ta!e a lot of brea! ups" $st step, complete > muscle ups ,on the ninth you &ill slo&ly lo&er yourself into a lever position and hold once you� re in a complete complete lever, hold for for $8 seconds6I seconds6I TO2B #OF T?IS OE OE (AS ABVAEB7" Once you completed your $8 second lever hold you &ill try to complete : muscle ups follo&ed by a $* second lever hold" last step &ill be , 8 muscle ups follo& aain by an EAS# 8 second hold" That�s a very hard routine, routine, I uarantee uarantee that you &ill &ill have to brea! brea! up this routine routine as &ell as modify your holds" It is best to have a partner &hen attemptin this routine to help you &ith your count and lever holds" ?uman routine< Easy one6pyramid diamond push-ups7" This time &e oin to start &ith % diamond push-ups straiht into a s0uat thrust6burpee7 but instead instead of fully e9tendin e9tendin on the thrust, thrust, you� re oin to stay stay in a s0uattin s0uattin position &ith your arms e9tended in a for&ard position &hile ma!in a fist li!e you�re hold holdin in t&o hammers, hammers, hold for $* seconds on every interval of your pyramid" So, % B� push-up push-ups s burpee burpee into into a s0uat s0uat hold for for $*secs $*secs follo& follo&ed ed by 3 B� push-ups push-ups the the %*secs hold" B� )ush-up )ush-ups< s< %,3,:,5 %,3,:,5,$*, ,$*,5,:, 5,:,3,% 3,% S0uat holds< $*,%*,.*,3*,8*,3*,.*,%*,$* ool do&n routine< lose rip6fist touchin7 pull-ups ladder set style, !eep your
body straiht as a arro& complete $ pull-up &ith a $* second hold &ith your chin above your fist follo&ed by % pull-ups &ith another $* second hold" #our pull-ups &ill o from $-$*, your holds &ill stay consistently $* seconds" +a!e sure you do not bend form your &aist and your les stay toether at all times, remember ;;straiht as a arro&;;" Good trainin -+uch needed"$. 2on time , no routine huh" I ot a 0uic! one for you, itLs a push up routine for &hen youLre stuc! at home or at &or!" ItLs called the +elLs special, youLre oin to need a timer, set it for 8 minutes" #ouLre oin to try and complete $%8 push ups in 8 minutes, if you finish in under
8 minutes thatLs more rest for you, soon as your 8 minutes are up, ta!e a 8 minute brea!" Immediately at the end of your brea! , start another 8 minute countdo&n, this time youLre oin to try your best to complete $** push ups" Ta!e another 8 minute brea! aain after your 8 minutes are up" #ou are oin to repeat this pattern all the &ay to %8 push ups, donLt &orry you can ta!e as lon as you &ant on the last brea!" -(or!out Routine straiht from F!raine (hatLs up 1ar-&orld, ILm bac! from F!raine &ith a brutal routine" This is a routine that &ill prepare you for the 11RLS, it &as birthed on the last niht the 1ar-1ARIAS spent in Bnepropetrovs!" (e found a secret trainin spot to have a little %am 1-1 1ar-club" ItLs al&ays reat to &or!out &ith my 1-1 brothers especially the ones I rarely et to see" This niht &as !indLve brutal, there &as so many emotions hidden, it &as the last niht that most of the 1-1Ls &ill et a chance to sho& if they have been slac!in or to prove that their old &ins are permanently branded" I &as truly impressed &ith performance of my brothers, iLm very proud that after a &ee! of no rest ,they still came out and ave a 1ar-baric effort" So much to e9plain that happened in a short amount of time, hopefully one day Ric! &ill upload the footae" The Routine that &as birthed is called Cthe BnepL8*C6not the official name yet7" ItLs consists of 8* repetitions of each of the basic calisthenics e9ercises in a specific order &ith only a %*second brea! in bet&een each transition" )ull-ups are first, you have to try your best to complete 8* repsL in one set, no brea! ups allo&ed" Once your feet touch the round the %*second cloc! starts to tic!, you basically do your ma9 on the pull-ups" Bips are second, after your %*secs of rest from the pull-ups, you must try your best to complete 8* dips" The same rules apply as the pull-ups, once your feet touch the floor the timer starts" )ush-ups are third, this is the !iller because after tryin to ma9 on your dips youLre attac!in the same muscle roups for more 1ar-baric torture" S0uats are last, this is the easiest part, at least it sounds easy"#ouLre oin to complete 8* s0uats &ith your arms e9tended for&ard at all times" After all those reps your arms feel li!e they &eih a ton" Remember you have a %*second rest in bet&een6BO OT GO OVER7 anymore time your &hole routine &ill be voided" Try to !eep trac! of the overall time it ta!es to complete the &hole routine" This routine &ill definitely prepare you for the 11RLS" Try your best to et as much 8*Ls completed as possible6in one set of course7 to et e9tra 1ar-baric points" Good luc! tryin to be the $st complete this routine" - The story of shootB$* +uch respect to all of my loyal brothers that supported and stood by me these past fe& years" The 1ar culture has chaned so much since my last post" /urthermore, the neatives are fihtin to overpo&er the positives, but as &ith everythin in life, the positive &ill al&ays triumph &ith a positive mind" ILm bac! even thouh I have never left" ILve been very busy &ith lifeLs daily challenes, and havin t&o ne&borns doesnLt ma!e thins any easier" Sprin is here and summer is soon to follo&, &hich means the Cbar dudesC &ill be bac! in the par!s aain, competitions &ill be poppin up &ith promises of bar stardom, and someone &ill try to reinvent the &heel aain" ILm ro&in impatient &aitin for the unification in the bar community to manifest" I have honestly iven up"
The online bar fame see!ers are more concerned on comin up &ith a ne& Cpo&er moveC that has already been created and displayed by ymnasts for decades" The fundamentals of calisthenics should be everyoneLs point of focus and by buildin a solid foundation, your structure &ill stand stron for aes" #ou donLt need to be in0uirin about ho& to do a planche if you canLt complete 8 sets of %* push ups, you shouldnLt be concerned &ith doin a muscle up if you canLt complete %* consecutive pull ups" alisthenics is about &or!in out usin you o&n body &eiht for resistance, increasin your fle9ibility, and not havin to rely on any e0uipment to build strenth" #ou canLt achieve your oals &ithout puttin in the necessary hard@smart &or!, and you canLt !eep ma!in e9cuses or tryin to ta!e shortcuts" I see it and hear it all the time, thatLs one of the many reasons the bar &orld has chaned" The bar culture lost the real competitive aspect that helped me to proress to the level ILm at today" The competin that ILm referrin to is the !ind that helps to elevate both competitors in a brotherly &ay, not a coc! measurin contest, itLs about helpin to brin the best out of each other &ith respect &hile displayin ood sportsmanship" There &ere times a battle &ould ta!e place due to hih testosterone levels, hue eos, and insecurities" In addition, the presence of a female &ould often play as a factor" In a situation of confrontational physical challenes, you can either &al! a&ay and avoid it, or you can accept the challene in hopes of comin out victorious and humblin your opponent into submission" (hen it came to calisthenics I embrace all challenes reardless if it &as mental or physical" I &ould never let &or!out battles o past the deree of sport" ILll never participate in a situation that could possibly lead to somethin personal outside of &or!in out, &hich in that case, ILll ma!e the decision to &al! a&ay peacefully" I &ould li!e to try and brin the bar &orld bac! to the &ay I really started &or!in out and thatLs from challenes that consist of straiht basic pull ups and push ups" (hen I &as youn I had a lot of people I called friends that &ould constantly compete &ith each other" Some days it miht be over irls, &hile on other days it could be over clothes or even bas!etball" The list oes on about the thins that spar! my competitiveness, my t&o favorite competitions &as bas!etball and calisthenics" +y love for bas!etball &ould travel &ith around 1roo!lyn &ith my ood friend, Jeramy, that I use to spend days playin one on one, practicin and ettin better toether to the point &here &e &ould o to different par!s ust to embarrass opponents" At that time CJC &as my only competition and &e &ould push each other so much and constantly challenin each other that &e both proressed to a hiher level" (ith everythin in life you al&ays run into the neatives" Sometimes &e &ould &in and the loser &ould reply &ith CI bet you canLt beat my ass thouhC lol" They 6losers7 couldnLt &in in one area so they thouht maybe they &ould have better chances in another" ItLs the e9act same case in the bar &orld today, C#ea, Kef could do 8* pulls, but ho& much can he s0uatHC ThatLs the life I learned to deal &ith especially in the bar &orld" The calisthenics challenes came alon in my late teens, &here pull up bars &erenLt as easily accessible li!e they are today" (e had to resort to usin the cityLs CBonLt &al!C sins for pull ups, fence corners for dips and the round for the number one calisthenic e9ercise, the push up" The floor &as al&ays beneath you so there &as no e9cuse to avoid a push up challene on demand"
I remember doin push ups until I had to thro& up" I have had so many &or! out battle stories that I can o on forever &hich is &hy I &ill eventually have to &rite a boo! lol" Shoot the ten, bac! in the the day, &as &hen you had a problem &ith someone" #ou &ouldnLt try to shoot them or try to stab them 6dependin on the severity of the problem7, youLll simply tell them to shoot the five &ith you, meanin five minutes or 8 rounds of bare !nuc!le bo9in" It &ould usually end &ith a handsha!e and respect or you can use your imaination" Shoot the $* can be a friendly competition a &ay to aue a partnerLs and your level in order to increase everyoneLs numbers and bac! up any touh bar tal!" TheyLre t&o &ays to shoot the ten< $" $ on $ duel - #ou both ta!e turns attemptin to complete a set of $* reps of pull ups &hile facin each other" As soon as one person finishes his set the ne9t person immediately attempts his set of ten" #ouLll o bac! and forth until one person is unable to complete a full set of $* reps &ithout brea!in" If you started the routine and you brea! the %nd person must complete his $* reps to be declared the &inner" %" 2ast +an Standin - Similar to the $ on $, but instead of ust % people oin head to head, you compete &ith your &or!out roup until the last man is standin" #ou &ill have to outlast everyone &hoLs in your &or!out roup, t&o competitors &ill o bac! and forth tryin to complete $* reps, soon as one person has to brea!, another fresh person ta!es over and starts his rounds" The oal is to shoot as many rounds as possible, this routine continues until the last man brea!s his $*" This routine isnLt ust for pull ups, you can implement push ups6%*7, dips6$87, muscle ups687, s0uats6%* &ith holds7, and anythin you thin! that &ill help you elevate your s!ill and strenth" I hope to see a lot of people tryin and postin their challenes around the &orld" I &ill indeed ma!e my rounds throuhout # to see if anyone is up for the challene"""GOOB 2F ;;;;;;;;;; -+A?ATTA E'TRE+E )F22-F)S@+FS2E F)S =* RE)S $* pull-ups, $* headbaners,$* muscle-ups,.* straiht bar dips, $* more pull-ups and the a $*count ISO holdQ=* reps in one set" -Kef Ironman 61ar-1arians7 - alisthenics routine $* pull ups to the bottom of your chest-$ muscle up into 8* straiht bar dips- $* le raises &ith toes to the bar" 8sets in $hr -Kef 61ar-1arians7 - (or!out Routines for +uscle 8 pull ups to the bottom of your chest-$ muscle up into %8 straiht bar dips ;;;(IT? .8lbs@$8"5! &eiht added;;;$* le raises &ith toes to the bar" . sets in $hr -(armup< 8 muscleups - 8 dips on bar 3 muscleups - 3 dips . muscleups - . dips % muscleups - % dips $ muscleup - $ dip $* pullups N iso hold -)iDDa set< On lo& bar 5 push up@ 5 one underhand push up@ 5 both underhand push up@ 5 one underhand push up@ 5 push up@ 5 lose rip push up@ 5 (ide push up@ 5 )ush up 8 minute rest 9 5 times -)iDDa set %6pull up7 < 5sets of 5 @5 sec front lever@ 5 pull up@ 5 muscle up@ 5 dip@ 5 commando pull up left shoulder@ 5 commando pull up riht@ 5 commando pull up left@ 5 commando pull up riht -%8 push ups every minute on the minute for :*mins straiht 6each set no more than $>secs7 -.*sec hold chin above@.*sec hold top of the head touchin@ .*sec deadhan @.*sec top of the head touchin@.*sec chin above the bar@ then drop and complete 5*N push
