Description General Customer Detail Customer Currency Detail Customer Minor Detail Non Resident Customer Detail Trade Finance Detail Buyer or Seller Limit Detail Persons Detail
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1. Function: A for ADD and press F4. System shall take you over to the next block against the field Customer Name. 2. Title Code (Mandatory): The first Field is for the title i.e. Mr., Mrs. etc. Press F2 for the list and go to the respective title by pressing down arrow key. Select the title by pressing Shift+F4; or if you know the title, type the same in field provided as defined in the list. Press Tab to go to the next field i.e. customer name. 3. Customer Name (Mandatory): Write down the full name (Mandatory) of the customer of whom the customer_id is being created. Press Tab to go on to next field. 4. Short Name: (Mandatory field) Enter Short name of the customer of maximum 10 characters. This short name shall be used anywhere in the package at the field provided for short name for making inquiry in respect of accounts. Press Tab to go on to next field. 5. Type (Mandatory) Press F2 for list and go to the respective type by pressing down arrow key. Whether a customer is a Trader or Other Individual can be selected by pressing Shift+F4. Press Tab to go on to next field. 6. Primary Sol (Mandatory) shall appear by default. This is your Service Outlet Id. Press Tab to go on to next field. 7. Status (Mandatory) by default it will appear as 999 i.e. Others. If the customer is Blind, Parda-Nashin woman etc, same can be selected from the list available by pressing F2. Press Tab to go on to next field. 8. Status as on (Mandatory) by default system shall display BOD date (Begin of Day i.e. the date in which system is working), but can be changed to back date if required. Press Tab to go on to next field. 9. Group to be left blank, as it is not required. Press Tab. 10. Occupation of a customer (Mandatory field). It can be selected from the list available or its code can be entered manually. Press Tab. 11. Gender valid values are M for Male, F for Female and O for others. Press Tab. 12. Constitution (Mandatory) of a customer whether he is Individual, Joint, Trust etc.; can be selected from the list or its code can be entered and Press Tab. 13. Staff, the field may be Y if the customer_id is created for a staff member and N for non staff member. 14. Staff No. (Mandatory field if Staff flag is Y) this is to be filled in case the staff flag as described above is Y. But, in case staff is from any of the CBS branches then his employee id is to be given. Else, enter STAFF. For ex-staff members, enter STAFF in this field. 15. Minor, fill Y in case the customer is a minor, else enter N. Further, in case the minor flag is set as Y then it becomes mandatory to fill in the customer minor’s details by selecting M option (discussed later in this document). 16. Bank Code, this need not to be filled in. However, 024 is our bank code can be given. 17. Non Resident, enter Y if the customer is non resident and also capture the non resident details by selecting option N for Non Resident Customer Detail (discussed later in this document). Page 19 of 294
18. Nat. id card no.: enter national id card no. if any, this is required for verification of address, in case the customer wants to give this. Otherwise, this can be left blank. 19. Date of birth (Mandatory field if Minor Flag is Y): this is applicable in case the customer is minor. However, this can also be filled in if the customer-id is being created for Senior Citizen. 20. Marital status: is to be given Y if married or N if not married. 21. Introducer’s details (Mandatory): Customer_id: the Customer_id of existing customer, who is introducing this customer, is to be given. If the cust_id is entered, system will automatically pick up the name of the introducer. Customer id need not to be entered in case the introducer is not an existing customer in any of the CBS branches. 22. Name: applicable in case the customer_id is not to be given and introducer is not a customer in the CBS branches. 23. Introd. Status: to be selected from the list by pressing F2 and then Shift+F4, is to know as to who is introducer. 24. Frequency for Statement: may not be necessary to be filled in as this is required to be filled in at Account Level. This is applicable in case of generating combined statement of all the accounts of the customer. If the Combined Statement field is set to Y (3rd page), then the frequency for statement need to be filled in. Press F6, the system shall display next screen or next page on which the details of addresses of customer is to be filled in. Page 2.
25. Address Type: Valid values are C, P & E (Mandatory field). Enter C for Communication Address (which is by default appearing), P for Permanent Address and E for Employer’s Address. Depending on the type of address selected in this field, system will print the address on the communications to be sent to the customer or on his/her pass book.
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Communication Address (Mandatory if Address Type is C) : Within this City, State, Postal Code, Country (Mandatory fields), Phone No., Telex No., Email_id, Swift code and if the Swift Code of a customer or of Bank may also be filled in. Press F6. System shall display next page. Permanent Address (Mandatory if Address Type is P) : Within this City, State, Postal Code, Country (Mandatory fields), Phone No., Telex No., Email_id may be filled. Press F6. System shall display next page. Page 3
26. Employer Address (Mandatory if Address Type is E) : as stated above, similar details of the customer can be filled in here in addition to Mobile no. 27. Combined Statement (Mandatory field): By default value in this field is N. Enter Y if customer is to be enabled for combined statement of accounts of this customer. If this field is made Y, then statement of frequency (1st page) must be entered. 28. Language Detail: Lang Code: may be left blank or select from the list by pressing F2 and select by pressing Shift+F4. In fact this is the language code in which the Finacle shall work. 29. Nat Lang Name: may be left blank. Press F6. System shall display next page.
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Page 4.
30. Customer Classification: Community: this can be selected from the list by pressing F2 and then Shift+F4, as to which community the customer belongs. 31. Caste: valid code can be entered from the list. 32. Health code: though now a days this is not valid, yet can be filled in from the list available. 33. Customer Rating: customer’s rating, as it is assigned at the time of making an advance to a customer whether his rating is AA, A+, A or B, can be entered. 34. As on: is the field on which the rating is assigned. 35. Cr. Card Holder: valid values are Y or N, can be entered here. 36. Card Details (Mandatory if Cr. Card Holder is set to Y): this is a free text field, the details of Cr. Card can be entered here. 37. Customer Preferential till Date: May be left blank. Enter the date till which the customer is entitled to Customer Preferential Rate. But in our bank we generally give Account Preferential Rate and not the Customer Preferential rate. 38. Customer Tax Details: TDS Exempt end date: Enter date up to which the customer is exempted from the tax; if no date is fed in, then the customer will always be eligible for TDS as per rules. Further, this detail is applicable in case of TDS exemption in Term Deposits when a customer submits 15H form. 39. Tax Slab: this is by default TDSGE (TDS general category), however, the other slab can also be selected from the list available, which can be seen by pressing F2.
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40. TDS Cust_id: this is applicable in case there is joint account and the Customer_id is to be given here from which the TDS is to be deducted. 41. TDS Exempt submission Date: this is the date on which the TDS exemption certificate is submitted to the Bank. 42. TDS Exempt Ref. No.: enter the reference number of TDS exemption certificate. 43. TDS Remarks: any remarks related to TDS can be entered here. 44. PAN/GIR No.: enter the PAN/GIR number of Customer. Press F6, the system will display the next page of Customer’s Financial Details. Page 5.
45. Customer Financial Details as on: enter the date on which the customer assets were evaluated. 46. Financial Yr. End month: enter the financial year and month for the customer. 47. Currency Code: enter the currency code. 48. Business Assets: enter the business assets of the customer. 49. Property Assets: enter the value of assets held in the form of property/ies. 50. Investments: enter the value of assets held in the form of investments. 51. Net worth: enter the net worth of the customer. 52. Deposits: enter the deposits of the customer in other bank.
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53. Limits with other banks/institutions: enter customer credit limits with other banks or institutions. 54. As on: enter as on date for credit limits. 55. Fund Based: enter the total fund based limits of the customer. 56. Non-Fund Based: enter the total non-fund based limits of the customer. 57. Offline cum Debit Limits: enter maximum allowed offline debit transactions limit in home currency. 58. Manager’s Opinion: enter the manager’s opinion about the customer. Press F6, the system will display the next page of Customer’s Charge Details. Page 6
59. Charge Turnover Required: the default value has been set as N, however, it can be set as Y if customer wise charges report is required. 60. Charge Code: this can be selected from the list. 61. Acct Level Charges Account: account number of the customer from which the charges are to be recovered may be entered. 62. Sol_id: enter the sol id of the branch where the above account is maintained. 63. Cust Level Charges Account: enter account number for debiting customer level charges e.g. charges for combined statement which is defined in the customer master.
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64. Passport No (Mandatory field, if Non Resident flag is set to Y on the 1st page of General Details): enter Passport Number of the customer. 65. Issue Date: enter date of issue of passport. 66. Passport Details (Mandatory field, if Non Resident flag is set to Y on the 1st page of General Details): enter other details of passport. 67. Expiry Date: enter passport expiry date. 68. Purge Allowed? By default it is given N. As at present no purging is allowed, therefore, this flag is not required to be changed. 69. Purge Remarks: this is the text field any remarks can be entered here. But as no purging is being done, it can be left blank. 70. Allow Sweeps? : By default value of this field is N, however, if sweeps is to be allowed between the accounts of a customer then it may be set as Y. 71. DSA id: May be left blank. Press F6, the system will display the next page of Free Text Fields. D Page 7.
72. There are 15 free text fields provided: enter any information relating to customer which could not be captured in the previous 6 pages and press F6. The system will take you over to the very first page of the customer master maintenance. Press F4; the cursor will be placed at Enter Option Block. Page 25 of 294
Currency Details: Press F2, the system shall display the list of various options available and select E (Customer Currency Details) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4. The system shall display the following screen:
As it is displayed in the message bar above press Explode to go to the details screen, please press Ctrl+E to explode this screen. The system shall display the following type of screen:
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Following four fields are displayed: 1) Withholding Tax % (by default it is 0.0000) 2) Floor Limit for With Holding Tax (this is also 0.00 by default) 3) Customer Preferential % (Cr.) 4) Customer Preferential % (Dr.) Fields 1 & 2 may be filled with 0 (zero). Fields 3 & 4 may be left blank. Field 1 and 2 are not to be changed and shall remain as it is. In case of 3 & 4 provided for Customer Preferential % Credit and Debit any +/- rate of interest can be given which will provide extra or less interest in case of Cr. and charge extra or less interest in case of Dr. in all his accounts opened in this customer_id. However, these fields are also not required to be filled in and shall remain unchanged. Press F4 and system shall come back on the previous screen of E details. If the customer wants to open his account in some other currency then another currency can be added to his customer master. For adding another currency Press Down Arrow Key, the star (*) appearing just before the Currency already entered, will come down and second currency can be entered in the currency column or can be selected from the list, which appears by pressing F2, and selecting it by pressing Shift+F4 key. The following type of screen will appear:
Explode it by pressing Ctrl+E key, again the following 4 fields shall appear: 1) Withholding Tax % (by default it is 0.0000) 2) Floor Limit for With Holding Tax (this is also 0.00 by default) 3) Customer Preferential % (Cr.) 4) Customer Preferential % (Dr.) Repeat the process as described above. Press F4; the cursor will be placed at Enter Option Block. If no more information is required to be captured then press F10. Page 27 of 294
The system shall save the Customer creation details and generate Customer_id Number prefixing by D alphabet and suffixing 8 numerals e.g. D12345678. Note : A. If the Minor flag on the 1st page is set to Y, then Customer Minor Details must be filled in. B. If the Non Resident flag on the 1st page is set to Y, then Non Resident Customer Details must be filled in. C. If the Trade Finance flag on the 1st page is set to Y, then Trade Finance Details must be filled in. If the customer is a Minor, then make a minor flag as Y and the system shall automatically take you over to the Minor Customer Detail page as displayed below:
Date of Birth shall be displayed by the system itself picking up from the 1st page of General Detail and accordingly shall calculate date of Majority and display the same as shown in the above screen. Guardian Code (Mandatory field) shall be selected from the list as to who shall be the guardian. Guardian Name (Mandatory field) is the text field and the name of guardian can be entered here. Address (Mandatory field), here the address of Guardian can be entered. City (Mandatory field) can be selected from the list available. State (Mandatory field) can be selected from the list available. Postal Code (Mandatory field) i.e. Pin Code of the place of guardian can be entered here.
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Country’s name (Mandatory field) can be selected from the list. However, generally it will be IN i.e. India. Press F4, the system shall again take you back on the page of general details. In case the customer is a Non Resident, then on the first page of General Details, Non Resident Flag is to be made Y. The system shall take you over to the page No. 6 as displayed above. The necessary details are to be captured pertaining to the non resident customer. Also in the Enter Option field, select Non Resident Customer Detail by entering option as N in the option block and press F4, the following screen shall be displayed:
Nationality (Mandatory field): press F2 for list; select the country by pressing Shift+F4. Date of becoming Non-Resident: enter the date on which the customer became Non Resident. Country Code: press F2 for list; select the country by pressing Shift+F4. Country Type: valid values are B for Bilateral and E for External. Relation Code: code of relation with the person, residing locally is to be given here. Select the code from the list available by pressing F2 and then by pressing Shiftf4. Relative Name: enter the name of relative. This is a text field. Local Address, City, State, Postal Code, Phone No. enter respective details in these fields. State, Country can be selected from the list available, which can be seen by pressing F2. Telex No. enter telex no. if any and Non Resident Becoming Resident, enter date on which the non resident customer became resident. Normally this date shall remain blank till the customer’s status is non resident. If a customer is a Trade Finance Customer, enter Trade Finance Customer’s flag Y and in the option block enter T for Trade Finance Customer Detail in Enter Option field and press F4. The system shall display the following screen:
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Name, Address, City, State, Country will appear by default. Enter Telephone No., FAX and Telex, if any. Code given by Central Bank: enter Exporter/Importer’s code assigned by RBI. Code given by Trade Authority: enter the code allotted by the Trade Authority. Exp/Imp? Enter valid values, E-Exporter, I-Importer, B-Both, P-Exporter eligible for RPC, A- Exp and Imp eligible for RPC, O-Others. Native: enter Y if the customer is a native of the country, else N. Review Date: enter Importer/Exporter latest review date, if any. SSI? Enter Y if Small Scale Industry, else N. 100% EOU? Enter Y if a 100% Export Oriented Unit. Status: Valid values are E, I & B. Enter E, for Export Caution, I for Import Caution & B for Both Import and Export Caution, else left blank if no caution is to be marked. Party Const: Enter the constitution of the customer as to whether he is an Individual, Company etc. The same can be selected from the list (Press F2 for List) & (Shift F4 for selection of a code from the list) Special Party? Enter Y, if the customer is a special party, else N. Party Type: Select from the list available as to whether the party is an Importer, Exporter or Other. The other code is also available. Production Cycle: Enter the number of days required to process and ship the goods for export. After the above fields have been captured the screen will look like as follows:
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Press F6 to go to the next page as under:
Forward Contract Limit: enter forward contract limit, if any, specified for the party. DC Sanctioning Authority: who has sanctioned the documentary credit limit, its valid code from the list available, is to be entered here. FC Sanctioning Authority: enter the code of sanctioning authority of Forward Contract as per the list available. Authorised Signatory 1, 2 & 3, enter the name of authorised signatory in the columns provided. DC Margin Percentage: enter margin prescribed for Documentary Credit. DC Sanction Expiry Date: enter the date on which the DC Sanctioned limit is to expire. Page 31 of 294
DC Next Number Code: enter code for generation of DC number as per the list available or select from the list by pressing F2 and then ShiftF4. Inland Trade Allowed (Mandatory field): enter Y if inland trade allowed, else N. Remarks: enter remarks if any. Press F4, the system shall take you over to the enter option field. Enter U for capturing detail of Buyer or Seller Limit Detail and Press F4. System shall display the following screen:
Here the details of Buyers and Sellers of the customers can be captured. Drawee Code: enter the drawee code of the customer, (this code can be captured through the menu option FPCM Foreign Party Code Maintenance). Enter the party code in the first column, go on to the next field by pressing Tab and enter whether applicable U for Usance Bills and S for Sight Bills. Here U and S do not have any validations. Go to the next field. This field is applicable to delete flag, which need not to be filled in. This is applicable in case the detail of any party is to be deleted. Press Tab for next field. Enter/Select Currency Code from the list (press F2). Press Tab, enter limit upto which limit import from this party is fixed. Press Tab, enter Utilised Import Limit so far. Press Tab, enter similar details for Inland Bills in the next two columns. Similarly capture the details of Export Limit for export to a particular party. Press F4, system shall take you over to the option block again. Persons Details: In this option detail of persons associated with the company like Director, Guarantor etc. can be entered. Enter P at the Option Block and Press F4; the system shall display the following screen:
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Enter the customer id of the related person and press F11, the system shall display the name of the person whose customer id is given here. Press Tab, enter the relation code of the person from the list available with F2. Press F4, the cursor shall appear on to the Option Block. The necessary information relating to a customer creation is complete. Press F10 to COMMIT. System shall generate a Customer_Id. CUSTOMER ID VERIFICATION: The verification of a customer creation can be done by the different user through the menu option CUMM. The procedure is given hereunder: Menu Option CUMM: Press Enter: Function: V (verify), press Tab or Enter Key, enter Customer_id generated by the system or Press F2 the system shall display list of all the customer_id created/modified pending for verification, select the customer_id (which is to be verified) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4, the system shall display the particulars of the customer entered in General Details. Press F6, the system shall display the next page. Visit all the 7 pages of General Details by pressing F6 (six times) and check the details entered by the user. When F6 is pressed for 7th time the system shall display the first page of General Details. Press F4, the cursor shall blink at the option block. Visit Currency Details by entering E at the option block and then by pressing F4. Explode the currency screen by pressing Ctrl+E. Press F4 twice, the cursor shall blink at the option block again. If no other details are entered, press F10 to commit. The system shall display the message ‘Record Verified’, which effectively means that the cust_id is verified. Note : Following options need to be visited, during verification, for the Minor, NRE, and Trade Finance Customers. a) In case of Minor, capture G, E and M details before verification. Page 33 of 294
b) In case of Non Resident Customer, capture G, E and N details before verification. c) In case of Trade Finance Customer, capture G, E, T, U (if applicable) details before verification. d) P (Persons Details) can be captured wherever required. The Customer Creation and Verification is thus complete. MODIFICATION OF A CUSTOMER_ID – System allows modifications of customer_id details, through the menu option CUMM. Menu option – CUMM. In function field, type M (Modify), enter Cust_id in the Customer id field and Press F4. The system shall display General Details of the customer. Modify the details wherever necessary. Follow the steps as explained in creation of cust_id. In case of a modification is done in customer_id, the same is required to be verified by the other user. The verification procedure is the same as described above through the same menu i.e. CUMM. In case, if any modification in the record of Customer_id has been erroneously done, the same may not be verified. Only the user who has modified the details can cancel the same. The system shall cancel all the modifications effected last which are not verified and restore its previous status. To cancel the modifications, in function field of CUMM, enter X (Cencel), enter the cust_id in customer id field, Press F4 twice and Press F10 for commit. SUSPENDING A CUSTOMER_ID – A customer_id can be suspended in Finacle. The suspended customer’s existing accounts will continue to be operated upon but new account using the same customer_id can not be opened during the currency of his customer_id Suspension. However, the suspended customer_id can be unsuspended again. The suspension of a customer and its verification can take place through menu option CUMM. A customer can be suspended by entering D in the Function Block and Customer_id, which is to be suspended, followed by pressing of F4 twice and then F10 for Commit; the same is required to be verified by the other user. The verification can be done through menu option CUMM, by entering V in the function block and after entering Customer_id, which has been marked as suspended, by pressing F4 twice and then F10, for Commit, the verification of a suspended customer is complete. To unsuspend a customer the procedure is exactly the same (as described above) except entering U (for unsuspend) in place of D above in the Function field of CUMM menu option. The rest of the procedure is the same. This also requires verification. INQUIRY OF A CUSTOMER – Inquiry of a customer can be made through menu option CUMM or CUMI. Invoke menu option CUMM, Enter I (inquiry) in the Function field, enter Customer Id of a person whose Customer details is required to be inquired into. By pressing F4 system shall display the details of a customer. Various details pertaining of a customer can be inquired into by entering required option in the option block and then by pressing F4. The next page/screen can be visited by pressing F6 as described above. Similarly, inquiry through CUMI can also be made because the system displays the same screen as it displays in CUMM menu option. Page 34 of 294
CUSTOMER SELECTION – Customer Selection, I.e. selection of customer id/s or customer/s or inquiry of a customer, can be made through the menu option CUS filling in various parameters available therein. This is a menu option through which we can select a particular type of customer/s by opting criteria as seen in the following screen:
We can enter Name or Short Name & Press F4; system will display all the customer ids, created starting with the said name of all the SOLs. If the said selection is to be made only of a particular SOL, then SOL id can be given, the system will display the records as per selected criteria by reducing its information to the said SOL only. Similarly, selection of customers can be made by giving any criteria as available in the above screen. The selected records can be further exploded by pressing Ctrl+E keys, to see more details. For the convenience of User, we have shown a selection, which has been made on the basis of Community. This can be selected (by pressing ShiftF4) from the list available (PressF2) then after selection & acceptance, the screen which will appear is shown on next page. A user may select any record and explode the same by pressing Ctrl+E. The system shall display the details of the customer, same as CUMM/CUMI, function I.
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CHANGE CUSTOMER_ID – If a customer_id is to be changed of an account, as it is required in case of migrated accounts, where a customer is having more than one account and during migration each account is assigned a different customer_id, then by using menu option CCA, Customer_id of an Account can be changed. Change of Customer_id can be done even after the account is verified. HOW TO CHANGE CUSTOMER_ID ? Menu option – CCA (Change Customer Id of Account) Screen 8 shows various fields in this menu option. Invoke menu option CCA. 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. A/c No., enter Account number of which cust_id needs to be changed and Press F4. System will display the cust_id of the Account No. entered. The cursor will blink on Customer Id field displaying the existing Customer Id of the account as shown below:
3. Customer id, change the Customer id and Press F10 to commit. Change in Customer_id needs to be verified by another user through same menu option i.e. CCA. PROCEDURE FOR VERIFICATION: Invoke menu option CCA, enter V (verify) in Function field, fill in Account Number (or select Account No. from the list by pressing F2 and then Shift F4) and Press F4. System shall display the changed Customer_id. Press F10. The Customer_id will stand changed. Summary 1. Customer_id is created through menu option CUMM. Page 36 of 294
2. ‘G’: General Details & ‘E’ Currency Details are mandatorily to be filled for each type of customer creation. 3. Customer creation for Staff: Enter the Staff Flag as ‘Y’ in General Details and enter his PF Number in Staff No. Field, if he is a staff of a CBS implemented branch. If the staff member is not from the CBS implemented branch or Ex Staff member then enter STAFF. 4. Customer_id creation for Minor: Enter the Minor Flag as ‘Y’ in General Details and in addition to the ‘G’ & ‘E‘ details i.e. Currency Details also enter the minor details through sub option ‘M’ (Customer Minor Details). 5. Customer_id creation for Non Resident: Enter the Non Resident Flag as ‘Y’ in General Details. Also enter the Non Resident Customer Details through sub option ‘N’, in addition to ‘G’ & ‘E’ details. 6. Customer_id creation for Trade Finance customer: Make the Trade Finance Customer Flag as ‘Y’ in General Details. Also enter the Trade Finance Details through sub option ‘T’ in addition to ‘G’ & ‘E’ details. 7. Fill other details if required. 8. Verify Customer Creation CUSTOMER MASTER PRINT: For printing the customer master, use menu option CUMP. Through this menu option printing of customer master can be done by giving a customer_id or range of customer_id. This report can also be generated on the basis of selecting various other criteria like Customer Group, Occupation, Constitution, Sector, Subsector, Health Code, Rating, Community, Suspended, Staff only, Minor only, Non Res. Only, Authorised, Purge Flg etc. Invoke menu option CUMP, enter user’s name in the Report to Field and fill in the other criteria, on the basis of which the report is to be generated, & Press F4. A small window on the screen will appear. Enter the values as follows: Fore/Background? Print Required?
BG Queue (leave Blank)
Press F10 to commit. Press F3 to go back to the main menu. Invoke menu option PR (Print Report). To view this report make sure that (greater than sign) > is appearing before the name of the report you want to view. Enter T in the field in which the cursor is blinking & Press F10. The system will display the report. Press F4 to scroll up the report and Press –F4 to scroll down the report. For printing the report, please position > sign before the report you want to print and Press Ctrl E. Fill No. of Copies field as displayed in the screen on next page and Press F4 to come back on to the previous screen. Enter P in the column in which the cursor is blinking and Press F10. The report will start printing. In this regard please make sure that before printing the report Ilinkweb and Printer must be on.
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Prepared by: Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad OPENING OF SB/CA ACCOUNTS & MAINTENANCE To open any customer account in Finacle, customer has to have a cust ID (menu option CUMM). All types of accounts can be opened through the one menu option i.e. OAAC. Opening of new account needs verification, which can be done through OAACAU. Mandatory options in OAAC – G (General Details) & S (Scheme Details) Optional options in OAAC – N (Nomination Details), A (Related Party Details) – for joint A/c holders’ details etc. A. How to open SB/CA account ? Menu option – OAAC
Screen 1 1. Function – O (Open). 2. Customer ID – Enter cust id. If the short name of customer is known, type it and press F2. Select customer from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 3. Currency – Default INR (Indian Repees) is displayed. The system will allow to open an account in currency which have been added in customer ID (option E-Customer Currency Details). 4. Scheme Code – type SB and press F2. In the list, first all scheme codes under ‘Inoperative’ GL subhead will be listed. Press Control+D (page down) and select scheme code under ‘Saving Fund’ GL subhead, by pressing Shift+F4. 5. GL Subhead – system displays the GL subhead automatically. 6. Permanent A/c No. – Nothing to be entered. 7. Copy A/c No. – Nothing to be entered.
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Press F4. Account Opening form will be displayed. 1st Page
Screen 2 8. Acct Name – System will automatically display the name of the customer entered in Cust-ID record. System allows changing the name, but system will raise related exception after committing the verification of account. If the user who is verifying the account has sufficient work class, he can override the exception by pressing F4 and verify the account. 9. Acct Short Name – This will be automatically displayed from Cust-ID. User can change the short name. 10. A/c open Date – BOD date is displayed. User can change the date. 11. Special Charge Code – This field is used to give preferential charges. Press F2 to see the list. Press Shift+F4 to select respective charge code. 12. Mode of Operation (Mandatory) – Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4. 13. Location Code – Enter the population group to which customer belongs e.g Metro, Urban etc. Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4. 14. Account Mgr. – User id of employee who is attached to this account as relationship manager can be entered. Only employee Ids which are available in the list can be selected. Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4. 15. Cash Exception Limit Dr. - Default values is 99999999999999.99. E.g. if user wishes that system should raise an exception if user tries to debit this account equal or above Rs.100000/- by cash, the user can enter 100000 in this field. 16. Cash Exception Limit Cr. - Default values is 99999999999999.99. E.g. if user wishes that system should raise an exception if user tries to credit this account equal or above Rs.100000/- by cash, he can enter 100000 in this field. 17. Clg. Exception Limit Dr. – Applicable for clearing. 18. Clg. Exception Limit Cr. – Applicable for clearing. 19. Xfer Exception Limit Dr. – Applicable for transfer. 20. Xfer Exception Limit Cr. – Applicable for transfer. If the limits as mentioned in point 15 to 20 are changed by the user, system will raise exception ‘Override Default Check’ when the user commit verification of account; if the verifying official has sufficient work class he can override the exception by pressing F4 key and authorize the account verification. Page 40 of 294
21. Remarks – free text field. 22. A/c Report Code – Default is ZERO. 23. Ledger no. – may not be necessarily filled. 24. Collect Charges – Default is Y. This means, system will collect account maintenance charges as and when they are due. 25. Turnover Details- Default is N. May be kept as it is. This field is Y, if customer wishes to have account turnover details. 26. Relative to Staff – Default is N. 27. Relative Staff ID – If above field is set to Y, Staff Id in this field need to be entered. The employee having the staff id entered in this field is barred from entering any transaction in this account. Press F6 to go to Next Page. 2nd Page
Screen 3 28. Passbook/Statement – Valid values are P-Passbook, S-Statement, R-Deposit Receipt, BBoth P & S, N-None. 29. Statement – If ‘Passbook/Statement’ field is set to S (Statement) or B (Both P&S), frequency for statement must be entered. There are five fields in statement. Field 1: D – Daily, W – Weekly, M – Monthly, F – Fortnightly, Q – Quarterly, H – Half yearly, Y – Yearly Field 2: 1 - First, 2 - Second, 3 - Third, 4 - Fourth week, M - Mid week, L – Last Week Field 3: 1-Sunday, 2- Monday… 7- Saturday & 8 - No weekly of Field 4: Date of issue - 1 to 31 Field 5: For Holiday N – Next, P – Previous, S – Skip
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Fields 2 & 3 are not required if frequency (field 1) is monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly Fields 2 ,3 & 4 are not required if frequency (field 1) is daily and fortnightly Fields 2 & 4 are not required if frequency (field 1) is weekly 30. Local Calendar – Default N. Not to be changed. 31. Dispatch Mode – Press F1 for help. Fill appropriate value as per the codes defined in help. 32. Next Print Date – Enter date on which next statement will be printed. 33. Download to PBF – Default value is N. PBF stands for Positive Balance File, which required for handling offline transactions. 34. Pay Interest – Default Y, means interest will be paid for this account. 35. Collect Interest – Default Y, means interest will be collected from this SF/CA account, if TOD is granted. 36. Customer Pref. Interest (Cr.) – We have already seen this field in currency details (option E) in CUMM. Generally, in OAAC we should not fill any value in this field. 37. Customer Pref. Interest (Dr.) – We have already seen this field in currency details (option E) in CUMM. Generally, in OAAC we should not fill any value in this field. 38. Account Pref. Interest (Cr) – If user wishes to give any preferential interest in this account, over and above prevailing interest (explained in point 42). User can enter negative value if user wishes to pay less interest. Don’t try to give 1 in this field for Staff of our bank in SF type of A/c. User should select SBSTF scheme code while opening staff’s SB A/c. 39. Account Pref. Interest (Dr) – If user wishes to charge any preferential interest from this account, over and above prevailing interest. User can enter negative value if user wishes to charge less interest. 40. Interest Cr A/c flag (Mandatory)– Default is S. Valid values are S-Original A/c, O-Operative A/c and T-Payment System. In most of the cases in SB A/cs, it will be S which means whenever system wants to pay interest in this account, it will credit it to this account only. 41. Interest Dr A/c flag (Mandatory)– Same as above field. 42. Int Rate Code – For SBGEN scheme, it will be default SFGEN. This code stores interest rate applicable for general public’s SB A/c. Changes in interest rates will be done by Data Centre. For staff SF A/c, interest rate code will be displayed as SFGEN. User need not enter SFGEN in case of staff A/c, this code will be automatically picked up by the system when the scheme code SFSTF is selected for staff members. If the interest rate code or preferential interest in Dr/Cr are changed by the user, the system shall raise exception ‘Default Interest Parameter Change’ while committing the account verification; if the verifying user has sufficient work class, he can press F4 to accept the exception and verify the account. 43. Account Pegged – Default is N, means system will pay prevailing rate of interest as and when they are updated by Data Centre. This field will be Y in case of FD’s in which system will pay interest at contracted rate given while opening an FD a/c. 44. Pegging Review date – Enter the date on which the pegging for the account is to be reviewed. May not be required to change. 45. Pegging Frequency (Months/days) – Enter months and days. May not be required for SB A/c. User can press F4 to go to the Enter Option field or Press F6 to go to Next Page. 3rd Page
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Screen 3 46. Contact phone – enter contact phone no. 47. Allow Sweeps - Enter Y if the sweep is allowed between accounts. 48. Interest Calc. Freq Cr and next three fields may not be entered. 49. Daily Compounding Interest – Default N. 50. Tax (TDS) details may not be required to be entered for SB A/c. Press F4 to go to Enter option field. Scheme Details –
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Screen 4 51. Enter Option – Press F2, select S –Scheme Details option (5th from top) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into scheme details. User can type S instead of pressing F2. 52. Availing Nomination facility – default is N. Please make it Y if customer wishes to avail nomination facility in this account. After making the flag as Y, press F4 to go to Enter Option field. Other fields may not be entered, but these have been explained as below. 53. Cheque Allowed – Default value is Y, which means cheque facility is allowed for this account. 54. Charge for Cheque – Default value is Y, which means cheque book charges to be levied. 55. Return Paid Cheques – May be kept blank. If cheques are to be returned to the customer once they are paid, this value need to be filled in as Y. 56. Paid Cheque Return – May be kept blank. Specify the frequency at which paid cheques would be returned the customer. 57. A/c Health Code – Press F2 and select value from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 58. Dr. Balance Limit – The maximum debit allowed in this account. Generally 0 (zero) in SF/CA type of A/cs. 59. Max. Allowed Limit – The ceiling limit on the sanctions for this account. May be kept 0 (zero) for SB/CA accounts. 60. Debt. Acknowledgment Date – May be kept blank in SF/CA type of A/cs. For Transferred in A/c User can enter the details for SB/CA accounts transferred from other branches as follows61. Interest Amount – Enter the pending Interest amount. 62. Dr/Cr. – Enter C if the transfer interest amount is Credit, else enter D for Debit. 63. Minimum Balance – Enter the minimum balance during the month of transfer which needs to be considered during next interest calculation. 64. A/c Balance (0.00), Created By, Created On, Deleted (N) are display fields. These fields will be updated by the system automatically as and when operations take place in the a/c. 65. Press F4 to go to Enter Option field. Nomination Details –
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Screen 5 66. Enter Option - Press F2, select N – Nomination details option (3rd from top) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into nomination details. User can type N instead of pressing F2. 67. Enter Nominee name (Mandatory) 68. Relationship (Mandatory)– e.g. Father, Mother etc. Press F2, select relationship by pressing Shift+F4. 69. Reg. No. – Registration number for nominee is default generated by the system. 70. Please enter Address. (Mandatory) Two lines are available for address. 71. City (Mandatory)– Type first 2-3 characters of city name press F2, select city code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 72. State (Mandatory)- press F2, select state by pressing Shift+F4. Country is default IN (India). 73. Country (Mandatory) – Default is IN (India). Need not be changed. If user wishes to change, press F2 and select country by pressing Shift+F4. 74. Postal Code (Mandatory)- Enter Pin/Postal Code. 75. Nominee Minor – Enter Y if nominee is minor. 76. Date of Birth – if nominee is minor, date of birth of minor must be entered. 77. Enter guardian’s details as specified in this page. 78. Press F4 to go to Enter option field Joint A/C Holders’ Details – 79. Enter Option - Press F2, select A – Related Party details option (1st from top) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into option details.
Screen 6 The first screen displays the Main Account Holder’s Details. To enter joint account holders’ details, press Down Arrow of keyboard.
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80. Relation Type (Mandatory) – Press F1 for help. The help displays various values for relation codes. P (Power of Attorney), A (Authorised Signatory), L (letter of Authority), J (Joint Holder), G (Guarantor) etc. Press Enter on OK button or click mouse on it. Enter the value in this field. 81. Relation Code – Press F2 and select the code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 82. Despatch Mode – If the account is enabled for statement, system gives user the option to send the statement to related parties added through this option. Press F1 for help. Enter the despatch mode in this field. 83. Designation Code – Press F2 for list and select the code by pressing Shift+F4. 84. Customer ID – If the related party (joint A/c holder) has a valid cust_id code, enter the same here. In that case other details of the party like address need not be entered. 85. Name (Mandatory) – Enter name of the related party. This field need not be field if party’s cust_id is entered. 86. If the cust_id of related party is not entered, Address, City, State, Country, Postal Code etc. of the related party need to be filled in. 87. If user wishes to enter one more related party details, press Down Arrow and follow the steps 80 to 87. Press F4 to go to Enter option field. Press F10 to commit. System will display 16-digit account number. Sometimes user may not get last digit of account on the screen. Please note it, as it needs verification. Account No. consists of following information. E.g. account no. generated by system is 4177000100001234. 417700 01 Sol id(6) Product code(2)
0000123 4 Account No.(7) Check digit(1)
Check digit is also a part of account no. User need not remember all 16 digits. Whenever user accesses this account, user can simply enter 011234, system will automatically expand it to 16 digits. This facility is provided only when user accesses customer’s accounts of user’s own branch. User must enter all 16 digits in account no. field for accounts of customer’s of other branches. B. How to verify newly opened account Please note 1. The person who has opened the account through OAAC can not verify the account; as Maker and Checker concept is applicable in Finacle, therefore maker can not be the verifier. 2. During verification of account, no details can be changed, as all the fields are write protected. 3. To modify account details of newly opened account, use menu option OAACAU – function M (Modify). Menu option – OAACAU 1. Function – V. 2. Temporary A/c No. – Enter the A/C No which is to be verified. User need not enter all 16 digits of account; user can enter short account no. of the account to be verified. If user forgot to note account no. after committing OAAC, user can retrieve it by pressing F2 in this field; select the account to be verified by pressing Shift+F4. Page 46 of 294
3. Permanent A/c No. – must not be entered. Press F4 to bring account details. User will see General Details of account. Press F11 (Or click on Transmit button) twice to visit next page. When the user is in 3rd page, press F4 to go to Enter option field. 4. Enter Option – type S and press F4 to visit scheme details. Press F4 to come back to Enter option field.. 5. Enter Option – If the user has entered nomination details for this account, the user should visit it. Type N and press F4 to visit nomination details. Press F4 to come back to Enter option field. 6. Enter option – If the user has entered related party details like joint a/c details or authorised signatory etc, the user should visit the same. Type A and press F4 to visit Related Party Details. Press Up/Down arrow to scroll through the records. Press F4 to come back to Enter option field. 7. Press F10 to commit. Note : System may display warnings or/and exceptions. If the verifying official has sufficient work class to override the exceptions, he can press F4. If the user presses F4 and accept, then only account will be verified. If the user presses F3, system will not verify the account. C. How to change account details of newly opened account before verification – Account details can be changed before verification, through menu option OAACAU. Use function M and enter account no. Press F4. Details will appear on the screen. Modify the account and press F10 when the cursor is in Enter Option field. It’s not necessary that the maker of the account can only change the account details. Even the verifier can do the changes through OAACAU, through function M. After completing the modifications, same user can verify the account through OAACAU, function V. D. How to change account details after verification – Menu option – ACM (Customer Account Maintenance) Function – M (Modify). A/c No. – Give account no. which is to be modified. Press F4. System will display general details on the screen. 1. To modify general details type 0 (zero) in enter option field and press F4. Make the changes as desired and press F4 to come back to enter option field. 2. Type A (Related Party Details) in Enter option field and press F4 to enter/modify related party details like joint a/c holder, authorised signatory etc. Press Down arrow in this page and enter related party details. After entering all the details, press F4 to come back to enter option field. 3. Case Study - If during account opening (OAAC) the user forgot to enter nomination details and the user has already verified the account, the user can enter the nomination details even after verification of the account. The steps are as follows Menu option – ACM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Account No. – Enter short or full 16 digit account number of which the user wishes to change the details. Press F4. The cursor will blink in Enter Option field. 3. Enter option – Enter S (Scheme Details). Press F4. 4. Availing Nomination Facility – Enter Y. Press F4. 5. Enter Option – Enter N (Nomination Details). Press F4. Nomination details screen will appear on desktop. 6. Nominee’s Name (Mandatory)– Enter name. Page 47 of 294
7. Relationship (Mandatory)– Press F2. Select code by pressing Shift+F4. 8. Address (Mandatory)– Enter address in 2 lines provided on the screen 9. City Code (Mandatory)– Type first 2/3 characters of city and press F2. Select city by pressing Shift+F4. 10. Enter other (Mandatory) details like state, postal code, country code etc. 11. If nominee is minor, enter Y in Nominee Minor field. 12. If the above field (Nominee minor) is made Y then Date of Birth of the nominee is mandatory field. Enter other details of nominee like guardian’s name, guardian code, address etc. 13. Press F4 to come back to Enter option field. 14. Press F10 to commit changes in the account. Any modifications done through ACM have to be verified through ACM. Menu option – ACM. Function – V, enter account no. and press F4. Visit all the options in which modifications have been done. The user can commit only when cursor is in Enter Option field. E. How to see last Creater and Verifier of the A/c – The maker and checker for an account can be inquired through menu option ACM. The steps are as follows – 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – I (Inquire) A/c No. – Enter A/c no. Press F4. Enter option – S (Scheme Details). Press F4. Press F11 (Transmit) thrice. Various display fields are available on the screen. Tot. Mod Times will show how many times a/c details have been modified. The user can also see user who has created a/c, date of creation, user who has last verified a/c, date of last verification, whether a/c is closed, no. of dr. and cr. transactions in the a/c, no. of TODs allowed etc. 5. Press F3 thrice to quit from the menu option. F. General issues in SB/CA – 1. Use function X (Cancel) in ACM to Undo the changes in the account. But this function can only be used before verification of changes. 2. Presently, Scheme code can not be changed once the account is opened or/and verified. E.g. If by mistake the account is opened in SBGEN (Saving Fund General) for a staff, but at later point of it’s noticed that the account should been opened in SBSTF, this change in scheme code can not be handled in finacle. If this is noticed before verifying the new account, use function – X in OAACAU to cancel the account opening. If this problem is noticed after verifying the new account, the account needs to be closed and new account should be opened in desired scheme code. 3. In OAAC, please select SBSTF as scheme code for staff SF A/c. The system will pick up interest rate code applicable for staff members. Please don’t open the staff SF A/c in SBGEN scheme code and then give additional benefit of interest in A/c Preferential Interest (Cr) field (General Details of OAAC) as system may not give other benefits to the staff accounts opened in SBGEN scheme code. 4. Accounts can be opened in backdate.
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5. Finacle allows opening an account before verifying the Cust_Id of the account holder. System also allows entering credit transaction in unverified account. But system will not allow to post/verify the transaction without verifying the account. So if the user tries to verify the account, system will not allow to do so. Cust_id must be verified before verifying the account in which unverified cust_id has been used. Debit transactions are not allowed in unverified accounts. G. How to Inquire on the accounts having Zero Balance? Menu option – ACS (Account Selection). Screen 7. Example 1 - Let’s inquire about all the accounts in scheme code SBGEN, having Zero balance as on date. 1. Scheme Code – Enter SBGEN in scheme code. 2. Min. Bal – Enter 0 (Zero) 3. Max. Bal – Enter 0 (Zero). Press F4. The system will display total number of accounts having zero balance against caption ‘Account Selected’ and accounts sorted as per account number in the list. Press Explode (Control+E) on any a/c to see its account details; the system will display screen equivalent to menu option ACM (Function I (Inquire)) or ACI (Function I (Inquire)).
Screen 7
Example 2 - List the accounts under scheme code CAGEN, which have been frozen (Only Debit Frozen). In the above menu option ACS, enter CAGEN in scheme code, enter D (Debit only) in Freeze Code and press F4. System will display all the accounts under CAGEN scheme code which have been frozen on debits only. The system will also display total number of accounts, their total credit and debit balances.
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Other examples of uses of ACS – 1. To know all the accounts of a particular cust_id opened under in a particular scheme code or all the scheme codes. 2. To know accounts closed in a given range of dates. Hint – Enter Close Date low and high. 3. To know accounts opened in a given range of dates. Hint – Enter open date low and high. 4. To know accounts in which particular employees reference has been give. Hint – Enter employee id. 5. To know accounts which have been classified as Non performing/ sub standard. Hint – Press F6 in ACS on the first screen. On the second screen, enter Main Asset classification and/or Sub Asset Classification as may be necessary. There are 54 fields (1st and 2nd page), which can be clubbed in and/or conditions to find out accounts fitting under a specified criteria. H. How to change customer id of an account – During migration, system allots different cust_ids to different accounts of the same customer. Post migration, it may be necessary to change customer id of such accounts to make it accounts of single cut_id. Menu option – CCA (Change Customer Id of Account) Screen 8 shows various field in this menu option. 4. Function – M (Modify) 5. A/c No. – Enter Account number of which cust_id need to be changed. Press F4. System will display the cust_id of the account entered, with cursor blinking in cust_id field. 6. Customer id – Change the customer id. Press F10 to commit. Change in cust_id using this menu option need to be verified by other authorised user through same menu option i.e. CCA.
Screen 8 Page 50 of 294
I. How to print Pass Book – Menu option – PBP (Pass Book Print) Pre-requisites – a. Printer driver must have been installed on the PC which would be used for Passbook printing. b. Printer has to be made as ‘Default Printer’. c. ILINKWEB software has to be started before starting passbook printing and kept running in the background. d. Account for which passbook is to be printed must be enabled for passbook, otherwise system will raise error ‘This customer is not a Pass Book Holder’. To enable account for passbook, use menu option ACM, function-M (Modify), enter a/c no., press F4, enter 0 (zero) in enter option field, press F4, press F6, enter P (Passbook) or B (Both P & S) in passbook/statement field, press F4, press F10. Get the account verified by another user. Case 1-> If the passbook is being printed first time. If the passbook is being printed for the first time for an account, the system will display fields similar to screen 9. Please insert the passbook in the document printer with first page facing up side. Menu option PBP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A/c No – Enter A/c no of which passbook is to be printed. Press F4. All the field will be activated by the system. Press F4. Press F10. Please wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. After the printing is over, system will activate the ‘Print OK’ field with cursor blinking in it. If the printing is OK, enter Y in this field and press F4. 6. Please take out the passbook from the document printer, check whether the details of the customer a/c are printed properly. Turn the passbook to the next page, insert it again in the document printer, the system will print 2 on the left-top side of the page. Take out the passbook from document printer.
Screen 9 Page 51 of 294
Case 2-> If the transaction are to be printed for the first time. Menu option - PBP. Please insert the passbook in the document printer with page (on which transactions need to be printed) facing up side. Menu option PBP. 1. Enter A/c no. Press F4 twice. The user can see that the fields are activated. 2. New Passbook – Default is Y. Make this field N, otherwise the system will again print the customer a/c details. 3. Start Line No. and Start Page No. are default 1 which means that the transaction will be printed from page 1 and line 1 onwards. 4. Passbook Srl. No. – System displays this field as 1, which means that this is the 1st passbook. 5. A/c Balance – System displays it as 0 (zero), which means that no transaction is yet printed on the passbook. Please don’t get confused with this field with the actual balance in the a/c. As described, this is the last balance printed on the passbook. 6. Press F4 to continue. Press F10 to print transactions on the passbook. The transaction will be printed on the passbook. Wait until the cursor appears in ‘Print OK’ field. Enter Y in this field and press F4, if the transactions are printed properly. 7. If the number of transactions to be printed on passbook exceed 29, system will display a message ‘More transactions to be printed, please turn the PB page and press
Screen 10 Case 3 -> How to issue duplicate passbook Assume that in A/c 019322, all the transactions have already been printed on the passbook. To issue duplicate passbook, invoke menu option PBP. 1. Follow the steps as described in Case 1 of passbook printing topic. This process will print 1st page i.e. a/c details. Page 52 of 294
2. To print transactions on passbook from the beginning, invoke PBP again. Enter A/c No. Press F4 twice. Keep on pressing until the cursor comes on ‘Transactions printed in Passbook upto’ dummy field. Press Control+E (Explode). Press F10. Follow the steps as described in Case 2 of Passbook printing topic. J. How to print Statement of Account for an account For regular statement printing, customer’s account need to be enabled for statement. Please refer to pass book printing section point (d) for enabling the account for statement. Adhoc or regular statements can be generated for accounts. System will not charge automatically for adhoc statements. K. How to Close Account – Following steps may be followed to close account. 1. Destroy Cheque Book(s) issued to the customer using menu option CHBM function D (Destroy) 2. Other user shall verify above operation (destroy) cheque book(s) using menu option CHBM function V(Verify). 3. Apply the a/c closure charges as applicable from the account. Use menu option CACC (Closure of Account Charge Collection), function Z (Account Close) 4. Other user shall verify above operation using menu option CACC, function V (Verify). 5. Apply the interest either through the workflow INTRUN or through CAAC. 6. Make the a/c balance zero through TM. 7. Close the account through CAAC. 8. Other user shall verify the account closure through CAACAU. L. ACOPN ( ACCOUNT OPENING WORKFLOW) ACOPN is a workflow which can be used to perform all the activities like creating cust_id, opening an SB/CA account and deposit money in the newly created account; all the activities in one go. Normally, following activities have to be performed in Finacle, when a new customer comes to our bank for the first time for opening an SB/CA account. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Create Cust_id Verify Cust_id Open an account Verify an account Deposit money in a/c Post transaction
CUMM (CTO/Officer & above) CUMM (Officer & above) OAAC (CTO/Officer and above) OAACAU (Officer & above) TM (CTO/Officer & above) TM (CTO/Officer & above)
ACOPN can be used to perform 1st, 3rd & 5th steps. Steps 2nd & 4th can be performed by the authorizer through menu option DSPWFQ. Step 6th can be performed through menu option TM. Please note that help (F1) is not available in any field in ACOPN; but wherever list is needed, the user can press F2 and get the list of valid codes. Step by step execution of all the above steps is explained as below -
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Screen 11 1. Invoke Workflow Menu Option – ACOPN 2. Customer ID - If the customer is new and has not valid cust_id in Finacle, type NEW. If the customer has a valid cust_id, enter the same here. If the cust_id is entered, the workflow shall take the cursor to A/c opening screen. If the cust_id is entered as NEW, the workflow shall take the cursor to customer id creation. Let’s assume that the customer is new and cust_id is entered as NEW. 3. Authoriser ID – Enter the finacle user id of the user who is supposed to authorize this workflow. 4. Press F4, the system will take the user to customer id creation screen. The following screen may get displayed on computer.
