1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Central Bank Vault Branch Batch Teller Authorization Modify(After Auth) Amend (Before Auth) Delete (After Auth) Cancel (Before Auth) TCY (Transaction Currency) ACY (Account Currency) LCY (Local Currency) CCY (Country Currency) Fast Path (Numeric/Alphanumeric) CIF (Customer Information) Customer IC (Identification Criteria) Customer ID (Identification Number) Short Name (Full name itself) Relations (Customer's relationship to the account – SOW, Auth Signatory, JAF, JOF etc ) CASA (C/Ac, SB, RD, OD/CC, Canflexi,) Time Deposit (TD) CC (Cash Credit) OCC (Outstation Cheques for Collection) Dormant Suspended Redemption Buy (Draw Inventory/cash from Vault) Sell (Return Inventory/cash to Vault) Collaterals (Any form of Security) Product Booking Value Date Process (clearing) Float ( Time period for clearing) GL (All accounting heads) RPA (Repayment Pending Appropriation) SMS (Security Maintenance System) Variance (interest concession/loading) Draw Down: CH021 for RD, LNM31 for loan Sweep In Sweep Out Hold Funds Claw Back Hand Off
Force Renewal
Currency Chest Double Lock Clerk at Counter Verification Modify Delete
Customer Code
Term Deposit OCC (Open Cash Credit) OSC Inoperative NPA Closure
Security Scheme Lodging of instruments Regularization Sub heads DBA (Data Base Administrator)
HOT KEYS Sl HOT Keys No 01 Alt+A 02 Alt+B 03 Alt+C
04 05
Alt+S Alt+P
06 07 08 09 10
F1 F8 F11 Enter/Tab Shift+Tab
Description Combination of Keys Combination of Keys Combination Combina tion of Keys
Combination of Keys At the appropriate screen Functional Key Functional Key Functional Key Key board Key Combination of Keys
Utility/Remarks To View the Account Details To View Balance Details of the account (like 7002) To View Customer Name, Address, relations relation s and customer IC. (Max 3 customers of the account) PAN and Mobile numbers are available. To View customer Signature & Operation Instructions. Instructions. Printing option (like deposit receipts, etc) Online Help To invoke the last used option. To change the Size of the Screen. To move to the next field (Pref: Tab key) To move to the Previous field
Please NOTE: Options like Balance Enquiry, Enquiry, Customer Enquiry, Enquiry, Signature Enquiry (SL No. 2, 3, 4) can be viewed from the top tool bar ( Related Transactions). OTHER IMPORTANT OPTIONS 1 4500 Remote Authorization. Authorization. 2 4501 Centralized Authorization. Authorization. 3 4502 Incomplete Transaction (Financial). 4 4503 Transaction Verification. 5 7775 Report Request. 6 7778 Advice/Report Status Inquiry 7 7780 Advice/Report Cancel Request 8 BA001 7775-7778; Unauthorized Unauthorized maintenance Report (Non financial transactions) 9 7050 Old to New Account Inquiry Logged in branch data only is available. 1. For IBBS Branch: The old account number number (6 digits) prefixed prefixed by the following following codes: 01 – CA; 03 – SB; 07 – FD; 08 – KD; 11 – FCNR; 12 –RD; 55 – ODCC; 66 – LOANS. 2. For BANCS 2000: The Foracid (Account number in full) to get the new account number in FCR
Online help help is available available in Retail module module on the options options that are being being used. Access is provided descriptions of different different fields fields are available. available. through ‘Help’ tab in the top tool BAR. Data descriptions
All materials like Guidelines, HO Circulars, Handouts, Compendium on CBS CB S are available through STC Site in CANNET through CBS Links.
HOT KEYS Sl HOT Keys No 01 Alt+A 02 Alt+B 03 Alt+C
04 05
Alt+S Alt+P
06 07 08 09 10
F1 F8 F11 Enter/Tab Shift+Tab
Description Combination of Keys Combination of Keys Combination Combina tion of Keys
Combination of Keys At the appropriate screen Functional Key Functional Key Functional Key Key board Key Combination of Keys
Utility/Remarks To View the Account Details To View Balance Details of the account (like 7002) To View Customer Name, Address, relations relation s and customer IC. (Max 3 customers of the account) PAN and Mobile numbers are available. To View customer Signature & Operation Instructions. Instructions. Printing option (like deposit receipts, etc) Online Help To invoke the last used option. To change the Size of the Screen. To move to the next field (Pref: Tab key) To move to the Previous field
Please NOTE: Options like Balance Enquiry, Enquiry, Customer Enquiry, Enquiry, Signature Enquiry (SL No. 2, 3, 4) can be viewed from the top tool bar ( Related Transactions). OTHER IMPORTANT OPTIONS 1 4500 Remote Authorization. Authorization. 2 4501 Centralized Authorization. Authorization. 3 4502 Incomplete Transaction (Financial). 4 4503 Transaction Verification. 5 7775 Report Request. 6 7778 Advice/Report Status Inquiry 7 7780 Advice/Report Cancel Request 8 BA001 7775-7778; Unauthorized Unauthorized maintenance Report (Non financial transactions) 9 7050 Old to New Account Inquiry Logged in branch data only is available. 1. For IBBS Branch: The old account number number (6 digits) prefixed prefixed by the following following codes: 01 – CA; 03 – SB; 07 – FD; 08 – KD; 11 – FCNR; 12 –RD; 55 – ODCC; 66 – LOANS. 2. For BANCS 2000: The Foracid (Account number in full) to get the new account number in FCR
Online help help is available available in Retail module module on the options options that are being being used. Access is provided descriptions of different different fields fields are available. available. through ‘Help’ tab in the top tool BAR. Data descriptions
All materials like Guidelines, HO Circulars, Handouts, Compendium on CBS CB S are available through STC Site in CANNET through CBS Links.
BRANCH OPERATIONS EVENTS Branch batch Vault Teller Batch Teller Batch Force Closing
OPEN 6001 9003 9001 NA
CLOSE 6002* 9006 9005 6009
NOTE: Any supervisor having access right should run from any work station the option 6005 (Confirming Branch Batch) before branch closure in 6002. 7017 – Batch Status Inquiry.
Before closing the Vault batch, Vault teller has to check the cash position through FP6201. Where the Teller has closed the batch for the day by opting 9005, the Teller can reopen the batch by opting for 9002. However, the batch batch needs to be closed again through 9005. All accounting heads under CBS have a General Ledger Code which wh ich is classified as Implemented and non-implemented GLs. Non-implemented GLs GLs do not conform to the accounting accounting standards standards like first debit/credit. To control control negative balance, branch batch closure level checks are in force now. 86 GLs have have been brought under under the purview purview of this check and branches should should ensure either Zero Balance or Credit Balance or Debit Balance under the specified GL heads. For this, report GL616 should be generated before opting for branch batch closure and rectify any aberration. (HO Cir 191/2010) (BO Report 120039)
The following reports also should be verified before branch batch closure: CH704: Signature not captured BA001: Unauthorized non financial transaction. BA121: Outward/Inward NEFT Message Report. BO Report ID 124921_Report on cash receipts over Rs One lakh received in CA-OD-OCC Accounts – giving details of cash remittances aggregating over Rs. 1.00 lakh Teller B can accept cash receipts up to 25000.00, make payments up to 20000.00 against cheques and transfer transactions up to 25000.00 on his/her own without supervisor’s authorization. `
Teller A can accept cash receipts up to 15000.00, make payments up to 10000.00 against cheques and transfer transactions up to 15000.00 on his/her own without supervisor’s authorization. (Cir 383/2011) 383/2011) `
CASH Sl No 01
Fast Path 9007
Buy cash from Vault
After opening the Vault Batch (9003) the teller can buy cash from vault for their daily use.
02 9008
Sell Cash to vault
Transferring the balance cash to Vault before teller batch closure.
03 6201
Cash Balancing
To verify whether the Branch and Host database are in sync and physical cash with the teller matches with that in the system
04 7040
Teller Total Position
Total transactions by a teller for the day
05 7775/7778 Report Option/Print TP5049 Cash receipt and payment waste TP6007 Auto reversal Transaction report ST644 Product wise total of days Transaction TP5021 Closing cash position of Branch – to tally with the day-book. TP603 Cash Payment Waste Branch/Teller Cash Receipt Waste Branch/Teller T P604 Ref Cir 363/2011 – Reports for daily slip preparation
Fast Path
Since Printing Section is NOT CBS as of Now, every branch will act as controlling branch for itself in maintaining the INVENTORY. 01
Inventory Transactions
Steps involved: 1. Request Inventory – Request No, Type, Ref No to be entered – clicking on Add button – obtain SL No. enter inventory catalog code and quantity required. 2. Order Inventory – Purchase Order No to be supplied, request no to be picked, supplier code to be picked, enter reference No. – Click add button, enter SL No (alpha Code) for each inventory along with Start No. 3. Receive Inventory – Confirm Alpha code and start no by choosing 'Y' 4. Issue Inventory - Confirm by selecting 'Y'.
Inventory will automatically move to the branch 02 IV011
Stock Inquiry
Inventory can be inquired based on 1. Balance on hand 2. Inventory transaction 3. Indent request status Can also be inquired on User ID
03 9019
Transfer Inventory
Buy and Sell inventory from/to Vault- double lock
04 IV002
Inventory Adjustment
Teller can mark the inventory as torn, rejected, returned, lost, cancelled, duplicate, found, transfer, used etc. Marked inventories will not be available to be issued to the customer.
Fast Path
REF: HO Cir 153/2007 dt: 30.05.07 & 87/07 dt 20.03.07 for SMS 15/2011, 267/2011 for Pass Word Secrecy 01
Download Service
Available to SMS user of the Branch. Select required entity-
The system should give message 'Download Successful' 02 8891
Download Log
To enquire the status by entering the ID. Available to SMS user of the Branch.
03 752
Resetting Primary Password
When the pass-word has lapsed/expired/forgotten by the user – to reset
04 753
Enable/Disable User
To enable user when user uses wrong password thrice. To disable user on transfer, deputation, retirement, resign, dismissed, discharged, etc.
05 755
Modify Login Status
Set right Improper Logout (Killing User)
06 759
User Profile Maintenance
Marking start date and end date for vacation (Dual control)
07 SMM02
User profile Maintenance
Changing the role of User (Temp Sup duties, transfer, deputation, branch in charge role, etc) (Dual Control)
08 768
Change Primary Password
To modify password of self (Any User)
Please NOTE: 1. User creation is done at Central Level (DIT _ SMS Group) as per requests of the branch both for FCR and FCC separately. 2. At branch level minimum 2 users will be assigned with SMS role, to handle user related tasks. 3. SMS user will have two separate user IDs, FIRST – Functional User ID and SECOND –SMS User ID for FCR. In FCC both functional task and SMS role can be assigned to one common ID. 4. SMS Reports for FCR is available under 7775/7778 whereas for FCC it is available in Web-i (Business Objects).
5. Same Level Authorization for supervisory staff permitted. A Teller level ID is created for supervisory staff by suffixing ‘T’ to the user ID. This facility is extended to branches having
SECURITY MAINTENANCE SYSTEM more than 2 supervisory staff. In case of transfer, all his/her user ID has to be transferred to the transferee branch (Guideline 73/08)
6. Deputation of staff between CBS Branches: NOT POSSIBLE: a. if a person opens branch batch in a branch as in-charge b. if a person opens teller batch in a branch and does cash transaction. POSSIBLE: a. if a person opens teller batch in a branch and has not put any cash transaction, b. if a person having template 80 (Branch –in-charge) and has not opened branch batch for the day (Guideline 5/09). From the control angle, Branch-in-charge/II line manager has to verify TP5029 and SM6009 reports everyday which reflects teller inter branch transactions and users logged in from other than home branch. These mandatory reports are to be generated, scrutinized and authenticated without fail on a daily basis and preserved for future reference
CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE Sl Fast Description Utility/Remarks No Path 01 CIM50 KYC Details Add Mode: Maintenance Customer IC: Customer Identification Criteria: (Ho Cir 207/2011) Maximum 14 Alphanumeric characters :– 4 + 4 + 6 (User Compendia DPCODE + First FOUR Characters of Name + Date of birth/Incorporation/establishment in on CASA/Clearing/ OCC/Term DDMMYY format. E.g. Branch is DV G Road, Deposit/FCNR Bangalore, for a customer with name updated till PADMANABH & DOB 02.02.1982, IC will be 0473PADM020282 30.04.2010) & Category of the Customer from Pick list – individual, NRI, (CBS Hand Out 2) Proprietor, Partner, Staff etc Sub Category: This field gets activated if the category is other than individual For NRIs governed by Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (HO Cir 160/08), select the correct type basing on the country of residence of the customer (Guideline 64/08).
Customer Name: Enter Customer Name IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT DETAILS TAB Tick on the relevant document box and enter the details. Photo Obtained: Tick the box. System date is populated. Customer Identification Data Obtained on: By default system date. Customer Risk Category: Low /Medium/ High Review of Risk Category done on: By default system date. Reason for Modification of Risk Category: To be specified if risk category is modified. ADDRESS PROOF DETAILS TAB Tick the box against relevant document. For existing customers, details can be captured either under Add or Modify mode depending upon whether details were captured earlier through CIM18. In such cases, date in the field 'Customer Identification Data Obtained on' should be suitably modified else system will throw an error message 'KYC details not obtained'
Customer Addition (GL39/2008)
IN 8053, CATEGORY HAS TO BE SELECTED AS ‘NOMINEE’. 7101 will not permit change of category subsequently in this case. Creation of a Customer ID: Customer IC: Should be same as that given in CIM50. Select Category form drop down list . Should be same as given in CIM50 Go for Validation. System will check for (IC + Category), KYC Compliance and appropriate message ‘New’ or ‘Already Exists’ will appear -
Short Name: Always should be full name Customer ID – 10 digit system generated serial number which is unique across the Bank Though Last Name is not mandatory here, it is mandatory for NET Banking. All mandatory fields denoted with * should be entered – like DOB for Individuals, Date of Registration, Incorporation, Commencement of Business or any relevant date Introducer’s details If an existing customer, his Customer ID If Non Customer, type VIP/Known to the Manager and enter details.
Mobile Number and E mail ID, if provided by the customer should be filled in invariably since they are required for Net Banking and NEFT. Mobile number should be prefixed with 91 for India and 00 (Zero) for international numbers.
In case of Staff: Category should be selected as Staff; Staff flag should be ticked; Employee ID should be mentioned In the case of Current Account, the system does not validate whether the introducer is another Current Account Holder.
CIM09 Customer Information Master Maintenance (Guideline 61/07) Guideline 49/2010
Nine Tabs or embedded pages are available for Modify/Inquiry 1.Basic Information: (a) Global ( √) To be selected for replicating Customer ID in FCC (b) PAN: PAN details System will check for PAN pattern (AAAAA9999A) and throws an error message if PAN entered does not conform to the pattern. If PAN is missing, tax wherever applicable, is deducted at higher rate.
Once the PAN number is authorized through CIM09 screen the same cannot be removed. System permits to substitute new PAN in the place of existing PAN through modify function. If PAN is not at all provided and no details have been entered in the field, system will allow saving the record. (c) Member: Field to be selected if member of any Club/Association (d) Membership Number: Enter the number (e) Staff (√ ): If Staff, Employee ID (f) Keep in Office: To be opted only if written communications to the customer needs to be withheld. 2. CL Tracking Details: This Tab is enabled only if Global is checked. Overall Limit based on inquiry/net worth of the customer and currency (INR) fields should be updated for replicating in FCC module. 3. Customer MIS Information: For MIS updating. Basing on these values various reports are automatically generated. 4. Composite MIS Information: Name of Retail Asset Hub. 5. Permanent Address: If different from Mailing address maintained in 8053. 6. Mailing Address: By default this is the address captured in 8053. If any modification in address, Telephone Number, Mobile Number, E-mail/Internet ID. For providing Net Banking Facility, same address in -
CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE application and E-mail/Internet ID to be captured. Mobile number should be entered in MOBILE NO field with 91country code for India, 00 (ZERO) COUNTRY CODE for abroad as prefix. 7. Hold Mail Address: Branch address is moved to this field when the ‘Keep in Office’ flag is ticked 8. Individual Customer Information: (a) Status: Regular/NRI To Update (b) Signature Type To Update (c) Ethnic Origin To Update (d) Professional Code To Modify (e) Marital Status To Modify (f) Number of Spouse To Update (g) DOB To Modify (h) Introducer’s Details To Modify (i) Annual Income Category To Update 9. Corporate Customer Information: Business Type, Date of Registration, Signatories, Directors/Partners, Name & Designation. 04
CIM11 Customer Detail Maintenance (Guidelines 61/07) Auto update
All are non mandatory fields (i) Employment Details: Occupation, Designation, Tenure, Office address Number of years in employment/business, Retirement Age (ii) Previous Employment Details & Card Details, Credit Rating etc (iii) Spouse/Parent Details: Marriage Date/ DOB of Spouse, spouse/parent employment details
CIM22 Customer Additional Information Maintenance
Some data captured in CIM50 gets updated in Additional information Tab. Wherever CIM50 is updated, use ‘modify‘option. (1) Travel Information: Passport Details – Important for NRI Customers (2) Additional Information: Ration Card, Voter’s Card, DL, Address Proof (KYC) Staff Flag, Employee Details (3) Miscellaneous Information: Senior Citizen, Pensioner, ECS Facility, Wedding Date, Government Agency (4) Tax Details: Details of Sales Tax, Customs, Excise/IT/VAT etc. (5) Company Details: DEMAT Account, Assets/Liabilities (6) Group Details: SHG, Subsidiary, Associate etc (7) Buyer/Supplier Details
(Guidelines 61/07)
CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE (8) Customer Details: Details of children, deceased customer details, Other Bank a/c detail, Blood Group etc 06
CIM17 Corporate Customer Details
Used to maintain & view Company, Business, Financial & Major Shareholders details of a company
CIM30 Customer Maturity processing Maintenance
To change the status of minor customer to a major customer on attaining majority (Customer level) (Account level by CH021)
CIM16 Customer Dormancy Status Maintenance
To change/modify customer level dormancy to regular (Inoperative to operative) Customer IC/ID is required. (Account level by CHM21, authorization in CH021)
CIM13 Customer Memo Maintenance
To maintain customer level memo (remark) details Severity; High: Requires Authorization for Supervisor even to view balance in account. ATM facility also gets blocked. Low: Pop up message to Teller/Supervisor for information Reason for memo from drop down list Memo Text: Alpha numeric 256 characters message that appear on the screen.
Memo placed through CIM13 results in rejection of Inward and Outward transactions through NEFT/RTGS under IB (Internet Banking)/STP (Straight Through Processing). 10
CIM39 Customer ID Change Maintenance
IC Number Short Name Change
Auto authorization (GL 41/09)
This enables change of Customer Category (from individual to NRI, Staff etc.), IC, Short Name, Full Name Changes take effect only after EOD process Change in name happens at Customer level only. For changed name to appear in Pass book/sheet or in different transaction screens, ‘Account Title’ field under Account Details 1 available in CH021 to be modified for CASA and in TD020 for Term Deposit Account Change in customer Category is not possible when the original category is ‘NOMINEE’. If any Customer is having accounts under different Customer IDs, the accounts can be brought under one Customer ID using this option. Option available to Officer and above. To be ensured that all ID of the same customer are merged (Guide Lines 56/07)
CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE Select by Customer ID which you need to replace. All the accounts linked to this ID are displayed. Double click on the account. Account Details TAB is opened. Search for the specific ID which needs to be retained. 12
Signature Scanning
(Guide Line 24/06) Outside the purview of CBS.
(HO Cir 268/2010)
stored in separate folder created in C:/D: drive. Size of the signature should not exceed 16 KB (width 360 and height 200) and saved as ‘customerID.JPEG’ file or CustomerID.GIF file. Scanned signature to be linked to Customer ID
13 (i)
Link Customer Image
Select the Image type – Signature/Photo ID – Browse – Select – OK (Linking the signature/photo at customer level)
Unlink Customer Image
Any signature/photo wrongly linked to the customer can be cancelled using this option before authorization
(iii) 7111
Modify Customer Image
Used for substitution of image/signature already linked and authorized with new image/signature. This will link new image to customer.
iv) 7104
Authorize Captured Image
For supervisor to authorize the linked image of photo/signature one by one for 7102 and 7111
Customer Image Display
To View the signature/photo of a customer by selecting ID/IC of the customer available to Teller and Supervisor. Details of unscanned signatures are available in BUSINESS OBJECTS REPORT 430001 (Cir 220/09)
Customer Search
Search is based on Customer IC, ID or Short Name All the accounts linked to the ID will be displayed. By double clicking on an account, we can get: Balance Inquiry, Future Dated cash Deposit, Bills, Account Profile, Statement, Hold Funds, Client Profile, Commission, Unclear Funds etc
CIM18 CBR Detail Maintenance (GL 04/2010, HO Cir 247/2010, 351/2010) Cir 116/2011
OPTION ADD: Select by Customer ID. TAB1: Select Basel II category and Educational Qualification. TAB3:Enter Financial Inclusion Smart Card number for accounts opened under product code 108 and 119 TAB7:
CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE ‘ ’ FINANCIAL INCLUSION BENEFICIARY: Select YES from pick list if financial inclusion beneficiary.
CIM12 Customer Contact Log Maintenance
Option available to officers and above For recording details of contacts – either for Inspection or for Other reasons - Description 248 characters History of visits. Report 7775 – CI127 - 7778
CASA – SB/CA Sl Fast Description No Path GLOBAL DEFINITIONS 01 CHM01 CASA Product Master Maintenance ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 02 8051 CASA Account Opening
Utility/Remarks To know details of products, GL, Interest, SC, Exception, Facilities etc.
Product name to be selected from Pick list Account Title – (Mandatory) Full Name of the Customer/Firm/Joint Members without any special characters. This value is displayed in all transaction screens, pass book/sheet etc. If left blank, Short name of the customer is defaulted here after validation. Account Description – (not mandatory) any remarks or special observation to be noted here. Customer IC – From Pick list Relationship – From Pick list (1) SOW (Sole Owner) – (i) Individuals (ii) Non Individuals: – Company/Banks Partnership Firms Proprietorship Firms Registered/Unregistered Firms Trusts/HUF Minor’s Account (iii) (2) Authorized Signatory – In case of Non individuals except trusts (3) Guardian – In case of Minor (4) Trustee – In case of Trusts
JOINT ACCOUNTS (5) JAF (Joint And First) – First Member of the joint account when operating condition is jointly (6) JAO (Joint And Other) – Other Members of the joint account (maximum 3) operating jointly (7) JOF (Joint Or First) - First Member of the joint account when operating condition is Severally (E or S) (8) JOO (Joint Or Other) - Other Members of the joint account (maximum 3) operating severally After validation, Customer ID, Short Name data will be populated.