ups -$*pull-ups then $ OA)68sec7 on each arm@ $*pull-ups then $ OA?ead touchin 68sec7 each arm@ $* more pull-ups6.* total7 then 8sec dead head for each arm" O 1REAS -The 11RLs 8 muscle ups- 8* dips-.* pull ups- :* push ups 8 more muscle ups all to be completed in 8mins or less" --1ar-1arians brea! hearts not sets< 8* pull ups@8* dips, 3*@8*, .*@8*, %*@8*, $*@8* $* +uscle ups IRO2OO -ore death< Kero rest in bet&een e9ercises, $* do&n )yramid drop set" $* rin rollouts N $* rin push ups N $* draonflas" then >,>,>, 5,5,5 do&n to $ rep each Q done" -8** rep dip routine consecutive reps only count no pauses allo&ed o as hih as you can &ith no pause" .-8min rest" every time add one set" %*-%%-%3-%:-%5-.*-.8-3*-38-8*-88-:*-:8 Q 8**reps" N )ullups $**Nreps in as little sets as possible"Every time add more reps 3:-3*-.* Q $$: reps -8*@3*@.*@%*@$*< Suppose to be consecutive no pausesGoes li!e this Q 8* pullups-8min rest 3* pullups-3min rest .* pullups-.min rest %*pullups-%min rest $* pullups Then i did 8 sets 9 %* pullups for my daily $** Bid tricep e9tensions on the uard rails in bet&een sets and pushups to !eep that )ull@)ush balance" -The 8*do&n< #ou can start at a hiher or lo&er number to start" Good for the body to reconiDe endurance at a heavier &eiht do this once per &ee!" Set$Q 8* pullups :minutes rest Set%Q 3* pullups 8minutes rest Set.Q .* pullups 3minutes rest Set3Q %* pullups .minutes rest Set8Q $*pullups %minutes rest Set:Q +a9out till absolute failure &rite do&n this number, ne9t &ee! beat it at all cost eventually you &ant this number to be hiher then set$"TRAI?ARBBB -One set &ithout leavin the bar" 8 sec han $ pull up $* sec han $ pull up $8 sec han $ pull up %* sec han $pull up %8 sec han $ pull up .* sec han
$ pull up Still feel stron o bac! do&n to 8 sec han &ithout leavin the bar -This is a re-ma!e Of Jay u! routine< $* sets of %* pullups 9 no rest, %* rin pushups"Very ood for a liht rest day" -8*@8* do&n< 8* pullups,drop 8* pushups, 3*@3*,.*@.*,%*@%*,$*@$* i do ta!e liht rest thouh but you shouldnLt"Great endurance routine -8minute re-ma!e drill $**dips@8*pullups -ore Braon flas@plan! super set< $draon fla, no rest <.*sec plan!,%draon flas,no rest<.*sec plan!"eep alternatin till $* draon flas" 1uild strenth@endurance in the core" -Another ood one to shoc! up a lac!in e9ercise pic! $ dips, pullups, pushups" (or!s best for me &ith pushups" 1uild lactic acid tolerance
creative &ith the push up forms, and routines""" ood luc! - Importance of Grip Very important to have a severely stron rip &hether your a barathlete,stronman,po&erlifter,sports ectect" I have many routines, i do holds &ith an 5**lb"stone frame,farmer &al!s &ith .**.=8lbs"per hand" #ou can use this uidline to build a orilla rip add or deduct &eiht accordin to your strenth Trainharddd (ith fatrips All aim for $*seconds to preserve strenth for the heavy sets,the ones that build you"Once your top heavy set is reached, all sets after are till failure Set$ Q 58lbs" Q $*sec Set% Q $*8lbs" Q $*sec Set. Q $%8lbs" Q $*sec Set3 Q $88lbs" Q $* sec Set8 Q $5*lbs" Q $* sec Set: Q %**lbs" Q $* sec Set= Q %%8lbs" Q $*sec Set5 Q %.8lbs" Q $*sec Set> Q %38lbs" Q $*sec Set$* Q %:8lbs" Q till failure Set$$ Q %%8lbs" Q till failure Set$% Q %%8lbs" till failure Set$. Q %%8lbs" till failure Set$3 Q %%8lbs" till failure Set$8 Q %%8lbs" till failure Set$: Q %**lbs" till failure Set$= Q %**lbs" till failure Set$5 Q %**lbs" till failure Set$> Q $5*lbs" till failure Set%* $**lbs"Bumbbells $ per hand no fatrips till failure, no rest pullup dead han till failure" B"O" -B"O" B-Real """ GettinL Sets """C ?IG?2ABAK C Style 6% person set7 8 muscle up $* &ide pull up 8 muscle up $* behind the nec! pull up 8 russian dips $8 dips 9 % sets %* tricep e9tensions 9 % sets %* bench dips 9 % sets 8 &ide muscle up neutral rip palms out $* bar dips $8 pull up 9 % sets $8 push up %* sec top hold 8 push up 9 . &ith different rip 9 % sets TEA+ (IGATE -$,*** pushups in under $ hour" Bo %* pushups then rest %* seconds" Bo $8 pushups then rest $8 seconds Bo $* pushups then rest $* seconds" Bo 8 pushups then rest :* seconds repeat the pyramid until you complete %* sets" The oal is to !eep the diamond hand position throuhout -omplete -omplete %* pull ups then then %* push-upspush-ups- $8@$8-$*@$*-8@86 $8@$8-$*@$*-8@86that that� s one set7 %* sets for for time of each set and total time of completion6$st should be %mins or less 1ARISTI(OROFT -Advanced alisthenics Routine . rounds lose rip< 8 muscle up $* bar dips $* pull up $* lo& bar tricep e9tension Reular rip< 8 muscle up $* bar dips $* pull up $* lo& bar tricep e9tension
(ide rips< 8 muscle up $* bar dips $* pull up .* p bar dips $* pistol s0uat each le +ERVI +FOK $* )ull Fps, $* Second hin Above 1ar ?old 5 )ull Fps, $* Second hin Above 1ar ?old : )ull Fps, $* Second hin Above 1ar ?old 3 )ull Fps, $* Second hin Above 1ar ?old % )ull Fps, $* Second hin Above 1ar ?old The rule T"2ee and I areed on &as that if &e bro!e any&here &ithin any subset, &eLd have to start that respective subset all over aain startin &ith pulls" This is an e9cellent setup as a &armup, for multiple rounds, OR mi9ed in &ith several 8+BLs 6+inute Brills7 such as &e did" I constantly remind myself to train outside my comfort Done OT inside it -Short on time to trainH ?o& about tryin 8+B 6minute drills7 &hich are e9cellent for &armups or even as routines in Reps And Sets format" I tested it out today usin the 8+B )ush Fps set of $8* reps to be completed in less than 8 minutes" I did = sets and spread them throuhout the day usin a different format ?ere are the different types of Reps And Sets formats I used in my C)FS? BA#C usin 8+B setup" All sets &ere completed in less than 8 minutes, and this felt ust as ood as a $-% hour straiht &or!out 6RE)S 9 SETS7 SET $7 8+B push ups 6lo& bar7 :* N 6$* 9 > sets &ith $*s rest bet&een sets7 SET %7 8+B push ups 6lo& bar7 $* 9 $8 6$* sec rest bet&een sets7 SET .7 8+B push ups 6floor7 8* 9 . 6$ min brea! bet&een sets7 SET 37 8+B push ups 6floor7 .* 9 8 6.* sec brea! bet&een sets7 SET 87 8+B push ups 6floor7 $8 9 $* 6$8 sec brea! bet&een sets7 SET :7 8+B push ups 6floor7 %8 9 : 6%8 sec rest bet&een sets7 SET =7 8+B push ups 6lo& bar7 8*, 3*, .*, %*, $* 6.* secs rest bet&een sets7 ompleted in 3m 8*s T?E added a $m ISO top hold as a finisher after last set -1AR-1ARIAS )ull Fps And Beadhan alisthenics (armup % )ull Fps, % Second 2eft Arm Beadhan % )ullups, % Second Riht Arm Beadhan 3 )ull Fps, 3 Second 2eft Arm Beadhan 3 )ullups, 3 Second Riht Arm Beadhan : )ull Fps, : Second 2eft Arm Beadhan : )ullups, : Second Riht Arm Beadhan 5 )ull Fps, 5 Second 2eft Arm Beadhan 5 )ullups, 5 Second Riht Arm Beadhan $* )ull Fps, $* Second 2eft Arm Beadhan $* )ullups, $* Second Riht Arm Beadhan T?E?OFBEAI -$** s0uats 8 muscle ups =8 s0uats $* muscle ups 8* s0uats $8 muscle ups %8 s0uats %* muscle ups -----------------------$ pullup $ dip
$ burpee % pullup % dip % burpee . pullup . dip . burpee continue this se0uence as far as you can for %* to .* minutes -----------------------body&eiht C.**C %8 pullups 8* burpees 8* pushups 8* floor &ipers 8* bo9 umps6sub s0uat umps7 8* dips %8 pullups ----------------------------------------. rounds< %* 2-pullups .* Toes to bar 3* 1urpees -----------------------------------. rounds< .* one hand pushups6$8@arm7 .* pistols6$8@le7 cash out< ma9 pullups in $* min ------------------------------------------%$-$8-> of< ?S)F dips pushups --------------------------------$** pullups for time -everytime you drop, you must complete $8 burpees to et bac! on the bar -------------------------------------3 rounds for time< $* burpees %8 pullups 8* pushups =8 s0uats cash out< .9 ma9 2-sit on floor ---------------------------$8* dips for time< everytime you drop do %* mountain climbers to et bac! on the dip bar -------------------------------------%* min A+RA)< 8 ?S)F $* pistols68 per le7 $8 pullups
----------------------------------------$* sets of< $* pullups $* dips $* ro&s $* pushups -----------------------------------------8 rounds of< $* ?S)F $* 2-pullups %* pistols6$*@le7 cash out< 89 ma9 reps of underhand ro&s 89$* draonflas or draonfla neatives ------------------------------------------------EES A2IST?EIS -1ac! &or!out . 9 $* chin up N $*C top hold-$*C middle hold . 9 8 neatives chin up . 9 $* close pull up . 9 $* pull up N $*C top hold-$*C middle hold 8 9 % pull up N 8C top hold . 9 $* phorm pull up 3 9 8 close b"& ro&s @ 8 &ide b"&" ro&s @ 8 close chin b"&" ro&s @ 8 &ide chin b"&" ro&s N $*C top hold +a9 chin b"&" ro&s N close b"&" ro&s N top hold BEJA STI)E -1ac! &or!out .-8 sets Rest e9ercises 38C->*C sec@Rest sets .-8 min 8-$* +uscle ups 8-$8 (ide rip pull up to chest 8-$8 )ull up behind the nec! eutral rip pull up 6s&itch bars7 .-8 ([email protected] [email protected] lose 8-$8 lose rip pull up to chest 8-$8 One arm b"&" ro&s6each arm7 +a9 b"&" ro&s -Abs and chest 6% times per &ee!7 :*C e9ercises @ $5*C rounds %* sit ups $8 le raises to bar $8 v ups :*C plan! $8 !nee raises on bar .*C flutter crunches $* hanin obli0ue raises $8 %* .* $8 %* %* %*
clap push up push up fast incline decline push dips straiht bar diamond push
push up up dips up
%*C push up hold -Advanced arms &or!out $7 +uscle up 8 9 8-5 %7 Slo& chin up 8 9 5-$* .7 Slo& neutral pull up 8 9 $* 37 Rin bicep curls 3 9 $8 87 hin up hold 8 9 %*C N $8 diamond push up :7 Tricep e9tension 3 9 ma9 STREET 1ROT?ERS % sets @ 8 min rest bet&een sets /ull body &or!out $* muscle up $* straiht bar dips $* pull ups 8* s0uat umps 3* reular dips $* hanin full le raises $* hanin l raises %8 push up -?o& to et 1IG AR+S &ith body&eiht e9ercises $* sets $* close chin up $* tricep e9tensions $* dips $* bench dips -I22ER ?EST (OROFT $*->-5-=-:-8 handstand push up %*-$>-$5-$=-$:-$8-$3-$.-$%-$$-$* dips and diamond push up $*->-5-=-:-8-8-8-8-8-8 shield chin up 6close rip chin up &ith forearms touchin o do&n do&n only only to >*� 7 -alisthenics F))ER 1OB# (OROFT 8- $* sets .*C-:*C rest $* close pull up@close push up $* normal pull up@normal push up $* &ide pull up@&ide push up -/ull le &or!out - A2IST?EIS S0uats umps 8 9 %* N .*C &all sit 2unes 8 9 %*6each le7 Elevated pistol s0uat 8 9 %*6each le7 lose stance s0uat 8 9 %* 1o9 umps 8 9 %* -I22ER F))ER 1OB# (OROFT 8 muscle up $* bar dips $* pull ups %* reular dips every superset -$ rep each e9ercise e9cept muscle up until 8 muscle up 8 bar dips 8 pull up $8 reular dips -1rother VS 1rother - Street (or!out (ar $* muscle up %* neutral rip pull up .* burpees 3* dips