Screen 12
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5. Title – As explained in OAAC, enter the valid title code (e.g. Mr, Ms etc) or press F2 and select valid title code by pressing Shift+F4. 6. Name – Enter name of the customer. 7. Short Name – Enter the short name. 8. Cust Type – Press F2 and select cust type from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 9. Occu Code – Press F2 and select occupation code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 10. Const Code - Press F2 and select Constitution code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. INTRODUCER There are 4 fields available under this block. 11. Customer ID – Enter the cust_id of the introducer, if the same exist in finacle database. If the cust_id is entered then the user should not enter anything in next 3 fields of introducer block. 12. Status Code – If the introducer does not have a valid cust_id in finacle, his/her status (e.g. known to manager, existing customer etc.) can be selected from the list available in this field. 13. Title – Enter title or select the title of the introducer from the list. 14. Name – Enter the name of introducer. COMMUNICATION 15. Address line1 – Enter the address of customer. 16. Address line2- If the address line1 is not sufficient to enter address of customer, the same can be continued in this field. 17. City Code – Enter city code or select city code from the list. 18. PIN Code – Enter six digit pin code. 19. State Code – Enter state code or select the same from the list. 20. Country Code – Default IN (i.e. India) appears in this field. Enter country code (if it’s other than India) or select from the list. 21. TDS Table – Enter TDS table code or select the same from the list. Valid TDS table codes may be TDSGE for General category public, TDSCR for Corporate bodies and TDSNR for NRO/NRSR accounts. MINOR DETAILS There are 4 fields available in this block. If the customer is not a Minor, all these fields can be skipped. 22. Minor (Y/N) – Default value is N, If the customer is minor, enter Y in this field. 23. Date of Birth – If the above field is entered as Y, the user need to enter date of birth of the minor customer. 24. Guardian Code – Enter the guardian code i.e. M for mother, F for father, D for defacto guardian, O for others & C for court appointed. 25. Guardian Name – Enter guardian’s name. PASSPORT DETAILS There are 6 fields available in this block. If the customer is not a NRE customer, all these fields can be skipped. 26. NRE (Y/N) – If the customer is NRE, enter Y in this field. 27. Passport Num – Enter passport number. 28. Details – Enter details of passport. Page 55 of 294
29. Issue Date – Enter issue date of passport. 30. Expiry Date – Enter Expiry date of passport. 31. Nationality – Default is IN (India), enter the country code of the customer or select the same from the list. STAFF DETAILS There are 2 field available in this block. If the customer is Staff or Ex-Staff of our bank, these two fields may be filled accordingly. 32. Customer Staff – Default is N, Enter Y if the customer is staff of our Bank. 33. Employee ID – If the customer is employee of any of the branches which are working on Finacle, his/her employee id (PF No.) can be entered or selected from the list. If the customer is employee of non-finacle branch and his/her employee Id is not available in the list, please enter STAFF in this field. If the customer is Ex-Staff of our bank, the user may enter STAFF in this field. Press F4. The cursor will automatically appear in Combined Statement field. 34. Combined Stmt – Enter N, if the customer does not need combined statement. If the customer requests for combined statement, enter Y in this field. In that case the user needs to enter frequency for statement which is available on the first page of General Details block of CUMM. Press F4. An alert (box) may appear on the screen. Press Enter key or click mouse on OK button. The customer ID is generated by the system and same can be seen in Customer ID field. If the user wishes to open an account with the same workflow, Press F4, otherwise the user can press F3 to quit. If the user press F4 the system shall bring the following screen on computer.
Screen 13 35. Scheme Code – Enter the scheme code under which customer wishes to open an account e.g. SBGEN is scheme code for SF A/c for general public or CAGEN is scheme code for CA A/c for general public. Press F4. Page 56 of 294
36. GL SubHeadCode – Default GL Subhead code shall appear. The user may press F4 to continue. 37. Int. Rate Code – Rate code according to the scheme selected may appear in this field. The user may press F4 to continue. 38. Amount – Enter the amount which the customer would like to deposit in account as a part of account opening. 39. Part tran Type – Default is C (Credit). 40. Type [C/T] – Enter C (Cash) If the customer wishes to deposit above amount by cash in the a/c which is being opened, else enter T (Transfer). 41. Sub Type [NR/CI] – If the user select C (Cash) in the Type field, the user need to enter NR (Normal Receipt) in this field. If the user select T (Transfer) in the Type field, the user need to enter CI (Customer Induced) in this field. 42. Xfer A/c no. – If the user select Type as T (transfer) and subtype as CI (Customer induced), the user need to enter a/c no from which the amount will be transferred to the account which is being opened. Press F4.
Screen 14 43. Mode of Oper – Enter the code for mode of operation, or select the same form the list. OTHER DETAILS 44. Cheque Allowed – Default Y, If the customer is not to be made entitled for cheque book, enter N in this field. 45. Acc Pref Dr. – Enter preferential rate of interest in this field. This preferential rate may be applicable in this account for TODs. 46. Acc Pref. Cr – Enter preferential rate of interest in this field. If the customer is of special type. E.g. if the user enters 1 in this field, the system will give a benefit of 1% of interest over and above the prevailing rate of interest in the scheme and if the user enters -1 in this field, system will give 1% less interest in this account than the prevailing rate of interest as applicable in the scheme the user has selected while opening the account. Press F4. 47. System will display an alert in a box, with the message e.g. ‘New workflow created for user 12345MBK with workflow ID D112660’. Please not down the workflow id so as to convey Page 57 of 294
the same to user who is going to authorize cust_id and account. Press Enter key or click mouse on OK button. 48. Please note the Customer ID, A/c Number, Transaction ID and amount. Press F3 to quit from the workflow. M. How to Authorize/Verify cust_id, A/c and transaction generated through ACOPN? There are two possibilities, if the authorizer is present in the office and second; if the authorizer is not present in the office. If the authorizer is not present in the office, then any user authorized to verify cust_id, A/c No and Transaction can verify these entries through individual menu options as discussed in earlier topics. If the authorizer is present in the officer, he/she can invoke menu option DSPWFQ. 1. Invoke menu option DSPWFQ (Display Pending Workflow Items). The system shall display a list of all the workflows which are pending for authorization. Go to the workflow as noted earlier and press Control+E (Explode)
Screen 15 2. The system shall bring the screen of CUMM with V (Verify) in Function and cust_id in Customer Id field. Press F4. 3. Verify the cust_id as explained in Customer creation chapter. 4. Once the user commits (F10) in CUMM and press F3 key, the system shall automatically bring OAACAU menu option with the V in Function and A/c no. automatically in the concerned field. Verify the account as explained in this chapter. 5. After the user commit (F10) in OAACAU, press F3 to quit from the a/c authorization menu. Press F3 and come out from DSPWFQ. 6. Please post/verify the transaction through TM in modify mode. ACOPN can also be used only to open an account for the customer already having valid cust_id in finacle. In that case in the 1st screen of ACOPN, in Customer Id field, enter the cust_id of the customer of whom the user wishes to open an account. Page 58 of 294
Limitations of ACOPN – 1. Nomination details can not be captured. 2. Joint Account holder’s details, authorized signatory, power of attorney etc. can not be captured. N. SUMMARY CUM FLOW CHART FOR OPENING OF ACCOUNTS – SB / CA 1. For a new customer not having valid cust_id, create cust_id through Menu Option CUMM. Mandatory sub options G – General Details E - Currency details. Other co-mandatory sub options M - Minor Details N - NRE details T - Trade Finance Details. 2. Verify the cust_id through Menu Option CUMM. 3. For the customer already having valid cust_id, open an account through Menu Option OAAC. Mandatory Sub Options‘G’ –General Details ‘S’ –Scheme Details Other sub options to be necessarily filled up‘N’ –Nomination details ‘A’ –Additional Party Details in case of joint accounts ‘R’ –NRI Details in case of NRI customer 4. Verify the account through Menu Option OAACAU 5. Issue Cheque Books –Menu Option –ICHB 6. Verify issue of Cheque Books –Menu Option –ICHBAU 7. Put through transactions in the account-Menu Option –TM 8. Post /Verify transactions –Menu Option –TM 9. Alternatively, for cust_id creation, account opening and transaction, use workflow ACOPN. FLOW CHART FOR CLOSURE OF ACCOUNTS –SB /CA ¾ Please check that in the account which the user wishes to close -
a. there are no transactions in entered state in the account. Menu option – TM. b. there are no standing instructions on the account. Menu option – SIM. c. account is not frozen. Menu option – AFSM. d. Account authorization/verification is not pending. Menu option – ACM. Page 59 of 294
e. account does not belong to other SOL. 2. Destroy unused cheque books –Menu Option-CHBM, function D. Note – only one cheque book can be destroyed at a time. 3. Verify destroy of cheque book through CHBM – Function V. 4. Vacate/Delete Lien marked on the account –Menu Option –ALM, function – M. 5. Verify vacate/delete of lien through ALM- function V. 6. Calculate and apply pending service charges if any –Menu Option – CACC 7. Verify charges –Menu Option -CACC 8. Calculate and apply interest if any- Menu Option –INTRUN 9. Close account –Menu Option –CAAC 10. Verify account closure – Menu Option –CAACAU IMPORTANT AND USEFUL MENU OPTIONS MENU OPTION CUMM
DESCRIPTION Customer Maintenance
PURPOSE Master To Add a new Customer
Accounts Opening
For opening new accounts
Accounts Authorization
For Verification / Modification / Cancellation of Unverified Accounts
Account Opening workflow
Workflow to create cust_id, account and deposit money in an account.
Accounts Maintenance
For Modification of Verified Accounts And Other Inquiries/Maintenance
Account Inquiry
Inquiry on Account
Closure Charges Collection
To calculate/apply Account Closure Charges
Accounts Closing
For closing accounts
Accounts Authorization
List Joint Holders
To view Joint Holders/ All Related Parties
Interest Table Maintenance
Pass Sheet print
To view/modify Interest Table (Rates) To Print Statement Of Accounts
Pass Book print
To Print Passbooks
A/C Selection
Customer Selection
To make inquiries selected accounts To make inquiries selected customers
- For Verification / Cancellation of Closed Accounts
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Prepared by: Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad TRANSACTION MAINTENANCE In finacle, all type of cash and transfer transactions can be handled through menu option TM (Transaction Maintenance). Menu option TM does not allow user to add Clearing transactions, but the user can post/verify all type of transactions (cash, transfer & clearing) through the menu. Various fields in menu option TM are discussed below. We will discuss the TM through examples. A. How to enter cash deposit transaction in accounts like SB,CA,CC & OD ? TM menu option is divided into four blocks. The blocks are separated from each other by double lines. The blocks from top to bottom are Function, Transaction, Option and status. 1. Menu option – TM Function Block – 2. Function – A (Add). User can press either Tab or enter or F11 key to go to the next field. 3. Tran. Id, Tran date and transaction remarks may not be entered. 4. Type/Subtype (Mandatory) – This field is divided into two parts. Transaction Type and Transaction Subtype. In the first field, press F1 to get the help; the help message suggests to enter C for cash, T for transfer and L for clearing. Enter C in the Type field. The cursor will be automatically placed in subtype field. In the second field, user can press F2 to get the list of valid codes. As, in this example an account needs to be credited, select NR – Normal Receipt by pressing Shift+F4. If the user knows that NR stands for Normal Receipt, he can type the same in this field instead of pressing F2 and selecting NR from the list. Press F4. The screen is shown in Screen 1 as below.
Screen 1 Page 61 of 294
The system will activate the transaction block and the cursor will be placed in the A/c No. field. 5. A/c No. (Mandatory)– Enter the account no. i. If the a/c of the customer is with the SOL of the user who is entering the transaction, then the user can enter short a/c no e.g. 019322, instead of entering all 16 digits 4177000100009322. ii. If the a/c of the customer belongs to other SOL, user needs to enter all 16 digits of the a/c no. iii. If the user knows the short name of the customer in finacle, he can enter the short name and press F2; system will display all the accounts of the customers having the characters entered in their short name. Select the desired a/c no by pressing Shift+F4. After entering a/c no, if the user presses Control+E (Explode) in a/c no field, system will activate ACI (Customer Account Inquiry) menu option internally and will display account details in inquiry mode. Press F11 or enter or tab key. If the user presses F4 or F11 key, system will display name of the a/c holder against the a/c no. & a/c balance, shadow balance, available amt., & effective available amt in the status block (right-bottom side). Also, the system will display Cust Status, Mode of operation, GL subhead and a/c status at the leftbottom side of the status block. Signature viewing 6. In the transaction block, after entering the a/c no, user can press F9 to view the signature. If the signature is not available in the finacle, the system will display a message ‘Image Record does not exist for this Account Id’. Case 1 – If only one signature is attached to the account System will display the signature attached to this a/c, if it’s already uploaded and verified.
Screen 2 Page 62 of 294
7. User needs to click mouse (left button) in the signature window for seeing various views of signature. i. User can press left arrow of keyboard to see inverse view; to bring the original view of the signature user needs to press left arrow again. ii. User can press right arrow of the keyboard to flip the signature horizontally; to bring the original view of the signature user needs to press right arrow again. iii. In the same way, user can press up arrow of the keyboard to flip the signature vertically; to being the original view of the signature user needs to press up arrow again. 8. The signature view also displays the account no., and any remarks as entered during scanning of the signature. It’s advisable that during signature scanning, Name of the Account Holders and Mode of Operation may be entered. This may help the user to take necessary action. 9. To exit from the signature screen, click mouse (left button) in the signature window. Press F4. 10. Click the mouse on Transmit button (which is available next to menu option field). Press F3. The system will come back to transaction screen. Case 2 – If the a/c has more than one signatures attached to it 11. If the a/c has multiple signatures attached to it, the system will display following screen –
Screen 3 12. The above screen shows that there are 2 signatures attached to this a/c. The user can also see that 1st signature’s image access code is DE (i.e. Deleted). User may not require to view the deleted signature. If user is not authorized to view DE (Deleted) or IN (Inoperative) type of signatures and presses Control+E (Explode) to view the same, system may display the message ‘Image Access Denied’.
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13. To view the next signature, bring the cursor to the next record by pressing down arrow key. Press Control+E (Explode) to view the signature. Follow the steps to view and close the signature window as described in case 1 above. 14. After viewing the signatures, press F3 to quit from signatures list screen. Note – User having DBA work class can authorize the users to view Deleted or Inoperative signatures through menu option UPM (page 3 of UPM). 15. Amount (Mandatory) – Enter the amount of transaction. 16. The next field is type of part transaction (Mandatory), which is default C i.e. Credit because the user is crediting the a/c by cash/normal receipt (C/NR). 17. Transaction particulars (Mandatory) – This field is free text field. The particulars entered in this field will be printed in the Passbook/Statement of a/c. User shall enter suitable particulars in this field. Press F4. 18. The system will place the cursor in the Specify Option field. This is displayed in Screen 4 as below.
Screen 4 19. Specify Option- default value will be displayed as ‘E- Enter Entire Part Tran’. Press Down Arrow to see other part tran. User can see that system has automatically generated debit part tran. Please note that whenever the transaction is Cash/Normal Receipt, system automatically generates debit part tran i.e. Dr. - Cash in Hand in India. Case 1 – If the user is not authorized to post the transaction Press F10 to commit in the Specify Option field. User can see that in the left-bottom part of the screen, system will display Tran Id, please note it. Also, system displays that how many Dr and Cr part trans have been entered in this transaction (Entered Dr/Cr). Screen 5. Note: If the system finds some abnormality in the part tran, it’ll display message ‘Warning: Exceptions Encountered’ in the status bar. To see exception in a part tran during entry state, then in Specify Option field type ‘K – Check Part Tran’ and press F4. System will Page 64 of 294
display list of warnings/exceptions. If user wishes to accept the part tran with exceptions, press F4. Case 2 – If the user is authorized to post the transaction In the Specify option field, if anything other the P is displayed, press delete key to delete the character and type P (Post part tran). Press F4 key. System will display the status (rightbottom side of the transaction block) as *P POSTING REQUESTED. Using Up/Down arrow on the keyboard, go to every part tran and type P in the specify option field and press F4. Finally press F10 to commit the transaction.
Screen 5 In the left-bottom part of the screen, system will display Tran Id, please note it. Also, system will display that how many Dr and Cr part trans have been entered in this transaction (Entered Dr/Cr) and how many Dr and Cr part transactions have been posted in this transaction (Posted Dr/Cr). Please note that the number of Dr and Cr part transactions displayed against Entered Dr/Cr should tally with the number of Dr and Cr part transactions displayed against Posted Dr/Cr. B. How to enter and post the above transaction in the Fast mode ? Menu option – TM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Function –A. Press F11 or F4 key. Type/Subtype – C & NR (Cash/Normal Receipt). Press F4 key. A/c No. – Enter A/c No. Press F4. Amount – Enter amount of the trans. Press F4. Enter transaction particulars e.g. By Cash. Press F4. Specify Option – Using Delete key, delete E and enter P. Press F4, press down arrow, the system will display debit part tran, press F4 and press F10 to commit the transaction. Note the tran Id.
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Note – During posting of the transaction, system may raise warnings/exceptions/errors. If the user is authorized to override warning and exceptions he can press F4. If any error type of exception is raised, the same can not be overridden by the user. C. How to enter cash withdrawal transaction in accounts like SB, CA, CC & OD ? Menu option – TM 1. Function (Mandatory)– A (add) 2. Type/Subtype (Mandatory) – In the type field enter C (Cash) and in Subtype field enter NP (Normal Payment). Press F4 key. The system will activate the transaction block and the cursor will be placed in the A/c No. field. 3. A/c No (Mandatory) – Enter A/c No. Press F11 (Transmit) or F4 (Accept) key. 4. Amount (Mandatory) – Enter the amount to be withdrawn. 5. The system will automatically display D (Debit) in the part transaction type field. 6. Particulars (Mandatory) – Enter the transaction particulars e.g. To Self. 7. Inst Type (Mandatory) – There may be two scenarios – i. If the Cash withdrawal is by using Withdrawal slip, enter WS in the field. This can also be selected from the list. Press F2 and go to WS (Withdrawal slip) record using down arrow. Select WS by pressing Shift+F4. ii. If the Cash withdrawal is by using cheque leaf, enter CHQ in this field. This can also be selected form the list.
Screen 6 8. Inst No. – This field is mandatory if Inst. Type is entered as CHQ. This field is divided into two parts. In the first part enter alpha part of the cheque (optional) and in the second part enter printed no. (Mandatory) of the cheque leaf. If the cheque is already marked as stopped or destroyed, system will display error message at the status bar as ‘Cheque Stopped’ or ‘Cheque Unusable’ respectively and will not allow to proceed with the transaction. 9. Inst. Date - This field is mandatory if Inst. Type is entered as CHQ. Enter the cheque date. Press F4 (Accept) key. The system will bring the cursor in the Specify Option field. System will not accept Post dated cheque.
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Case 1 – If the user who is adding the transaction is not authorized to post the transaction 10. Specify Option – Press F10 to commit. Note the tran id. Case 2 – If the user who is adding the transaction is authorized to post the transaction 11. Specify option – Delete the field and enter P, Press F4, the system will update the status of the part tran as *P POSTING REQUESTED, use down/up arrow key to go to the next/previous part tran respectively, and press F4. After marking all the part trans as P (Posting requested), finally Press F10 to commit. System may raise warning/exceptions; if the user’s work class is sufficient, he can press F4 to accept the warning/exceptions and proceed with the posting of the part trans. Note the tran id D. How to post transaction entered by other user? Menu option – TM User can post the transaction in Modify mode of TM. 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Tran id (Mandatory) – enter tran id of transaction. Press F4. The cursor will appear in Specify Option field. 3. Specify Option – Type P (post) and press F4. If the system finds some abnormality in the part tran, it’ll raise warning or exception or Error. If the user has sufficient work class to override the warning/exception, he can press F4 to accept the same and proceed with the posting of part tran. User can see that the status of this part tran has been changed to ‘*P POSTING REQUESTED’. Press Down/Up arrow to go to next/previous part tran. In ‘Specify Option’ field, P is already there, simply Press F4 to post the part tran. Follow this step for all part trans. 4. Press F10 to commit. 5. System will display tran id and status of transaction in left-bottom part of the status block. Please ensure that number of Dr and Cr part trans in Entered state must tally with number of Dr and Cr part trans in Posted state. 6. Press F3 twice to exit from TM menu option. The maker and checker concept is applicable in TM, which is explained as below – i. ii.
If the user U1 enters the transaction and user U2 posts the same transaction, the transaction will automatically get verified. If the user U1 enters and posts the transaction, the transaction will remain in posted state. User U2 needs to verify the transaction through TM, to make the status of the transaction as Verified.
E. How to Verify the transaction posted by other user? The user who enters/posts the transaction can not verify the transaction. System will raise the error ‘Not authorized to verify part tran’ Menu Option – TM 1. Function – V (Verify) 2. Tran id (Mandatory) – enter tran id of transaction. Press F4. The cursor will appear in Specify Option field. Page 67 of 294
3. Specify Option – Type V (Verify) and press F4. User can see that the status of this part tran has been changed to ‘*V VERIFY REQUESTED’. Press Down/Up arrow to go to next/previous part tran. In ‘Specify Option’ field, V is already there. Simply Press F4 to verify the part tran. Follow this procedure for all part trans. 4. Press F10 to commit. 5. System will display tran id and status of transaction in left-bottom part of the status block. 6. Press F3 to exit from TM menu option. F. How to enter Transfer type of transaction? Menu Option – TM 1. Function – A (Add) 2. Tran id – leave it blank, as system will allot a new transaction id. 3. Tran. Date – you may leave it blank, as system will automatically pick up today’s date. If you wish to enter today’s date in this field, press Control+X. 4. Type (Mandatory)– Type T (Transfer) 5. Subtype (Mandatory)- Press F2 for list. Select CI (Customer Induced) from the list by pressing Shift+F4. CI (Customer Induced) subtype is used when the request is originated from the customer. If the transaction is originated from the Bank’s side e.g. charges etc., user can enter BI (Bank Induced) in this field. Transaction block – User can see that on the right-top side of the transaction block number 1 is displayed. It means that this is part tran No. 1. 6. A/c No. (Mandatory)– Enter A/c No. Press F11 twice or press F4. System will display Effective 7. Available amt., Shadow balance (i.e. funds in clearing) in the bottom-right side of the screen. 8. Amount (Mandatory) – Enter amount. Next to this field is type of part tran i.e. debit or credit. Enter D (Debit) or C (Credit) in this field. 9. Particulars (Mandatory) – Enter relevant particulars. E.g. ‘To transfer’. Please note that, whatever user enters in this field, will be printed in the customer’s a/c passbook/statement. 10. Inst Type (Mandatory) – Whenever customer’s a/c is debited through C/NP (Cash/Normal Payment) or T/CI (Transfer/Customer Induced) type of transactions, this field must be filled. Press F2 for list. Select the relevant instrument type e.g. VC (Debit Voucher) or CHQ (Personal Cheque) etc. 11. Inst No. – This field is mandatory if instrument type is selected as CHQ (Personal Cheque) etc. If select instrument is of type VC, this field need not be filled. In the first field, enter Alpha part (optional) of the instrument and in the next field enter printed serial no. of the instrument (mandatory). 12. Inst Date – This field is mandatory if instrument type is CHQ etc. Press F4. The cursor will appear in ‘Specify Option’ field with the default value as ‘E- Enter Entire Part Tran’. To enter next part tran – 13. Specify Option –In this field, E (Enter Entire Part Tran) is already displayed; simply press F4 and blank part tran block will appear on the screen. Follow steps 6 to 12. To enter next part tran – Follow steps 13 & 14. Page 68 of 294
When all the debit and credit part trans are entered Case 1 – If the user is who is adding the transaction is not authorized to post the transaction 14. Specify Option – Press F10 to commit. Please note the tran id generated by the system displayed at the left-bottom part of the status block. System also displays that how many Dr and Cr part trans have been entered in this transaction against Entered Dr/Cr field. Case 2 – If the user who is adding the transaction is authorized to post the transaction 15. Specify option – Delete the field and enter P, Press F4, the system will update the status of the part tran as *P POSTING REQUESTED, use down/up arrow key to go to the next/previous part tran respectively, and press F4. System may raise warning/exceptions; if the user’s work class is sufficient, he can press F4 to accept the warning/exceptions and proceed with the posting of the part trans. If system raises error, the same can not be overridden by the user. 16. After marking all the part trans as P (Posting requested), finally Press F10 to commit. G. How to change wrongly entered a/c no in TM?? When we enter a/c no and transaction details, we press F4 to come to Specify option field. Now, if we find that the a/c no. is wrong, we will enter ‘M’ in specify option field and press F4 to modify transaction details. But the system won’t allow us to modify a/c no. In this eventuality, we have to delete the part tran and enter a new part tran. The steps are as follows – 1. In specify option field, use up/down arrow to go to the part tran which is to be deleted. 2. Specify option – type D (Delete Part Tran) & press F4. The system will show part tran status as ‘ *D DELETE REQUESTED’. Now we need to enter a new part tran with desired a/c no. 3. Specify Option – Type E (Enter Entire Part Tran) and press F4. Proceed with new part tran. Deleted part transaction does not need verification.
Screen 7
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H. How to grant instant TOD through TM ?? If there is shortfall in the customer’s a/c while debiting it through TM and if the user wants to grant instant TOD, following steps may be followed to do so 1. After entering part tran details like a/c no, amount, part tran type, inst. type etc, press F4 to come to Specify Option field. If the Eff. Avail. Amt is below the amount entered in the amount field, system will display a message in the status bar ‘Warning: Exceptions encountered’. User can see the list of exceptions encountered at his stage by entering K (Check Part Trans) in the specify options field. If the user enters K in specify option field and presses F4, system may display the list of exceptions. E.g. in this case, system may display following screen –
Screen 8 User can press F4 or F3 on this screen as per the choice. Case 1 - If the user is not authorized to grant TOD in the a/c 2. Specify Option – Enter E and press F4. Enter other part trans as discussed earlier. Case 2 – If the user is authorized to grant TOD in the a/c 3. Specify Option – If the user wants to grant Instant TOD at this stage, type ‘N – Instant TOD Details’ (or press F2 for list & select option N by pressing Shift+F4) and press F4. 4. System shall bring Instant TOD Details screen. System will display the grant date & advance amount (shortfall) to be granted as a part of instant TOD in this transaction. System will also display Expiry date, penalty date; user shall not modify these dates. System automatically treats this advance type as Single (i.e. single transaction) & advance category as Clean (i.e. without security). 5. Permitted By (Mandatory)– Enter finacle user id of the official who has permitted the TOD. User can press F2 for list of finacle users’ list. 6. Remarks – free text. Press F4. The system will bring the cursor back to specify option field.
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Screen 9 7. Proceed with other part trans as explained in above para’s. After entering all the part trans, if user may want to post the transaction. 8. Specify option - enter P and press F4 to post the part tran. Using Up/down arrow go to every part tran and repeat this step. 9. Press F10 to commit. I. How to post transaction in modify mode of TM in which Instant TOD needs to be granted in an a/c? Please note that it is not necessary to enter instant TOD details during entry of the transaction, as instant TOD can be granted while posting the transaction also. Menu option – TM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Tran Id (Mandatory) – Enter the tran Id. Press F4. 3. Specify Option – In the normal circumstances, user may try to post the transaction by typing P & pressing F4 in the specify option field. In such cases where there is insufficient balance in the account, system shall raise the exceptions which may be similar to the following screen.
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Screen 10 4. Press F3. 5. Specify Option – To grant instant TOD, enter delete P, enter N and press F4. Similar screen as Screen 9 will be activated by the system. System will display grant date, advance amount, advance type as Single, advance category as Clean. User shall not modify Expiry Date and Penalty Date. User needs to enter finacle user id of the official who has permitted the instant TOD in Permitted by field. User may enter instant TOD remarks in Remarks field (optional). Press F4. The system will display the part tran and cursor will be placed in Specify Option field. 6. Specify option – Delete N and enter P. Press F4 to post the transaction. Go to the other part trans using up/down arrow and post them. Finally press F10 in Specify option field to commit. J. How to copy one part tran to create similar part tran ?? Say, user has entered one part tran and pressed F4 to come to specify option field. Now, if he wants to enter similar part tran, then in specify option field, type ‘C – Copy Entire Part tran’ and press F4. System will generate new part tran with the similar details as of the part tran at which the user has entered C & pressed F4 in specify option field. User can modify necessary details and can press F4 to come to specify option field. K. What are other options available in Specify Option field? In Specify option field if the user presses F2 key, a list of options will be displayed on the screen.
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Screen 11 1. Option A (Additional Part Tran Details) – Some transactions need additional details to be entered. During addition/posting/verification/inquiry, user can enter A and press F4 in this field to know additional details, if they are already entered. Examples i. ii.
While issuing DD, system asks details like branch D.No on which DD is to be issued, Payee name, purchase a/c No/name, commission etc. These details are captured by the system as a part of additional details. While crediting Term Deposit A/Cs, system asks flow code like Principal Inflow, Installment Inflow etc. These details are captured as a part of additional details.
2. Option K (Check Part Tran) – This option can be visited during addition of a new transaction. After entering necessary fields, when the user press F4 key to come to Specify options field, system may display a message at the status bar as ‘Warning: Exceptions Encountered’. User can visit the list of warning/exceptions by entering K and pressing F4 in this field. 3. Option – L (List Part Trans) – This option can be used to see the list of all part trans. The list displayed on the screen contain various details of every part tran like srl. No of the part train in the transaction, A/c No, Inst No. (if entered), Status of the part tran (like P for posted and V for verified & blank for entered but not posted/verified), Tran Dr. Amount, Tran Cr. Amount & Currency. In the bottom part of the screen, system also displays information like how many part trans are entered, posted & deleted. 4. Option O (Other Part Tran Details) – Can be used to inquire about the details like users who have entered, posted and verified the part tran along with the date and time of the activity. 5. Option Q (Quit) – Can be used to quit from the transaction, without saving. 6. Option B (Show Components of Balance) – This option internally activates menu option ACCBAL. Can be used to know the details about the a/c entered in the part tran; like Clear Balance, Available Amount, Funds in Outward Clearing, total of amounts of cheques lodged
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in inward clearing, Drawing Power, Adhoc limit, Lien marked, Overdue liability etc. ACCBAL discussed in detail later in this chapter. 7. Option U (Show Part Tran Totals) – Can be used to know the total of all the Debit & Credit part trans. 8. Option W (Release Lien Details) – User can release lien(s) is they are already marked on the accounts opened under scheme types SBA, CAA, ODA, CCA, BIA, FBA & TDA. Release of Lien can be accessed only for debit part transactions. If the option is invoked, system may display all the active liens on the account. The user can select any record from the list o mark off the liens against the debit amount of the part tran. If the liens amount is grater than the debit amount, then lien is released partially. If the debit amount is grater than or equal to the lien amount then the entire lien will be marked off. L. How to Inquire Account’s Ledger? Menu Option – ACLI (Account Ledger Inquiry) Please enter A/c No., Start Date & End Date. User can press F9 to see signature(s) attached to this account. Press F4. System will display the list of transactions entered in the account since the day of migration of the account to finacle.
Screen 12
Screen 13
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The screen is divided into two parts. The1st part is displays status of the account and 2nd part displays all the transactions which are in posted/verified state in the account. The 1st part displays A/c No, Name, GL Subhead, A/c Open date, Close Date (if the a/c is closed), Currency of the account, A/c status, opening & closing balance and available amount. Funds in clearing is total of amounts of cheques which have been lodged & in released shadow balance state in Outward Clearing). Float Balance is total of amounts of cheques lodged (including unverified) in the outward clearing but not in release show balance state. The 2nd part displays the transactions in the account (posted & verified), with the details like date,, particulars, Dr. Amount, Cr. Amount and balance. User can use up/down arrow key (or Control U/Control D if the list is bigger) to scroll in the list of transaction. User can press Control+E (Explode) to get into details of a particular transaction. When user presses Control+E (Explode), system internally activated TM (TI) menu option in inquiry mode. When the transaction details are displayed, user must type Q (Quit) in specify option field, press F4 & F3 keys in sequence to come back to the ledger. M. How to find tran id, if it is not noted during transactions? It’s quite possible that user may forget to note tran id and it may be required to find the same. FTI menu option can be used to find tran id. Menu option – FTI (Financial Transaction Inquiry)
Screen 14 1. Set Id – User can enter the set id who has initiated the transaction. 2. A/c sol Id – Sol id where the a/c is being maintained. 3. Today’s Tran only – This is default Y, which means system will search the transactions done in Sol BOD date only. This field must be kept blank, if user wants to search transactions in other dates also. Page 75 of 294
4. A/c No – User can enter a/c no. 5. Currency – If user wants to search transaction done in a particular currency, the same can be entered in this field. Press F2 for list and select currency code by pressing Shift+F4. 6. Inst Id – If user wants to search transaction done using a particular instrument, the same can be entered in this field. In the 1st part, alpha part can be entered and in the 2nd part printed No. can be entered. 7. Inst Type – If user wants to search transactions done using a particular instrument type e.g. CHQ, DD, PO, VC the same can be entered here. System will display all such transactions in which this inst type exists. 8. Tran Amt Low – If user wants to search transactions having amount equal or above a particular amount, the same can be entered here. System will display such transactions in which tran amount is equal or above the amount entered in this field. 9. Tran Amt High –User can search transactions in which amount is less than or equal to the amount entered in this field. 10. Start Date – Enter the date from which onwards user wants to search transactions. If this date is earlier than BOD date, user should keep the ‘Today’s Tran Only’ as blank. 11. Report Code – This field is validated against ‘Report Code’ available in TM. 12. Entered User ID – If user wants to search transactions entered by a particular user, his/her user id may be entered in this field. 13. Posted User Id – If user wants to search transactions posted by a particular user, his/her user id may be entered in this field. 14. Delivery Channel – If user wants to search transactions done through a particular delivery channel, the same can be entered in this field. 15. Reversal Tran Flg – Enter Y if only reversed transactions are to be searched. 16. Tran Id – Enter tran id if all the transactions having a particular tran id are to be searched. 17. Tran Type – Enter C (Cash) or T (Transfer) or L (Clearing), if all the transactions of a particular type are to be searched. 18. Tran SubType- Enter (or select from the list) a particular transaction subtype, if all the transactions of a particular subtype are to be searched. 19. Part tran Type- Enter C (Credit) or D (Debit) to list only particular part tran type. 20. Only Value Dated – User can enter Y if the transactions in which value date is entered. This field is available in TM. 21. Reference No. – This field is related to reference No. in the TM. 22. GL SubHead Code – Enter (or select from the list). If user wants to search transactions accounts pertaining to a particular GL Sub Head Code, the same can be entered in this field. 23. Inter Sol Tran Only – Enter Y if only intersol transactions are to be searched. 24. Tran Status –Valid values are E (Enter), P (Posted), V (Verified) and D-Deleted. E.g. if user wants to search/list transactions which are entered but not posted/verified, he can enter E in this field. If user wants to search/list transactions which are posted but not verified, he can enter P in this field. If user wants to search/list transactions which are verified, he can enter V in this field. If user wants to search/list transactions which deleted, he can enter D in this field. 25. Show Cash Part Tran – User can enter Y in this field, if he wants to list only part trans related to system cash accounts. Enter N to exclude system cash accounts related entries from the result/list. 26. Acct Status – Valid valued are A (Active), I (Inoperative) and D (Dormant). If user wants to search/list transactions done in inoperative accounts only, he can enter I in this field. Examples of use of FTI – 1. User wants to know in which A/Cs high value transaction (100000/- and above) have been done (in verified state), in today’s date. a. In start and end date, by default today’s date is displayed. b. Today’s trans. Only is set to Y i.e. system will display transactions done in today’s date only. Page 76 of 294
c. Tran. Amt Low – Enter 100000 d. Tran. Amt High –may be left blank, which means there is no upper cap on amount (system will pickup maximum amount possible). e. Tran. Status – Enter V (Verified). f. Press F4. The system will process the request and will display the result accordingly which may look like screen 15.
Screen 15 The result of the query include - tran date, tran id, part tran no of the entry in voucher, type of part tran (i.e. C for Cash/ L for Clearing/ T for Transfer), Account No. in the part tran, Currency of the part tran, Transaction particulars, Amount, type of entry (D for debit and C for credit) and status of part tran (E – Entered, P-Posted, V-Verified & D-Deleted). If the system doesn’t find any entry fitting in the criteria as entered in FTI, it will display a message ‘Query causes no records to be retrieved’. 2. User wants to know transactions pending for posting entered by a particular user. a. Entered User Id – enter the user Id of the user who has entered the transactions. b. Tran Status – Enter E (Entered). Press F4. 3. User wants to know debit transactions done in cash account of his own branch pending for posting. a. A/c No. – enter a/c no of cash in hand in India a/c of the branch which may be
Menu Option – FTR (Financial Transactions Inquiry & Report) 1. Screen lay out of FTR is similar to FTI. Please enter the criteria of the inquiry/report and press F4. 2. System will display the result accordingly. If there are no records to be displayed, system will display message ‘Query causes no records to be retrieved’. 3. If the result in the form of list is displayed, user can press F4. 4. System will display print parameter acceptance form. a. Fore/Background? – Please enter F b. Print Required? – If the printer is connected to the computer from which user is running this menu option, then user may enter Y, else N. i. If user enters Y in print required field, then he needs to press F4. The second block will be activated. Specify no. of copies to be printed, printer on which report to be printed & whether the system shall delete the report after printing and press F10. If the printed is connected to the computer and user wants to print the report, he must start ILINKWEB before pressing F10; otherwise system will display a fatal error and user will be automatically logged out from finacle. ii. If user enters N in the print required field, then he can press F10. System will generate the report and will keep the same in the Print Queue of the user. Use menu option PR and view or print the report. O. Can the user verify transactions in mass? Menu Option – TV Menu option TV can be used to mass verify transactions which are already in posted state. User can not mass verify transactions posted by him. Enter the selection criteria of transactions to be selected for mass verification. 1. Status – by default P (Posted) 2. Select Flag – by default Y; which means the system will mark all the transactions displayed in selected state for mass verification. Press F4. The system will display the transactions which have been already posted by users other than the one who has invoked this menu. 3. User may see * before the transaction date which means the record is in selected state. User can press F10 to mass verify transactions which are in selected state.
Screen 16 Page 78 of 294
P. How to delete transactions in entered state? Menu option - DTE (Delete Transactions in Entered Status) User having DBA work class can invoke this menu option. 1. By default user’s SOL id is displayed in the sol Id field. Press F4. 2. System will display all the transactions which are in entered state. * Sign appears on the left side of every tran id, which indicate that the transaction is selected for deletion. If the user wants to deselect the transaction, he needs to press Shift+F4 to do so. System will display only those transactions in which all the part trans are in entered state. 3. Finally, after selecting the desired transactions for deletion, user needs to press F10 to commit the operation. 4. User can inquire/take report of deleted transactions using menu option FTI or FTR. User need to enter D (Deleted) in tran. status field of FTI/FTR. Alternative Menu option – TM Users not having DBA work class can also delete transactions in entered state using menu option TM. 1. Function – D (Delete) 2. Tran id – Enter tran id of transaction which is to be deleted. Press F4. System will allow this operation only on transaction in which all the part trans are in entered state. 3. Specify option – Press F10 to commit. 4. Press F3 to quit from TM. Q. Can a Template of transaction be created? For a transaction of repetitive in nature, user can create a template so that it can be used every time to avoid creation of transaction again and again through TM. Menu option – TTM (Transaction Template Maintenance)
Screen 17 Page 79 of 294
1. Function – A (Add) to create a new template. Other functions are D-Delete, U-Undelete, MModify, I-Inquire & L-List of Templates. 2. Temp. Id (Mandatory) – Enter id to be allotted to this template. It’s a free text field of 9 chars long. 3. Next field is particulars – Enter the particulars of template. It’s a free text field. 4. Press F4. 5. Type/Subtype (Mandatory)- Enter the type of transaction similar to TM. Enter C for cash or T for transfer. In the subtype field, enter the subtype similar to TM e.g. NR for Normal Receipt, NP for Normal Payment, CI for Customer Induced, BI for Bank Induced etc. Press F4. The cursor will appear in Specify option field. 6. Specify Option – If the user wants to enter a new part tran, he needs to enter E in this field (which is appears by default) and press F4. 7. A/c No – Enter the account no. and press F11 twice. 8. Enter the transactions details like amount, type of part tran (C-Credit or D-Debit) which is mandatory, Instrument type etc. similar to TM. Press F4. 9. The cursor will appear in Specify option field. 10. Follow steps 6 to 8 for all the part trans. 11. Specify Option - Once all the part trans are entered, user can press F10 to commit/save the template. 12. Once the template is saved, user can press F3 to quit from menu option. One the template is saved, it can be used any number of times. How to use template in TM? Menu option – TM (Transactions Maintenance) 1. Function – C (Copy) 2. Tran Id – Enter the template id which is already created through menu option TTM. Press F4. 3. The system will display 1st part tran and cursor will be placed in Specify Option field. 4. Specify Option - If user wants to modify part tran details, he can enter M in this field and press F4; except a/c no, user can modify all the details of the part tran. Follow the procedure of TM as explained in previous topics. R. How to create post dated transaction? Menu option – PTM (Post Dated Transaction Maintenance) System allows to create post dated transaction, but does not allow to post it before the tran date as entered in PTM. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – A (Add) to create a new transaction. Tran Date – Enter the future date; system does not allow to enter BOD date in this field. Follow the steps of entering a transaction as explained in TM. Specify option – Press F10 to commit. System may allot a transaction id (starts with SD1) which may be noted by the user.
Transactions entered through PTM can be posted/verified on the date entered in tran date field of PTM. Posting/Verification may be done through menu option TM. S. How to print vouchers? Menu Option - VCHR VCHR may be used to print user and system generated vouchers. Page 80 of 294
1. Service Outlet – By default user’s Sol ID is displayed in this field, enter the service outlet or select the same from the list. 2. Account Ownership – Valid values are O for office, E for Employee and C for customer. 3. Currency – By default INR is displayed. User can enter the currency of the vouchers to be printed. 4. Cust From & To – If user wants to print vouchers of all accounts of customers falling in a range he can enter from and to cust_IDs. 5. A/c From & To - If user wants to print vouchers of accounts falling in a range he can enter from and to A/cs. 6. Date From & To - If user wants to print vouchers of dates falling in a range he can enter from and to dates. 7. Amt From & To - If user wants to print vouchers in which amounts are falling in a range he can enter from and to amounts. 8. Tran Type – Valid values are C-Cash, L-Clearing & T-Transfer. If user wants to print vouchers of cash transactions, then he can enter C in this field, same is the case for clearing and transfer. 9. Sub Type - User can enter sub type of transactions. 10. Dr/Cr – If user wants to print only Debit or Credit part trans of vouchers, he can enter D for debit and C for credit. 11. Tran Id- If user wants to print only a particular voucher, then the tran id of the transaction may be entered in this field.
Screen 18 12. After entering the required criteria, press F4. 13. If no entries are found by the system, system will display a message ‘Query Causes No records to be retrieved’, otherwise system will display all the part trans of the transactions as per the criteria entered in various field. 14. Press Shift+F4 to select individual part trans to be printed. 15. Press F10 to commit. 16. System will display print parameter acceptance form. Follow the steps for generating and printing the report as explained in section N of this document.
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T. How to see various details (components) of an account? Menu Option – ACCBAL
Screen 19 Enter the account No and press F4. • • • • • • • • • • • •
Clear Balance – clear balance available in the accounts. Sanction limit – Total of Limits sanctioned in the account. Funds in clearing – Total of amounts of all the instruments lodged in the outward clearing and sent to the Clearing House/RCC. User can click mouse in the dummy field available against the field and press Control+E (Explode) to see instrument details. Float Balance - Total of amounts of all the instruments lodged in the outward clearing but not yet sent in the outward clearing. User can click mouse in the dummy field available against the field and press Control+E (Explode) to see instrument details. Drawing Power – Drawing power of the accounts is displayed against this field. There are two sections in this screen for limits Secured Limits and Clean Limits. Secured Limits – This section has three parts; Adhoc, running and single transaction limits. These limits can be entered through menu option ACTODM. System may not make the limits available until necessary changes in DP (Drawing Power) are not made. Clean limits – This section has three parts; Adhoc, running and single transaction limits. These limits can be entered through menu option ACTODM. System may make the limits available without changing the DP (Drawing Power). DACC Limit – This is Debit Against Clearing Cheques. DACC limit can be entered through option H (limit history details) during account opening (OAAC), or subsequently can be changed though menu option ACLHM (Account Limit History Maint.). Lien Amount – The total of all liens marked on the account will be displayed. Overdue Liability – This field may be the total of instant TODs granted in the account. System Reserved Amount – The system marks a temporary lien on account of transactions originated through ATM or Internet Banking or Inward Clearing. When the user lodges Page 82 of 294
instrument in the inward clearing, the system immediately carves the required amount from the account i.e. marks a temporary lien. Note – 1. Cash transactions can not be entered in back date. 2. The Intersol transactions can only be done by the user having tenor as Free (F). To make the user free user, please use menu option UPM and modify the details. UPM can be accessed by users having work class of DBA. 3. If a batch of transactions is to be entered in TM, it’s advisable that after entering some part trans, please save the transaction & note the tran id. Use TM and function Modify to enter remaining part trans.
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Prepared By – Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad TRANSACTIONS IN SUNDRY / SUSPENSE A/Cs Sundry & Suspense Accounts are called Office Accounts in Finacle. Office accounts in Finacle are 13 digits long. Sundry & Suspense accounts are mapped under OAP (Office Account Pointing) scheme type i.e. originating entry in Sundry accounts shall be credit; and debit in suspense account. While reversing the entries user shall select outstanding entries in respective accounts only. In Finacle, any outstanding entry in OAP (scheme type) type of accounts has to be reversed fully (partial reversal is not allowed). A. TRANSACTION IN SUSPENSE ACCOUNT Let’s take an example of granting an LFC advance to an employee who has a saving fund account in the branch. Menu Option - TM
Screen 1 1. Function (Mandatory)– A (Add) 2. Type/Subtype (Mandatory) – Enter T (Transfer) in the first field and BI (Bank Induced) in the next field. Press F4. 3. A/c No. (Mandatory)– If the user knows the account number of suspense, he can enter it; otherwise, he can type first few characters of account like SUSP and press F2 for the list. A list of all the accounts whose account names are starting with the characters entered (in our example SUSP) shall appear. Using Up/Down arrow of keyboard, go to the account which is to be debited and press Shift+F4 to select it. 4. Amount (Mandatory) – Enter the amount. 5. Type of Part Tran (Mandatory) – In our example we are debiting the suspense account for granting the advance, user shall enter D (Debit) in this field. Page 84 of 294
6. Particulars (Mandatory) – Enter the relevant particulars in this field. 7. Value Date (Mandatory) – System automatically displays BOD (today’s date), if any value dated transaction is to be entered, then the date can be changed. 8. Ref No. – Although this field is not mandatory, but the user shall enter reference which will help the user to identify the outstanding entry while reversing the same. Press F4. 9. The cursor shall appear in Specify option field. 10. Specify Option – As in this example we are entering transfer entry, system shall not create credit part tran automatically and we need to enter the same. Therefore, type E and press F4. (In case of cash / normal payment transaction, system shall automatically create credit part tran and therefore user need not enter it) 11. A blank part tran screen shall appear. Enter the credit part tran details as discussed in Transaction Maint. topic. (Mandatory fields while entering credit part tran are a/c no., amount, part tran type and particulars). After entering values in the relevant fields, press F4. The cursor shall appear in Specify Option field. 12. If the user is authorized for passing the transaction, he can post the transaction; otherwise the user shall press F10 to Save / Commit & note the transaction id on the voucher and then another authorized user shall post/verify the voucher through menu option TM. B. REVERSAL OF AN OUTSTANDING ENTRY Let’s take an example to reverse the above entry which is outstanding in suspense a/c. In this example we will reverse this entry to the debit of LFC A/c. Menu option – TM 1. Function (Mandatory)– A (Add) 2. Type/Subtype (Mandatory) – Enter T (Transfer) in the first field and BI (Bank Induced) in the next field. Press F4. 3. A/c No. (Mandatory)– Enter the account which is to be debited / credited. As in our example, we are reversing suspense entry; we will debit the LFC A/c (Office A/c). 4. Amount (Mandatory) – Enter the amount. 5. Type of Part Tran (Mandatory) – In our example we are reversing the outstanding suspense entry, the user shall enter D (Debit) in this field. 6. Particulars (Mandatory) – Enter the relevant particulars in this field. 7. Value Date (Mandatory) – System automatically displays BOD (today’s date), generally it need not be changed. If any value dated transaction is to be entered, then the date can be changed. Press F4. 8. Specify option – Type E (Enter Entire Part Tran) and press F4. A blank part tran screen shall appear. 9. A/c No. – Enter the suspense/sundry account number of which entry is to be reversed. 10. Enter Amount, part tran type (C for Credit and D for Debit, in our example we will enter C), particulars etc. and press F4. 11. Minor subsidiaries screen shall appear.
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Screen 2 12. The system shall display start amt & end amt equal to the amount entered in amount field of the voucher, which means that the system shall display all the outstanding entries whose amounts are equal to the amount displayed in above two fields. 13. As in our example, we are reversing only one outstanding entry in suspense account, the user shall press F4.