Officer ID – From Pick list Tax Code 1 – Depending on the Category, system will pick up the value. Not modifiable Tax Code 2 – Not being used now. Default value is Zero. Not modifiable THRESHOLD LIMIT: Appropriate limit to be entered Interest Waiver - If checked at the time of opening, CANNOT be modified later Restricted Account – If checked, account can be operated only in the branch where it is opened. Can be modified in CH021.
MINOR ACCOUNT STATUS (1) Minor with Restrictions - Minor himself Individually (Student Account > 10 years) – Cir 424/2010. (2) Minor without Restrictions - Minor represented by Guardian (3) Major - If first customer is major, Company, Firm
(GL 41/2010)
Bulk account opening facility is available for CASA Accounts of individuals through GEFU facility.
Customer Account Relationship Maintenance
To Add/Delete Customer to an Account. 8051 permits maximum THREE customers. FOURTH by this option only. Permits addition of name to any extent but prevailing limitation of FOUR applies. Can be used for converting Single account to Joint and vice versa.
Account Operating Instruction Maintenance
Account Master No addition by this option. Maintenance TWO Tabs in Modification screen (a) Account Details 1: Minor Account Status Mail Address Control – for sending communication either to Customer level address or Account level address maintained through CHM36 Statement Copies
To maintain default Instruction and also additional instructions. This is displayed with (ALT+S) hot key along with Signature/Image. Mandatory for all CASA Accounts. 7775-BA115-7778 gives report on accounts without operating instructions.
CASA – SB/CA Threshold Limit: Reviewed Threshold Limit of the account on: System date Reason for modification of Threshold Limit: Risk Category of the Account: Display field Drawdown option for RD account (b) Account Details 2: (i) Account Officer ID (ii) Account Flags – Restricted – if checked, account will be operable through home branch only Update Minimum Balance for changing – if checked, BALANCE INFORMATION TAB is activated. Change the minimum balance field. Cheque Book facility – if unchecked, cheque book cannot be issued to the account Employee, in case of staff account Corporate – for Replicating the account under FCC (iii) External Banking Facility: ATM for ATM/Debit Card POS to use card at Member Establishments TBS Tele banking/Interactive Voice Response System NET for Net Banking Facility ON INQUIRY 1. Account Detail 1 tab is available 2. Staff detail will be available under 'account attributes' 3. All flags will be seen under ‘ACCOUNT FLAG’ TAB. 06
CARD Maintenance
To link Debit Card to a CASA account Select Customer ID Select Card Product : STARTER KIT Enter 16 digit Card number Accounts linked to the Customer Id are displayed. Maximum of 4 eligible accounts can be linked. Default & Link should be 'Y' for one account only – for POS transactions, balance is checked against this account only Other accounts, default will be 'N' and link 'Y' -
CHM36 Account Address Maintenance
To maintain ACCOUNT level address for CASA. Other than the address maintained in 8053/CIM09. Also able to capture number of copies of statement.
Account Memo Maintenance
Over and above the memo/remarks maintained at customer level through CIM13 Memo placed through BA437 results in rejection of Inward and Outward transactions through NEFT/RTGS under IB (Internet Banking)/STP (Straight Through Processing).
SC Package changes at Account
To waive account level SC for an account under 'Modify' Waiver Flag: Not to charge particular SC Waiver Uncharged: Waive SC which is under hold. Caution: Do not tick the box against 'Account level SC Waiver Flag' under Package Details, as this will waive all service charges attached to an account.
CHM21 Account Status Maintenance
Authorization in CH021 CHEQUE MAINTENANCE 11 CHM37 Cheque Book Maintenance
Changing status due to: Blocking of account, Disallowing Debit/Credit Reactivating Dormant Account (Inoperative to operative) Death, Insolvency etc Issue Cheque book to an account. Under ADD mode: Cheque Book type: Non personalized Personalized (pre printed) No Inventory Required: This field should be selected if a Cheque book is issued to the account but not captured in the system (pre migration). This option does not update the inventory files. However, this utility is not to be used as a matter of routine. Stock Code to be selected – SB 10 leaves /SB 20 leaves – start number /end number/quantity populates automatically depending on the inventory details available with the user. Cheque book status under Cheque book details to be changed to ‘Delivered’. Deliver the cheque book to the customer only after the input is authorized by the supervisor. System displays boxes to the extent of cheque leaves issued with a maximum of 5 rows of 20 boxes each, each box represents a Cheque leaf with status P for Paid, U for unpaid S for Stopped and D for destroyed. Same option can be used for inquiry. At the time of closure of account, unused cheques should be marked as 'destroyed'
CASA – SB/CA Under Cheque Book Details TAB, there is a □. If Non MICR cheque book is issued, do not select the Box. Issue of Multi City Cheques: Same as normal cheques. However, the account has to be marked for issue of Multi City Cheque through option CHM08. 12
CHM43 Cheque Book Issue Upload (Guideline 25/2011)
CHM35 Stop Cheque Instruction
HOLD FUNDS 14 1055 Hold Funds Request
CHM33 Hold Funds Maintenance
Option meant for use by CPC Prerequisites: Branch/CPC has to enter the request from Customers for personalized cheques through Cheque Indent Process S ystem (CHIP) available in Single Sign On. Stationery Section, HO will place indent for personalized cheques for the bank as a whole. Cheque books will be dispatched by the printer directly to account holders and the details will be sent to Stationery Section through GEFU. After verification, it is forwarded to CPC for uploading in the CBS. Output file generated by CPC (dpcdCHQmmddyyyyslno.txt) from this GEFU file is forwarded to TM Section for placing it RJSIN directory. Upon receipt of confirmation from TM Section, Teller has to opt for CHM43. ADD: File Name: Enter file name. Batch Number: Populated by the system. Click on OK. Upon authorization by supervisor, system will display Records Processed/Rejected. Reports CH352 (Successful) and CH353 (Rejected) are available through 7775/7778. Stop Cheque Instruction can be marked against a single Cheque or a series of cheques. Stop Cheque instruction will take effect only after the record is authorized. Revocation is by ‘Delete’ option . Enables earmarking of funds in the account for Court Order/Bank lien/Inter branch withdrawal/ lost passbook Deceased/others (once maintained, earmarked amount is NOT AVAILABLE for withdrawal). Only Addition is possible through this option. Used to modify/delete (revocation)/inquiry of hold funds information made through 1055.
CASA – SB/CA STANDING INSTRUCTION/SWEEP IN/SWEEP OUT/TOD 16 CHM31 Standing To record standing instruction given by the customer for Instruction specified amount. Gets executed at BOD for the specified Maintenance amount. Account Type: CASA/GL GENERALLY this option should not be used for creating standing instruction for RD and LOAN account Type of instruction for which SI can be set up: 1. Internal Flexcube Retail Account – for RD, CH021 2. Internal Flexcube Loan Account – Better use LNM31 3. External Account SI: Not to be used 4. Internal GL Account: 5. Internal TD Account: Not to be used 6. New TD Account: Not to be used 7. PO Issue:} Please tick on Automatic PO Issue 8. DD Issue:} 9. IBA Service Charge Code 10105, if applicable SI Failed – Not to be selected DD/PO issued under SI will be generated at Day Begin Process and can be verified through ST074. Printing through FP 5525. (GL27/09). Credit will be available in GL 200001004 (HOCBSFCRTRANS– INTERBRANCH) of the issue branch in case of CBS DD and this can be verified through GLM04 option. NOTE: If any SI is registered for an account, the same should be deleted before closing an account. 17
CHM32 Sweep Out Maintenance CBS Handout No. 17
Funds over a specified limit can be transferred to: CASA or TD – New TD or New Deposit in existing TD account(Canflexi, SB GOLD, Can Premium only) Executed during EOD From Domestic operative account to operative accounts (except for NRE, NRO, RFC, EEFC Cansaral, Canchamp and CGA) of the same customer with same name. Account status should be Regular. If TD, Frequency Daily. Deposit in multiples of .1000.00 opened automatically at EOD depending on the product & term specified, minimum and maximum amount specified. `
CASA – SB/CA ‘Next Date’ should be current date. Mandatory option for Canflexi deposit (product code 105) For the first time, select New TD. Once the account is opened, modify the record to ‘New Deposit in existing TD’. Once the deposit is opened, payout instructions have to be put through TD039. -
CHM39 Sweep In Maintenance CBS Handout No. 17 Guideline 47/10 For Recursive Sweep In facility
Teller can Add. At top: Beneficiary Account - CASA Regular Bottom: Provider’s Account – CASA or TD More than one operative account of the same customer can be linked. In case of shortage of funds, system automatically transfers funds form provid er’s account if funds are available. In TD accounts, in multiple of units of redemption (part withdrawal) as applicable to the product Sweep in is executed for transactions under Options 1001, 1013, 1006, and inward clearing option 5521. DOES NOT WORK UNDER GLM01 OPTION. System will sweep in the shortfall + Minimum balance required at EOD. Amount available for Sweep in can be checked through CH021 – Balance Tab – Amount available for Sweep in.
CHM40 Sweep In Sweep Out Priority Maintenance
If more than one instruction is given, it allows prioritizing the sequence.
CHM12 TOD Limit Master Maintenance
For permitting TOD in CASA 1. Before granting TOD under SB/CA, limit to be created where due date can be specified for required number of days - 2. In case of overdrawing in account due to passing of inward clearing cheques in ST034 or debit in GLM01 (forced Debit), system creates TOD limit automatically in CHM12 for due date 15 days. (As parameterized in CASA product). Penal Interest will be calculated from the next day of the due date. - 3. Due date of 15 days permitted automatically under forced debit cannot be modified once the transaction is put through. (Guideline no 39/07)
CASA – SB/CA OPERATION IN CASA (Ref HO Cir 267/2010 on narrations) 21 1401 Cash Deposit Crediting of Cash other than to RD accounts. (i) System Generated Counterfoils are introduced in identified (GL01/2011) branches in select cities at present – BANGALORE /CHENNAI/ DELHI /HYDERABAD/ MUMBAI Cash deposit limit is included in product masters. If the limit exceeds, system will prompt the message ‘Cash receipt amount exceeds INR50000/- obtain PAN/TAN details’
(iii) 1013
(Guideline 31/2011)
Cash handling charges are now system enabled. However, multiple credits aggregating to over 1.00 lakh is tracked in BO Report 124921.
Cash Withdrawal by WOF
Cash withdrawal using Withdrawal Order Form
CASA Cheque Withdrawal
Cash Withdrawal through Cheque. Cheque number and date in next screen
For existing customers if details are not captured through CIM50, system will throw message ‘KYC Details Not Obtained’ when the above three options are used. (iv) 1006 Funds Transfer Funds transfer from CASA to CASA (except RD) within CBS Request branches (v) 1008 Miscellaneous For debiting CASA and crediting GL Customer Debit For options (ii) to (iv), system will throw exception/messages such as ‘Insufficient Balance’, Cheque Stopped for payment’, ‘Cheque already paid’ at OK button at the Teller level before authorization/Submission if such conditions exist for the account (GL 41/09). (vi)
For debiting GL and crediting CASA
Customer Credit
(viii) GLM01
Future Dated Cash Deposit
Late Cash transaction for next date
Voucher Entry
Batch Processing: Permits single/multiple CASA/GL Debit and single/multiple CASA/GL credit. Type of Debit – Normal: – when funds are available Forced: – when TOD is permitted Supervisor to ensure at the time of authorization Customer Account Hold: Optional, but if checked, will keep the transaction amount in hold at data entry level itself
Passbook Issue/Lost Maintenance
Passbook Update
CHM34 Special Frequency for Statement
To issue NEW passbook to SB account holders & printing cover page of passbook. If Nominee’s name is to be printed, enter Y ‘ ’ against Nominee. If duplicate PB is sought, opt for Lost maintenance
For updating the passbook printed under 7030. REPRINT: in two cases only – Duplicate passbook printing from old date Quality of print not good (Default line No: (1) not to be changed) Issue of pass book to Current Account holders through system is now extended to all branches (GL 02/2011) 24 CH220 Pass Sheet 7775-CH220-7778 printing
(HO Cir 14/2011 288/2011)
Regular generation of pass sheets can be done by updating CHM34 under ADD mode. Select frequency and tick ‘By Hand’ option under Statement Dispatch Mode. Pass sheets will be available after EOD through 7775 - Batch Reports - MS240 for the branch. Print file is also available through http://cbsreports/MisRpts/ Spl_Freq_Stmts.
If statements are required through Email, ensure the presence of email id in CIM09 – Mailing Address Tab and tick all boxes under Statement Dispatch Mode. Statements are generated in PDF format and are password protected. Customer ID is the Password.
CASA - RECURRING DEPOSIT Sl Fast Description No Path GLOBAL DEFINITION 01 CHM01 CASA Product Master Maintenance ACCOUNT OPENING 02 8051 CASA Account Opening
Utility/Remarks To know product details, facilities, GL Codes etc (Product Codes 181-185)
Select the Product Code ranging from 181 – 185 Account Title: Full name of the customer Customer ID from Pick List Relationship: Select from Pick list Officer ID: From Pick list Specify Deposit Term (in months) and Installment Amount and variance if any Threshold limit
STANDING INSTRUCTION/INSTALLMENT PAYMENT Modify mode: Account Detail 1: 03 CH021 Account Master Under RD Draw Down option CASA account number to be Maintenance entered. Name of the account holder to be ascertained by customer inquiry (Alt + C). System will debit CASA account on due date and credit RD account automatically at day end if funds are available. 04 CHM31
Standing Instruction Maintenance
Can be maintained through this option also for RD installments.
05 1421
RD installment Payment Inquiry
For direct payment of installments by Cash/transfer from CASA/GL Combined facility for inquiry and payment. Based on the mode selected, system will display the screen. Can be used for Inquiring Status of installments also
CASA - CANFLEXI DEPOSIT Sl Fast Description No Path GLOBAL DEFINITION 01 CHM01 CASA Product Master Maintenance ACCOUNT OPENING 02 8051 CASA Account Opening
Utility/Remarks To know product details, facilities, GL Codes etc (Product Code 105)
SWEEP OUT 03 CHM32 Sweep Out Maintenance
Select the Product Code 105 Open an account like any other SB account Minimum balance of Rs.10000.00 (parameterized) Mandatory option for Canflexi deposit Excess funds over a threshold limit can be transferred to: TD – New TD or New Deposit in existing TD account Executed during EOD Frequency Daily. Start Date, End Date & Next Date to be specified Start Date & Next Date should be Current Date Minimum balance to be retained is .15000 (10000+ 5000. buffer) Sweep out minimum amount .1000 maximum amount as per party’s request. Deposit in multiples of .1000 opened automatically at EOD depending on the product & term specified Such TD or operative account will be automatic sweepin provider for Canflexi or CASA account in case of shortage of funds due to debits `
TD PAYOUT INSTRUCTIONS 04 TD039 TD Multiple To be used to maintain payout instructions of TD opened Payout through sweep-out option Instructions - Principal & interest – credit to CASA or Principal can be reinvested in new or existing Account. Instruction can be given one day prior to the date of maturity of the deposit. For TD created, Redemption/Renewal option1358 For TD created, enquiry options are 7020, TD020, TD021 (Guide lines 37/2007)
CASA - NOMINATION NOMINATION 01 BA438 Nominee Master Maintenance
To capture Nominee details, also guardian details if nominee is a minor Nominee must have a Customer ID. . Creation of Customer ID for nomination only does not require CIM50 validation. In 8053, category has to be selected as ‘NOMINEE’. In 'Nominee ID' field as well as 'Customer ID' under Search Criteria in Nominee Information block, Nominee ID itself has to be entered. Customer ID of Account holder will not appear in BA438 at all.
02 BAM64
Customer Account Nominee Cross Reference
To link the nominee ID captured through BA438 to Depositor's ID/Account. SHARE % SHOULD ALWAYS BE 100. For substitution of nominee, do not opt for Modify. Delete the old nominee, create a new nominee through BA438 and then link it through BAM64.
CASA - OD/CC Sl Fast Description no Path GLOBAL DEFINITION 01 CHM01 CASA Product Master Maintenance ACCOUNT OPENING 02 8051 CASA Opening
LIMIT CREATION 03 CHM07 OD Limit master maintenance
DIT 603 F132 dt 23.12.2010
Utility/Remarks To know/Inquire Product details like, GL, Interest, Exceptions etc (Product Code 251-285)
To open an OD/CC account: - Select appropriate product code (251-285) from drop down menu - 1st- Firm/Individual ID - Customer relation: SOW - 2nd -Proprietor/Partner/Director ID – Customer relation: Authorized Signatory - Joint borrower - Customer relation: JAF & JAO - Threshold limit Each OD account can have maximum of 99 limits - Individual limit to be fixed - Select Interest Index Code 30001 when ROI is linked to BASE RATE.(Cir 248/10) If ROI is different than BR, the difference should be maintained through account variance using CHM48. - If ROI is not linked to BASE RATE, correct Interest Index Code above 20001 should be selected in CHM07 itself (e.g. Staff Accounts) - Start date & end date to be entered - Secured, Internal FD to be entered - Reasons to be specified - THIS APPLIES TO ADHOC LIMITS ALSO.
□ Check this box if Ad hoc limit is
Ad hoc Limit sanctioned.
Closed Limit □ Check this box in case limit is expired and not considered for renewal. Under both circumstances, system will not include the limits for review of expired limits.
For ODCC against shares, separate limits are to be created for each Company (Guideline 51/08). IF AGAINST OUR OWN DEPOSITS: - Both Secured & Internal FD to be selected
Then Select FD Security Details Tab Security type ‘ 133-TD security - INR’ Deposit Account number, description, deposit number, value to be entered. Click on Propagate Int change & Linkage Deposit Interest only is propagated, 2% has to be given in CHM48 under variance Lendable margin can be changed
SECURITY CREATION AND LINKING 04 BAM74 Security To create security details Header - Security ID: 13 digit a/c number + 001(serial no) Maintenance - Security Code: Select appropriate code. - Also to update DP – use modify option
05 CHM06
DIT 603 F132 dt 23.12.2010
Where stock statement detail has to be entered, in VALUATION DATA Tab Last Value: Stock value as per the current Stock Statement Valuation date/Stock stmt due date: Current Stock Statement date. Next Stock Stmt Due Date: Enter the future date on which the periodic Stock Statement is due. If security is shares, to be created company-wise. Security code – Shares 15. Select the share from pick list under Financial Securities Tab (Guideline 51/08).
OD Security maintenance
- To link the security created under BAM74 Add Security - Select security code - Security ID, lendable value, security value can be modified - Description mandatory If security is shares, select security code – Shares 15. Link Box: Check this box. Update Drawing Power: Check this box. Update Security Value flag: ‘Y’.
(Guideline 51/08)
System default margin is displayed. Can be changed according to the sanction. Before end of every month, DIT will update value of shares. On the first of the succeeding month, branch has to run BAM46 to propagate the security value and then check through CHM06 to see if the value of security is updated
Security Propagation OTHER OPTIONS 07 BAM83 MIS cross reference maintenance 08 CHM48
Account level variance maintenance
For updating Drawing Power – updates for all branches
MIS values are defaulted by the system. Verify the correctness. If necessary change under Modify option (Guideline 14/09). Can be used to maintain variance in: - OD interest - TOD - Overline - Credit interest - Slab ROI - Change in ROI if maintained at account level - No value date/retrospective date - Updates on date of change By default ‘OD Interest’ button is selected. Continue if account level variance is to be given.
‘TOD/Overline/CR Interest’ button to be used for charging account level debit variance of SB/CA – TOD and account level credit variance for SB/CA. (Guideline 09/09)
09 BAM57
Interest Adjustment Transactions
Cheque Book issue maintenance
Funds Transfer Request
Cash Withdrawal
By Withdrawal Order Form
CASA Cheque Withdrawal
Withdrawal through Cheque.
Excess/short interest can be adjusted
Chose Add mode, pick inventory, & click on ' Delivered' under Cheque Book Status. - Authorize - Cheque status can be inquired through the same option TRANSACTION OPTIONS (Ref HO Cir 267/2010 on narrations) 11 1401 Cash Deposit Accept Cash. System Generated Counterfoils are introduced in identified branches in select cities at present BANGALORE /CHENNAI/ DELHI /HYDERABAD/ MUMBAI
CASA - OD/CC Under 1001, 1006 & 1013, system will throw exception/messages such as ‘Insufficient Balance’, Cheque Stopped for payment’, ‘Cheque already paid’ at OK button at the Teller level before authorization/Submission if such conditions exist for the account (GL 41/09). For existing customers if details are not captured through CIM50, system will throw message ‘KYC Details Not Obtained’ when the above three options are used. CLOSURE OF ODCC 15 CH001 Account Closing Prerequisites Balance - Account should be in credit balance Information - Security if any linked, should be removed – use CHM07 under modify option - CHM06 for term deposits – use delete option - De-link from limit in FCC Unused cheque leaves to be destroyed using CHM37 – Delete Option SI, if any, should be deleted Debit/Credit Card should be cancelled. Once opted and authorized, cannot be reversed. 16
Close out Balance Inquiry
Single Account Transfer
For payout of the balance by PO/Cash/Funds transfer/Transfer to GL -
INQUIRY OPTIONS 18 BA434 Account to Security Inquiry 19
20 CH066
Security to Account Inquiry
Limit to Security Inquiry MISCELLANEOUS 21 CHM12 TOD limit master maintenance
Transfer of OD/CC accounts between CBS Branches Account Number remains same at transfer in branch BA024 account transfer report under 7775/7778 to be verified System passes accounting entries at GL level. No BAR/IBA required.
Not applicable against our own deposits Security created under BAM74/LNM34 is available
Single security attached to how many OD/CC accounts
Limit wise Details Limit, DP & Security details
THIS OPTION IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CREATING ADHOC LIMITS For exceptional drawing/TOD limit under CASA including ODCC.
1. Cash transaction beyond DP 2. In case of overdrawing in account due to passing of inward clearing cheques in ST034 or debit in GLM01 (forced Debit), system creates TOD limit automatically in CHM12 for due date 15 days. (as parameterized in CASA product) (Guideline No 40/07) 22 BA020
Account Additional Information Master Maintenance
Loan/Sanction Details: - Sanction Details - Godown visit date General Details - Date of AOD/AOS – last field and date of loan papers Stock Details - Date of Audit - Date of MTR etc LPD details under CDCRM Tab In respect of LPD accounts, ensure selecting of appropriate status in the ‘Status of LPD’ field so that wherever AOD is required, the details are not left out in PRR 12 (Guideline 13/09). This is important to generate accurate PRR 33 return. In the case of account classified as LPD, full details have to be captured in BAM59.