-aaci trenin Da ru!e .*C rest $� superset superset 8 9 $* close chin chin up N tricep e9tension e9tension %� superset superset 8 9 $* chin up 6%C neatives7 neatives7 N %* bar dips .� superset superset 8 9 $* neutral rip pull pull up N %* reular reular dips -Fpper body routine 8 pull up, 8 sec iso hold 9 . 6top@middle@dead han7, 8 pull ups, .* push ups $* pull up, $* sec iso hold 9 ., $* pull ups, .* push ups $8 pull ups, $8 sec iso hold 9 ., $8 pull ups, .* push ups $* pull ups, $* sec iso hold 9 ., $* pull ups, .* push up 8 pull up, 8 sec iso hold 9 ., 8 pull ups, .* push ups STREET (OROFT 1I2GORAJ -$ (arm up < % pull ups then 8 sec hold on the top to failure SET $ < $* +uscle ups N %* bar dips N %* sec hold on the middle N 3* push ups N $* pull ups N %* sec hold on the top SET % < 8 sec hold top@middle@bottom N 8 +uscle ups N .* bar dips N $* pull ups N 8 sec hold top@middle@bottom N .* push ups N $* pull ups SET . < $ +uscle up N 8* bar dips N %* pull ups -% (arm up < $ pull up N $ +F N $ bar dip +A' RE)S $ SET < $ +F N .* bar dips N $* pull ups N $* sec hold 9. N 8 pull ups N 8 sec hold 9. N .* push ups % SET < $* pull ups N 8 +F N $* sec hold 9. N 8 pull ups N $-8 +F N $8 bar dips N .* push ups . SET < 8 sec hold 9. N 8 +F N .* bar dips N $* pull ups N $*sec hold 9. N .* push ups N $* pull ups 1AR 1ROT?ERS 8 E9treme (or!out Routines 1ar 1rothers -1ac!@shoulder .@: sets 8 min rest $* Type&riter pull ups, $* Australian archer chin ups, $* )i!e push ups, $* lose rip pull ups, $* Australian chin ups, $*C (all handstand hold -/at burnin .@: sets 3 min rest $8 +ountain climbers, $8 Jumpin ac!s, $8 1urpees, $8 ?ih !nees, $8C S0uat &al!, $8C 2ateral sprints -hest .@: sets 8 min rest $8 )arallel bar dips, $8 (ide push up, $8 Straiht bar dips, $8 Becline push up, $8 Incline straiht bar push up, $8 1ench dips -Abs .@: sets . min rest $8 )i!e crunches, $8 S!y crossovers, $8 Sittin crunches, $8 Across toe touches, $8 Alternatin !nee raises, $8 An!le touch crunches -2es .-: sets 8 min rest $* E9plosibe stair umps, $* *ne le hill umps, $* /orty yard sprints, $* Slo& calf raises, $* Jump s0uat, $* atural le curl 1AR 1ROT?ERS ET?ER2ABS -+uscle up routine Ivan +ar!ioli 8 mu N 8 dips N 8 pu N 8,8,8 sec : mu N : dips N : pu N 8,8,8 sec = mu N = dips N = pu N 8,8,8 sec 5 mu N 5 dips N 5 pu N 8,8,8 sec
indepth &or!out % hold hold hold hold
> mu N > dips N > pu N 8,8,8 sec hold $* mu N $* dips N $* pu N 8,8,8 sec hold IVA +ARIO2I $* muscle ups - $* dips - $* push ups then o do&n to $ - $ - $ "" Try to ta!e % minutes rest bet&een sets" A+)+ O//IIA2 -Ampm alisthenics +uscle up supersets )ER/OR+ EA? SF)ERSET (IT?OFT 2ETTIG GO O/ T?E 1AR" (IBE GRI) +uscle-ups 9 8 Straiht 1ar Bips 9 $* )ull-ups 9 8 2OSE GRI) +uscle-ups 9 : Straiht 1ar Bips 9 : )ull-ups 9 : STABARB GRI) +uscle-ups 9 8 Straiht 1ar Bips 9 $* )ull-ups 9 $* (IBE GRI) )ull-ups 9 $* Straiht 1ar Bips 9 $* Toe to 1ars 9 8 2OSE GRI) )ull-ups 9 $* Straiht 1ar Bips 9 $* Toe to 1ars 9 8 SF)IATEB )ull-ups 9 $* Straiht 1ar Bips 9 $* Toe to 1ars 9 8 A2)?A BESTI# -?ih volume push up .*C rest 8 sets of 8* )ush up 8 sets of .* )ush up 8 sets of %8 lose rip push up 8 sets of %* Biamond push up 8 sets of $8 Biamond push up 8 sets of %8 Becline push up 8 sets of %* Becline push up 8 sets of $8 Becline push up ET?ER 1EAST FBERGROFB +FS2E -ET?ER 1OB# (EIG?T )ROTOO2 - superb for functional athletes and creative or outdoor bodybuildin@trainin@fitness enthusiasts Bay $ bac! @ biceps @ forearms @ rear delts ; Inverted shru@ro&s for yo!e @ biceps @ forearms 5 &or!in sets to almost failure https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQDau-!A3EtI
;Australian )ull ups 3 sets https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQJa?ro0>KSE https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&at chHvQJa?ro0>KSE ;Reverse ?ypers 3 &or!in &or! in sets to failure https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchH https<@@&&&"youtube"com@ &atchH vQ.d>W(--eFcI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bay % lo&er body ; s0uat ump Q s0uat ass to rass and e9plode up into your hihest vertical ump - $ hih rep brutal set to failure ; lunes up hill $ brutal super hih rep set to failure ; lunes do&n hill $ brutal hih rep set to failure ; $ le s0uats % &or!in sets each le 3 total https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQ$-#u0>pB=J# ; nordic curls 3 &or!in sets https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchH https<@@&&&"youtube"com@ &atchH vQ#/13EfT>rfslistQ)2W.hJtVm2-b=iOnMFWTs&lsahArS(*inde9Q.$ ;calves https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQ5b-+h='8uholistQ)2W.hJtVm2b=iOnMFWTs&lsahArS(*inde9Q%* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bay . shoulders arms chest ; hand stand push ups 3 &or!in sets to failure https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchH https<@@&&&"youtube"com@& atchH vQWD:J)%$>T5 ; % sets of push ups to failure ; % sets of incline push ups to failure https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchH https<@@&&&"youtube"com@& atchH vQS)ab%#51E ; % sets of dips to failure ; %-3 &or!in sets each side of this e9ercise for lateral delts https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQKDSbs)m58! ; do this for rear delts %- 3 &or!in sets https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchH https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atc hH vQrtRB?s:nTK* E# OTE pic! one of these e9ternal rotation e9orcises and do % sets each shoulder to end each &or!out" 6 ?IG?2# REO++EBEB /OR 2OG TER+ S?OF2BER ?EA2T? 7 e9ternal rotation videos for shoulder health https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQt1R3>8aso https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQTSK93adyiGEtQ$$s https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQtcS1$$crOis https<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchHvQvs/.V+TEF -++A ST#2E IRFIT TRAIIG - to et in actual fihtin condition .* minutes non stop trainin umpin from $ e9ercise station to the ne9t every :* seconds &ith no brea!s - fast pace :* seconds push ups :* seconds pull ups :* seconds spra&ls :* seconds vertical umps full po&er :* seconds step ups -onto a bench :* seconds combo body &eiht s0uats @ lateral dumbbell raises &ith a liht to moderate dumbbell :* seconds Australian pull ups :* seconds speed shado& bo9in - thro& mad combos at a fast pace :* seconds sand ba slams- pic! it up and body slam it over and over :* seconds slede hammer poundin an old tire
RE)EAT (IT? O 1REAS no stoppin for the full .* minutes push it - /IG?T if you dont have the set up for all these stations ust set up the ones you can and run in a circle throuh the stations s&itchin to the ne9t station every :* seconds #ou &ill et in actual fihtin shape if you build up to the ability to move fast and constant throuh all of this A2IST?EIS (EIG?T TRAIIG -1ody&eiht 1iceps (or!out 6.*sec -% min rest7 lose chin up %-. sets 9 $8-%* lose pull up %-. 9 $8-%* ?eadbaners %-. 9 5-$8 Archer pull up %-. 9 8-5 6each side7 1ody&eiht bicep curls %-. 9 5-$8 Isometric chin up 3-: 9 ma9 holds Or< ma9 rep .-8 e9ercises for .-3 sets each -Triceps (or!out at ?ome lose push up . 9 $8-%* Tricep e9tension .-8 9 5-$% 1ench dips .-8 9 $*-$8 Biamond push up .-8 9 $*-$8 Or< ma9 reps . sets of each e9ercise 1AR-2EVE2AB (arm-Fp tryin the 1ar-1arians 6%!$$7 re0uirements< 8*-.*-:*-$* )ull-Fps6any style7 - .9$* - $* sec" dead han bet&een each rep Bips up and do&n - $,%,.,3,""""$*,>,5,=,"""" #ou can ma!e these harder by addin an 2-Sit or 1ent Arm )lanche at the top of each rep6than!s 21+ for the idea7 1eastmode 1urnouts - )ull-Fps6any style7 and Biamond )ushups Start at $ rep of each, then %, and so on until you canLt do anymore, then o bac! do&n to one from that number Bips up and do&n - Same as before )ull-Fps6any style7 - .9$* - $* sec" dead han before first rep, > sec" dead han before second, 5 sec" dead han before third, etc""" Attempt the 1ar-1arians re0uirements aain B)AR?I5 -$8** )ullups""" 8 )er +in /or .** +in Straiht"""" -%* )ush-ups a +in /or 8* Q$! )ush-ups $* Biamond )ush-ups a min /or 8* +in Q 8** )ush-ups Total of $"8! in $** +in I ?OEVAR -Turtle bac! routine<9 %-. cicli 8 minuti riposo 8* )ull up 8* (ide rip pull up $** Biamond push up 8* (ide rip chin up $* muscle up $** dips 8* lose rip pull up -Arms routine ma9 cycles
$* .* $* %* $* 8*
close chin up dips chin up bar dips close pull up bench dips
JREEB -Intense alisthenic 1ac!@1iceps (or!out Routine This one hurt" Rest $<.* bet&een sets" $*9$* hin ups &ith a dead han at the end of each set .9 $%-$8 /ront lever raises .9 +a9 >* Beree chin up hold ?o& I trained to dip $*%! for reps" 61ody&eiht reddit7 SF)" +i nombre es Jerric" ILm a 8L=, $8* lb, $5 year old dude" And I can dip &ith %%8 lbs for . reps, pull up $8* lb for 8 reps and chin up $:* lbs for 8 reps" I li!e to come on and help people &rite routines or &rite them a routine myself" 1ut no& ILm onna sho& you all ho& I do it" ?ereLs a sample routine that ILll be brea!in do&n so you can hopefully understand ho& to &rite these yourself< )air $ 89+a9 (eihted pull ups 89+a9 (eihted dips )air % 39+a9 One arm pull ups 39+a9 )suedo )lanche push ups )air . .9+a9 One arm ro&s .9+a9 ?andstand push ups )air 3 .9+a9 1icep curls supersetted &ith ma9 tricep e9tensions This is oin to be 0uite a bit harder in terms of volume than the recommended routine so I &ould say this is absolutely not for beinners" Sets I typically pyramid the amount of sets startin at 8, then 3, then . etc" #ou can raise or lo&er this number, it really doesnLt matter, ust you !no&"""donLt be dumb" #ou can also have the same number of sets all the &ay throuh, itLs ust not &hat I personally do" ThereLs nothin &ron &ith it, I ust donLt do it" Rest This can be loo!ed up on here, theres nothin special about ho& I reccomend you rest in bet&een sets" If you &ant to build a lot of strenth, rest until you feel ood to o, if you &ant to et bi""" it doesnLt really matter, ust eat a lot more than normal" 2etLs et do&n to business to defeat the ?uns" So in my e9ample, the first push and pull e9ercises have 8 &or!in sets" These t&o are the e9ercises I &ould &ant to improve the most so they have the most volume" The more you practice somethin, the better you et so donLt be afraid to really pac! on those sets if youLre hittin really lo& reps such as $ or %" Bid they send me dauhters (hen I as!ed for sons" The second pair of e9ercises has 3 sets, these e9ercises are onna be &hat assists the main oal e9ercises" )ic! these e9ercises carefully, for e9ample< it &ouldnLt ma!e much sense to use an