Screen 3 14. System shall display all the entries outstanding in suspense account with the amount as displayed in Screen 3. 15. System may display multiple records in the list. Using Up / Down arrow keys, user shall locate the outstanding entry which is to be reversed. While locating outstanding entry, user shall meticulously check transaction date, particulars and Ref. Num. for the entry which is to be reversed. 16. After locating the entry, press Shift+F4 to select the entry for reversal. User shall ensure that the * sign appears on extreme left hand side of the entry. Press F4 to come back to TM.
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17. If the user is authorized for passing the transaction, he can post the transaction; otherwise the he shall press F10 to Save / Commit & note the transaction id on the voucher and then another authorized user shall post/verify the voucher through menu option TM. C. REVERSAL OF MULTIPLE OUTSTANDING ENTRIES WITHIN ONE TRANSACTION Let’s take an example of reversing two suspense outstanding entries (one entry of Rs. 1770/- and another of Rs. 2000/-). Let’s assume that the total outstanding amount (i.e. Rs. 3770/-) is to be debited to customer’s / office account(s). Menu option – TM 1. Function – A (Add) 2. Type/Subtype – T (Transfer) and BI (Bank Induced). User can use transaction type as T /CI (Customer Induced, as the case may be) Press F4. 3. A/c No. – As in our example, we are reversing suspense entries, we need to select suspense account. As user may not remember account number of suspense, he can type SUSP and press F2. 4. Select suspense account in which entries are outstanding and are to reversed, by pressing Shift+F4. 5. Amount – Enter total amount of reversal. (in our example Rs.3770/-) 6. Part tran type – C (Credit). 7. Particulars – Enter transaction details/particulars as per requirement. Press F4. 8. System shall display minor subsidiaries details screen as shown in Screen 4.
Screen 4 9. System shall display start amt and end amt as total of all credit (debit in case of sundry a/c reversal) part tran amounts of account whose entries are to be reversed (in our example suspense a/c). User shall change start amt to the lowest and end amt to highest of all entries to be reversed. Press F4. 10. System shall display a list consisting of all outstanding entries between the amounts as entered in the start and end amt fields.
Screen 5 Page 87 of 294
11. Using Up / Down arrow keys, user shall locate the outstanding entries which are to be reversed. While locating outstanding entry, user shall meticulously check transaction date, particulars and Ref. Num. for the entry which is to be reversed. 12. After locating the entry, press Shift+F4 to select the entry for reversal. User shall ensure that the * sign appears on extreme left hand side of the entry. Steps 11 & 12 shall be repeated for selecting appropriate entries for reversal. User shall check that the total amount of all entries selected for reversal shall be equal to total amount of all credit amount (debit in case of sundry) part trans. This status is available at the bottom of the screen (display fields Current tran amt & Total). Press F4 to come back to TM. 13. User then shall enter contra entry/entries in customer’s / office Account(s). 14. If the user is authorized for passing the transaction, he can post the transaction; otherwise the he shall press F10 to Save / Commit & note the transaction id on the voucher and then another authorized user shall post/verify the voucher through menu option TM. Alternatively, user shall enter individual credit part trans for reversal of outstanding entries in suspense account (in our example one for Rs.1770/- and another for Rs.2000/-) as discussed in point B. This could be a lengthy process if user wants to reverse more than 2/3 entries, as for every reversal entry separate part tran for suspense outstanding entry reversal would be required. D. INQUIRIES AND REPORTS a. Inquiries Menu Option - IOT (INQUIRE ON TRANSACTIONS) This menu option can be used to inquire about outstanding and reversed entries as per the criteria entered by the user. Let’s take an example to see outstanding entries in Suspense account – Others account.
Screen 6 1. SOL Set Id – Enter the Set / Sol ID, or select the same from the list. 2. A/c No. – Enter the Account number of the sundry/suspense account of which user wishes to list the entries. 3. Start Date – Enter the date from which onward user wishes to inquire the entries. 4. End Date - Enter the date up to which user wishes to inquire the entries. 5. Start Amt – Enter the amount above which user wishes to list the entries. 6. End Amt – Enter the amount up to which user wishes to list the entries. Page 88 of 294
7. If the user does not enter any values in the above 4 fields, system shall list all the entries irrespective of dates & amounts. Therefore, if your wishes to list all the entries, it’s advisable that no values be entered in the above 4 fields. 8. Filter – Valid values are U (Unresponded i.e. outstanding) or F (Fully i.e. already reversed). 9. Press F4
Screen 7 10. Depending upon the criteria, the system shall list the entries (Screen 7). If no entries are found fitting in the criteria entered, the system shall display a message ‘Query caused no records to be retrieved’. If the user is inquiring about outstanding entries, he can see that Reversed Amts. are zero against all the entries listed. 11. Optional - User can press Control+E (Explode) on any listed entry to see the transaction details. The system shall automatically bring Transaction Inquiry screen. In the specify option field, user can press Up / Down arrow to view other part trans. In the specify option field, user shall type Q and press F4 to quit from the Transaction Inquiry screen. b. REPORTS Menu option – PNBREP
Screen 8 1. Type 10 (Deposits Returns Reports Module) in the input bar and press F4. 2. The system display submenu. 3. Enter 10 (for suspense accounts) or 12 (for sundry accounts) and press F4, as shown in Screen 9. Page 89 of 294
Screen 9 4. System shall ask some values like SOL Id, from date, to date etc. User shall enter the values as per the system’s requirement. After entering every value, user shall press F4. 5. After entering all the values as per the system’s requirement, system shall generate the report. User shall wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. 6. Once the progress indicator turns back to green, user shall type Q (quit) in the input field and press F4 to quit from the menu. 7. To view/print the reports, user shall invoke the menu option PR (Print Reports). 8. System shall display a list of reports generated as per the user’s criteria.
Screen 10 9. User can see that in case of suspense accounts, system has generated 4 reports. Using Up / Down arrow user shall go to the report which is to be viewed / printed. 10. In the field provided at the bottom-left side, user shall type T and press F10 to view the report. 11. While viewing the report, user shall press F4 key to go to the next page; type – (minus) and press F4 to go to previous page; type page number and press F4 to directly go to the required page. 12. User shall type Q and press F4 to quit from the report. C. INQUIRY THROUGH TM / TI On the basis of transaction Id and transaction date, user can inquire about the sundry/suspense entries are reversed. Menu Option – TM or TI (Transaction Inquiry) Page 90 of 294
1. Function – I (inquiry) 2. Tran Id – Enter the transaction id. 3. Tran. Date – If the transaction which is to be inquired was happened in the date prior to today’s date, then user shall enter that date. Press F4. 4. System shall display transaction details. Using Up / down arrow keys go to the part tran of suspense / sundry account. 5. Specify Option – Type A (Additional Part Tran Details) and press F4. System shall display details of sundry / suspense entries which are reversed in the transaction being inquired.
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Prepared By : Anil K Aggarwal Sr.Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad ACCOUNT FREEZING In Finacle AFSM menu option allows a user to Freeze or Un-freeze any or all accounts of a Customer. Freezing of Account/Accounts. Step 1. 2. 3.
Field Menu option Function Customer_id
Freeze Reason Code Freeze Code
Step 6.
Action Enter AFSM at the menu option place and press ENTER. Enter F in the Function Field for Freezing an account & press Tab. Enter Customer_id of the customer whose account is to be frozen & press Tab. Enter Freeze Reason Code. Valid codes can be selected from the list, which can be seen by pressing F2 key. Press Tab. Enter Freeze Code i.e. T for Total Freeze, C for freezing Credit only and D for Debit freeze only. Press F4. System will display a list of all accounts of the customer whose customer_id has been given in the customer_id column duly marked * in their beginning. It means system has selected all the accounts of a customer. The accounts which are not to be marked freeze can be deselected by pressing Shift+F4. That means * prefixed accounts can be marked as Freeze. The screen will appear as follows:
Action Press F10 to commit.
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Verification Step 1. 2.
Field Function Customer id
Action Enter V for verification and press Tab. Enter Customer id of the account holder and Press F4. System will display all the accounts which have been selected for marking freeze duly prefixed with * This has been shown on next page below. Press F10 to commit. The account has been marked as Freeze.
Unfreeze Step 1. 2.
Field Function Customer id
Action Enter U in the Function Field and press Tab to go on to the next field. Enter Customer id of account holder whose account is to be unfreeze & Press F4. System will display the screen as shown on the next page.
Press F10 to commit. Like Freeze, UN Freeze also requires verification. The procedure is the same as applied in case of Freeze. Page 93 of 294
LIEN MAINTENANCE For the purpose of future settlement of the debt or obligation of a customer, if Bank retains any of his deposits, is referred to as Lien. This is a type of caution on the customer deposit account/s, so that the amount under lien may not be paid through an oversight. By marking lien on an account, the clear balance amount gets reduced to the tune of lien amount. The customer is not allowed to withdraw the amount of lien (full or part) unless the lien is vacated. A user defined lien can be marked manually through menu option ALM. Here in this chapter we shall explain the procedure to mark user defined lien. 1. Account Lien Maintenance System permits to place User Defined Lien on various types of accounts using menu option ALM. Through ALM, we can Add, Modify, Inquire, Verify Lien & can cancel it before verification. The provision is also available to view List & History of Lien. 2. Lien Marking Invoke menu option ALM. On invoking this menu option system shall ask for Password of the user invoking this menu option. Enter Password and Press F4. Repeat the Password & Press F4. System will display ALM Screen. To see the various functions Press F1, system will display a window showing all the functions, as referred above under para 1. Click on Ok, to close window. Step Action 1. Enter A in the Function field for adding/marking Lien & Press Tab. 2. Enter A/c No. on which the lien is to be placed & Press F4. System will itself pick up the module type as ULIEN & cursor will blink on the field (New Lien Amount) at the bottom showing field value as 0.00. Make the field blank either by deleting 0.00 or Press Ctrl F. 3. Enter Lien Amount and Press Tab. 4. Enter Lien Expiry Date if available. Normally the lien expiry date is not available; therefore enter the maximum date like 31.12.2099 or the same field can be left blank. Press Tab. 5. Enter the reason code for marking lien. List of reasons can be seen by pressing F2. Select the reason from the list by pressing Shift F4. Press Tab. 6. Enter the remarks if any, if the reason code is selected as others then the reason may be entered in this field. The screen will look like as follows:
Page 94 of 294
ALM Screen showing various fields duly entered. TO ENTER MORE LIEN ON THE SAME ACCOUNT PRESS DOWN ARROW KEY & FOLLOW STEPS 3 TO 6. 7.
Press F10. Lien has been entered. Verify the same.
3. Lien Verification Once the lien is marked, it has to be verified by other user having sufficient work class. The menu option is the same i.e. ALM. Step Action 1. Enter V in the Function field of the Account Lien Maintenance Screen. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Enter Account Number in the Account No. field (or Press F2, the system shall list all the accounts on which liens have been marked but not verified. Press Shift+F4 to select the account which a user wish to verify) and press F4 to Accept. A list of records of liens on the account to be verified is displayed. The cursor ( > )is positioned at the first record in the list. Use up arrow, down arrow key to move to the record that you want to verify. Press F10 to commit. The cursor will return to the Function field. Press F3 to quit from ALM.
System will display ALM screen with lien details as shown below:
4. Modify existing Lien and/or Marking another Lien in the same account. Step 1. 2. 3. 4.
Action Invoke ALM menu option. Enter M (modify) in Function field & Press Tab, Cursor shall appear on A/c No. Field. Enter Account Number and Press F4. System shall display the lien already marked in the account and cursor will appear on the lien amount field. You can modify details of existing lien. Use arrow key to navigate through multiple Page 95 of 294
5. 6. 7.
records. To mark new lien Press down arrow key at the last lien record, the amount field shall display 0.00. Delete 0.00 and enter the amount of another lien to be marked. Press Tab. Enter Lien Expiry Date (this is not mandatory). Press Tab. Enter valid reason for marking lien. The reason can also be selected from the list as described above in Lien Marking. Press Tab. The cursor shall blink on the next blank field. This is the text field. Any remark, if required, can be filled in it.
screen showing addition of second lien in the same account through modify mode. 5. Other user has to Verify new lien as per the procedure explained above under heading 3. Lien Verification. This completes the addition of new lien in the same account. 6. Lien Revocation/Modification Step Action 1. Enter M in the Function field of the Account Lien Maintenance screen. 2. Enter the account number in the Account Id field and press [F4]. 3. A list of records of the liens on the account is displayed. The cursor is positioned in the Lien Amount field of the first record. 4. Use down arrow key, or up arrow Key, to move the cursor on to the record that you want to modify or vacate/revoke. 5. Enter/modify details of the lien i.e. if the amount of lien is to be vacated/revoked then modify the lien amount to 0 (zero) or if the lien amount is to be increased or reduced then modify the amount to that extent and press F10 to commit. The cursor will return to the Function field. 7. Verifying Lien Modification/Revocation. Procedure of verification is the same as described above.
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8. LIEN INQUIRY Inquiry on lien on any account can be made through the menu option ALM. Invoke ALM option. Enter I in the function field and fill the Account Number on which the inquiry is to be made. Press F4. System will display list of all liens marked on the account as shown below:
Lien History: If history of lien is to be seen then Enter H in the Function field on the ALM Screen, enter the Account Number & Press F4. The system will display the screen shown on next page.
screen showing above history of lien in an account Page 97 of 294
Here in the above screen it can be noticed that first lien of Rs. 2000/- was marked on 17.04.2003 and then it was released on the same date. Again on 17.04.2003 another lien was marked for Rs. 25000/- of which the general details were modified and the same was released on the same date. It can be noticed that before the date of lien creation/modification of each record one alphabet M, or R, or G, are shown which means M for Marked, R for Released and G for General Modifications. The other details relating to history as shown above can be viewed by exploding (Press Ctrl+E key) on any of the records. The screen will appear as shown on the next page. How to see Lien marked through ACI/ACM? Lien marked in an account can also be inquired through the menu option ACI or ACM and sub option T. System will show all the records of existing liens in an account. This can be further exploded by pressing Ctrl+E key.
screen showing above lien released
screen showing above lien is marked Page 98 of 294
Prepared by: Anil Kumar Aggarwal Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad INVENTORY MOVEMENT BETWEEN LOCATIONS Cheque Books, Demand Drafts, TPO, FDR, Cash Order etc. are called as the Inventory in Finacle. As per the manual procedure, these forms are kept in Double Lock (DL) when they are received from Stationery Department. Before printing/issuing such instruments, it’s very necessary to move such inventory from DL to the Employee location. In Finacle, Inventory Movement is the activity through which these Security Forms are moved from one location to another location like from Outside location (stationary division) to Double lock (i.e. branch), from Double Lock to Employee, from Employee to another Employee. IMC is the menu option in Finacle through which the inventory can be moved from one location to another location. The procedure for moving the inventory is described below: A. MOVING OF INVENTORY FROM ONE LOCATION TO ANOTHER. 1. Invoke menu option IMC. Function field.
The following screen will appear and cursor will appear in the
2. Press F1 key to see the valid function codes on message bar.
3. Enter A for ADD, in Function field and Press F4, the cursor will appear in the next block at From Locaton field.
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4. Let’s assume that the inventory is received from Stationery Division. Enter ZZ in the first field and EXT in the next field (i.e the inventory is being moved from Outside to Double Lock whenever new inventory is entered in the system as and when the new security forms are received) & press Tab or ENTER Key twice, the cursor will appear at To Location field. 5. Enter DL in the first field & DL in the next field, Press F4, the cursor will appear in the next block at the Inventory Class/Type field. 6. Enter Inventory Class like CHQ for Cheque Book, CO for Cash Order, DDS for Demand Draft, SI for Stock Invest, TDR for Term Deposit Receipt, TPO for TPOs etc. The list of Inventory Class can be seen by press F2. Please see below:
the type of inventory will be automatically be selected if the class is selected from the list by pressing Shift F4, otherwise enter the type of inventory and press Tab or Enter key to go on to the next field. 7. Alpha. Enter Alpha Series of inventory e.g. ABZ & press Tab or Enter key to go on to the next field. 8. Start No. Enter Start No. of inventory e.g. the start no. is 100001. Press Tab to go on to the next field. 9. End. No. enter the end no. of inventory e.g. e.g. 101000 & press Down Arrow Key the system will automatically display the quantity which is being moved. Please see the screen shown below:
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9. Follow steps 6 to 9 for moving another inventory from the location & to the location as specified in function block. Finally, press F10 to commit the record. 10. The system shall generate an Inv. Tran. No. like 68999 (as shown below). Please note this transaction no.
11. Verify this inventory transaction through the menu option IMC, B. VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MOVEMENT: 1. Invoke menu option IMC, enter V for verification and press Tab to go on to Invt. Tran. No. field. 2. Enter Invt. Tran. No. In our example it’s 68999 and press F4 to go on to the next block. 3. System shall show the following screen duly displaying the record of inventory to be verified.
4. Press F4, the system will display another screen as follows:
5. Enter password of Authorised Officials who can operate Double Lock. In this case the authorized officials are 79710MK & 70000MK. User 79710MK & 70000MK have to enter their passwords in the respective fields. On accepting password the flag of password will automatically convert to Y from N as shown above. Finally Press F10 to commit. 6. The system will give the message Record Verified as shown in the following screen.
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C. INVENTORY MOVEMENT FROM DOUBLE LOCK TO EMPLOYEE 1. Invoke menu option IMC. 2. Enter A in the Function field and Press F4, the cursor will appear at the field From Location in the next block. 3. Enter DL in the first field & DL in the next field (if the inventory is being moved from Double Lock to Employee) that means inventory is being moved from Double lock to Employee for his further action. & press Tab or ENTER Key twice, the cursor will appear at To Location field. 4. Enter EM in the first field and Employee’s Employee ID (i.e. generally PF No.) of the user to whom the inventory is being moved/issued, in the To Location field, as shown in the following screen. This Employee id/PF No. can also be selected from the list which is available by pressing F2. Press F4, the Cursor will appear in the next block at the Inventory Class/Type field.
5. Enter Inventory Class/Type, Alpha, Start No., End No. as explained at Point No. 6, 7, 8 & 9 under the procedure MOVING OF INVENTORY FROM ONE LOCATION TO ANOTHER, above.
Press F10, the system will generate a inventory transaction id, note down the transaction id number. To verify this inventory movement, invoke menu option IMC. Enter Function as V for verification, enter inventory transaction id and Press F4, system will display the inventory record moved to the employee location. Press F4, the following screen will appear:
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Follow the procedure as explained at point no. 5 under title VERIFICTION OF INVENTORY. Please note that apart from entering password of DL Authorisers, Password of inventory recipient’s user will also to be entered. D. INQUIRE, SPLITING & MERGING OF INVENTORY After the inventory is issued at the employee location, the concerned employee should execute the menu option ISI to inquire that whether the said inventory is available at his location. See the following screen on execution of menu option ISI, the Locn Class/Code is automatically displayed of the user at whose location an inquiry is made. Enter Inventory Class/Type and Press F4.
screen 1 On pressing F4 as explained above, the following screen will appear:
screen 2 Press Ctrl E, the system will display the record of the inventory as shown below:
screen 3 Press F3 three times to come back on the Function Field of ISI menu. E. SPLITTING OF INVENTORY Invoke ISI menu option, enter S in the Function field & Press F4 for splitting the inventory. The cursor will appear at Locn Class/Code field, Press Tab key twice. Let’s take am example of splitting above mentioned inventory available at employee location. Enter CHQ as Inventory Class and CA25 as Inventory Type as shown below:
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screen 4 Press F4, the system will show the inventory record as shown in the screen 3 above. Press Shift F4 to select the record. The following screen will appear wherein the Start Serial Number is shown by default by the system.
screen5 Press Tab to go on to Items per Unit field and enter 25, as this inventory is to be splitted in the unit of 25 each, Press Tab and enter No. of Units, as 4 & Press F10, the system will display a message as Record Split is Successful! & the cursor will appear at the Function Field. To see the splitted record of inventory, delete S in the Function field and enter I for Inquire and Press F4 the cursor will appear in the next block. Press Tab twice. Enter Inventory Class as CHQ & Type as CA25 & Press F4, a screen will show the record as shown above in the screen 2. Press Ctrl E, the system will display the splitted record of inventory in the unit of 25 leaves each as shown below:
screen 6 Press F3 four times to come back on to the main menu screen. F. MERGING OF INVENTORY At the time of day end when the remaining inventory is to be returned back to the Officer concerned, User can MERGE the splitted inventory and move the inventory back to the officer. The system does not restrict a user to move the inventory without merging.
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To merge the inventory invoke menu option ISI, enter M in the Function Field and Press F4, the cursor will appear at the Locn Class/Code, Press Tab & enter Inven. Class/Type & Press Tab. Enter Start Serial Number i.e. Alphabetic portion of inventory & start serial number of inventory to be merged & Press Tab. Enter Quantity, as shown below:
screen 7 Press F4, the system will shown another screen displaying the records to be splitted, as shown below in the screen 8:
screen 8 Press10. System will shown the message Records Merger is Successful ! This can again be inquired into whether the merger is successful. G. DESTROYING OF INVENTORY If any inventory is to be destroyed say e.g. the Draft is not printed properly by the system then we have to select next number of inventory for printing of that Draft but the earlier number of Draft Leaf has to be destroyed. The procedure for destroying an inventory is the same through the menu option IMC as we follow at the time of moving an inventory from one location to other location. In case of Destroy, the To Location Field has to entered as DI DI as shown in the following screen:
For Functions: A-ADD, I-Inquire, L-List, M-Modify, V-Verify & X-Cancel. For generating List of Inventory: Enter L for List in Function field & Press F4 twice, the system will display list of all type of inventory with the status as Authorised, Entered but not Authorised & Deleted. Page 105 of 294
If list of Authorised, Entered but not Authorised & Deleted Inventory at a particular location is to be generated then enter the Location Code along with the Status of Inventory and Press F4. ISI ISIA ISR ISRA IMR IMI
For Inquiry, Splitting & Merging of Inventory. For Inquiry, Splitting & Merging of Inventory, at other locations. Inventory Status Report at EM (own location) Inventory Status Report at other Locations Inventory Movement Report Inventory Movement Inquiry.
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Prepared By : Anil K Aggarwal Sr.Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad CHEQUE BOOK ISSUE & MAINTENANCE Cheque Book can be issued by the user at whose location the inventory is available. How to Issue Cheque Book: Cheque Book can be issued using menu option ICHB. The issue of Cheque Book is complete only after the same is verified through menu option ICHB by the other User. Invoke Menu Option ICHB On invoking the menu option ICHB, the following screen shall appear:
cheque book issue first screen Function Block is mandatory to be filled in. The valid options are I for Issue, V for Verify, X for Cancel & P for Print. In our Bank Print option is not being used and cancellation of Cheque Book can be done before the same is issued and verified. To issue a cheque book, Enter I in the function block and Press Tab. The cursor will go on the Account No. field. Enter account number to which the cheque is to be issued and Press Tab. The cursor will blink on Cheque Book Ack. Obtained. Enter Y if the acknowledgment of cheque book is received, else enter N. Here, it is clarified that when an account holder comes in person to get the cheque book issued then this field has to be filled in Y because in such case there is no need to obtain its acknowledgment. In case the cheque book is to be issued to a third party then the Cheque Book Ack. Obtained Flag is to be entered N till the acknowledgement is received. Press F4, to go to next block. Cheque Book allowed for the account flag, Balance in the account and Total Unused Leaves will be displayed by the system. The cursor will blink on Cheque Book Type. Issue Date i.e. BOD Date and Cheque with i.e. the Employee_id (on whose location the cheque book is available) fields are displayed by default. Press F2 for viewing the list of Cheque Book Type (i.e. SB Cheque Book, CA Cheque Book etc. containing 20 leaves or 25 leaves) available for issue. Select the related Cheque Book Type by
Page 107 of 294
pressing Shift+F4 and press F4, the system shall display the cheque books available for issue as shown in the following screen:
Select the cheque book to be issued from this list by pressing Shift+F4 and press F10. The cheque book stands issued. But the same is to be verified. Verification of Cheque Book Issued: Verification of cheque book is to be done through the menu option ICHB. Invoke menu option ICHB, enter V in Function and press Tab. Enter Account number to which the cheque book is issued or press F2 to see the list of Cheque Book issued pending for verification and select the Account No. by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4, the system shall display the cheque Book issued as per the following screen:
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The cursor shall blink on the field Collect MICR Charges? By default the value is Y, the same can be set to N if no charges are to be collected. PressF4, the cursor will appear in the beginning of the Cheque Book Record. Press F10 to commit. The cheque book issued is verified. However, in case the cheque book is issued to the Minor A/c then the system shall raise an exception, which can be accepted by pressing F4 or if not then to Quit by pressing F3. Cheque Book Acknowledgement: The Cheque Books issued of which the acknowledgement flag has been given as N, can be marked as Y through the menu option CHBM (Cheque Book Maintenance). The valid values are A: Acknowledge, C: Caution, D: Destroy, X: Cancel, I: Inquire, V: Verify and U: Undo Caution. Acknowledge, Caution, Destroy, Cancel, Inquire, verify and Undo Caution can be done through CHBM. A: Acknowledge, invoke menu option CHBM and enter A. Press Tab, the cursor shall blink on the Account number field. Enter Account no. in which the cheque book is to be acknowledged and Press F4. The under mentioned screen will appear.
If required the details of each leaf of Cheque book can be seen by exploding the record here. But for acknowledging the Cheque Book select the record, as displayed above, through Shift+F4 & Press F10 to commit. Acknowledgment Verification This is to be verified through the same menu i.e. CHBM by other User. The other user shall invoke the menu CHBM, Enter V in the Function Block and Press Tab, Enter Account No. and Press F4. Same screen as shown above shall appear. Press F10 to Commit. However, If a user wants to see the status of each leaf, before committing, he may note down the begin cheque number and press F3. In the function block, enter the begin cheque number in the Begin Chq. No. Field and Press F4, the system shall display the status of all the cheque leaves (down arrow key can be used to see more records) as follows;
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Press F10 to commit. The acknowledgment is verified. C: Caution: Caution can be marked on the cheques of which the status is UNUSED. That is to say that caution cannot be marked on a cheque which has not been acknowledged. Caution on a Cheque can be marked through menu option CHBM. Invoke menu option CHBM: Enter C in the Function Field, Press Tab, Enter Account No., Press Tab, Enter Begin Ch. No., Press Tab, Enter No. of Leave & Press F4, system will display equal number of cheques as entered in No. of Leave Column starting from the Begin Ch. NO. The system will also display the Current Status of Cheque and New Status of Cheque as shown in the next screen.
Page 110 of 294
Press F10 to commit. Verification of Caution: The caution marked Cheque can be verified with the same menu option i.e. CHBM by the other user. Invoke the menu option CHBM, Enter V in the Function Field, Fill in the Account No. and Begin Ch. No. & Press F4. The system will display Cheque pending for verification of Caution. Press F10 to commit. It is to be noted that system allows payment of caution marked cheques. However, an exception Cheque Cautioned
Destroy Verification Invoke menu option CHBM, enter V in Function field & Press Tab, Cursor shall move on to the Account Number field. Enter Account Number & press Tab. Enter Begin Cheque Number and Page 111 of 294
Press F4. System shall display the Cheque leaves marked for Destroy as shown in the following screen. Press F10, cursor will blink at the Function field. This means that the cheque leaves marked for Destroy have been verified. Press F3 to come on to the main menu of Finacle.
Inquire a Cheque Book Inquiry of a cheque book can be made through the menu option CHBM. Through this menu option we can know as to how many cheque books have been issued in a particular account, their date of issue, number of cheque book starting from with number of leaves and leaves’ status. The Inquiry procedure has been explained as under: Menu Option CHBM Invoke CHBM and enter I in Function Field. Press Tab and enter Account Number in which inquiry of a cheque book is to be made. Press F4, the system shall display the screen as shown on the next page. Any cheque book can be selected (Shift F4) and exploded by pressing (Ctrl E)
The above screen shows all the cheque books issued to an account. Page 112 of 294
Screen showing status of each leaf of a cheque book after the cheque book record has been exploded. Same way the inquiry of other cheque book leaves can also be made. Cheque Book inquiry can also be made while working in any screen or any menu option without quitting from it. User can press F5 or can click on Background at the menu option bar, the system will display the Background Menu as shown on the next page. At the Background menu delete the number appearing in the Make your Choice field and enter the same again before pressing F4. CHBM screen will be displayed. Enter I (for inquire) & A/c No. & Press F4. System shall display the same screen as shown above (1st Screen) under the title Menu Option CHBM. If user wants, the cheque book record can be exploded here too, for looking at status of cheque book leaves as described above.
Display of Background Menu.
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Cheque Book inquiry is also available through Transaction Maintenance and Account Ledger Inquiry menu options. In TM or in ACLI, if you enter valid A/c No in the appropriate field and explode Press Ctrl E, the system shall bring the ACI screen, with cursor blinking at Enter Option Field. Type Q (Cheque Book Inquiry), in the Enter option field and press F4 to see the cheque books issued to the customer, in the account entered in TM.
Screen shown above when exploded in TM menu option at A/c No. Field User can quit by pressing F3. STOP PAYMENT Stop payment of a cheque can be marked in Finacle through the menu option SPP. Through this menu option Stop Payment can be marked,
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See above Cursor is blinking on Option Field. Enter C for charge details and Press F4, the following screen will appear displaying charges applicable. These charges are editable.
Press F4 and then F10 to commit. Verify stop payment marking with some other user. Verification can also be done through the same menu option SPP. Invoke SPP, enter V in Function field, press Tab & enter Account No. followed by Begin Cheque No. (Account No. and Begin Cheque No. can also be selected from the list press F2 Key at Account No. Field to see the list and Shift F4 for selection of record.) and then Press F4 twice. System will display all the information entered for marking Stop Payment with cursor blinking on Option field. To visit Charge details enter C here and Press F4 to see details and again Press F4 to come back on the first page of Stop Payment Verification. Press F10 to commit. System will display message as “Charge Transaction Created: SD1186170”. That Page 115 of 294
means system has also posted charges in the account in which the stop payment has been marked. However, if system encounters any exception then the transaction will remain in entered state which can be posted manually. Inquiries of stop payment Cheque Leaf can also be made by entering Account No. in the inquiry mode after invoking SPP menu option and explode it by pressing Ctrl+E or click at
screen displayed after exploded on A/c No. Field in SPP menu option. Enter Q and Press F4. System will display record of the entire cheque book/s issued in the account. This record can be further exploded. On explode system will display the following type of screen.
Screen showing each leaf status of a cheque book after the record exploded. Page 116 of 294
Press F3 Key to Quit. Similar inquiry can also be made while working in TM or ACLI or through Background menu, as explained above in menu option CHBM. Revocation of Stop Payment Revocation of stop payment is also done through the menu option SPP. Invoke menu option SPP, enter R (for revocation) in the Function field, enter respective details in Account No., Begin Cheque No. and No. of Leaves fields and Press F4 twice. System will display the details of stopped cheques with cursor blinking on Option field as shown below:
cursor is on Option field Press F10 to commit. Verify this revocation through the same menu option SPP. Invoke SPP, enter V in Function field, press Tab & enter Account No. followed by Begin Cheque No. (Account No. and Begin Cheque No. can also be selected from the list, press F2 Key at Account No. Field to see the list and Shift F4 for selection of record.) and then Press F4 twice. System will display all the information entered for revocation of Stop Payment with cursor blinking on Option field. Press F10 to commit. Press F3 Key to Quit. SUMMARY 1. Cheque Book can be issued through the menu option ICHB, Function as I. Cheque Book can be issued by the user at whose location the inventory is available. After issue the same is required to be verified. The verification will also be done through the menu option ICHB. 2. Inquiry of a cheque book, marking of Acknowledgement, Caution & Destroy of a cheque/range of cheques can be done through the menu option CHBM. 3. Stop Payment & Stop Payment Revocation can be marked through the menu option SPP.
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Accounts Opening
For opening new accounts
Accounts Authorization
For Verification / Modification / Cancellation of Unverified Accounts
Accounts Maintenance
For Modification of Verified Accounts And Other Inquiries/Maintenance
Closure Charges Collection
To calculate/apply Account Closure Charges
Accounts Closing
For closing accounts
Accounts Closure - Authorization For Verification Accounts
Issue Chequebooks
For Issue, Verification, Cancellation And Printing Of Chequebooks
Cheque Book Maintenance
For Marking Acknowledgement, Caution, Revoking Caution, Destroying Unused Cheque Leaves, Verification And Inquiry
Inquire A/C Cheque
Cheque Book Issued Register
For Printing Chequebook Issue Register
Transaction Maintenance
To Post Transactions in the Accounts
A/C Lien Maintenance
To Mark/Release Lien on Accounts
A For Inquiring Account Number From Cheque Number
JTHOLDER List Joint Holders
To view Joint Holders/ All Related Parties
Interest Table Maintenance
Stop Payment Processing
To view/modify Interest Table Code (Rates) To enter/cancel Stop Payments
Standing Maintenance
Pass Sheet print
To Print Statement Of Accounts
Pass Book print
To Print Passbooks
A/C Selection
Instruction To Add/Maintain Standing Instructions
To make inquiries on criteria-based selected accounts Customer Selection To make inquiries on criteria-based selected customers Components of Account Balance To view break-up of an account balance Inquiry
A/C Ledger Inquiry
To view transactions in Account Ledger
A/C Turnover Inquiry
To view Turnover in account
Print Dr/Cr. Advice To Customer
Print Dr/Cr. Voucher
To Print Advices based on selected criteria To Print Vouchers based on selected criteria
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Report Of A/Cs Below Minimum To print list of accounts below minimum Balance balance
Account Freeze Maintenance
Customer Becoming Major
Customer A/C Ledger Print
Status To maintain freeze status in account To inquire / update status of minor a/c
To print Ledger Printout of criteria-based selected accounts Customer Interest Report To print Interest Application Report for a Customer’s Accounts Customer Master Print To print Master Details for Customer’s Accounts based on Selected Criteria Transfer Accounts Between To transfer Accounts From Inoperative to Subheads Operative Category Interest run on account
Application of interest on accounts
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ISSUE OF DEMAND DRAFT Case: I Issue of Single Demand Draft – Menu Option ‘TM’ 1. Type ‘TM’ at the function block and press
Type ‘DDMI’ at the finacle user menu option block and press
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Type ‘DDPRNT’ in finacle user menu option block and press
CASE II – PRINT BULK DEMAND DRAFT – MENU OPTION ‘DDPALL’ This menu option can be used to print all unprinted DD’s for a particular date. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Type ‘DDPALL’ in finacle user menu function block and pres
CASE III – PRINT DEMAND DRAFTS WITH SELECTION CRITERIA – MENU OPTION ‘DDBP’ Using above menu option, user can print drafts that meet the selection criteria given above. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Type ‘DDBP’ at finacle user menu option block and pres
The user will not be able to indicate ‘R’ where DD is not even printed once and also ‘P’ where it is already printed. The main advantage of this option is that the user is able to select records for both printing and reprinting in one shot.
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CASE IV – RE-PRINT A DEMAND DRAFT – MENU OPTION ‘DDREPRNT’ Reprinting of drafts can be done only when the original printing is already done. The user will not be able to select a record for reprinting which is not already printed. Reprinting is also required in case of issue of duplicate DD. 34. 35.
Type ‘DDREPRNT’ at finacle user menu option block and press
C. CANCELLATION OF DEMAND DRAFT – MENU OPTION ‘DDC’ A draft, which has been issued, can be cancelled only after it has been printed. Further, it can be cancelled only by the issuing sol and not by any other sol within data centre. 1. Type ‘DDC’ at finacle user menu option block and press
3. System displays the particulars of the demand draft. Press F10 to
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5. Post the transaction using ‘P’ mode in DDMP option. At the function block, type ‘P’ and enter tran id and press F4. System displays the particulars of the payee as well as of all the drafts to be paid. Press F10 to commit. 6. If any of the particulars need modification, press F3 to quit and type ‘M’ instead of ‘P’ at the function block and enter tran id. Press F4. System displays all particulars of the transaction. Make necessary modification and press F10 to commit. Note: modification of transaction is to be done before its posting as explained in step no.54. 7. Inquiry ‘I’ option is also available in DDMP menu. I. INQUIRY & REPORTS SPECIFIC DD ISSUED INQUIRY – MENU OPTION ‘DDII’ Using this menu option, user can inquire on the particulars of any specific DD that has been issued. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Type ‘DDII’ at the finacle user menu option block and press
DD CREDITS INQUIRY – MENU OPTION ‘DDIC’ Using this menu option, user can inquire on credits that have gone into the centralized DD a/c. In this inquiry, system displays the date of issue, DD number, issuing/drawee branch code, DD amount and name of payee. User has to enter selection criteria. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Type ‘DDIC’ at the finacle user menu option block and press
SPECIFIC DD PAID INQUIRY – MENU OPTION ‘DDIP’ Using this menu option, user can inquire on the particulars of any specific DD that has been paid. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Type ‘DDIP’ at the finacle user menu option block and press
DD CREDITS INQUIRY – MENU OPTION ‘DDID’ Using this menu option, user can inquire on debits that have gone into the centralized DD a/c. In this inquiry, system displays the date of issue, DD number, issuing/drawee branch code, DD amount and name of payee. User has to enter selection criteria.
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REMITTANCES Sr.No. Issue 01. Issue of Demand Draft 02. TRANSACTION TYPE 03. 04.
DO Always credit centralized DD A/c number (2107003161401) T/CI or T/BI where draft amount => Rs.50000/-
DO NOT Do not credit HO A/c.
Do not use C/NR (cash/ normal receipt) as tran type where draft amt => Rs.50000/Issue more than one draft where Do not issue single draft draft amount =>Rs.10 lacs for Rs.10 lacs & above.
Modify commission amt as displayed Do not modify by the system, when required. commission part tran where commission has For draft purchased in cash, modify been shown as “zero”. commission to 120% of what is displayed by the system. Initialize Ilinkweb before initiating Do not close ilinkweb print option. during the day until all drafts have been printed. Ensure that default term id of the user initiating print option is Do not initiate print option unless UPM of new_def. the user initiating print option has new-def as its default term id. Ensure inventory is available at employee location initiating print option and printed serial number of draft as on the leaflet is same as is appearing on screen. If print is OK, press F10 followed by F3.
If print is not OK, take 2nd print of the If print is OK, do not draft and move the draft earlier press F3 unless F10 is consumed to destroyed location done. through IMC. Do not forget to move Ensure that all drafts are printed spoiled inventory to before end of the day. destroyed location. Use DDC option to debit DD a/c to cancel DD issued after migration to finacle. Use TM option to debit HO a/c with visit screen flag as ‘X’ to cancel DD For draft issued prior to issued prior to date of migration to migration to finacle, Do finacle. Not use DDC option to cancel DD. If draft is cancelled in cash, do attach cash receipt voucher for Do not forget to attach collecting cancellation charges along cancellation charge with the cash payment voucher. voucher to the cash Page 125 of 294
Use DDLOST option to mark DD as lost and DDD to issue a duplicate DD where date of issue is after the date of migration to finacle. If date of issue is prior to date of migration to finacle, handle procedurally.
Collect duplicate issue charges and prepare/print related voucher. Drafts drawn on finacle branches will have FINACLE printed below the drawee branch code. Segregate drafts drawn on finacle branch and non-finacle branch. For non-finacle drafts, send draft advices to drawee branches for drafts => Rs. 25000/-
payment voucher Do not use DDLOST and DDD options for issuing duplicate DD if date of issue of original DD is prior to date of migration to finacle.
Do not send draft advice to the drawee branch if FINACLE is printed below the drawee branch code.
Pay Order S.No 01. 02.
Issue Issue Order
DO of
Pay Always credit PO A/c (3161101) Do not prefixed by sol id. A/c/DDA/c
DO NOT credit
T/CI or T/BI where pay order Do not use C/NR (cash/ amount => Rs.50000/normal receipt) as tran type where pay order amt => Rs.50000/Modify commission amt as Do not modify displayed by the system, when commission part tran required. where commission has been shown as “zero”. For PO purchased in cash, modify commission to 120% of what is displayed by the system. Initialize Ilinkweb before initiating Do not close ilinkweb print option. during the day until all drafts/pay orders have been printed. Ensure that default term id of the user initiating print option is Do not initiate print new_def. option unless UPM of the user initiating print option has new-def as its default term id. Ensure inventory is available at employee location initiating print option and printed serial number of PO as on the leaflet is same as is Page 126 of 294
appearing on screen. If print is OK, press F10 followed by F3.
If print is not OK, take 2nd print of If print is OK, do not the PO and move the PO earlier press F3 unless F10 is consumed to destroyed location done. through IMC. Do not forget to move Ensure that all drafts/POs are spoiled inventory to printed before end of the day. destroyed location. Use DDC option to debit PO a/c to Do not use TM option cancel PO issued after migration for cancellation of PO. to finacle. . If PO is cancelled in cash, do attach cash receipt voucher for Do not forget to attach collecting cancellation charges cancellation charge along with the cash payment voucher to the cash voucher. payment voucher Use DDLOST option to mark PO as Do not use DDLOST lost and DDD to issue a duplicate and DDD options for PO where date of issue is after the issuing duplicate PO if date of migration to finacle. Pay orders issued prior to the date of migration are not uploaded in the Collect duplicate issue charges and DST records . prepare/print related voucher. In such cases , it is to be handle procedurally.
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Prepared by: Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad TERM DEPOSITS Term deposits accounts can be opened in finacle for customers having valid cust_id in finacle. Every term deposit in finacle is treated as a separate account. User can use menu option OAAC or workflow ACOPN to open new Term Deposit account. Mandatory options in OAAC – G (General Details), S (Scheme Details) F (Flow Details) Optional options in OAAC – N (Nomination Details) A (Related Party Details) – for joint A/c holders’ details etc. C (Customer’s Instructions) X (Transaction details) 2 (TDS Details) A. How to open FDMB account ? Menu option – OAAC
Screen 1 1. Function – O (Open) 2. Customer ID – Enter customer id of the customer of which user wishes to open a/c. 3. Currency Code – By default INR (Indian Rupees) appears i.e. the currency in which user wishes to open a/c. 4. Scheme Code – If the scheme code is known to the user, he can enter the same in this field. Otherwise, user can type FD in this field and press F2 (List). System will display a list of all the scheme codes starting with FD. User can select scheme code under which he wishes to open an a/c by pressing shift+F4. While selecting scheme code, user should also see the GL subhead code of the scheme under which the account is to be opened. In this example, we are opening a FDMB Term deposit, therefore, in this field user should enter FDMB.
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5. GL Subhead – If the user enters (or selects scheme code from list), the GL subhead will appear automatically, otherwise user can enter the same in this field. Press F4 to accept the details. System will display AOF and the cursor will appear in function field. 6. Function – User can press F1 for help. There are 4 valid functions O-Open, R-Renew, EExtend & T-Transfer In. As in this example we are opening a new FDMB, user should enter O (Open). 7. A/c No – If the user is opening a new FD, then nothing is to be entered in this field. User should press F4 to accept. General Details – As the user presses F4 in the function block, system brings general details screen for account which is being opened.
Screen 2 8. Acct Name – System will automatically display the name of the customer entered in Cust-ID record. (System allows changing the name, but system will raise related exception after committing the verification of account. If the user who is verifying the account has sufficient work class, he can override the exception by pressing F4 and verify the account.) 9. Acct Short Name – This will be automatically displayed from Cust-ID. User can change the short name. 10. A/c open Date – BOD date is displayed. User can change the date. 11. Special Charge Code – This field is used to give preferential charges. Press F2 to see the list. Press Shift+F4 to select respective charge code. 12. Mode of Operation (Mandatory) – Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4. 13. Location Code – Enter the population group to which customer belongs e.g Metro, Urban etc. Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4. 14. Account Mgr. – User id of employee who is attached to this account as relationship manager can be entered. Only employee Id which is available in the list can be selected. Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4.
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15. Cash Exception Limit Dr. - Default values is 19,999.99. If the user tries to debit this account by an amount more than 19,999.99, system will raise an exception. 16. Cash Exception Limit Cr. - Default values is 99999999999999.99. 17. Clg. Exception Limit Dr. – By default 0 (Zero), which means that no debit transaction through clearing shall be allowed in this FD. 18. Clg. Exception Limit Cr. – By default 0 (Zero), which means that no Credit transaction through clearing shall be allowed in this FD 19. Xfer Exception Limit Dr. – Applicable for transfer. 20. Xfer Exception Limit Cr. – Applicable for transfer. (If the limits as mentioned in point 15 to 20 are changed by the user, system will raise exception ‘Override Default Check’ when the user commit verification of account; if the verifying official has sufficient work class he can override the exception by pressing F4 key and authorize the account verification.) 21. Remarks – free text field. 22. A/c Report Code – Default is ZERO. 23. Ledger no. – may not be necessarily filled. 24. Collect Charges – Default is Y. This means, system will collect account maintenance charges as and when they are due. 25. Turnover Details- Default is N. May be kept as it is. This field is Y, if customer wishes to have account turnover details, generally set Y for CC type of accounts. 26. Relative to Staff – Default is N. 27. Relative Staff ID – If above field is set to Y, Staff Id in this field need to be entered. The employee having the staff id entered in this field is barred from entering any transaction in this account. Press F6 to go to Next Page. 2nd Page
Screen 3 28. Passbook/Statement (Mandatory) – By default system displays R (Deposit Receipt) in this field. This should be kept as R. 29. Statement Frequency – Nothing to be entered in this field. 30. Local Calendar – Default N. Not to be changed. 31. Dispatch Mode – As the account has been enabled only for deposit receipt, there is no necessity to enter anything in this field. 32. Next Print Date – Nothing is to be entered in this field. 33. Download to PBF – Default value is N and it’s a protected field, i.e. user can not modify this field. Page 130 of 294
34. Pay Interest – Default Y, means interest will be paid for this account. 35. Collect Interest – Default N, means interest will not be collected from this FDMB account. 36. Customer Pref. Interest (Cr.) – We have already seen this field in currency details (option E) in CUMM. Generally, in OAAC we should not fill any value in this field. 37. Customer Pref. Interest (Dr.) – We have already seen this field in currency details (option E) in CUMM. Generally, in OAAC we should not fill any value in this field. 38. Account Pref. Interest (Cr) – If preferential interest is to be given to the FD being opened, over and above prevailing interest (explained in point 39), the same can be entered in this field. User can enter negative value if user wishes to pay less interest for this account or he can enter positive value in this field if he wants to pay more interest over and above the prevailing rate of interest. This field is required to be entered for preferential rate of interest for Staff/senior citizens etc. 39. Int Rate Code – For FDMB scheme, the interest rate code is TDGEN. This value need not be changed. 40. Account Pegged – Default is Y, means system will pay contracted rate of interest as entered during account opening. 41. User can press F4 to go to the Enter Option field or Press F6 to go to Next Page. If user presses F4 key then switch over to point No. 46. If the user presses F6 key, system will display 3rd page (as shown in screen 4). rd 3 Page
Screen 4 42. Contact phone – enter contact phone no. 43. Allow Sweeps - Enter Y if the sweep is allowed between accounts. Tax Details 44. Tax Category – By default T (Customer level TDS) appears in this field. Press F1 for help. If the account is to be exempted from any tax deduction as may be required in certain cases, user can enter N (None) in this field. In NRO/NRNR accounts, the user needs to modify tax category from T (Customer level TDS) to W (Account level withholding tax). 45. Withholding Tax % - Enter the withholding tax percentage as applicable to NRO a/c and prevailing at the time of a/c opening.
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Press F4 to go to Enter option field. Scheme Details – 46. Enter Option - Press F2, select S –Scheme Details option (5th from top) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into scheme details. (Or user can type S instead of pressing F2 & Press F4.) 47. Dep./Instl. Amt (Mandatory) – Enter deposit amount in case of FDs (enter installment amount in case of RD.) As in this case we are opening FDMB, we need to enter deposit amount. 48. Deposit Period (Mandatory)– There are two fields. In the 1st field user can enter number of months and in 2nd field he can enter no. of days as may be the case. 49. Value Date – By default, system displays today’s date (BOD date). If user wishes to open FD in back date, enter the same in this field. 50. Maturity Date – System will automatically calculate maturity date of deposit depending upon value date and deposit period. As such, nothing is to be entered in this field. 51. Special Category – Press F2 for list and select valid code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. Valid Special category codes are B-blocked, C-Court Order, E-Earnest Money, O-Other Bank Deposit, P-Prohibitory Order & T-Tender Money. But there is no validation provided on this field, this field is can be used only for recording and future information. 52. Availing Nomination Facility (Mandatory) – Enter Y if the customer wishes to avail nomination facility. 53. Print Nominee Name – Enter Y if the nominee’s name is to be printed on FDR. 54. Repayment A/c No – Enter the repayment a/c no in which the maturity proceeds of the FD would be credited. Press F4 to goto Enter Option field and please see point No. 59. (Or Press F6 to go to the next Page.) Depending on the request from the customer, this page may be required to be filled. 55. Auto Closure – Enter Y if the FD is to be automatically closed on the maturity date. 56. Auto Renewal – By default N (No). If customer gives option to renew the FD being opened after its maturity, then user needs to modify this field. Valid values in this field are UUnlimited and L-Limited. 57. Max Renewal Allowed – User can specify that how many times this FD is to be renewed. In case the previous field is changed to U, then nothing is to be entered in this field. If the previous field is changed to L (Limited) and user shall enter the value that how many times the FD would be renewed. 58. User needs to enter other information like scheme code, GL subhead code etc for the FD as applicable when the same is to be renewed. Press F4 to accept Scheme details. The cursor shall appear in Enter option field. Flow Details – 59. Enter option – Enter F (Flow Details) or select the same from list. Press F4.