23 CHM36
Account address maintenance
Other than at customer level
24 CH220
OD/CC Pass Sheet
25 CHM34
Special Frequency for Statement (HO Cir 14/2011 288/2011)
Regular generation of pass sheets can be done by updating CHM34 under ADD mode. Select frequency and tick ‘By Hand’ option. Pass sheets will be available after EOD through 7775 - Batch Reports - MS240 for the branch. Print file is also available through http://cbsreports/MisRpts/ Spl_Freq_Stmts. If statements are required through Email, ensure the presence of email id in CIM09 – Mailing Address Tab and tick all boxes under Statement Dispatch Mode. Statements are generated in PDF format and are password protected. Customer ID is the Password.
Financial Security maintenance
Details of listed shares/securities – face/market value
27 CHM08
CBR Code Maintenance
DICGCS/ECGC/CGFSI etc invoked and kept in SL to be captured under Details 2 TAB.
Folio Charges
System debits applicable folio charges as on the last day of Calendar Quarter. If balance is not available in the account, a Hold is created for the required amount and the same is debited whenever funds are available in the account.
Report ID 280056_ODCC Folio Charges Report is made available in Business Objects (GL 13/2010) Report 280024_list of Limits Expired and Unexpired is available in Business objects for ensuring timely renewal of limits (HO Cir 76/2011)
CASA – INQUIRY/CLOSURE/TRANSFER INQUIRY OPTIONS 01 Balance Inquiry To view Available, Unclear, Earmarked, Passbook, Minimum 7002 Balance Required, Hold Balance, Total TOD 02
CHM41 Inward Cheque Status Inquiry
BAM24 Account Status Shows the history of changes made to account status Audit Trail Inquiry
SCM05 SC History for Account Inquiry
Shows the details of SC attached to the account and also amount of SC due
Customer Name & Address Inquiry
Displays Name, Address, Relation, Customer IC and Customer ID for an account.
To view the signature given the account number
Account Image Display Account Master maintenance
Statement Inquiry
To inquire Statement for: Current- beginning of current calendar month till end Prior –beginning of previous calendar month till end Transaction – To show transaction for any 30 days (between Start Date and End Date) Double clicking on the transaction will display the details of that transaction For tracking status of a Cheque issued to an account. By giving Cheque number, Account to which it is issued can be found out.
Inquiry Mode: RD/Partner Account Information Tab: Installment details, Draw down details, other details like interest amount, ROI, amount remaining to be paid etc
CASA – INQUIRY/CLOSURE/TRANSFER ACCOUNT CLOSURE/TRANSFER 10 Prerequisites: Account should be in credit balance CH001 Account Closing Balance Unused Cheque leaves have to be destroyed using CHM37. Information If any SI is registered for an account, the same should be deleted before closing an account. Debit/Credit Card, if any, should be cancelled. Once opted and authorized, cannot be reversed. In the case of overdue RD accounts (Product Codes 181 & 182), system will automatically calculate interest for overdue period at prevailing SB rate and pay while closing such accounts through this option. Such overdue interest amount is shown under ‘Credit Interest Amount’ field in ‘Balance Info’ tab. Close out For payment of balance by selecting appropriate mode like Balance Inquiry cash, funds transfer GL etc. Single Account System allows transfer of CASA accounts from one CBS Transfer branch to another CBS branch. Account number remains the same. Only the HOME BRANCH will be changed. System will pass relevant GL entries. No BAR/IBA required. (Cir 362/2011)
1320 11
Branch can verify through report 7775-BA024-7778. Sending of application to the branch has to be done procedurally. CHEQUES ISSUED AT THE TRANSFEROR BRANCH HAVE TO BE DESTROYED. Fresh cheques to be issued at transferee branch.
TIME DEPOSIT SL Fast Description Utility/Remarks no Path GLOBAL DEFINITION 01 TDM01 TD Product Master To know the details of the product like term, minimum and maximum amount, GL codes etc 02
TD Product Rate Maintenance ACCOUNT OPENING 03 8054 TD Account Opening (In Legacy system there was no concept of opening deposit for an account)
To know the ROI linked to a particular TD product as on a given date For new customer/product - For joint account, all should have a customer ID in their individual names - Maximum three ID can be accommodated in 8054 - Fourth to be added subsequently through CI142 - Correct product should be selected from pick list (the behavior of the account, payment of interest, type of interest payment depends on the product chosen) - Account Title – Full name of the customer * - In the case of joint accounts, names have to be entered separated by ‘and’ or ‘n’. No special characters to be used. - Account description – Any specific observation or remark to be noted here. * If nothing is entered, customer name as in 8053 will be populated under Account Title Account Open Date: By default process date. To be modified only in case of value dated deposit Source of funds – GL credit only. - Tax Code 1: Picks up automatically based on category of the customer. Not modifiable - Tax Code 2: Not applicable at present. Default value is Zero. Not modifiable
Taxable Customer ID: By default, first Account holder's ID is populated. In case of minor's account, this field is to be modified by entering Customer ID of parent/guardian by selecting from pick list. DEPOSIT OPENING 04 1356 TD Payin
To be used for: (a) Payin from multiple sources for Domestic Deposit (b) Foreign Currency Deposits (FCNR, RFC) - Clicking on (+) for adding payment details
Fields displayed in BLUE are possible to be modified Payin mode and amount are to be entered Click on the 'Net Payin Amount' field (last) to enter the details of the debit – CASA/GL - Save by clicking on 'Payin' and enter the period of deposit (in months and days). - In the case of deposits accepted in days (555, 1000 and 1200) period should be entered in days only. - In view of frequent revision in ROI, ensure correct interest rate is displayed (Guideline 21/2009) - Deposit variance: in case of - ex-employees senior citizen eligible for preferential ROI - Single bulk deposit – preferential ROI permitted by Dev Sec, P & D Wing, HO - Validate. Interest rate and maturity date are populated. Save. Deposit number 1 will be created on authorization.
05 a
System will throw exception/messages such as ‘Insufficient Balance’, Cheque Stopped for payment’, ‘Cheque already paid’ at OK button at the Teller level before authorization/Submission if such conditions exist for the account (GL 41/09). In lieu of 1356 the following Payin options are available for domestic deposit only (GL 41/07) TD Payin by cash Accepting deposit in cash 1402
TD Payin by transfer from CASA
Accepting deposit by transfer of funds from CASA. System will throw exception/messages such as ‘Insufficient Balance’, Cheque Stopped for payment’, ‘Cheque already paid’ at OK button at the Teller level before authorization/Submission if such conditions exist for the account (GL 41/09).
TD Payin by transfer from GL
Accepting deposit by transfer of funds from GL
Customer Account Relationship Maintenance
To be used for - Conversion of individual accounts to joint accounts and vice-versa - Addition/Deletion of depositors name subsequent to opening of the account, also for 4th customer at the time of opening
Account Operating Instruction Maintenance (GL 02/10)
To maintain default Instruction and also additional instructions. This is displayed with (ALT+S) hot key along with Signature/Image. Default/Additional instructions maintained here will be printed on the Deposit Receipt
TD Nominee Maintenance
Customer ID for nominee is mandatory and the same is the Nominee ID. Creation of Customer ID for nomination only does not require CIM50 validation. In 8053, category has to be selected as ‘NOMINEE’. - No provision to note the relationship with the depositor - Details of guardian in case of a minor nominee can not be captured - Nomination cannot be made for an account held by or on behalf of a minor. For changing Nominee, do not use Modify option. Delete the existing nominee first and then add the new nominee details
TD Certificate Advice (Cir 110/2012)
For both Original and Duplicate (only once) - Inventory should be available - Proper setting done at the PC & Printer level - Enter Account number - ‘Deposit details’ are displayed - Double click on 'selected' flag - ‘Certificate Details’ Tab is highlighted - Click on (+) ‘Denomination details’ tab is opened - To print Nominee Details, click on ‘Customer Detail’ TAB and enter 'Y' against Nominee detail. - Click on ‘Denomination details’ tab - Click on 'Validate' to get the inventory /nominee details. - Click on 'Print'. - After successful printing, click on OK button at the bottom. Only then, system updates the inventory number in the deposit record.
FOR DUPLICATE RECEIPT PRINTING: - Tick on ‘Show Ptd Certificate’ box, enter account number. - Certificate details are displayed. - Double click on the deposit for which duplicate is required.
Details of the deposit with original inventory number are displayed. Click on the ‘+’ sign. One more line with new inventory number is displayed. Validate & print. Upon successful printing, click on the OK button in the status line at the bottom. ONLY ONE DUPLICATE PRINTING IS POSSIBLE.
TD Multiple Payout Instructions
To be used for payment of - Periodical interest (products like 302, monthly discounted interest payment) - Deposits on or before maturity - Principal can be reinvested in the existing or new account - For viewing the details of the closed deposit, click on the ‘All Deposit’ box in the pop up window. Instruction can be given one day prior to the date of maturity of the deposit.
Interest Payment Inquiry
In case the depositor gives no instructions and interest is already due (credit will be in SD GL 240001100) can be paid any day before the maturity of the deposit. On maturity, any unpaid interest will be added to the principal amount.
RENEWAL/REDEMPTION OF DEPOSIT (Refer HO Circular 205/2011 for NRE Term Deposits) 12 1316 TD Renewal Domestic FD/KD matured deposits can be renewed as it is – Inquiry i.e. No change in product or amount is possible. (Online Renewal) Only PERIOD can be varied & interest variance, if any. 13
TD Redemption
HO Cir 146/2011 Guideline 17/2011
Used for - Renewal of deposit under the same product or change in product Payment of deposit on or after maturity - Payment before maturity in part or in full - Renewal/Redemption (on/after/before maturity) of NRE/NRO/FCNR/RFC deposits Extension along with accrued interest(GL36/2008) - Automatic renewal is enabled. If any maturity instructions are maintained through TD039, those instructions will be carried out on maturity. Renewal details can be recorded on the back of the original deposit receipt itself or a fresh
TIME DEPOSIT HO Cir 163/2011
receipt can be printed if the customer insists. Automatic renewal applies to encumbered deposits also. RENEWAL OF OVERDUE DEPOSIT
Where the overdue period of domestic / NRO term deposits does not exceed 14 days: Close the deposit through option 1358 and credit the proceeds to parking GL 209272431. Then renew the deposit for required period with back date by using options 1356/1021 duly ensuring the correctness of interest rate displayed in the system.
Where the overdue period of domestic / NRO term deposits exceeds 14 days: Close the overdue deposit through option 1358 and credit the proceeds to parking GL 209272431. Then renew the deposit with back date by using options 1356/1021 duly ensuring the correctness of the interest rate as mentioned in the HO Circular. If the rate of interest displayed in the system is not matching with the HO Circular, account level variance is to be given for the deposit in 1356/1021
Where the overdue Domestic / NRO term deposit is not renewed but encashed after the date of maturity: The deposit will be paid Interest at Savings Bank rate as applicable from time to time during the overdue period.
If the depositor wants to renew the deposit in other than the original deposit product, close the old deposit and credit the proceeds to GL 209272431. Then open a fresh account under new product through option 8054 with value date and open a deposit with the proceeds of closed deposit account through option 1356 – TD pay in by debiting GL. PAYMENT OF OVERDUE DOMESTIC AND OVERDUE NRO TERM DEPOSIT: HO Cir 362/2011
Redemption Mode: Full Redeem Mode: Should be any of the following only – Cash/Transfer to CASA Account/Pay Order/DD/Transfer to Loans.
Report ID TD778
Original maturity value can be seen under ‘Outstanding Principal’ filed and amount inclusive of Overdue Interest under ‘Net Redeem Amount’ field in ‘ Deposit Summary’ tab. Break of the entries is available in ‘Deposit Details’ tab. PAYMENT OF DEPOSIT ON MATURITY WHEN LIEN EXISTS: - If VSL is granted, option to be exercised at that time – Force renewal or redemption. INTERNAL LIEN: - Force Renewal – Deposit will be renewed and VSL continued with lien on new deposit. Validity of VSL to be changed to correspond to the new due date of the deposit though LN521.
Redemption – Deposit will be adjusted to VSL. If redemption is exercised, Maturity instructions have to be modified through TDM24 to ‘Redeem’ at least one day prior to maturity EXTERNAL LIEN: - When VSL is granted with external lien, payout instruction has to be maintained through TD039 to credit the proceeds to VSL or Force Renew as otherwise old instruction prevails and deposit will be disposed accordingly. -
PAYMENT OF DEPOSIT BEFORE MATURITY WHEN LIEN EXISTS: INTERNAL LIEN: - Delete the lien through LNM34. - Credit the proceeds of the deposit to Parking GL. - Close the VSL using 1067. - Credit surplus if any to CASA account. EXTERNAL LIEN: - Delete the lien through TDM24 - Credit the proceeds of the deposit to Parking GL. - Close the VSL using 1067. - Credit surplus if any to CASA account.
TIME DEPOSIT TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE 14 TDS03 Tax Waiver (Available to Officer for updating and Teller for Inquiry) Auto Authorization Guideline 17/2009 Guideline 25/2010 Guideline 49/2010 Guideline 16/2011 HO Cir 342/2011 for TDS on Court Deposits
To mark receipt of Form 15G/15H for TDS exemption. Very Important: Form 15 G/H should be obtained at the beginning of the financial year/at the time of opening a new account/adding any deposit to the existing account and updated in the system without fail on the date of receipt itself. System permits updating TDS03 for the next financial year also in advance.
System checks for the existence of PAN details in CIM09. If PAN is not captured, 15G/H details cannot be updated, thereby resulting in deduction of higher tax. BO Reports 120026 – PAN Details At the time of interest payout/compounding, the system will check the availability of PAN number of the depositor and if the same is not available, recalculates the TDS at higher rate from the first day of the Financial Year till the date of interest payout/compounding. If the PAN details are updated in the system subsequent to deduction of higher rate of TDS, system will recalculate the TDS at normal rate on the date of next interest payout /compounding or last working day of March from the beginning of the financial year and deduct only the differential TDS amount if any, otherwise system will not deduct any TDS .
Select Customer ID. DO NOT CHECK/TICK THE FLAG WAIVER FIELD AVAILABLE AT THE TOP - Financial year is the beginning year of the FY - Flag waiver one by one for which 15G/15H is obtained. When an account is transferred in, the number remains the same. Hence ensure that the deposit is transferred to your branch if the DP Code in the account number is different. System will take care of change in TDS rate and deduct tax in case of earlier deductions.
TDS amount reversal to deposit account (Option - TD029 to be used)
TIME DEPOSIT TDS deducted from a deposit account for the following cases (i) Even though customer has given PAN details but the same is not updated in CIM09 option immediately by the branch users. (ii) Even though customer has given Form 15G/H in time but the same is not Updated in TDS03 immediately. If branch has not remitted the deducted TDS amount to IT department, the same can be reversed through option TD029 to the Deposit account. The branches should follow the following steps. 1. Dr SLTDS (209270510-Domestic ; 209270530-NRO) Cr Int Paid FDR (410040030) /KDR (410040040) 2. Go to option TD029 and enter the deposit account number and credit the excess TDS deducted.
Any TDS adjustment through TD029 will not reflect in TDS certificate. Branches want to debit the TDS amount manually (Option TD029 to be used) If customer gets TDS at preferential rate, presently the tax is deducted basing on customer types and the Tax codes attached to these customer types. TDS variance is not there in CBS. Branches will give tax waiver fully and they have to collect the same manually from the customer CASA. If CASA account is not there then the branches can use the option TD029 if interest accrual is having sufficient balance to collect the TDS amount. The following entries are to be done by users. 1. Go to option TD029 and give the account number and debit the applicable TDS amount from the account. The system will debit the Interest accrual and credits to Interest paid head. 2. Dr Int paid FDR (410040030) / KDR (410040040) Cr SL TDS (209270510-Domestic; 209270530-NRO)
The TDS certificate should be given manually as the same is done manually.
TIME DEPOSIT (Cir 106/2012)
TDS Remittance
TDS Inquiry
With effect from 01.04.2012, TDS is getting effected in respect of KD as on the last day of financial year or on the date of maturity/closure/part withdrawal/extension whichever occurs earlier For marking of TDS remitted to Tax authorities in the system. - Challan-wise data to be entered - Period, date & details of remittance are captured - Any refund made should be appropriately accounted for while submitting ETDS - Break up of tax remittance in Form 16A will be available only if challan details are captured through TDS10 To know the TDS details of a customer for a financial year - Customer-wise; Account-wise; deposit-wise; interestwise
INQUIRY OPTIONS 17 7020 TD Balance Inquiry Deposit Number-wise 18
TD Account Ledger Inquiry
Transaction in the TD Account: - Details are available on the next day since the data gets updated during day end process.
TD Audit Trail Inquiry
Details of interest accrual, payout, compounding & TDS deducted can be viewed
TD Deposit To know whether a certificate is printed or not Certificate Inquiry
Interest & Principal Payment History
Interest & Principal Payment History
TD Schedule
To inquire into actual and projected income of a TD
GL Transactions & Movement Inquiry
TDS on Domestic Deposits – GL Code 209270510 TDS on NRO Deposits – GL Code 209270530 Date of debit, value date of debit, account number and amount of TDS deducted are available
TD ACCOUNT/DEPOSIT MASTER 24 TD020 TD Account Details of Account captured thro 8054 are available here Master - Deposits – All deposits linked to an account in a single screen
Deposit Master
BLOCK/UNBLOCK/LIEN 26 TD028 TD Block/Unblock status
General details, Interest Rate, Balance, Payout, Payin, Redemption details – pertains to part redemption. Also, to maintain interest variance before accrual Blocking/unblocking of TD for specific reasons
TD Interest Adjustment
To adjust excess/Short interest paid to a deposit account. Migrated accounts – difference in maturity value
TD Lien Master
To create lien on TD EXTERNALLY: - ADD: Like TD obtained as collateral security, VSL granted against the ledger balance of a deposit - MODIFY: To modify lien amount, maturity instruction – force renew to redeem - DELETE: For cancellation of lien - INQUIRY: To inquire all types of lien like External, Loan, OD, Sweep in etc
TRANSFER OF DEPOSIT 29 BA995 Single Account Transfer
System allows transfer of account from one CBS branch to another CBS branch. Account number remains the same. Only the HOME BRANCH will be changed. System will pass relevant GL entries. No BAR/IBA required. In case of Fixed deposits where interest payment instructions have not been maintained through TD039, first verify through 1337, pay if any amount is pending, then only opt for BA995. Report 7775-BA024-7778 Not to be used for transfer of FCNR accounts.
MISCELLANEOUS 30 7101 Customer IC/Short Name Change
Investment Calculator
Supports change of: - Customer IC - Customer Type – Individual to NRI - Short Name - Full name of customer Change effected during EOD. Hence account for new customer type (NRI) to be opened on next day only This can be used to find out: - Maturity Value - Total Interest payable - TDS on fresh deposit
Interest Provision (only option for new/existing deposit) Interest flow for FCNR/RFC deposits
By selecting Product Code, Amount, Deposit Date, Term, Interest Payout Frequency and Tax codes 1 & 2. For account opened on the last day of the month under product code 302, interest distribution is not uniform for all months.
LOANS Sl Fast Description no Path GLOBAL DEFINITION 01 LNM11 Product Master Maintenance
Utility/Remarks To know/Inquire details of a loan product like booking, disbursement, repayment, GL etc
Schedule Type
To inquire type of a schedule linked to a product - Click on pick list for Schedule Code - From the Webpage dialog box, click on in either Product Code or Product Name; click on ‘All’, select the product. - All schedules attached to the product are listed - Click on the desired schedule.
Loans Product Rate plan
ROI maintained for a plan ID of the product
Interest Rules
Rule definition of Interest
05 LNM43 Installment Rules LOAN PROCESSING 06 LN057 Loan Direct Account Opening (Cir 248/2010 for BASE Rate )
Rule definition of Installment To open a loan account: ADD: - customer relation: SOW – INDIVIDUAL or JAF - JOINT BORROWER only one borrower's name can be entered - product code - purpose - term in months only inclusive of moratorium - margin in actual rupee - variance to get net ROI - Schedule code – - As the ROI is linked to BASE RATE, select code in 1000 series only.
ANNEXURE TO CIR 248/2010 GIVES A LIST OF ALL PRODUCT CODES AND THE ASSOCIATED SCHEDULE CODES. Application number is generated when the TELLER saves the data. Note the same on the application. Supervisor should enter this number in the ‘Application Number’ field under Authorize mode for authorization . System will generate Loan Number upon authorization.
Customer account relationship maintenance
To add/delete Joint borrower (JAO), Co-obligant, Guarantor – First Borrower’s Relation to be made ‘JAF’ before adding joint names.
Account Document Maintenance (Auto Update)
To mark the status of the document as 'Not Received/Received/Waived/Returned depending on Mandatory status – Y/N. Now this is optional (GL69/07)
MIS Xref Maintenance
MIS values are defaulted by the system except for loan product codes 722-725; 727-731; 744, 746-747; 749, 753, 771, 773 & 774. Verify the correctness. If necessary change under Modify option (Guideline 14/09) (Cir 105/10 for details of BSR Codes)
Security Header Maintenance
To create security details - Security ID: 13 digit a/c number + 001 (sl no) - Security Code: Appropriate (999 for VSL/OD on Principal + Interest, i.e. the present value) - Home Branch - Document Code: Mandatory - Original Value: Purchase Value - Last Value: As per valuation by Approved Valuer - Market value: By local enquiry - Description 1: Boundary - Description 2: Landmark
Loan Security link Maintenance
To link the security to loan account - Lendable amount to be modified - Prime for Main security - Secondary for Collateral System Defaulted Lendable Margin % SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED unless the sanction stipulates so. Function of BAM74 can be carried out here in this option itself by checking on ‘ Create New Security’ box. On saving, System will generate appropriate Security ID – running serial number for the customer suffixed to the Customer ID – CustomerID+001. When the security is directly created & linked through LNM34, local authorization is sought by the System (for the security creation part). ONE MORE authorization is required through LNM34 for the link part. To be done for loans opened under LN063 also.
Setup Account Schedule/Disburse ment
Disbursements. System supports multiple disbursements in a day. For subsequent disbursements, FP 1413 should be used for same day. - Disbursement mode: ‘ANY’ if multiple disbursements are to be made on the same day - Disbursement Amount: Sanctioned amount - Actual amount in 1413 is updated during day end. - Service charges can be modified by clicking on change amount or can be waived by changing the Waive flag. - Processing Charges/Upfront Fees are to be collected from the customer at the time of submitting the application itself. If so, check the waive flag. If not collected earlier, do not check the waive flag, in which case, charges will be debited to the loan account (Guideline 30/09). Rescheduling/Restructuring to be done using this option. Repayment schedule can be printed using option 7775 – LN451 – 7778.