overhead press movement to assist somethin li!e planche push ups" ?elp my arms hurt The ne9t pair of e9ercises are eneral strenth or imbalance e9ercises" This is typically &here I &ould put horiDontal pullin and an overhead pressin movement" #ou should al&ays have a horiDontal pull in your routine O E'E)TIOS" 2ast pair The last pair is for small muscles" So isolation movements such as curls, tricep e9tensions, ab e9ercises, etc" &ould o here" Some eneral info I typically recommend you ma9 out in every set, not everyone arees &ith that and thatLs o!ay" ItLs ust ho& I do it, thereLs no reason &hy you canLt apply this type of routine and have a set number of reps" As for le day, youLre on your o&n there, I donLt consider myself !no&ledeable enouh there yet" I also did chane my trainin style every no& and then, you can loo! throuh my post history and see that" ?o&ever, I found that this sort of routine, every other day, yielded the best results for me" /eel free to leave any 0uestions or insults" ILll probably reply &ith somethin that is incredibly dumb" If I left somethin out, yell it in my ear and ILll be sure to clear that up" EBIT< So I recorded the dips portion" Boin pull ups separately" Turns out I didnLt have the proper &eiht at home so I actually had to o heavier than &hat I said on here" EBIT %< So ILm ettin mi9ed responses and ILm really not sure &hat to do" )ull up time I uessH I uess I personally am a >* deree dip man" 1AR (ARS SETS %!$: Kach Ruffo VS Gabo Saturno $ -$* muscle ups -$8 burpees -%* pull ups 6chest to bar7 -%8 dips -.* seconds handstand hold Juice VS The Bar! niht % -$* muscle ups -%* pull ups -.* burpees -3* dips 2ee (ade Turner VS Jarryd Rubinstein . -(eihted +uscle Fps $* -(eihted Straiht 1ar Bips $* -(eihted )ull Fps $* -+uscle Fps %* -Straiht 1ar Bips %* -)ull Fps %* -(eihted )ush Fps %* -)ush Fps 3* hris ?eria VS Super Serio 3 -8 2-sit to handstand -$* muscle-ups -$8 consecutive pistol s0uats per le -%* pull ups -Vadym Oleyni! VS Ieven Shcherbyna 8
8 one arm pull ups per arm $8 sec front lever 8 muscle ups .* push ups .* dips %* archer pull ups
Jordan VS Javi : -$8 muscle ups -.* pulls ups 6chest to bar7 -:* push ups 1AR (ARS %$5 Vitaly VS Abdullah $ -$* +uscle Fps -%* 1ar Bips -$* /ront 2ever Raises -.* Biamond )ush Fps -8* 1urpees BR" E2IAS ?OFRIE? -Fpper body &or!out .* )ushups @ $8 Reular pullups .* Bips @ $8 Reular pullups .* 1ar Bips @ $8 Reular pullups .* )ushups @ $8 hinups .* Bips @ $8 hinups .* 1ar Bips @ $8 hinups .* )ushups @ $8 eutral pullups .* Bips @ $8 eutral pullups .* 1ar Bips @ $8 eutral pullups OEIG.** -Trichest 3 rounds @ $8C e9ercise @ .*C rounds $** decline push up >8 s!ull crushers >8 clap push up >8 floor tricep e9tension $$* e9plosive incline push up $** dips -1ullseye 3 rounds @ 8C e9ercises @ .*C rounds $$* v ups 5* lute bride %** bycicle crunches $%*C superman hold $** l sit pull ups $5*C plan! JOSE )EREIRA6pereirapt7 -Turtle bac! 6more advanced version7 8 rounds @ %*C e9ercise @ =*C rounds $% &ide pull up 6$37 $. close chin up 6$37 $% commando pull up 6$37
$$ $. $% $* $8
&ide pull up 6$37 chin up 6$37 commando pull up 6 $37 Archer chin up 6$*7 pseudo push up 6%=7
)F#$:3 -1ac! demolition 3 rounds @ .*C e9ercise @ >*C rounds $= chin up $% close pull up %% bar dips .* 1"& ro&s supinated $% &ide pull up $: commando pull up %= 1"&" ro&s -1i arms 3 rounds @ .*C e9ercise @ >*C rounds %8 diamond push up %8 dips %8 Becline push up %8 pi!e push up %8 pseudo push up %8 s!ull crushers 6bar tricep e9tensions7 %8 &ide push up %8 decline pi!e push up %8 tricep dips -anLt &al! 8 rounds @ .*C e9ercise @ >*C rounds 38 lunes 58 s0uats %8 bularian split s0uats .8 s0uat umps $*%C &all sit :* one le calf raises 6each le7 B)))?OEI' -)ush up inferno 8 rounds @ %*C e9ercises @ :*C rounds %* push up %* clap push up %* decline push up %* diamond push up %* incline push up %* decline pi!e push up %* hand release push up 6body on floor hands in air7 %* hindu push up %* military push up 6elbo&s tuc!ed to the sides7 %* narro& push up %* pi!e push up %* &ide push up %* e9plosive incline push up %* decline push up %* in and out push up 6alternatin &ide and normal rip7 %* parallel bar push up %* spiderman push up 6alternatin one le to the arms7 38 push up hold
-)ush to plan! to push 8 rounds @ 8C e9ercises @ :*C rounds %8 push up >*C plan! %8 spiderman push up >*C side plan! riht %8 military push up >*C side plan! left %8 &ide push up >*C plan! %8 hindu push up >*C side plan! riht %8 diamond push up >*C side plan! left -+inimalist 8 rounds @ .*C e9ercises @ >*C rounds 8* diamond push up 8* chair dips-tricep dips $8 tricep e9tension on bar -The minimalist $* rounds @ .*C e9ercises @ >*C rounds 8* diamond push up 8* dips $* tricep e9tension on bar G2ABIATOR$%3 -2e brutality 5 rounds @ $8C e9ercises @ .*C rounds =8 s0uats :: bularian split s0uat 6each le7 =8 s0uats 38C &all sit $** calf raises 6each le7 F?A2 -JF+)IG 2FGES 6$* RE)S )ER 2EG7 N JF+)IG SMFATS 6$* RE)S7 N OE 2EGGEB ?I) T?RFST 6$* RE)S )ER 2EG7 N 1FR)EES 6$* RE)S7 Rest :* seconds bet&een sets" Repeat 8 times" BAISA -+ass le routine 8 9 %* reps deep and lon pylometric lunes li!e here http<@@&&&"youtube"com@&atchH vQdDvW>AEDdd+featureQrelated 6JF+) AS ?IG? AS )OSSI12E7 N this is one set< $" - 8 reps hih step ups &ith riht le 6the left le is dorsifle9ed I+)ORTAT7 %" - $* sec hold at bottom 6hardest7 position at stepup 6 left le is dorsifle9ed7 ." - $* reps hih step step ups from bottom bottom position position to 38� , so half reps 6 the left left le is dorsifle9ed7 3" - $* one le deadlifts dont foret to &or! the other le do the $,%,.,3 mar!ed set . times
N $*reps one le calf raises 2E/T le $* reps one le calf raises RIG?T le $*reps one le calf raises 2E/T le $*reps one le calf raises RIG?T le 6there is no rest bet&een the calf raises7 do it $* times -Endurance le routine 3 sets of %8 reps - /ull s0uat 6 aYY to rass7 8 sets of %* reps - E9plosive lunes . sets of $8 reps - 1ularian split s0uat 6 each le7 . sets of $8 reps - Stepup into reverse lune 6each le7 % sets of $% reps - One leed deadlifts 6each le7 . sets of %8 reps - One leed calf raises 6each le7 ?FBREB"RIG?TS -2e routine< -S0uats 9%* -alf Raises 9$8 -One-2eed S0uats 9$8 per le -alf Raises 9$* -Jump S0uats 9$* -alf S0uats 98 V2ABI+IR - 8 9 8min of s0uattin 6reular body&eiht s0uats7 &ith a :*sec brea! in bet&een rounds -)yramid s0uat $@%@.@3@8@:@=@5@>@$*@>@5@=@:@8@3@.@%@$ ump s0uat pyramid 9 . %@3@:@5@$*@$%@$3@$:@$5@%*@$5@$:@$3@$%@$*@5@:@3@% s0uat pyramid 9 $ rested bet&een pyramids $ minute rest &as number of reps completed in previous set in pyramid 63 reps Q 3 sec rest"""7 les are so sore, brutal &or!out" BAIE2E IVERARBI -.-: cicli @>*C-$%*C@ 8* S0uats 8* 2unes 8* S!ip up ?AI1A2 /OR IG -$8 lose stance S0uats $8 sec 2o& S0uat ?old $8 sec Rest $3 lose stance S0uats $3 sec 2o& S0uat ?old $3 sec Rest $. lose stance S0uats $. sec 2o& S0uat ?old $. sec Rest to * KE? (OROFT -Dech 2e Superset
8* $* 3* %* .* $* %* $*
S0uat )istol s0uat6each le7 S0uat 2unes S0uat )istol s0uat6each le7 S0uat 2unes
% )istol s0uat 3 2unes 3 )istol s0uat : 2unes : )istol s0uat 5 2unes 5 )istol s0uat $* 2unes $* )istol s0uat $% 2unes 5 )istol s0uat $3 2unes : )istol s0uat $: 2unes 3 )istol s0uat $5 2unes % )istol s0uat %* 2unes 3*-.*-%*-$* alf raises A2IST?EISIGK 6?IIT RI?ARBS7 -The alisthenics in Geore C?ITC Richards Tal!s To +uscle Strenth Intervie& routine /or les I do e9treme routine O (EIG?TS run up and do&n $.: stairs for . sets 8* sinle le calf raises bet&een 8 steps, $* sets of 8* natural s0uats ust body&eiht -1OB#(EIG?T@A2IST?EIS 2EG (OROFT 8* 1ASI SMFATS 6Rest .* sec"7 %8 Beep JF+) SMFATS 6Rest %* sec"7 $* )ISTO2 SMFATS 6On each le, Rest .* sec"7 immediately do 38 sec" +ountain limbers 6immediately do7 $ +inute S0uat &all sit 6Rest .* seconds7 $8 1F2GARIA S)2IT SMFATS 6On each le, Rest .* sec"7 $* 1F2GARIA JF+) S)2IT SMFATS 6On each le, Rest .* sec"7 $*, $ 2EG 1FR)EE JF+) SMFATS 6On each le7 $* to $ then $ to > calf raises" REST . +IFTES AT EB O/ #2E T?E RE)EAT #2E % more times for a total of . #2ES SETS VARI GA+1E -$* cicli .* S0uat 6do&n to %* reps7 3* alf raises 6static amount of reps7 $* )istol s0uat each le 6do&n to $ rep7 +a9 s0uat iso hold -% rounds< %* air s0uats, %* lunes, %* umpin lunes, $* ump s0uats" 3 rounds< $* air s0uats, $* lunes, $* umpin lunes" .*s->*s recovery per round" IRO2OO 2EG ROFTIES -?ereLs the les routines"
2iht day 2e &or!out $ 1ody &eiht s0uats &@$min" rest ma9" onsecutive reps count only you pause do the set over" set$ set% set. set3 1ody N
Q $** reps Q $** reps Q $** reps Q $** reps &eiht s0uats Q 3** reps
Standin 2unes %* reps riht after N 8 body &eiht s0uats to ma!e %8 reps per set" &@$min" rest ma9" onsecutive reps count only you pause do that set over" set$ Q %8 reps set8 Q %8 reps set> Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set: Q .8 reps set$* Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set= Q %8 reps set$$ Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps set5 Q %8 reps set$% Q %8 reps 2unes Q 3** reps N The remainin 1ody &eiht s0uats i &ill either do in the steam room, or at home" onsecutive reps count only you pause do that set over" &ith <$8 - <%8 second rest" Stand in one spot the &hole time donLt move a foot"eep your timer ready" set$ set% set. set3 set8 set: set= set5
%8 %8 %8 %8 %8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps reps reps reps reps
set> Q %8 reps set$* Q %8 reps set$$ Q %8 reps set$% Q %8 reps set$. Q %8 reps set$3 Q %8 reps set$8 Q %8 reps set$: Q %8 reps
1ody &eiht s0uats Q 3** reps N Total Q $,%** reps ---------------------------------------------------------------------+edium level % 38lbs" vest S0uats, &@no more than $min" rest" set$ Q %8 reps - set8 Q set% Q %8 reps - set: Q set. Q %8 reps - set= Q set3 Q %8 reps - set5 Q total Q .** reps s0uat N 38lbs" vest %* lunes N
%8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps
set > set$* set$$ set
%$Q Q Q Q
%8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps
8 s0uats riht after &@no more than $min" rest
set$ Q %8 reps - set8 Q %8 reps - set > Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps - set: Q %8 reps - set$* Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps - set= Q %8 reps - set$$ Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps - set5 Q %8 reps - set$% Q %8 reps total Q .** reps lune@s0uat N Remove the vest you &ill feel e9tra e9plosive and liht"
1ody &eiht s0uats no &eiht &@ <$8 second - <%8 second rest" set$ Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps total Q 3** reps
set8 Q set: Q set= Q set5 Q s0uat
%8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps
set > set$* set$$ set
%$Q Q Q Q
%8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps
set$. set$3 set$8 set$:
%8reps %8 reps %8 reps %8 reps
Total reps Q $,*** if done riht you &ill be finished in $ hr" ---------------------------------------------------------------------?eavy day level . S0uats (ith =*lbs" vest N 8*lbs" dumbbell front s0uat &@$-%min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps total Q $** reps N S0uats (ith =*lbs" vest N :*lbs" dumbbell front s0uat &@$-% min rest set$ Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps total Q $** reps N S0uats &ith =*lbs" vest N =*lbs" dumbbell front s0uat &@$-%min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps total Q $** reps N S0uats &ith ust =*lbs" vest &@ $min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set8 Q %8 set% Q %8 reps set: Q %8 set. Q %8 reps set= Q %8 set3 Q %8 reps set 5 Q%8 total Q %** reps N
reps reps reps reps
%* lunes@8 s0uats &ith =*lbs" vest &@$-% min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set8 Q %8 reps set> Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set: Q %8 reps set$* Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set= Q %8 reps set$$ Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps set 5 Q%8 reps set$% Q %8 reps total Q .** reps N 1ody &eiht s0uats &@ <$* second rest set$ set% set. set3
%8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps
set8 set: set= set5
%8 %8 %8 %8
reps reps reps reps