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Screen 5 60. The system will display the expected behavior of the FD in future. The 1st part of the screen will display summary of expected transactions in FDMB from the date of opening the FD till the date of maturity of FD. In case of FDMB, flow codes will be PI (Principal Inflow), II (Interest Inflow) & TO (Total Outflow) 61. User shall Press Control + E to explode the screen. System will compute & display flow details like flow date, flow amount, flow code, account balance, transaction amount and value date, in the 2nd part of the screen. The first flow record is always PI (Principal Inflow) and is always the full amount of the principal deposit. Next flow records will be of type II (interest Inflow) for FDMB. Last flow record will be of type TO (Total Outflow) for FDMB. 62. Press F4 twice to accept flow details. The cursor will appear in Enter Option field. Joint A/C Holders’ Details (Optional) – 63. Enter Option - Press F2, select A – Related Party details option (1st from top) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into option details.
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Screen 6 The first screen displays the Main Account Holder’s Details. To enter joint account holders’ details, press Down Arrow of keyboard. 64. Relation Type (Mandatory) – Press F1 for help. The help displays various values for relation codes. P (Power of Attorney), A (Authorised Signatory), L (letter of Authority), J (Joint Holder), G (Guarantor) etc. Press Enter on OK button or click mouse on it. Enter the value in this field. 65. Relation Code – Press F2 and select the code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 66. Despatch Mode – If the account is enabled for statement, system gives user the option to send the statement to related parties added through this option. Press F1 for help. Enter the despatch mode in this field. 67. Designation Code – Press F2 for list and select the code by pressing Shift+F4. 68. Customer ID – If the related party (joint A/c holder) has a valid cust_id code, enter the same here. In that case other details of the party like address need not be entered. 69. Name (Mandatory) – Enter name of the related party. This field need not be field if party’s cust_id is entered. 70. If the cust_id of related party is not entered, Address, City, State, Country, Postal Code etc. of the related party need to be filled in. 71. If user wishes to enter one more related party detail, press Down Arrow and follow the steps 64 to 70. After entering joint a/c holders’ details, user can press F4 to come to enter option field.
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Nomination Details (Mandatory if Availing Nomination Facility flag is set to Y in Scheme Details)–
Screen 5 88. Enter Option - Press F2, select N – Nomination details option (3rd from top) by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into nomination details. (User can type N instead of pressing F2 and press F4) 89. Enter Nominee name (Mandatory) 90. Relationship (Mandatory)– e.g. Father, Mother etc. Press F2, select relationship by pressing Shift+F4. 91. Reg. No. – Registration number for nominee is default generated by the system. 92. Please enter Address. (Mandatory) Two lines are available for address; out of which 1st line is mandatory. 93. City (Mandatory)– Type first 2-3 characters of city name press F2, select city code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 94. State (Mandatory)- press F2, select state by pressing Shift+F4. 95. Country (Mandatory) – Default is IN (India). Need not be changed. If user wishes to change, press F2 and select country by pressing Shift+F4. 96. Postal Code (Mandatory) - Enter Pin/Postal Code. 97. Nominee Minor – Enter Y if nominee is minor. 98. Date of Birth – if nominee is minor, date of birth of minor must be entered. 99. Enter guardian’s details as specified in this page. 100. Press F4 to go to Enter option field User can press F10 (Commit) to save the account details. Or otherwise, depending on requirement, user can visit options 2 (TDS Details), C (Customer Instructions) options in OAAC. System will display a box on the desktop with the details like A/c No, maturity amount and maturity date. Click mouse on OK button.
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A/c No consists of 16 digits as explained below – SOL ID 417700
Product Code 31
A/c No 0000595
Check Digit 2
31 is product code for a/c opened under the FDMB scheme code. Check digit is also a part of account no. User need not remember all 16 digits. Whenever user accesses this account, he can simply enter 315952, system will automatically expand it to 16 digits. This facility is provided only when user accesses customer’s accounts of user’s own branch. User must enter all 16 digits in account no. field for accounts of customer’s of other branches. Note : During new FD account opening, if the customer already has fixed deposit in the same branch where he’s opening the new FD, and wants to know impact of TDS on FD, user can use option 2 (TDS details) to get the detailed information about TDS. B. How to verify newly opened FDMB A/c ?? Please note 1. The user who has opened the account through OAAC can not verify the account; as Maker and Checker concept is applicable in Finacle, therefore maker can not be the verifier. 2. During verification of account, no details can be changed, as all the fields are write protected. 3. Before verification, if user wishes to modify a/c details of newly opened a/c, he can use menu option OAACAU – function M (Modify). Menu option – OAACAU 1. Function – V. 2. Temporary A/c No. – Enter the A/C No which is to be verified. User need not enter all 16 digits of account; user can enter short account no. of the account to be verified. If user forgot to note account no. after committing OAAC, then user can retrieve it by pressing F2 in this field; select the account to be verified by pressing Shift+F4. 3. Permanent A/c No. – must not be entered. Press F4 to bring account details. User will see General Details of account. Press F11 twice (Or click on Transmit button twice) to visit next page. When the user is in 3rd page, press F4 to go to Enter option field. 4. Enter Option –Enter S (scheme details) and press F4 to visit scheme details. After verifying scheme details, press F4 to come back to Enter option field.. 5. Enter Option – Enter F (Flow details) and press F4 to visit flow details. After verifying flow details, press F4 twice to come to enter option field. 6. If the user nomination details are entered during A/c opening, the verifying user must visit it. Enter Option – Enter N and press F4 to visit nomination details. After verifying nomination details, press F4 to come back to Enter option field. 7. Enter option – If the related party details like joint a/c details or authorised signatory etc are entered, the verifying user should visit the same. Enter Option - A and press F4 to visit Related Party Details. Press Up/Down arrow to scroll through the records. After verifying related party details, press F4 to come back to Enter option field. 8. Enter Option - Press F10 to commit. Note : System may display warnings or/and exceptions. If the verifying official has sufficient work class to override the exceptions, he can press F4. If the user presses F4 and accept, then only account will get verified. If the user presses F3, system will not verify the account.
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Various Exceptions raised during account verification – When the user presses F10 to commit account verification, system may raise warnings or/and exceptions, if the user has sufficient work class to override these warning/exceptions, then he can press F4 to accept account verifications with warnings/exceptions. Following are warnings/exceptions – 1. Account name change exception – In the general details of account opening, system by defaults populated customer name from the customer master. If during account opening, user changes name of the customer, system may raise this exception. 2. Override default check - If user changes any of the default values populated by the system during opening the account, like cash/clearing/transfer values, a/c report code, collect charges etc, system will raise this exception. 3. Default Interest parameter change – System by default populates intt. Rate code (e.g. TDGEN) in the intt. rate code field (2nd screen of general details). If the user changes this rate code, system will raise this exception. As also, if user enters any preferential (customer or/and account) interest Dr/Cr, system raises this exception. 4. Introducer not customer – During cust_id creation, introducer details must be entered. If the introducer is not a customer and user enters only name and status of the introducer, system raises the warning during cust_id verification. 5. Introducer New customer – In finacle, customer is treated as new for 3 months after creation of cust_id. If during this period he introduces another customer, then the system raises this warning. 6. Account verification balance check – During verification of an account, system checks whether the principal inflow transaction is done in the account. If the same is not already done, system raises this exception. 7. Value dated account opening – If the user modifies value date field available in the scheme details to date prior than today’s date (i.e. BOD date), system raises this exception. 8. Cust_id mismatch (Cr) – In the C (Customer instruction), if the user enters account number of a customer whose cust_id is different than the cust_id for which user is entering C details, system will raise this exception. C. Fast track FDMB a/c opening – Let’s open a new FDMB deposit using menu option OAAC. Assumptions in this example – Customer already has a Cust_ID. Currency - Indian Rupees Account Opening (Value) date - today’s date Deposit Period - 12 month period Nomination Facility – Yes. Nominee is not minor. Mode of Operating – Self; with no preferential rate of interest. Maturity proceeds to be credited to the same FDMB account. Open A/c – Menu option OAAC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Function – O (Open). Customer Id – Enter cust_id Scheme Code – FDMB. Press F4. Function – O (Open). Press F4. Mode of operation – enter SELF. Press F4. Page 137 of 294
6. Enter Option – Delete present option and enter S (Scheme Details). Press F4. 7. Dep/Instl. Amt - Enter deposit amount. 8. Deposit period – 12. Second field to be left blank. 9. Availing Nomination facility – Y. Press F4. 10. Enter Option – Delete present option and enter F (Flow Details). Press F4. 11. Flow details screen shall appear. Press Control+E (Explode). 12. Press F4 twice. 13. Enter option – Delete present option and enter N (Nomination Details). Press F4. 14. Nominee’s Name – Enter nominee’s name. 15. Relationship – Press F2 for list and select the code as per requirement. 16. Address – Enter Nominee’s address. 17. City Code - Press F2 for list and select the code as per requirement. 18. State Code - Press F2 for list and select the code as per requirement. 19. Postal Code – Enter the postal code as desired. Press F4. 20. Enter option – Press F10 to commit/save account details. 21. Message box shall appear. Please note account number, maturity date and maturity amount. Press enter key or click mouse on OK button. 22. Press F3. Verification of this account need to be done through menu option OAACAU, the steps are discussed in paragraph B. D. ACOPN ( ACCOUNT OPENING WORKFLOW) ACOPN is a workflow which can be used to perform all the activities like creating cust_id, opening an TD account and deposit money in the newly created account; all the activities in one go. Normally, following activities have to be performed in Finacle, when a new customer comes to our bank for the first time for opening an TD account. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Create Cust_id Verify Cust_id Open an account Verify an account Deposit money in a/c Post transaction
CUMM (CTO/Officer & above) CUMM (Officer & above) OAAC (CTO/Officer and above) OAACAU (Officer & above) TM (CTO/Officer & above) TM (Officer & above)
ACOPN can be used to perform 1st, 3rd & 5th steps. Steps 2nd & 4th can be performed by the authorizer through menu option DSPWFQ. Step 6th need to be performed through menu option TM. Please note that help (F1) is not available in any field in ACOPN; but wherever list is needed, the user can press F2 and get the list of valid codes. Step by step execution of all the above steps is explained as below -
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Screen 11 1. Invoke Workflow Menu Option – ACOPN 2. Customer ID - If the customer is new and does not have valid cust_id in Finacle, type NEW. If the customer has a valid cust_id, enter the same here. If the cust_id of existing customer is entered, the workflow shall take the user to A/c opening screen. If the cust_id is entered as NEW, the workflow shall take the user to customer id creation. Let’s assume that the customer is new. Enter NEW in customer id field. 3. Authoriser ID – Enter the finacle user id of the user who is supposed to authorize this workflow. 4. Press F4, the system will take the user to customer id creation screen. The following screen may appear on the screen.
Screen 12 Page 139 of 294
5. Title – As explained in OAAC, enter the valid title code (e.g. Mr, Ms etc) or press F2 and select valid title code by pressing Shift+F4. 6. Name – Enter name of the customer. 7. Short Name – Enter the short name. 8. Cust Type – Press F2 and select cust type from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 9. Occu Code – Press F2 and select occupation code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 10. Const Code - Press F2 and select Constitution code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. INTRODUCER There are 4 fields available under this block. 11. Customer ID – Enter the cust_id of the introducer, if the same exist in finacle database. If the cust_id is entered then the user should not enter anything in next 3 fields of introducer block. 12. Status Code – If the introducer does not have a valid cust_id in finacle, his/her status (e.g. known to manager, existing customer etc.) can be selected from the list available in this field. 13. Title – Enter title or select the title of the introducer from the list. Not necessary to be entered if cust_id is entered. 14. Name – Enter the name of introducer. Not necessary to be entered if cust_id is entered. COMMUNICATION 15. Address line1 – Enter the address of customer. 16. Address line2- If the address line1 is not sufficient to enter address of customer, the same can be continued in this field. 17. City Code – Enter city code or select city code from the list. 18. PIN Code – Enter six digit pin code. 19. State Code – Enter state code or select the same from the list. 20. Country Code – Default IN (i.e. India) appears in this field. Enter country code (if it’s other than India) or select from the list. 21. TDS Table – Enter TDS table code or select the same from the list. Valid TDS table codes may be TDSGE for General category public, TDSCR for Corporate bodies and TDSNR for NRO/NRSR accounts. If the customer is not a Minor, nor a NRE, nor a staff then press F4 and see point No. 34, else follow the next points. MINOR DETAILS There are 4 fields available in this block. If the customer is not a Minor, all these fields can be skipped. 22. Minor (Y/N) – Default value is N, If the customer is minor, enter Y in this field. 23. Date of Birth – If the above field is entered as Y, the user need to enter date of birth of the minor customer. 24. Guardian Code – Enter the guardian code i.e. M for mother, F for father, D for defacto guardian, O for others & C for court appointed. 25. Guardian Name – Enter guardian’s name. If the customer is not NRE, nor a staff, then press F4 and follow point No. 34, else follow points mentioned below. PASSPORT DETAILS There are 6 fields available in this block. If the customer is not a NRE customer, all these fields can be skipped. Page 140 of 294
26. NRE (Y/N) – If the customer is NRE, enter Y in this field. 27. Passport Num – Enter passport number. 28. Details – Enter details of passport. 29. Issue Date – Enter issue date of passport. 30. Expiry Date – Enter Expiry date of passport. 31. Nationality – Default is IN (India), enter the country code of the customer or select the same from the list. If the customer is not a staff, then press F4 and follow point No. 34, else follow points mentioned below. STAFF DETAILS There are 2 field available in this block. If the customer is Staff or Ex-Staff of our bank, these two fields may be filled accordingly. 32. Customer Staff – Default is N, Enter Y if the customer is staff of our Bank. 33. Employee ID – If the customer is employee of any of finacle branch, his/her employee id (PF No.) can be entered or selected from the list. If the customer is employee of non-finacle branch and his/her employee Id is not available in the list, please enter STAFF in this field. If the customer is Ex-Staff of our bank, the user may enter STAFF in this field. Press F4. The cursor will automatically appear in Combined Statement field. 34. Combined Stmt – Enter N and press F4. (If the customer needs combined statement of accounts, enter Y in this field. In that case the user needs to enter frequency for statement which is available on the first page of General Details block of CUMM. Press F4.) 35. An alert (box) may appear on the screen. Press Enter key or click mouse on OK button. The customer ID is generated by the system and same can be seen in Customer ID field. Press F4 and the system shall take the user to account opening form.
Screen 13 36. Scheme Code – Enter the scheme code under which customer wishes to open an account e.g. FDMB is scheme code for FDMB a/c for general public or FDMBS for FDMB a/c for staff members of our bank. Press F4.
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37. GL SubHeadCode – Default GL Subhead code shall appear. The user may press F4 to continue. 38. Int. Rate Code – Rate code according to the scheme selected shall appear in this field. The user may press F4 to continue. 39. Amount – Enter the principal amount. 40. Part tran Type – Default is C (Credit). 41. Type [C/T] – Enter C (Cash) If the customer wishes to deposit above amount by cash in the a/c which is being opened, else enter T (Transfer). 42. Sub Type [NR/CI] – If the user select C (Cash) in the Type field, the user need to enter NR (Normal Receipt) in this field. If the user select T (Transfer) in the Type field, the user need to enter CI (Customer Induced) in this field. 43. Xfer A/c no. – If the user select Type as T (transfer) and subtype as CI (Customer induced), as stated in point 41 & 42 respectively, then the user need to enter a/c no from which the amount will be transferred to the account which is being opened. Press F4.
Screen 14 44. Mode of Oper – Enter the code for mode of operation, or select the same form the list. TD DETAILS 45. Period months – Enter the period of TD in months. 46. Period Days - Enter the period of TD in days, as may be desired. 47. Rep/Int Cr A/c – Enter any operative account to which the customer would like to credit maturity proceeds. (Note – In case of special/ordinary FD, enter the A/c No. of the customer where the intesrest/principal shall be transferred by the system, otherwise the same shall be credited by the system to Sundry-FD) 48. Acc Pref Dr. – May be left blank. 49. Acc Pref. Cr – Enter preferential rate of interest in this field. E.g. if the user enters 1 in this field, the system will give a benefit of 1% of interest over and above the prevailing rate of interest in the scheme and if the user enters -1 in this field, system will give 1% less interest in this account than the prevailing rate of interest as applicable in the scheme the user has selected while opening the account. Press F4. 50. System will display an alert in a box (See Screen 15). Please note the A/c No., Maturity Amount, Maturity Date & Workflow Id. The workflow id is to be used by the user who is going to authorize cust_id and account. Press Enter key or click mouse on OK button. 51. Please note the Transaction ID and amount. Press F3 to quit from the workflow.
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Screen 15 E. How to Verify Cust_id, A/c No. and transaction generated through ACOPN? There are two possibilities, if the authorizer (the user whose finacle user id has been entered in the first screen of ACOPN) is present in the office and second, if the authorizer is not present in the office. If the authorizer is not present in the office, then any user authorized to verify cust_id, A/c No and Transaction can verify these entries through individual menu options as like CUMM, OAACAU & TM respectively. If the authorizer is present in the office, he/she can invoke menu option DSPWFQ. 1. Invoke menu option DSPWFQ (Display Pending Workflow Items). The system shall display a list of all the workflows which are pending for authorization. Go to the workflow id as noted earlier and press Control+E (Explode)
Screen 16
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2. The system shall bring the screen of CUMM with V (Verify) in Function and cust_id in Customer Id field. Press F4. 3. Verify the cust_id as explained in Customer ID creation chapter. 4. Once the user commits (F10) in CUMM and presses F3 key, the system shall automatically bring OAACAU menu option with the V in Function and A/c no. automatically in the concerned field. Verify the account as explained in this chapter. 5. After the user commits (F10) in OAACAU & presses F3 to quit from the a/c authorization menu the system shall display the workflow list. Press F3 and come out from DSPWFQ. 6. Please post/verify the transaction through TM in modify mode. ACOPN can also be used only to open an account of the customer already having valid cust_id in finacle. In that case in the 1st screen of ACOPN, in Customer Id field, enter the cust_id of the customer of whom the user wishes to open an account. Limitations of ACOPN – 1. Nomination details can not be captured. 2. Joint Account holder’s details, authorized signatory, power of attorney etc. can not be captured. These details can be entered though menu option ACM in modify mode. The modifications done through ACM must be verified by other authorized user, through ACM. F. DETAILS TO BE FILLED FOR SPECIAL/ORDINARY FD Mandatory options in OAAC for FD are G (General), S (Scheme) & F (Flow) details. For Special/Ordinary FD A/C opening, C (Customer Instructions) should also be entered for crediting Monthly/Quarterly interest to customers operative A/cs like SF, CA etc. Steps After filling G,S & F Details, user should follow following steps -
Screen 17 1. Enter option – C (Customer Instructions Details). Press F4. Screen 17 shall appear on the desktop. 2. User can see * sign on left hand side of IO (Interest Outlflow) record. Page 144 of 294
3. Press Control+E on IO record. Screen 18 shall appear on the desktop. 4. In this example, it is assumed that the intrest will be credited to only one account. 5. In the first field, enter the account number of the customer where the interest is to be credited. 6. In the second field, delete F and enter P (Percentage). 7. In the third field, enter 100 i.e. 100 percent of the interest will be credited to the account entered in the first field. Press F4. 8. System shall display the screen 17 again. 9. Press F4. Note: If the customer wishes to credit interest in multiple accounts then, in the third field enter the percentage of IO to be credited in first account. Press Down arrow on the keyboard and follow the steps as mentioned above. User should also press Control+E on PO (Principal Outflow) record and enter the repayment account i.e. the account where the principal shall be credited on maturity of FD. Important: If C details (IO & PO) are not captured for Special/Ordinary FD, system shall credit the interest and principal deposit to Sundry – Fixed Deposit account as and when applicable.
Screen 18 G. HOW TO ENTER DEPOSIT TRANSACTION IN NEWLY OPENED FD? Menu Option – TM After entering the FD account number, amount, part tran type, particulars etc, user needs to press F4. System shall automatically bring screen 19.
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Screen 19 As the user is entering deposit transaction in PI (Principal Inflow) type of FD, system automatically brings deposit additional screen with Flow Code as PI. User needs to press F4 twice to accept the flow code. Enter the other part tran as usual. Note: 1. System does not allow user to accept (i.e. F4) deposit additional details if the amount entered in credit part transaction of FD is more than the amount entered in deposit amount field in scheme details of FD account opening. System raises error ‘Cum. Instl.paid ( 0.00) + tran amt exceeds deposit amount’. User has to press F3 and modify amount field of credit part tran of FD as desired. H. HOW TO DEPOSIT PRINCIPAL BY CASH/TRANSFER IN FD DURING A/C OPENING? Menu option – OAAC 1. After entering G,S & F (Mandatory) details, press F4. Make sure that the cursor appears in Enter option field. 2. Enter Option – X (Transaction Details). Press F4. Screen 20 shall appear.
Screen 20 Page 146 of 294
3. Transaction creation during (O/V) – Enter V in this field if transaction id is to be generated (& verified) during a/c verification. Enter O if the transaction is to be created after commiting the OAAC. 4. Type of Transaction - Case 1 – Enter C (Cash).Press F4. Sstem shall automatically generate transaction Dr. Cash and Cr. Deposit A/c (being opened). Press F4. System shall come back to enter option field. Type of Transaction - Case 2 – Enter T (Transfer) & press F4. System shall try to create CI (Customer Induced) type of transaction. i.
Very Important - System may raise an error ‘Script Error: Interst Cr. Account not specified’; as the system picks up this account for transferring funds to FD being opened. This field is available on 2nd page of General Details, 4th from bottom of left hand side of the screen. Steps to enter ‘Interest Cr. Account’ • Press F3 in the current screen (i.e. X option). • Enter option – G. Press F4. • Press F6 to go to the next page. • Go to Interest Cr. Account field. Enter the account No. Make sure that the sufficient balance is available in the account. • Press F4. • Follow the steps starting from point no. 1.
If the Interest Cr. Account is already mentioned in the conecerned field before entering into X option, system shall display the transaction. Press F4 to accept the transction, system shall come back to enter option field.
If in X option, user has entred V in the Transaction created during (O/V) field, then During verification (OAACAU) of the account, user needs to follow the same steps as mentioned from point no. 1; otherwise system will not create ( & will not post/verify) the transaction. I. HOW TO CLOSE FDMB ON MATURITY? SUGGESTED METHOD – Note - Please make sure that for every such customer who is to be exempted from TDS bracket (customer has submitted form 15H), user needs to get into modify mode of CUMM, general details, 4th page and enter TDS exempt end date (5th from bottom on left hand side of the screen). The modification in CUMM has to be verified by other authorized official. 1. After the BOD of the branch, the Manager/Officer should run menu option FDMBINT (Workflow). This workflow internally runs ACINT (Interest Run for Accounts) & TDSCALC (TDS Calculation) processes for all FDMBs (i.e. all II – Interest Inflow type of A/Cs) matured till the BOD date. System internally creates following transactions in verified state for successful Interest Calculation and TDS deduction processes. ACINT process passes following transaction for individual FDMBs – Dr. Interest paid/accrued on deposit (MBFD) Cr. Sundry (Interest Before TDS)
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TDSCALC process passes following transaction for individual FDMBs (If the FDMB falls under TDS bracket) – Dr. Sundry (Interest Before TDS) Cr. Sundry Deposit TDS Cr. FDMB A/c TDSCALC process passes following transaction for individual FDMBs (If the FDMB does not fall under TDS bracket) – Dr. Sundry (Interest Before TDS) Cr. FDMB A/c System generates OFTI post reports and keeps them in PR (Print Reports) of the user. User can view these reports by getting into PR. User may note System Generated transaction IDs for Interest calculated & TDS deducted. As the ACINT process does not credit Interest to the FDMB, user will not find that entry in account ledger of FDMB. But at the same time if the user wants to know how much interest and TDS is calculated by the system, he can use ACLI menu option, enter the FDMB A/c, press F4 and press Control+E (Explode) on Interest entry and using up/down arrow can view interest & TDS amounts. Important Note : System shall not allow the user to proceed for closure of current FD, until all the pending operations are completed. Also, if the FD is frozen, lien is marked, any transaction in FD in entered state, SI (standing Instruction) exists on FD etc. system shall not allow user to close the FD. 2. Menu option – TDCLS (TD Closure). This is a workflow, which internally runs CAAC (Close an Account) followed by CAACAU (Verification of Closure of Account). This menu option has to be run by officials having workclass officer or above. Screen 21 shows the view of TDCLS.
Screen 21
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3. Clos Acct Number – Enter 16 digit (short account number shall not be accepted by the system) 4. Cash/Transfer – Enter C for cash refund of maturity proceeds, else T if the maturity proceeds are to be transferred to operative account like SF, CA etc. If the user enteres C (Cash) in this field, then the system shall not allow the user to proceed if the total maturity value is beyond the amount entered in cash exception dr. limit field of OAAC/ACM of FDMB (e.g. 19,999.00). 5. Transfer Acct Num – Only if T (Transfer) is entered in previous field, then enter the account number where the maturity proceeds to be credited. 6. Sure to Start – Y for actual run of TD closure. 7. Press F4. Wait till the progress indicator turns back to green. 8. System may display an alert box wherein the transaction ids are displayed. 9. If the transaction type is entered as C in the second field, system shall automatically generate transactions of Dr. Sundry FD and Cr. Cash in Hand in India, which can be viewed through FTI. 10. If the transaction type is entered as T in the second field, system shall automatically generate transactions of Dr. FDMB and Cr. Operative a/c as entered in the third field. ALTERNATIVE TO TDCLS – The restriction of TDCLS is that it can be run by user having workclass officer or above. Alternatively, CTO can invoke menu option CAAC to close the FD and officer can verify closure of FD through CAACAU. Note: a. If the branch does not want to use FDMBINT for interest and TDS calculation on daily basis. User (officer and above workclass) can straight away use TDCLS. This menu option/workflow shall internally run ACINT, TDSCALC, CAAC & CAACAU processes. b. If the branch does not want to use FDMBINT & TDCLS workflows, then for every FDMB user has to use ACINT, TDSCALC, CAAC & CAACAU menu options one by one. J. HOW TO RENEW FDMB? Note - Please make sure that for every such customer who is to be exempted from TDS bracket (customer has submitted form 15H), user needs to get into modify mode of CUMM, general details, 4th page and enter TDS exempt end date (5th from bottom on left hand side of the screen). The modification in CUMM has to be verified by other authorized official. 1. After the BOD of the branch, the Manager/Officer should run menu option FDMBINT (Workflow). This workflow internally runs ACINT (Interest Run for Accounts) & TDSCALC (TDS Calculation) processes for all FDMBs (i.e. all II – Interest Inflow type of A/Cs) matured till the BOD date. System internally creates following transactions in verified state for successful Interest Calculation and TDS deduction processes. ACINT process passes following transaction for individual FDMBs – Dr. Interest paid/accrued on deposit (MBFD) Cr. Sundry (Interest Before TDS) TDSCALC process passes following transaction for individual FDMBs (If the FDMB falls under TDS bracket) – Dr. Sundry (Interest Before TDS) Cr. Sundry Deposit TDS Cr. FDMB A/c Page 149 of 294
TDSCALC process passes following transaction for individual FDMBs (If the FDMB does not fall under TDS bracket) – Dr. Sundry (Interest Before TDS) Cr. FDMB A/c System generates OFTI post reports and keeps them in PR (Print Reports) of the user. User can view these reports by getting into PR. User may note System Generated transaction IDs for Interest calculated & TDS deducted. As the ACINT process does not credit Interest to the FDMB, user will not find that entry in account ledger of FDMB. But at the same time if the user wants to know how much interest and TDS is calculated by the system, he can use ACLI menu option, enter the FDMB A/c, press F4 and press Control+E (Explode) on Interest entry and using up/down arrow can view interest & TDS amounts. Important Note : System shall not allow the user to proceed for closure/renewal of current FD, until all the pending operations are completed. Also, if the FD is frozen, lien is marked, any transaction in FD in entered state, SI (standing Instruction) exists on FD etc. system shall not allow user to close the FD. 2. Run workflow Menu Option RENTD (Renewal of TD). The limitation of this workflow is that only officials having workclass of Officer and above can run it.
Screen 22 3. Account Num – User must enter 16 digit A/c No. of FD being renewed. 4. Currency Code – Automatically INR appears in this field. Press F4. Please wait until a new screen appears on the computer. 5. Screen 23 shows the various values system brings for FD being renewed. 6. Scheme Code – Enter the scheme code under which customer wishes to renew current FD. Automatically the system brings FDMB in this field. 7. Renewal Amount – System shall bring maturity amount of current FD. 8. Ren. Prd(mths) – Enter renewal period in months. 9. Ren. Prd (days) – Enter renewal period in days. 10. GL-Sub head code – By default 10100 (i.e. Fixed Deposit) appears. Page 150 of 294
11. Customer ID – Cust_id of current FD holder appears. THERE ARE THREE POSSIBILITIES OF CUSTOMER RENEWING CURRENT FD. a. If the customer wishes to renew FD with the amount equal to maturity of current FD i. Press F4. Wait until the progress indicator turns green. ii. An alert window shall appear. Click on OK button. iii. Press F4. Wait until the progress indicator turns green. iv. An alert box shall appear. Please note the new FD No., maturity amount, date of maturity & transaction ID and click on OK button. v. User should check whether the transaction is in verified/posted state, using menu option TM or TI. vi. User can check ACLI of old and new FD to see that the balance is transaferred from old to new FD. b. If the customer wishes to renew FD with higher amount than the maturity of current FD. Renewal amount – Modify the amount with which the customer wishes to renew FD. CASE 1 i. ii. iii. iv.
Extra Amt Pay: C/T – Keep the field as it it i.e. C (Cash). Press F4. Wait until an Alert box appears. Click on OK button. Press F4. Wait until an Alrt Box appears. Please note new FD No., maturity amount, maturity date & two transaction Ids (starting with SD1 & D1). v. Click on OK button. vi. User should check whether the transactions are in verified/posted state, using menu option TM or TI. Tran id starting with SD1 has details of Dr. Current FD and Cr. New FD. Tran Id starting with D1 has details of voucher Dr. Cash and Cr. New FD. vii. User can see ACLI of both the FDs to re-ensure the transactions. CASE 2 i. Extra Amt Pay: C/T – Modif the field to T (Transfer) ii. Transfer Acct Num - Enter 16 digit a/c number from which customer wishes to transfer extra amount. iii. Instrument type – Enter VC (Debit Voucher) or CHQ (Personal Cheque) iv. Inst Alpha – If Instrument type is entered as CHQ in the above field, then user must enter alpha part of cheque in this field. v. Inst Num. – If Instrument type is entered as CHQ then user must enter printed number of cheque. vi. Inst. Date - If Instrument type is entered as CHQ then user must enter date of cheque. vii. Press F4. Wait until an Alert box appears. viii. Click on OK button. Press F4. Wait until an Alrt Box appears. ix. Please note new FD No., maturity amount, maturity date. System may display two transaction Ids (starting with SD1; & D1 if no exceptions are encountered by the system). x. Click on OK button. System may raise exceptions/warnings. If the user has sufficient work class to accept these warnings/exceptions, he can press F4. Once the user presses F4, system may display transation Id starting with D1, on the message bar. xi. User should check whether the transactions are in verified/posted state, using menu option TM or TI. Tran id starting with SD1 has details of Dr. Current FD and Cr. New FD. Tran Id starting with D1 has details of voucher Dr. A/c entered in transfer A/c Num field and Cr. New FD. Page 151 of 294
xii. User can see ACLI of both the FDs to re-ensure the transactions. c. If the customer wishes to renew FD with lesser amount than the maturity of current FD. i.
iii. iv. v.
Before invoking RENTD workflow, user shall invoke menu option ACM in modify mode (function M)and use option C (Customer Instruction Details) and shall specify operative A/c No. where the remaining amount (maturity amountt-renewal amount) be credited. The steps are discussed in paragraph F of this module. Except – that the user needs to press Control+E (Explode) on TO (Total Outflow). In the second field, user needs to enter F (Fixed), in the third field enter 100 (i.e. 100 percent) and in the fourth field, enter the amount (i.e. maturity less renewal). Verify ACM. Invoke RENTD workflow. Modify Renewal Amount (even if user the forgets to modify renewal amount, system shall renew the FD with maturity amount less the amount to be transferred to operative A/c). Other steps are similar as discussed in above topics.
Ensure that Interest calculation and TDS deduction processes are over for FD to be renewed, otherwise user can run FDMBINT or ACINT / INTRUN and TDSCALC menu options. User shall open a new FD A/c through OAAC in R (Renewal) mode by giving reference of FD to be renewed. Other user having sufficient workclass shall verify opening of new FD A/c though menu option OAACAU. User shall close current FD (which is to be renewed) though CAAC in R (Renewal) mode. System shall automatically display new FD A/c No. in Repayment A/c field. Other user having sufficient workclass shall verify closure of FD (which is to be renewed) though menu option CAACAU. System shall automatically create necessary transaction. Check ACLI of both FDs to ensure proper renewal of FD.
H. PREMATURE CANCELLATION OF FDMB 1. Menu Option – CAAC (Close an Account) 2. Function – Z (Close). Press F4 twice. New screen shall appear. System shall not allow the user to proceed for closure until all the pending operations are completed. Also, if the FD is frozen, lien is marked, any transaction in FD in entered state, SI (standing Instruction) exists on FD etc. system shall not allow user to close the FD. 3. Function – Z (Close). 4. Withdrawn Amt – System shall display principal amount. Press F4. 5. Closure Remarks – User can enter closure remarks e.g. premature canc. Etc 6. Penel Intt for full period – Enter Y if applicable else N. 7. Repayment A/c No – Enter operative A/c of the customer, if he wishes to get maturity proceeds credited to his operative a/c. 8. Add preferential to penel rate – Enter Y if the user wishes to give preferential rate of intt. as entered in OAAC/ACM (e.g. staff and senior citizens etc.) over and above the interest rate applicable for premature cancellation of FD. 9. Close Option – Press F10 to commit. Wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. 10. Please note all the transaction Ids. 11. Premature Closure of FD needs to be verified by other authorized user. 12. Menu option – CAACAU 13. Function – V (Verify). Press F4 twice. Page 152 of 294
14. Close option – Press F10 to commit. 15. The proceeds shall be credited by the system to Sundry (intt. Before TDS) A/c. 16. Menu Option – TDSCALC (TDS Calculation) 17. Report to – free text field e.g. user can enter his name. 18. Start A/c No. – Enter FD No. 19. End A/c No – Enter same FD No. 20. Adhoc Run – Enter N for actual TDS deduction. 21. Press F4. 22. Fore/Background – Enter F. 23. Print Required – Enter N. Press F10. Wait until progress indicator turns green. 24. User can see ACLI of operative A/c to see proceeds of FD. User can press press Control+E (Explode) on Repayment entry to see TDS amount, alternatively use TDSIP or ACI (option 2) to see TDS details. Note : If the repayment A/c No. is not given in OAAC/ACM/CAAC, then after TDSCALC process, the system shall Dr. Sundry (Intt. Before TDS place holder 3171118) and Cr. Sundry FD (place holder 3171106) for FD not having deducted TDS. For FDs having TDS deducted, system shall Dr. Sundry (Intt. Before TDS place holder 3171118) and Cr. Sundry TDS (place holder 3171108) & Cr. Sundry FD (place holder 3171106). I. HOW TO OPEN ANUPAM DEPOSIT? 1. User shall use OAAC menu option to open Anupam FD under scheme code FDANU (for geneal public) and FANUS (for staff members). Mandatory details are G, S & F. Please change ‘auto closure’ flag to Y available on 2nd page of scheme details. User can also enter optional details like A (Related Party Details for joint A/c etc), X (Transaction details for depositing principal amount transaction) as per requirement. 2. User shall open OD A/c using menu option OAAC under the scheme code ODAGN (general public) and ODAST (for staff members). 3. Authorised official shall verify Anupam FD account using menu option OAACAU. 4. Authorised official shall verify Anupam OD A/c using menu option OAACAU. 5. User shall use menu option ACM in modify mode and get into C (Customer Inst) details to enter OD A/c as repayment A/c. 6. Authorised official shall verify changes done in FD using menu option ACM. 7. User shall use menu option SRM to create security record for OD A/c, by margin and marking lien on Anupam Deposit. 8. Authorized official shall verify SRM. 9. User shall use inquiry menu option ACCBAL for OD A/c and check whether proper sanctioned limit and DP is available in the A/c. 10. User shall issue a check book to OD A/c using menu option ICHB. 11. Authorized official shall verify ICHB or ICHBAU. ALTERNATE METHOD a. IF THE CUSTOMER DOES NOT HAVE CUST_ID 1. User (having workclass officer and above) shall use workflow menu ANUDEP.
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Screen 23 Customer ID – Nothing to be entered, as the customer is new. Enter customer title, name, short name Staff[Y/N]? – Enter Y if the customer is staff, else keep it as N. Employee ID – If the above field is set to Y, then enter employee ID of the customer in this field, if employee ID is not available in the list, user shall enter STAFF in this field, for ExStaff user shall enter STAFF. 6. Enter occupation, address, city, state, pin code. User cn F2 in occupation, city and state for list. 7. Cash/Transfer – Enter C, if the user wishes to deposit principal by cash. 8. Init Dep Amt – Enter initial deposit amount with which customer wishes to open Anupam. 9. Trans from (A/c No.) – Mandatory is user eteres T (Transfer) in Cash/Transfer field. Enter operative A/c No. of customer form where the system shall debit principal. 10. Period (Months) – Enter period of deposit in months. 11. (Days) – Enter period od deposit in days, if applicable. 12. Scheme Code – For general public, the scheme code is FDANU and for staff members it’s FANUS. 13. Introducer Id – If the introducer is customer if finacle branch, enter his/her cust_id, otherwise leave the field as blank. 14. If the introducer is not customer of finacle branch, then enter his/her Title and Name. 15. Minor – Enter Y is customer is minor. 16. Press F4. 17. The cursor shall appear in Type field of CUMM. Enter the code or select the same from the list (F2). User shall enter other necessary details in CUMM if necessary or can press F4. 18. Click on OK button. 19. System shall bring general details screen of OAAC for Anupam deposit. User shall enter other details if necessary, or press F4. 20. System shall display an Alert box. Please note Anupam deposit A/c No., maturity date and amount. Click on OK button. 21. The system shall bring general details screen of OAAC for OD A/c. Please delete Next Int. Calc. Date Dr. and fill up other necessary details if any and press F4. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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22. An Alert box shall appear. Click on OK button. 23. Please delete the value in ‘Purpose of Advance’ and select the necessary value from list (F2). User shall also change/fill other necessary fields as these are important for proper MIS generation. Press F4. 24. System shall display Customer ID, Anupam FD A/c No, OD A/c No. and FD Tran. ID. Please note all the values. Press F3. 25. Authorised official shall verify the transaction through TM in Verify mode. 26. User shall check sanctioned limit of OD A/c, using menu option ACCBAL. 27. User shall perform other important activities as discussed in above topi like SRM, ACM, ICHB etc. all the operations shall be verified by authorized officials. b. IF THE CUSTOMER HAS CUSTOMER ID IN FINACLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Invoke ANUDEP workflow. Customer ID – Enter cust_id of the customer. Cash/Transfer – Enter C for cash or T for transfer. Init Dep Amt – Enter initial deposit amount. Tran from (A/c No.) – If the user enters T in the Cash/Transfer field, then enter A/c No. from where the amount is to be debitted and transferred to FD being opened. Enter period of deposit in months and days in respective field. Scheme Code – Valid scheme codes are FDANU for general public or FANUS for staff members. Press F4. Please follow from step number 19, as discussed section a. c.
1. User can invoke workflow ANUDEP. 2. Please follow steps as discussed in section b above. 3. In this case, system shall not open a new OD A/c. Instead, system shall increase sanctioned limit of existing Anupam OD A/c. 4. User shall check the same using menu option ACCBAL for Anupam OD A/c. 5. Alternatively, users shall follow steps 1,3,5,6,7,8,9 and (10 &11 optionally), as discussed in main section of section I. J. HOW TO WITHDRAW FUNDS FROM ANUPAM DEPOSIT (PART CLOSURE) As per existing scheme, customer may withdraw any amount from Anupam deposits, in multiple of Rs.1000/- before maturity without breaking the entire deposit and also without loosing interest on remaining part of FD. 1. Invoke menu option SRM and modify unit value of security. Please check that the changes in the screen are happening properly. 2. Authorized official shall verify SRM. 3. Invoke menu option CAAC. Function Z, enter a/c no., press F4. 2nd screen shall appear, modify withdrawn Amt as per requirement (multiples of Rs.1000/-). Press F4. Please enter Anupam OD A/c No. attached to the FD in Repayment A/c No. field. Press F10 to commit. 4. System shall credit Sundry (Intt. Before TDS) A/c with the amount entered in withdrawn amt field+interest amount. 5. Authorized official shall verify the above operation thorugh menu option CAACAU. 6. The authorized official shall invoke menu option TDSCALC (TDS Calculation). Please enter value in Report field, enter same Anupam FD A/c No. in Start A/c No. and End A/c No. fields, Adhoc Run flag shall be made N. Press F4. Enter F in Fore/background, enter N in Print Required and press F10. Please check OFTI post report (note transaction id on 4th page) and TDS success report in PR. Page 155 of 294
7. This process shall debit Sundry (Intt. Before TDS) A/c and Credit Anupam OD A/c with (withdrawn amt+interest)-TDS. K. REFUND OF TDS If the TDS is already deducted through menu option TDSCALC, and the same is not remitted to Tax Authorities, user can refund the same using menu option RFTDS. User can refund whole or part of TDS.
Screen 24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Menu option – RFTDS Report To (Mandatory) – It’s a free text field. User can enter any text in this field. Currency – By default INR appears. Refund Cust ID (Mandatory) – Enter the same cust_id with which the deposit a/c was opened. Closed A/cs – If FD is not already closed or renewed, user shall enter N in this field. Tran Type – If customer wishes TDS refund by cash, then user shall enter C (Cash), or otherwise T (Transfer). Press F4. System shall display all the FDs falling in the criteria entered in the above screen.
Screen 25 Page 156 of 294
9. Sel – By default Y appears in this field i.e. if customer wishes to get refund of TDS for this FD, then user shall keep this flag as Y, else N. 10. Refund Amt – System automatically displays amount to be refunded. If customer wishes to get part of TDS, user shall modify this field. 11. Refund Acct. – User can enter operative A/c (SF/CA/CC/OD) of customer where the TDS refund is to be credited. This field is protected if the refund is to be made by cash. 12. If there are more than one FDs in which TDS has been deducted and customer wishes to get refund in other FDs as well, then user shall press Down arrow on the keyboard, to go to next FD. 13. Follow step 9 to 11. 14. Finally press F10. 15. Enter F in Fore/Background field, N in Print Required (if printer is not attached to the computer) and press F10. 16. User shall get into menu option PR and view reports - Refund TDS, Failure Report for TDS refund and OFTI Post Report. Please get into 4th page of OFTI post report and note down tran_id. If the transaction is not posted/verified by system, user shall post/verify this transaction through menu option TM. System creates a transaction of Dr. Sundry TDS and Cr. Cash/Operative A/c of the customer. 17. User can check ACLI of operatibe A/c which was entered in ‘Refund Acct’ field to confirm whether the proceeds are credited by the system. 18. User can take print of refund voucher, through menu option VCHR. Note – Under no circumstances, user should try to refund TDS directly through TM by debiting Sundry TDS. L. REMIT TDS
Screen 26 Before getting into this menu option, user should check entries for a month in Sundry – TDS A/c using ACLI or ACLPOA menu options. User should also take print of TDSIP option
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No. 5 (TDS summary) for a month. User should then tally entries in ACLI (or ACLPOA) with TDS summary report. 1. Report To (Mandatory)– e.g. user can enter Manager 2. Enter the selection criteria. 3. If user wishes to remit the TDS deducted from all the FDs, the he shall not fill any criteria. Enter Dates in respective fields, generally for a month. 4. Remit Optn (G/C/R) – Enter G if TDS is to be remitted; enter C if TDS is remitted and user wishes to capture challan No. etc. 5. Press F4. 6. System shall display all the FDs falling under the criteria entered. 7. Sel – Enter Y to select FD for remitting TDS, else N. 8. Press down arrow on the key board and select (i.e. enter Y in Sel field) or deselect (i.e. enter N in Sel field). 9. Press F10 to commit. 10. Fore/Background – Enter F. 11. Print Required – Enter N (if printer is not attached to computer). Press F10. 12. User shall get into menu option PR and view/print ‘Remit TDS’ report. User shall tally the figures with ACLPOA (or ACLI) of Sundry-TDS A/c. 13. User shall then manually pass the entry thorugh TM by debiting Sundry – TDS A/c with the grand total as printed in above report. 14. After getting acknowledgement from Tax Authorities, user shall invoke same menu option i.e. RMTDS. In this case, user shall enter C in ‘Remit option (G/C/R)’ field and enter challan No. in ‘Remit Details’ field. M. HOW TO PRINT TDS CERTIFICATE, Menu option – TDSIP
Screen 27 1. Report Option - Enter 2. 2. Enter the criteria for selecting customers/accounts for printing TDS certificate. E.g. is user wishes to print TDS certificate for a particular customer, he can enter cust_id in Cust_id Page 158 of 294
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
from ad to fields. If user wishes to print TDS certificates of closed FDs as well, he shall enter Y in ‘Closed A/cs’ field etc. Press F4. System shall display all the accounts selected by it, falling under the criteria as entered by the user, with the * on Left Hand Side of each FD. User can include or exclude FD from TDS certificate by pressing Shift+F4. Press F4. Printer ID – Local. Note – Please make sure that the ILINKWEB is running in the background. Ensure that the printer is ON. Delete on Print – Enter Y or N as per requirement. If the user enters N in this field, he can view/print the same report through menu option PR. Press F10 to commit.
N. HOW TO PRINT FDR? Menu option – DRP PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE NECESSARY INVENTORY IS AVAILABLE AT USER’S LOCATION, OTHERWISE USE MENU OPTION IMC TO MOVE THE INVENTORY AT USER’S LOCATION. 1. Customer ID – Enter customer ID, if user wishes to select all the FDs opened but not yet printed for a particular customer. 2. From A/c No and To A/c No – If user wishes to print a particular FDR, user shall enter the same A/c No. of the FD in both the fields.
Screen 28 3. After entering the criteria, press F4. 4. System shall display all the FDs falling under the criteria with * appearing on left side of each FD (i.e. the FDs are in selected mode for printing). User can use Shift+F4 to select or deselect FD from printing criteria. Only FDs which have not been printed even once shall be selected by the system. 5. Press F4. 6. Printer ID – Local. Please make sure that the ILINKWEB is running in the background and printer is attached to the computer and in OK status, also ensure that the required inventory is available at user’s location. 7. Delete on print – Y. Page 159 of 294
8. Press F4. System shall display screen equivalent to Screen 29. 9. If the inventory is available at user’s location, then system shall display printed Srl. Num (Alpha and number) in respective fields. Make sure that the same inventory is inserted into the document printer. 10. Press F4. Please check whether the FDR is being properly printed. 11. After printing the FD, system shall seek confirmation ‘Print OK’. If the print is OK, user shall ensure that Y is appearing in the field and press F10. 12. If the printing is not proper and FDR is not in a condition to insert again into document printer, user shall enter D (Destroy Inventory) and press F4. System shall move the inventory to destroy location and shall bring next inventory available at user’s location for printing. Follow steps 9, 10 & 11 as per requirement. 13. If the printing is not proper and the FDR is reusable, user shall enter P (Print Again) and press F10. Floow steps 9, 10, 11 & 12 as per requirement.
Screen 29 DUDRP & REDRP menu options can be used for duplicate FDR printing and reprinting FDR respectively. Menu Option – DUDRP 1. The input screen is similar to menu option DRP. 2. Please enter the criteria as per requirement. Press F4. 3. System shall display all the FDs falling under the criteria entered. System shall display only those FDs which have been printed at least once. 4. Select/deselect FDs for printing by pressing Shift+F4. 5. Press F4. 6. Please follow steps 6-13 as discussed above and as per requirement. Please enter ‘Issued in lieu original FD No._____________ reported lost’ in the ‘Remarks’ Field. 7. User can invoke menu option ACM in modify/inquiry mode and in the enter option field type K (Denominations details) and press F4. User shall check the status of old FDR as H (History) and duplicate FDR’s status as A (Active).
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O. HOW TO CHECK FOR UNPRINTED FDRs? Before the day end i.e. ABH, user shall invoke menu option PENDDRP and enter dates in related fields. Press F4. System shall display all the unprinted FDRs failing under the selection criteria entered in the previous screen. User can print the FDRs as discussed in above topics. P. HOW TO TRANSFER DEPOSIT TO OVERDUE? Menu option - TXOD (TRANSFER TO OVERDUE GL SUB-HEAD). To be run by DBA / System Officer of the branch. As regards, everyday concerned officials at the branch can run workflow FDMBINT or menu option ACINT & TDSCALC for FDs maturing today. TXOD option does not transfer matured deposits to overdue if the interest calculation is not upto date and balance in FD is not equal to maturity amount. If the FDs are matured and not closed/renewed during the day, the DBA shall transfer such deposites to Overdue SGL using menu option TXOD. The option changes GL Subhead of deposit to respective Overdue GL Subhead. System shall also create transaction in verified state – Dr. FD and Cr. Same FD. Please check the report in menu option PR. Q. REPORTS Menu option – ACDET (ACCOUNT BALANCE DETAILS) E.g. User wishes to list all FDMBs maturing today. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Report To (Mandatory) – Free text field. Scheme Code From & To – FDMB Maturity Date From & To – Enter the dates. Press F4. Enter the values in Fore/Background & Print Required and Press F10. Wait until the progress indicator turns to green. Quit from the menu option and invoke menu option PR and view/print the report.