Loan Disbursement Inquiry
Account additional information master maintenance
For multiple disbursement – more than one disbursement on the same day -
Loan sanctioned details Mortgage/Hypothecation/Pledge/Stock/Collateral details Write off details Seizure and other details AOD/AOS details in General Tab LPD details under CDCRM Tab
Ensure selecting of appropriate status in the ‘Status of LPD’ field so that wherever AOD is required , the details are not left out in PRR 12 (Guideline 13/09). This is important to generate accurate PRR 33 return.
In the case of advances to sensitive sectors, the details have to be updated in Collateral TAB (Cir 402/09). In the case of account classified as LPD, full details have to be captured in BAM59.
Data on Restructured Loan (Cir 91/2012)
INQUIRIES ON LOAN ACCOUNT 16 7026 Loan Balance Inquiry 17 LN522 Account Schedule Inquiry
Account No: Whether Restructured/Rescheduled: Yes/No from drop down list Date of Restructure /Reschedule : To know about Arrears, Balance Outstanding, Funds in RPA, Unclear Funds for a loan account (JC10/07) Repayment schedule of the loan account. Latest schedule is available under Amendment No ‘0’ with Amend d ate 01/01/1800
Security Insurance cross reference maintenance (Auto Update)
Security Details: Security ID as mentioned in BAM74 - Insurance Details: Insurance Policy Number as mentioned in BAM77 - Premium Billing Details: Not Mandatory - IF OPTED, bill option to be Manual - Loan Account number and premium amount to be specified. Credit will be available in GL 209272410. Issue DD for the premium amount. - IF NOT OPTED will not debit the account automatically To be debited through BAM50 wherein the premium amount entered in BAM67 will be displayed.
Common Billing Transactions
Amount debited becomes due immediately. - For debiting loan account/CASA towards Insurance Premium, Service Charges, Legal
Account To know: Transaction Inquiry - Statement - Account Details: Security Details (JC 10/2007) Account Relationship Hold in CASA Interest & Arrears - Account Ledger Inquiry - Arrears Inquiry - Audit Trail Inquiry to inquire Interest accrual, interest income, charged etc INSURANCE (JC10/06) Reports for Follow up LN626, LN634 19 BAM77 Insurance Policy To enter details of policy Master maintenance -
Reversal of Wrong Credit
Account rate change
Charges or other charges. CONTRA CREDIT WILL BE AVAILABLE IN 209272360 –SL Others Outgoing DD can be issued by debiting GL: For legal charges For Insurance Premium
Only to reverse any wrong credits made in a loan account. This reverses the most recent appropriations against arrears for the account Amount debited through this has no impact on repayment schedule Once done, cannot be reversed System will not allow to reverse a credit entry if any subsequent debit entries are made in the account (Guidelines 55/07) Should never be used in case of suspended accounts.
Used to make change in ROI: - New Effective Date - Rate account variance - Rate change parameter - ROI change for both non tiered and tiered accounts (i.e. slab accounts) - Change can be retrospective or prospective for loan products under GA and AL up to product code 811. PROSPECTIVE CHANGE - Latest date: Next date to process date. Change is effected at EOD process. - Always to opt for Recalculate Installment - 'Set Fixed ' box to be selected to make the rate change plan as fixed. (From ‘floating’ to ‘fixed ‘or LPD account transfer etc.) - Rate account variance field only to be modified - Modification of Plan Codes starting with 1000(Normal) & 4000(PMI) where Interest is linked to BPLR - Modification of Plan Codes starting with 2000(Normal) & 5000(PMI) where Interest is linked to BASE RATE
LOANS Change for all slabs. LIMITATIONS FOR CHANGE IN ROI WITH RETROSPECTIVE EFFECT - Change cannot be given earlier to the date of disbursement or date of migration to CBS. - For restructured accounts, the change can be done only from the date of restructure. - Wherever option 9540 has been used, change can be only after the date of last use of 9540.
RETROSPECTIVE CHANGE Where account is regular: Account in Moratorium (No interest & principal) – Change not allowed Account in EMI/EPI – Change in 1000/2000 series with retrospective date. In 4000/5000 series (PMI) change is prospective date only (next day’s date) Account in PMI – Change to be effected in 4000/5000 series only. If the effective date is before the maturity date, interest rate change is not possible in 1000/2000 series. Interest should be calculated manually for this period and adjustment entries have to be passed. If any account in PMI stage is restructured after rate change, corresponding rate change has to be effected in 1000/2000 series (GL 31/2010)
In CBS, penal interest for all loans is defined as 2%. However, penal interest is related to the type of customer and the amount of loan. In view of this, if PI is less than 2%, on the date of disbursement itself it should be modified for the Interest Plan 900 through Rate Account Variance field (Guideline 30/09). 24
Interest Adjustment to Loan account
To rectify any excess/short interest charged/paid to any loan/CASA account due to wrong noting of ROI at account level Interest debited becomes demand immediately
LOANS Credit only to the extent of interest arrears in the account (JC 09/06) 25
Loan Account Master Attribute Maintenance DIT 566 F 132 dated 13.12.2010
‘Attributes’ Tab -
OTS Account: □ OTS Date: Check this box if OTS is permitted. LPD Account: □ LPD Date: Check this box if account is classified as LPD.
When this is done, system will automatically change the appropriation sequence to ‘Principal’ first. LPD classification is complete only if the following are done: AC002: Checking the ‘Recall Account’ flag. LNM83: Check on ‘Set Fixed’ flag to freeze the ROI 26
Loan Disbursement Reversal
Reversal can be done on the same day of disbursal - After disbursement - (a) 6006 search electronic journal - Reverse by teller - (b) LN045 reverse disbursement - (c) LN521 Account schedule for fresh disbursement
Loan Approved Amount Maintenance
To reduce sanctioned amount at a later date in the case of a partially disbursed account
Loan account address maintenance
Maintain account level address if different from that of 8053/CIM09
Customer Contact Log Maintenance
Option available for officers and above For recording inspection comments, Description 248 characters. Select Purpose as ‘Inspection’ History of inspection visits Report 7775 – CI127 - 7778
Account Payment Instructions
SI for loan accounts - As and when arrears occur in the loan account, draws down the amount from the CASA account of the customer to the extent of arrears or to the
LOANS extent of balance available (minimum balance requirement is not taken care of in the source account). - Customer ID in CASA and Loan account should be same - 31 maximum retries - If due date is holiday, on next working day - Execution during day end process CHM31 Also applicable. However, - Executes the SI on the date given and the amount specified - No partial execution - Executed during Day Begin Routine - When ROI/EMI changes, amount to be modified
REPAYMENT OF THE LOAN 31 1065 Loan Installment Payment Inquiry
Loan Advance Payment Inquiry
CLOSURE OF ACCOUNTS 33 1067 Loan Full Payoff Inquiry
Supports Cash, Local Cheque (outward clearing), Saving Transfer & GL Transfer - Payment can be done only after the installment has become due - For NPA accounts, local authorization is needed For payment of advance installments – any amount in excess of the amount due - Cash, Local Cheque (outward clearing), Saving Transfer & GL Transfer - Amount received will be parked under RPA (Repayment Pending Appropriation) GL 209272350 and appropriated to loan during EOD. - For the purpose of Interest calculation and statement, amount is reduced from the outstanding
Case I: Account is in debit balance - Penalty method – waive - Settlement mode – select the appropriate mode Case II: Account is in credit balance & status is NORMAL - Bring the account to debit balance of rupee ONE by BAM50/9540 and credit to parking GL - Close the account through 1067, Debit same GL - Remaining amount in GL to be credited to CASA
LOANS Case III: Account is in credit balance and status is closed: - Use 1412 Debit loan account, credit CASA Before using 1412 Collection of up to date interest by system to be ensured ASSET CLASSIFICATION, WRITE OFF 34 CIM15 Customer NPA Select on Customer ID. Master Reason for Manual Movement: Select from Drop Down Maintenance List. System will then allow manual classification as NPA (CBS Handout 22) through AC002 (Cir 52/12) 35
Account Classification Inquiry
Effective March 2011, movement of NPA is controlled by the System and no manual intervention is required (Ho Cir 283/10) .
Guideline 67/2008
For classification of loan account from Performing (Normal) to non-performing (suspended) and vice versa. - Go by customer ID - All accounts of customer appear - Double click on the account - Click on CRR Movement Tab - Movement forward/reverse - New CRR field pick appropriate value If the account is classified as LPD/suit filed account, tick on ‘Recall Account’ in which case, the entire liability will be shown as overdue. If the recall is ticked wrongly, it cannot be reset at the branch level. Contact DIT.
Account write off
For writing off an account by debiting Write off expenses GL 420083140 for Gen advances/ODCC and 420083110 for Agricultural loans. IBA credit shall be routed to the respective GL. As of now AC004 does not support write off of Agricultural loan products under DND.
MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS 37 BA434 Account to Security Inquiry 38
Security to Account Inquiry
To inquire security details attached to a loan account/OD account - Same reflects n the balance sheet To inquire security attached to how many loans
Installment Calculator
To know installment (EPI/EMI) and term for a given amount/ROI
Loan Account CBR Details Single Loan Account Transfer
To feed the details of DICGC/ECGC/CGTSI etc claim settled and available in TAB0 Facilitates opening of transferred-in accounts (Product Codes up to 811)/Manual Accounts not migrated – Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Staff Accounts, NPA/LPD accounts.
(Cir 124/2010)
For Agricultural loans, use AL063 (HO Cir 41/2011 dated 07.02.2011 Facilitates further disbursement in case of partially disbursed accounts. ACCOUNT INFO TAB Select the Customer thro Search Criteria – ID/IC. Branch Code: Your Branch DP Code Old Account No: Prefixed with transferor branch DP New Account No: Will be populated upon completing the form Account Opening Date: Date on which the account was originally opened. Maturity Date: Date on which the account should be closed as per sanction. Conversion Date: Current Date is shown. First Disbursement Date: Sanctioned Amount: Disbursed Amount: Product Code: Select the correct product code (Does not support product codes under Agriculture) Sanction Term: Sanctioned term of the loan in months including the holiday period. Schedule Type: Select the correct Schedule. (GL01/08) For accounts where originally ‘Holiday’ for Principal and Interest Repayment is given but if the repayment has started at the time of capturing the details in LN063, then select a Schedule without ‘HOL’ stage Net Product Rate: (Interest rate) Is displayed Remitter's Account: Do not enter any number here. Accrual Status: Normal/Suspended Account Level Variance : To be given if the interest to be charged to the loan is different than the Net Product
LOANS Rate. For slab rate accounts (Incremental type) interest variance should not be given here, but to be done through LNM83 after opening the account. Post GL Entry []:
CHARGING & BALANCE INFO TAB Last Charging Date: Date up to which interest is charged in the legacy system. - In case the account is in MOR – first disbursement date - If the account is regular and in IPI or EMI - last day of previous month - If the account is NPA/LPD – one day prior to the date of capturing the account in LN063 - For slab accounts (non staff) – one day prior to the date of capturing the account in LN063 - For FPI accounts (Staff) – first disbursement date Outstanding Principal Balance: Principal outstanding amount irrespective of whether due or not. - MOR: Only the Principal portion - IPI: Principal portion outstanding - EMI: Total Principal Outstanding - FPI: (1) If both principal & interest are outstanding, only the principal (2) If only accrued interest, the entire amount as principal outstanding (In LNM83, ROI has to be noted as 0%) - NPA: Total outstanding balance (unrecovered interest in the mirror account to be captured through BAM57 after opening the account). - LPD: Total outstanding balance (unrecovered interest in the mirror account to be captured through BAM57 after opening the account). Parking GL: Select parking GL 209272431. RPA Balance: Do not enter anything here. Last Accrual Date: Should be the previous date of opening the account in LN063 Interest Amount: Accrued interest up to the current date.
MOR: Interest accrued from the first disbursement date till previous day of capturing in LN063 - IPI/EMI: Broken period interest from first day of current month to previous day of capturing in LN063 calculated manually and entered - FPI: Interest accrued from the first disbursement date till previous day of capturing in LN063 - NPA: Nil - LPD: Nil SLAB: Nil Outstanding balance in the account needs to be segregated into principal and interest components. -
If there are arrears, the same need to be entered by clicking on the + sign.
- Sign can be used to delete any rows created. Click on OK. After authorization, new account number is displayed. Please ensure that the Principal arrears, Interest arrears, Charges arrears, penalty arrears total to the BAR amount. Other steps: BAM74, LNM34, BAM83, LNM83 FOR ROI VERIFICATION. LN522 FOR REPAYMENT SCHEDULE VERIFICATION. LN521 FOR RESCHEDULING IF NECESSARY. Use LNM31 for capturing drawdown details (Ref. Job Card no 02/08 ) Transfer of ODCC/SBTOD/CATOD – NPA to LPD: (Guideline 16/09) Through BAM57 reverse the interest amount – interest, penal etc. Note the liability in the account by using CH001. Use LN063: Open an account with product code 741. Debit the outstanding principal and credit parking GL. Debit the interest through BAM57 – use correct interest type i.e. Suspended interest, suspended post maturity, suspended penal int.
Post Dated Cheque Maintenance (Cir 413/2009)
ADD: - Select Loan Account Number - Enter Routing Number. Bank name is defaulted - Enter Drawer Account No. as appearing on the cheque. - Clearing Type – MICR Outward. - Enter the Cheque Numbers in the 'From '& 'To' fields. Cheque numbers should be in a series. - Enter the DATE of cheque. Ensure that all cheques have the same day and are dated at least one day prior to the actual installment date. - Select the Frequency – monthly/quarterly etc. - Enter the Amount – should be same in all cheques. Click on ‘view details’. Cheque Nos, date, value date and amount are displayed. Click OK.
System will automatically include the instrument details on the due date in the outgoing clearing process. Deletion of entry can be done by changing the delete flag to ‘Y’. Cheque details have to be deleted upon change in amount/pre closure of loan account. Business Objects Report 120034 – PDC Details Communicating the change in rate of interest to the customers: (HO Cir 143/2011)
All EMI loans other than housing loans: Requisite notices are to be sent to borrowers, notifying them about the increase in rate of interest and consequent increase in the installment amount. The notices can be generated under business objects – Report id No. 280020 Housing loans repayable by EMIs (viz., products no. 618, 619, 662 and 664) : DIT Wing will be globally effecting elongation of repayment tenure by retaining the installment amount as communicated in HO Circular 61/2011 dated 26/02/2011. Notices for all Housing Loan borrowers notifying them about the change in interest rate and consequent elongation of repayment tenure can be generated under business objects – Report ID No. 280079. After sending the notice, if borrowers submit written request (signed by all parties including guarantor/s, if any), to increase the EMI and keep the repayment tenure unchanged, necessary changes in the master details relating to repayment terms may be carried out. Recovery of system debited penal and other charges (HO Cir 9/2011): There are instances in Retail loan accounts where system has debited penal interest on account of delayed repayments. When such debits go unnoticed and unrecovered, the loans are
LOANS eventually classified by the system as NPAs, basing on the classification parameters defined. A report No. 280075 _Details_of_Charges_Penal_Interest_outstanding_ in_loan _accounts is available in Business Objects. This report can be generated by branches any time during the day. Review all such debits and recover the amounts immediately.
VSL SL Fast Description Utility/Remarks no Path GRANTING VSL AGAINST SINGLE DEPOSIT (OTHER THAN STAFF/FCNR/THIRD PARTY DEPOSIT) 01 LN057 Loan Direct Account Product Code: 743 Opening Loan Term: Remaining period of the deposit in Months. Ensure that the repayment date coincides with the deposit maturity date by making appropriate changes through LN521. Loan Amount: 90% of Principal + Interest even though lesser amount is sought. Schedule Code; 1002 If interest and principal is to be r ecovered on maturity. 1001 If interest is to be recovered monthly and principal on maturity. Net Product Rate: Ignore the rate displayed Variance: Do not enter any value so as to arrive at the interest rate on VSL. This is taken care in LNM34 under the field ‘Link TD for Interest’ 02
LNM34 Loan Security link Maintenance
Account No: Loan Account Number Security Code: TD Security 133 – INR. If the loan is against RD, select ‘Recurring Deposit’.
Create New Security □: Do not tick the box. Security ID: Full 13 digit Account number Link TD for Interest: Tick the box. This will take the interest on the VSL as Deposit rate + 2% Deposit No: Select from pick list. Dep. Cert. No: Enter printed serial number. Security Value, Lendable Value & Lendable Margin is populated. Do not modify these fields. Prime/Secondary: Select Primary Other options like CI142, LN323, BAM83, BA020 and LN521 to be completed. GRANTING VSL AGAINST MULTIPLE DEPOSITS WIITH UNIFORM OR SAME ROI, AGAINST FCNR/RFC/THIRD PARTY DEPOSITS 03 LN057 Loan Direct Account Product Code: 743 Opening Loan Term: Remaining period of the deposit in Months. Ensure that the repayment date coincides with the deposit maturity date by making appropriate changes through LN521.
VSL Loan Amount: 90% of Principal + Interest even though lesser amount is sought. Schedule Code; 1005 BR-Third party NRE/NRO Dep-Bullet Repay 1004 BR-Third party Dep-Int mth-Bullet Repay 1003 BR-NRE/NRO Dep- Bullet Repay 1007 BR-FCNR Deposits 1006 If VSL is against NNND. Net Product Rate: Rate is displayed as per Schedule chosen. Variance: Do not give anything here. Use LNM83 04
LNM34 Loan Security link Maintenance
05 TDM24
Lien Master Inquiry
Account No: Loan Account Number Security Code: External Lien Deposit 100 – INR Create New Security: Check the box Security ID: Security Value: Enter 100% of the value of deposit with interest. Lendable Value: Enter 90% of Security Value. Prime/Secondary: Select Primary Home Branch: Select from Pick List ‘HEADER DETAILS’ TAB: Type of Charge: First. ‘NON STANDARD’ TAB: Non Standard Security ID: Enter 13 digit deposit number. Description 1 & 2: Enter Deposit Serial Number, Printed Serial Number, Face Value, Maturity Value etc. ‘VALUATION DATA’ TAB: Original Value: Face Value of Deposit. Last Value: Present Value of Deposit (Principal + Interest) Market Value: Same as Last Value. This is to be repeated for all Deposits. Account Number: Deposit Account Number. Original Deposit Number: Select deposit number from Pick List. Lien Amount: Security Amount as entered in LNM34. Description: 13 digit loan account number. Reason for Lien: ‘VSL Granted Against Deposit’.
VSL Other options like CI142, LN323, BA020, BAM83 and LN521 to be completed. GRANTING ADDITIONAL LOAN AGAINST DEPOSIT (VSL) 06 LN521 Account Schedule If the amount to be disbursed is less than the available amount shown under LNM10, go for disbursement. Otherwise, follow the procedure applicable to granting additional loan in migrated VSL. GRANTING ADDITIONAL LOAN IN A MIGRATED VSL 07 BAM50 Common Billing Choice: Bill Outgoing Transactions Due Amount: Amount to be disbursed Narration: Additional VSL granted Amount debited will be credited to GL 209272360. Debit this GL and credit customer’s account. 08
LN521 Account Schedule
Reschedule TAB Reason: Additional VSL granted Select ‘Recalculate Installment’. Check ‘Capitalize Due arrears’ box Validate & Generate Schedule. System will not update the sanctioned amount in LNM10.
Guidelines 23/2009 & 29/2009, HO Cir 433/2009, 248/2010, Handout No 09
CD CRM COMPREHENSIVE DATA ON CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT 01 BAM51 Advances Register These details are to be compulsorily filled since they Maintenance are not available in LN057/BA020 02
BAM62 CIF Register Maintenance
These details are to be compulsorily filled since they are not available in CIM09/11/22/17
BAM42 Sick Unit
To be completed only if an account is classified as Sick Unit
BAM48 Concession Details Maintenance
To be completed only if concessions are permitted to any account
BAM49 ARC Maintenance
To be completed only if any account permitted to be sold to Asset Reconstruction Company
To be completed only if any case is pending with AAIFR (Appellate Authority for Industrial Finance & Reconstruction)
BAM53 BIFR Maintenance
To be completed only if any case is pending with BIFR (Board for Industrial Finance & Reconstruction)
BAM54 Compromise Unit
To be completed only if an account is permitted Compromise settlement
BAM61 NPA Maintenance
To be completed every time an account slips to NPA or upgrades
BAM59 Data on LPD Account
To be completed if any account is classified LPD and suit is filed for recovery
BAM66 Identification Documents
In addition to what is entered in CIM22 under Additional Info TAB
BAM31 Data on SARFAESI Account
To be completed only if recovery process under SARFAESI is invoked
BAM26 Guarantor Register
Details of the Guarantor are to be entered here.
AGRICULTURAL LOAN There are two types of products for many agriculture schemes, i.e., monthly interest type and half-yearly interest type. The following are the options for the purpose of opening and maintenance of agricultural accounts depending upon the periodicity of interest.