total Q %** reps N 1ody &eiht Jump s0uats &@$min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps total Q $** reps Total Q $,$,** reps ---------------------------------------------------------------------?eavy day level 3 All in $ &or!out" $** rep Bead lift routine no belt@ no straps@no shoes I !eep the .*-8*lbs vest on till i touch .8*lbs" $.8lbs 9 $* reps %%8lbs 9 $* reps %>8lbs 9 $* reps .$8lbs 9 $* reps .%8lbs 9 $* reps ..8lbs 9 $* reps .8*lbs 9 $* reps .:*lbs 9 $* reps .=*lbs 9 $* reps 3**lbs 9 8reps 3%*lbs 9 8reps total Q $** reps Sometimes o all the &ay up to 3** 9 $* N S0uats =*lbs" vest &@%min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set8 Q %8 reps set> Q %8 reps set$. Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set: Q %8 reps set$* Q %8 reps set$3 Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set= Q %8 reps set$$ Q %8 reps set$8 Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps set 5 Q%8 reps set$% Q %8 reps set$: Q %8 reps total Q 3** reps N %* lunes@8 s0uats &ith =*lbs" vest &@$-% min" rest set$ Q %8 reps set8 Q %8 reps set> Q %8 reps set$. Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set: Q %8 reps set$* Q %8 reps set$3 Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set= Q %8 reps set$$ Q %8 reps set$8 Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps set 5 Q%8 reps set$% Q %8 reps set$: Q %8 reps total Q 3** reps N =*lbs" vest N %-%8lbs" dumbbell on shoulders &@% min rest" set$ Q %8 reps set% Q %8 reps set. Q %8 reps set3 Q %8 reps total Q $** reps 1ody &eiht s0uats &ith O VEST, you had &eiht on the &hole time so the remainin 8** reps you &ill feel ultra liht o more than <%8 second rest consecutive reps
only mess up start the set over" set$ Q %8 set$$ Q %8 set% Q %8 set$% Q %8 set. Q %8 set$. Q %8 set3 Q %8 set$3 Q %8 set8 Q %8 set$8 Q %8 set: Q %8 set$: Q %8 set= Q %8 set$= Q %8 set5 Q %8 set$5 Q %8 set> Q %8 set$> Q %8 set$* Q %8 set%* Q %8 total Q 8** reps Total Q $,8** reps ---------------------------------------------------------------------$** rep deadlift routine N $,*** rep s0uat@lune combo" Beadlift, no belt $.8lbs" 9 %* %%8lbs" 9 $* %>8lbs" 9 $* .$8lbs" 9 $* .%8lbs" 9 $* ..8lbs" 9 $* .8*lbs" 9 $* .=*lbs" 9 $* 3*8lbs" 9 $* N $,*** reps 8** s0uats &@vest 8**lunes &ith vest" ---------------------------------------------------------------------$ (hole le &or!out $.8lbs" 9 %* %%8lbs" 9 %* %>8lbs" 9 %* .$8lbs" 9 $* .%8lbs" 9 $* ..8lbs" 9 $* .8*lbs" 9 $* .=*lbs" 9 $* 3*8lbs" 9 $* 3%*lbs" 9 ma9out $* reps bare minimum" N $58lbs"atlas stone front s0uat &@ %*lbs" vest 8sets 9 $* reps Q 8* reps N :*lbs" bloc! front s0uat &@8*lbs" vest" 5 sets 9 %8 reps Q %** reps N 8*lbs" vest s0uats 5 sets 9 %8 reps Q %**reps N :*lbs" /ront bloc! no vest standin lunes %* reps N 8 s0uats riht after 5 sets 9 %8 reps Q %** reps N 1ody&eiht S0uats
in steam room" N Then after this i sometimes o for a &eihted . mile run has to be under %*minutes thouh or &hole day &as a failure" N Then core &or!, loo!s lon but my rest times are lo& even lo&er than i &rite do&n so i try to blast throuh it all" This is one of my hardest le routines to date" -------------------------------------------------GOOB REABIGS------------------------------------------------$7I &ould li!e to share my e9perience of doin nothin more than body &eiht e9ercises and the transformation that i made" Burin my induction i &as a hurt $3. pounds" I &as dopesic! and hated life" The first 3 &ee!s i ot my health bac! in chec! then i started to &or! out" To start all i &ould do is a lap around the trac! and do as many pushups bet&een each lap for an hour a day" I started to incorporate pullups and dips into my hour routine and after about % months i started noticin differences and ettin compliments" After those % months i &as finally able to do a pull up on my o&n and started ta!in &or!in out more seriously" : days a &ee! i did pushups, pullups, and dips only for :*->* minutes" I did diamonds, close, &ide, elevated, and declined pushups" The only pullups i did &ere hammer and &ide rip" I personally believe the benefit from &ide rip pullups in unparellell to anythin else to et you bi" I &ould never do the same thin t&ice" One day i &ould superset push@pull, another day ust push, another ust pull and i added dips almost daily to &hatever i &as doin" I believed since my options &ere so limited muscle confusion &ould be e9tremely important" As far as numbers i &ould do at least :** pushups and 8** pullups but on days &here i isolated ust one i &ould do up to $! pushups and 5** pull ups" I &ould ta!e about 38 second brea!s bet&een sets but never too lon and try to et at least 3* pushups@set and $8-%* pullups" I &ould et a ;;;; ton of reps &ithin an hr and half" And i &ould al&ays !eep movin in bet&een sets by &al!in" Results- last april %*$3 &hen i &as released i &eihed %$% pounds from the $3. i &eihed a year before" I &as pretty bi" oticeably bi &here i ot a ton of attention" +y arms thouh i never measured &here e9tremely lare especially my triceps from all the pushups and dips" I &as bier than i &as $* years ao then &hen i used &eihts in collee" 'l tshirts &here tiht around my arms and chest and it felt ood and i loo!ed ood" And bt& im 8L$*LL" )eople as!ed me daily ho& i ot my arms so bi, so i !no& it must have been &or!in and ma!in a difference" I &asnt e9tremely lean either, and thats because of the ;;;; food they feed you""but ill et into that" Everythin i ate &as very hih in carbs" +ostly pasta, potatoes, and all the left over parts of the animal only inmates and dos eat" And i ot bi from it" I tried to drin! a pint of mil! a day but mil! &as hard to et &ith budet cuts" On my commissary i bouht a lot of soup and peanut butter" I ate on averae . ramen soups a day in addition to the . ;;;; prison trays i ot, and & pac!s of peanut butter" I donLt !no& &hat the nutritional value of the ail food &as but my . soups and % peanut butter pac!s ave me an additional .= rams of protein a day" That leads me to believe that nutrition alone can completely chane everythin" I ot bi, real bi of pushups and carbs"
Strenth- a &ea! after my release i &ent to a ym &ith my buddy ust to see ho& my strenth improved" I &as able to bench .%8 and rep %%8 for =" I uess thats not bad for never touchin a &eiht" 1ut i did loo! bier than &hat my strenth proved" I loo!ed li!e i could have been much stroner due to my siDe" I reret not !eepin up &ith it" If i s&itched over to &eihts at that point i &ould have blo&n up and my strenth &ould have one throuh the roof" 1ut &hen you cae a man up for a &hile he is much more &orried about females and havin fun than the ym" So almost a year later im startin to et bac! into it" +uscle memory is an amaDin thin so i hope to et it bac!" I ust &anted to post this for anyone out there &ho canLt et to a ym but &ants to et bi at home &ith no e0uipment" Its possible, i did it" Just ma!e sure you eat bi to et bi" #ou &ill never be as stron as you can be liftin &eihts, but you can et a hell of a lit bier than the averae uy doin nothin" Anf lastly, im still oin sober stron, &or!in full time and tryin to be a productive member of society" If anyone has any 0uestions about my routine or &ant me to et more specific about somethin please ust as!" I !no& this &as lon but i hope it &as an interestin read for someone out there" %76one arm chin up7Any&ay, you should add them to your &or!out man, as much as you can" An old head i &as loc!ed up &ith tauht me ho& difficult it is to overtrain &ith calisthenics" #ou can do a ton of reps &ithout &orry" )ullups &ill tear your arms up" I focused on &ide rip bc i believe there is no better e9cercise to et &ider and thic!er &ithout &eihts" I remember &hen i first started the pain in my biceps &as tremendous from pullups" +y arms &ere the most impressive part of my body" Once i stopped ro&in my arms very radually continued to" If i didnt do this first hand ILd call bull ;;;; on it even bein possible" As far as dips, hit the rac! hard man" I al&ays did dips even years ao &hen i hit the ym" The tear the ive your arms is a&esome" ot to mention the shoulder and chest pump u et from dips" The bier you ma!e your triLs the bier your biLs &ill loo!" I personally donLt thin! .9 a &ee! &ill ma!e a hue difference, but its a reat start and foundation to bein doin more" I credit my ro&n completely to diet and the amount of reps i &ould do" I &ill try to et some before and after pics toether" The before pics are my motivation to never et hih aain" I &as so small, (EA, and strun" I ust loo!ed &ea!" Sad" .7Fn&eihted s0uats all the time" I hated lunes so i never did them" I &ould do a couple hundred s0uats in bet&een sets as my rest or i &ould &al! a lot" +y upper body &as much bier than my lo&er" I started doin s0uats about . months into my bid" It did help tremendously tho" +y upper body ust re& so much more 37As for over trainin i &ouldnLt &orry about it" (ith calisthenics you donLt need to rest li!e you do liftin heavy &eiht" I actually found it to be more detrimental ta!in time off" )robably in my head thouh" 5-$8 reps is a ood oal for pull ups" The reason i never did %*-.* reps a set li!e you hear some uys say they do is because i didnt ta!e lon brea!s" I too! short brea!s and &ent riht bac! at it" I felt li!e the harder i &or!ed
&hile i &as fatiued the more i &ould ain" /or pushups and dips try to set a oal &here you do more li!e 3*-8* a set" And do them riht" ILve seen a lot of ;;;;ty pushups loc!ed up cause uys thouht they &ere touh replyin out =8 of them" #our better off doin 8 the riht &ay then 8* the &ron &ay" I donLt feel i &ould have pushed myself hard enouh doin 5-$8 rep pushups" )ossibly if i only too! $8 second brea!s or so" I &ould also do neatives once a &ee!" These are hard as hell &ith pullups and &ith pushups lettin yourself do&n real slo& tears your arms up real ood" I &as also eatin a lot of fat, carbs, and calories so remember my diet &as a bi part of It" I &ish you luc!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ILve been to ail@prison" in ail there are no &eihts, a chin and dip bar if youLre luc!y" &e had to et creative &ith &ater bas, slic! floor 6flys7" &e ot to sleep alot too, especially if there is fre0uent loc! ups" At one point I &as doin pushups daily as a cardio source &ith my &or!out partner" (e &ould ta!e turns 6about .* secs or so rest7 doin one set of flat pushups &hile the other rests and then decline pushups bac! a bad forth" &e did sets of %8 -.* 6cyclin by the month7 for $: sets of %8 or .*""" totalin 3** - 35*" on the month &e cycled $: sets of .* &e finished &ith incline pushups but &ith the other layin on your bac! 6bac! aainst bac!7 for four sets to failure" &e trained a split li!e this bac!, shoulders, bis and tris, les" On that CbitC I &as there for t&o years pretrial custody time, &ent in a scra&ny $:* at 8C$$ and came out a cool %**" I never even lifted &eihts before so I started that &hen I ot out and shredded pretty fast to about $58-$>*ish" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E 1o9ers in # donLt do any of that" They simply press there hand aainst the forehead and press hard for %*-3*sec" ma!in resistance &ith the palm" Then the same &ith palm over left ear pressin left and then s&itch to the riht" Then both hands in bac! of head and press bac!&ards" ThatLs one set" 3 sets everyday" (atch and feel your nec! ro& in %&!s" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A2VES Reddit /itness This is completely anecdotal but at least for calves you certainly can ro& them &ith hih rep e9ercises" ILve A2(A#S had tiny calves" 2i!e small enouh that youLd o!e about them even thouh I &as a state lon umper, sprinter and can s0uat $=*!s" ILve tried for years to ro& them and nothin in the ym seems to &or! . months ao I bro!e my le and have been in a boot since" Instead of usin crutches &hich are so slo& as fuc! I basically ust hopped every&here" &hat do you !no&" +y ood leLs calf literally doubled in siDe in a month" It seems to have leveled out no& to a consistent siDe but its close to t&ice the circumference it &as previously"