E.g. User wishes to list all the fixed deposits (like FDMB, ordinary, special etc.) matured and renewed as on BOD date. 1. Report To (Mandatory) – Free text field. E.g. enter Manager. 2. GL Subhead From & To – Press F2 and select GL subhead code for Fixed Deposit by pressing Shift+F4, or enter 10100. 3. Close Date From & To – Enter BOD date in both the fields. 4. Deposit Status – Press F2 and select R (Renewal) by pressing Shift+F4. Or enter R. 5. Press F4. 6. Fore/Background – Enter F. 7. Print Required – Enter N. (Or Y if printer is attached to the computer) 8. Press F10. 9. Invoke menu option PR and view/print ‘Account Details Report’. This report shall list all the FDs matured and renewed. But system shall not display A/c No. of renewed FD.
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User can generate various types of reports as per the criteria like A/c closed, lien marked, amountwise, opened/matured/renewed between different dates, deposit period-wise (like 12 months, 24 months), FDs of a particular customer, spl category deposits (like blocked, court order, tender money etc.), safe custody deposits etc. ACDET may help Auditors to list all the fresh FDs opened between the dates. 1. Report To – Free text field. E.g. Auditor. 2. Account open Date & To – Enter the dates. 3. GL Subhead From & To – Enter GL Subhead code as 10100 in both the fields. 4. Press F4. 5. Fore/Background – F. 6. Print Required – N. (If printer is attached, then enter Y). 7. Press F10. 8. Wait until progress indicator turns green. 9. Invoke menu option PR and view/print ‘Account Details Report’. 10. Please go to right hand side of every FD and check the value under the deposit status (DS) column. Please count all the FDs having value under DS column as blank. There are inquiry/report/MIS menu options related to FD/RDs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
PNBRPT – Option No. 4 in MAIN MENU. PNBREP – Option No. 10. There are sub options related to FDs. SDD – Schemewise distribution of deposits. RDD – Ratewise distribution of deposits. FDD – Flow Amountwise distribution of deposits. GDET – General Deposits Details. ACS – Account Selection. RELACI – Related Accounts Lookup for Deposits. Generally used for finding old/renewed references of FDs. 9. DEPINT – Interest Calculator. 10. DEPMOD – Deposit Modeling. 11. DN – Due Notice. Can be effectively used to inform customers about maturity of their FDs. 12. PLIST – Pending Installments List. 13. IRRDEP – Irregular Recurring Deposits. 14. TVSI – Term Deposit Interest Slabs Inquiry.
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Prepared By – Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad CLEARING OUTWARD CLEARING A. OPEN ZONE Before lodging the instruments, the concerned clearing incharge or any such official has to open the Zone using menu option – MCLZOH. Menu option – MCLZOH
Screen 1 1. Function – O (Open). Or user can press F2 for the list and select O (Open Zone) function by pressing Shift+F4. 2. Zone – In the first field, enter the date in which user wishes to open the zone. (Zone can be opened in future dates too.) In the second field, enter the Zone Code in which user wishes to lodge the instruments or user can select zone code from the list. Different zone codes have been created at the Data Centre for different purposes like MICR, High Value, Interbank, LDD etc. Zone codes starting with EC are created for Extension Counters. Some zones codes are created for Non-MICR instruments. Latency period means the number of days taken to release the zone to shadow balance from the date of opening the zone i.e. the balance credited in the account but can not be withdrawn as it is under clearing (Unclear Balance). E.g. one day latency means if the zone is opened on 17.09.2003, then it shall be released to shadow balance on 18.09.2003 (if it’s a working day). Press F4. If the zone is already in opened state, system shall display the message ‘Record already exists’. 3. System shall display the zone details as per the zone code. System shall display the Transaction ID for the zone, which may be noted for further references. 4. Press F10 to commit. Once the zone is opened, users can lodge instruments in the zone.
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B. LODGE INSTRUMENTS Instruments can only be lodged when the zone is in open state. Menu option – OCTM (Outward Clearing Transaction Mainenance) The screen is divided into 4 parts. 1st – Function block. 2nd – Credit voucher or pay-in-slip block, 3rd – Instrument details block and 4th – status block. There are four types of scenarios those can be handled in Finacle. • • •
Single A/c credit with single instrument Single A/c credit with multiple instruments Multiple A/cs credit with single instrument.
1. Function Code – A (Add). 2. Zone – In the first field, enter zone date; and in the next field, enter the zone code. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in Account Number field of credit voucher block. IMPORTANT – After pressing F4 key, system shall activate credit voucher block and at the same time, it shall allot a Set Num (please see set num field below the function code field in function block). User shall note set number on credit voucher, for further references/verification.
Screen 2 3. Account Number (Mandatory)– Enter the A/c No. to which the instrument is to be credited. 4. Amount (Mandatory)– Enter the amount by which the account is to be credited. IMPORTANT – In case of crediting of a single instrument to multiple accounts, user shall press Down Arrow of the keyboard in the credit voucher block and the system shall bring a new credit voucher block, follow the steps (3 & 4) as mentioned above. System shall not Page 164 of 294
allow the user to press down arrow to enter another credit voucher, if it finds any error in the a/c last entered, like A/c frozen, A/c closed etc. 5. After entering all the credit vouchers, Press F6 to go to Instrument Block. System shall not allow the user to go to instrument block, if it finds any error in the a/c last entered, like A/c frozen, A/c closed etc. At any point of time, if user wishes to go from instrument block to pay-in-slip block (i.e. credit voucher block), he shall press F12. 6. Instrument No (Mandatory)– Enter the Instrument No., which is available on the instrument. 7. Sort Code (Mandatory)– Enter nine digit sort code, which may be readily available on the instrument, otherwise use can press F2 for the list and select combination of centre, bank and branch code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 8. Trn Code – e.g. user can enter 10 for SF, 11 for CA, 13 for CC cheque etc. or can select the same from the list. 9. Amount (Mandatory)– Enter the cheque amount. System automatically displays cheque amount equivalent to total of amounts of all credit vouchers. User can change amount as needed. 10. Shadow Balance Code – User can select it from the list. This may be useful to take decision while allowing debits against clearing in the a/c. 11. If more than one cheque is to be lodged, user shall press down arrow of keyboard to go to next record and follow steps 6 to 10. System allots Inst. Sl. No., displayed on extreme left hand side of the record, which may be noted for further references. 12. After lodging all the instruments, user shall press F10 to commit/save the details. After pressing F10, system shall check the total of all amounts of credit voucher(s) and total of all amount(s) of instrument(s) and if it is not tallied, it shall display a message ‘Part tran amt & instrument amt not equal
Function – M (Modify) Zone – Enter date and zone code Set Num – Enter the set number which is to be modified. Press F4. Modify the set details as discussed earlier and press F10 to commit. Page 165 of 294
D. HOW TO DELETE A SET Menu option – OCTM. Set can be deleted if it is not already verified. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – D (Delete) Zone – Enter date and zone code Set Num – Enter the set number which is to be deleted. Press F4. Press F10 to commit. System shall display a warning ‘ Press
E. HOW TO VERIFY INSTRUMENTS LODGED IN OUTWARD CLEARING Menu option – OCTM 1. Function – V (Verify) 2. Zone – Enter date and zone code. 3. Set Num – Enter set number which is to be verified. Press F4. (Note - If the total of amounts of credit voucher(s) and total of amounts of instrument(s) is not tallied/equal while lodging the instruments, system shall not allow the user to proceed for verification of set and display a message ‘Part-tran and instrument amount are not equal for the set’.) 4. System shall display set details. If number of credit vouchers is more than one, user shall use up/down arrow within the credit voucher block to scroll through different accounts being credited. 5. If number of instruments is more than two, then the user shall press F6 to go to instrument details block and use up/down arrow to view instrument details. 6. User shall press F10 to commit. System may display list of warnings/exceptions; if the user is authorized to override the warnings/exceptions, he can press F4 to verify the set, else can press F3 to quit without saving. 7. Follow the above process to verify all the sets. Alternate method User shall take print of a report of instruments lodged in the outward clearing. Physically verify the details in sets like a/c no, amounts in pay in slip, inst. details etc. and then mass verify all the sets. Menu option - VCHL (Verification Check List) This menu option may be used to generate a report of instruments lodged in outward clearing. 1. Report to (Mandatory) – Free text field. E.g enter Manager 2. Zone dt/code – Enter date in the first field and zone code in the next field. 3. Set No. from and to – If the user wishes to see details of all the sets, then the fields shall be left blank, else user can enter set numbers in these fields. 4. Press F4. System shall bring Print Parameter Acceptance form. Enter F in Fore/Background and N in Print Required (If printer is not physically connected to the PC). Press F10. 5. View/print the report through menu option PR. Physically verify all the sets i.e. details of credit vouchers and instruments. Menu option – OCTV (Clearing Transaction Verification) Page 166 of 294
This menu option may be used to mass verify all the sets. All the fields are mandatory. This menu option can only be used when the zone is in suspended state (discussed in paragraph G). 1. Zone date/code – Enter zone date and code respectively. 2. Start Set Num. –Enter the set number from where the user wishes to pick up sets for verification. 3. End Set Num - Enter the set number up to which the user wishes to pick up sets for verification. 4. Press F10. System shall display status of each set. Please note that the maker and checker concept is applicable in verification of outward clearing, i.e. same user can not verify the instruments lodged by him. Please note that system does not pass any voucher after the verification of instruments through OCTM or OCTV. In ACCBAL, the total amount of instruments lodged but not yet released to shadow balance shall reflect under ‘Float Balance’. F. HOW TO SEE STATUS OF SETS (VERIFIED / UNVERIFIED / UNTALLIED)? This menu option may be used to get total view of the zone (like whether all the sets are verified) before proceeding to further operations on the zone. Menu Option – IOCLS (Inquire on Clearing Transaction Sets) 1. Zone Set Id (mandatory)– Automatically user’s SOL ID is displayed. 2. Zone Date/Code (mandatory)– Enter zone date and zone code in the fields respectively. 3. Start set Num – Enter the set no. from where user wishes to see the list. 4. End set Num – Enter the set num up to which user wishes to see the list. If no values are entered in both the fields, system shall select all the sets for listing. 5. vfd status – Enter Y if only verified sets are to be listed, N for unverified sets, should be left blank entered for listing of verified and unverified sets together. 6. Tally sets – Enter Y for listing tallied sets only, N for un tallied sets only, should be left blank for listing both tallied and un tallied sets together. 7. If no values are entered in fields 3 to 6, system shall list all the sets. 8. Press F4. System shall display all the sets in ascending order of set num, along with their status on extreme right side of the record. System shall not list unutilized/deleted sets. System shall display (from left) set number, number of credit vouchers, sol id, total amount of all credit vouchers, number of credit vouchers verified, total number of instruments, total amount of all instruments, number of instruments verified and overall status of the set. If total amount of credit vouchers and total amount of instruments is not equal, then the system shall display status as ‘un Tallied’. User can press Control+E (Explode) on individual record to see the set details.
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Screen 3 G. SUSPEND ZONE Once all the cheques are lodged and verified, user shall suspend the zone. Once the zone is suspended, no further addition/modification/deletion is allowed in the zone. Menu option – MCLZOH 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – S (Suspend) Zone – Enter date and zone code in the two fields respectively. Press F4. Press F10 to commit.
H. REVOKE SUSPENSION As regards, once the zone is suspended, no addition/modification/deletion is allowed in the zone. In case, user wishes to lodge instruments or modify/delete unverified sets in the zone, he shall revoke suspension. Menu option – MCLZOH 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – V (Revoke Suspension) Zone – Enter date and zone code in the two fields respectively. Press F4. Press F10 to commit.
I. RELEASE SHADOW BALANCE This is a mandatory process for outward clearing. The clearing incharge (preferably official having work class of manager and above) shall invoke menu option MCLZOH and release the zone to shadow balance. The zones like Interbank, local area or zones having zero latency periods (like high value) shall be released on the same day of opening the zone. Zones having 1 day latency period shall be released in the next day morning; e.g if the zone is opened on 17.09.2003, then it should be released to shadow balance on 18.09.2003 (if it’s a working day). Please ensure that ILINKWEB is running in the background, otherwise the system shall terminate the session with fatal error, although the system shall release the zone to shadow balance. Menu option – MCLZOH 1. Function – R (Release Shadow Balance) 2. Zone – Enter date and zone code in the two fields respectively. Page 168 of 294
3. Press F4. 4. Press F10 to commit. System may raise warnings/exceptions, if the user is authorized to override the same, then he shall press F4 to proceed. System creates following transaction – Dr. Clearing Imprest A/c
Cr. Customer Account
As the system validates passing power while passing the entries, if the user having work class below manager releases the zone to shadow balance, the system shall create the transaction in Entered state,. The concerned official/manager needs to post/verify transaction through menu option TM. As per the present setup, system credits individual instrument amount to customer’s account. To facilitate consolidated credit to customer’s account (i.e. total of all instruments), user needs to lodge such instruments in LDD-C1, MICR-C0, MICR-C1 zones. After releasing the zone to shadow balance, user can see that in the ledger of a customer (e.g menu option ACLI), the total amount of instruments sent in outward clearing reflects under ‘Funds in Clearing’ head. In TM also, the total amount of instruments sent in outward clearing shall reflect under ‘Shadow Balance’. In ACCBAL menu option, system shall display such amount under ‘Funds in Clearing’. J. MARK PENDING The system has a provision to mark instruments as pending on account of some reasons like the bank on which the instruments are drawn is not participating in the clearing etc. User shall mark such instruments pending, before regularizing the zone. E.g. If the zone having 1 day latency period is opened on 17.09.2003, the zone is to be released to shadow balance on 18.09.2003 (if it’s a working day) & is to be regularized on 19.09.2003 (if it’s a working day). If the bank on which the instruments are drawn did not participate in clearing on 18.09.2003, or any reason thereof like delay in clearing etc, and as the zone is to be regularized 19.09.2003, then on 19.09.2003 before regularizing the zone, the user shall mark such instruments as pending with the zone date as 17.09.2003. Menu option – MARKPEND
Screen 4 1. Zone – Enter zone date and zone code in the two fields respectively. 2. Set# - If a particular set is to be marked pending, the same shall be entered. 3. Inst# - If a particular instrument is to be marked pending, the same shall be entered.
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4. Bank Code – If the instrument(s) sent to a particular bank are to be marked pending, then enter the bank code. If the bank code is not known to the user, he shall press F2 and select bank code by pressing Shift+F4. 5. After entering the criteria, press F4. 6. System shall list all the instruments falling under the criteria entered by the user. User shall press Shift+F4 on every such record/instrument which has to be marked as pending. Ensure that * sign appears on extreme left side of the record, this means that the instrument is selected for marking as pending. To deselect instrument from marking as pending, user shall press Shift+F4 and ensure that * sign is not appearing on left side of the record. 7. Press F10 to commit. The user may need to do the above exercise for all the zones for a particular Bank, as the user’s branch might have sent instruments through other zones as well to the bank. To get information about the zones through which instruments have been sent to the bank, user shall use menu option OIQ, which is discussed in next part of this document. K. REGULARIZE ZONE This is a mandatory process for every outward clearing zone. Zone must be in ‘Released to Shadow Balance’ status before executing this option. As regards, after releasing the zone to shadow balance, the total amount of instruments credited to customer account’s ledger is called as ‘Shadow Balance’ or ‘Funds in Clearing’ or ‘Unclear Balance’. After running the regularization option, system updates status of such entries to clear balance. Before running this process, user shall ensure that outward rejects, if any, have been lodged in the Non-MICR inward clearing zone for the day. Menu option – MCLZOH 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – G (Regularize Shadow Balance) Zone – Enter date and zone code in the two fields respectively. Press F4. Press F10 to commit.
After running this process, if the user inquires about the zone through menu option MCLZOH, then he will see that the system has updated status of the Zone as C (Closed Zone). If some instruments are marked as pending, then system shall display zone status as ‘Partially Regularized’. L. REVOKE PENDING If some instruments in outward clearing zone have been marked as pending (menu option MARKPEND), then the authorized official shall revoke pending of such instruments for further action like regularizing the instruments or marking them as outward rejects in inward clearing. Menu option – REVPEND. The steps are similar to menu option MARKPEND. After revoking the pending, if the instruments have to be regularized, then the user shall again run regularization process for the zone through which instruments were sent in outward clearing. M. HOW TO MODIFY/DELETE DETAILS IN SETS EVEN AFTER VERIFICATION OF SETS & BEFORE RELEASING THE ZONE TO SHADOW BALANCE? The system has a provision to modify/delete details in sets (like a/c no, amount, inst. No, inst amount, sort code etc) which have been already verified. This should be done before Page 170 of 294
releasing the zone to shadow balance. Following process shall be followed very meticulously. We will discuss this process through an example. There are set num 1 to 4 in the zone MICR-04 opened in 17.09.2003 date. All the sets are in verified state. User needs to modify details in set number 3 & 4. 1. If the zone is in suspended state, then the user has to revoke suspension – Menu option - MCLZOH – function V (Revoke Suspension). In our example zone is MICR-04 dated 17.09.2003. 2. Open a similar zone in future date Menu option - MCLZOH – function O (Open Zone). In our example MICR-04 dated 18.09.2003 (say it’s a working day). This may not be necessary if any equivalent zone is in open state in today’s date. 3. Transfer those sets which need modification/deletion, from one zone to other. Menu option - MCLZOH – function T (Transfer Sets) or TROFSETS (Transfer of Sets). In our example, we need to enter date as 17.09.2003 and zone code as MICR-04. Press F4. The system shall display screen equivalent to the following screen.
Screen 5 Enter the set numbers in set num ranging from and to fields. Under Transfer to Zone section, enter zone date and zone code to which the sets are to be transferred. In our example values are 18.09.2003 & MICR-04 respectively. Press F10. The system shall bring a new screen and shall display old set numbers (in our example 3 & 4) and new set numbers allotted by it after transferring the sets to the other zone. Please note old and new set numbers. 4. Retransfer the sets back to today’s zone. Menu option – MCLZOH – function T or TROFSETS. In our example, we need to enter date as 18.09.2003 and zone code as MICR-04. Press F4. Enter new set numbers as allotted by the system earlier, in set num ranging from and to. Under Transfer to Zone section, enter zone date and zone code to which the sets are to be transferred. In our example values are 17.09.2003 & MICR-04 respectively. Press F10. The system shall bring a new screen and shall display old set numbers and new set numbers allotted by it after transferring the sets back to today’s zone. Please note new set numbers.
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5. The sets are brought back to today’s date in entered state. Modify/delete set details as per requirement using menu option OCTM. If the set details are modified, the same have to be got verified by other authorized user. N. INQUIRIES AND REPORTS a. Menu option – OIQ (Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry) Example 1 - Customer inquires about the fate/status of his instruments sent in local clearing. In our example, we will assume that the customer provides limited information like the date on which he has presented the instrument and his account number. User may enter date of clearing in ‘Outward Clearing Zone Date’ (2nd from top) and customer’s A/c No. in the last field. Press F4. The system shall all the records fitting in the criteria entered by user. User can press Control+E (Explode) on a record to know status (last field in the screen) of the instrument. If the customer knows instrument num and bank, the user shall enter respective values in ‘Instrument Id’ and ‘Bank code’ fields and press F4 to get result. Example 2 – One of the banks did not participate in the clearing and the user wants to know all the zones through which instruments have been sent to the bank, so that those instruments can be marked as pending before regularizing the zones. In menu option OIQ, user needs to enter values in ‘Outward Clearing zone Date’ and ‘Bank Code’. Press F4. Note the zone codes. Use menu option MARKPEND to mark pending the instrument as per the zone details noted. Alternatively, user can use menu option OPQ (Outward Clg Part Tran Inquiry) for inquiring status of instruments sent in outward clearing. b. Menu option – REJREP (Rejected Instruments Report/Advice) This menu option may be used to send advices to the customers who have presented instruments in Outward Clearing and are returned unpaid.
Screen 6
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1. Report To (mandatory) – Free text field. E.g. enter Manager 2. Start Date (mandatory) – Enter the date as per requirement. Generally date of opening of outward clearing zone. 3. End Date (mandatory) – Enter end date as per requirement. Generally date of opening of outward clearing zone. 4. Zone Sol ID – By default user’s sol id appears in this field. 5. Clg type – Enter O for printing outward reject advices 6. Zone Date/Code (mandatory) – Enter zone date and zone code in respective fields. 7. Print Reqd – Enter A (Advices). Press F4. System shall activate print parameter acceptance form. 8. Fore/Background – Enter F. Print Required – Enter N (if printer is not attached to PC). Press F10. System shall generate a report. Please wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. 9. View/print the report through menu option PR. This menu option can also be used to generate summary of returned instruments; user shall enter R in Print Reqd field. Enter B in Print Reqd field if both advices and summary are to be printed. c. Menu option – PNBRPT All the daily reports of outward clearing can be generated through menu option PNBRPT. Let’s take an example. User wishes to generate outward clearing register for a zone. 1. Type PNBREP in menu option field and press enter key. 2. Main Menu shall appear on the screen. 3. Ensure that the cursor is blinking in the field available at the bottom of the Main Menu list, if not, user shall click left button of mouse in the field. Type 12 (i.e. Clearing). Press F4. 4. Various reports applicable for clearing are listed in the submenu. 5. User shall see which report is to be generated and enter its in the field and press F4. In our example, as the user wishes to generate outward clearing register for a zone, he shall enter 2 in the field and press F4. 6. System may require some input values from the user. After entering the required values, user shall press F4. In our example, system shall ask service outlet code, the user shall enter six digit service outlet code, say 417700 and press F4. System then shall ask date(dd/mm/yyyy), user shall enter the date in the same format as the system has displayed. In our example, say 17/09/2003 and press F4. System then shall ask zone code. In our example say MICR-04 and press F4. 7. After accepting all the required values, system shall start the process of generating the report. Please wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. 8. Once the report is generated, the progress indicator shall turn to green. 9. User can type QQ and press F4 to quit from PNBRPT menu option. (Alternatively, he can type Q and press F4 to go back to main menu. If user wishes to quit from main menu as well, then he shall type Q and press F4. The system shall come out of PNBRPT.) 10. Please view/print the through menu option PR.
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O. GUIDELINES FOR EXTENSION COUNTERS 1. The procedure as discussed above for outward clearing is same for extension counters. 2. Extension counters shall use zone codes starting with EC for lodging outward clearing instruments. 3. As per the setup of zones starting with EC, system shall credit customer’s account to the debit of ‘Imprest A/c – Parent Branch’. 4. While marking outward reject through inward clearing, system shall debit customer’s account to the credit of ‘Imprest A/c – Parent Branch’. 5. The parent branch, on receipt of outward clearing instruments from Extension counters, shall credit Imprest Accounts of respective extension counters and credit Imprest Account of RCC/Clearing House through menu option TM. The branch shall mention EC’s name in particulars field of credit part tran. to distinguish the transaction from others. 6. On receipt of outward rejects instruments, the parent branch shall debit imprest account of respective extension counters and credit imprest account of RCC/Clearing House and then send instruments to EC. 7. EC shall lodging outward reject, EC shall open Non-MICR inward clearing zone starting/prefixed by EC. Please refer to the IT Division, HO manual for further references. INWARD CLEARING – A. OPEN ZONE The authorized official shall open inward clearing zone using menu option MICZ. It may be noted that all inward clearing zones must be closed on the day they are opened; otherwise system shall not allow the user to do the day end of the day. Menu option – MICZ 1. Function – O (Open Zone) 2. Zone – Enter the zone code in the first field, or select it from the list. Zone codes prefixed by EC are defined by data centre only for extension counters & branches shall not open these zones for lodging inward clearing. Branches shall open MICR zones for lodging MICR instruments. Branches shall open non-MICR zones for lodging outward reject instruments i.e. instruments presented in outward clearing but returned unpaid. In the field next to zone code, system automatically displays today’s date (i.e. BOD date). System does not allow to open inward clearing zones in future dates. Press F4. The system shall activate zone details block.
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Screen 7 3. BA(R) Num/Date – Enter the bar number as per the details available on the inward clearing schedule. In the next field, enter the date of inward clearing schedule. 4. Tot Inst BAR – Enter total number of instruments as listed in the inward clearing schedule. 5. Tot Amt BAR – Enter total amount as claimed by clearing house vide inward clearing schedule. 6. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in the Option field. Press F10 to commit. Press F3 to quit. B. LODGE INSTRUMENTS Menu option – ICTM (Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance) 1. Function – A (Add) 2. Zone – Enter the zone code or user can press F2 and select the zone code from the list. System shall not allow the user to lodge instrument in a zone, if the zone is not in open status. Press F4. System shall activate instrument details block.
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Screen 8 3. A/c Num – Enter the A/c No. If the user presses F4 or F11, system shall display A/c holder’s name, SOL id where the user is maintaining a/c and Available balance. This may be useful for the user to take appropriate decision. (Signature viewing is discussed in later part of this document.) 4. Instrument No. – In case of customer’s cheque, enter printed serial number of the cheque. (Lodgment of Pay/Cash Order in ICTM is discussed in later part of this document.) 5. Instrument Amount – Enter the amount. 6. Transaction Particulars (optional) – Free text field. E.g. user can enter payee name. 7. Inst. Date (optional) – User shall enter instrument date. 8. Press F4 or down arrow of keyboard to lodge next instrument. 9. If the user presses F4 key a. System may move up the current record and bring a blank record, if it does not come across any warnings/exceptions/errors. User can lodge next instrument. b. System may raise warnings/exceptions like ‘Cheque Cautioned < Manager>’ if the cheque is marked as cautioned in the system, ‘Chq. Unusable
a. After entering the instrument details, if the user presses F4 and if the system comes across any exception/error, it shall display the same on the computer. If the instrument is to be returned, then the user shall press F3 and follow following steps to mark the instrument as rejected. b. After entering the instrument details, if the user presses down arrow and if the system comes across any exception, it shall display a message ‘Scheme level exceptions exist…’ and shall move up the current record. If the instrument is to be returned, the user shall press up arrow to bring the record & press F4. The system shall display a list of warnings/exceptions. If the instrument is to be returned, the user shall press F3 and follow following steps to mark the instrument as rejected. c. After entering the instrument details, if the user presses down arrow & if the system comes across any errors, it shall display a message ‘Could not carve as there are scheme errors’ and shall not move up the current record. User shall press F4 & the system shall display a list of warnings/exceptions/errors. If the instrument is to be returned, the user shall press F3 and follow following steps to mark the instrument as rejected.
Screen 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Carving – N (No) Rejection Type – I (Inward) Press F6. Screen equivalent to Screen 10 shall appear on the desktop. Inst. Alpha – User may enter instrument’s alpha series code. Pres Bk/Br Code (mandatory) – In the first field, enter the presenting bank code (two digit) & in the next field enter branch code (six digit i.e. combination of city & branch code). Alternatively, user shall type three digit sort code of the bank in the first field and enter city code (e.g. for Mumbai enter 400, Delhi enter 110 etc.) in the next field and press F2. System shall list all the branches of the bank within the city code. Select the branch code by pressing shift+F4. 6. Press F6. Screen equivalent to Screen 11 shall appear. 7. Reject Code1 (mandatory) – Press F2 for list and select rejection code by pressing shift+F4. If there are more than one reason to reject the instrument, then user shall enter the same in next 4 fields.
Screen 10
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Screen 11 8. Press F4. System shall display inward clearing rejection charges screen as shown in screen 12. 9. If the user wishes to change the charges, he can modify the same. Press F4.
Screen 12 10. Press F6. The system shall come back to instrument details screen of ICTM. User can press down arrow of keyboard to lodge further instruments. D. MARK INSTRUMENT AS RETURNED (OUTWARD REJECT) Instruments presented by the branch in the outward clearing but return unpaid by the drawee bank shall be marked as outward reject in the system. Marking of outward rejects must be done before regularization of the outward clearing zone, through which the instruments were lodged and presented to the clearing house. 1. Enter A/c No, instrument number & amount. 2. Carving – N (No). 3. Rejection type – O (Outward). Press F6. System shall display instrument details. Please ensure that presenting bank and branch codes automatically appear in the field ‘Pres Bk/Br Code’. Generally, it shall be same as 9 digit sort code printed on the instrument. If these details are not automatically displayed by the system, then the user shall invoke menu option OIQ and inquire about the lodgment of the instrument by entering zone code, zone date and amount; user shall then note instrument details and lodge it accordingly. 4. Press F6. 5. Reject Code 1 – Press F2 and select the reject reason code by pressing Shift+F4. 6. Press F4. System shall display outward clearing returned charges and outward clearing returned postage charges. User can change the charges if necessary. 7. Press F4 to accept these charges. Press F6. The system shall come back to lodgment screen of ICTM. User can press down arrow of keyboard to lodge further instruments. Page 178 of 294
E. GRANT INSTANT TOD User can grant instant TOD while lodging the instrument through ICTM. Before granting TOD, the user shall take formal sanction/permission from the competent authority. 1. Carving – Y (Yes). 2. TOD? – Y (Yes).
Screen 13 3. Press Control+E (Explode) in TOD field. Screen equivalent to screen 14 shall appear. 4. System shall display available amount in the account and advance amount i.e. TOD amount. 5. Expiry date – By default system shall display today’s date (BOD date). This is the date on which TOD is going to expire. 6. Penalty date – By default system shall display today’s date (BOD date). This is the date from which system shall start charging penal interest on TOD bring granted. 7. System displays Advance type as S (Single) transaction and Advance category as C (Clean). 8. Permitted by (mandatory) – User shall enter Finacle user ID of the permitting authority. 9. Remarks (optional) – Enter remarks of TOD, if any. 10. Press F4. System shall come back to lodgment screen and move up the current record.
Screen 14 User shall take TOD register from the system before the Day End; menu option for printing of TOD register is TODRP. The report/register shall be signed by the competent authority and shall be preserved in era file.
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F. PAY ORDER 1. Account No – Type PO. 2. Instrument No – Enter running serial number of PO and press F11. System shall automatically display all the particulars of pay order like amount, particulars, instrument date etc. 3. Press F6. 4. Ref. Num (mandatory) – Enter 9 digit printed number of the pay order, i.e. first 3 digit alpha and next 6 digit numeric. System shall validate this number with Hot Items list being updated centrally. Press down arrow key. The system shall move up the current record. 5. If the pay order is stale or the system comes across any warning/exception, then it shall display a message ‘Scheme level warning/exception exists’. User shall press up arrow to bring the last record and press F4. If the pay order is stale, then it shall display appropriate message. User then shall modify the account number to 3111511 and lodge the pay order. G. VALIDATION RUN After lodging the instruments in inward clearing, the authorized official shall run validation run process before verification of ICTM. The report generated through validation run process shall be presented to the incumbent incharge for taking necessary action like returning instruments, allowing TODs etc. After getting necessary instructions from the incumbent, the user shall get into modify mode of ICTM and do necessary changes in the instruments like marking returning, granting TODs etc. Menu option – MICZ 1. Function – V (Validation Run) 2. Zone – Enter zone code in the first field. Press F4. Ensure that template file is displayed automatically by the system as iclg_val.mrt. 3. Press F4. 4. System shall display print parameter acceptance form. Enter F in Fore/Background and N in print required (if printer is not physically connected). Press F10. 5. The report generated may be viewed / printed through menu option PR. 6. The report generated shall consist of status each instrument like insufficient avail balance, chq. Not issued, chq stopped, already carved, instrument rejected etc. The report shall help the user to take necessary action like marking instrument as rejected, granting TOD in the account etc. 7. User then shall do the necessary modification (if necessary) in the instruments through menu option ICTM using modify function. H. VERIFICATION OF INWARD CLEARING After lodging all the instruments and marking returning, granting TODs etc., the authorized official shall verify the lodging. Menu option – ICTM 1. Function – V (Verify) 2. Zone – Enter zone code in the first field. Press F4. System shall display selection criteria as shown in screen 15.
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Screen 15 3. User can enter criteria to list the instruments for verification like if he wishes to list/verify only SF instruments, then he can enter 10 in start tran code and end tran code fields. If the user wishes to verify only pay orders, then enter PO in start and end account fields. 4. Press F4. 5. System shall list all the instruments falling under the criteria entered as shown in Screen 16. 6. User can select or deselect instrument for verification by pressing Shift+F4. 7. Press F10 to commit. No financial transactions are passed by the system. System allows user to modify instrument details even after verification. In that case, if the zone is in suspended state, then the suspension has to be revoked, using menu option MICZ & function R (revoke suspension). Then the user shall invoke ICTM in modify mode, enter zone code, press F4, enter Y in Select Verified field and press F4.
Screen 16 I. CHECK ZONE STATISTICS BEFORE SUSPENDING THE ZONE Before suspending the zone, the authorized official shall check the statistics of the zone by invoking menu option MICZ. Menu option – MICZ 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – I (inquire) Zone – Enter zone code in the first field. Press F4. Option – S (Statistics). Press F4. System shall display number of instruments lodged, total amount of instruments etc. on the computer as shown in screen 17. Page 181 of 294
5. After noting the figures of excess claim, short claim if any and other figures likes inward reject, outward reject etc., user shall press F4 or F3 key to come back to option field. 6. The official shall check the figures with inward clearing schedule and the details entered in the current zone like BAR amount, no. of instruments etc. If necessary, the user shall modify the zone details by invoking same menu option using modify function or modify instrument details using menu option ICTM in modify mode.
Screen 17 J. SUSPEND ZONE After verification of the instruments through ICTM, the authorized official shall suspend the zone. No further lodgment is allowed in the zone once it is suspended. If the user wishes to lodge further instruments in suspended zone, the authorized official shall revoke suspension first using menu option MICZ. Menu option – MICZ 1. Function – S (Suspend) 2. Zone – Enter zone code in the first field. 3. Press F4. System shall display zone details and the cursor shall appear in option field. If BAR amount, no. of instruments etc. is not entered in the zone, system shall display a message accordingly. 4. User can press F10. Or if the user wishes to enter total amount, no. of instruments etc. as per the inward clearing schedule, he shall press F3 to abandon suspension of zone and modify zone details through the same menu option, using modify function. K. POST ZONE After confirming zone statistics and doing necessary modifications in the zone, user shall post the zone. The zone must be in suspended state before proceeding for posting the zone. Posting means, the system shall pass necessary financial transactions. Ensure that ILINKWEB is running in the background. Before proceeding for posting the zone, the user shall segregate the instrument that are beyond his passing powers and shall handover the same to next higher authority for passing the same. The next higher authority shall invoke ICTM and shall satisfy himself about whether the instrument is to be passed or not. Accordingly, he shall sign on the face of the instrument indicating that the instrument is passed. During posting the zone, system creates transactions like Dr. Customer/Office accounts and Cr. Sundry Account Consolidated. If the number of instruments lodged in the zone is Page 182 of 294
250 or more, system creates more than one transaction, each transaction having maximum 250 part trans. System does not check passing powers during posting the zone, but the user initiating the posting has work class less than the minimum work class defined for various schemes, the posting of the zone will fail and the transaction shall Menu option – MICZ 1. Function – P (Post) 2. Zone – Enter zone code in the first field. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. The official shall ensure that validation status is V COMPLETE. 3. Option – Press F10. 4. Please wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. (Note - System shall not allow the user to press F10 if inward clearing schedule details are entered in BAR number/date, Tot inst BAR , Tot amt BAR fields.) 5. System shall display the status of transaction like whether the transaction posting is failed or otherwise. Please note the transaction Id. 6. If the posting of transaction is failed, the user shall invoke menu option TM in modify mode and post all the part trans. 7. While posting the transaction in TM, user may find that some of the part trans are in verified state. System shall not post/verify part trans while posting the zone if comes across any warning/exception/errors. User shall individually post all such unposted part trans (within his passing powers). User shall check that after pressing F10 in TM, the number of credit and debit entries in entered state shall be equal to number of credit & debit entries in posted state. L. CLOSE ZONE Please note that all the inward clearing zones opened on today’s date (BOD date) must be closed on the same day; otherwise system shall not allow the DBA to do the Day End. Before initiating the closing of zone, please ensure that the all the part trans initiated during posting the zone are posted. ILINKWEB shall be running in the background. Menu option – MICZ 1. Function – Z (Close) 2. Zone – Enter zone code in the first field. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. 3. Option – Press F10. Please wait until the progress indicator turns back to green. This process shall debit sundry consolidated account and credit clearing imprest account. The user shall check ledger of sundry consolidated account (3171117) for transaction and can also press Control+E (Explode) to see other part tran details. The system shall create transactions of debit to the accounts in which instruments have been returned (provided that the charges are accepted during lodging the instruments), with the inward clearing reject charges. System may not post the transactions in account of customers with the inward clearing reject charges if the balance in the account if sufficient balance is not available in the account. The user can print all the vouchers like clearing imprest, sundry consolidated account, suspense clearing, sundry clearing, customers’ account debit and inward clearing reject charges etc. from the system, either by using menu option VCHR or TM in modify mode and sub option Z in specify option field.
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M. SIGNATURE VIEWING System allows viewing the signatures of customer while lodging the instruments through ICTM as also while verifying instruments through ICTM. After entering the account number in ICTM user shall press F9 to view the signature. (While verifying the instruments through ICTM, user shall bring the cursor to the required account number by pressing up/down arrow key & press F9). To quit from the signature, user can press back button of finacle (not of Internet Explorer), available below the progress indicator. Or alternatively, user can click left button of mouse in signature window, press Alt+F4, click on transmit button and press F3 to quit from the signature window. While viewing the signature, user shall check name of the account holder, mode of operation (if available in signature window) etc. System shall not allow the user to view the deleted signature if the user is not given the access to view it by DBA. N. GUIDELINES FOR EXTENSION COUNTER (EC) 1. The parent branch, on receipt of inward clearing shall segregate the instruments drawn on EC and shall physically total the amount of these instruments. 2. It shall then debit Imprest A/c of concerned EC with the total amount arrived and credit Imprest A/c RCC/Clearing House. 3. It shall then send the instruments to EC. 4. EC shall lodge instruments in inward clearing zone prefixed by EC. 5. The system will debit customers’/office accounts and credit the Imprest A/c of parent branch. O. INQUIRIES AND REPORTS a. INQACHQ (Inquire Account number for a Cheque) – If the account number on the cheque is not clear, user can inquire about the account number on the basis of cheque number, provided the cheque book is issued through Finacle. 1. Cheq. Num – Enter 6 digit printed serial number of the cheque. 2. Service Outlet – Enter the six digit service outlet code of the issuing branch. Press F4. 3. If the cheque book is issued to the customer through the system, it shall display account number on extreme left of the list. b. REJREP (Rejected Instruments Report/Advice) User can generate advices to the customers intimating about returning of cheque presented in inward clearing. Already discussed in paragraph N of outward clearing. c. ACCBAL – Components of Account Balance Inquiry) User can enter customer’s account number and press F4. System shall display total amount reserved by the system on account of inward clearing against the field ‘System Reserved Amount’. d. User can use ICTM, function I to inquire on instruments. e. To inquire on statistics, transaction ID generated while posting the zone, user can use MICZ. Function I, enter zone code, press F4 and in option field, enter S and press F4 to see statistics. In option field type T and press F4 to see transaction ID; user can press Control+E (Explode) on it to see individual part tran details. Please refer to the IT Division, HO manual for further references. Page 184 of 294
Prepared by: Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad CASH CREDIT / OVERDRAFT ACCOUNTS Cash Credit accounts are opened under scheme codes defined under scheme type CCA. Likewise, Overdraft accounts are opened under scheme codes defined scheme type ODA. A. CC/OD ACCOUNT OPENING Mandatory information to be entered in CC/OD account opening is – • • • •
G – General Details S – Scheme Details H – Limit Details V – MIS Codes
Other information which is not mandatory but may be required to enter is – •
A – Related party details (like joint a/c holder, Power of Attorney, Authorized Signatory, Guarantor etc)
Menu option – OAAC (Open an Account)
Screen 1 1. Function – O (Open) 2. Customer Id – Enter the customer id. 3. Scheme Code – User can type CC in this field and press F2. System shall display a list of valid scheme codes starting with CC characters. User can select the scheme code by pressing Shift+F4. While selecting the scheme code, user shall also ensure the GL Subhead Code under which he wishes to open the a/c. Alternatively, user can type scheme code in this field; system shall automatically select GL Subhead code as 61100. In this example, we will open an a/c under CCOTH scheme code. Press F4. System shall bring General Details screen.
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Screen 2 GENERAL DETAILS 4. Acct Name - System shall automatically display customer’s name (as per the CUMM details). System allows the user to change acct name, but during account verification, system shall raise an exception ‘Account Name Change Excp
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Screen 3 16. Passbook/Statement (Mandatory) – Enter P for Passbook, S for Statement or B for both PB & Stmt. 17. Statement Frequency – If S (Statement) or B (Both PB & Stmt) is entered in the above field, then statement frequency is mandatory. 18. Despatch Mode – If S or B value is entered in Passbook/Statement field, then this field is mandatory. Valid values are A - Post and Email B – Spl Delivery and Email C – Collect by person D – Courier & Email P – Only Post Q – Courier S – Special Delivery 19. Download to PBF – Default value is N. If the ATM/Debit Card is to be issued for this a/c, then Y shall be entered. 20. Pay Interest – Default value is Y which should be retained (not to be changed to N); as keeping this value Y will facilitate to refund interest in the account by the system due to any reason like change of interest rate from backdate. 21. Collect Interest – Default is Y, which shall not be changed. 22. Customer Pref. Interest (Cr) and Account Pref. Interest (Cr) – should be left blank. 23. Account Pref. Interest (Dr) – If the account preferential interest over or below is to be charged, the same shall be entered in this field. E.g. If 2% is to be charged over and above prevailing rate of interest as entered in Int. Rate Code field, then 2 may be entered in this field; -2 may be entered in this field if 2% less is to be charged than the prevailing rate of interest. 24. Interest Cr A/c Flag – Default is S, which may not be changed. 25. Interest Dr A/c Flag (Mandatory) – Generally S (Original A/c) itself i.e. interest shall be debited from the a/c which is being opened. 26. Int. Rate Code (Mandatory) – By default, system shall display ZERO as Int. Rate Code, which shall be changed. User shall modify this field, which is discussed below. Let’s assume that we are opening a trader’s CC account to whom we are granting a limit for working capital trading advances above Rs. 2 Lacs – a. Int. Rate Code – Delete ZERO by pressing Control+F or delete key on keyboard. b. Press F2.
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c. Interest Table Code – Type WC and press F2. System shall display all the interest table codes starting with WC. d. Using Up/Down arrow key of keyboard go to WCTA interest table code. Press Shift+F4 to select the code. Press F4. e. System shall display various versions created by the Data Centre from time to time. f. (Optional) To know actual rate of interest that the system would be charging in this account, press Control+E on the version which user wishes to select for this a/c. While selecting/exploring on the version, user shall ensure the start date from which the interest table code is effective. Note the base int. pcnt if any. g. Option – Type D (Debit Slabs) and press F4. h. Note the value appearing below Ind. Normal. Add this value in base int. pcnt to arrive at the net interest that would be charged in the account being opened. Press F3 thrice. i. The system shall come back to interest table version list. Select the proper version by pressing Shift+F4. 27. After selecting proper Int. Rate Code, Press F4. System shall validate values entered in the fields, as also it shall check that valid values are entered in mandatory fields and then the cursor shall appear in Option Code field. SCHEME DETAILS 28. Option Code – Delete G and enter S (Scheme Details). Press F4.
Screen 4 29. Dr. Balance Limit – Default value is 99999999999999.99, which should be retained. 30. Max. Allowable Limit – Enter the amount of sanctioned limit. System shall not allow the user to enter/modify amount in sanctioned limit (H details) field, more than the amount entered in this field. 31. Credit File No. – Enter credit file No. if any. 32. Debt Acknowledgement Date – Enter the Date of last acknowledgement of debt (BC letter). This date can also be filled up after the verification of account; to do so use the menu option ACM. 33. Chqs Allowed – Default value is Y. System shall not allow the user to issue cheque book in the a/c, if N is entered in this field. 34. Charge for Cheque Issue – Default value is Y, which shall not be changed. 35. Press F6 or F4. 36. A/c Health Code (Mandatory) – Press F2 and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. 37. Press F4. System shall bring the cursor to Option Code field. Page 188 of 294
LIMIT DETAILS 38. Option Code – Delete S and enter H (Limit History Details). Press F4.
Screen 5 39. Limit Level Interest – Default value is N i.e. the system shall charge the interest as per the Interest Rate Code entered in the G (General Details) option. 40. Sanction Limit – Enter amount of sanctioned limit. Please note that system shall not allow the user to enter amount more than the Max. Allowable Limit as entered in Scheme Details. Press F4. 41. Sanction Date (mandatory) – Enter the date of sanction of existing limit. 42. Expiry Date (mandatory)– Enter the date of expiry of existing limit. 43. Penal Int. From – Enter the number of months/days from the date of expiry of the limit after which the system shall charge penal interest. If nothing is entered in these fields, system shall charge penal interest from the date of expiry of the limit. 44. Document Date (mandatory)– Enter the date of documentation in the account. 45. Review Date – Enter the date of review of limit of this account, if any. This date must be at least one day prior to the date of expiry of limit. 46. Security Description – Enter the description of security in this account. 47. Remarks – Free text field. 48. Sanction Level (Mandatory) – Press F2 for list and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. 49. Sanction Auth (Mandatory) - Press F2 for list and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. 50. Sanction Ref# (Mandatory) – Enter the sanction reference No. 51. Press F4. 52. Drawing Power Indicator (mandatory)– Valid values are D – Derived from Security, E – Equal to Sanction Limit, M – Maintained, P – Parent. a. If D is entered in this field, then it becomes mandatory to attach security to this account through the menu option SRM, otherwise the system shall always show DP as 0 (Zero). b. If E is entered in this field, then system shall show DP as equal to Sanctioned Limit. c. If M is entered in this field, then the user has to enter value of DP in the Drawing Power field. d. If P is entered in this field, then the system shall derive the DP from Limit Node. Please refer to chapter on Limit Node Maintenance for creation of limit nodes/tree. Page 189 of 294
53. Drawing Power % - This field is mandatory if DP Indicator is P (Parent). 54. Limit Id - This field is mandatory if DP Indicator is P (Parent). 55. Drawing Power – In case the DP indicator is entered as M (Maintained), then the user shall enter the amount of DP. In all other case, system shall derive the DP as per the DP indicator. 56. DACC Limit Absolute – Debit Against Clearing Credit limit is sanctioned as a part of the main limit, if any. Same can be entered in absolute value in the first field and/or in percentage term in the next field. If both ‘Absolute’ and ‘Percentage’ are entered, then the system shall allow DACC limit from either of the limits, whichever is lower. 57. A/c Recalled (Mandatory) – Valid values are Y or N. 58. Press F4. System shall validate the values and shall also check that whether the values in mandatory fields have been entered. On success, it shall bring the cursor to Option Code field. MIS CODES In all loan accounts, entering MIS details has been made mandatory. The quality of reports/MIS is directly related to the details entered in this option. User shall meticulously enter valid values in these fields. 59. Option Code – Delete H and enter V (MIS Codes). Press F4. 60. In every field, the facility of list is available. User can press F2 for the list and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4.
