CATIA SOFTWARE MARC H-MAY Y ) (DURATION MARCH-MA Submitted In Patia! Fu!"!!ment #$ t%e Re&uiement' $# t%e Aad O$
Pun4ab Te5%ni5a! e5%ni5 a! Uni6e'it7 Uni6e'i t7 #$ En889 : Te5% at%inda< Pun4ab
aba Faid C#!!e8e C#!!e8 e ;a!and%a< ;a!and%a < Pun4ab
Company Profile
A2IT Soft Pvt. Ltd . Ltd . is established in 2001 and one of the fastest growing company in the field field of technic technical al services services & Soluti Solutions ons.. They They are inform informatio ation n and techno technolog logy y services services provider focusing on providing highly scalable business solutions with innovative approach and advanced methodologies for all the developed and blooming companies covering all the sectors. They provide strategic development for the global business community with their wide array of effective solutions and services customized to a range of key verticals & horizontals. Their Their approach approach is based on commencing commencing the proects proects with clear obectives! obectives! deli delive veri ring ng sign signifi ifica cant nt outc outcom omes es to help help over overco come me the the need needss of all all their their clien clients ts with with proficiency. They work with a dynamic and fervent team of "T professionals driven by par e#cellence to deliver the best possible solutions by utilizing state of art technologies. $ith a customer centric focus they ensure their clients with satisfied results every time and therefore they provide full support to their clients even beyond proect completion. They are acknowledged for their %uality standards! work process! professional service! and suppleness by all their clients.
2"T deals with different services provided by them by keeping in mind the customer satisfaction and on'time delivery with the effective work done. •
$eb (esigning
"nternet )arketing
$ebsite $e bsite (evelopment
)obile pplication (evelopment
*+, "mplementation and Support
- $eek)onths "ndustrial Training
(omain +egistration & $e $eb b /osting
Mohali Office (Development) (Development) '12! SS"T3 ,hase 4! "ndustrial rea )ohali : ,unab handigarh
Chandigarh Office (Training) S5 6'67! th 8loor! Sector 9'! URL: Email: info;
" e#press e#press my sincere sincere gratitud gratitudee to ,rof. ,rof. )r /+<"=( /+<"=(*+ *+ S"=>/ S"=>/
for his stimula stimulatin ting g
guidance! continuous encouragement and supervision throughout the course of present work.
" also wish to convey my thanks to )s )=(**, ?@+ and other teachers for attending my seminars and for their insightful comments and constructive suggestions to improve the %uality of this proect work.
" am e#tre e#treme mely ly than thankf kful ul to )+ ABA ABA"+ "+ S"=> S"=>/ / (ire (irecto ctor rpr prin inci cipa pall 2"T 2"T insti institu tute te /=(">+/ for providing me infrastructural facilities to work in! without which this work would not have been possible.
" hereby certify that %&D'"T work which is being presented in the A.Tech. )aor ,roect +eport +eport entitled entitled REMOTE !E*LE%% E"TR*+, in fulfillment of the re%uirements for the -achelor of Technolo echnology gy in in StreamC and submitted to the (epartment of award award of the the -achelor
*=>"=* "=**+"=>
ollege ege
*=>"=**+"=> =( =( T*/=5B5>D T*/=5B5>D is an authentic record of my own work carried out March ch 01./ 01./ to ./ ./ may 01./ 01./ at 2"T :handigarh under the during during a period period from from ./ Mar
supervision of MR 'R2&"DER %&"$'. The matter presented in this ,roect +eport has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree elsewhere.
-%TRCT PROCE%% CATIA CATIA 0. 0 . Fundamenta!' 0e'i#n . Re!ea'e -3
THE (#=ben5% 5#n5e>t Each workbench contains a set of tools that is dedicated to perform a specic task. The following workbenches are the commonly used: • •
Part Design: Design parts using a solid modeling approach Sketcher Sketcher:: Create Create D proles proles with associated constraints! which is then used to create other "D geometry.