?oppin &ould be a set;rep scheme in the order of $* 9 $**-3** per day" )retty stupid to try emulate in a &or!out but in my e9perience 6&hat you as!ed for7 thatLs evidence that hih rep@set can prompt siDe ro&th" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RORAIBERS -)ullin strenth on a featureless plane &ith Dero e0uipment< the reverse planche family 6and a fe& other e9ercises7" Are you stuc! on an infinite plane &ith no bars or tables or overhans or doors &here you can stic! a bed sheetH (ell, too bad, since ro&s are a really useful e9ercise and even the humble inverted ro& can be proressed to the challenin straiht body one arm version" 1ut if you are too laDy to find a setup for ro&s or you ended up in a bare prison cell, you can still train your bac! muscles, potentially to very hih levels, but it &ill be less efficient &ithout a bar or rins or &eihts" So &hat are your optionsH All these variations have you supine on the round, &ith a focus on shoulder hypere9tension 6your arm oes behind your body line, mostly than!s to the rear deltoids7, scapular retraction 6mid and lo&er traps, rhomboids7 and depression 6lats7, posterior pelvic tilt 6abs and lutes7 and in the later variations elbo& e9tension 6triceps7" /irst e9ercise variation< the reverse pushup"6$7 As Jeff demonstrates, for ood rane of motion you need the lu9ury of somethin li!e t&o chairs, but you can also do it on the floor &ith t&o stac!s or boo!s 6or some carpets7 or even nothin, ust pressin your elbo&s do&n 6rane of motion &ill be limited7" To scale the difficulty, the absolutely easiest version has your butt on the round, then there is the version &ith bent les, &here you are straiht from the !nees to the head li!e in a tabletop bride, and the straiht body version &hich is the hardest" The advantae of this variation is that you et some rane of motion, &hile most of the follo&in e9ercises &ill be isometrics, &here strenth strenth carries carries over to around around .*� around the oint oint anle and and you et less stimulation for muscle ro&th" e9t variation< the reverse planche lean from a tabletop bride position" Bo not contract the calves and hamstrins to reduce the load, rely only on the rear deltoids" If this ets easy, do the lean &ith straiht les" After this, &e have the draon press and forearm manna@reverse planche@Victorian variations, &here your lo&er body is not in contact &ith the round, so dependin on ho& e9tended your les are, you have the usual leverae proressions< tuc!ed body, l-shaped@pi!ed, advanced tuc!, one le out or half straddle, straddle, half lay, full lay" Braon press< this is sort of a harder draon fla variation, &ith the advantae of &or!in your shoulder e9tension throuh some rane of motion if you do it dynamically instead of only holdin the bottom position" A full lay draon press is around front lever level of difficulty, and it can even be done &ith one arm to really load one sideLs rear deltoid and tricep" The &ide draon press is also hard because shoulder transverse e9tension is another &ay of isolatin the rear deltoids" /orearm Victorian 6or manna@reverse planche7< this is an isometric hold, &here only the forearms and hands touch the floor and
your body is horiDontal" Even the tuc!ed version is difficult, here is a tutorial to et started" On parallel bars or t&o obects it is easier because your body can sin! do&n lo&er" On parallettes or any support &here only part of the forearms is in contact itLs harder, and the floor full lay is insanely hard, even harder than a one arm draon press and around the level of an actual rin Victorian" Reverse planche< the second hardest s!ill, I have &ritten about it in detail here" ?arder than the draon press and similar to the forearm floor version, the least impossible variation is on parallel bars or parallettes, &hile the floor version is at the limit of human performance" o& imaine ho& hard it &ould be on rins" /loor Victorian< nobody has manaed to float above the floor &hile only supported by the hands for more than an instant" The closest thin, and aruably the hardest street &or!out element thatLs been achieved, is the hold &ith one forearmLs support" So these &ere the hardest pullin elements re0uirin only the floor or a fe& stac!ed obects li!e boo!s" If you trained only these your proress &ould probably be much slo&er than if you had access to bars and rins, but itLs interestin to see that these options e9ist" 1onus< for vertical pullin, you can do floor slidin pullups, and to ma!e them harder use one arm or increase friction" Similar to an ab &heel rollout, there is the floor pullover, &hich can be done on !nees or feet" /or the side deltoids, there is the Jeff avaliere side delt e9ercise6%7 and the side plan! lean 6$7(hen it comes to body&eiht e9ercises for buildin a bier bac! &e often thin! that our only option is a pullup or some sort of inverted ro& or chinup" That said, the pullup alone &ill not help you to balance out an overdeveloped or tiht chest or rounded shoulders" If youLre oin to do this youLre oin to need a body&eiht e9ercise that you can mimic the bac! ro& e9ercise that you can do any&here In this video I sho& you ho& to perform &hat I call the reverse pushup" This home body&eiht e9ercise is used to develop the mid bac! muscles and area bet&een your shoulder blades" #ou &ould &ant to use this to counteract the tendency &e have to et tiht and have our shoulders pulled for&ard into bad posture" The reat thin about body&eiht e9ercises is that you can use them to build a bier bac! &ithout havin to have access to an elite ym or even a pullup bar in this case" Just find t&o benches or thins that you can prop your elbo&s up on and et bet&een and you can do the reverse pushup and start buildin a bier bac! today" 6%7To perform this side delt body&eiht e9ercise all you have to do is et in a plan! position &ith your forearms in contact &ith the round" 1ein by droppin do&n ust a bit 6collapsin on the forearm7 and then reversin the motion and pushin up as you rotate your body a&ay from the &or!in shoulder" It should loo! li!e youLre doin a T-Stand plan! or pushup" The shoulder and side delts of the arm on the round &ill be fired up and your core &ill be &or!in as &ell to stabiliDe you" Bo as many reps as you can of this shoulder e9ercise and then s&itch to the other arm" -The Victorian cross and reverse planche are e9tremely rare moves, and no& they have been achieved on the floor" Also a reflection on the difficulty of these
moves" OTE< This is a detailed e9amination of the challene of these t&o elements" If you ust &ant your mind blo&n &ith somethin &ay harder than any full planche, s!ip to the bottom of this post" The Victorian cross on rins is essentially a front lever &ith arms at body heiht" It is one of the hardest ymnastic elements, even amon the elite ymnasts it is rarely done, as sho&n here" The street &or!out community has embraced this move, and some very stron people li!e GrDeorD o&ali!, Koran )esterac, /lo 2it, +atteo CBeuanuisC SpinaDDola and Andrei obelev, and several others, have held it &ith clean form for a fe& seconds" The reverse planche in ymnastics refers to the hollo& bac! handstand, but I thin! the street &or!out community &as riht in relatin this name to this s!ill In the rest of this post I &ill refer to the second s!ill &ith this term" So &hen &e tal! about straiht arm elements &ith a horiDontal body, &e have t&o families, &ith respective s!ills for a han, Chand levelC and support position" )rone body< bac! lever, +altese cross, planche" These s!ills re0uire hih strenth in scapular depression 6lats and chest7, protraction 6chest, serratus anterior7, shoulder fle9ion 6front deltoids, biceps lon head7, and elbo& fle9ion 6the elbo& is loaded and the bicep prevents it from hypere9tendin into snap city7" +oderate spinal erectors and core strenth is re0uired to !eep the les horiDontal and posterior pelvic tilt" Supine body< front lever, Victorian cross, reverse planche" They re0uire hih strenth in scapular depression 6lats and chest7, retraction 6lo& and mid traps, rhomboids7, shoulder e9tension 6lats, teres maor, rear deltoids, triceps lon head7, elbo& e9tension 6triceps, especially for the Victorian and reverse planche7" +oderate core and abdominal strenth is re0uired for a hollo& body position" ote that the reverse planche is not an ac!no&leded element in the ymnastics code of scorin, probably because this move is even harder than the Victorian, &hich is already only for the elite" )robably because it re0uires e9treme strenth in shoulder hypere9tension, &here the prime mover is the rear deltoid and the lats canLt even help, they are in a position of insufficiency" In fact nobody has ever done a reverse planche on rins, the closest thin is the manna, &hich is a very pi!ed reverse planche" Also note ho& the tricep is very involved, and the move has some affinity to impossible dips, &hich are full body&eiht tricep e9tensions" Also note ho& in the manna the body line is completely horiDontal &hile nobody has manaed a reverse planche &ithout a body line slihtly belo& the mannaLs level" In the street &or!out community, the follo&in moves are affine to the Victorian cross and reverse planche because of the focus on the same muscles< )arallel bar Victorian" ote the focus on tricep strenth to prevent the elbo& from bendin and sendin the body into a vertical position, as sho&n here" Sinle bar Victorian" Braon press" an be held as an isometry or e9ecuted as a straiht uprade to the draon fla, &ith the limitin factor bein shoulder e9tension strenth" In fact the full lay draon press is around front lever level of difficulty, if I am not mista!en" One arm draon press, even harder and the uy in the video is one of a fe& select in the &orld &ho can e9ecute it" 1ent arm Victorian, this is the end rane of a full front lever ro&" ?oldin the &aist aainst the bar for some seconds is sinificantly harder than the standard front lever hold" )arallel bars reverse planche" Really hard because &hen the shoulder has to e9tend behind the body line the lats canLt help and the rear delts do almost all the liftin" If you &ant a lot of e9amples of variations of these moves, I recommend &atchin