Options Half yearly Monthly interest Description interest type type (DND type) Customer Addition 8053 8053 Loan Direct Account Opening LN057 LN057 Customer Account Relationship Maintenance CI142 CI142 Account Documents Maintenance LN323 LN323 MIS Xref maintenance BAM83 BAM83 Loan Security link Maintenance LNM34 LNM34 Account Schedule LN521 AL521 1415 Agriculture Loan Disbursement Inquiry 1413 Insurance Policy Master Maintenance BAM77 BAM77 Security Insurance Cross Reference Maintenance BAM67 BAM67 Agriculture Loan Account Master Maintenance LNM35 ALM35* ALM10 Account Transaction Inquiry LNM10 Agriculture Account Schedule Inquiry AL522 LN522 Loan Balance Inquiry 7026 7026 Account Rates LNM83 LNM83 1072 Agriculture Loan Installment Payment Inquiry 1065/1068 1078 Loans Full Payoff Inquiry 1067 Agriculture Loan Cheque Book Issue Maintenance ALM37 Loan Approved Amount Maintenance LNM38 ALM38 Reversal of Disbursement – Step 1 6006 6006 Reversal of Disbursement – Step 2 LN045 LN045 Miscellaneous Loan Debit (reversal of latest credit 9540 9540 transaction) Partial Pay-off 1066 1027 Withdrawal from Credit Balance in KCCS 1422 Agriculture Loan Accounts Application Details ALM39 LNM39 Maintenance Agriculture Stop Cheque Instructions ALM36 AL063 Single Agri Loan Transfer
SOME IMPORTANT OPTIONS IN AL Agriculture Loan In view of Personal Accident Insurance and RKBY Account Master being mandatory for some schemes, the following data Maintenance needs to be updated: ‘ATTRIBUTES’ TAB: Tick on ‘Interest Subvention’ box if eligible DIT 566 F132 - OTS Account: □ OTS Date: dated 13.12.2010 Check this box if OTS is permitted. - LPD Account: □ LPD Date: Check this box if account is classified as LPD. Classification of Crop Based loans as NPA is based on crop season. Hence ‘CROP ATTRIBUTES’ TAB: Movement to NPA under Agricultural loan is dependent on whether the loan is crop based or otherwise. If crop based, it is again dependent on crop season. Hence the following activity is important. Check ‘Crop based Activity’’ if the loan is crop based. Select ‘Type of Crop’ from pick li st Select Season Select Review Period Select AC Plan Code from pick list – 52 or 53 or 54 denoting crop duration as 12 months, 18 months and 24 months. (REPORT AL602 MAY BE USED FOR REVIEW) ‘INSURANCE DETAILS’ TAB: Capture details of the applicable scheme – RKBY/PAIS ‘ADDITIONAL DETAILS’ Enter the details for MIS purpose
Loan Approved Amount Maintenance
Under Modify Mode: To be used whenever sanctioned amount is reduced or enhanced - Renewal of KCCS account with enhancement/reduction in limit has to be made through this option. - In case of KCCS, the revised sanction amount (enhanced/reduced) upon renewal is to be entered in the NEW APPROVED AMOUNT field.
AGRICULTURAL LOAN - The period of renewal shall be entered in the field RENEW TERM. The renewal will happen from the date next to the previous maturity date. 03
Account Schedule
For disbursement, re-schedule or restructure
Single Agri Loan Account Transfer
Ref HO Circular 41/2011 dated 07.02.2011
Refer report LN721 – Loans Customer Details (7775-7778) for all loan details of a customer Folio charges in respect of KCCS and Canara Kisan OD (CKOD) will be hence forth charged at half yearly intervals (March and September) at 100.00 for 40 entries or part thereof. Recovery will be along with the interest dues as per the respective schemes (HO Cir 152/2011) `
Ref HO Cir 03/2012 for bulk upload of Agricultural accounts through GEFU where security code is Crop – 701, Gold Jewelry - 704 and Land - 27 Ref HO Cir 04/2012 on Restructure functionality for revolving type of agricultural loa ns
CLEARING/OCC/CDB Sl Fast Description Utility/Remarks no Path OUTWARD CLEARING I. BOOKING/LODGING OF INSTRUMENTS A. CASA ACCOUNT CREDIT 01 6501 Cheques Deposited Simplest ONLINE option for booking single instrument on Savings Account for CASA Account - Routing Number is a nine digit code comprising example 111222333 111 representing Sector Code 222 representing Bank Code 333 representing Branch Code Sector code is the first three digits of PIN Code This option is very useful to give immediate credit under FP ST060. 02 6511 (a) (b) 6512
Consolidated Cheque Deposit Consolidated Cheque Batch Data Entry Cir 45/2012
03 5506
Batch Data Entry Outward Clearing
04 6601
Post-dated Cheque Deposit
05 6602
Post-dated Cheques Multiple post dated instruments bearing the same date Batch Data Entry can be lodged in a batch for CASA credit.
B. GL CREDIT 06 6520 Cheque Deposited to GL
Used for single CASA credit against multiple instruments lodging. Header Creation. (Takes to 6512) To capture the instrument details. - Number of instruments and the total amount of the instruments should tally with the details entered in Header through 6511. - Any modification to header in 6511 should be done through Modify Header option - Modification to instrument details through 6512 using modify option Data upload from external sources possible. For multiple instruments, multiple CASA account credits. - Maximum 100 instruments can be lodged in one batch (25-50 advisable). - Save after every 5-10 instruments. Data upload from external sources possible. Lodging of single post dated cheque for CASA – similar to 6501
Online option to lodge/book single instrument for GL credit - RD Installment, TD Payin (Also in 1356) - Single Instrument for Multiple CASA A/c credit
CLEARING/OCC/CDB C. LOAN ACCOUNT CREDIT 07 1065 Loans Installment Payment Inquiry
08 1068
Supports lodging outward clearing cheques towards advance payment in loan account - No. of payment '1' - Payment mode – local cheque - Actual lodging under linked option 6536. Online option For instruments lodged through 1065, 1068, 6501, 6511/6512 reversal under 6006 BATCH PROCESSING 09 ST037* Reverse This option is used to reverse authorized batches for Authorized any reason Batches 10
Loan Advance Payment Inquiry
Installment mode is 'Local cheques' System supports only up to the arrears outstanding for the loan account Actual lodging is under linked option 6530.
Change Data Entry For assigning inward/outward incomplete clearing Batch User batches to another Teller – by Supervisor only. II. LATE MARKING/CLEARING CUT OFF of CLEARING ZONES Cheques booked after late marking for each clearing type are treated as if they were posted on the next working day 11 7120 Late Clearing STM63 to be run before 7120 (a) Maintenance Each clearing type should be marked. For ‘Late Marking’ done in 7120, reversal is possible through 6006 (Search Electronic Journal) by supervisor only. (b) STM63* Late Clearing Marking Maintenance
For Branches where Extension Counters have not been provided with MICR code by RBI, clearing instruments to be lodged by the main branch before late marking of main branch clearing. Reversal of STM63 is not possible. * OPTIONS ST037 & STM63 ARE TO BE USED WITH CAUTION III. OUTWARD CLEARING PROCESS FOR EACH CLEARING ZONE 12 ST023 Outward Clearing - This has to be run for each type of clearing after late marking. - This can be run any number of times - Unclear balance will appear in the respective accounts after running this option
CLEARING/OCC/CDB IV. DATA EXTRACTION & GENERATION OF FILES REQUIRED FOR ENCODING 13 ST637 Outward Clearing 7775-ST637-7778 – take it in a floppy report ACH hands-off (HTML Format) V. LCCR GENERATION & PRINTING 14 8317 LCCR Issue System generates LCCR – Canara Bank NCBS LCCR – GL 170000010 15 5525 Remittance Printing Select LCCR & print-If inventory available for user VI. MARKING OF RETURNS 16 6560 Return of Outward Outward clearing returns are to be invariably entered in Clearing this option. Otherwise, at the time of subsequent Instruments lodging of the same instrument, ‘Duplicate Instrument’ Cir 45/2012 message will appear. - Cheque number (12 digits), Routing number(9 digits), Drawer Account number (14 digits), Transaction Code (2 digits) Cheque literal & reject reason to be entered - All cheque returns should be done before running ST001. After running ST001, 6560 cannot be used. VII. VALUE DATE PROCESS - Option available to supervisor 17 ST001 Value Date Clearing - Ultimately releases the funds to the customer Process (regularization of unclear funds) - Value date should be changed. By default it is BOD - Pending Value Date can be inquired in BA990 If this option is not run, system regularizes at EOD. Minor Subsidiary GL credits will not be regularized VIII. INQUIRY OPTIONS 18 6006 Search Electronic 1. To know the details of instruments lodged under Journal online option like 6501, 6520, 1065, 1068, 6601 etc 2. To reverse the entries made through online options and reversal of late marking done through 7120 19 5515 Batch Status To know the total of outward clearing lodged under Inquiry batch data entry options like 5506, 6512, 6602 20 STM62 Late Clearing To know whether the branch has late marked Clearing or Marking Inquiry not for various clearing types. 21 ST002 Inquiry on Value To know whether branch has run value date during a Date Clearing particular date or run multiple times 22 BA990 Clearing Status To know Pending processes for inward, outward clearing, Inquiry value date and voucher entry details. This has to be checked before Branch Batch Closure
Cheque Status Inquiry IX. OTHER CLEARING OPTIONS 24 ST061 Float Extension
25 ST072
Global Float Extension
IMMEDIATE CREDIT 26 ST060 Immediate Credit
INWARD CLEARING 27 5521 Batch Inward – Clearing Cheque Data Entry
Supports cheque status inquiry based on Cheque number, CASA account number or GL number Float (Extension) is the value date on which the clearing credit can be regularized. Permits extending value date for an instrument lodged. After entering Routing number, Instrument number, Drawer account number, enter float days to be extended. New value date details can be checked in CH031 for CASA Used to change the value date for all instruments either by Self Branch, Bank & End point or Bank & Branch of a particular Bank Credit to the customer against clearing instruments lodged, authorized & submitted under 6501 or 5506 (only after running ST023) and instruments are presented in Clearing House. After entering Routing number, Cheque number (12 digits), Drawer’s account number (14 digits) system will populate other details click ok and authorize locally. Funds will be automatically be available in the account for which an instrument was lodged. For booking/lodging of inward clearing cheques individually or through file upload - After clicking on ‘Populate Account Number’ system will fetch account number matching with the cheque number. If more than one account number is having the same cheque number, system will leave the account number field blank. - If account number is entered externally, do not click on ‘Populate Account Number’ - Payee’s name and instrument date to be filled up. - Verification by Supervisor under same option.
(IO/09/2010) Instruments drawn by Exchange Companies/Banks under Rupee Drawing Arrangement and received in clearing can now be entered through 5521 option: Type: Dividend Warrant.
CLEARING/OCC/CDB Account Number: FBK Code Customer Name: Name of Exchange House is displayed Cheque No: RDA Instrument Number Amount: Populated by the system basing on the Instrument Number. If found to tally with the instrument on hand, enter Date: Date of instrument Payee name: Name of Payee
28 ST032
Authorize Inward Clearing Batches
29 ST033
Inward Clearing Process
Data Entry Batch has to be authorized by a supervisor. When authorized, system holds the amount in the account for which cheque has been lodged if balance is available. Can be view through 7002. System will also generate a batch number for inward clearing which is used in option ST032. Very Important: Available to Supervisor. -
30 ST034
Scanning of Rejected Instruments
Scanning of Passed Instruments
Available to the supervisor System debits (passes) all operative/regular accounts where balance is available and cheques are in order (viewed in ST035) and remaining rejected (viewed in ST034) Whenever the supervisor authorizes, rejects/returns an instrument in ST034, running ST033 is necessary. Can be run any number of times List of rejected instruments are displayed The instrument can be authorized if rejected for reason of funds insufficiency. If rejected for reason of ‘cheque not issued’, first cheque is to be issued in CHM37 without Inventory required – entire series to be specified. Supervisor to authorize under ST034 After this, ST033 to be run to debit the accounts Remaining instruments will be available in ST034 which will be included in ‘MICR Returns Outward Clearing’ type by default In outward clearing module, run 7120 & ST023 List of passed instruments If the supervisor wants to reject /return a
33 7120
Inward Clearing Process
passed instrument, it can be done in this option by selecting proper reason from pick list Once rejected instruments passed under ST034 or passed instruments are rejected under ST035, ST033 is to be run again to effect the authorization in the system
Late Clearing These two programs are to be run for Inward Returns processed under ‘MICR Returns Outward Clearing’ type Maintenance 34 ST023 Outward Clearing OCC- OUTWARD CHEQUES FOR COLLECTION 35 6566 OCC Batch Data 1. CBS branch has to lodge OCC instruments on Entry Accounts Section/Main branch only as Destination Branch. 2. Mark ‘CBS-OSC’ on such covering schedule/instrument and send the same to Account Section/Main Branch only 3. Destination branch has to handle the instruments in CBS module only through 6806 and Teller has to select ‘OSC Clearing’ as Clearing Type Lodging /Booking of Cheques – Other than FOSC A. On outstation CBS/Non CBS/Other Bank Branches: Action: From Pick list – open data entry batch Batch No> Populated by the system Deposit Branch: From drop down list No of instruments: Up to 100 cheques in a batch Based on this field selection, number of rows with serial number, OCC serial number is populated. Cir 45/2012 SC Amount: A dialogue box has been provided which contains additional modifiable fields like postal charges, commission & service tax. Routing No/MICR Code: (a) For Non CBS branch/Bank: PSB/RRB (Amt < = 10000) – 999902902 PSB/RRB (Amt > 10000) – 999904904 PVT/SCH (Amt <= 10000) – 999901901 PVT/SCH (Amt > 10000) – 999903903 (For more, please refer Guidelines 38/07) (b) For CBS Branch, actual Routing Number (MICR CODE) printed on the instrument. Drawer’s Account: Actual appearing on the cheque
CLEARING/OCC/CDB Correspondent Bank Flag : To be ticked only if the instruments are sent to other Bank. For CBS branches, SHOULD NOT be ticked Correspondent Bank: To be picked depending on Bank/Amount/Days (For Other Bank) Dispatch Branch: From pick List (own branch) Destination Branch: If sending to CBS branch only Transit Period: To be selected from Pick List depending upon place – 10, 14, 30 days. System calculates interest on delayed collection based on the transit period selected. (For 30 days transit period, ZERO Interest Code is attached.) Cash letter Ref No: Leave blank GL/Customer Name: By default Remarks: If any Address 1: Details of the Bank to whom the instrument is being sent. 'TO' address in OCC Schedule Address 2: Details of Bank to which the instrument belongs. SAVE – Validate, Authorization by supervisor. Modification/Reversal of Batches – By specifying the appropriate action from Pick List. Deletion of records: Reopen the batch, select the record to be deleted, go to the end of the row and pick the 'Del' box and click on the delete button at the bottom. B.FOSC - On CBS FDs: NOTE: For all instruments to be lodged through 6566, Currency should be same (e.g. $), Instrument type should be same (e.g. Cheque) and Correspondent Bank should be same. All fields as explained above. Correspondent Bank flag should be ticked and appropriate Bank should be selected from the Pick List. e.g. USD CONVCBS/CONVNCBS FC to be selected for FOSC If instrument type is Traveler’s cheque, additional details are to be filled in the Pop up Screen. Transit Period: For FOSC, 30 days to be selected Cash letter Ref No: Should be blank
CLEARING/OCC/CDB Dispatch Branch: CBS branch reporting to a CBS FD, that FD should be selected as the Dispatch Branch – if Bangalore FD, then DP Code 599 Select appropriate data in the field ‘RBI Purpose Code’. Cash letter Ref No: Entered in case of Foreign Currency instruments being sent to our correspondent bank abroad The CBS branch only needs to lodge the FOSC in 6566 and authorize the records. Branch has to furnish the following details to CBS FD: Deposit Branch, Batch Number, Instrument type, Correspondent Bank Code and Serial number.
IMPORTANT Service Charge on F C Instruments (FOSC): System displays SC as applicable to domestic instruments. At the time of lodging the instruments, the SC displayed in the pop-up has to be changed as applicable to FC instruments – at present – it is 0.25% of the INR converted amount of the instrument. Also, applicable Service Tax has to be collected. The values so calculated have to be entered in the relevant fields after deleting the entire values displayed earlier by the system. Click on the ‘Save’ button before exiting the pop-up window (Guideline 56/2008).
OCC OPERATIONS 36 6806 Cheque Collection Processing
(Guidelines 38/07, 84/07, 27/08) Maker Checker facility has now been provided in Action Field -Add, Cancel, Auth (1) Dishonor OCC Corr Bank items: This option is used for dishonoring the items sent to Correspondent Bank. In case of CBS Branch, the destination branch will dishonor through 6560 option at their end. Lodging branch need not go for 6806 for dishonor of the same (2) Dispatch Schedule: (Mandatory) Teller has to select Add button from Pick List and click on 'Fetch' button to get the details of the instrument lodged. Click on
CLEARING/OCC/CDB Process box to mark dispatch, OK. Dispatch Schedule to be generated through 7775ST212-7778 (3) Mark Collection Items: This option is meant for Drawee CBS branch when the instruments are sent for collection. Teller to use Add option, Fetch records, select the instrument received to mark for the day's clearing Teller to select the clearing type. On running the Outward Clearing process at the receiving branch, the item gets reflected in the passbook/pass sheet of the depositor. The credit will be released to the respective accounts on running ST001 (value date process) by the receiving CBS Branch
Dispatch Branch has to generate report ST219 daily to know the realization status of the OCC lodged. (4) Reject Inquiry: If the system has rejected any transaction under OCC Operation, it displays the reject reasons under Dishonor, Dispatch, Mark, Realize, Reverse Dispatch etc. Cir 45/2012
(5) Realize OCC Corr Bank Items: When an instrument is sent to other Banks/RRB the lodging branch receives DD which is to be lodged under 6520, credit to 209272380. After that realization under 6806. (6) Reverse Dispatch Schedule: Teller can reverse the dispatch done for any instrument lodged by selecting Add button from pick list. (7) Authorization of OCC Operation: Supervisor to opt for 6806, select the action 'Auth' from pick list. System displays the list of instruments to be authorized by the supervisor. Click OK
B. For FOSC instruments sent to CBS FD : 6806 need not be visited. Dispatch, Realization/Dishonor of the instrument is done by CBS FD and not by the CBS Branch. to be conveyed to CBS FD along with instruments
CLEARING/OCC/CDB CBD/FCDB CHEQUE Purchase may be of two types: (I) Local Cheque Purchase – Against outward clearing lodged through 6501/6512/5506 etc. Then ST023 (II) Outstation Cheque Purchase against OSC/FOSC lodged under 6566 and 6806. (Dispatch schedule) Before purchasing a cheque, Cheque Purchase Limit should be maintained. 37 CHM47 Account Cheque Teller under ADD Mode: Purchase Limit Account Number: CASA Maintenance Limit Amount: Equal to cheque amount in case of non sanctioned limits Limit Start Date & End date: Date of maintenance for non-sanctioned limits Available in %: Always keep 100% Authorize under the same option. 38 ST070
Cheque Purchase
Select Tab: Local Cheque Purchase or Outstation Cheque Purchase depending on instrument lodged - Mark Cheque Purchase button - Enter Account Number - Pick OCC/Clg cheque lodged from web page dialogue - Limit and instrument details defaulted - Specify the purchase details - (a) TCY Amt – Cheque amount - (b) Int Days – No of days for interest to be collected - (c) Int Variance: if any - System populates total interest which can be rounded off to the next higher rupee under TCY Int Amt field – OK - Authorize locally. System populates purchase Sl No. with Running Serial Number like 1,2,3,etc. 7775 – ST646 – 7778: Balancing of CDB
By whom
5506,6501 Open teller batch and enter the data. After 6512,6520 entering the data save & validate the records. Teller STEP 1 1065,1068 1072 2 ST6002 Outward Clearing batch wise instruments details Teller STEP 2 (report) (before authorization by supervisor) 3 5506,6501 Authorize the validated batch 6512,6520 Supervisor STEP 3 1065,1068 1072 4 ST6002 Outward Clearing batch wise instruments details Teller STEP 4 (report) (after authorization by supervisor) The above report will store the user id of teller and supervisor who have done the batch data entry. The same will not be available once EOD is over. So branches have to generate and preserve the same daily without fail. 5
ST038 (report) 8317 8423
10 11 12
ST637 (report) ST900 (report) ST605 (report)
Late marking - select the respective clearing type Supervisor (cut off) After running 7120 if any cheques are lodged, the instruments will go to next days clearing without giving any message. So before running 7120 supervisor should confirm whether all instruments pertaining to that day are lodged. Run outward clearing process Supervisor System will keep the credit as un-cleared balance. Cheques sent in outward clearing Teller Raise LCCR/BAR – Dr 170000010/BAR GL Cr 170000020 Floppy to clearing house (only for MICR centre) Floppy to clearing house (for MMBCS package) Outward clearing bank wise, instrument wise totals
CLEARING/OCC/CDB 13 ST623 (report) 1
4500 4503 4502 ST999 (report) 1005
3 4 5
Outward clearing consolidated bank wise totals
OUTWARD CLEARING RETURNS Online cheque return - enter the cheques to be returned Authorize the cheque returns Submit the transaction authorized by supervisor Outward clearing cheque returns report
Responding LCCR/BAR LCCR/BAR – Dr LCCR 170000020 Teller STEP 5 Cr 170000010/IBA 6 ST001 Value dating/regularization of clearing by giving the correct value date (select the respective clearing Supervisor STEP 6 type). The un-cleared balance will be cleared by system. All outward clearing reports to be generated daily without fail as the same will not be available for back dates Wherever branches are attached to LPC, reports should be generated by the respective branches for their record purpose and for future fut ure reference also.
REPORTS AVAILABLE UNDER WEBI (BUSINESS OBJECTS) ARE AS UNDER: 120040_Daily_Statistics_of_Clearing_transactions_Staffwise 120020_LCCR GL Details for a period 124703_GL_Tallying_Reconciliation_Report
Sl No Option 1
2 3 4
Open teller batch and enter the data. After entering the data save & validate the records. r ecords. 5521 If data received in soft copy, open teller batch and load the floppy received from clearing house, save & validate the records. ST6001 Inward clearing batch wise instruments (report) details (before authorization by supervisor) supervisor) 5521 Authorize the validated batches
By whom
Teller Teller
Teller Supervisor
ST6001 Inward clearing batch wise instruments Teller STEP 4 (report) details (after authorization authorization by supervisor) The above report will store the user ID of teller and supervisor who has done the batch data. The same will not be available once EOD is over. So branches have to take the same daily without fail. 5 ST032 Authorize the clearing batches Supervisor STEP 5 6 ST033 Run Inward Clearing Process - actual debit will Supervisor STEP 6 take place 7 ST661 Consolidated return instruments report to be Teller/ STEP 7 (report) generated (can be used as any funds register) r egister) Supervisor 8 ST034 Scan for inward clearing returns (rejected Supervisor STEP 8 instruments) 9 ST034 If branch wants to pass any returned Supervisor cheques, authorize the same (process in STEP 9 inward clearing to be selected) 10 ST033 Again run inward clearing process compulsorily Supervisor if any returned instruments are passed STEP 10 through ST034 11 ST035 Scan passed instruments (returning of any Supervisor passed instruments) - once returned through STEP 11 this option the same cannot be passed again. 12 ST639 Inward clearing summary Teller STEP 12 (report) The above report will store the user ID of supervisor who has permitted TOD for passing the rejected instruments through option ST034. The same will not be available once EOD is over. So branches have to generate and preserve the same daily without fail.
Responding LCCR/BAR LCCR/BAR (for full amount) Teller Dr LCCR 170000020 and Cr 170000010/IBA INWARD CLEARING RETURNS Mark late clearing for returns Supervisor
Run Outward Clearing Process for returned Supervisor instruments 3 ST661 Consolidated return instruments report to be Supervisor (report) generated (now system shows only returned r eturned instruments) 4 8317 Raise LCCR/BAR – Teller 8423 Dr 170000010/BAR 170000010/BAR GL Cr 170000020 (for returns) All inward clearing reports have to be generated daily without fail
Wherever branches are attached to LPCs, they should generate the respective reports for their branch. This is for their records and for future futur e reference also.