Screen 6 61. After entering appropriate codes in the concerned fields, user shall press F4. The system shall bring the cursor to Option Code field. 62. Option Code – We have so far entered G (General), S (Scheme), H (Limit) and V (MIS) details. These details are mandatory for CC/OD a/c. User can press F10 to commit/save account details. But, as the case may be, user may require to enter Authorized Signatory, Power of Attorney, Guarantor, Joint A/c holder’s details while opening the account. These details can be entered through option A (Related Party Details). RELATED PARTY DETAILS 63. Option Code – Delete V and enter A. Press F4. 64. The first screen displays details of Main Account Holder. To enter authorized signatory, power attorney, joint account holders’ etc. details, press Down Arrow of keyboard. 65. Relation Type (Mandatory) – Press F1 for help. The help displays various values for relation codes. P (Power of Attorney), A (Authorised Signatory), L (letter of Authority), J (Joint Holder), G (Guarantor) etc. Press Enter on OK button or click mouse on it. Enter the value in this field. Page 190 of 294
66. Relation Code – Press F2 and select the code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 67. Dispatch Mode – If the account is enabled for statement, system gives user the option to send the statement to related parties added through this option. Press F1 for help. Enter the dispatch mode in this field. 68. Designation Code – Press F2 for list and select the code by pressing Shift+F4. 69. Customer ID – If the related party (joint A/c holder etc.) has a valid cust_id in finacle, enter the same here. In that case other details of the party like address, city, pin code etc. need not be entered. 70. Name (Mandatory) – Enter name of the related party. If the cust_id is entered in the above field, then the system automatically displays party’s name in this field and does not allow to modify. 71. If the cust_id of related party is not entered, Address, City, State, Country, Postal Code etc. of the related party need to be filled in. 72. If user wishes to enter more related party details, press Down Arrow and follow the steps 65 to 71. 73. After entering all related party details, Press F4 to go to Enter option field. 74. If no other details are to be entered, then Press F10 to commit. System will display 16digit account number. Please note it, as it needs verification. Sometimes system may not display all 16 digits account on the screen. Account No. consists of following information. E.g. account no. generated by system is 4177008700008336. 417700 SOL id(6)
87 0000833 6 Product code(2) Account No.(7) Check digit(1)
Check digit is also a part of account no. User need not remember all 16 digits. Whenever user accesses this account, he can simply enter 878336, system will automatically expand it to 16 digits. This facility is provided only when user accesses customer’s accounts of user’s own branch/SOL. User shall enter all 16 digits in account no. field for accounts of customers of other branch/SOL. B. VERIFICATION OF NEWLY OPENED A/C Please note 4. The user who has opened the account through OAAC can not verify the account; as Maker and Checker concept is applicable in Finacle. 5. During verification of account, no details can be changed, as all the fields are write protected. 6. To modify account details of newly opened account (but not verified), use menu option OAACAU – function M (Modify). Menu option – OAACAU 1. Function – V. 2. Temporary A/c No. – Enter the A/C No which is to be verified. User need not enter all 16 digits of account; user can enter short account no. of the account to be verified. If user forgot to note account no. after committing OAAC, user can retrieve it by pressing F2 in this field; select the account to be verified by pressing Shift+F4. 3. Permanent A/c No. – must not be entered. Press F4 to bring account details. System shall display General Details of the account. Press F11 twice (Or click twice on Transmit button) to visit next page. Similarly, visit the 3rd page. When the user is in 3rd page, press F4 to go to option code field. Page 191 of 294
4. Option Code – type S and press F4 to visit scheme details. After verifying scheme details, press F4 to come back to option code field. 5. Option Code – Delete S and type H. Press F4 to visit limit details. Press F4 to see DP Indicator/DACC limit details. Press F4 come back to option code field. 6. Option Code – Delete H and type V. Press F4 to visit MIS details. After verifying MIS codes, press F4 come back to option code field. 7. Option Code - delete V & type A. Press F4 to visit Related Party Details. Press Up/Down arrow to scroll through the records. Press F4 to come back to option code field. 8. Press F10 to commit. Note : System may display warnings or/and exceptions. If the verifying official has sufficient work class to override the exceptions, he can press F4. If the user presses F4 and accept, then only system shall verify the a/c. If the user presses F3, system shall not verify the account. Some of the Exceptions raised by the system are – 1. DFLT INT PARM CHNG
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Screen 7 F. ISSUE OF CHEQUE BOOK After opening & verification of an account, user shall issue cheque book (if applicable) to the account holder, through the menu option ICHB. Please refer to chapter on Cheque Book Maintenance. G. CHANGE OF INTEREST RATE During the migration of CC/OD accounts from TBA/PBA packages to CBS, the system places the rate of interest applicable in the account in Account Pref. Interest (Dr) field & for all such migrated accounts, the value in Int. Rate Code field is ZERO. This means if user does not change interest rate, then the account shall always carry absolute rate of interest and any changes in PLR/BPLR or any other interest component done by the Date Centre shall not be automatically made applicable in all such accounts by the system. Therefore, it becomes mandatory for the branch to change Int. Rate Code & Account Pref. Interest (Dr) of all such accounts. The menu option to change Interest Rate Code and Account/Customer Pref. Interest details is INTTM. Change of interest rate facility is not available in menu option ACM. Also, after opening and subsequent verification of an account, if the user wishes to change interest rate in the a/c, he shall use menu option INTTM.
Screen 8 Page 193 of 294
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Function – M (Modify) A/c / Bill / Disb – A (Account) A/c No / Bills / Disb Id – Enter A/c No. Press F4. System shall display existing interest parameters. Interest Table Code – Enter appropriate interest table code. Please refer to point No. 26 of A/c opening. 6. Customer Preferential Interest (Cr) and Account Preferential Interest (Cr) – Not applicable for CC/OD A/c. Values in these fields shall be 0 (zero). 7. Account Preferential Interest (Dr) – If any preferential interest over and above the prevailing rate of interest is to be charged, then enter the same in this field. If any concession is to be given, then enter the value preceded with minus (- sign). 8. Is Interest Pegged – By default, system displays N in this field, which means that as and when new version of interest rate code is released the Data Centre, the same shall be automatically made applicable in this account. 9. Start Date – Enter the date from which the above mentioned interest rate shall be applicable. 10. End Date – Enter the date up to which the above mentioned interest rate shall be applicable. Multiple interest rates with different start/end dates can be entered in an account. User shall press Down Arrow of keyboard to add next interest record. Another authorized user shall verify the modifications done in INTTM, using the same menu option i.e. INTTM, Function – V. H. TRANSACTION IN CC/OD A/C Cash & Transfer transactions in CC/OD A/c shall be entered through the menu option TM. Inward Clearing related transactions shall be entered through menu option ICTM. Outward Clearing related transactions shall be entered through menu option OCTM. Please refer to related chapters for all these type of transactions. I. GRANTING OF TOD THROUGH TM This has already been discussed in the section H & I of chapter on TM (Transaction Maint.). We will discuss the same in brief in this section. Menu option - TM Let’s assume that the user is debiting the a/c either by cash or by transfer. After entering the transaction particulars like A/c No, Amt, Part tran type, transaction particulars, instrument type, user shall press F4. The system shall display Eff. Avail. Amt on the right-bottom side of the screen. By comparing the transaction amount and Eff. Avail. Amt, user can make out that whether there is a shortfall of any amount in the a/c. If there is a shortfall in the account and if the user wants to grant instant TOD in the a/c for this particular transaction, he shall type N (Instant TOD Details) in Specify option field and press F4. The system shall display Instant TOD details screen. System shall display TOD amount against the display field Advance Amount. User shall not change Expiry & Penalty date. In the ‘Permitted By’ field, user shall enter (or select from the list) finacle user id of the official who has granted this Instant TOD. Press F4.
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Screen 9 J. GRANTING OF TOD IN INWARD CLEARING After entering instrument details, user shall change TOD? Flag to Y and press Control+E. System shall display the same screen as shown above. In the ‘Permitted by’ field, user shall enter finacle user Id of the officials who has permitted instant TOD in this account for this transaction. Press F4. The total of Instant TODs granted through various menu options are called as Event based TODs and total amount of such TODs can be seen through menu option ACCBAL against the field Overdue Liab. It is mandatory for the branch to take TOD register before the Day End, through the menu option TODRP (TOD Register Printing). Details of individual TODs can be inquired through menu options ACTODM, TODM or ACTODI using function I (Inquire). K. GRANTING OF SPECIFIC TOD OR ADHOC LIMIT IN CC/OD A/C TODs for future dates can be granted in an A/c using menu options ACTODM or TODM.
Screen 10 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. A/c No. – Enter A/c No. in which TOD (adhoc limit)is to be granted. Press F4.
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3. System shall display earlier TODs (if any) granted in this a/c. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in Option field. 4. Option – Type A (Add). Press F4. System shall display TOD details screen.
Screen 11 5. Grant Date – Enter the date on which TOD (adhoc limit) has been granted. 6. Advance Amount – Enter the amount of TOD (adhoc limit). 7. TOD level Int Flag – Default is N, which should not be changed so that the system shall calculate A/c level interest. Press F4.The cursor shall appear in next block. 8. Expiry Date – Enter the date up to which this TOD (or adhoc limit) is available in the account. If the TOD (or adhoc limit) is not used before this date, it shall expire automatically. 9. Penalty Date – System automatically displays grant date in this field, which need not be changed so as to allow the system to apply penal interest from the date of granting this TOD (or adhoc limit). 10. Advance Type – Enter S for granting TOD for Single transaction or A for granting Adhoc limit. 11. Advance Catg – Enter N (i.e. secured) if the TOD (or adhoc limit) is within the available DP or enter C for clean TOD (or adhoc limit). 12. Normal Int. and Penal Int fields are protected if the TOD level Int Flag is N. If TOD level int. Flag is set to Y, then values in these fields need to be entered. 13. Permitted By – Enter the finacle user_id of the official who has permitted this TOD (or adhoc limit). 14. Remarks – Enter remarks if any. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. 15. Option – Press F10 to commit. Granting of TOD (or adhoc limit) shall be verified by another authorized user. Menu option - ACTODMAU or TODM 1. Function – V (Verify). 2. A/c No – Enter A/c No. Press F4. System shall display all the TODs (adhoc limits) granted but not yet verified. 3. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. 4. Option – To ensure that the TOD details have been properly entered, enter I (Inquire) in this field and press F4. After verifying the TOD details, press F3. 5. Option – Press F10 to commit verification.
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Branch shall take all the necessary report related to TODs on day to day basis, through menu option TODRP (TOD Register Printing). It is always advisable to check that whether the Eff. Avail. Bal has been increased accordingly after the granting of TOD (Adhoc limit). This can be checked through menu option ACCBAL. Let’s analyze the following ACCBAL screen.
Screen 12 We can see that an adhoc limit of Rs. 25,000/- has been granted in this account. This adhoc limit is reflecting under Secured Limits, because while granting this adhoc limit through ACTODM/TODM, user had entered N (secured) in Advance Catg field. As also, the Eff. Avail. Amt is still 0.00. This is because although the adhoc limit (secured) has been granted but it is beyond the DP. If the DP is being derived from security, then the SRM details need to be added / modified accordingly to make the sufficient DP available in this account to accommodate this adhoc limit. Had this adhoc limit been granted as Clean, it would have reflected under Clean Limits in ACCBAL and the Eff. Avail. Amt. would have got included Rs.25,000/-, without adding/modifying SRM details. Conclusion – 1. If the TOD (adhoc limit) is granted as N (Secured), it shall reflect under Secured limit in ACCBAL. If the account is deriving DP from SRM, then to make this TOD (adhoc limit) effective SRM record must be added/modified, otherwise Eff. Avail. Amt shall not include this TOD (adhoc limit). 2. If the TOD (adhoc limit) is granted as C (Clean), it shall reflect under Clean limit in ACCBAL. Even though if the account is deriving DP from SRM, Eff. Avail. Amt shall automatically include this TOD (adhoc limit) even without adding/modifying SRM details. L. RENEWAL/ENHANCEMENT/REDUCTION OF SANCTIONED LIMIT In CC/OD accounts, modifications in sanctioned limit for an account need to be done at the time of renewal/review or enhancement/reduction in sanctioned limit. Menu option to do such changes in Sanction Limits is done through the menu option ACLHM (Account Limit History Maintenance). As also, after opening and subsequent verification of CC/OD a/c, if user comes to know that the sanctioned limit and/or DP Indicator were not properly entered, then he can use ACLHM menu option to modify sanctioned limit details. Page 197 of 294
If the limit is to be ‘Enhanced’ i.e. if the new sanctioned limit is more than the current sanctioned limit, then before invoking menu option ACLHM, user shall modify the value in ‘Max. Allowable Limit’ field in the account of which the limit is to be enhanced. Menu option – ACM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. A/c No – Enter A/c No. Press F4. 3. Enter Option – Type S (Scheme Details). Press F4. 4. Max. Allowable Limit – Enter the amount equal to the enhanced sanctioned limit. Press F4. 5. Press F10 to commit. Another authorized user shall verify these modifications done in the account, using the same menu option i.e. ACM, function – V, enter a/c no, press F4, check whether the Max. Allowable Limit is properly entered, press F10 to commit. After completing the above exercise (applicable for enhancement of sanctioned limit), user shall invoke menu option ACLHM for enhancing the sanctioned limit.
Screen 13 1. Function - M (Modify) 2. A/c No. – Enter A/c No. 3. Operation – S (Sanction Limit). Press F4. The system shall display all the sanctioned limits available in the A/c. Using Up/Down arrow key go to the required sanctioned limit record. 4. Option – Type M (Modify). Press F4.
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Screen 14 5. 6. 7. 8.
Applicable Date – Enter the date from which the modified limit shall be applicable. Sanction Limit – Enter the new sanctioned limit. Limit Level Interest – Default value is N, which shall not be changed. Supercede? – This is a protected field in modification mode. If user uses A (Add) or C (Copy) function, then this field automatically gets activated; if user enters Y in this field, then the previous limit, if any, get superceded by the new sanctioned limit. 9. Press F4. System may display a message ‘Sanction Limit exceeds the maximum allowable limit specified for this account’ & shall not proceed to next block, if the above exercise (modification of max. allowable limit field for limit enhancement) as discussed in the beginning of this topic is not done before invoking this menu option. 10. Enter the details as applicable in appropriate fields. Please refer to Limit Details section of A/c opening of this chapter. 11. After doing necessary modifications, press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. Press F10 to commit. The addition/modification done through ACLHM shall be verified by another authorized user using either the menu option ACLHMAU or ACLHM and Function V. M. CHANGE OF DP INDICATOR / DACC LIMIT / A/C RECALLED Let’s take an example. The account is deriving the DP from the security attached to it. That is, in the a/c, the DP indicator in H (Limit Details) is set to the D (Derived). As regards, in this case SRM record must be created for this account to make the DP available. Now, the party wants that the DP be derived from the corporate limit set for it and not from the security. To make such facility in this account, user needs to change the DP indicator from D (Derived) to P (Parent), provided the limit tree has already been created for the customer. This change can not be done through menu option ACM (Customer Account Maintenance). Menu option – ACLHM (Account Limit History Maintenance) 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. A/c No – Enter A/c No. of which DP indicator is to be changed. 3. Operation – D (Drawing Power /DACC limits/Recall Flag). Press F4.
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Screen 15 4. Option – M (Modify). Press F4. The system shall display DP and DACC details screen.
Screen 16 5. Applicable Date – Enter the date from which the DP shall be made effective in this account. System accepts any date <=today’s (BOD) date. Press F4. 6. Drawing Power Indicator – Change the DP indicator as the case may be. Valid DP indicators are D (Derived), E (Equal), M (Maintained) & P (Parent). 7. If the DP indicator is changed to P (parent), then Drawing Power% shall be entered accordingly & Limit Id shall be entered. 8. If the DP indicator is changed to M (Maintained), then Drawing Power shall be entered. In all other cases, (i.e. D, E & P), system shall automatically derive the DP. 9. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. 10. Option – Press F10 to commit. Another authorized user shall verify the changes done as above through menu option ACLHMAU or ACLHM, function V. In the similar way, the same process shall be followed to change DACC limit or recalling the A/c. The changes done in ACLHM shall be verified by another authorized user to bring them into effect.
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N. ACCOUNT TURNOVER INQUIRY User may like to see the turnover details of CC Account before taking further decisions. The menu option to inquire the same is ACTI (Account Turnover Inquiry). System shall allow to inquire about turnover details only if the Turnover details flag is set to Y in General Details (1st page). If it is not set to Y while opening the account, user can change it through menu option ACM. Menu option – ACTI
Screen 17 1. A/c No – Enter the A/c No. 2. Start Date – Enter the date from which user wishes to see turnover details. 3. End Date - Enter the date up to which user wishes to see turnover details. If the user wishes to see the turnover details from the date of opening (or the date of migration) till date, both the date fields shall be left blank. 4. Press F4. System shall display month-wise turnover details in the account. 5. User shall press Control+E (Explode) on a record of which he wishes to see more details. 6. System shall display Credit & Debit details of the account for the selected period. These details include total balances, total days, Avg. Balances, highest balances, minimum balances, total number of transactions, total transaction amounts, Interest accruals, TOD details, Inward & Outward clearing details along with returning etc.
Screen 18 Page 201 of 294
O. INTEREST APPLICATION IN CC/OD In CC/OD accounts, interest application as and when required is done at Data Centre as a part of Batch job. But in certain cases, it may be required to apply interest in an individual account by the branch/SOL. User shall use menu option INTRUN (Interest Run for Individual Account) or ACINT (Interest Run for Accounts). 1. Currency Code – Enter the currency code of the account. User can select the code from the list. 2. Account Number – User shall enter account number in 16 digits. 3. From Date – Enter the date from which the interest is to be applied/calculated. The valid date formats are dd/mm/yyyy, or dd-mm-yyyy. 4. To Date – System shall automatically display today’s (BOD) date. 5. Value Date for Trans - System shall automatically display today’s (BOD) date. 6. Post Transaction? – Enter Y if the system shall automatically post the transaction; enter N for trial run. 7. Freq. Based Int Run – Enter N. 8. Dr./Cr. Interest – Enter D (Debit). 9. Adhoc mode – Enter I for Interest Recalculation, or A (Adhoc) is actual interest calculation is not to be done. 10. Report to (mandatory)– Free Text field. 11. Press F4. The system shall display another screen. Press F4. The system shall display print parameter acceptance form. 12. Fore/Background – Enter F. 13. Print Reqd – Enter N if printer is not physically connected to the computer. Press F10 to commit. 14. Please check the interest calculation report through menu option PR. P. CLOSURE OF CC/OD A/C a.
Ensure that the Pay Interest flag is N in the account.
Menu option - ACM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b.
Function – M (Modify) A/c No. – Enter A/c No. Press F4. Enter Option – Enter 0 (zero) i.e. General Details. Press F4. Press F6. Pay Interest – Delete Y and enter N. Press F4. Enter Option – Press F10 to commit. Another authorized user shall verification this change through same menu option. Ensure that all the securities are deleted through menu option SRM.
Menu option – SRM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Linkage type – A (Account). Press F4. 3. A/c No. – Enter A/c No. Press F4. System shall display all the securities attached to the account. 4. Press Shift+F4 to select the security record to be deleted. System shall display security details & the cursor shall appear in Enter Option field. 5. Enter Option – Enter D (Delete), press F4 and then Press F10. 6. Follow above steps if more than one security is attached to the account. 7. Another authorized user shall verify deletion of securities through SRM. Page 202 of 294
c. Ensure that there are no Standing Instructions pending/outstanding on the account. Menu option - SII (Standing Instructions Inquiry). d. Ensure that there are no transactions in entered (but not posted/verified) state in the account. Menu option FTI (Financial Transactions Inquiry). e. Ensure that the cheque book(s) issued in the account are destroyed. Menu option CHBM (Cheque Book Maintenance). f. COLLECTION OF PENDING CHARGES AS A/C CLOSURE PROCESS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Menu option – CACC (Closure of Account Charge Collection). Before invoking this menu option, please check that sufficient balance is available in the account to debit the charges. Function – Z (Account Close) Acct Number – Enter A/c No. Trial / Actual – A (Actual). Press F4. The system shall display a list of charges to be collected during closure of the account. Press F10 to commit. Another authorized user shall verify these charges collection through the same menu option i.e. CACC, function-V.
Screen 19 6. While verifying (after pressing F10) the CACC, system shall automatically post the transaction, provided there are no exceptions encountered by the system and the user verifying CACC is authorized to post the transaction; otherwise system shall create the transaction in entered state and shall display the tran_id. User shall view OFTI POST REPORT through menu option PR. If the transaction is in entered state, an authorized user shall post/verify the transaction through menu option TM. g. INTEREST APPLICATION DURING CLOSURE OF ACCOUNT Menu option – CAAC (Close an Account) 1. Function – Z (Close an Account) 2. A/c No – Enter A/c No. Press F4. 3. If the interest calculation is not up to date, system shall display Y in ‘Run Int. Calc. Now’. System shall also display other important information like Cust_id, A/c open date, A/c balance, Interest rate code, Last interest date, pending authorization, pending trans & amt, pending SI trans & amt (standing Instructions) etc.
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4. Press F4. The system shall calculate up-to-date interest and post the transaction (if the user is authorized to post the transaction & there are no exceptions encountered by the system during the process); otherwise system shall create the transaction in entered state. 5. User shall press F3 and quit from CACC. Please check the reports through PR and post/verify transaction through menu option TM. h. CLOSURE OF CC/OD ACCOUNT After the interest is applied as discussed above, system shall show the liability in the account (menu option ACCBAL / ACLI). The account shall be credited with the amount of debit balance through TM and post/verify transaction. After ensuring that the a/c balance is zero, user shall again invoke menu option CAAC. Manu option – CAAC a. Function – Z (Close an Account) b. A/c No – Enter A/c No. Press F4.The system shall, by default display N in ‘Run Int. Calc. Now’ and the field will be in protected mode and shall also display a message ‘Interest calculation is up to date’. c. Press F4. d. Remarks – Enter remarks if any. e. Close option – press F10 to commit. f. Another authorized user shall verify closure of account through menu option CAACAU, function V. Q. REPORTS a. TODRP (TOD Register Printing)
Screen 20 This is a mandatory report to be taken on daily basis. This is a criteria based report, user shall enter the criteria of his choice and the system shall generate the report as per the inputs provided by the user. In this menu option, only Set id, report to and MRT file name fields are mandatory.
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1. Set ID – By default system shall display user’s SOL Id. User can change set id to other sol/set, if he wishes to see TODRP of other sol/set. 2. Report to (mandatory) – Free text field. 3. Currency code – If user wishes to see TODs granted in a particular currency, the same can be entered or selected from the list. 4. A/c No From & to – Enter the range of accounts of which user wishes to see TODs. 5. Cust Id- if the user wishes to see TODs granted to a particular customer (all the accounts of a particular customer), then user shall enter Cust_id. 6. Advance Type – User can enter S (single transaction TOD), A (Adhoc limits) or R (Running limit). 7. Event type – If the user wishes to see TODs granted in a particular event (like clearing, TM etc.) same can be entered or selected from the list. 8. Status – Valid values are R (Regularized), U (Unregularised), E (Expired), I (interest collected) and F (Future dated). 9. Age – User can take agewise TODs report. 10. Permitted By – user can enter finacle user id of the official who has permitted the TOD. 11. Authorized Id – user can enter finacle user id of the official who has authorized the TOD. 12. Grant Date From/To – If user wishes to see TODs granted between two dates, then he can enter the dates in from and to fields. 13. MRT File name (Mandatory) – Press F2 the list and select the valid code from it. The system has a provision to generate TOD register for Non-Expired TODs, Expired TODs and Event based TODs. 14. As regards, only Set Id, Report to and MRT file name fields are mandatory. User can leave other fields as blank (as the case may be) & the system shall pick up all the possible values in the fields which have not been entered by the user. 15. After entering the criteria, press F4. 16. System shall display print parameter acceptance form. 17. Fore/Background – Enter F. 18. Print Reqd – If the printer is physically connected to the PC, then enter Y; otherwise enter N. 19. Press F10. 20. View/print the report through menu option PR (Print Reports). b. PNBRPT 1. Menu option – type PNBRPT and press Enter. The main menu shall appear.
Screen 21 Page 205 of 294
2. All the loans & advances related reports are available in option no. 3. User shall type 3 in the field available below the list of options. Press F4. System shall display submenu of loans & advances.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Screen 22 User shall type the serial number of report which he wishes to generate. E.g if the user wishes to generate daily balances report for CCOTH, DLGEN, PCGEN, FOBN, FOBFD, he shall type 7 in the field available below the list of options. Press F4. Depending upon the type of report user wishes to generate, system may ask several values which must be entered in the field provided below the list of options. Please remember, in PNBRPT – after typing/entering the value, user shall always press F4 to proceed. After entering the values as required by the system, it shall generate the report. During this time, it shall change the color of progress indicator to Red. User shall not disturb the system during this process. Once the progress indicator turns back to green (i.e. the system is ready), user shall type QQ in the field and press F4 to quit from PNBRPT. User shall view/print the report through menu option PR.
c. PNBREP Similar to PNBRPT, some of the reports are also available in PNBREP.
Screen 23 For further references, user shall refer to CBS user manual developed by IT Division, HO Page 206 of 294
Prepared By: Makarand B Kedare Sr.Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad SECURITY REGISTER MAINTENANCE (SRM) Security Register Maintenance is one of the most important activities to be performed for all loan and advances accounts in Finacle. Both, Primary and Collateral security details need to be captured in Finacle for all such accounts. Capturing security details shall also help the branch to generate proper MIS. Prerequisites – 1. If the security is to be attached to an Account then the account should have been already opened. • For an account, if the DP is to be derived from security, then the DP indicator, which is available on 2nd page of H details should be D (Derived from Security). If it is not D, then DP indicator can be changed to D through menu option ACLHM. 2. If the security is to be attached to a Limit Node, then the Limit Node should have been created, through menu option LNM. • If the DP is to be derived from the security, then the DP indicator in LNM should be D (Derived from Security). If it is not D, then it can be changed to D through the same menu option i.e. LNM. A. ATTACH SECURITY TO AN ACCOUNT Menu option – SRM 1. Function – A (Add) 2. Linkage Type – A (Account). Security can also be attached to a Limit Node; in that case enter N (Limit Node) in this field. Press F4. 3. A/c No. – Enter Account No. to which the security is to be attached. Press F4.
Screen 1 4. System shall display SRM details block, but the cursor shall appear in Enter Option field. 5. Enter Option – Enter A (Add) to add security details and press F4. (For information - User can press F2 for the list in this field and can select required value by pressing Shift+F4. The values in the list are A (Add), M (Modify), D (Delete), S (Substitute), I (Inquire), C (Charge Details), F (Follow up details), P (Inspection Details), N (Insurance Details) & T (Audit Inquiry)). Page 207 of 294
Screen 2 6. Security Code – Press F2 for the list and select appropriate security code by pressing Shift+F4. In this example, we will select STOCKS as security code. 7. Lien A/c id – If the user selects BANKDEP as security code in the above field, then enter the concerned FD/RD account number in the field. 8. Dnm No. – In case, BANKDEP is selected as security code, then after entering lien a/c no. in the above field, user shall press F2 in this field. System shall display face value and lien, if any marked on the FDR. User shall select the FDR by pressing Shift+F4. 9. Security Group – Press F2 and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. Valid values are DEMAT – Demat Shares, FINS Financial Securities & OTH – Others. In our example, we will select OTH. 10. Security Class - Press F2 and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. In our example, we will select 009 – STOCKS. 11. Ceiling Limit – Enter the ceiling limit against the value of security. While debiting the account, system shall check the sanctioned limit entered in the account, (Security valuemargin) & Ceiling limit entered in this field, whichever is lower. This means, even if the sanctioned limit is entered as Rs. 5,00,000/-, Security Value is Rs. 10,00,000/-, Margin is 25%, if the user enters 3,00,000 in this field, system shall not allow to debit the account more than Rs. 3,00,000/-. In our example, we will enter 300000 as ceiling limit which is equal to sanctioned limit in the account. 12. Margin Percent – System shall automatically displays the minimum margin required to be maintained against a particular security. User can modify the margin as per the sanction, if required. 13. Nature of Charge – Press F2 and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. In our example, we will select 002 – HYPOTHECATION. 14. Received Date – Enter the date on which stock statement is received. 15. Due Date – Enter the next due date on which stock statements is required to be submitted by the customer. 16. Apply Penal Int? – Enter Y to charge penal interest, in case the customer does not submit stock statement on or before the due date. 17. Frequency – Enter the frequency at which the customer shall submit the stock statement or statement of Book Debts. E.g. if the stock statements are to be submitted by the customer by 7th day of every month, then user shall enter M in the 1st field, 7 in the 4th field, and P in the last field (i.e. if 7th is holiday then customer shall submit the stock statement on previous day). Page 208 of 294
18. Unit Value – In case shares, debentures etc. are held as security then unit value is to be entered in this field. As discussed above, in case, the user selects BANKDEP as security code, then lien a/c no. needs to be entered; system shall automatically display value of FD/RD in this field. 19. No. of Units – Enter number of units of such shares, debentures etc. 20. Security Value – Enter the total security value. As discussed above, in case, the user selects BANKDEP as security code, then lien a/c no. needs to be entered; system shall automatically display value of FD/RD in this field. 21. Primary/Collateral – valid values are P (Primary) or C (Collateral). If the security is taken as collateral then the security value would not be used for arriving at Drawing Power. 22. Remarks – Free text field. 23. Press F4. The system shall check that whether the values in mandatory fields are entered, as also it shall check and validate other values entered. If the values are properly entered in the concerned fields, system shall bring the cursor in Enter Option field. After entering security details, the user shall ensure that the cursor is blinking in Enter Option field of main page of SRM. In this field, user shall press F10 to commit/save SRM details. System shall not allow the user to commit/save SRM details, if ‘Insurance Reqd.’ flag is Y and/or ‘Charge Reqd’ flag is Y and shall display a message ‘Insurance Details must be entered’ and/or ‘Charge Details must be entered’ respectively. If the ‘Insurance Reqd’ is Y, user shall enter Insurance Details mandatorily. 1. Enter option – N (Insurance Details). Press F4.
Screen 3 2. Option Code – A (Add). Press F4. Insurance Details screen will appear.
Screen 4 Page 209 of 294
3. Insurance Type (mandatory) – Press F2. Using Up/Down arrow, go to the type of insurance which is to be selected and press Shift+F4. 4. Insurance Ref Number (mandatory) – Enter Policy Number 5. Company Name & Addr – Free Text. Enter Insurance Co.’s name and give its address 6. Goods Insured – Enter the details of goods for which insurance has been obtained 7. Policy Amount (mandatory) – Enter the amount for which insurance has been obtained. If the policy amount is less than Security Value, then the system shall raise an exception ‘Under Insurance For Security’ while verifying the security. 8. Risk Cover Start Date – Enter the date from which insurance is effective 9. Risk Cover End Date – Enter the date up to which insurance is effective. 10. After filling necessary fields, press F4. Cursor shall appear in the Option Code Field. 11. Enter option - delete A and enter S and press F4 to go back to the Security Details Screen. 12. Enter Option - Press F10 to commit. If the ‘Charge Reqd’ is Y, user shall enter Charge Details mandatorily. Ensure that cursor is in the Enter option field of Security Details screen. 1. Enter Option – type C (Charge Details). Press F4. 2. Option Code – A (Add). Press F4. Charge Details screen shall appear on the screen
Screen 5 3. Charge Amount – Enter the charge amount. 4. Date of Regn. – Enter date of Registration of the charge. 5. Reg. Authority – Enter the name of the authority with whom the charge has been created e.g. Registrar of Companies, Regional Transport Authority etc. 6. Address – Enter address of Reg. Authority 7. City – Press F2 and select city code by pressing Shift+F4. 8. State – Press F2. Select state code by pressing Shift+F4. 9. Pin Code – Enter six digits Pin Code. No list is available in this field. 10. Charge Instmnt – Free text. User can enter instrument details. 11. Charge Details – Free text. User can enter other information related to charge. 12. Date of Filing – Enter the date of filing of charge with Reg. Authority. 13. Date of Receipt – Enter the date of receipt of the certificate of registration of charge from registration authority. 14. After filling required fields, press F4. Cursor shall appear in Option Code Field. 15. Option Code - Delete A, type S and press F4 to go back to the Security Details Screen. 16. Enter Option – Press F10 to commit. •
System shall raise an exception ‘Under insurance for Security
INSPECTION DETAILS – User can enter inspection details in SRM. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Enter Option – P (Inspection Details). Press F4. Option Code – A (Add). Press F4. Inspection Type – Press F2 and select the code by pressing Shift+F4. Address – Enter the address of the party where the inspection is conducted. City – Press F2 and select city code by pressing Shift+F4. Alternatively, if the user knows city code, it can be entered directly. 6. State - Press F2 and select state code by pressing Shift+F4. Alternatively, if the user knows state code, it can be entered directly. 7. Pin Code – Enter pin code. 8. Enter Phone Nos., Comments, Date of Insp, Stock Value. 9. Insp Emp Id/ Name – If the inspecting official has a Finacle user id, the same can be entered in this field or selected from the list; otherwise his name can be entered. 10. Free Text – Enter appropriate remarks in this field. Press F4. 11. Option Code – Delete A and enter S. Press F4. B. VERIFICATION OF SRM ATTACHED TO AN ACCOUNT The user who creates SRM details can not verify it. Another authorized user shall verify SRM details. Menu option – SRM 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – V (Verify). Linkage Type – A (Account). Press F4 A/c No. – Enter A/c No. of which Security Details are to be verified. Press F4. The system will bring a list of all the securities attached to the account but not yet unverified. Press Shift+F4 to select the record to be verified. The details of the Security shall appear on the screen, with all the fields protected. Verify security details. 5. At Enter Option field, press F10 to commit. Please ensure that * appears on extreme left hand side of security record. System shall not allow the user to press F10 if insurance and/or charge details are not verified (as per the applicability) and shall display a message ‘Insurance Details should be visited before committing’ and ‘Charge Details should be visited before committing’ respectively. Verification of Insurance Details (if applicable)– 6. 7. 8. 9.
Enter Option – Enter N (Insurance Details). Press F4. Option Code– I (Inquiry). Press F4. Verify insurance details. Press F4. Option Code– Delete I and enter S (Security Details). Press F4. Ensure that the cursor is in Enter Option field of main page of Security Details screen.
Verification of Charge Details (if applicable) – 10. Enter Option – Type C (Charge Details). Press F4. The system shall activate Charge Details screen. Verify charge details. 11. Enter Option - S (Security Details). Press F4. 12. Ensure that the cursor is in Enter Option field of main page of Security Details screen. 13. Enter Option – Press F10 to commit.
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C. CHECK DP IN AN ACCOUNT Generally, after the primary security record created and verified through SRM, user shall ensure that whether the correct DP is available in the account Menu option – ACCBAL Enter the account number and press F4. The system shall display all the details, like Sanctioned Limit, Drawing Power and Available Amt in the account.
Screen 6 If the DP is to be derived from the Security in an account but if the user is not able to get the correct DP in this inquiry, then some of the reasons could be (only indicative) – 1. SRM record is not properly created and/or verified. 2. DP Indicator field is not set to D (Derived from Security) while opening the account. User shall use menu option ACLHM to inquire and modify DP indicator. 3. If DP indicator is D in the account, then DP shall be equal to Sanction limit or Security Value less Margin or Ceiling limit whichever is less. D. FURTHER MAINTENANCE IN SRM SRM maintenance includes modification of security details, insurance, charge, inspection details etc. Let’s assume that in Cash Credit A/c, stock statements or statement of Book Debts is received on monthly basis. As regards, if the DP indicator is set to D (Derived from Security) in the Account, it becomes necessary to modify SRM record on monthly / quarterly basis (as the case may be) as and when such statements are received. This shall help the branch to decide the DP accordingly. 1. SUBSTITUTE THE EXISTING SRM RECORD Menu option – SRM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Linkage Type – A (Account). User shall enter N in this field if the security is attached to a Limit Node. Press F4. Page 212 of 294
3. Node Id – If N is entered in the previous field, then the user shall enter Limit Node ID to which the security is attached. 4. A/c No. – If A is entered in the linkage Type, then the user shall enter the account number. 5. Press F4. 6. The system shall show all the existing SRM records. User shall select the record to be modified by pressing Shift+F4. 7. Enter Option – S (substitute). Press F4. 8. Received date – User shall modify the date as per the date of receipt of stock statement. Press F4. 9. Enter Option - Press F10 to commit. 10. Another authorized user shall verify SRM. This is already discussed in paragraph B. 2. MODIFY THE SUBSTITUTED SRM RECORD Menu option – SRM Once the security is substituted, the system shall insert a new record with the same values as that of old SRM record and update DP indicator as S (Substituted). And the new record in the list shall have DP indicator as P (Provisional). This status is available at 2nd position from Right Hand Side of the record. 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Linkage Type – A (Account). User shall enter N in this field if the security is attached to a Limit Node. Press F4. 3. Node Id – If N is entered in the previous field, then the user shall enter Limit Node ID to which the security is attached. 4. A/c No. – If A is entered in the linkage Type, then the user shall enter the account number. 5. Press F4. 6. The system shall show all the existing SRM records. User shall select the new record (having DP indicator as P) by pressing Shift+F4. 7. Enter Option – M (Modify). Press F4. 8. Modify Security details as per the stock statement / statement of Book Debts in the appropriate fields. After doing necessary modifications, press F4. 9. Enter Option – Press F10 to commit. 10. Another authorized user shall verify the SRM record as discussed in paragraph B. It is always advisable to confirm the DP through menu option ACCBAL. IMPORTANT – 1. As the System calculates Penal Interest for late submission of stock (or book debt) statement, the users who are modifying and verifying SRM record shall ensure that the correct date of receipt of statements is entered in ‘Receipt Date’ field. 2. In case the value of security is not enough to cover the outstanding balance in the account as on date of modification of SRM, the system shall grant a TOD automatically with event type TODDL (TOD due to drop in Limit). E. DELETION OF SRM RECORD Menu option – SRM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Linkage Type – A (Account). User shall enter N in this field if the security is attached to a Limit Node. Press F4. 3. Node Id – If N is entered in the previous field, then the user shall enter Limit Node ID to which the security is attached. Page 213 of 294
4. A/c No. – If A is entered in the linkage Type, then the user shall enter the account number. 5. Press F4. 6. The system shall show all the existing SRM records. User shall select the record to be deleted by pressing Shift+F4. 7. Enter option – D (Delete). Press F4. Press F10. 8. Another authorized user shall verify the SRM record as discussed in paragraph B. SECURITY CODES IN FINACLE FOR SRM SNO SRM CODE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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Prepared By : Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad LIMIT NODE MAINTENANCE Concept – Limit node maintenance allows the user to maintain the limits and control the drawing power at account level, limit level etc. Limit nodes can be linked to accounts, bank guarantees, documentary credits etc. Purpose – To monitor party’s total exposure/liability for different types of head like fund, non-fund etc. Finacle provides feature of maintaining the limits in various currencies and in the same limit tree also maintaining limits in different currencies are permitted to one level. WE WILL TAKE HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE OF CREATING THE FOLLOWING TREE – Party Total Limit – Rs.1,00,00,000.00 Fund based Limit – 50% of party total exposure Non-Fund Limit – 50% of party total exposure OUT OF FUND EXPOSURE 50% CC Limit – 50% of Fund based exposure TL Limit – 50% of Fund based exposure Out of Non-Fund Limit of 50% Inland Guarantee Limit – 50% of Non-Fund based exposure Letter of Credit Limit – 50% of Non- Fund based exposure The general procedure may be adopted as follows – 1. Create parent Limit Node through LNM. Select ‘Drawing Power ind’ as D-Derived from Security. Verify LNM. 2. Create Security Register through SRM. Verify SRM. Invoke Menu Option – LNM (Limit Node Maintenance) A – Creation of Parent Limit ID 1. Function – A (Add) 2. Limit ID – This has two parts viz. Limit Prefix and Limit Suffix. Limit prefix is entered as a part of creating the limit id. It is always advisable that the customer id is used as limit prefix so that it is more beneficial from the point of usage. Limit Suffix is the code available in the system for individual type of limit nodes which should be very carefully given. Limit ID – Prefix part D10052577. Suppose party name is Pantasys Computers. Limit ID – Suffix part, press F2. Go to the record PTEXP – Party Total Exposure and press Shift+F4. Press F4. The system will come to the data block where we have to enter details for Limit Node - D10052577/PTEXP Page 215 of 294
3. Description – Free text. Generally Company’s name is given followed by limit type. E.g. Pantasys – Party Total Exp. 4. Currency – INR (once the currency given and limit node is verified, the same can not be modified through LNM, so be careful while specifying currency) 5. Customer ID – D10052577 6. Parent Limit ID – we are creating parent limit id, so parent limit id will be blank for PTEXP. 7. Sanction Limit – Enter the sanction limit. E.g. 10000000.00 8. Drawing Power Ind – D (Derived from Security) 9. Drawing Power % - In case of parent limit id, leave it blank 10. DP/Margin retained – in our case it is blank 11. Limit Sanct/exp date – Enter today’s date in the Sanction date and in exp date field enter date of one year later 12. Sanction Level Code – Press F2. Select the code by pressing Shift+F4. e.g. 001 – Head Office 13. Sanct. Auth. Code – Press F2. Select the code by pressing Shift+F4.e.g. 002-CMD 14. Single Trans – N. If this is Y, then once the DP is utilized up to the sanctioned limit, then customer will not be able to utilize it again even if he has remitted the earlier amount used. 15. Remarks – Free Text. 16. User Maintained Liab. – Enter 0. The user can block part of the amount available in the limit by entering a value in this field. The amount available will be reduced by this value. The DP will be reduced by this value. 17. Press F10 to commit. Verification of Limit Node Menu Option LNM 1. Function – V (Verify) 2. Limit id – D10052577 / PTEXP. Press F4. The system will display Limit Node Details. If everything acceptable, Press F10. The limit node id is verified. B - Attach Security to this Parent Limit ID Menu Option SRM 1. Function – A (Add) 2. Linkage Type – N (Limit Node) 3. Node Id – D10052577 / PTEXP. Press F4 Enter the details as explained in SRM topic. Note – if ceiling limit is more than (Security Value – Margin), the system will assume DP = Security Value – Margin Verification of SRM 1. Function – V (Verify) 2. Linkage Type – N (Limit Node) 3. Node Id – D10052577 / PTEXP. Press F4 Verify the Security details as explained in SRM topic.
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C- How to See Limit Tree?? Invoke Menu Option LTL (Limit Tree Lookup) 1. Limit Id – D10052577 / PTEXP. Press F4 The system will display only one node (D10052577/PTEXP) which we have recently created. The fields as as 1. 2. 3. 4.
Limit Nodes – D10052577/PTEXP Desc – Pantasys – Party Total Exp. Crncy – INR Limit – 10000000.00 (this amount it takes from sanction limit mentioned in LNM. If the sanction limit is more than DP/Margin retained, the system will take Limit = DP/Margin retained. 5. Total Liability – The system will display total liability under this limit node. 6. Level – This will display position of this limit node under its parent. D- HOW TO CREATE CHILD LIMIT NODE? Now that you have created parent limit node, you can create child limit node, which can be attached to the parent limit node. Let’s take the above example to create Fund based limit node under D10052577/PTEXP, which will be it’s parent limit node. Invoke Menu option – LNM 1. 2. 3. 4.
Function – A (Add) Limit Node – D10052577 / FUND. Press F4. The cursor will appear in the data block Enter description, Currency, Customer id (D10052577) as explained above. Parent Limit Node – D10052577 / PTEXP. This means D10052577/PTEXP will act as it’s parent limit node. 5. Sanction Limit – 5000000.00 6. Drawing Power – P (Parent) 7. Drawing Power – 50. This is percentage of D10052577/PTEXP which we would like to allocate to the D10052577/FUND limit node. 8. DP/Marin retained – this will automatically come. In our case, we have taken parent limit node as D10052577/PTEXP which has sanction limit of Rs.10000000.00, so 50% of it would be Rs.5000000.00 which is now allotted to this limit node. 9. Fill the remaining fields as explained in paragraph A. 10. After filling all the details, press F10 to commit. Verification of Limit Node Menu Option LNM 1. Function – V (Verify) 2. Limit id – D10052577 / FUND. Press F4. The system will display Limit Node Details. If everything acceptable, Press F10. The limit node id is verified. Now, if you see LTL (Limit Tree Lookup) for D10052577/PTEXP, you will observe that one limit node (D10052577/FUND) is added to the just one level below of it and it’s Limit is Rs.5000000.00, with level 2.