some compilations on the channel oa +an (or!out" And no& the most insane versions of these s!ills I have seen" In fact I &ould say this is the current pinnacle of street &or!out elements in difficulty of e9ecution" /loor Victorian for . seconds" There is one forearm support, but this is still incredibly hard" )ietro 1runo is $5*cm@:>! 68L$$, $8%lbs7 and only $5 years old, &ho !no&s &hat he can still achieve" /loor reverse planche by /lo 2it" ?arder than on parallel bars because by rippin them you et more irradiation by the nerves" -One arm pi!e pushups< a useful toolH The most common e9ercise that trains shoulder fle9ion at end rane is the handstand pushup" The most efficient e9ercises for muscle mass and strenth are the ones &here full rane of motion is achieved and lo& s!ill is re0uired so the prime movers et tired before the stabiliDin muscles can no loner maintain the bodyLs balance" The &all handstand pushup &ith elevated hands for full depth fits these re0uirements, because it re0uires lo& s!ill and can serve as a ood tool for a &hile" The freestandin handstand pushup re0uires more strenth, and much more if done at full depth, but it also re0uires a lot of balance and handstand practice, so it does not fit the lo& s!ill re0uirement and many stron people may be unable to use them as an efficient trainin tools" o& here comes the one arm pi!e pushup" ?ere are its advantaes in my opinion< It is easy to scale in difficulty" Elevate your hands if the floor version is too hard, elevate your feet if it is too easy" It does not re0uire reat coordination or balance" +ore than the t&o-handed version, but &ay less than a freestandin handstand pushup, so it can be a reat tool for hypertrophy since itLs easier to accumulate volume" It is unilateral, so you can decrease muscle imbalances by doin your &ea! side first and not doin more repetitions &ith the stron side" The full depth version is easier to set up compared to &all handstand pushups" #ou donLt need t&o bloc!s or parallettes close to a &all, you can o close to a lede or on a table and put your hand at the ede" This advantae also applies to free handstand pushups, &hich re0uire hih s!ill, and common pi!e pushups, &hich &ill soon be too easy for most people" -2es and lo&er body calisthenics V%< a comparison of the e9istin e9ercises, a possible proressive routine &ith no &eihts for advanced 0uad and hamstrin strenth" ote< if you have access to barbell s0uats and deadlifts, they are more efficient than this" If you train at home, you can et some dumbbells or bas of stuff, it &ould be more efficient than this" T2BR< If this &all of te9t scares you, read the Cimportant noteC slihtly belo&, o to the bottom 6routines section7 for a routine and only consult the e9ercise section for proressions and the mobility@stability section slihtly belo& if you need it" So &ho remainsH Those &ho train outside, those &ho li!e minimalism, those &ho train in a prison cell maybe" Important note<
In all the s0uat variations itLs recommended to !eep the !neecap in line &ith the pointer toe of the foot to avoid !nee valus stress" ItLs safe to let the !nee o past the toe if there is proper alinment" Sissy s0uats and le e9tension variations are safe if you donLt have !nee or anterior cruciate liament problems, some people use them to rehabilitate bad !nees, but if you are not sure about their lon term safety there are alternatives" BonLt have enouh mobility@stabilityH If you lac! an!le mobility, you can try this s0uat mobility routine and band distractions" If you have the strenth and balance but not the mobility, &hile your dorsifle9ion catches up you can put somethin under the heel" Rounded bac! pistol s0uats and t&o footed deep s0uats &ith feet toether re0uire around the same an!le mobility so you can use the second e9ercise to find out ho& much elevation you re0uire" anLt !eep the free le off the floorH Bo hamstrin stretchin 6for e9ample Jefferson curls7 and pi!e compression &or!" In the meantime you can stand on a raised surface 6for e9ample a stac! of boo!s7 to let the free le drop as needed T?E E'ERISES" ILll be comparin all the practical le e9ercises that I am a&are of, based on these factors< ho& intense the hardest version is 6so ho& much ma9imal strenth they can ive &ithout ettin in a plateau7, ho& hard they are on the oints 6so some of them re0uire more patience to let the connective tissue adapt or they are not recommended for people &ith !nee problems7, ho& much s!ill they re0uire 6mostly in the form of balance, itLs harder to et strenth and siDe ains for e9ercises that re0uire more s!ill7" ILll also ive some prere0uisites that are helpful in my personal e9perience, but you can e9periment and see if you are already capable of the basic level of a proression" $7Sinle le s0uats in eneral 6pistol, shrimp, deep step up7 &ith &eiht on midfoot" Strenth potential< advanced to e9ceptional for 0uads 6for elevated advanced shrimp, pistols are intermediate at best7, maybe advanced for lutes" Joint stress< medium" S!ill< varyin 6lo& for deep step ups, maybe hih for elevated advanced shrimps7" Recommended prere0uisites< 5 deep body&eiht s0uats" I am tal!in about any s0uat variation &here only the &or!in leLs foot touches the round durin the entire movement 6the only e9ception is the free leLs !nee for shrimps7 and the &eiht is on the midfoot 6so distributed e0ually bet&een inside foot, outside foot and heel, in a stable tripod position7, &ith or &ithout shoes@an incline@obects under the heel" The center mass of the body &ill be over the midfoot, to achieve ma9imum depth you need more an!le mobility 6dorsifle9ion7 dependin on ho& much of your body you !eep behind 6free le behind you, vertical torso, arms behind the body increase the demand7" So in order of dorsifle9ion demand, from lo&est to hihest< pistol s0uats &ith a rounded bac!, pistol s0uats &ith a neutral spine, deep step ups, elevated advanced shrimp s0uat" +ore dorsifle9ion means that the !nee is more distant from the center mass and the hips closer, and vice versa" ?ere is an imae sho&in ho& the torso anle affects the leveraes" 2oner lever Q more tor0ue at the oint re0uired to e9tend it" Rounded bac! pistols have the hihest hip tor0ue and elevated advanced shrimps the hihest !nee tor0ue" An interestin fact is that the rectus femoris 6the middle 0uadricep muscle on the surface7 and the hamstrins attach both at the !nee and the hip 6biarticulate
muscles7, so they can distribute the load bet&een the lutes and the 0uadriceps" So even thouh the tor0ue is hiher for the lutes or 0uads, they can at least partially share the load" ote that if the &eiht is over the toes and not midfoot, this is no loner true and the s0uat becomes 0uad dominant, the article ma!es an e9ample &ith hindu s0uats" )roression< 1o9 pistol s0uats are a simple &ay, you start &ith lo& rane of motion by sittin on a tall obect li!e a chair, and radually use lo&er obects until not needed" An alternative are freestandin shallo& pistols< o as deep as you can come bac! up and radually increase the rane, or o as deep as you can pause, hold a fe& seconds, come bac! up on t&o les and repeat 6so you do neative repetitions7" Or do step ups startin &ith a lo& obect and radually increasin the heiht until you donLt touch the round at the bottom" After you can do freestandin pistols, you can increase the difficulty by bein more upriht, by tuc!in the free le under or behind you 6becomes similar to shrimp s0uats7 or by !eepin the hands on the chest@head@behind your bac!" It &ill re0uire more an!le mobility and probably re0uire more 0uad strenth, thouh the lute &ill still &or! and even contribute to !nee e9tension throuh the rectus femoris" Addin &eiht to pistols and deep step ups is an e9cellent &ay to proress" %7Sinle le deadlift@Romanian deadlift" Strenth potential< intermediate for lutes and hamstrins" Joint stress< lo&" S!ill< medium-lo& 6some balance7" (ith added load itLs a reat e9ercise, &ithout it becomes easy 0uic!ly" .7Sinle le s0uats &ith the &eiht on the toes 6mostly shrimp s0uats7" Strenth potential< e9ceptional, maybe elite for the 0uads" Joint stress< medium to hih" S!ill< medium to hih" Recommended prere0uisites< 5 deep s0uats if startin from the beinnin, 8 pistols@deep step ups if startin directly from intermediate shrimps (ith the heel not touchin a surface, the &eiht is on the toes" ?ere the lutes canLt help as much and it truly becomes a 0uad dominant movement" The further for&ard the !nees, the harder it becomes for the 0uads" Some paddin for &here the free leLs !nee touches the round can help to avoid a painful impact" )roression< &ith any of these variations, you can use boo!s or somethin similar under the free !nee to do partial rane of motion or under the &or!in foot to do e9tra rane of motion" Increase the intensity throuh more for&ard !nee travel of the &or!in le by stayin more upriht 6or even leanin bac!7 or havin one or both arms behind the body" A standard proression to avoid cheatin< split s0uat-beinner shrimp 6free leLs foot and !nee lift at the same time7intermediate shrimp 6only !nee touches the round7-one hand holdin the free foot-both hands holdin the free foot-elite shrimp s0uat 6elevated t&o hands version7" 37Sissy s0uats" Strenth potential< e9ceptional to elite for the 0uads, maybe &orld class &ith a full depth sinle le version" Joint stress< hih, e9treme if sinle le" S!ill< hih, very hih if sinle le" Recommended prere0uisites< none, you can start &ith very lo& rane of motion" A proper sissy s0uat is done &ith no hip hine, so a straiht line from the !nees to the head" They are possible on an elevated surface" I have not seen a full rane sinle le version but it may be possible"
Also there is an assisted sinle le version" )roression< you can start &ith the toes almost touchin a &all and descend until the !nees touch it, and proress by startin &ith the toes further from the &all until you donLt need it" 87Anchored le e9tensions, vertical shin" Strenth potential< advanced for full lay, maybe elite or &orld class for full lay sinle le" Joint stress< lo&, if sinle le then medium or hih on the inner !nee" S!ill< lo& for t&o les, medium to hih for sinle le to avoid !nee t&istin@valus" Recommended prere0uisites< 5 deep s0uats" The fully tuc!ed version is similar to a normal s0uat" All you need to !no& about this reat e9ercise can be found in this post" :7Anchored le e9tensions, horiDontal shin" Strenth potential< advanced to elite for full lay t&o les, maybe &orld class for sinle le versions" Joint stress< medium to hih on t&o les, e9treme if sinle le 6includin ris! of !nee valus@t&istin7" S!ill< lo& on t&o les, hih sinle le" Recommended prere0uisites< 8 sinle le s0uats, but I donLt recommend this e9ercise because it seems to be the most stressful 0uad variation" The full lay version loo!s li!e this" #ou can sort of do it partial rane &ith a par! bench 6most benches &ill brea! thouh7, sho&n here" Since you bend at the !nees and your body is unsupported, you can use a leverae proression< bent hips and torso for&ard, bent hips and vertical torso, straiht hips and arms at sides, arms on chest, arms behind nec!, arms e9tended overhead" And restartin the proression sinle le if you are craDy, you &ill then need to t&ist your body to maintain !nee trac!in and avoid valus" =7neelin le e9tensions" Strenth potential< advanced" Joint stress< lo& to medium" S!ill< medium if done &ith hih rane of motion because of balance" Recommended prere0uisites< none" The !neelin le e9tension re0uires ust the floor, the full rane of motion version loo!s li!e this" /ind a foot &idth that &or!s &ell for you to reduce stress" A simple &ay to proress this is startin in the !neelin position &ith the feet touchin a &all behind you, oin do&n until the head touches the &all and bac! up" Gradually increase the distance from the &all" If you &ant, !eep the hands on chest, head or arms overhead to increase leverae" 57ordic curls" Strenth potential< &orld class hamstrins" Joint stress< lo& unless you use insufficient paddin" S!ill< lo&" Recommended prere0uisites< 8 sinle le hip thrusts" Also !no&n as Russian@?arop@natural le curls or lute ham raises 6G?R7" There are many places to do them< under heavy furniture, a telescopic pullup bar placed lo&, stall bars, a partner, even a car" The astrocnemius muscle of the calf helps in !nee fle9ion so you can feel it &or!" If you anchor at the sole of the foot instead of the heel, you can et epic calf cramps, be &arned" )roression< assumin you have no counter&eiht or band, the easiest &ay is !eepin the thihs vertical and bendin only at the hips" The more for&ard and the straihter your hips, the harder it is" eatives &ith enouh support from the arms to come bac! up are helpful" If you put your hands on a scale the hihest number displayed is the amount of assistance you are usin"