REPORTS AVAILABLE UNDER WEBI (BUSINESS OBJECTS): ST639_Inward Clearing Activity_Summary For Archival Period 124703_GL_TALLYING_RECONCILIATION_REPORT 120020_LCCR GL Details for a period 120040_Daily_Statistics_of_Clearing_transactions_Staffwise
Issue Against Account CASA Issue of free DD to eligible SB account holders Against Cash(Walk-in Customer) Against GL 02. Payment/Liquidation (Cancellation/payment/ refund)
8305 8306 8310
8301 8302 8307
Gift Cheque / TC Gift Cheques Withdrawn
8003 Cash 1409 A/c
Guideline 30/2011 DD drawn on Main Branch or Accounts Section may be paid by any branch located in that centre through 8310 option. BA DDs Paid GL – 123500110 should not be debited for such transactions
06. 07. 08.
09. 10
DD Cancellation/Refund should be exercised at the DD Issue Branch only 5525 5525 Remittance and printing Teller cannot reverse the printed DD. This has to be cancelled and issued fresh. Before print can be reversed using 6006 7783 7782 Duplicate print Duplicate DD can be printed at Issue Br only when the DD Issued to CBS to CBS and after the status is marked as LOST. For Non CBS Br to be cancelled and fresh issued. 8315 8314 Status enquiry (Lost Status update) DD marked as LOST in 8315 cannot be issued, if marked as CAUTION it can be issued 8325 Revalidation Maintenance of DD details (Non CBS) Enter the NCBS 8323 DD number in ‘Printed Serial No.’ Field. Consolidated DD/PO issue 5511 5511 System calculates Service Charges, Commission and Sertax and credits respective GL heads which is not modifiable. Payees Bank and Branch Code can be entered directly. Beneficiary field can contain up to 120 Characters ST074 ST074 Remittance enquiry T C Balancing
ST074 6203
Sl No
FBK Code
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
049 079 080 141 148 149 160 161 162 164 166 171 173 174 106 167 134 138
Sl Fast No Path 01 8326
Description D W Liquidation Inquiry
Utility/Remarks For payment by credit to GL: Liquidation Mode : Payment Serial No: RDA Cheque Number Lot Number: Foreign Bank Cod Number Click on OK. Instrument details are populated. On confirmation, field for entering GL Code is enabled.
D W Liquidation Inquiry
For payment by credit to CASA Liquidation Mode : Payment Serial No: RDA Cheque Number Lot Number: Foreign Bank Cod Number Click on OK. Instrument details are populated. On confirmation, field for entering CASA number is enabled.
DW Status Maintenance
Issuer Code: RDA – DD – BANK/ RDA – DD – EXCH CO Lot No: FBK Code DW No: RDA Instrument Number. Click on the Pick List. Instrument details are populated. New DW Status: Reissue/Lost/Reval. Lost status can be marked by any Branch and VOSTRO Section. Reissue/Reval can be done by Home Branch (VOSTRO) only.
Remittance Inquiry
Type: Dividend Warrant (DW) Issuer Name: RDA – DD – BANK/ RDA – DD – EXCH CO Select By: If Issue Branch, select VOSTRO Section DP Code If Payee Branch, select Drawee Branch Code Date from: & Date to: Maximum one month range Serial No: If Lot Number is given, data is selected for that Exchange House/Bank only.
Generic External File Upload
1. GEFU file has to be created in EXCEL format with System Code as ‘DWL’ 2. File created will be placed in the Server by TM Section. 3. Uploading through BA450 Report on Accepted Entries
07 BA111 7775-7778 Report on Rejected Entries Following reports are available to Branch/VOSTRO Section: 7775-7778 ST227 – Instruments Paid ST229 – Stop Payment Marked Instruments ST232 – Stale Instruments Outstanding ST233 – Outstanding Instruments
HEAD OFFICE/BAR Sl Fast Description No Path GENERATION OF IBA 01 8416 Generate IBA against Cash
Utility/Remarks Debit Cash credit HO (Cash Bars)
02 8417
Generate IBA against GL
Debit GL credit HO (Remittance of Sertax)
03 8418
Generate IBA against Account
Debit CASA and Credit HO
04 5512
IBA Issue/Responding with Multiple Accounts (Guideline 74/08)
Batch Type: ‘IBA issue against multiple accounts’ Action: Open Data Entry Batch No of Accounts/GL: No of accounts /GL to be debited Bank Code: Select Appropriate Code from pick list Payable/Issue Branch: Responding Branch DP Code Total IBA Amount: IBA Amount Acct Currency: INR Beneficiary Name: Enter IBA description Beneficiary Address: Enter IBA details Transaction Narration: Modifiable field Transaction Code: HO transaction code from drop down box. Upon clicking on OK button, system will make available that many numbers of rows as entered in ‘No of Accounts/GL’ field. Account Type: GL or CASA Account Account No: CASA Account Cheque No: Number/Blank if against debit slip Amount: Exact amount to be debited to account Save & Validate. Officer to authorize selecting option thru ‘Action’. IBA number is generated after authorization. Printing through 5525
RESPONDING OF IBA 05 8419 Respond IBA/Generate BAR Inquiry
When IBA is Received from CBS Branches. Select Payment Mode. When CBS IBA is responded to BAR GL, system automatically invokes option 8420. Presently, in ORG BAR NO field, the 12 digit IBA number is displayed. Replace this with 12 digits BAR Number. There is no need to credit the IBA amount to parking GL for the purpose of realizing the BAR.
Maintain IBA/BAR issue
Responding of Non CBS IBA after maintaining the details and making payment by selecting the appropriate mode like cash, account etc.
Responding of IBA: Rectification entries through 8423 for wrongly responded non CBS IBAs: Issuer Bank Code: Canara Bank Non CBS IBA Rectification Entry: Check this box HO A/c Debit/ HO A/c Credit buttons are enabled. Select the appropriate button. Instrument Amount: Enter only the rectification amount (difference amount) IBA Date: Original IBA Date IBA No: Original non-CBS IBA No. IBA/BAR Narration: Defaulted – may be modified appropriately Transaction Code: 99 – All kinds without advice . Payment Mode: GL/CASA. 8420/8421 is enabled. Upon continuing FCR IBA Serial is generated. Click ‘OK’ and Authorize. (Guideline 07/09) BAR GENERATION: For the benefit of Designated CBS branches (B Category) and Foreign Departments, new GL Code 123501060 – BA BAR on FD/ID has been made available. While raising BAR on FD/ID, designated branches have to select Bank Code ‘BA BAR on FD/ID’. Partial responding of the BARs raised thru this option is possible (Guideline 60/08) 07 5512
IBA Issue/Responding with Multiple Accounts (Guideline 74/08)
Batch Type: ‘IBA responding against multiple accounts’ Action: Open Data Entry Batch No of Accounts/GL: No of accounts /GL to be credited IBA Serial No: 12 digit CBS number. If non CBS, maintain thru 8423 and then respond. Bank Code: Select Appropriate Code from pick list Payable/Issue Branch: Originating Branch DP Code Total IBA Amount: IBA Amount Acct Currency: INR Beneficiary Name: Enter IBA description Beneficiary Address: Enter IBA details Transaction Narration: Modifiable field
HEAD OFFICE/BAR Transaction Code: HO transaction code from drop down box. Upon clicking on OK button, system will make available that many number of rows as entered in ‘No of Accounts/GL’ field’
Account Type: GL or CASA Account Account No: CASA Account Cheque No: Number/Blank if against debit slip Amount: Exact amount to be debited to account Save & Validate. Officer to authorize selecting option thru ‘Action’ (Guideline 74/08). IBA PRINTING – Effective 22.06.2011, CBS IBAs need not be printed. They are to be responded after confirming through ST074. BO Report 124910 is available. 08 5525 Remittances Printing of IBA/BAR/LCCR/DD/Pay Order by selecting Printing appropriate 'Payable Bank' Mode 09
Duplicate IBA: When original IBA issued prior to CBS: To be issued manually by adjusting inventory under IV002
Duplicate IBA Print
Remittance Inquiry
For issuing duplicate IBA generated by CBS Br. after enquiring under ST074 and print through 5525. No report is available for Duplicate IBA issued.
IBA Status enquiry based on Instrument type, Issuer Code, Issuer Payee Br, Date from and to (maximum of 30 days), Instrument Status – Paid, outstanding or all, FC Serial No. Instrument Inventory No and Print Status. Double Clicking on each row populates the details of the relevant entry. Please Note: 1. The IBA number consists of 12 digits. IBA Narration - minimum 2 lines mandatory. HO transaction code from list, Cheque no as 000000000 (9 zeroes) if debit slip is used.
NEFT/RTGS Sl Fast Description Utility/Remarks No Path STRAIGHT THROUGH PROCESSING OF NEFT 01 Multiple 8335 DO NOT use SFMS for creating outward message Customer Debit DO NOT use the incoming message report from SFMS to Messages give credit or return the message DO NOT debit HO Clearing Section Mumbai to credit the customer account. In Straight Through Processing (STP) system verifies the 13 digit account number. If this is wrong, message will be returned. Message is CREATED by Teller and Verified by a Supervisor.
(HO Circular 321/2011)
Batch Operation: Batch Open Batch No: Populated by System Batch Currency: INR Network Product Code: a. N06(NEFT OUTWARD) b. N06_WALKIN c. NEFT_NEPAL d. NEFT_GL Message Type: N06 Payment Mode: CASA or CASH If CASA, Account No. field is highlighted. Total Debit Amount: Enter total debit amount Total transactions: Enter number of transactions SC Amount: Calculated by the system and automatically debited to the account For cash transactions, SC amount + Total Debit amount should be collected.
CHEQUE PAYMENT TAB Cheque No: Enter cheque number Cheque Details: Enter details, SAVE
(HO Cir 104/10)
REMITTANCE DETILS TAB Sender’s IFSC: Your branch IFSC Service Centre Branch: CNRB0MUMCLG Ordering Customer: Details of the remitter Mobile No: Defaulted if available in CIM09
NEFT/RTGS E-mail ID: Defaulted if available in CIM09 Else enter here after obtaining from Customer. Whatever entered here will not percolate back to CIM09. Preference is to be given to Mobile Number. If customer is not having either, enter branch e-mail ID. SAVE TRANSACTIONS DETAILSTAB Account Type: From available option – CREDIT CARD payment now enabled. Transaction Amount: Total Debit Amount, if transaction no. = 1 Enter Beneficiary Name, Receiver’s IFSC, Address of the beneficiary and narration. SCROLL DOWN, Click on SAVE. Click on RELEASE. MODIFICATION; (of Beneficiary details possible only before authorization) Batch Operation: Modify. Double click on the desired Transaction, modify, save and RELEASE. REVERSAL: (of the Batch is possible only before Authorization) Batch Operation: Batch Reversal. Select the Batch to reverse and click OK. INQUIRY: All incoming and outgoing transactions can be inquired through this option. Batch Operation: Batch Inquire. SUBMIT FOR AUTHORIZATION: Batch Operation: Submit for Authorization. Transaction must be submitted for authorization on the same day. Select the Batch and click OK. AUTHORIZATION: All transactions initiated must be authorized on the same day. Batch Operation: Batch Authorization. Batch No: Click on the pick list. All pending batches are displayed. Click OK.
Outward Message Inquiry
Query Parameters: Network ID: NEFT-NEFT
03 PM10
Message Browser Action: Outbound/Inbound Posting Date: Branch Code: In case of Net Banking remittances, branch code is 9999.
04 PM11
Inward Message Inquiry
Query Parameters: Network ID: NEFT-NEFT
Report ID BA121 is available through 7775 for NEFT transactions for a given date. OPERATING RTGS IN CORE BANKING RTGS is accessed through: - Three types of users: Initiator, Authorizer and Releaser
- Above 100 crores, two authorizations are required `
Releaser is required if the amount is One Crore and above 6 digit User-id is created for the identified Users Login through SFMS/Smart Card/E-Token is not required INITIATE CUSTOMER PAYMENT: (298R41) (Mandatory fields are indicated with an *) HEADER: Receiver Address: Select Receiver IFSC through Look Up TRANSACTION: Account Type: Select Customer, if Debit to account Enter Account Number, Cheque Number if any, Transaction Amount OTHER: Enter the following details: Ordering Customer, Beneficiary Customer Account, Beneficiary Customer Details, Payment Details, Sender to Receiver Information, if any. Account with Institution: Is defaulted to 6516 for 298R41 CLICK on Initiate. System will display all information for final confirmation. CLICK on Confirm. `
INITIATE BANK PAYMENT: (298R42) (Mandatory fields are indicated with an *) Enter Related Reference Number. Receiver Address: Select Receiver IFSC through Look
TRANSACTION: Account Type: General Ledger Enter Account Number, Transaction Amount BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION: Beneficiary Institution is defaulted to 6521. Beneficiary Institution Code through ‘Look Up’. Code: CREDIT Beneficiary Institution Details Sender to Receiver Information CLICK on Initiate. System will display all information for final confirmation. At this stage, it is possible for the initiator to change the details entered before finally confirming by opting for ‘Change’. CLICK on Confirm AUTHORIZE : Login as Authorizer. Click on Pending Authorization - Screen will show Interbank payment and Customer Bank Payment. Click on required type. Search Criteria is enabled. Select using the search parameters. Unique T ransaction Reference (UTR) with link is displayed. Click on the desired number and the transaction is displayed. Authorize, Reject, cancel are enabled. Check and if OK click on Authorize. MODIFY OUTGOING CUSTOMER PAYMENT: (By Initiator) Permits modification of a transaction rejected by the Authorizer. Click on the option. Search Criteria is enabled. Select using the search parameters. Unique T ransaction Reference (UTR) with link is displayed. Click on the desired number and the transaction is displayed. Modify relevant fields. Click on ‘Modify’ to affect the modification made.
NEFT/RTGS For modifying Bank Payment, select Modify Outgoing Bank Payment option form the Menu. RELEASE PAYMENT: (Only if the amount is One crore and above) Login as Releaser. Click on Release Payment. Search Criteria is enabled. Select using the search parameters. Unique T ransaction Reference (UTR) with link is displayed. Click on the desired number and the transaction is displayed. Release, Cancel, Reject is enabled. Check and if OK click on Release. STATUS OF THE OUTWARD MESSGES: 1. When Initiated: SEMI AUTHORIZED 2. When Authorized/Released: Sent to PI Acknowledge by PI Rejected by PI Rejected by RBI Completed. (Indicates Settlement at RBI). INWARD Messages are processed automatically. If received with a valid 13 digit account number, amount will be directly credited to the account otherwise rejected and amount will in branch GL209272434 STATUS OF THE INWARD MESSGES: 1. Completed 2. Account Entry Failed (In case the message does not have 13 digit account format.) Account Entry failed messages (AFD) can be disposed through ‘Rejected Incoming Payments’. If any entry is accepted, the accounting entries have to be passed manually by debiting SL GL 290272434 If rejected, system will initiate an R42 transaction and will be automatically sent to the Sender Bank.
PAYMENT OF INWARD R42 MESSAGE: Credit in respect of inward message will be available in the Branch SL GL 209272434. Reversal to beneficiary’s account shall be done manually by debiting this GL
NEFT/RTGS RTGS Commission is not automated. Collect manually. Ref HO Cir 24/2012 for Change in Accounting procedure under RTGS - STP Ref HO Cir 155/2012 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System – Consolidated Circular Branch GL 209272434 has been included for Pre Branch Batch Closure check.
NET BANKING NET BANKING & SMS ALERTS NET BANKING FACILITY - RETAIL IMB Module is accessed through: - Two types of users: Teller (Creator/Maker), Supervisor (Checker/Authorizer) - Separate User-id is created for the identified Users with prefixes TEL/SUP - Activity initiated by a Teller has to be authorized by a supervisor and that initiated by a supervisor has to be authorized by another supervisor. - After Login, three TABs are available in the opening page – USER PROFILE, MISCELLANEOUS, PASSWORD. - Under User Profile, Create User is the default page. PREREQUISITES IN CBS: CIM09: Ensure the following: 1. Address in customer data is the same as that given in the IMB application. 2. Telephone, Mobile number and Email ID is provided and updated. 3. Mobile number is entered in Mobile filed prefixed with the number 91 for domestic numbers and 00 (zero) for international numbers 4. Correct Date of birth is entered in Individual Information TAB. CH021: Ensure that Net Banking flag is updated in Accounts Detail 2 TAB. IMPORTANT: Any changes made in this module will not percolate back to the CBS module. NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS ARE TO BE USED IN ANY OF THE FIELDS TELLER ACTIVITY IN ‘USER PROFILE’ TAB
Create User
Base User Type: External User Type: Retail Search Criteria: Search on Primary Customer ID only (CBS Customer ID). Click on ‘Search’. Customer ID along with the name of the customer is displayed. Select the Customer ID and click on ‘Next’. Customer Profile as available in CIM09 is populated. Fields denoted with * are mandatory. User ID: Has to be Unique ID. Give the CBS Customer ID prefixed with first character of customer name. Nick Name: Enter the Branch Name. Salutation: Mr./Mrs./Ms etc First Name: First Name/Full Name of the customer. Last Name: Last Name/Surname/Initials. (In migrated accounts, this may not be so available. In such case, delete the last name/surname/initials part from the first name field and enter the same in this field.) Mailer Assignment: Mailer Assigned/Mailer Not Assigned – to be selected appropriately if welcome kit is given Mailer Number: As appearing on the welcome Kit
NET BANKING Ensure that City, State, Country and Zip (PIN Code) are displayed in the relevant fields. If not modify them. Phone: Enter land line number Mobile Number: Enter Mobile number with country code 91 for India or 00 for abroad Email: Enter the email ID. Date of Birth: Ensure correct date of birth is displayed. Choose Channels to be granted: Internet Banking is checked by default. Do not change. Choose User Control data: Do not make any changes here. Click on ‘Next’. Roles data page is displayed. Select Roles for Retail Application ALL FACILITIES ASBA ALL RTGS TRANSACTIONS DEMAND DRAFT FOR PAYMENT OF INDIRECT ETAX FUNDS TRANSFER WITH TAX PAYMENT INQUIRY WITH ALL TAX PAYMENTS ONLY INQUIRY WITHOUT TAX PAYMENT NEFT FUNDS TRANSFER STANDING INSTRUCTION
‘All facilities’ should not be attached to any user. Click on ‘Next’. ‘Verify data page’ with the profile created is displayed. If OK, click on ‘Confirm’.
Modify user/ Delete user
Search on Customer ID and select the ID. Details are displayed. Modify or delete. To be authorized by the supervisor.
Lock user
Enables locking a User at his requests or when Bank wants to suspend the activity of a customer in his account. Search on Customer ID and select. Upon display of the ID, click on ‘Lock’.
Unlock user:
For Unlocking of a user locked as in above cases. The system locks out a customer on three consecutive attempts for login with wrong password. Search on Customer ID and select. Upon display of the ID, click on ‘Unlock’.
Activate user
Activating the user for accessing Internet Banking. To be done only after the Customer acknowledges the receipt of PIN mailers sent by DIT and submits the acknowledgement slip to the branch duly signed ‘PASSWORD’ TAB
Change Password
For changing the password of the Branch user.
Reset Password
For resetting the password of a customer (retail user). Reset has to be done against written request of the Customer. If the customer status is locked at the time of reset, unlock first and then reset. Fresh PIN Mailer is sent by DIT. ‘MISCELLANEOUS’ TAB
Pending Authorization
Pending Authorization summary under different activity w ith the number of transactions pending authorization is displayed. Click on the desired activity. Select the desired record by the UserID of the teller (Initiator).
Alert Registration: This option is available to the supervisor and does not require authorization. Select on Customer ID. User Name and Customer ID are displayed. Account Number: All accounts under the CBS Customer ID are displayed in the drop down box. Pick the required account. DEBIT ALERT: >= 5000 BALANCE ALERT: Currently not available CREDIT ALERT: >= 5000 Alerts are available through Email and/or SMS. Tick the relevant boxes. For SMS alert registration, the customer need not be enlisted under Internet Banking Facility. It is sufficient if the customer’s mobile number prefixed with 91(for India) and 00 (Zero for International) is captured in Mobile Field in CIM09 09
NET BANKING NET BANKING FACILITY - CORPORATE IMB Module is accessed through: - Two types of users: Teller (Creator/Maker), Supervisor (Checker/Authorizer) - Separate User-id is created for the identified Users with prefix TEL/SUP and suffix C - Activity initiated by a Teller has to be authorized by a supervisor and that initiated by a supervisor has to be authorized by another supervisor. - After Login, four TABs are available in the opening page – CORPORATE ADMIN, USER PROFILE, MISCELLANEOUS, PASSWORD. PREREQUISITES IN CBS: CIM09: Ensure the following: 1. Address in customer data is the same as that given in the IMB application. 2. Telephone, Mobile number and Email ID is provided and updated. 3. Mobile number is entered in Mobile filed prefixed with the number 91 for domestic numbers and 00 for international numbers 4 Correct Date of birth/Registration is entered in Individual Information TAB. CH021: Ensure that Net Banking flag is updated in Accounts Detail 2 TAB. Unless this is done, account will not be available under ‘Get Accounts’. IMPORTANT: Any changes made in this module will not percolate back to the CBS module. NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS ARE TO BE USED IN ANY OF THE FIELDS. TELLER ACTIVITY IN ‘CORPORATE ADMIN' TAB
Download Customer
Search Criteria: Search on Primary Customer ID only (CBS Customer ID). Click on ‘Search’. Customer ID along with the name of the customer is displayed. Select the Customer ID and click on ‘Download’
Get Accounts
Search Criteria: Search on Primary Customer ID only (CBS Customer ID). Click on ‘Search’. Customer ID along with the name of the customer is displayed. Click on the Customer ID. Accounts of the Customer are displayed. Click on 'Download Accounts ' After downloading the accounts, Customer-Auth Engine Mapping is enabled. Click on 'Submit' Customer will be available for user creation once the record is authorized by the supervisor.