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E – How to add further child nodes to the limit node? 1. Follow the above process to create Non-Fund Limit Node (LNM). The limit node will be D10052577/NFUND. Its parent Limit Node will be D10052577/PTEXP. The field ‘Drawing power ind’ will be P (Parent).Verify Limit Node (LNM). See LTL to confirm the tree. 2. Create child Limit Node D10052577/CC (LNM). Its parent Limit Node will be D10052577/FUND. The field ‘Drawing power ind’ will be P (Parent). Verify Limit Node (LNM). See LTL to confirm the tree. In LTL, the level of this limit node will be 3, as it’s created under D10052577/FUND (level 2), which is created under D10052577/PTEXP (level 1) 3. Create child Limit Node D10052577/TL (LNM). Its parent Limit Node will be D10052577/FUND. The field ‘Drawing power ind’ will be P (Parent). Limit Node (LNM). See LTL to confirm the tree. In LTL, the level of this limit node will be 3, as it’s created under D10052577/FUND (level 2), which is created under D10052577/PTEXP (level 1) 4. Create child Limit Node D10052577/ILG (LNM). Its parent Limit Node will be D10052577/NFUND. The field ‘Drawing power ind’ will be P (Parent). Verify Limit Node (LNM). See LTL to confirm the tree. In LTL, the level of this limit node will be 3, as it’s created under D10052577/NFUND (level 2), which is created under D10052577/PTEXP (level 1) 5. Create child Limit Node D10052577/DC (LNM). Its parent Limit Node will be D10052577/NFUND. The field ‘Drawing power ind’ will be P (Parent). Verify Limit Node (LNM). See LTL to confirm the tree. In LTL, the level of this limit node will be 3, as it’s created under D10052577/NFUND (level 2), which is created under D10052577/PTEXP (level 1)
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OPENING OF A LOAN ACCOUNT Account opening for a loan account is similar to any other customer account. The menu option is OAAC. The user can open an account for his branch or any other branch. In order to open an account for another branch the user must be free and menu should be free. A captive user can open accounts to which SOL he belongs.Verification of the account should be done using menu OAACAU. GENERAL DETAILS – SUB OPTION “G” ( 3 SCREENS ) - MANDATORY Many of the information is default populated based on scheme parameter set up and the customer master. Mode of operation: This is MANDATORY & only an information field. This is displayed in TM Screen. Based on the value set up here and displayed during Transactions in TM the user can take appropriate procedural steps. Account Mgr: This is the user ID created using UPM menu. If any value is mentioned here, it means that this account is looked after by that particular person. Many operations can be done based on this value like interest calculation, statement printing, inquiries etc. Note: 1. Customer preferential interest rates both debit and credit would be default populated if it is mentioned at customer level and the parameter is set at scheme for default population. The values can be over-ridden by the user. 2. ‘Account Preferential’ is another field through which the users can specify special rates of interest to the account. 3. Interest credit flag, Interest debit flag, Interest debit account, Interest credit account are not applicable in this case 4. Interest table code is a mandatory field and must be changed from ZERO to applicable rate code. 5. If the interest rate is fixed during the entire tenor of the account then value should be set as “Y” for the field “Account pegged?” 6. If the value is set as “Y” for the above field, then the user can enter value for the fields “Pegging review date” and “Pegging Frequency(Mnths/Days) /” 7. Tax details are not applicable for Loan Accounts. SCHEME DETAILS – SUB OPTION “S” – (2 SCREENS ) - MANDATORY 1. Loan amount is the amount of loan sanctioned. The system validates whether the amount indicated here is within the range mentioned at product level. Else an exception would be raised based on the set up. 2. Loan period is the tenor of the loan. The system validates for this value also based on the scheme level set up and appropriate exception would be raised. 3. If the value is set as “Y” for the field “Hold In Oper A/c For Amount Due?” then the user can run LALIEN menu and mark lien on the operative account to the extent of ‘demand’ in the loan account 4. Value set for the field “Repayment Method” will decide how repayment will be made. If the value is set as “E”, then system recovers what is available in the operative account. If the value is “T” system creates a TOD and recovers the entire dues from the operative account. If the value is “N” then no recovery would be done. If the value is set to either “P” – Post dated cheques or “D” – Electronic clearing, then the user can get a report on such accounts and all further processes is procedural. 5. If the value is set as “Y” for field “Transfer in A/c”, then the user has to enter additional information in sub option “U” – uncomputerised details. Fields on the 2nd Screen relate to various information relating to the account with regard to Refinance, Subsidy etc. No validations are done based on any of those fields. Page 219 of 294
MISCELLANEOUS CODES – SUB OPTON “V” - MANDATORY The user must enter various codes for generation of accurate MIS here. INTEREST DETAILS – SUB OPTION “I” - MANDATORY The system by default populate most of the values based on the set up done at scheme level. The user can over ride these information. ‘Intt. Demand Effective Date’ should be entered in case of such Loan Accounts, where Intt. Becomes due after a particular period, e.g. Staff Loans on Simple Intt., Education Loan etc. Once the account is opened, then all these information will be the property of the account and system will not look into the scheme level any further for future processing on the account. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE – SUB OPTON “E” - MANDATORY The user can set up a repayment schedule for the loan sanctioned using this sub option. 1. Flow ID field can have value which is of Equated instalment demand, Principal demand or Interest demand type. These flow IDs are created using flow code maintenance. If the account is opened under equated instalment scheme then the system default populates the flow id based on the set up done at scheme level. If it is equated instalment, system populates the EI amount based on the number of instalments indicated and the user can over ride it. An exception is also associated with this for doing necessary validations 2. Start date of the instalment should always be greater than the account open date 3. User has to enter the number of instalments to arrive at the instalment amount 4. Depending upon the parameter set at product level, user can enter the values for the field “number of instalments”, and “amount”. If the user is coming in modify mode, then the original repayment schedule can be modified. The system does a validations if the number of instalments and the tenor of the loan does not match and an exception would be raised. DISBURSEMENT DETAILS – SUB OPTION “D” - OPTIONAL The user can optionally have a disbursement schedule and monitor the disbursement. The system validates whenever a disbursement is made whether it is as per the disbursement schedule or not and appropriate exception would be raised if set up is done. In absence of such schedule, disbursements may be made in as many installments as required. MESSAGE MAINTENANCE – SUB OPTION “M” - OPTIONAL As a part of account opening, the user can maintain information with regard to the account in the form of messages. These messages can be in the form of free text or through a coded mode. User can enter the messages without the help of codes also. In such cases, the user enters the message directly into the text field. UNCOMPUTERISED DETAILS – SUB OPTION “U” – MANDATORY FOR TRANSFER-IN ACCOUNTS This information is required only if the value for the field “Transfer in A/c?” is “Y”. This information is stored till the account is verified and transactions are put through to the account and demands are uploaded to the system. Normally these information are captured in case of accounts which are transferred from another branch or when migration is done from one application to another application or from the manual system to computerised system. The user should enter all the relevant data during account opening itself as no further modification is possible once the account is opened. Detailed procedure is given separately. Page 220 of 294
LIMIT HISTORY DETAILS – SUB OPTION “H” - MANDATORY The user has to enter the details of the limits sanctioned and the drawing power using this sub option. This sub option has details regarding limit and the drawing power. There are two different screens to capture the details. By default once the user enters the details in the limits screen and
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
General details with sub option “0” Related party details with sub option “A” Scheme details with sub option “S” MIS codes with sub option “V” Repayment schedule with option “E” Disbursement schedule with option “D” Message maintenance with option “L”
Once the use modifies any of the above information the modification needs to be verified. The verification of any modification is to be done using the same menu option. The user will be taken to the option block directly. From there he has to invoke the concerned sub options where changes have been done and visit those information before giving a final
Page 222 of 294
The user has to indicate a value “Y” here and
rephasement of loan
demand creation (EMI type of accounts)
normal interest calculation through the menu option
upload of demands
account closure
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Prepared By : Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad STANDING INSTRUCTIONS (SI) In Finacle, standing instructions can be entered, modified, suspended or deleted, depending on the necessity. How to enter SI ? Menu option – SIM (Standing Instruction Maintenance) Let’s take an example – Enter an SI which is requested by the customer (D10052288) to debit his SB A/c (01929) by a fixed amount of Rs.5000/- to credit his CA A/c (21190) which are being maintained at our SOL i.e. 417700. The SI should be executed on 20th day of every month. The SI should be executed till 20.12.2003. Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Function – Enter A (Add) and press F4. The cursor will appear in SI Class field. SI Class – Default value is C (Customer Induced). Press Tab or F11. Cust ID – D10052288 SOL Id – 417700 (default populated) SI Frequency – As the above SI should be executed on 20th day of every month, the valid values in SI frequency are M-Blank-Blank-20-N. 6. Execution Time – Valid values are B (Day beginning), D (Anytime during day), A (After Business Hours), E (Every Time). ‘B’ means, SI will be automatically executed during Begin of day process. ‘D’ means, SI will be executed only once during the day whenever we run SIE (Standing Instruction Execution) menu option first time, ‘A’ means, SI will be executed during ABH process, ‘E’ means, SI will be executed every time whenever we run SIE menu option. In our case we will take it as ‘D’ i.e. Anytime during day. 7. Next Execution Date – Enter the date on which the SI will be executed first time. Press Ctrl+X to bring today’s date. 8. Auto Post - Value is default Y, which means, whenever SI is executed, the system will post the transactions automatically and user need not go to TM (Transaction Maint.) menu option to post these transactions. If this is N, then the transactions created during execution of this SI will remain in Entered state. User has to go into TM and post them. 9. End Date – Enter the date on which SI to be ended. 10. Suspended Upto – Enter the date upto which SI will not be executed. Means, suppose, if the starting date is 20.11.2002 and End date is 20.11.2003 and on 01.02.2003, customer comes and request to suspend the SI till 20.04.2003, then this date can be entered in this field. This means, SI will not be executed on 20.02.2003 and 20.03.2003. 11. Accept Event – Press F2. Select the event by pressing Shift+F4. This field is used to select the charges to be levied on customer for requesting the SI. 12. Fail Event – Press F2. Select the event id by pressing Shift+F4. This field is used to select the charges to be levied on customer for if the SI fails. 13. Exec Event - Press F2. Select the event id by pressing Shift+F4. This field is used to select the charges to be levied on customer for execution of SI. 14. Chrg Rate – Default is NOR (i.e. Notional Rate). 15. Dr. Acct – If any or all the above three events are entered, then give the account number from where the charges will be deducted by the system automatically. 16. Delete tran if not posted – Default is N. If the transaction is not posted due to any reason and if this field is kept as N, the system will keep the transaction in Entered state, otherwise, the transaction will be automatically deleted by the system on unsuccessful execution of the SI. Page 224 of 294
17. Carry Forward – Default is Y. 18. Max times – enter number of days. If the Carry Forward field is kept as Y and value for Max times field is entered, the system will carry forward the SI for the number of days entered in Max times field, if not successfully executed. 19. Remarks – free text. 20. Closure Remarks – free text. Press F4. The system will bring Sub Instruction screen. The cursor is in Option field. At the right-top side Sub Instruction Serial No. 1 is displayed. Debit part of SI 21. Option – Enter E. Press F4. 22. Amount Ind – Valid values are F-Fixed, V-Variable, C-Contra Balancing, T-Table Code. In our example we have to debit SB A/c 01929 by Rs.5000/- i.e. we have to debit the a/c by fixed amount, so in this field enter F. 23. Part Tran Type – Valid values are C-Credit and D-Debit. In our example we have to debit the a/c, so make it D. 24. Create Memo Pad – Y. 25. Currency – INR. 26. Fixed Amount – This field will be mandatory as we have made Amount Ind field as F. Enter Rs.5000/-. Press F4. System will bring part tran details screen. 27. Account Number – Enter the account, which you want to debit. In our example it’s 01929. Press Tab. 28. Amount Indicator – Enter P (Percentage). Press Tab. 29. Percentage to be applied – Enter 100. This is because, we want to debit full amount of Rs.5000/- from only one account no. 01929. (In case, we want to debit 30% of Rs.5000/from one account and rest 70% (of Rs.5000/-) from another account, we need to enter 30 in this field and press Down arrow, enter account no, press tab, enter P, press Tab and enter 70 in the percentage field). 30. Press F4. 31. The cursor will come back to Option field. We have only completed Debit part of SI. To enter Credit part of SI, Enter E (which is already there in the field) and press F4. Credit part of SI – 32. Amount Ind – C (Contra balancing). This is because, we are entering contra part of the SI. 33. Part tran Type – C (Credit), because we want to credit Rs.5000/- to A/c No. 21190. 34. Create Memo Pad – Y. 35. Currency – INR. Press F4. 36. Account Number – Enter the account, which you want to credit. In our example it’s 21190. Press Tab. 37. Amount Indicator – Enter P (Percentage). Press Tab. 38. Percentage to be applied – Enter 100. This is because, we want to credit full amount of Rs.5000/- to only one account no. 21190. (In case, we want to credit 30% of Rs.5000/- to one account and rest 70% (of Rs.5000/-) to another account, we need to enter 30 in this field and press Down arrow, enter account no, press tab, enter P, press Tab and enter 70 in the percentage field). 39. Press F4. 40. The cursor will come back to Option field. Now that we have completed debit and credit parts of SI, we can save the SI. Press F10 to Commit/Save. 41. Note down the SI Serial No. and press F3 twice. You back in the main menu. HOW TO VERIFY SI CREATION? Page 225 of 294
Menu Option SIM (Standing Instruction Maintenance) Steps – 1. Function – V (Verify). Press Tab. 2. SI Srl.No. – Enter SI Serila No. which you wish to verify. If you forgot to note the SI Serial No., you can press F2 to get the list of unverified SIs, select the one which you wish to verify. Press F4. The general details will appear on the screen. Check the details. Press F4. The cursor will appear on Option field with the Debit part of the SI on your screen. Check it. 3. Option – Enter P. Press F4. Check the account and other details. Press F3. 4. Option – Press Down Arrow. The system will display credit details of SI. Press P (which is already displayed in the field) and F4. Check the account and other information. Press F3. 5. Option – Press F10 to commit/save. The SI is verified. Press F3 to come out of the menu option. How to enter SI for Draft ? Menu Option – SIM Example – Enter SI, to prepare a draft of Rs.500/- (drawn on BO: Bhagya Nagar, Aurangabad, favoring Anant Jadhav) on the 1st day of every month, by debiting A/c 01929 (customer ID D10052288). Steps – 1. Function – A (Add). Press F4. 2. SI Class – C (Customer Induced) 3. Cust id – D10052288 4. SI Frequency – M-Blank-Blank-1-N 5. Execution time – D (Anytime During Day) 6. Next Execution Date – 01-12-2002 (enter appropriate date). Press F4. To Enter DD related transaction details 7. Option – E (Enter). Press F4. 8. Amount Ind – F (Fixed) 9. Part tran Type – C (Credit) 10. Create Memo Pad – Y 11. Currency – INR 12. Fixed Amount – 500. Press F4. 13. Account Number – DD. Press F4. 14. Amount Ind – P (Percentage) 15. Percentage – 100. Press F6. The system will bring ‘Issue of DD’ screen. Leave City Name as blank. 16. Drawn on – Bank Code – 024. Branch Code – 1005. 17. Payee Name – Anant Jadhav 18. Purchase A/c No. – 01929. 19. Purchaser Name – This will automatically appear. 20. Print Option – I (Immediate). Press F4. The cursor will appear in the A/c No. field of previous screen. Press F4. The cursor will appear in Option field. To enter commission on DD related transaction– 21. Option – E(Enter). Press F4. 22. Amount Ind – T (Table Code) 23. Part tran type – C (Credit) 24. Create Memo Pad – Y Page 226 of 294
25. Currency – INR 26. Fixed Amount – 500. Go to the ‘Amount Table Code’ field by pressing Tab. 27. Amount Table Code – Press F2. Go to list item DDCOM (Commision on DD/MT/TT). Select it by pressing Shift+F4.Press F4. 28. Account No. – Type COMM, press F2. Go to ‘INC COMM ON DRAFTS & TRANSFERS’, select it by pressing Shift+F4. 29. Amount Ind – P (Percentage) 30. Percentage to be applied – 100. Press F4. The cursor will appear in Option field. To enter debit account details – 31. Option – E (Enter). Press F4. 32. Amount Ind – C (Contra Balancing) 33. Part tran type – D (Debit) 34. Create Memo Pad – Y 35. Currency – INR. Press F4. 36. Account No. – 01929 37. Amount Ind – P (Percentage) 38. Percentage – 100. Press F4.The cursor will come back to option field. Press F10 to Commit/Save the SI. Verify the SI as explained in ‘How to verify SI paragraph’. When do SIs get executed ? a. SIs which have been marked as B (Day Beginning) in Execution Time will be automatically executed during BOD process. b. SIs which have been marked as A (After Business Hours) in Execution Time will be automatically executed during EOD process. c. SIs which have been marked as D (Anytime During day) will be executed when when we run SIE (Standing Instruction Execution) menu option first time during the day. d. SIs which have been marked as E (Every Time) will be executed as many times as we run SIE menu option. HOW TO EXECUTE SI?? Menu option – SIE 1. Execution Time –Enter D or E. Press F4. 2. System will bring Print parameter acceptance form. 3. Fore/Background – Enter F. 4. Print Required – N. Press F10. Wait till until progress indicator (which is on the bottom-right corner of the screen) comes back to green. Press F3. The system generates execution report for all the SIs selected of the type mentioned in steps 1. Please see the report. Menu option – PR (Print Report) Make sure the > cursor appears before ‘Standing Instruction Execution Report’. Type T and press F10. The report will appear on the screen. If the status of the SI is ‘Submitted for Post’ means, SI is successfully posted. Otherwise, note the transaction id (e.g. SD1176706) generated for the SI. Type Q in the green bar which appears below the report and Press F4. Press F3. Even if the status of SI is ‘Submitted for Post’ or anything, please check the transaction in TM and if it is not posted by the system, please post it. Reports & Inquiries – SII – Standing Instruction Inquiry, SIETR –SIs Executed Today Report SIRP – Standing Instruction Register Printing. Page 227 of 294
PREPARED BY - Anil K Aggarwal, Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad INLAND BILLS Bills are the integral part of the Banking Activities irrespective of the fact whether they are Inland Bills or Foreign Bills. The Bills can be classified in following two categories: i.
Bills for Collection, whether clean or documentary, sight or usance, (where the lodger’s account is credited on realization of proceeds of bills) &
Bills for Purchase or Discounted, clean or documentary, sight or usance, (where the lodger’s account is credited before the realization of proceeds of bills)
Further, the above mentioned bill types can be Outward or Inward. Finacle supports all types of bills mentioned above. The following activities relating to bills can be undertaken through Finacle. • • • • •
The Bills can be lodged for Collection/Purchase/Discounted. The Bills can be Purchased/Discounted subsequently, they are lodged. The Bills can be transferred from collection to purchase or vice versa. The Bills can be Realised, already sent for collection or purchased or discounted. The Bills can be marked protested, if the same has been returned unpaid.
As regards charging of commission, Bank/Other charges & Interest calculation (in case of purchase of Bills) is concerned, system automatically prepares the related transactions which can be modified in case of need. Various types of Bills Registers depending upon the type of bills have been defined in the system. While lodging a bills a user has to select a Register type and then sub register type under which the bill is to be lodged. 1. The list of these Registers Types & Sub Register Type is mentioned below: Register Type ABC ABC IBD IDBC IDBC IDBC IDBCP IDBCP IDBCP IDD IDD IUBC
Sub Register Type Advance Bills for Collection ABC Advance Bills for Collection AUBC IBD Register (Documentary IBD Usance) IDBC Branches C-NCC IDBC Branches C-Oth IDBC Branches DBILL IDBC Parties C-NCC IDBC Parties C-Oth IDBC Parties DBILL IDD Register (Clean & BILLS Docy) IDD Register (Clean & CHQUE Docy) Inward Usnace Bills for UBILL collection
Description Advance against Bills for Collection Advance against Usance Bills for Collection IBD Sub type Usance Bills Cheques NCC Cheques Others Demand Bills Cheques NCC Cheques Others Demand Bills IDD Subtype Bills Register IDD Subtype Cheque Register Usance Bills
Page 228 of 294
Inward Usance Bills for Coll/Par OBD Bills Discounted Reg OBD Bills Discounted Reg OBD Bills Discounted Reg Outward Bills for Collection Outward Bills for Collection Outward Bills for Collection ODD Bills/Cheques Register ODD Bills/Cheques Register ODD Bills/Cheques Register ODD Bills/Cheques Register ODD Bills/Cheques Register ODD Bills/Cheques Register ODD Bills/Cheques Register OUTWD Usance Bills for Collection Refund Payment Account
Usance Bills
OBD- Subtype Letter of Creditt Old ODD/OBD bills with no rebate intt. OBD subtype Usance Regiser Cheques-NCC Cheques-Others Demand Bills ODD subtype bills Register ODD subtype cheques Register ODD instant credit sub register ODD Local cheques purchased Reg. ODD subtype National Clg. Reg. ODD subtype LC (sight) Register Old ODD/OBD Bills with no rebate intt.
Usance Bills
Refund Payable Account
Using these registers and sub registers user can handle Inward as well as Outward bills like Clean Bills (Cheques/DD), Documentary Bills, Sight or Usance. All Bills are required to be lodged and then depending upon the type of bills they can be purchased, discounted or negotiated. 1. Invoking the Option Type BM in the menu option field and press Enter, the following screen will appear:
Screen No. 1
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Press F2 to see the different functions that can be carried out through this menu option. The list will display the various functions that can be performed through this menu option. These functions are as follows: Function G Lodge T Transfer F Free Delivery R N Q E
Realise Dishonour Protest Proceeds received
Release Margin Recovery Close a bill Interest Run Delete Modify Copy Verify Cancel Inquire Purchase
Description Lodging a Bill Transfer a Bill for purchase to Collection & vice versa No realization will come. Proceeds have been adjusted between the parties. Realisation of Bills lodged. Dishonour a Bill that means the Bill has been returned unpaid. To mark a bill as Protested. If intimation is received about realisation from branch or bank that the proceeds of bill has been received by them but the actual proceeds have yet to be received at ours. If the margin is to be released before realization of bill. If recovery is to be made in the bill which has been dishonoured. To mark a bill as closed after recovery. Periodical interest run on purchased bills before its realization or recovery. Delete a bill which has been lodged but not verified. Modify a bill. Copy the details of another lodged bill. Verify the previous process. Cancel the changes of previous process before their verification. Inquire a bill. Purchase/Discount the bill.
screen no. 2 As each bill is required to be lodged first, here below we will explain how to lodge a bill. While lodging a bill we have to go through three screens which are having various fields related to different type of bills. Some fields are protected and some are activated depending upon the type of bill we are lodging. We are explaining all the fields and where they are applicable in different type of bill. Page 230 of 294
2. HOW TO LODGE AN ODBC BILL Step Action 1. Invoke menu option BM and press Enter key. 2. Enter Function. Select a function i.e. G for lodging a bill and press Tab key three times, the cursor will appear at the Reg. Type field. 3. Enter Register Type in which the bill is to be lodged. Or select the Register Type from the list which appears by pressing F2 and then press Shift+F4 key for selection. Here let us select Reg. Type as ODBC. Press Tab or Enter key to go on to next field i.e. Reg Sub Type. 4. Enter Reg Sub Type as DBILL or select the Reg. Sub Type from the list & Press F4 to go on to next block. 5. As soon as F4 key is pressed the cursor will go on to Lodger A/c field and system shall also display Bill id No. duly generated. If at this stage if Bill’s detail has not been entered and the user comes out of the screen this Bill id shall go waste. System shall generate a new Bill id no. if the user again starts to lodge the bill. Enter Lodger A/c number (in which the proceeds of the bill shall be credited on realization of ODBC) and press F11. The system shall display the customer id and the name of account holder and the cursor will appear at the Bill Amt.
clipping no. 1 If the account number is not available or a new account shall be opened after realization of ODBC proceeds, then Lodger A/c field and next field can be left blank and in third field shown against the Lodger A/c, the name of the customer can be entered which the system shall accept as shown in clipping no. 2.
clipping no. 2 6. 7. 8. 9.
Enter Bill Amt and press Tab to go on to the Date field. Enter date of the bill being lodged and press Tab, the cursor will go on Drawee field. Enter the drawee name in the last field and address in the fields provided and press Tab to go to the next field i.e. Coll. Br. Coll. Br. This is the field where the Bank, Branch & Name of the Bank where the bill is being sent for collection is to be entered. Enter Bank’s Code as 024 for PNB, 001 for RBI, 002 for SBI etc. and Branch Distinctive Number of the branch where the bill is being sent for collection. The detail of the Bank Code & Branch Code can be selected from the list which is available by press F2. Further, if such detail is not available then the name of the bank can be entered in the last field. Press Tab and enter the Address of the collecting Page 231 of 294
Bank, Branch. Both type of data entry can be seen from the clipping no. 3 & clipping no. 4 as shown below. Press F4 to go to the field Drawer.
clipping no. 3
11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16.
clipping no. 4 Generally, the drawer’s name shall be picked by the system from the Lodger A/c, but in case the drawer of the bill is different from the said account name then name & address of the drawer can be entered in the fields provided. Press Tab, the cursor will appear at the Lodger Ref. Field. Enter Lodger Ref. i.e. customer reference number, if any, in the Lodger Ref. Field & press Tab to go on to the Field Carrier Code. Enter Transporter Operator Code in Carrier Code field, from the list which can be seen by pressing F2. Carrier Code is the Goods Transport Co. Code, through which the drawer has sent the goods to the drawee. Press F6 to go on to next page & the cursor will appear at the field on Transit Period. Transit Period: this is the normal transit period within which the proceeds should be realized if the period is more, then the same can be modified. Press Tab to go on to the next field i.e. Grace Period. By default the grace period is given 3 days if the same is required to be modified that can be done. Press Tab to go on to the next field. Tenor Desc is the field for displaying the usance period if the bill not otherwise payable than on demand, then sight is tenor which will appear here. Press Tab the cursor will move on to the Due Date field. Due Date is the date within which the bill should be realized. This is calculated on the basis of number of days of Transit Period plus Grace Period added to the Lodge Date. In case of Usance Bill this date shall be the date of tenor plus grace period. Press Tab to go on to the next field i.e. DC/DPG/Co-Acpt? DC/DPG/Co-Acpt? This field is applicable in case the documents are presented under Documentary Credited of which the detail has been captured under IDCM in case of outward bill. In such case L can be entered for the documents presented under LC otherwise N is to remain. Press Tab for next field. Bill Group Code: select the appropriate code from the list if the bill is Clean, Documentary, Page 232 of 294
19. 20. 21.
22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
for ATM entries, Cheques for RCC. Press Tab to go on to next field. Comm. Tbl. Code: Select the appropriate table code for charging the commission from the list which is available by pressing F2 Key & press Tab to go on to the next field TBR? TBR? Enter Y if the bill is under Trade Bill Rediscounting scheme which is not relevant here. Press Tab to on to the field Non Pay/Acpt Dt. Non Pay/Acpt Dt.: this field is applicable in case of usance bills only when the bill not accepted or has not been paid then the date of non acceptance or non payment is entered here under modification mode under the menu option BM only. Press Tab to go to the next field i.e. Invoice Dt. Invoice Dt.: Enter the date of Invoice if submitted alongwith the bill. Press Tab for the next field Transport Dt. Transport Dt.: Enter the date of GR or RR i.e. the date on which the goods have been transported to the Drawee. Press F6 to go on to the next page, the cursor will appear at the Doc List Field. Doc. List: Enter the detail of documents. If the documents are more which require more space to enter then Press Ctrl E the system will display 6 more lines to enter the detail. Press F4 and then Tab, the cursor will appear at OD Intr % field. OD Intr.% : Enter OD interest chargeable to the party, if any. Press Tab, the cursor will appear at the next field i.e. Free Code 1 Free Code 1, 2 & 3 fields can be entered if applicable from the list available by pressing F2. Press Tab to go the field Rebate Date Rebate Date enter the date upto which the rebate is to be allowed. Press Tab to go to Rebate % field. Rebate % Enter the percentage of which the rebate is to be allowed. Press Tab to go to Rebate Amount Field. Rebate Amount : Enter the amount if the rebate amount is absolute instead of percentage as explained in the previous field. Press Tab to go to Health Code field. Health Code: Enter the applicable code from the list. The next two fields are not required to be entered in case of ODBC. Press F6 to come on to the first page of General Details of Bill. Press F4 to go to the Option Field. Press F10 to commit & note down the Bill id no. in full. Verify the Bill.
3. Verification of ODBC (Bill Lodged) Verification of Bill Lodged can also be done through the menu option BM by the user other than who has lodged it. How to verify a Bill Lodged. 1. Invoke menu option BM. 2. Enter V in the Function Field and press Tab 3 times to go to the Bill Id Field. 3. Enter Bill Id number & Press F4, the cursor will appear at the Option Field as shown below.
clipping 5 Page 233 of 294
5. 6.
Enter M in the Option field and Press F4, the cursor will appear above the name of the Lodger A/c field. See below in clipping 6.
clipping 6 Press F6 three times to visit the other screens of General Details of Bill & then Press F4 to come on to the Option field. Finally Press F10 to save/commit the verification. Press F3 to come out of the BM screen.
3. LODGING OF CHEQUE IN ODBC To describe the procedure please look at the steps described above under the head 2. HOW TO LODGE AN ODBC BILL above. The applicable steps have been described hereunder. Steps Action 1. Repeat 2. 3. 4. Enter Reg Sub Type as C-OTH or select the Reg. Sub Type from the list & Press F4 to go on to next block. 5. Follow the procedure as described at Step No. 5 above. However, in place of Bill amount we have to enter the Cheque Amount. 6. Repeat procedure as described at Step No. 6 however in place of Date of Bill, here it will be the date of cheque. 7. Repeat procedure as described at Step No. 7 above. 8. Repeat procedure as described at Step No. 8, however, in place of Drawee, the name shall be the Bank’s name on which the cheque is drawn. 9. Follow the procedure as described at no. 9, 10, 11 under the head HOW TO LODGE AN ODBC BILL. 10. 11. 12. Field for Carrier Code. This is not applicable here. 13. Normal Transit Period in which the proceeds should be realized is displayed by the system. If required, this period can be changed. 24. Go to step no. 24 and enter the cheque no. and other details of cheque. 30. Press F6 to come on to the first page of General Detail & press F4 to come on to the Field. 31. Repeat 32. REALISATION OF ODBC BILL (Realisation proceeds received from our Bank’s Branch) For realizing a bill, we have to execute menu option BM. 1. Execute menu option BM. 2. Enter R in the Function field and Press Tab key three times or Press F4 once, the cursor will appear on Bill ID field. Page 234 of 294
3. Enter Bill ID of the bill to be realized & Press F4, a new screen will appear and the cursor will appear on the Tran Type field as shown below:
screen1 System by default will show the Bill Amount and Transaction Amount. Press Tab key 3 times to bring the cursor on the Other Bank Charge field. This field is applicable in case the proceeds have been received from other bank and they have deducted some charges, then the amount of charges can be entered here. This field is having (-) Minus Sign so System will automatically deduct charges, entered in this field, from the proceeds to be credited to the lodger’s account. Press Tab to go on the field Rebate. 4. Like Other Bank Charge, Rebate is also minus field, that means any amount entered here will be deducted from the proceeds of ODBC Bill to be credited to the Lodger’s Account. So if Rebate has been allowed to the Drawee of the Bill then that amount can be entered here. Press Tab key to go to OD Int Charged/Recd field. 5. In both the cases whether OD Int Charged or Received from the party’s party that will be an additional amount of bill. So system adds the amount charged/received on account of OD Interest. A Plus (+) sign is predefined before this field. Press Tab to go to the next field. 6. C Form Amount: Enter any amount received on account of non submission of C Form and in lieu there of some amount (as per drawer’s instructions) has been paid by the party’s party. This is a Plus field. Any amount entered in this field will be added to the Bills Amount. Press Tab to go to the next field. 7. Misc Amount: This is the field provided for the amount, if any, either less or more received then the Bill’s Amount, for any reason. Enter that amount which can be either added to the Bill’s Amount or deducted from the bill’s amount, by modifying the Minus or Plus Sign displayed in the field, as shown below, to be credited to the Lodger’s Account.
screen 2
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Press F4, the system will display the transaction screen displaying the system generated Transaction ID, as shown below: Note down this Transaction Id.
screen 3 8. Enter L in the Option field and Press F4, the system shall display list of all the Part Trans it has generated as shown below:
screen4 Press F3 to come out of this page, the cursor will blink at Option Field. Press Down Arrow Key 9 times, the part tran screen will keep on changing and new screen for Debit part tran of Balance with Head Office (PNB) will appear. 9. Modify this part tran by inserting M in the Option Field and Press F4, the cursor will appear at the Account field. Press Tab or ENTER key 8 times to go to Visit Screen field or click by mouse on the Visit Screen Field. Press F1 to see the valid values which can be entered. The following window will appear showing the values.
Page 236 of 294
screen 5 10. Press F3 to come out of this window and Enter R in the Visit Screen Field for responding Head Office Entry as the Realisation Proceeds are received either in the form of TPO or Advice. Press F4, the cursor will again appear at the Option field. 11. Enter S (for Additional Detail) in the Option Field and Press F4. The following screen will appear and on pressing F2 at the Category Code field another window as displayed below will appear showing list of all category codes.
screen 6 12. Either Select from the list MT by pressing Shift+F4 or enter MT in the Category Code Field if realization is received through TPO or enter or select from the list BCADV BC/FOBC RELISATION ADVICE in case the realization is received through Advice & Press F4. The following screen will appear:
Page 237 of 294
screen 7 13. Bank Code & Branch Code by default will be picked up by the system from the General Details of the Bill where we had entered Collecting Bank Branch. Enter TPO No. i.e. Branch Serial No. of TPO in the Advice No. field or you may give an advice no. for the Advice received. 14. Enter TPO issue date/Advice Issue date in the Field Advice Date. Extn. Cntr. Code will remain 00. 15. Enter Duplicate Advice? as N if the TPO or Advice is not duplicate one. 16. Enter TPO Printed Serial No. of 9 Digits (like POY852741) by deleting Bill no. already populated by the system (see screen 8). But in case of Advice the Bill no. will not be changed. Press F4, the cursor will come back to the Option field of the the HO Part Tran.
screen 8 17. Enter A in the Option Field for Accept & Quit, & Press F4. 18. The cursor will appear at the Option field of General Details of Bill. Press F10 to commit or save. 19. Verify this Realisation through other user.
Page 238 of 294
VERIFICATION OF BILL’S REALISATION 1. Execute menu option BM. 2. Enter V in Function Field and Press F4 once or Tab key 3 times the cursor will appear at BILL ID field. 3. Enter Bill Id. Of the bill REALISATION OF which is to be verified and Press F4. All the particulars entered in General Detail of the bill will appear and cursor will appear at the Option Field. 4. Enter R in Option Field and Press F4, the system shall display the screen of Transaction Type and Bill Amount, Transaction Amt, Charges etc. Press F4 again the Transaction Part Tran screen will appear and cursor at the Option Field. If you want to visit all the part trans then press down arrow key and go to next part tran. Keep on doing that the user can visit all the part trans. Also he can see the list of transactions on entering L in the Option field and by pressing F4. 5. Having seen all the part trans the user can Accept the transactions by inserting A in the Option Field and pressing F4, the system shall display the cursor in the Option Field on the First Screen of General Details of Bill. 6. Press F10, to commit. The Bill stands verified. NOTE: THE USER MUST SEE THE STATUS OF TRANSACTION WHETHER THE SAME HAS BEEN POSTED BY THE SYTEM OR NOT. THE SYSTEM SHALL NOT POST THE TRANSACTION IN CASE IT ENCOUNTERS ANY EXCEPTION IN THE ACCOUNT IN SUCH SCENERIO THE LODGERS ACCOUNT WILL NOT BE POSTED WITH THE PROCEEDS OF THE BILL. REPORTS & INQUIRIES REPORTS FOR TAKING OUTSTANDING OF BILLS. for all type of Collection Bills Outward & Inward Both BRCR for all type of Purchase & Discounted Bills Outward & Inward Both BRBPR PNBRPT Option No. 8 sub option as follows: 1. Inland Bill Return Schedule 2. Inward Bills Realisation Advice 3. Intimation of Bill Receipt to Drawee 4. Intimation of Bill Acceptance to Presenting Bank/Party 5. Bill Forwading Schedule of OBD 6. For Sending Bank Intimating Realisation 7. IDBC(BRANCES) for Cheques 8. Forwading of ODBC OUBC 9. Intimation Schedule of Drawee 10.Forwading Schedule For ODD 11.Forwarding Letter to ILC(AMEDMENTS) 12.Intimation of Dishonour IDBC(P)/Branches 13.Realisation Adv For Parties / Other Bank 14.Reminder For Fate of Bills 15.Forwading of ODBC/OUBC for RCC 16.Forwading of ODD for RCC PNBREP Option No. 8 sub option as follows: 1. Statement of Drawee Bills 2. Unauthorised Demand Draft Purchased Page 239 of 294
for Bills Inquiry for Printing of Bills Inquiry (BI) for Bills Events History Inquiry for payment of Over Due Interest on delayed realization Bills Register Reports – Collections Bills Register Reports – Bills Purchased Co-accepted Bills Drawee wise Dishonoured Bills Report Large Amount Cheque Discounted – Daily Reporting Large Amount Cheque Discounted – Monthly Reporting Outward Bills Reminders Fate Inquiry
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Prepared By : Anil Kumar Aggarwal Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad VIEWING, PRINTING, DOWNLOADING OF REPORT Finacle has provision that any report generated which appear in PR menu can be viewed on the Monitor, can be printed, can be downloaded on PC or any other media and of course can also be deleted if required. How to View, Print, Download and Delete a report is explained below: Viewing of Report STEPS ACTION 1. Invoke PR Menu Option and bring the cursor against the report to be viewed by pressing down arrow key or up arrow key. 2. Enter T in the square provided as shown below and press F10.
An other screen will appear displaying the report opted for viewing. Press F4 to go to next page of the report and type – and press F4 to view previous page of the report. If you want to go on to the particular number of page of the report then enter page number and press F4 the system shall display that page of the report. Enter Q in the option bar, as shown below, and press F4 to come out of the report window.
If more than one report is to be viewed one after the other then bring the cursor against the report to be viewed, enter T in the square as shown above in step no. 2 and press down arrow key or up arrow key for bringing the cursor against other report and again enter T in the square and press F10 to view. Thus more than one report can be selected to view on the monitor.
Page 241 of 294
Printing a Report STEPS ACTION 1. Start ILinkweb, short cut/icon may be available on desktop and ensure that Listening on port : 9999 appear on the screen, as shown below, minimize it by clicking on – (minimize) sign.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Invoke PR Menu Option and bring the cursor against the report to be printed by pressing down arrow key or up arrow key. Press Ctrl E key to explode, the system shall show the following screen:
Enter the number of copies to be printed and press Tab to come on to the next field. If the file is not to be deleted after printing then change the flag Y to N and press F4, the system will take to the PR menu screen. Enter P in the field provided and press F10 for printing of report.
If the printing command for more than one report is to be given then repeat step no. 3 for the reports to be printed and then enter P in the square & press down arrow key or up arrow key for bringing the cursor against the next report & again enter P in the square as shown below:
Page 242 of 294
Press F10 to print these reports. Deletion of Report Step 1.
Action Invoke PR Menu Option and bring the cursor against the report to be deleted by pressing down arrow key or up arrow key. As shown below, the cursor is against the report Statement of Accounts.
Enter D in the field and press F10, the report will stand deleted. Similarly, if more than one report is to be deleted in one stroke then enter D in the field as shown above for the report (against which the cursor is) & press down arrow key or up arrow key to bring the cursor against another report to be deleted. Repeat the step for deletion of more reports and then press F10. All the reports against which D will appear (as shown below) will stand deleted.
Press F3 to come on to the main menu.
Page 243 of 294
Downloading of Report Step Action 1.
Start ILinkweb, short cut/icon may be available on desktop and ensure that Listening on port : 9999 appear on the screen, as shown below, minimize it by clicking on – (minimize) sign.
Invoke PR Menu Option and bring the cursor against the report to be downloaded by pressing down arrow key or up arrow key. Press Ctrl E key to explode, the system shall show the following screen:
Note down the file name of the report. Make sure that the alphabet in capital should be noted down in capital and small should be noted down in small alphabet. The file name starts after the directory name. As shown In the above screen the file name is TMPCAAY2aO0A.RPT. Press F3 to come back to the main menu. Invoke menu option PTW and enter sub-option T and press F4, as shown below.
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The system will show the other screen, displaying Enter file name as shown below. Enter the file name & Press F4.
The system will show the screen shown in Step No. 6 below: 6.
Enter destination Directory that means the directory where the report is to be down loaded, if on Hard Disk then enter C:\ & directory name if any (as shown above) else, if the report is to be downloaded on Floppy then enter A:\ & directory name, if any, as required by the system in the field provided. Press F4. The report stands downloaded. Enter Q & Press F4 twice to go back to the main menu. 7.
Double click on My Computer Icon on your Desktop as shown below:
On double clicking on My Computer icon the following screen will appear. Click on (C:) if the report is downloaded on C: drive or click on (A : ) if the report is downloaded on Floppy.
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On clicking on drive as shown in the step no. 7, Double click on the report name which has been downloaded as shown below:
System shall show the report downloaded as shown below:
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Prepared by: Makarand B Kedare Sr. Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad DBA ACTIVITIES On day to day basis, DBA has to perform various activities like Morning Arrangement, Signature uploading and helping the users to log in if the user_id is locked etc. DBA shall also perform some of the activities as the need may be like Marking holidays, Transferring A/Cs from Inoperative to Operative and vice-e-versa, Transferring FDs to Overdue etc. A. OPEN CASH AND TRANSFER TRANSACTIONS Presently, the Data Centre does the Day Begin activity for all the SOLs. The DBA shall open cash and transfer transactions for the day; otherwise the system shall not allow the users of the SOL to enter any kind of transactions in Finacle. a. OCST (Open Cash Transactions) – DBA shall invoke this menu option and after confirming the Service Outlet code, he shall press F10. b. OXFT (Open Transfer Transactions) – DBA shall invoke this menu option and after confirming the Sol id, he shall press F10. DBA shall view/print reports generated by the system through menu option PR. MORNING ARRANGEMENT B. INVENTORY MOVEMENT AUTHORIZERS FOR DOUBLE LOCK Whenever inventory is moved in or out of the Double Lock (DL), while verifying the movement, system asks the finacle user_ids & passwords of DL authorizers. As a part of morning arrangement, DBA shall enter the finacle user_ids of the officials who will be authorizing the movement in or out of the DL on the day. This shall be (generally) done before starting any movement of inventory. Menu option – IMAUM (Inventory Movement Auth Maintenance)
Screen 1 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. Inventory Location Class – Enter DL (Double Lock). Press F4. System shall display user_ids of officials who are presently authorizers for DL. Page 247 of 294
3. DBA shall enter the user_id(s) of the official(s) who will be authorizing the movement of inventory in our out of DL. 4. Work Class for Delete – DBA shall enter the minimum work class required for authorizing inventory movement in this field; list of work classes can be seen by pressing F2 in this field. If the work class of both the user_ids specified in above two fields is less than the work class specified in ‘Work Class for Delete’, then one more user having the work class >= work class for delete has to enter his user_id and password to complete authorization of inventory transaction. E.g. Let’s assume that the work class of Auth user_1 is 030 (Spl. Asstt.) and Auth user_2 is 040 (Officer). If the DBA enters Work class for delete as 060 (Manager), then while verifying the movement of inventory in or out of the DL, the system shall not allow the verification operation until and unless a user of work class >=060 enters his/her user_id and password. 5. After making necessary changes in the user_ids, DBA shall press F10 to commit. Changes in IMAUM does not need any verification. Note – If any inventory movement transaction is entered (but not yet verified) in or out of DL, and then if the DBA changes either or both Auth User_ids, the system shall ask user_ids and passwords of users whose user_ids were available while entering the inventory movement transaction of DL. Therefore, it is always advisable to enter user_id of authorizers through this menu option before any IMC (inventory Movement) operation takes place. C. USER PROFILE MAINTENANCE Morning arrangement activities could be – a. Allowing the officials to officiate in the higher work class and accordingly changing the passing powers. b. Allowing the officials to post intersol transactions and accordingly changing the passing powers for intersol transactions c. Allowing the officials to proxy post transactions d. Marking of leaves of officials e. Allowing the officials to view even the deleted signatures f. Removing any or all the above permissions given to the officials etc. All these permissions can be given to the officials by the DBA using menu option UPM (User Profile Maintenance). Menu option – UPM 1. Function – M (Modify). Please note that the DBA can not add a new user. 2. User Id – Enter the user id of the officials whose user profile is to be modified. Press F4. System shall display user profile of the user_id under consideration, provided the record is not in deleted state. 3. Sol Id – By default system displays sol id of the user. DBA can not change sol id. 4. Emp id - By default system displays employee_id of the user. DBA can not change emp id. 5. User Tenor – Valid values are C (Captive) and F (Free). If the user is to be allowed to enter as also post intersol transactions, then the DBA shall enter F in this field. If the value is C (Captive) in this field, the system shall not allow the user even to enter intersol transactions. 6. Remote Access – Default is N, shall not be changed.
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Screen 2 7. Auth User – This field contains user_id of the official who will be authorizing the inventory movement in the absence of the user_id under consideration. Example i.
On yesterday a Demand Drafts (DD25) booklet with alpha series XYZ and printed Serial No. 123001 to 123025 was moved/issued to the employee having emp id 79710 for issuing DDs. ii. Today, the above employee (i.e. 79710) is absent and another employee with emp id 12345 is handling DD issue. iii. As regards, the inventory (DDs) must be available at employee 12345’s location for printing the DDs. So the inventory unutilized by 79710 need to be issued/moved to the user with employee id 12345. iv. As regards, if the inventory is to be moved from one employee location to another employee location, the system asks user_id and password of both the employees. v. But, the employee 79710 is absent. Under such circumstances, the user whose user_id is entered in ‘Auth. User’ field can enter his own user_id and password to authorize the movement of inventory from 79710’s location to 12345’s location. 8. Appl. Names – System does not allow the DBA to change value in this field. This field is used to define the activities of the user. E.g. if the user is performing general activities (like opening a/c, transactions etc.) then this field shall have GU as the value, in the similar way IN is for Inspectors/Auditors, DB for System Incharge of branches, UP for upload users etc. 9. Work Class – As per the designation of the user, DBA shall enter work class of the user or select the same from the list. If the official is promoted and posted in the same branch, then DBA shall change the work class as per the designation of the user. E.g. if the official is Senior Manager, DBA shall enter 070 in this field. 10. Temp Work Class – This field is need is to be entered for allowing the user to officiate in higher work class (designation) for a certain period. E.g. If a Special Assistant is officiating as an Officer in the branch then DBA shall enter work class of officer (i.e. 040) in this field. 11. Effective up to – Mandatory if Temp. Work Class is entered. If the user is officiating in the higher work class (designation), then DBA shall enter the date up to which the user will be officiating. 12. Login Time Low/High – If the user is to be restricted for working in finacle between specific time period the same can be entered in hours : minutes : seconds in these two fields.
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13. Max. Inactive Time – If the user does not operate any menu option for the minutes entered in this field, then the system shall automatically terminate user’s session. 14. Proxy Post Alwd – Enter Y if the user is to be allowed for proxy posting, otherwise enter N in this field. 15. Acct. Expy Date – Enter the date up to which the user id shall be active. System shall automatically delete the user_id after the date as entered in this field. 16. User Disabled Upto – If the user is going on leave (or not coming to the office), DBA shall enter the date up to which the user id is to be disabled. If the user joins before the date as entered in this field, the DBA shall delete the date entered in this field; otherwise, if the user tries to login in the Finacle, the system shall display a message ‘User Account has been disabled’ and shall not allow the user to login. 17. User Password – In case the user forgets his password, the same can be initialized by the DBA through this field. 18. Next three fields i.e. User Lang Code, Virtual user id & Default Term id, need not be changed for users. 19. There are some display fields available in this page a. Tot Mod times – system maintains a count of modifications done by the DBA in a particular user’s profile. b. Created By – User Id of the official who has created the profile of user_id. c. Created On – Date on which the user profile was created. d. Modified By – User id of the official who has last modified the profile. e. Modified On – Date on which the profile was last modified. f. New User –This flag is automatically set to Y until the user logs in first time and changes his password. This flag is also set to Y, in case the DBA reinitializes the password of the user and until he logs in and changes his password. g. User Logged on – If the user is logged on, system shall display Y against this display field. h. Delete Flag – If the user’s profile is deleted, system shall display Y against this display field. 20. Press F6 to go to Next Page.
Screen 3 21. System displays Scheme Type-wise Read / Write access given to the user. 22. If the Access Type is W then it means that the user is permitted to add/modify/delete records/transactions in the scheme type. If the Access Type is R (Read Only) then it means that the user is permitted to only inquire or take reports in the scheme type. E.g In case of Inspectors/Auditors, for all the 14 scheme types, the permission is set to R (Read Only). 23. Press F6 to go to the Next Page.
Screen 4 Page 250 of 294
24. This page is about the permissions given to the user for viewing signatures. If the Image Access Code is a. AL - the user is allowed to view active accounts’ signatures. b. DE - the user is allowed to view deleted signatures c. IN – the user is allowed to view Inoperative accounts’ signatures. 25. If the user is to be permitted to view Deleted signatures, the DBA shall type DE in the Image Access Code field and press Down / Up arrow. Similar method should be followed for giving access to view Inoperative Accounts’ signatures. 26. E.g. If the user was allowed to view Inoperative Signatures and now if the permission is to be revoked, then the DBA shall type Y in Del field against the IN image access code and press down/up arrow. 27. Press F6 to go to the Next Page.
Screen 5 28. The passing powers of the user shall be entered in this page. 29. The DBA shall enter currency code in the first field, for which the passing powers are to be given. 30. In the next three fields, passing powers for Cash, Transfer and Clearing transactions of user’s own branch’s A/Cs respectively. 31. If the user tenor is Free, then the Intersol passing powers for Cash, Transfer & Clearing transactions shall be entered in the next three fields respectively. 32. To enter passing powers for another currency, DBA shall press Down arrow. The system shall bring blank record. DBA shall follow steps 29 to 31 for giving the passing powers for the currency. 33. After doing necessary modifications, DBA shall Press F10 (commit) to make the changes effective. CASE STUDY 1 - If a user attempts to login into Finacle for more than 3 times with wrong password. 1. The system deletes user’s profile. 2. DBA shall undelete user’s profile. a. Menu option – UPM b. Function – U (Undelete) c. User Id – Enter the user id. Press F4. Press F10 (commit). 3. DBA shall reinitialize user’s password. a. Menu option – UPM b. Function – M (Modify) c. User Id – Enter the user id. Press F4. d. System shall display user’s profile. e. User Password - DBA shall enter new password for the user. Press F10 (commit) 4. DBA shall ask the user to login with the new password. Page 251 of 294
5. When the user enters his user id, new password and clicks on Login button, system shall display an Alert message ‘You are a new user hence please change your password’. 6. User shall click mouse on OK button. System shall display two more fields. 7. New Password – User shall click mouse in the field and enter new password. 8. Confirm New Password – User shall re-enter the same password as entered in the previous field. CASE STUDY 2 - Allowing the user to officiate in higher designation (work class). Example - Changes to be done in UPM for allowing a Special Assistant to officiate as Officer. DBA shall invoke menu option UPM. 1. Menu option – UPM 2. Function – M (Modify) 3. User Id – Enter the user Id whose user profile is to be changed. Press F4. System shall display first page of user’s profile. 4. User Tenor (optional) – If the user is to be enabled for entering/posting Intersol transactions, the change this flag to F (Free) 5. Temp Work Class – Enter the work class (designation) in which the user is to be enabled to officiate. Alternatively, DBA can press F2 for the list and select the work class by pressing Shift+F4. In our example we will enter 040 (Officer). 6. Effective upto – Enter the date up to which the user is to be allowed to officiate temporarily in the higher designation (work class). 7. Press F6 three times to come to Passing Powers screen. 8. Change the passing powers of the user as applicable for higher work class (designation) in which the user is to be enabled for officiating. In our example, we will enter passing powers as applicable for Officer Work Class. 9. Press F10 (commit) to save changes done. System shall automatically restrict the user from officiating in the higher work class after the date as entered in ‘Effective Upto’. BUT, system shall not automatically modify the passing powers back to the user’s actual (permanent) work class. DBA shall change the passing powers of the user as per his actual (permanent) work class, once the officiating is over; otherwise the user will enjoy passing powers of higher work class although he is not officiating in the higher work class. D. SAC (User Login Maintenance) Sometimes DBA need to delete (terminate) user’s current session, as because sometimes system displays a message ‘User has already logged on’ when the user tries to login into Finacle.
Screen 6 1. Function – Type D (Delete) 2. Users/Batches/Daemons – Type U (Users) Page 252 of 294
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
User id – Enter user id of the user whose session is to be deleted/terminated. Press F4. System shall display user’s current session. Press Shift+F4 to select the record. Press F10. The user shall then try to login.
E. SOLSTAT - SERVICE OUTLET STATUS INQUIRY After every stage like BOD & before proceeding & after completion of ABH, SOLEOD operations, DBA shall always check the status of his or other SOL through this menu option. After invoking this menu option, enter the service outlet code of SOL and press F4. System shall display Today date, Next Date and Status of the SOL(s). While checking the status, DBA shall always check Today and Next Dates carefully. If the status is • ISOLOP is Completed – means the BOD is done. • CSOLOP is completed – means EOD is done. • Central BOD is completed- means Data Centre has done its BOD, but user’s branch’s SOLBOD is not done. • Central EOD is completed - means Data Centre has done its EOD. • ABH is completed – means ABH has been successfully done. F. ABH – AFTER BUSINESS HOURS After completing all the jobs of the day, DBA shall run ABH menu option. ILINKWEB must be running in the background. Before invoking this menu option, DBA shall ensure that all the transactions are in verified state, otherwise the system shall display a message ‘There are trans in entered status for your SOL. Plz post all trans first’, and shall not allow to proceed further. System shall also not allow the DBA to proceed, if TFDDHOC menu option (to be run by General User having work class as 060 – Manager and User Tenor as Free) has not run already. After completion of ABH process, DBA shall check the status of SOL through SOLSTAT menu option. System shall display status as ‘ABH is Completed’. G. SOLEOD – SERVICE OUTLET EOD After completing ABH process, user shall again check that there are no transactions in entered/posted but not verified state, using menu option FTI. If the ABH is successfully done, DBA shall proceed with SOLEOD process. ILINKWEB must be running in the background. After completion of SOLEOD process, DBA shall check the status of SOL through SOLSTAT menu option. System shall display status as ‘CSOLOP is Completed’. H. LDIMG – IMAGE UPLOAD UTILITY DBA shall use menu option LDIMG to upload signatures from PC to the Data Centre. Before invoking this menu option, DBA shall ensure that the ILINKWEB is up and running in the background. After the completion of upload process, DBA shall view/print status of upload report through menu option PR.
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I. CTM (CALENDAR TABLE MAINTENANCE) Menu option CTM shall be used to add/modify/delete month-wise calendar of his own SOL. Add Calendar – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
Function – A (Add) Calendar Type – 3 (Branch) Service Outlet – Enter service outlet code. Mon & year – e.g. if the calendar for the month of August’2004 is to be added, then enter 082004, likewise for other months. Press F4. If the calendar already exists in the system, it shall display a message ‘Record already exists’, otherwise it shall activate the calendar. System shall display days and dates. Next to every record, it shall display two fields. In the first field, DBA shall a. enter Y, if it is to be marked as holiday and in the next field he shall enter the text of holiday e.g. Republic Day etc. b. enter C, if it is to be marked as cautioned holiday and in the next field he shall enter the text of holiday e.g. Idu’l Fitr etc. c. leave the field blank, if the date is not to be marked as holiday. User shall press F6 to go to next page of the calendar. After adding the calendar, user shall press F10 to save the calendar.