If you !eep the arms on your chest, on your head or even straiht overhead it ets harder" If you et very stron, restart the proression &ith a sinle le" The best ILve seen is this assisted sinle le variation" >7Suspended and slidin le curls" Strenth potential< intermediate to advanced hamstrins, dependin on friction for the slidin version" Joint stress< lo&" S!ill< lo&" Suspended curls can be done on rins or straps li!e the TR'" Slidin curls can be done on any slippery surface, somethin &ith &heels or a stability ball" /urniture sliders are a cheap &ay" #ou can let the heels or the body 6rins, floor7 slide" The most lo&-tech version outdoors &ould be usin a bas!etball, soccer ball, s!ateboard or somethin similar" )roression< chane ho& much of your body is on the round, ho& e9tended your hips are 6straihter Q harder7 and ho& close to the feet your arms are" /or e9ample lo&er bac! on the floor and arms in front-upper bac! on floor and arms in front-upper bac! on floor and arms behind-restart &ith a sinle le" An e9ample proression here 6inore the ordic curl parts, I donLt thin! they are the best &ay7" Also &orth mentionin the e9istence of inversion boots le curls, if you can try them out a sinle le version may be a &ay to improve the challene" Also by !eepin the hips more e9tended, if it physically ma!es sense, you could increase the challene because of a loner lever arm" $*7?ip thrusts@lute brides" Strenth potential< intermediate lutes, maybe almost advanced" Joint stress< lo&" S!ill< lo&" These are reat to isolate the lutes if done properly 6posterior pelvic tilt, full hip e9tension, here is a uide7, helpful to reduce anterior pelvic tilt too" They are not challenin for lon, after the shoulders and foot elevated sinle le version ets easy you need more volume to !eep ma!in siDe and a bit of strenth ains" They can be done on the floor 6lute bride7 or by elevatin the shoulders 6more rane of motion, harder7, or shoulders and feet 6even more rane of motion, hardest7" All you need is a &all or chair or sofa or bench, if you have endurance in the tabletop bride position you can use your straiht arms to elevate the shoulders" They can be done &ith the feet on rins but it shifts some &or! from the lutes to the hamstrins so itLs not so reat" )roression< this one is ood" Bon!ey !ic!s-lute bride-shoulders elevated-shoulders and feet elevated-lute bride march-sinle le lute bride-sinle le shoulders elevated-sinle le shoulders and feet elevated" $$72o&er bac!@spinal erectors" Strenth potential< intermediate" Joint stress< lo&" S!ill< lo&" If you can do a full bac! lever, the best e9ercise is the bac! lever le lift" Or the isometric hold alone, if you have enouh planche and bac! lever volume in your routine it can suffice" Else, there are reverse hypere9tensions or reverse plan!s on feet and shoulders" (ithout added &eiht your strenth &ill plateau at some point" $%7alves, adductors and abductors" Strenth potential< ood enouh" Joint stress< lo&" S!ill< lo&" There are t&o calf muscles, soleus and astrocnemius"
The former is stron &ith straiht !nees and the latter &ith bent !nees" To train these do calf raises &ith one or t&o les, preferably on a stair you you can et full rane of motion &ith a slo& eccentric and a pause at the bottom, or youLll ust use the elastic enery of the Achilles tendon" Straiht les calf umps are also ood" If you have short muscle bellies you probably &onLt ro& much, &hile if you have ood calf enetics youLll ro& &ell even &ith lo& loads if you do hih volume" Also ust doin sports, runnin, ump ropin etc" can ro& the calves" The adductors and abductors are mostly trained for stability and compound movements &ill already stimulate them, especially sinle le ones" ?ere are some isolation e9ercises if you &ant" ?o& do &e s0ueeDe the most out of an easy e9ercise for muscle ro&thH If there are no harder variations to train, &e can increase the total volume 6more sets7, fre0uency 6more trainin sessions7 and density 6less rest7 and al&ays o to failure or close so all the muscle motor units still et recruited, or do rest-pause trainin" It may &or! for hypertrophy 6and as a conse0uence slihtly increase ma9imal strenth7 but it &ill be less enery and time efficient than addin &eiht" An e9ample of hih volume uys &ith bi les are cyclists, especially those &ho often o uphill" (e can also shift to trainin e9plosiveness, &ith sprintin or plyometrics or par!our, tric!in, tumblin etc", but this &ill mostly let us e9press our already e9istin strenth potential 6based on ma9imal strenth7, and the volume needed for hypertrophy may cause inuries" It can help thouh, li!e for ymnasts &ho deadlift heavy than!s to tumblin" ROFTIES" If you are already doin the sidebarLs Recommended Routine, a simple addition is to move 2-sits to an unpaired proression and to pair s0uats &ith the hip thrust or a hamstrin curl variation" Simple lo&er body routine 6no &eihts7< $-. times a &ee! dependin on recovery and other activities li!e sports or hih intensity interval trainin, for each e9ercise choose a proression and do .-8 sets" #ou can pair e9ercises and rest at least >* seconds inbet&een, or at least . minutes if unpaired" /or sinle le e9ercises, you can rest up a minute bet&een les if you feel it helps" /or beinners< S0uat or sinle le s0uat proression" ?amstrin curl or hip thrust proression" This option is easy to interate &ith a full body routine as mentioned above, or you can do it on dedicated lo&er body days" #ou can pair these proressions so it oes li!e< s0uats, >* second rest, curls or thrusts, >* second rest, s0uats etc" until .-8 sets done for each e9ercise" /or trained beinners and beyond< hoose one e9ercise proression for each cateory" Advance in proression level &hen you can do a certain amount of reps 65-$% tends to be a ood amount7, if you can do less than .-8 reps of the ne& level you can add in a fe& reps of the previous level to complete the set" Really, use any proression method you &ant, you can read about them in the e9ercise &i!i" Muad dominant 6shrimp s0uats &hile allo&in the &eiht to o to&ards the toes, sissy s0uats, le e9tension variation7" ?amstrin dominant 6ordic curls, slidin or suspended curls7" ?ip thrust proression 6for lutes7" 2o&er bac! e9ercise 6can do less@s!ip if you do enouh planche or bac! lever &or!7"
alves, adductors, abductors, fle9ibility and mobility etc" if you &ant" This is optional and up to you" MuadsNhamstrins and lutesNlo&er bac! are ood pairs if you &ant to save time" /or lutes or lo&er bac!, if you have ma9ed out the proression and canLt add &eiht, do each set $-. reps a&ay from failure 6can et hard if you can do really hih reps, thatLs &hy past some point itLs more practical to add resistance7" E9ample routine for a beinner< %9 a &ee!, . sets of 8 bo9 pistol s0uats each le, . sets of = lute bride march each le" E9ample routine &ith the lo&est e0uipment re0uirements 6ust a bas!etball7 and avoidin the more controversial e9ercises< shrimp s0uat proression, bas!etball le curl proression, sinle le hip thrusts from a tabletop bride and foot on the ball, reverse plan! &ith shoulders on the round and feet on the ball" E9ample routine that is very cost-efficient 6less than Y$*, setup in this post7< vertical shin le e9tensions proression, ordic curl proression, sinle le hip thrusts preferably &ith shoulders and feet elevated, reverse plan! &ith shoulders and feet elevated" E9ample routine for an advanced trainee< .9 a &ee!, 8 sets of 8 elevated advanced shrimp s0uats each le, 8 sets of 3 ordic curls &ith hands on the head, 8 sets of %* sinle le elevated shoulders and foot hip thrusts each le, 8 sets of $8 bac! e9tensions on rins" E9ample routine &ith dumbbells or sandbas 6similar to my current routine7< %9 a &ee!, 3 sets of 8-5 &eihted pistols, 3 sets of 8-5 ordic curl proression, 3 sets of 8-5 &eihted sinle le hip thrust, 3 sets of 8-5 &eihted shoulders and feet reverse plan!" Arms nucleus overload 6croatian &armaster7 usually before bed . super sets of 6:* hammer curls,8* overhead e9tensions,.* body &eiht e9tensions,%* !ic!bac!s7 no rest at all,ta!es you $* min ma9 TheAle9mercer.:* These &or!out everyday prorams have actually &or!ed reat for me in the past, I have done sandba tricep e9tensions6standin7 and sandba curls &ith a &eiht thats my %* rep ma9, but I did .** reps each day, each set ta!en to failure" 1asically I &ould do $** reps . times a day, each time, I &ill ta!e each set to failure, rest .* seconds and start aain, do this until I have reached $** reps, thats it for then, and do this . more times a day" I &ould do this for $% days, by the $% th day, I &ill have otten a 2OT &ea!er and the &eiht that &as previously my .* rep ma9 &ould become my 8-: rep ma99, then I &ould rest those muscles for 8-= days, and retest my performance aain, it &ill have increased dramatically and I &ould have added a sinificantly more muscle mass6its craDy ho& dense and thic! and bi my arms &ould become after this rest period, I added a 0uarter of an inch siDe to my arms &ithin % months of this, real lean muscles"7 and ho& stroner &ould I become in such a short time" I had to ma!e do &ith liht &eiht at first, but after . months I s&itched to a ?FGE navy duffel ba, customiDable to up to 3** lbs &hen fully loaded6&ith small .* lbs sandbas7, so I started doin neutral rip overhead presses and close rip6neutral rip7 bent over ro&s &ith that thin AB this time around I &ould pic! a :-5 rep ma9 &eiht and do $**-$%* reps total each day in the e9act same manner that I described in the previous pararaph, basically the formula here is that the total daily rep number is $8 times the number of ma9imum reps that you can ban out &ith your &or!in &eiht before failure,
and dividin that by . an doin that . different times a day" then you do this for $% days and then rest for 8-= days, and then see an e9plosion on your strenth and muscle" After 3 years if trainin li!e that &ith a sandba I built $> inch arms 2EA at the heiht of :ft: inches of heiht, you see the focus &ere delts, supperchest6ovh press7 and bac!6bent over ro&7 and they are ?FGE, arms &ere secondary muscle ropus and they still re& to $> inches, I am > percent bodyfat" And bt& never mind that pussy pro pic its . years old" I ate 3 times a day, at till i &as full, al&ays clean food but never counted macros, EVER" So I am really impressed &ith this approach of yours about &or!in out everyday, I thin! its a ood &ay to &or!out if you are usin the correct poundaes and volume, try the &ay I did it for li!e . months, I am sure you &ill be happy"H