Create User
Base User Type: External User Type: Group Admin User Group Business User Admin User Business User. Select ‘Business User’ Search Criteria: Search on Primary Customer ID only (CBS Customer ID). Click on ‘Search’. Customer ID along with the name of the customer is displayed. Select the Customer ID and click on ‘Next’. Customer Profile as available in CIM09 is populated. Fields denoted with * are mandatory. User ID: Has to be Unique ID. Give few alphabets of the name of the customer suffixed by one or two numbers. Minimum length is 6 and maximum is 10. Nick Name: Enter the Branch DP Code Salutation: Select correct type. First Name: First Name of the customer. Last Name: Last Name (Ensure that City, State, Country and Zip (PIN Code) are displayed in the relevant fields. If not modify them. Phone: Enter land line number Mobile Number: Enter Mobile number. Email: Enter the email ID. Date of Birth: Ensure correct date of birth/Registration is displayed. Choose Channels to be granted: Internet Banking is checked by default. Do not change. Choose User Control data: Do not make any changes here. Click on ‘Next’. Roles data page is displayed. Select Roles: ALL OPTIONS FOR CORPORATE USER ALL RTGS TRANSACTIONS INQUIRY WITHOUT DIRECT TAX INDIRECT TAX PAYMENT FUNDS TRANSFER CORPORATE USERS INQUIRY WITH ALL TAX PAYMENTS NEFT CORPORATE USERS
NET BANKING ‘Initially, only INQUIRY option to be provided. Click on ‘Next’. ‘Verify data page’ with the profile created is displayed. If OK, click on ‘Confirm’.
Modify User/ Delete User
Search on Customer ID and select the ID. Details are displayed. Modify or delete. To be authorized by the supervisor.
Lock User
Enables locking a User at his requests or when Bank wants to suspend the activity of a customer in his account. Search on Customer ID and select. Upon display of the ID, click on ‘Lock’.
Unlock User
For Unlocking of a user locked as in above cases. The system locks out a customer on three consecutive attempts for login with wrong password. Search on Customer ID and select. Upon display of the ID, click on ‘Unlock’.
Activate User: (Supervisor Activity)
Activating the user for accessing Internet Banking. To be done only after the Customer acknowledges the receipt of PIN mailers sent by DIT and submits the acknowledgement slip to the branch duly signed. Required facility can be permitted at this stage by changing the 'ROLES'
‘MISCELLANEOUS’ TAB (Supervisor Activity)
Pending Authorization
Pending Authorization summary under different activity with the number of transactions pending authorization is displayed. Click on the desired activity Select the desired record by the UserID of the teller (Initiator) ‘PASSWORD’ TAB
Change Password
For changing the password of the Branch user.
Reset Password .
For resetting the password of a customer. Before resetting the password, the Customer has to be deactivated first by the Supervisor. Reset has to be done against written request of the Customer. If the customer status is locked at the time of reset, unlock first and then reset. Fresh PIN Mailer is sent by DIT.
ALERT REGISTRATION IS THROUGH RETAIL USER CREATION PROGRAM This option is available to the supervisor and does not require authorization. Select on Customer ID. User Name and Customer ID are displayed. Account Number: All accounts under the CBS Customer ID are displayed in the drop down box. Pick the required account. DEBIT ALERT: >= 5000 BALANCE ALERT: Currently not available CREDIT ALERT: >= 5000 Alerts are available through Email and/or SMS. Tick the relevant boxes.
For SMS alert registration, the customer need not be enlisted under Internet Banking Facility. It is sufficient if the customer’s mobile number prefixed with 91 (for India) and 00 (Zero for International) is captured in Mobile Field in CIM09 DETAILS OF IMB USERS OF A BRANCH: Is available through CANNET – Go to ‘PRODUCTS’ ‘OTHERS’ ‘DELIVERY CHANNEL PRODUCTS’ IMB CORPORATE/IMB RETAIL USERS. Report Report Report details
can be generated on DPCD, User ID or Customer ID. based on Customer ID or User ID will give details of that customer only. based on DPCD will give a list of all IMB users of that branch and the following are made available: User ID, User Name, Customer ID and Date Created.
IMB application formats also are available in CANNET under Delivery Channel Products Refer HO Cir 346/2011 regarding funds transfer facility to Corporate Customers
General Ledger (GL)
Direct (Posting)
Implemented (Pointing)
Exact Matching
Indirect (system)
Multiple Matching
Sl No 01
Fast Path 1060
Voucher Entry
05 06
1021 1008
08 09
9540 GLM04
TD Payin – GL Transfer Miscellaneous Customer Debit Miscellaneous Customer Credit Miscellaneous Loan Debit GL transactions and movements inquiry
GL-Miscellaneous Debit Against Cash GL-Miscellaneous Credit Against Cash Miscellaneous GL Transfer
Utility/Remarks Debit GL and credit Cash (E.g. Payment of Coolie charges, ATM Cash etc) Debit Cash and Credit GL (E.g. Comm/Sertax on DD issued) Both for transfer from Implemented to Non implemented and vice versa and also from Non implemented to Non-implemented GL account transfer. Used for Multiple matching and exact matching type GL. Implemented to Implemented GL transfer. For posting single/multiple Debit/credit in GL/CASA. Max 99 transactions in a batch. Customer a/c HOLD to be ticked to keep the transaction amount in hold at data entry level itself. Recon number is available through Pick list while adjusting entries towards implemented GLs. Debit GL and Credit Time Deposit Debit CASA credit GL Debit GL Credit CASA To reverse a wrong Credit in a Loan Account. 1. Transaction - To view the GL Ledger 2. Movement – To view total Debit/Credit/ Closing Balance for a range of dates. 3. Reconciliation – To know item wise balance outstanding for implemented GL.
REPORTS UNDER CBS Reports/Statements Business Objects Application
*FAST PATH FOR FCR 7775 Report request 7778 Advice/Report status inquiry 7780 Advice/Report cancel request **BUSINESS OBJECTS URL http://businessobjects:8080/InfoViewApp/logon.jsp
Login canara Password Canara Login for branches coming under respective circle Login can Password can
Important reports are available to the Branch through DNS: http://cbsreports:500/ IMPORTANT: REPORT 280070 – Report for Auto NPA Data Cleaning is available in Business Objects
Sl. Stmt No Statement Name No Statements dependent on AC002 1 Bal Sheet Sector-wise Asset Classification of advances Statements dependent on BA020 1 PRR 12 Expiry Date of loan paper /AOD/AOS 2 PRR 33A Statement of LPD accounts 3 PRR 33B Age-wise / Quantum-wise Distribution of LPD accounts 4 PRR 33C Sector-wise classification of LPD accounts 5 PSR 3 BSR III - Advances against selected securities 6 PSR 67 Exposure to Sensitive Sector 7 POR 6 position of claim paid accounts under small Loans Guarantee scheme Advances supporting Sheet 8 Bal Sheet Agriculture Loan accounts Return No.23 Statements dependent on BAM83 1 PSR 1 Flash Report 2 PSR 2 Form D - Deployment of Funds to Industries 3 PSR 4 BSR 1A - Accounts with Credit Limit over 2 lacs 4 PSR 5 BSR 1B - Accounts with Credit Limit up to Rs. 2 Lacs 5 PSR 14 Return on Export Credit 6 PSR 19 SGSY Statement 7 PSR 20 Progress Report on SGSY Scheme 8 PSR 21 Special Return on Advances to Agriculture , Other Priority Sector and Weaker Section 9 PSR 23 Advances to Priority Sector 10 PSR 23A Advances to Priority Sector 11 PSR 29 Agriculture Loan Return (DCB) 12 PSR 32 LBS 3 & LBS 4 13 PSR 33 LBS 5 & LBS 6 14 PSR 45 LBR 2 Lead Bank Returns 15 PSR 46 LBR U2 Lead Bank Returns 16 PSR 48 Statement on SLRS Scheme 17 PSR 50 PMRY Subsidy claim Statement 18 PSR 51 PMRY Quarterly Progress Report 19 PSR 52 PMRY Monthly Progress Report
REPORTS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
PSR 53 PSR 60 PSR 68 PSR 71 PSR 72 PSR 73 PSR 75 PSR 77 PSR 78 PSR 80 PSR 81 STR 11/11A STR 13 STR 20 STR 30 POR 21 ORR
PMRY Monthly Progress Report SJSRY - Monthly Progress Report Statement on Housing Finance Scheme Retail Lending - Flash SME Loans without collateral securities and composite loan Monthly NPA Statement Region / State / Activity wise Disbursement under Agriculture -SACP Kisan Credit Card - Monthly Progress Report SGSY Statement Performance under Newly introduced scheme of Priority Credit Position of application, sanctions, disbursement of Education Loans RBI Statement / Statement of Business Position
Statement on DIR scheme Recovery and Performance under Govt. sponsored schemes Inflow/outflow of deposits under NRE Rupee A/c Scheme NABARD-Monthly refinance Disbursement register Statement on Sub-standard assets-Branch sanctions Advances supporting Sheet Agriculture Loan accounts 37 Bal Sheet Gross Credit to Priority Sector Non-Priority Sector Statements dependent on CIM09 1 PRR 8 Statement on Credit Review and Programming 2 PRR 20A Credit Report cum Inward Application Register 3 PRR 41 Details of Standard assets lost to other Banks 4 PSR 7 Priority Sector advances to specified minority communities 5 PSR 26 Financial assistance to women beneficiaries 6 STR 19 Deposit Insurance Return – III 7 Advances supporting Sheet Bal Sheet 8 Staff Loans Statements dependent on LNM99 1 Bal Sheet Advances supporting Sheet
REPORTS LIST OF MANDATORY REPORTS (FCR) (Ref HO Cir 122/2010) Sl No 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Report ID AB600 AT100 AT006 AT600 AT601 AT607 BA001 BA110 BA111 CH602 CH621 CH632 CH658 FC605 GL604 GL611
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
SM5003 SM5005 SM6000 SM6004 SM6009 SM603 ST038 ST101 ST209 ST613 ST635 ST639 ST644
29 30 31 32 33
ST649 ST651 ST661 ST999 ST6001
Report Name AWB Inward / Outward TXNs. ATM Force Posted Transaction Report ATM Transaction Report for current date Failed ATM & Debit Card Transaction ATM Inter Bank Transaction Report ATM Transaction posted through ATM50 Unauthorized Non-financial Transactions pending authorization File (GEFU) Uploads - Successful File (GEFU) Uploads - Unsuccessful Overdrawn OD/OCC/KCC Accounts SB TOD A/cs. List of limits Expired/expiring As on TODs granted today. FCNR / RFC Interest Payment Details Alert statement (Ensure ZERO balance in all the heads mentioned therein ) Voucher TXNs (GLM01) Waste. To be taken teller wise. – Soft copy to be preserved Login Exception Report Password Change Due Report List of Login Users for the Day SMS Events log Report Users Logged other than Home Branch List of Users Created/Deleted/Modified Outward Clearing Extract - Clearing type-wise Transaction Journal (HO Cir 95/2007) OCC Realization / Dishonor Report Account opened, transferred, closed for the day Transactions in Staff A/cs. Inward Clearing activity - summary schedule - to be taken on same day Computer operator-wise and product-wise consolidated receipts & payments Teller - product wise transfer transaction report Teller - wise transfer transaction details - Soft copy to be preserved Consolidation of returned cheques Outward Clearing Return Inward Clearing Batch wise list of instruments
REPORTS 34 35 36 37
ST6002 TD119 TD621 TS601
38 39 40
TP5021 TP5029 TP5049
42 43 44 45 46 47 48
TP6007 TP6009 TP600 TP601 TP603 TP604 TP602 CTR – Cash TXNs – 10 lacs and above. To be monitored daily and submitted TP605 as CTR every month. TP606 BO 1 Day Book , GL alert report 2 a. Transfer waste along with Cash receipt waste and payment waste – Part I need to be printed and signed. All other parts Soft copy to be preserved b. Transactions with value date – Term Deposits 10.00 lacs & above 3 124803 - Transaction Enquiry FCR Transfer waste ( for one week) 4 220007 - Transaction Enquiry FCC Transfer waste BO Negative Balances in Minor Subsidiaries Cir 95/07. Daily pre generated report is available under http://cbsreports:500/ - Print the page of your branch BO Deposits Advances Bills Consistency reports Brs - Daily pre generated report is available under - Print the page of your branch BO Fixed_Floating_Reset_Period BO Instruments(PO,DD,IBA,BAR)_Details – Soft copy to be preserved BO 124810_Today's Parking GL Report (Cir 242/09) BO 280002 Interest Dump for Agriculture Loans BO 280013 Interest Dump for FCR Loans – OD OCC KCC BO 430001_Unscanned Signature Accounts (Cir 220/09) Published weekly BO 120006_Auto Reversal_User Reversal Transactions (System & User)
Outward Clearing Batch wise list of instruments Deposits Opened Deposits Due for Force Renewal Tomorrow TDS Remittance Report – Compulsorily on remittance day else afterwards it is not possible to generate. – 1st of every month Closing cash position Teller Inter Branch Transactions Report Statement of cash transactions position - computer operator-wise, tallying payments & receipts Transfer Extract. To be taken teller wise. Signed by both teller and supervisor. Preserved and presented for audit. Auto Reversal Transactions Report on verified transactions Teller Cash Position Branch Cash Position Cash Payment Waste Br/Teller Cash Receipt Waste Br/Teller
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
REPORTS BATCH (SCHEDULED) REPORTS i.e. REPORTS GENERATED DURING EOD/BOD. These reports are pushed to the branches through respective COs. Branches can now access the reports from Circle Office dedicated PCs. Branches may contact respective TM Section for the details and assistance. The same can be accessed through http://cbsreports:500/,, EOD reports folder. http://cbsreports:500/ The EOD/BOD reports are generated during the EOD/BOD Process centrally and CBS Branches/Offices are required to access, view/print and save in their local PCs without fail as generation of the same at a future date is not possible because these reports are being generated only during EOD/BOD for the particular day.
CURRENT LIST OF EOD / BOD REPORTS Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Report ID CH102 CH105 CH106 CH107 CH117 CH118 CH120 CH122 CH123 CH124 CH125 CH126 CH127 CH164 CH183 CH191 CH304 CH315 CH316 CH324 CH330 CH357 CH402 CH657
Report Name SB-CA-OD-OCC Reject Transactions Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Large Balance Movements for the day SB-CA-OD-OCC Large Transactions for the day SB-CA-OD-OCC Dormant A/C Activity Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Overdraft Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Overline/TOD Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Uncleared Funds Advance Line SB-CA-OD-OCC Standing Instructions Executed SB-CA-OD-OCC SI Failed Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Sweep Out Instructions Executed SB-CA-OD-OCC Account Dormant Today Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Accounts Opened Today Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Accounts Closed Today Report SB-CA-OD-OCC Accounts Marked for Closure but not closed SB-CA-OD-OCC Large Debit Balances for the day CASA-OVERDRAFT Account Report CASA Accounts classified NPA today SI Failed for 3 Consecutive periods Standing Instructions marked today SBCA-TOD/ODCC Debit Interest Frozen Accounts Stop Cheques Maintained Today RD Accounts Matured Today Report Sweep Out failure report Balancing report account wise
REPORTS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
CH658 CH701 CI999 FC601 FC602 FC604 LN101 LN102 LN111 LN115 LN160 LN163 LN201 LN204 LN252 LN304 LN402 LN700 LN710 LN711 LN725 ST012 ST015 ST021 ST023 ST024 ST031 ST101
TODs Granted Today Customer Accounts Balances Customer Name Comparison report with Terrorist Details FCNR/RFC Deposits renewed FCNR/RFC Deposits opened FCNR Memo Loan Product wise transaction posted report Loan Product wise Consolidated Posted Transactions Loan Product wise Transfer details from & to CASA accounts Loan Product wise Incomplete Debit Transaction Transaction Loan Payment from other CBS branches Report on Accounts Closed Today (Loans) Loan Accounts Opened Today Disbursements made today Collateral Inadequacy Report LN Accounts with Credit Balance Loan Product wise interest frozen accounts Sector wise Balancing Report Details Sector wise Balancing for for Loans / Advances - Consolidated Break-up of Loan Balances Advances Control Register Outward Clearing failed transactions Cheques pending clearing Post dated cheques lodged to be presented in today's clearing Immediate credit given today Float extensions report Post dated cheques in hand Transaction Journal (Cir 95/2007)
Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Report ID AL601 AT100 BA119 CH112 CH121 CH128 CH132 CH133 CH134 CH179 CH182 CH317 CH318 CH327 CH404 CH604 CH605 CH613 CH622 CH623 CH626 CH637 CH638 CH656 CI025 CI116 FC604 GL215 GL600 LN601 LN603 LN618 LN626
Description DAILY REPORTS Agriculture advances module accounts opened ATM Forced - Posted Transaction Report CRR Movement Savings Monthly Interest Accrual TOD Limit History Savings Insignificant Balance Accounts Standing Instructions Listing Savings Sweep out Instructions Listing Savings Stop Payments Listing CASA-overdrawn CASA-overdrawn accounts report Savings YTD Interest Report Stop payments over six months CASA balance listing Stop Cheques Payment Outstanding Cheques purchase line expiry report Balancing report account-wise Balancing report summary Interest details for OD/OCC/KCC accounts Interest/service charges debited Resume for a period OD/OCC/KCC accounts OD/OCC/KCC master details BCTT monthly return Concession in services Return Sector-wise control register for CASA Customer Dormant Status Report Minor customer details report FCNR memo GL reconciliation statement Transfer Waster Report General advances module accounts opened Sector-wise balancing report - consolidated Loan exceptions report for Accounts opened General Advance follow up insurance
REPORTS 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 78 79 80 81
LN631 LN639 LN663 LN688 LN690 LN700 LN722 LN725 SC003 ST015 ST021 ST056 ST101 ST224 ST600 ST603 ST604 ST614 ST615 ST616 ST617 ST629 ST630 ST636 ST638 ST686 TD003 TD103 TD544 TD604 TD610 TD611 TP5027 TP5033 TP600 TP6000 TP605 TS117 TS600 TS603
List of Loan Accounts Opened and Closed Interest debit report of loan accounts Security Value Less Than Loan Amt Product wise advances control register Account wise Demand Collections Balance Sector wise balancing report details Limits of the customers Advances Control Register Service Charges Report Cheques Pending Clearing Cheques matured today Exception Report – Clearing Details of each transactions Remittance status change report DD Paid register H.O Responding Summary H.O Originating Summary DD Issued Summary DD Paid Summary DD issued register Demand draft cancellation register Commission collected on PO / DD Turnover Details of PO /DD DD Consolidation summary H.O Consolidation Summary Resume of accounts Deposit Notice for Nominee Maturities today Interest Capitalization Report Deposit Matured Notice Deposit Matured Notice-1 Deposit Matured Notice-2 Instruments issued Today Instruments Details report View Cashier Position Inventory Held by teller Cash DD /Deposit - 1 Lakh and above TDS Projection Reports Form 16 A Interest Paid on Deposit
REPORTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CH628 CH656 CH701 LN710 LN711 ST610 ST611 ST646 TD112 TD777
BALANCING REPORTS CASA Balancing Report Balancing for OD/OCC Customer Account Balances Balancing Report - Sector wise Balances of Loans Balancing Report - Break up of Loan Balances Balancing Report - Pay Order Balancing Report - Overdue Pay order Balancing for Cheques Purchased (CDB/FCDB) Term Deposits Detailed Balancing Term Deposits Consolidated Balancing
Centrally generated reports are published in http://cbsreports:500/ under the following segments: 1. 2. 3.
Adhoc Reports Interest Dumps & Balance Sheet PSR, PRR, STR, Other MIS Reports
The following additional reports are available in terms of HO Cir 207/11 through 7775 option
Report ID CH501 CH502 CH503 CH504 CI151 CI152 CI153
Description Transactions exceeded the threshold limit Periodical review of risk categorization of accounts Periodical Updation of customer identification data Change in threshold limit Letter for KYC requirements Reminder for KYC requirements Risk Modification
Periodicity EOD May 15/Nov 15 Jan/Apr/Jun/Oct Adhoc EOD Adhoc Adhoc
ADVANCES CONCEPTS ADVANCES CONCEPTS IN FLEXCUBE – RETAIL Advances Module under Flexcube-Retail is a feature-rich & user-friendly package, which is highly parameterized and quite flexible to enable users to open loan accounts as per their requirement. A loan account in FCR is driven by many independent factors such as, schedule, interest rule, interest rate plans etc., which are tightly-knitted to become a Loan Product. Let us understand the concept of Advances in our Core Banking Scenario. The Loan products (e.g. 601) created by DIT has various schedules depending on different types of repayment options offered to the customers like fixed interest rates, floating interest rates, with holiday period, without holiday period, holiday period with EMI, holiday period with IPI etc., Each schedule (e.g. 2 for Prod 601) is a combination of various rules/plans attached to it such as, interest rule, interest rate plan, and installment rule, interest processing rule, installment details, penalty for non-payment, and penalty for early settlement. It is defined in Interest rule (eg.6009) as to how interest base is arrived at, i.e., whether advance payment made in the account should get interest benefit from the date of payment and for penal interest whether to include charge arrears etc., Various Interest rate plans (e.g. 1130) are created depending on different types of needs of interest definitions such as follows: - Floating / Fixed Rate of interest - Tiered / Non-tiered - If tiered, whether - Cumulative interest based on sanctioned amount / outstanding amount - Incremental Interest based on sanctioned amount/outstanding amt - Rate of Interest based on amount slabs - Rate of Interest based on Term slabs The above can be verified in LN060 for any given product rate plan. This Interest Rate Plan is modifiable by the branches by entering 'Interest variance' at account level in LNM83 (Account Rates). If not modified, it takes all the details from LN060, which was defined at DIT level. Whenever rate changes are effected at DIT level in LN060, the changes will get percolated to all the accounts (where the interest type is 'Floating') and the account interest variance provided by the branch, if any, will be intact.
However, it is possible for the branches to make the interest 'Fixed' for an account by checking the 'Set Fixed' flag in LNM83. This ensures continuation of interest 'fixed' by the branch for the account irrespective of Rate of interest changes effected by DIT. Thus, calculation of interest on any account depends on the schedule under which the loan account is opened, which in turn depends on the Rate of interest defined in LNM83 as follows:
ADVANCES CONCEPTS 1. Account Rates (LNM83) To arrive at the Net Rate of Interest, Rate Effective Date and whether interest to be applied as per incremental/cumulative slab. The Interest Rules and Accounts rates may vary during different stages. For e.g. the interest could be simple during holiday period and compounded during repayment period (Educational Loans). These are taken care at Global level by DIT.