If the calendar record already exists and any holiday is to be added/removed, user shall use function M to do so. J. TRANSFER TERM DEPOSITS TO OVERDUE Before proceeding for the Day End of the SOL, DBA shall transfer the Term Deposits matured today but not renewed/closed by the customers to Overdue GL Subhead using menu option TXOD. System shall transfer only such Term Deposits to Overdue GL subhead in which Interest & TDS (if applicable) calculations are up to date. System shall also create transactions in verified state of debiting and crediting back the same Fixed Deposit A/c. System shall change the GL Subhead of FD from 10100 to 03152 (C/A Overdue). After executing TXOD menu option, DBA shall view/print the report through menu option PR. K. INOPACTF – TRANSFER ACCOUNTS TO INOPERATIVE CATEGORY On the last working day of every calendar year, after the Begin of Day (BOD), DBA shall invoke menu option INOPACTF to transfer accounts in which customer induced transactions have not taken place in the last three years to Inoperative category. This option changes GL Subhead of A/c from Operative category (GL Subhead 05100 for SF & 03100 for CA) to Inoperative Category (GL Subhead 03404 for SF & 03405 for CA below 10 years) and Account status from Active to Dormant (Inoperative in banking terminology). If an account remains Inoperative others category for 7 years & above, this option transfers such accounts to Inoperative over 10 years category (GL Subhead 03304 for SF & 03305 for CA). The system creates a transaction debiting and crediting back the same account with the balance outstanding. Please use menu option FTI & enter above GL Subhead codes and press F4. System shall display transaction Id. Please note the transaction id. User shall take print of Page 254 of 294
transaction id through menu option FTR for keeping the same for record purpose. User can check status of individual accounts through menu option ACI. L. TACBSH – TRANSFER ACCOUNTS BETWEEN SUB-HEADS This menu can be invoked by DBA and the other users having work class 060 (Manager). This menu option shall be used to transfer SB/CA accounts from Inoperative to Active GL subhead. General user shall first change the status of account from Inactive/dormant to Active, using menu option ACM (function - M) & in scheme details. The modifications done in ACM shall be verified by another authorized user, using the same (ACM) menu option. The DBA then shall invoke TACBSH menu option and change GL subhead from inoperative (03404 for SF & 03405 for CA) to operative (05100 for SF & 03100 for CA). M. UCS – UPDATE CHEQUE STATUS When any transaction is posted using a personal cheque of the customer, system updates status of the cheque from ‘Unused’ to ‘Passed’. Let’s discuss the use of UCS through an example. A customer has been issued a cheque book SB10 bearing alpha series LKK and printed Nos. from 123100 – 123109. One of the cheques has come through the clearing or TM, say 123002. But the branch has passed the transaction with wrong cheque No. say 123003. Next time, when the original cheque (i.e. 123003) is presented, system shall not allow to pass the cheque and shall raise an error message ’Cheque Already Paid’. Under these circumstances, DBA can change the status of cheque No. 123003 from ‘Passed’ to ‘Unused’ using this menu option. As also, DBA shall change the status of Cheque No. 123002 from ‘Unused’ to ‘Passed’.
Screen 7 1. A/c No. – Enter the A/c No. 2. Instrument No. – Enter alpha series code in the first field and printed No. in the next field. Press F4. System shall display ‘Present Status of the instrument’. 3. Update Instrument to – DBA shall enter P if the status is to be updated to passed, or enter U if the status is to be updated to Unused. 4. Press F10 to commit.
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Please note that UCS does not need any verification, therefore DBA shall use this menu option meticulously. N. BCCALC – BATCH CHARGES CALCULATION Menu option BCCALC shall be used to apply Ledger Folio Charges in SB & CA types of accounts. Generally, this menu option needs to be run on half yearly frequency. The DBA shall enter the criteria as per requirement.
Screen 8 1. Enter the criteria like Report to (mandatory), To Date (mandatory), Value date, Account Nos. from/to, Scheme Code (mandatory), Scheme type, GL subhead from/to etc. 2. Ledger Folio Charges – Y. Press F4. 3. System shall display print parameter acceptance form. 4. Fore/Background – Enter F. 5. Print Required – Enter N, if the printer is not physically connected to the terminal. Press F10. 6. During this process, if the sufficient balance is available in the account, system shall debit the charges in the account. System shall create such part-tran in verified state. The accounts in which sufficient balances are not available, system shall create the part-trans as also entire transaction in entered state. System allots one transaction id to entire batch process. 7. DBA shall proxy-post such part trans of accounts; system automatically marks lien on such accounts in which charge part trans are proxy posted. 8. Proxy posted transaction need to be reversed through menu option SPTM (by general user), may be by debiting income-misc account. 9. DBA shall take the print of Ledger Folio Charges report through menu option PR. He shall mark the accounts in which charges could not be debited. He shall then handover the list of such accounts to respective section incharge, for recovery of charges as soon as the balance is available in the account. O. MBAL – MINIMUM BALANCE CHARGES This menu option is used to recover minimum balance charges from the SB & CA accounts (including inoperative accounts). This menu option need to be separately run for each scheme code e.g. SBGEN, CAGEN etc.
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Screen 9 1. Type appropriate option No. (as applicable to the status of branch). Press F4. 2. DBA shall enter the values as per the requirement of the system, like scheme code, SOL id & date upto which the charges to be levied. After entering every value, DBA shall press F4 to proceed. 3. DBA shall invoke menu option PR. 4. Press Control+E (Explode) on the Minimum Balance Charges report and note the file name. Please ensure to note the file name as per the case of the character. The file can also be printed / viewed. 5. DBA then shall invoke menu option TTUM (Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance)
Screen 10 6. Report to (Mandatory) – Free text field e.g. Manager 7. Transaction sub type – Enter BI (Bank Induced) 8. Upload File name –enter the file name which was noted through PR. Please note that file name is case sensitive. Otherwise, system shall display error message ‘File does not exist or has zero bytes’. 9. Action – Enter E for uploading the transaction in entered state, P for posted or V for verified state. 10. Transaction Remarks – Enter appropriate text .e.g Minimum Balance Charges. 11. Rename Input File After Upload – Generally N. 12. Press F4. 13. Fore/Background – F. 14. Print Required – Enter N, if the printer is physically not connected to the terminal. 15. Press F10 to commit. 16. Please view/print the report through PR.
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Prepared By: Makarand B Kedare Sr.Faculty, IT Centre, Faridabad MEMO PAD LOOKUP & MAINTENANCE Memo pad plays a very important role to make available additional information about a customer / account to the users of all the SOLs on the CBS network as and when the account is accessed. There are two types of memo pads in Finacle – • •
System generated User created
A. SYSTEM GENERATED MEMO PAD In certain situations, system on its own create a memo pad entry. For example – •
When any modification is done in CUMM, but not verified, then until the verification of CUMM is done, system shall raise an exception ‘Memo Pad Exist’ whenever account of the customer is accessed in TM or any other menu option. Once the modification in CUMM is verified / cancelled, system shall automatically remove memo pad entry.
Same is the case, when any modification is done in account using menu option ACM, but not verified. Let’s take an example. In a particular a/c, the mode of operation was SELF and now it is changed to JOINT through menu option ACM. The modification done must be verified to actually make it effective in the system. As regards, if it is not verified and during such period a cheque with signature of only main a/c holder comes for payment, either at base branch or at any other branch throughout the CBS network, how the user at the branch will come to know that the mode of operation is changed to joint? To make the user aware / caution about such modifications done but not verified, system creates a memo pad entry.
Please note that the system created memo pad can not be deleted. System shall automatically remove memo pad entry once the modifications done is either verified or cancelled. B. USER CREATED MEMO PAD If a user wants to provide additional information about a particular customer / account, like documentation incomplete or any such information / irregularity, he can create a memo pad entry in the system on the account. System shall raise an exception ‘Memo Pad Exist’, whenever the account is accessed at any of the CBS branches. Please refer to ‘Adding a Memo Pad Entry’ topic for further details. C. MEMO PAD LOOKUP As discussed earlier, if the system raises an exception ‘Memo Pad Exist’ and if the user wants to see the details of memo pad entry, he shall follow following steps 1. The system shall display exception as shown in Screen 1. Page 258 of 294
Screen 1 2. User shall press Control+F9 to see memo pad details. System shall display Memo Pad Lookup screen. 3. Function – I (inquire). Press F4. 4. A/c No. – Enter the A/c No. of which user wishes to inquire memo pad entry. Press F4. System shall display list of memo pads like the one shown in Screen 2.
Screen 2 5. User can press Control+E (Explode) on the memo pad entry to further see the details. System shall display details of memo pad like the one shown in Screen 3.
Page 259 of 294
Screen 3 6. From the topic and memo pad text, user can analyze the reason of memo pad. If the value against the field Security is Y (System), then that means it is a system generated memo pad. 7. If the user wants to know what modifications are done in the customer / account details, he can press Control+E (Explode) on Audit Ref. No. field. System shall display table and key values. User can press Control+E (Explode) on the record to further see the details of modifications. System shall display the details of modifications like the one shown in Screen 4.
Screen 4 8. After analyzing the details of memo pad, user can press F3’s until the system comes back to the exception list. 9. If the user wishes to accept the exception, he can press F4; otherwise, he can press F3. D. ADDING A MEMO PAD ENTRY User shall invoke any menu option (except PNBRPT, PNBREP, PTW etc.), if a memo pad is required to be added in a particular a/c. User shall press Control+F9. 1. System shall activate memo pad lookup screen. 2. Function – A (Add). Press F4. System shall activate Memo Pad Maintenance menu.
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Screen 5 3. Topic (mandatory) – Enter appropriate text message of memo pad. 4. Function (mandatory) – Enter the function code during which the memo pad exception should be raised by the system. User can press F2 and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. If the user wants that the system should raise memo pad exception during all kind of transactions, then he shall enter/select FT (Financial Transaction) in this field. 5. Intent (mandatory) – Enter the purpose of memo pad. User can select intent code from the list. E.g. if the memo pad exception is to be raised by the system during all kind of transactions (like cash, clearing & transfer), user shall enter G (General Transaction Alert) in this field. 6. Security (mandatory) – This field has four possible values – Type security O (Private)
of When memo pad exception raised? Only when the same user does operations on A/c on which memo pad is being created P (Public) Any user of any of the CBS branches does operations on A/c S Any user of any of the CBS (Semiprivate) branches does operations on A/c Y (System) Any user of any of the CBS branches does operations on A/c
Who can delete/modify memo pad? Same user and DBA Any user Same user and DBA Nobody
System does not allow the user to enter security as Y (System), as this is reserved for system created memo pad. 7. A/c No. – Enter the A/c No. on which this memo pad entry is being created. If the user forgets to enter account No., the whole exercise will go waste. 8. User can enter other details, as the case may be. 9. After entering the details, press F4. 10. System shall activate ‘Enter Memo Text’ field. User shall enter appropriate text message of memo pad. 11. Press F10 to commit. No verification is required for memo pad creation.
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E. DELETING A MEMO PAD ENTRY As Regards, system does not allow any user to delete system created memo pad entries. User shall verify/cancel necessary operation on the account. System allows to delete only user created memo pad. In any menu option, user can press Control+F9 to bring memo pad lookup screen. Let’s take an example of deleting a memo pad created on a particular account. 1. Function – D (Delete). Press F4. 2. A/c No. – Enter A/c No. Press F4. 3. System shall display all the memo pads which the user is allowed to delete. i.e. memo pads created by other users having security as O (Private) and S (Semiprivate) are not displayed by the system. 4. Press Control+E on the memo pad entry which is to be deleted. 5. Press F10 to commit. 6. System shall come back to memo pad list. But it shall also include the memo pad which is deleted in the list; this is because system does not refresh the list. ------ * -----
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SIGNATURE CAPTURING Working with SignCap This chapter describes the using of SignCap right from the invoking of SignCap to using the various options of SignCap. Invoking SignCap :
Figure 1. Login window When you have installed SignCap, the SignCap program is created in your Programs menu. To invoke SignCap 1. Click on the Start menu and choose SignCap from the Programs group. 2. The login window is displayed. Enter a login name and a valid password as given by the system administrator. Users can be Admin users or Normal users. The login window is shown in Figure 1. 3. Click OK to run the application. If you have entered the valid login name with a valid password, the SignCap Session Parameters Window is displayed as shown in Figure 2. Session Details window : This window allows you to enter a new filename in the default directory or whichever directory SignCap is loaded, by specifying the file name and path or choose the existing files from the default path.
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Figure 2. Session Parameters window 1. Enter a service outlet code. If the user logged in is of Admin type, then the Set as default button and the Scan Parameters button will be enabled. If the user is of the Normal type, then these buttons are disabled. You can set a directory as the default directory for saving all your images using the Set As Default option and select the scanner settings for all the scanning operations using the Scan Parameters button. 2. Clicking on Close will close the application. To continue scanning with default settings click on Proceed or press Enter. Pressing Escape or Close shall close the application. DPI, Dots Per Inch denotes the resolution for scanning. SCAN PARAMETERS The following screen appears when the Scan Parameters button is clicked
Figure 3. Scan Parameters dialog box Page 264 of 294
Make the changes as per parameters given in the above figure. SAVE SETTINGS This option saves the new settings. APPLY If you click the Apply button the scanning parameters in this dialog box are applied to the current scanning. CLOSE If you click on Close, the Session Details window appears. Click on Proceed. The Key Fields window appears. Click on the Select TWAIN Scanner button to select a scanner. You can choose the scanner as the currently connected scanner or any other scanner SELECTING THE TWAIN SCANNER Click on the Select TWAIN scanner button in the Scan Parameters window. You can select the type of the scanner that should be used.
Figure 4. Selecting the Scanner Source Select the appropriate scanner drive from the Select Source dialog box. Note: TWAIN is an international standard for scanners. Any scanner that is TWAIN compatible is supported by SignCap. KEY FIELDS WINDOW On this screen various key fields can be entered. By default, the cursor lies on the Serial No field.
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Figure 5. Key Fields window If a serial number already exists or the image has been already scanned, then the serial number can be entered or the corresponding record’s message can be chosen from the drop down list box. This enables all the other function keys like Modify, Delete, Previous Record, Next Record etc. You can make use of these function keys as per your requirement. The function key F6 allows you to view the signature. If a new image has to be captured, then click on Enter ADDING A NEW RECORD 1. For adding a new record, with a blank space in the Serial No field, click Enter. The serial number is automatically generated. 2. Enter the Product Code 3. Enter the SOL ID 4. Enter the Account No . IMPORTANT : Account number should always be followed by a zero. This zero will be converted to check digit as per the program to be provided by Infosys. e.g. If you are scanning the signatures of SF General a/c and the account number is 9834 and your Sol Id is 015300 Enter Product Code As : 01 ( 01 is the product code for Saving Fund General) Enter The Sol Id : 015300 Enter A/c number as : 98340 (i.e. 9834 followed by a 0) Press Tab You will see that a/c number field has changed to : 0153000100098340
Currency Code and Access Code are default populated as INR and AL respectively IMPORTANT Use IN as Access Code In Case Of Inoperative A/cs
Scan upto 100 signatures only in one file Page 266 of 294
Use different files for different Product Codes
5. Enter the relevant details and click on SCAN or press F6. This takes you to the Scanner Interface. The scanner interface screen is shown in the figure below.
Figure 6. Scanner Interface Scan The Signatures as Required. Figure 7. Signature scanning and saving window Page 267 of 294
The Display window, which displays the scanned signature and a text box to enter a signature message associated with that signature appear. Entering the signature message is mandatory. This is one of the fields on which the signature will be retrieved.
Click the right-mouse button for options like Cut, Crop or Copy. Click on F10 or on the Save & Close button to save the image and close. If the size of the image scanned is bigger than that allocated by Signcap, you are prompted to crop the signature and then save. Select a portion of the image, using mouse and select the options to crop from the pop-up menu (got by right clicking the mouse).
The Escape button closes this window without saving. Re-scanning the image is possible during scanning. VIEWING A RECORD If the image is just scanned then pressing space bar refreshes the screen and clicking on the View button (F6) allows you to view the image. MODIFYING A RECORD The field data can be changed. Press F2 to modify the record details. Use F6 to view the signature. In the display window the signature can be edited. Click on F10 to update the signature and the associated signature message. DELETING A RECORD A record can be deleted by clicking on F3 or the Delete button. SCROLLING ACROSS RECORDS By knowing the signature message for a particular record, it can be retrieved. To reach a particular record, between records, either click on the drop-down list box to select the messages or type the required serial number in the box provided. Page Up & Page Down keys can be used to scroll up and down the records. Click on F7 or << to go to the first record and click on >> or F8 to go to the last record.
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BRANCH IMPLEMENTATION CYCLE UNDER CBS Key Respo nsibilit y 1 Assessment of Bandwidth and RO/ZO . arranging Leased and/or ISDB line
Monitorin g
42 days 1(Lead time 42 6 weeks)
1. Placement of order for RO/ZO Hardware/other peripherals and UPS
Parallel to activity no. 1
2. Training of End users RO/ZO Identification of end users category wise
40 days (Lead time for supply) 40 Days (To be done in at least 4 batches of 10 days duration each)
Parallel to activity no. 1
40 Days
Parallel to activity no. 1
40 days
Parallel to activity no. 1
40 days
Parallel to activity no. 1
Training of end users
3. Signature Scanning for around 10000 signatures (App. 250 signatures per day using at flat bed scanner) Identification/Approval of vendor for signature capturing. Capturing of signatures 4. Master Data Creation and its verification for un-computerized modules Identification of data to be captured in respect of uncomputerised modules Extraction of data on a master sheet Capture of data in-house or through outside vendor Checking of Master Data and its verification Rectification of errors/discrepancies resulting from checking of data 5. Cleaning of existing Data, Tallying of balances if lying unallied & compliance of premigration check points
Da y
Predecessor activity
Page 269 of 294
6. Site preparation renovation
and branch BO
Arranging for power load. Arranging backups (Gene case of failure of power. Uninterrupted Power Supply Security of computer cabin Computer cabin Air conditioning of computer UPS cabin Earthing for computer syste User Area installations Terminal points/Electrical po cabling/wiring/ducting 7. Installation of hardware/UPS BO (lead time 1 week)
30 1days
Parallel to activity no. 1
7 days
2 weeks
After completion of activity 2 & 7 After completion of activity no. 1 to 8
7 days
After completion of activity 9
1 day
After completion of activity 10
2 weeks
After completion of activity 11
After completion of activity 12
8. Pre-Roll out compliance
its Zonal Implem entation team leader and Branch Concurr ent auditor 9. Pre-migration test upload and Zonal data correction Implem entation team and BO 10Migration Activity Zonal Implem entation team and BO 11Handling of Post Migration Implem issues/Handholding Support entation team and BO 12CBS Implementation Signoff Implem entation leader and Branch Incumb ent 13Total Implementation cycle
Page 270 of 294
12 weeks
NETWORKING The bandwidth requirement for the branch may be calculated on the basis of 6 kbps per concurrent user. The bandwidth is available for a minimum of 64 kbps. It is proposed to build redundancy of network through ISDN lines, Wireless connectivity, VSAT etc., which will be decided on branch-to-branch basis. The branches are advised to ascertain the availability of Roof Top rights for exercising the option of Wireless as a communication link, as the same is required for installation of Masts. The branches are advised to take up with respective RO/ZO for applying for ISDN/Lease line links. GUIDELINES FOR THE LOCAL AREA NETWORK The network installed should follow the international standards for Structural Cabling System (SCS) as per the EIA/TIA Specifications. The SCS system should have provision for add, move and changes by the use of patch panels / Jack panels. Network documentation Also each branch must ensure the SCS layout diagram and documentation (clearly documenting which information outlet is connected to with horizontal cable and then to which port on the patch panel). Cables and patch cords should be marked for identification. The system integrator – who installs the SCS, provides Documentation. Documentation will help the branch administrator in case of any problem in the local area network. A cable fault can be easily tracked and if need to be changed due to any unforeseen reason, can be traced with the help of layout diagram. Also documentation helps when the AMC is awarded to a vendor who was not the system integrator. The network should be got audited through an outside agency, which may be approved by the Zonal Office. Such agencies test each and every node in the network by the use of scanners (exp – Pentascanner or Fluke Meter). The report will have all the technical results like resistance, impedance, next etc. The important thing that we can look into these reports is as follows. •
Test result of any node should not have failed. If shows failed it should be rectified by the vendor who has done the cabling or Network integrator.
The length of the cable shown in the result should not be more than 100 Meters.
Test result should clearly show that all the cable pairs are terminated properly at both ends (Information outlet and patch panel). The result is typically shown in the following (correct) way. 1 I 1
2 I 2
3 I 3
4 I 4
5 I 5
6 I 6
Some of the wrong terminations are as follows. Open connection (Wrong) Page 271 of 294
7 I 7
8 I 8
1 I 1
2 I 2
3 I 3
4 I 4
5 I 5
6 I 6
7 I 7
8 I 8
4 I 4
5 I 5
6 I 6
Cross connection (Wrong) 1 I 1
2 I 2
3 I 3
The Integrator should immediately rectify any core of the cable if shown open or cross-connected Draft Format of the Documentation A draft format of the documentation is shown below:
Information Outlet No. Right Left Side side
Patch Cord No. (I/O side)
Horizontal Cable No.
Patch Patch Cord No. Panel Port (Between Patch Panel No. and Switch)
Switch Port No.
1 2 3 4 5 The cable used for connecting the computers should be Cat-5 or above supporting at least 100 Mbps of bandwidth. Structure Cabling Components Following components should be used for the Structured cabling system in all the branches. The SCS should follow the following schematic for connecting the end nodes (PC’s, Printers etc) to the Active network device (Switch) Horizontal Cable – 90 Mtrs Ethernet Switch
Patch Panel / Jack Panel
Information Outlet
Patch Cord – 2.5 Mtrs
Total Length of the cable = Patch Cord (Between Ethernet Switch and Patch panel) + Horizontal Run (Cable between Patch panel and Information Outlet) + Patch Cord (Between Information Outlet and PC) Patch Cord – 2.5 Mtrs
= < 100 Mtrs
PATCH PANELS OR JACK PANEL This passive device is used for the termination of all the cables coming from the information outlets. It has provision for the termination of all the four pairs of Cat-5 or above type cable on the backside. Experienced and trained technician using standard tools should do the termination, so Page 272 of 294
that the losses are minimum. On the front side it has RJ-45 Jacks, which are used for connecting the patch cords. HORIZONTAL RUN This is the Cat-5 or above type cable used between Patch panel and Information outlet. This cable should not run in parallel to electrical cables and in case of need – a safe distance of 12 inches should be maintained. The length of this cable should not be more than 90 Mtr. This cable is terminated on Patch panel on one end and information outlet on the other end. INFORMATION OUTLET Information outlets are used for the termination of the Horizontal cables. It has provision for the termination of the cable on the back side of it and has a RJ-45 Jack on the front side. The cable should be terminated properly by a experienced and trained technician using standard tools, so that the losses are minimum. The jack on the front side is used for connecting the PC or printer using patch cord. PATCH CORD Patch cord have RJ-45 connector at both ends and come in various lengths like one meters, three meters etc. Patch cords used should be of standard make and factory crimped, hand crimped cables should not be used. Patch cords should be used for connecting • PC or printer to the information outlet. • Patch panel and Ethernet Switch. Active Devices The active device used should be Ethernet Switch (SNMP Manageable). Hubs are not advised. The switch should also be rack mounted ensuring security and protection from dust etc. Racks The rack should be provided with earth connection – which should be separate from the electrical earth. It is also advised that local branches ensure that the voltage between neutral and ground is not more than 2 Volts. The rack housing all the active and passive devices should be wall mounted or floor mounted (with wheels). The rack should be placed under temperature control. Rack should also have fan tray and power supply strip. Power Supply The branch should ensure uninterrupted power supply by the use of suitable UPS. The UPS should be SNMP Manageable. In case the power availability is a problem at certain locations, branch must ensure power through the use of Generators.
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Before roll out into Centralized Core Banking System, the branches are expected to perform certain cleaning/verification of data, creation of signature scanning etc. but despite clear instructions, there are gaps which came to notice after roll out took place in the pilot branches. To plug these loopholes, it has been decided that a compulsory pre-rollout audit of the branches shall be conducted by auditors from I&C Division and once the clear report is given on the Pre Migration Audit Certificate, the roll out will take place. Besides, many activities need to be monitored closely during migration phase so as to ensure that there is a smooth functioning of the branch and proper controls are in place. Certain updations are required to be made in the migrated data like checking of DP details, Stop Payments, Standing Instructions, Beneficiaries account number in case of Special Fixed Deposits, etc. Lack of such updations can lead to serious lapses and create problems in handling transactions.
To ensure proper monitoring, it has been decided that in respect of any branch under going CBS implementation, the Zonal Office shall designate a Implementation team leader who shall monitor and coordinate the entire implementation in respect of that branch including all pre-migration and post migration activities. Likewise branch will also designate an official preferably Second in command as Coordinator who shall be responsible for ensuring the smooth implementation of all pre-migration and post migration activities in the branch. The Implementation Team Leader, branch coordinator and Incumbent In Charge shall execute a SIGN OFF document in respect of having successfully concluded implementation of CBS Project in the branch. This certificate shall be submitted to concerned Zonal Office, I&C Division and IT Division. The SIGN OFF report should be placed before the Zonal Manager within a fortnight from the date of implementation. Any deficiencies/outstanding issues shall be closely monitored/followed till these are resolved and final closure certificate is submitted in this respect to the concerned Zonal Office and the Zonal Office in turn will confirm to I&C Division, HO for having addressed all the pending issues.
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Name of the BO: Name of the Incumbent In charge: Name of Proposed Branch Coordinator: Proposed date of implementation of CBS in the Branch: It is hereby confirmed as under: 1. Signature Scanning is completed. 2. The Master Data Creation is completed and duly verified for all the modules which are not computerized like; FD, Loans, Inoperative A/Cs etc. 3. All accounts with zero balance have been closed as per the procedure of the bank. 4. Details about Standing Instructions, Cheque Books Issued, Stop Payments, Nominations etc. have been noted and are ready for upload. 5. Outstanding entries of Sundries/Suspense/Cash Order etc. are taken tallied with the GL. 6. The particulars relating to Sanction Limit, expiry date, Repayment period, Drawing Power including insurance and charge details if any etc. have been set correctly in all the loan accounts in the existing system (In the event of any errors in the above information, the records shall not be uploaded in Finacle). 7. All balances are tallied. 8. All heads are tallied with corresponding GL heads. 9. TDS Details from the beginning of the financial year to migration date is ready. 10. All liens against deposits, Stop payment instructions, and Standing instructions have been entered into the existing system and are ready for cross check in Finacle whether all of them are uploaded or not. 11. All the identified End-users of the Branch have trained. 12. Valid MIS codes for each loan a/c have been finalised by the branch for entering the same in Finacle after migration (List of valid MIS codes has been separately circulated to the Zones). 13. The necessary Hardware (PCs, Printers and other peripherals)have been received and installed. 14. The necessary Software (Signcap, Internet Explorer 5.5) have been installed in the PCs. 15. UPS of suitable capacity has been installed/available and checked up by Vendor Engineer and certified as well conditioned. 16. Lease/ISDN Lines are installed and are working properly. 17. Sufficient load / Power is available and Backup for continous power supply is available.
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POST MIGRATION CHECK LIST 1. Check the Customer details for error / Omissions. 2. Check for the upload of Balances in the individual accounts as well as sum of Balance with GL. 3. Check the maximum allowable limit in all accounts. 4. Check the DP account 5. Ensure that DACC limit Absolute is not set, where not required. 6. DP indicator to be set to ‘D’ = Derived from securities for CCA & ODA type of a/cs. 7. All LAA type of A/Cs accounts are uploaded with the DP indicator as ‘M’ = maintained by user. Use option SRM to set up the security from all accounts. 8. The sector codes, sub-sector codes, etc. to be modified. 9. Charge details and insurance details are to be input manually in case where applicable. 10. Check the Title of the Customer and ensure its correctness. 11. Check whether all the Standing Instructions, Lien against deposits, Stop Payment instructions are uploaded into Finacle or not. 12. Take note, whether all the migration account balances has become NIL or not. Otherwise, we have to pass direct G.L. entries in conformity with the Transferor-Transferred mapping schemes under the guidance of the migration team. Hard copies of these vouchers should also be retained in branch records. 13. Pre-Migration and Post-Migration reports containing Account numbers, Account Names and Balance to be tallied thoroughly and records to be preserved for subsequent audits. 14. Ensure that SRM records are created for all the loans a/cs including NPA & Protested.
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MIGRATION DAY 1. Clearing Balances. Inward, Outward are to be uploaded in the old server on the day before the day end and should be a clear balance so that its accounted for uploads. 2. Ensure a list of all customer balances of SB/CA/CC/Loans are taken after day end. Also prepare a list of outstanding ODBC/IDBC/PO’s/DD’s, ex-advice/DD Payable/FIBC/LC (Inland as well as Foreign), BG (Inland & Foreign) after the day end. 3. Ensure that all DDs are printed before day-end so that the PO/DD numbers are allotted under the existing system. 4. The day end of the Branch should be completed by the time advised by Zonal Office. 5. Transferor source and Database backup is taken into Two DATs with proper label, sealed and duly signed by Branch Head. One DAT to be sent to Data Center and another set to be kept with the Branch. Note: Application Backup can be taken earlier to migration day but database backup must be taken at the day of migration before starting migration and we have to ensure that there is no change of data after backup. 6. DAT backup should be read to ensure that Backup is taken properly and can be restored. 7. Availability of local hardware engineer for new and old hardware infrastructure, ATM Maintenance Engineer and Electrical Engineer is to be ensured on the D-day.
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(The Certificate is to be submitted to Zonal Office/ICD/ITD with in a fortnight from the date of implementation) CBS IMPLEMENTATION SIGN OFF CERTIFICATE a. b. c. d. e. f.
Name of the BO: Name of the Incumbent In charge: Name of Branch Coordinator: Name of Implementation Team Leader: Date of implementation of CBS in the Branch: It is hereby confirmed as under: 1. All Signatures relating to SF, CA, CC, OD, FD RD have been uploaded and duly verified (it may be noted in the absence of proper verification of signature in Finacle the same are not available for retrieval). Module No. of A/cs No. of Signature No. of Signature Uploaded verified
SF CA CC OD FD RD 2. The uploaded balances in the individual A/cs have been checked and tallied with the premigration balance reports including tallying with GL heads. 3. All the standing instructions, Lien against deposits, Stop Payment instructions have been checked in the uploaded a/cs in Finacle. 4. Confirmed that in FD accounts (where the interest is paid periodically) the relevant credit account numbers have been entered/verified. (The same have not been migrated in some cases. In the absence of this interest will be credited to sundries account by the system). 5. It is confirmed that the entire upload A/c balances have been made Nil. Exceptions, if any, are reported separately with proper justification (These need to be monitored and followed up closely till the same are made nil). 6. All pre-migration and Post-migration reports containing Account Numbers, Account Names and Balance have been checked and tallied thoroughly and records have been preserved for subsequent audits. 7. The sector codes, sub-sector codes etc. have been entered in all Loans & CC/OD a/cs (please note that in case these details are not entered, MIS of the branch cannot be generated). 8. Charge details and insurance details have been incorporated in all a/cs where applicable. 9. It is confirmed that the DP indicator has been set to ‘D’=Derived from securities for CC and OD type of a/cs. 10. In all Loan type of A/cs uploaded with the DP indicator has been set as “E’=Equal to Sanctioned Limit. 11. It is confirmed that SRM (Security Register Maintenance) records are created for the entire loan A/cs including NPA and Protested (Please note that in case the records are not created, it will not reflect the DP available in the A/c). 12. It is confirmed that the relevant Interest Codes have been entered in all the loan accounts including NPA and PA accounts and the values uploaded under the field Account Preferential Interest (Dr.) have been deleted. 13. It is confirmed that all loan & other deposit a/cs which were required to be manually captured in the system (a/cs which could not be migrated through migration tools) have been captured in Finacle. 14. It is confirmed that all Bills/LCs/LGs have been captured in the system. Page 278 of 294
15. All Day end reports including Cash Book/Long Books/Transfer Journals/Day Book/Exception Reports etc. have been generated on a day-to-day basis during implementation phase and checked. 16. It is confirmed that all system backups/application backups of the old system have been taken and properly preserved in duplicate. 17. Ledger printouts of all accounts have been taken and properly preserved for future reference
Page 279 of 294
Sl. No.
Menu Option
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Menu Description Components of Account Balance Inquiry Customer Accounts Inquiry Account Ledger Inquiry Account Selection A/c Shadow Balance Inquiry Account Selection Print Audit File Inquiry Audit File Inquiry Audit File Print Interest Report For Accounts Account Interest Details Inquiry Bank Table Inquiry Balancing Report Branch Table Inquiry Calendar Table Inquiry Customer Master Inquiry Customer Selection Exceptions Report Financial Transactions Inquiry Financial Transactions Inquiry & Report General Scheme Parameters Inquiry Inquire on GL Transactions Inquire on Transactions Inter Sol Transaction Report Customised Statements for PNB Customised Reports for PNB Pass Sheet Print Reference Code Inquiry SIs Executed Today Report Standing Instructions Inquiry Standing Instructions Register Printing Stop Payment Register Transactions Exceptions Inquiry Transactions Inquiry Unified View Of Accounts Review of Pending And Dishonoured Bills Bills Events History Inquiry Bills Inquiry Bills Interest Collected Report Interest Report For Bills Bills Parameter Master Inquiry Balancing Report - Bills Purchased Balancing Report - Collection Bills Register Report - Bills Purchased Page 280 of 294
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Bills Register Report - Collection Co-accepted Bills Bills Inquiry Advance Interest Calculated List of Pending and Dishonored Bills Fate Inquiry Account Turnover Inquiry Account TOD Inquiry A/Cs Turnover Report Customer Unutilised Limit Inquiry Limit Liability Inquiry/Report TOD Criteria and Selection TOD Register Printing Inventory Movement Inquiry Inventory Movement Report Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge-EM Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge Inventory Status Report-EM Inventory Status Report Instruments Table Inquiry
BILLS BILLS BILLS BILLS BILLS BILLS CC/OD CC/OD CC/OD CC/OD CC/OD CC/OD CC/OD CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/CA/SB CC/OD/DL/TL/PC/BILLS Limit Node Details Inquiry etc CC/OD/DL/TL/PC/BILLS Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report etc CC/OD/DL/TL/PC/BILLS Limit Node Inquiry etc CC/OD/DL/TL/PC/BILLS Limit Tree Lookup etc Interest Slab Inquiry CC/OD/DL/TL/ PC ETC Interest Table Inquiry CC/OD/DL/TL/ PC ETC Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets CLEARING Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry CLEARING Rejected Instruments Report/Advice CLEARING Amount-slab Table Inquiry COMM/ CHARGES ETC DD Credits Inquiry DD DD Debits Inquiry DD Specific DD Issued Inquiry DD Specific DD Paid Inquiry DD Hot Items Inquiry DD/TPO ETC Loans General Inquiry DL/TL Loans Overdue Demand DL/TL Reminder/Report Loans Overdue Position Inquiry DL/TL Inquiry on Partitioned Account DL/TL Inquiry on History of Partition A/c DL/TL Customer Interest Report DL/TL/ CC/OD Security Register Lookup DL/TL/ CC/OD Security Register Module Reports DL/TL/ CC/OD What If Analysis of Account Liability DL/TL/ CC/OD Interest calculator for deposits FD Deposit Modeling FD Fixed Deposits Opening Closure FD Details General Deposits Details FD Page 281 of 294
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
132 133 134 135 136
Maturity Periodwise Dist of Deposits Account Balance Details Deposit Transactions Report Related Accounts Lookup For Deposits Schemewise Distribution of Deposits Cust-wise TDS Report(A/c Level Tax) Term Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry Position Of Currency ECM Purpose History Maintainance Foreign Bills Balancing Register FOREIGN BILL DISCREPANCY FBDISCR REPORT FBDLNK Foreign Bills to be Delinked Statement FBEF Bills of Entry Statement FBENC Foreign Bills ENC Statement FBHI Foreign Bills History Inquiry FBI Foreign Bills Inquiry FBICS Interest Collected on Foreign Bills FBIR Import Register Report FBOIB Statement of Overdue Import Bills FBPMI FEX Bills Parameter Master Inquiry FBPS Foreign Bills Purchased Subsidiary FBRI FEX Bills Register Inquiry FBSNC Foreign Bills SNC Statement FBUBR Undrawn Balance Register Foreign Currency Purchase Sale FCNPS Report FDD Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits FWCLIAB F/C Liability Register FWCODLST List of overdue and matured F/Cs FXPSRG Purchase / Sale register printing PLR Partywise Liability Register PRRTL Ratelist Printing RRETURN R-Return and Schedules Statements RTHQRY Ratelist History Query XOSSTMT XOS Statement FWCHI Forward Contract History Inquiry FWCQRY Query on forward contracts FWCRG Forward booking register printing GBM Govt. Business Moudle Report on Expiring Documentary DCEXPLST Credits DCLIABRG Documentary Credits Liability Register DCQRY Query on Documentary Credits DCREG Documentary Credits Register Printing DCRPTS DC Reports and Advises DCSTMT Statement of Documentary Credit
Office Account Ledgers Print
138 139 140
Guarantee LIMIT BG Margin Printing Guarantee Inquiry Guarantees Issued Register
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
Page 282 of 294
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
154 155 156 157 158 159 160
Guarantee Parameters Inquiry PRTCON : Print Consolidated Report Default PC under WTPCG/PCG Reports Of Export Orders Export Register Report Foreign Bills Export Claim Report Reports Of PCA Accounts Packing Credit Liability List Partywise Overdue Packing Credits Customer Interest Pref and Peg Report Interest Inquiry For RPC Accounts Interest Report For RPC Disbursements Reports Of RPC Accounts Report of Accounts Below Min Balance StockInvest Maintenance StockInvest Reports Outstanding Items Report Minor Subs Outstanding Items Rep Minor Subsidiaries Transaction Report
Page 283 of 294
Scheme Description
Scheme Description
Schm Code
Scheme Description
Product Default Upload A/c No. code GL Subhead AC 63100 UPL52114 AD 63100 UPL52114 AE 63100 UPL52114 AF 63100 UPL52114 AG 63100 UPL52114 AH 63100 UPL52114 AI 63100 UPL52114 AJ 63100 UPL52114 AK 63100 UPL52114 AL 63100 UPL52114 AM 63100 UPL52114 AN 63100 UPL52114 AO 63100 UPL52114 AP 63100 UPL52114 AQ 63100 UPL52114 AR 63100 UPL52114 AS 63100 UPL52114 AT 63100 UPL52114 AU 63100 UPL52114 AV 63100 UPL52114 IB 63101 UPL52114 IA 63101 UPL52114 NC 63102 UPL52114 JA 63102 UPL52114 JB 63102 UPL52114 JC 63102 UPL52114 JD JE JF JG JH JI JK JL JM JN PC IC NA NB NH
63102 63102 63102 63102 63102 63102 63102 63102 63102 63102 63103 63103 63103 63103 63103
UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114
63103 63103 63103 63103 63103
UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114 UPL52114
Page 286 of 294
Schm Code
Scheme Description
Page 287 of 294
EXERCISE FOR CREATING CUSTOMER MASTER CUSTOMER CREATION A. Create a customer master for a customer using the option CUMM. The requirements are as under : ◊ ◊
The account is for a customer operating the account singly. The customer is not a NRI, Minor or Trade Finance customer.
Note down the customer id. Do verification. Modify the address of the customer. Verify the modification. EXERCISE FOR OPENING OF ACCOUNT ACCOUNT OPENING (SB/CA) TRANSACTION MAINTENANCE Open a single Savings (MOP-Self) A/c and Current account for the above customer ( under scheme codes SBGEN and CAGEN ) using option OAAC. Note down the account number generated by the system. Verify the account using menu option OAACAU. Modify Mode of Operation in SB A/c to E/S and add a Joint Holder to the Account - ACM Menu 'M' option Verify the Modification - ACM 'V' option EXERCISE FOR TRANSACTIONS MAINTENANCE 1. In the SF account you have already opened Enter, Post and Verify the following transactions: 1. Cash Receipt -Rs 5,000 2. Cash Receipt -Rs 1,00,000 3. Cash Payment –Rs 10,000 4. Cash Payment –Rs 2,000 2. In the CA account you have already opened Enter, Post and Verify the following transactions : 5. Cash Receipt - Rs 50,000 6. Cash Receipt - Rs 1,00,000 7. Cash Payment –Rs 20,000 8. Cash Payment –Rs 5,000 9. Transfer a sum of Rs 12,000 from SF account to the CA account. 10. Transfer a sum of Rs 22,000 to SF account from the CA account 11. Transfer a sum of Rs 5,000 from SF account to the CA account 12. Transfer a sum of Rs 25,000 to SF account from the CA account 3. Note down any exceptions that are raised for discussion /clarification etc. After having done the transactions check the balance of all the concerned accounts through ACCBAL , ACLI Page 288 of 294
EXERCISE FOR INVENTORY MOVEMENT 1. Inquire on the inventory of SB-20 Chequebooks available in Double-Lock (DL/DL). Note down the available series. – ISIA-I 2. Move 100 cheque leaves from Double Lock (DL/DL) to Employee Location (EM/58845). – IMC-A – Note the Inv. Transaction No. 3. Verify the Movement – IMC-V 4. Split the 100 Chequeleaves available at Employee Location (EM/58845) into 5 Chequebooks of SB-20. – ISIA-S 5. Inquire on inventory available with EM/58845. – ISIA-I 6. Add New Inventory Items ( SB-20 – 10000 leaves) Received in the branch & move it to Double Lock ( ZZ/EXT to DL/DL ) –IMC-A 7. Verify the Movement. – IMC-V EXERCISE FOR CHEQUE BOOK ISSUE / STOP PAYMENTS 1. Issue a SB-20 leaves cheque book to the customer in SB A/c opened by you and verify it. 2. Issue a CA-50 leaves cheque book to the custom in CA A/c opened by you and verify it. 3. Mark stop payment on 2 cheque leaves- reason Instrument Lost 4. Grant an advance of Rs.80,000/- to yourself against LFC TA Bill from Suspense - Others A/c and reverse it by recovering Rs.5,000/- from SB A/c. EXERCISE ON REMITTANCES (DD/MT/PO) ◊
Issue Demand Draft for Rs.40,000/- by cash, drawn on BO: Agra, RCC favouring "M/s ABC & Company" (TM)
Issue a Demand Draft for Rs.15,000/- by transfer, to the debit of SB A/c opened by you, drawn on BO: Calcutta, CDPC favouring "SB Mukherjee". (TM)
Issue 4 DDs for Rs.10,000/- each, by cash, drawn on BO: Ahmedabad, RCC, favouring "Reliance Industries" (DDMI).
Cancel the draft issued at Sl. No. 1.
Issue a cash order fvg. "HDFC" for Rs.25,000/- by cash.
Issue a TPO for credit to SB A/c of "KANHAIYA LAL" at BO: NIT Faridabad for Rs.1,000/- to the debit of SB A/c opened by you.
Pay a Demand Draft by cash for Rs.10,000/- presented on counter.
Page 289 of 294
Open a Term Deposit Account in Scheme Code FDMB for a period of one year for Rs.2,00,000/- - for the customer already opened. Deposit Money through TM option.
Open a Term Deposit Account in Scheme Code FSPQ for a period of one year for Rs.50,000/- - for the customer already opened. Use ‘X’ option to create the transactions.
Run INTRUN menu option to calculate up-to-date interest in one of the FD accounts that you have opened.
Run TDSCALC menu option and see the TDS report.
Close the FD Account using option CAAC.
Try to locate an existing account with ACDET menu, already matured.
Renew this account.
Page 290 of 294
Lodge 10 outward cheques for different amounts/banks using Menu OCTM in the zone MICR-0. Note down the Set ID nos.
Lodge 3 cheques against 1 voucher in same account. Note down the set ID no.
Lodge 1 cheque of Rs.15,000/- for credit in 3 different accounts (or Rs.5,000/- each). Note down the Set ID no.
Get the lodged instruments verified using Menu OCTM for all the set IDs lodged at serial no. 1 & 2.
Identify unverified sets through option IOCLS.
Verify the unverified set through OCTM.
Generate report through Menu PCLSO.
Modify set lodged through O.I. - Did system allow modification? (Suspension/Release/Regulationsation/Closure) for the zone may be done by one user from the concerned branch).
Lodge inward clearing (10 instruments) in the zone code MICR2 using Menu ICTM.
Lodge two returnings, out of outward clearing cheques lodged using ICTM.
Use MICZ I-Function ('S' - Sub option) to view statistics on cheques lodged against BAR amount.
(Verification/Suspension/Validation/Posting/Closure for the zone may be done by one user from the concerned branch).
Page 291 of 294
1. Open a CC account – scheme code CCOTH for limit of Rs. 1,00,000/2. Verify the Account Opening. 3. Create a SRM record of stock for Rs. 2 lacs (for the purpose of DP, Margin-25%) 4. Verify the SRM record. 5. Put through a debit transaction of Rs. 2000 in the account and post/verify it. 6. Post another Debit Transaction of Rs. 1.20 Lacs in the account by granting Instant TOD from TM-‘N’ Option. 7. Open an OD account – Scheme code ODGEN for a limit of Rs. 3 lacs. 8. Verify the Account Opening. 9. Create a SRM record for NSC of Rs. 4 lacs (for the purpose of DP, Margin 30%) 10. Verify the SRM record. 11. Put through a debit transaction of Rs. 5000 in the account and post/verify it. Add another limit with limit level interest for earlier & new limits through ACLHM Menu – ‘M’ option / ‘A’ Sub option EXERCISE ON TERM LOAN/DEMAND LOAN 1.
Open a Demand Loan Account under Scheme Code DLGEN for Rs. 1 lac sanctioned against the security of Gold jewellery to be repaid in one instalment, 1 year from today. Disburse it through 'Account Opening'.
Verify the account.
Create a SRM record for jewellery and verify it.
Credit an amount of Rs.20,000/- in the account on account of recovery made in the account.
Open a Term Loan Account under Scheme Code TLPVL for Rs. 5 lacs.
Verify the account.
Create a SRM record and verify it.
Disburse the loan through TM and verify it.
Credit an amount of Rs.30,000/- on account of recovery made in the account.
Page 292 of 294
Create a Standing Instruction using Option SIM as follows : Mode of Execution - at Day Begin Frequency - Daily Autopost - 'Y' Delete if posting fails - 'N' The transaction must be as follows in the SF account opened by you Dr Account 'A' - Rs. 100/Cr Account 'B' - Rs. 100/-
Create a Standing Instruction for issuance of Draft from SB account every month.
Lodge two collections bills (ODBC) for Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.2,00,000/- drawn by M/s ABC on M/s XYZ Co. using the register ODBC- sub-type D BILL
Please do the following : Register ODBC i. realization - 1st bill Sub type D BILL ii. returning process 2nd bill Purchase a bill from M/s S & Sons for Rs.2,50,000. Realise it, close it. Register ODD Sub-type BILLS Purchase a bill from M/s Lotus Co. for Rs.3,00,000/-. Go through the following functions: register ODD Sub-type BILLS i. dishonour the bill ii. recover the bill iii. close the bill Purchase a cheque for Rs.6,500/- for PQR, a cheque for Rs.3,600/- for ABC and realize using the appropriate registers : register ODD sub-type INSCR
INWARD BILLS 1. Lodge a bill received from M/s Can Ban, Mumbai for Rs.5,50,000/- and realize the bill. register IDBCP subtype D BILL Lodge an inward bill received from Kolkata for Rs.6,00,000/- [IDD] and return it. IDD sub-type Bills
Page 293 of 294
Open one Customer Master each for a single, minor and trade finance customer, verify it. Use Menu CUMM
Open one CA, SB, C/C, T/L and Bill Account each under scheme codes CAGEN, SBGEN, CCOTH, TLSSI & ODD Scheme code. Verify these.
Use Menu OAAC &
CA, SB and TL accounts will be opened for general customers whereas CC and OD accounts will be opened for trade finance customers.
Create an SRM record for your C/C and T/L a/c (MENU SRM)
Make a disbursement each in above T/L and C/C account - using Menu TM.
Go in ACM Menu and make modification and check it after verification.
Move inventory of cheque books (SBI 20) in your location from double lock (MENU IMC), get it verified (MENU IMC), split inventory and make inquiry using MENU ISIA.
Issue cheque book to one of your accounts - using MENU ICHB. Verify it. Mark stop payment for one of the cheques and try its posting in TM - use Menu SPP.
Make Transactions using Menu TM in all your above accounts using actual vouchers of BO: Janpath given to you. Make various inquiries using Menu FTI and ACLI.
Open one FDR for Rs.1,00,000/- in scheme code FDMB for 1 year. Open it in back date so as it matures today (use Menu OAAC), verify the account OAACAU. Run interest calculation and TDS calculation (Menu INTRUN & TDSCALC). Renew it for one year use Menu OAAC and then close pre-mature - use Menu CAAC. Make inquiry using Menu RELACI.
Make an advance of Rs.10,000/- from suspense.
Issue one DD and one MT each. Make payment of the DD.
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