# $ssembly Design: $ssemble parts together with constraints # Drafting: Create drawings from parts or assemblies # %ene %enera rati ti&e &e Sh Shap ape e Desi Design gn:: Desi Design gn part parts s using using a surfac surface e model modeling ing approach
Aelow is the la yout of the elements of the standard T" T" application. . )enu ommands A. Specification Tree . 8ilename and e#tension of current document (. "con of the active workbench *. Toolbars Toolbars specific to the active workbench 8. Standard Toolbar >. ompass
/. >eometry area
Type of Doc3ment4
The common documents areE ! part document .T,art3 A. n assembly document .T,roduct3 . drawing document .T(rawing3
Di4play %etting4 To improve improve the 9( surface accuracy! @se the Tool456Option4777 ommand! then open the tab page Di4play56Performance4
Then lower the fi8ed 4ag val3e to make the surface look smoother
Dou Dou can also change the background color on the tab page Di4play569i43aliation
9ie; < 'ide Tool=ar4 '
Select 9ie; 6 Tool=ar4+7 The list of current toolbars is displayed. displayed. urrently urrently visible toolbars are indicated indicated by a tick symbol to the left of the toolbar name.
"n the list! click the toolbar you want to view or hide. '
Dou can detach detach toolba toolbars rs from the the applicat application ion windo window w border border by draggin dragging g the double double line to the left of the toolbarE you can drag the toolbar anywhere around the screen! then dock the toolbar in the same or in another location by dragging it onto the application window border.
To restor restoree the the orig origin inal al positi position onss of the toolb toolbar arss on the curren currentt work workbe benc nch! h! select select 9ie;6C34tomie6Tool=ar46Re4tore po4ition+>
Change the vie; ;ith the mo34e
&. ,anning enables enables you to move the model model on a plane parallel to the screen. screen. 0lick and hold the middle mouse button! then drag the mouse. A. +otating +otating enables enables you to rotate rotate the model around around a point. 0lick 0lick and hold the middle mouse button and the right button! then drag the mouse. 0. Fooming Fooming enables enables you to increase increase or decrease decrease the size of the model. model. 0lick and hold the middle button! then click 5=0* and release the right button! then drag the mouse up or down.
Rendering %tyle4 . Shading A. Shading with *dges . Shading with *dges but without smooth s mooth edges (. Shading with *dges with hidden edges *. Shading with )aterial 8. $ireframe )oreE' To change change the color or the degree of transparency! right'click on the element
%ho; < 'ide . /ideShow /ide an element by transferring it to the the G=o ShowHspace3
A. Swap visible space Swap the the screen from GShowHto G=o ShowHor vice versa3 Dou can select any elements in the G=o ShowHspace and transfer it back to the GShowH space by clicking the G/ideShowHicon 8or the hidden elements! their icons are shaded.
Reference Plane4 The default reference planes are the first three features in any part file. Their names are derived from the plane they are parallel to! relative to the part coordinate systemE ID plane DF plane FI plane "t is impossible to move or delete the planes. The planes can provide a planer support on which to create a 2( sketch.
>B5AB 55+("=T* SDST*)
Create a %?etch 1. Select a planer support e.g. datum plane! planer solid face3 from the specification tree or by clicking the support directly. directly.
2. Selec Selectt the the Sket Sketch cher er "con "con e.g. ,art (esign workbench3.
from from any work workbe benc nch h whe where re is possi possibl blee to to crea create te a ske sketc tche herr
9. T" T" switches the current workbench to the sketcher workbenchJ the viewpoint is now parallel to the selected plane.
Tool=ar4 in 4?etcher
. ,rofileE reate 2( elements! such as points! lines! arcs! circles and a#es. A. 5perationE )odify the e#isting elements! such as chamfer! fillet! trim! and mirror. . Sketch toolsE ,rovide option commands (. onstraintE Set various dimensional constraints e.g. length! angle & radius3 & geometrical constraints e.g. coincidence! concentric! horizontal and symmetric3 *. KisualizationE Simplify the view
Con4tr3ction $eometry onstruction geometry is created within a sketch to aid in profile creation. @nlike standard geometry! it does not appear outside the sketcher workbench.
onstr onstructi uction on geomet geometry ry is shown shown in dashed dashed format format.. $hen $hen the Gonst Gonstruc ructio tionS nStan tandard dard elementH icon is on! all sketched elements will be created as construction elements.