ACCRUAL AND CHARGING OF INTEREST IN CBS In CBS scenario, the interest is accrued before charged (debited) to the account. For Anniversary type of accounts (other than staff accounts), the accrual of interest is done in two stages as follows: I Stage: Interest is accrued from the date of opening/last interest charged date till the end of the month. At this stage the interest accrued is debited to Interest Accrual head of the account and credited to interest collected account (income is recognized) (For e.g. if an account is opened on 5th June, the interest is accrued from 5th to 30th June). II Stage: Interest is accrued from first day of the month till the installment due date. This is called 'Catch up Interest Accrual' (in the above e.g., interest for July is calculated for the period 1st July to 4th July). At the end of the II stage (i.e., on 5th July in the above e.g.), the amount outstanding in 'Interest Accrued' head will be reversed by debiting to the Loan Account (Interest Receivable Head) and crediting to 'Interest Accrued' Head. This is called 'Charging of Interest' in CBS environment. For Calendar type accounts (staff accounts), the accrual and charging of interest for the month will be done simultaneously on the last day of the month.
Branches may note that the total liability in an account is sum of Outstanding Balance (Principal + Interest Receivable) & Interest Accrued and not necessarily the ledger outstanding balance alone. The interest outstanding in the Interest Accrued Head of the account can be seen for an account in LNM10 – Account details.
DIFFERENT STAGES OF REPAYMENT PERIOD The following are the stages, through which the loan accounts in CBS have to pass depending upon the schedule selected at the time of opening. 1) Holiday / Moratorium Period (MOR) - During this period neither installment nor interest is be expected to be paid by the borrower (Holiday period for both principal and
ADVANCES CONCEPTS interest - E.g. Education Loan). However, during this period, interest is calculated at monthly rests, compounded or simple as the case may be. The interest calculated so, will be debited to Interest Accrued Head and credited to Interest Collected Head, recognizing the same as income. This will continue till the end of the holiday period. The total interest accrued during the entire holiday period will be charged to the account only on completion of the holiday period by crediting to 'interest accrued' and fresh schedule is drawn for the outstanding balance for the term of the loan. This is called as 'Capitalization' of interest in CBS. 2) Interest Only Installment (IOI) Period - This is holiday period for only principal installments. During this period, Interest debited on calendar/anniversary date becomes due and principal installments are not expected (E.g. Housing Loan to customers). 3) Interest Principal Installment (IPI – Principal in equal monthly installments + - During this period actual interest debited to the Interest as and when due) account and fixed installment amount will be payable by the borrower. For e.g. if a loan of 1,00,000 has to be recovered within 10 months, then the IPI will be .10,000 + Actual Interest charged to the account for the month. `
4) Equated Periodic Installments (EPI/EMI) – During this period, equated installment will become due periodically (actual interest + principal recovery to match the EMI amount. For e.g. if a loan of 1,00,000 has to be recovered within 10 months, then the EMI will be arrived at by the system basing on the number of installments, interest for 10 months at rate of interest on reducing balance method, say .10,600 p.m. (However, while appropriation, the system first appropriates actual Interest charged to the account for the month, any other dues and then the remaining amount will be appropriated towards principal). `
5) First Principal Installment (FPI) – During this period, the system appropriates the installment received towards the principal and on clearing the principal amount in full, the installments are adjusted towards the interest. This does not include bank and other charges which are immediately adjusted on receipt of next credit (for calculation of arrears). It is applicable mostly in case of staff loans and simple interest loans. 6) Post Maturity Installment Stage (PMI) - If the loan is not cleared before the due date, on maturity, the loan account slips to PMI stage and the account will be governed by the rates/rules defined under this stage for the given schedule. Branches may note that, presently, there is no difference in the ROI prescribed for an account irrespective of the stage of the account.
SIMPLE/COMPOUND INTEREST The type of interest charging on loan accounts, whether Simple or Compound interest and if compounded, the compounding frequency etc., is taken care by DIT at schedule level and
ADVANCES CONCEPTS Interest rules attached to the products. E.g. Education Loan, Staff loans etc. Hence, branches should ensure that they have selected right schedule at the time of opening the account.
OD/OCC ACCOUNTS Branches may note that Interest for OD/OCC Accounts are not governed at Product level but provided at Account level by branches. Hence, whenever Rate of Interests are revised, the branches are required to change the interest on OD/OCC/KCC accounts at account level, at least one day before the effective date, since the change of interest will take place only during the next Beginning of Day Process
INTEREST CONCEPT IN AGRICULTURAL LOANS The concept of DND (Debited but Not Due) In Agriculture, DND refers to the interest component which is Debited to an agriculture loan account but Not Due. In Agriculture module, the loan products are broadly classified under two categories from interest point of view. Depending upon the income generation, in Agriculture, the repayments are fixed in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly and 18 months frequencies. If the repayment frequency is monthly, then interest will be debited to the agriculture loan account on monthly basis. In all other cases of Agriculture, the interest will be debited in half-yearly intervals of last day of March and September. In CBS-AGRICULTURE module, the periods for half yearly interests are reckoned as follows: March Interest period September Interest period
30th September to 30th March 31st March to 29th September
As interest charging is continuous, the interest for the day 31st March/30th September is added to the interest calculation for September/March respectively. However interest accruals are happening on monthly basis and it can be observed from the Audit Trail option of ALM10. If there is any difference between the actual half-yearly interest and the sum of monthly interest accruals corresponding to that half year due to Compounding effect / Rounding off effect, then the differential interest accrual will be charged on the interest application dates
ADVANCES CONCEPTS 31st March/30th September which can be observed as a separate entry in the Audit Trail of ALM10 on 31st March/30th September. The interest for the day 31st March/30th September is getting accrued and is taken for balance sheet purpose. One day interest accrual for 31st March/30th September can be observed in the Audit Trail of ALM10. The charging of half yearly interests will happen in the BOD of 31st March and 30th September. Under normal circumstances, these interests will be debited as DND and will not be treated as arrears immediately. During the IPI (Interest Principal Installment) stage, this DND will become arrears on the subsequent principal installment due date. In the case of PMI (Post Maturity Installment) stage, half yearly interests that are debited to the account will become arrears immediately on the date of debit. During IPI stage, if the arrears (principal and interest) are not paid on due dates, then compounding of interest will happen from the starting date of the half year, which is from 1st April or 1st October as the case may be. If full/partial arrears (whether principal or interest) existed during any part of the period in a half year, then compounding will happen happen from the starting date date of the half-year. If installment is due on 31st March/30th September, then the interests debited on these days will be raised as arrears on that date itself. In an Agriculture Loan account, during the course of Holiday Period (Moratorium Period), simple interest will be charged on the Disbursed Amount. The DND interests charged to the account during the holiday period will be capitalized at the end of holiday period. The IPI stage installments in this case will be arrived upon the capitalized amount.
AGRICULTURE LOAN PRODUCTS: In Core Banking Environment, Agriculture schemes are handled through various Loan products. Agriculture loan accounts can be opened using the agriculture loan products created for the purpose. There are two groups of agriculture products 1. Products from 783 to 811 come under under the category of of monthly monthly installment-cum-interest type
ADVANCES CONCEPTS 2. Products starting from 812 812 come under the category of of Quarterly/Half-yearly/ Yearly/18 months’ installment periodicity with Half -yearly interest type. In the monthly type of products, the interest is debited at monthly intervals which also become due immediately immediately along with the installment for for that month. This works exactly like other general advances loans, except in ALDIR Product, where, though the interest is debited at monthly rests, simple simple interest interest is charged till the date of maturity. On maturity, interest interest will get compounded for the balance outstanding.
Whereas, in other type of products (Products from 812 onwards), the interest is debited at half-yearly rests on 31st March and 30th September respectively (irrespective of the date of grant of loan) and the interest so debited will not become due immediately but will be raised as arrears along with the next next principal installment. installment. This is called DND (Debited but Not Demanded) in CBS. For eg: For an agri- loan where installments are payable yearly and if the loan is granted on 1.1.2007, the interest debited on 31-March-2007 and 30-Sept 2007 becomes due only on 1.1.2008, the date on which the first Principal installment falls due and so on. SCHEDULES: In CBS environment, Schedule predominantly refers to the repayment method of INTEREST & INSTALMENT attached to a Loan account. 1. Installment function function includes includes the type (like revolving, non-revolving) and periodicity (like monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly, lump sum). 2. Interest function includes the normal interest, Penal interest, interest after the repayment period, the method of calculating interest, rate of interest and the interval at which interest is to be calculated. From the above, it is evident that a schedule is playing a crucial role during the life time of a loan account. Every agriculture loan product is attached with one or more schedules to meet various requirements expected out of an agriculture loan account.
In CBS, an agriculture loan account is opened under a SCHEDULE attached to the agriculture LOAN PRODUCT. So, while opening an agriculture loan account under a specific product, the branch user has to select the correct schedule that is applicable to that particular account. Schedules from 1000 series are assigned under BASE RATE.
ADVANCES CONCEPTS So, at the time of account opening, branch user should be very careful in selecting the correct Schedule in LN057 option (Account Opening Screen). However, the branch has the option to change the schedule in LN521/AL521 (Account (Account Schedule) screen at the time of disbursement Now, with the introduction of BASE RATE, only Schedule Codes in 1000 series have to be selected BPLR AGRICULTURAL GENERAL Starting with 1 Monthly Inst 2 Quarterly Inst 3 Half yearly Inst 4 Yearly Inst 5 Lump sum Inst Penal Normal PMI
1, 2,3,4 etc
900 Penal 700 Normal 400 PMI
1000 series
1000 series
INTEREST RATE CODE (series) 900 Penal 900 Penal 1000 Normal 2000 Normal 4000 PMI 5000 PMI
900 2000 5000
LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS OF FCR Procedurally Controlled Issues
CASA Account Opening In case of Current Account, system does not check whether introducer is also a current account holder. Required Minimum Balance for account has to be changed manually in CH021 Ø as per Circular 314/2005 in case of Rural & Semi - Urban branches Ø In case of pensioners, senior citizens, students account etc. where minimum balance waiver stipulated as per circular 314/2005. Ø cheque books issued after migration Use option CH021 in modify mode. Click on Account details 2 tab. Now check (tick) the box for update minimum balance. 'The balance Info' Tab will be enabled, click on it and change the Min. Balance Required for the account. In Flexcube, new account can be opened without entering mandatory details like account operating instruction. Following reports can be generated later on to check accounts where these Information’s are not captured: Ø BA115 – Accounts without operating instruction Ø CH704 - Signature not captured at Account Level Ø CH642 – Introducer details not captured Ø Business Objects -> Customer Database – unscanned signatures
Operations in the account System does not mark an account as new for first six months. Ø Newly opened / transferred in accounts. Ø Accounts whose status has been changed as operative (Who were earlier Inoperative) 1. Monitoring of New Account for Debits more then CA.
25,000/- in SB and
1,00,000/- in
2. During transaction in an account system doesn’t provide information about the special status of the account like illiterate, pensioner etc.
System does not show the full name of customer in any transaction screen, passbook, pass sheet etc . It displays the value available in Account Title. -
LIMITATIONS So, while opening the account please enter the name of customer or subsequently update Account title in CH021 in case of new joint member addition in the account. -
To view customer detail, press key’s Alt and C together.
3. The authorized supervisor should not pass transactions in staff account for more than stipulated limit
System does not restrict the following (as per FEMA guidel ines): Ø Cash credit (Indian Rupee) into SB RFC, CA RFC/ RFC (D) accounts. Ø Transfer of funds to Foreign Currency accounts like SB RFC, CA RFC/ RFC (D) and EEFC etc. from accounts maintained in Indian Rupee
Closure and transfer of account 1. During closure of account system does not check for any card linked to the account viz. ATM/DEBIT Card or CREDIT Card. If the customer is having any loan account, POP UP message will appear.
Cheque Book Issuance System does not validate for issuance of cheque book to ineligible customers like blind and illiterate. 1. To prevent issuance of chequebook to these customer's, Ensure that in CH021 cheque book flag is unticked for ineligible customers.
Service Charges System does not debit any service charge for the following: 1. Minimum balance violation for EEFC CA in GBP and EUR currencies. 2. Minimum balance violation for CA RFC Domestic Account, where minimum balance not maintained for more then one day. 3. Issue of second set of pass sheet. 4. Service charge for SB withdrawal more then 50 in a half-year 5. Call deposit receipt printing. 6. Cheque book issuance for EEFC a/cs. 7. Cheque return charges for EEFC a/cs. 8. Cheque book issuance to Cansaral accounts.
LIMITATIONS TIME DEPOSITS 1. It is not possible to do a part withdrawal for a monthly interest product. Hence do not allow part withdrawal in this product. 2. TDS cannot be recovered for a closed account if customer is eligible for TDS due to subsequent fresh deposit/renewal 3. There is no provision to debit the TDS on deposit from CASA account. 4. There is no provision to refund TDS to the customer once the same is deducted from the TD account. In such cases the same has to be handled procedurally and TDS certificate is to be taken care. 5. Extension of Deposit is permitted however, following limitations are there: Change of product is not possible. Amount cannot be modified at the time of extension. Extension of FCNR, deposits with preferential rate like single bulk deposit of Rs.15.00 lakh and above have to be handled procedurally. (GL 36/2008) 6. Addition of 4 names is not possible at the time of opening of account. The account can be opened with 3 names by 8054 and 4th name is to be added subsequently by CI142. 7. RD account will be opened for 13 months. (Not in steps of 3 months). The same has to be taken care manually. 8. No provision to collect penal charges for delayed payment of RD installment along with the installment. System will recover the same from the maturity proceeds. 9. System allows renewal of resident deposit as a non-resident deposit. The same is to be controlled procedurally. 10. Cash will be accepted for NRE deposits. To be controlled procedurally. 11. Branches may use Draw down Instructions instead of Standing Instructions for RD accounts, as the same is simpler and easy. 12. Do not use option 1316 for online renewal of FCNR/RFC accounts 13. Payment of interest for overdue FCNR / RFC wherever applicable is to be calculated and paid manually. 14. At present there is no provision to refund the TDS through the system. Till such time changes are made, branches are advised to exercise care and deal with such request
LIMITATIONS procedurally. Any debit to the GL in GLM01 will not update the TDS records in the database. The TDS certificate will not give a correct picture of the debit. 16. NNND & CAN RELAX accounts are to be maintained manually (ALPM).
TERM DEPOSITS – Items to be controlled procedurally1. For premature closure/part withdrawal of domestic term deposits, no penal cut will be levied. Such prematurely closed/part withdrawn deposits will earn interest at a rate as applicable for the amount slab as ruling on the date of deposit and as applicable for the period run or at the rate the deposit has been accepted, whichever is lower. System does not support. In case of force renewal of deposits, system carries over the deposit level variance which was given in the parent deposit. The deposit level variance which is given in the original deposit may not be applicable for subsequent renewals. In such cases, excess interest will be paid in force renewed deposits. The list of such deposits will be made available on a daily basis in the link http://cbsreports:500/ reports/adhoc reports/circle requests folder for the perusal of the branches 2.
3. Renewal of overdue domestic deposits: Overdue term deposit if renewed after 14 days, system is not picking the lower rate of interest between the rate of interest as on the date of maturity or as on the date of renewal. Overdue domestic Term deposits shall be renewed for a minimum period of 15 days from date of renewal. If such deposits are closed before 15 days from date of renewal, NO INTEREST should be paid. System does not support. 4. Renewal of overdue NRE / FCNR deposits: In case of FCNR / NRE Term Deposits, if the deposit is renewed within 14 days, system should take appropriate ROI for the period of renewal as prevailing on date of maturity or on the date of renewal which ever is less. However, system is taking the ROI as on the date of maturity. 5. When FCNR deposit is closed before maturity system should pay interest at applicable rate for the period run minus penalty but system is paying contracted rate minus penalty. 6. After part redemption of a bulk deposit, if the concerned deposit falls below the appropriate slab, system does not check or reverse the preferential rate which was applicable.
LIMITATIONS 7. FDRs opened during month end - Interest payment is not uniform over the term of the deposit. Branches have to ensure correct maturity value is paid as per IBA chart. 8. In case of FCNR closure before maturity (less than 1 year) where the account has been opened with Currency notes, then service charges @ 1.25% have to be deducted. System does not support.
CLEARING MODULE 1. When the cheque drawn on other bank’s branch comes in inward clearing file which is uploaded in the system, will not populate the account number. Such instruments are to be deleted from the batch. The amount of such instrument is to be debited to LCCR 170000010 in 8317 option issue separate LCCR. 2. Branches not permitted to handle High value clearing, need not lodge the outward clearing in High Value Clearing Zone. Such branches have to select appropriate clearing zones from the pick list provided in the system. 3. Branches permitted to handle High Value Instruments, should sort and segregate such instruments for lodging in to High Value clearing zone. System is not checking for the amount of High Value Instrument amount for validating and including the same in the above zone. 4. There is no modification of data entered in option 6501/6520/1065/1068. The entry has to be cancelled through 6006 option and re-enter the same. 5. The details of the transactions are not available at one place. The teller/supervisor has to opt for BA990 and 5515 to know the status of the clearing batches. 6. In 6520 option, while lodging instruments to minor subsidiaries (Implemented GLs) viz BA-BARs, SA, SL, input reference no and recon serial no which can be enquired by generating GL008 report in 7775/7778. This can be viewed in GLM04.
INWARD CLEARING 1. If the instruments are returned for “Cheque Not issued" reason, following procedure may be adopted: o Verify whether wrong account number is entered in the batch for such instrument/s. o If the account number is correct, verify whether cheque book details are updated or not in the system prior to migration. o If not updated, take out such instruments and issue the cheque leaves in CHM37 option by selecting “No inventory required’ field. Authorize cheque issue.
LIMITATIONS o In ST034, authorize the above instruments in Inward clearing process and run ST033. System will debit such transactions. 2. When the cheque drawn on other bank’s branch and cheq ue pertaining to closed accounts comes in inward clearing file, which is uploaded in the system, will not populate the account number. Such instruments are to be deleted from the batch. The amount of such instrument is to be debited to LCCR GL 170000010 in 8317 option, which puts contra credit to LCCR. 170000020.
3. The post-dated cheque is not accepted at the time of data entry. For returning such instrument, branch has to follow the following work around method: o Enter the process date itself as the date of instrument instead of giving the actual date. o System will pass the transaction on running Inward Clearing process o Opt ST035 Scan pass option, enter the account number, routing number and the instrument number to fetch the record. o Double click on the record and return the same by selection reject reason ‘Post date cheque’ from the pick list. 4. As of now, the system is reserving / carving the inward clearing cheque amount at the time of Batch authorization (5521) instead of data entry level. Hence the concerned supervisor has to authorize inward clearing batches immediately after posting the batches. 5. A cheque return charge is debited to the account only in EOD. Interest on Cheque returned in inward clearing having amount Rs. 50000 and above is debited to the account in EOD. Presently the interest is calculated for one day. In case of intervening holidays such Sundays or any public holiday, interest for the differential period has to be calculated and debited to the account manually."
COLLECTION INWARD Realization proceeds of ICC up to Rs.5,00,000 in case of OSC transactions and any amount in case of CDB transactions, is to be by way of issuance of branch advice. In all other cases, the proceeds are to be remitted by way of Demand Draft. This has to be handled procedurally Handle of ICC return charges procedurally
OUTWARD 1. Supervisor has to generate report ST209 on daily basis and verify for the correctness of the realization.
LIMITATIONS 2. On realization, system is directly debiting to GL209272380 to the extent of OCC amount whether balance is available or not in the GL. Therefore, ensure that IBA or DD amount is credited to the above GL before realization. 3. If the realization proceeds are less than the original amount, enter the same in Correspondent Bank Charges field during realization in 6806 option. In such cases, system will credit the full amount to customer account by debiting GL 209272380. System debits customer’s account to the extent of Correspondent Bank charge s and credits to the above GL. 4. System is calculating Interest on delayed collection over and above the transit period selected during lodging and such amount is not rounding off to the nearest rupee. Ensure the correctness of the amount of interest. While lodging the instrument in 6566, if Transit period is selected as 30 days then, system will not calculate the delayed interest as Zero Interest code is attached. This period needs to be selected in case of foreign instruments for which delayed interest is not to be paid.
MINOR SUBSIDIARIES 1. Branches should not pass offset entries in non-implemented type GL without ensuring corresponding credit entry in liability GL and debit entry in Asset GLs through report GL008 or GLM04 inquiry 2.
Maintenance of General Charges registers.
3. Branch should use only non-implemented GL No.209272431 (SL-OTH-Parking GL as parking GL for the purpose of parking and the parking amount should be reversed immediately on the same day. Branches should ensure that the parking GL should have NIL balance before closing branch batch. 4. Branches can give recon number containing while debiting SA-FA, SA-TA etc for easy reference. 5. GL603 report can be generated to view/print the list of GL. This report will give the details of ‘Direct / indirect/ implemented / non -implemented’ type of any GL 6. GL215 report can be generated by the branch to view/print the Bar numbers/ recon number of any implemented GL 7. GL611 report can be generated to know the GL voucher entries after closing the GL voucher batch entered through option GLM01 8.
GL008 report can be generated to know the individual transaction made on any GL.
9. Branches should ensure that the total of outstanding entries shown in option GLM04 under inquiry type- ‘Reconciliation’ to tally with GL balance.
LIMITATIONS HEAD OFFICE 1. Duplicate IBA issue when original IBA was issued before migration should be prepared manually after marking the IBA inventory as ‘Used’ in Inventory adjustment option IV002. 2. Whenever CBS branch wants to respond IBA issued by Non-CBS branch and at t he same time the Non-CBS issue branch is subsequently converted to CBS before responding the IBA at the responding branch, responding branch may not be able to respond the said IBA under “Non-CBS Branch advice” Issuer code. In such cases, responding CBS branch should use DP Code 401 for issuer branch and maintain the IBA and pay the same. An email giving the details of the IBA should be sent to IBAR Section on the same day to enable them to reconcile the entry. BAR 1. Whenever BARs is raised on other branches through 8423, the ISSUER CODE will be always of BAR type. BAR Numbers should be found out through report option GL215 under report option 2. 7775 before responding IBA towards BAR and the same should be given in the ORG.BAR Number field in option 8423
Refund/ cancellation of Pay order to purchaser account
Collection of service charges for cancellation / refund of Pay order
3. Modification in Commission SC/Ser.tax collected through option 5511 “Consolidated DD/PO issue” 4.
Concession on Pay order Service charges
DEMAND DRAFT 1. Duplicate DD should be issued/printed only when DD is issued on other CBS branch. When DD is issued on Non-CBS branch, duplicate DD option should not be exercised when the original DD is Lost. Branch should follow the existing procedure only. 2.
Maximum amount of DD issue limit for the branch should be handled procedurally.
3. Payment of Local DD should be made at the issue center only. It should not be paid at any other center. Branch should affix seal ‘LOCAL DD’ on the face of the Demand Draft. 4. DD should not be revalidated more than once even though system allows revalidating the DD at any number of times.