Dou can also toggle any elements from standard to construction! or vice versa by clicking the Gconstructionstandard elementH icon.
%?etch 44i4tant
This a line on the sketch.
$hen the cursor is on the
$hen the cursor is at the
Bine! the line will turn
endpoint of the line! a solid
"n orange and an empty
circle appears ne#t to the curser
ircle appears ne#t to the
S* 2
$e are going to draw a line! which is tangent to the arc.
Aefore clicking the second point of the line! move the cursor until the system can detect that the line is tangent to the arc. lick and confirm the position.
Con4training the 4?etch
Controlling the direction of a dimen4ion con4traint The default dimension direction is parallel to the line between the circle centre. To change the direction to horizontal or vertical! right mouse click and select the desired orientation.
Color and Diagno4tic 1. $hiteE @nder'constrained 2. >reenE 8i#ed8ully constrained
9. ,urpleE 5ver'constrained . +edE "nconsistent 5nly case 1 & 2 are allowable in T"J for case 9 & ! you must fi# the error before %uitting the sketcher workbench! otherwise a warning message will pop'out
9ie; Orientation L Ay default! the screen is parallel to the sketch support. support. L To making constraints between the sketch geometry and the 9( element! you you may need to rotate the model into a 9( view. L To return the default orientation! select the G=ormal KiewHicon. KiewHicon.
E8iting the %?etcher L To e#it the sketcher workbench! select
G*#it $orkbenchHicon $orkbenchHicon
L fter that! the screen will be back to 9( view and the the workbench will be switched back to the original.
L*I*+"S* 1 L reate a sketch on #y plane L ircle centre at 0!0!03 0!0!03 L The geometry is symmetrical symmetrical along both #! y a#es. L +0 must be be tangent to +1L =o endpoint is isolated L @seless elements must be cleared
PRT DE%&$"
Tool=ar4 in Part De4ign . Sketch'Aased 8eaturesE reate a solid feature from a 2( sketchprofile
A. (ress'@p 8eaturesE dd filletschamfers on the solid edge! add a draft onto the solid faces! /ollow the solid! offset facesC . Transformation 8eaturesE hange the 9( position of the solid! duplicate the solid by mirroring patterning! scale updown the solidC (. Surface Surface'Aa 'Aased sed 8eature 8eaturesE sE Split Split the solid solid with with a surface surfacepl plane! ane! adding adding materia materiall onto onto surfacesC *. +eference *lementsE reate a point! a line or a plane in the 9( space. 8. Aoolean 5perations 'not covered in class >. nalysis (raft analysis3 'not covered in class
Limit Type Type Type of limit areE .(imension
A.@p to =e#t .@p to Bast (.@p to ,lane *. @p to Surface Surface
Pad < Poc?et 7 Pad material added by e#truding a sketch3 A7 Poc?et material removed by e#truding a sketch3 Dou can define the e#trusion direction by selecting a datum plane! a line! a planar surface! and a straight solid edge.
%haft < $roove .
Shaft material added by rotating a sketch3
>roove material removed by rotating a sketch3 a#is
Dou can draw the rotation a#is in the profile sketch or draw another straight line as the a#is.
Ri= < %lot . Ri= material added by sweeping a profile along a center curve3 A. %lot material removed by sweeping profile along a center curve3 ,rofile ontrol '?eep ngle keeping the angle value between the sketch plane used for the profile and the tangent of the center curve ',ulling (irection Sweeping the profile with respect to a specified direction.
M3lti54ection4 %olid . M3lti54ection4 %olid material added by sweeping one or more planar section curves along one or more guide curves A. Removed M3lti54ection4 %olid material removed in the same way3
Compari4on of common feat3re4
'ole . /ole circular material removed from the e#isting solid3J Several types of holes are availableE
Simple! Tapered! Tapered! ounterbored! ountersinked! ounterdrilled. To locate the center of the hole precisely inside the sketcher workbench! Select the Gpositioning sketchHicon.
. illet creating a curved face of a constant or variable radius that is tangent to! and that oins! two surfaces.3 ' $ith the Tangency mode! a fillet is applied to the selected edge and all edges tangent to the selected edge ' $ith the minimal mode! a fillet is applied only to the selected edge.
Chamfer . hamfer removing & adding a flat section from a selected edge to create a beveled surface between the two original faces common to that edge.3
Tran4lation Tran4lation < Rotation
%plit the %olid
Part De4ign 5 e8erci4e
Part De4ign 5 e8erci4e
ST*, 2 reate another sketch on z#'plane The sketch should have an a#is and a triangle with these dimensions 7deg! 97deg! 2.7mm /igh3 5ne edge of the triangle should sit on the bottom side of the pad and its peak should not be inside the pad *#it Sketcher reate a G>rooveHwith G >rooveHwith 8irst ngle Bimit 9-0deg
Part De4ign 5 e8erci4e ST*, 9 • • • • •
reate the 9rd Sketch on yz'plane The sketch should have an a#is and two lines! which are symmetrical 5ne end point sits on the a#is and the other sits on the outermost plane of the solid *#it Sketcher reate a G,ocketHand select G@p to BastHfor limits on both sides
Part De4ign 5 e8erci4e ST*, • • •
reate the th Sketch a circle (ia 24mm3 on on the top planar surface of the solid reate a G,ocketHwith depth 1.7mm
ST*, 7 •
reate an offset G,laneH 17mm from yz plane3
Part De4ign 5 e8erci4e ST*, reate the 7th sketch on the offset plane (raw a circle (ia 9.0mmJ distance between the solid base and the circle center is 2.7mm3 *#it Sketcher reate a G,ocketHwith first limit G@p to BastH ST*, M reate G*dge8illetH2mm3 at the corners
Part De4ign 5 e8erci4e ST*, 4 •
reate another G*dge8illetH 7mm3 to remove the four sharp edges on the top surface
ST*, 6 • •
reate a GhamferHon both sides Bength1N 1mmJ ngleN 7deg
*=( of *#ercise 2
44em=ly De4ign
Create a "e; Prod3ct
&n4ert an E8i4ting Prod3ct
Move Component4 =y Compa44
Con4traint4 =et;een Component4
Updating Con4traint4
&n4tant %im3lation
&nterference chec?
44em=ly De4ign5 E8erci4e
#&T' %OME "OT'ER E@MPLE DR(T&"$ &% E@PL&"ED -ELO#: -ELO#:
Dra3ghting and Plotting: •
To show show how how CAT CATIA V5 V5 allow allows s the user user to auto automa matic tical ally ly gene genera rate te associative drafting from 3D mechanical parts produced with CATIA Version 5. To show show a high higher er prod produc ucti tive ve envi enviro ronm nmen entt for for draw drawin ings gs dres dresss-up up and and annotation
repare the drawing
Create main views
!se the "i#ard to generate views
Create a Detail view
Create a $ection view
Create Dimensions
Create a %rea&out view
'inish the drawing
Opening file4: $elect $tart ( )echanical Design ( Drafting in the menu *ar to access the Drawing wor&*ench.
reating the layoutE
(ifferent modes we have to do for a completed drafted sheetE 1. 5pen the ,art. 2. 5pen a new (rawing. 9. &dd the company background. . 0hange the scale. 7. Start the drawing. -. >enerate some other views i.e proection view!
front view! vi ew! side view! to view! isometric view! detailed view! section view! breakout view. M. 0reate (imensions. 4. &nnotations! symbols surface finish and welding
symbols. 6. 0hange standard. 10. 8inishing.
T'&% &% #'T #E C" CRETE