Excel formula for designing retaining wall. soil engineering.
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Earth Retaining wall design using Prokon.
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Cantilever Retaining Wall ExampleFull description
Cantilever Retaining Wall Design Example
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E-632 Foundation Analysis and
Foundation Analysis Analysis and Design: Dr Dr.. Amit Prashant
Conventional Ret eta ainin Wal allls
Gravity Retaining Structures
Semi-gravity Retaining Structures
Stability depends on the self weight of the wall
Minimum amount of reinforcement may be used in the wall to reduce the size of wall
Cantilever Retaining Walls
Reinforced concrete is used in wall design with thin stem and slab base Relatively economical for design
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Conventional Retainin Walls
Counterfort/Buttressed Retaining walls , used at some interval to tie the base slab and stem in order to reduce the shear force and bending moment for more economical desi n
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Retainin Wall Desi n: Pro ortionin
First, approximate dimensions are retaining wall. Then, stability of wall is checked for . Section is changed if its undesirable from the stability or view.
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Retainin Wall Desi n: Pro ortionin
0.3 m min
0.3 m min
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Earth Pressure on Retainin Wall Earth pressure may be section going through the heel of wall. This is under the constraint that Heel is proportioned in such a way that line AC makes an an le less than or e ual to η with vertical.
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Earth Pressure on Retainin Wall
Pa (Rankine)
Pa (Coulomb)
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
E uivalent Fluid Method
Along line AB
K H ′
K v H ′2
The units of Kh and Kv are the same as (Ph /H2)
Terzaghi and Peck have produced semi-empirical charts for Kh and Kv for eren ypes o so s as s e n e a e e ow
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Retaining walls with backfill slope of finite distance
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Earth Pressure Retaining walls with backfill slope of finite
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Earth Pressure on Retaining walls with backfill slope of finite distance
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Stabilit of retainin wall
OVERTURNING about its toe.
BEARING CAPACITY failure of supporting base
Excessive SETTLEMENT may occur if weak soil la er is located below the foundation within 1.5 times foundation width.
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Stabilit of retainin wall Deep seated shear failure may occur if there is a weak soil layer below the foundation within a depth of about 1.5 times width of foundation. The failure surface may be assumed to have c lindrical sha e and critical failure surface for sliding may be determined through analysis.
For back fill with its slope less than 10º, the critical sliding surface may be assumed to pass through heel of the retaining wall.
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Check A ainst OVERTURNNG
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Check A ainst OVERTURNNG The wall must be safe against overturning about the toe
Resisting Moment
Overturning Moment
Pav .B + P
∑ W .x i
−P .
FOS = 1.5, if wind/seismic forces are considered
Location of Resultant force from toe can determined as
( P + ∑ W ) .x = ∑ M − ∑ M av
− Pav + ∑ W i R
In the design of cantilever retaining wall it is preferred that the stem center is
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Check a ainst SLIDING F ∑ FOS =
≥ 1.75
= R.tan δ + c
In most cases passive earth pressure is ignored while calculating FOS against sliding
= Pah = 1.5, w n se sm c forces are considered
Base friction and adhesion may be taken by the following assumption
= ⎛⎜ ⎝2
=⎜ ⎝2
⎞ .φ ′ ⎟ 3⎠ 2
.c′ ⎟ 3⎠
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Alternatives for Im rovin FOS a ainst Slidin
Use base key to increase the passive sliding
Use a Dead man anchor at the stem to transfer a part of sliding force to it. Increase the width of base s a pre era y on ee s e
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Check for BEARING CAPACITY failure R =
∑ =
Eccentricity: Q
1+ ⎜ B ⎝
− ⎜ B ⎝ 1
+ ( Pah − PP )
− ∑ M O Pav + ∑ W i
B e B
⎟= ⎠
⎟= ⎠
−x i
B i
⎜1 + ⎝ ⎜ − ⎝ 1
B e B
⎟ ⎠ ⎟ ⎠
, min , i.e. tensile force. This is not desirable and re-proportioning is required
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Check for BEARING CAPACITY failure Bearing capacity of soil can be calculated using general bearing capacity equation.
Following consideration have to made during the analysis
The eccentricity of load on the foundation can be incorporated using effective area method. The bearin ca acit is calculated assumin the width of foundation as B'
B′ = B − 2e
Inclination of resultant force has to taken into account
actor o sa ety aga nst bearing capacity:
Pah Pav
− PP
W i u
granular soil [ 23 for for cohesive soils
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Wall Joints
Construction Joints: Vertical or horizontal joints are placed between two successive pour of concrete. To increase shear resistance at the joints, .
Contraction Joint: These are vertical joints placed in the wall (from top of base concrete to shrink without noticeable harm. The groove may be 6-8 mm wide, 12-16 , spacing.
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Wall Joints
Expansion Joint: These vertical joints are provided in large retaining and they are usually extended from top to bottom of the wall. These joints may be filled with flexible joint fillers. Horizontal reinforcing steel . , the current thinking is that the large resistance to expansion/contraction on the back face of wall from lateral pressure + the friction resistance of , .
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Wall Draina e
Accumulation of rain water in the back fill results in its saturation, and thus a considerable increase in the earth pressure acting on the wall. s may even ua y ea o uns a e con ons. wo o e op ons o take care of this problem are the following:
Provision of weep holes w/o geo-textile on the back-face of wall Perforated pipe draining system with filter
Weep hole
Filter material
Filter material Perforated pipe
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Wall Draina e
Weep Holes: They should have a minimum diameter of 10 cm and be adequately spaced epen ng on e ac ma er a . eotextile material or a thin layer of some other filter may be used on the back face of wall fill material entering the weep holes and eventually clogging them.
Inclined drains
Combination of inclined and horizontal drain for
Top drains for clay backfills
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Wall Draina e
Perforated Pipes: These are provided horizontally along the back face of . should satisfy the following requirements. The soil to be protected should note wash into the filter
D15( Filter )
( Backfill )
D D15( Backfill )
Foundation Analysis and Design: Dr. Amit Prashant
Wall Settlements
Settlement of soil below the wall
. Consolidation settlement in cohesive soil.
Differential settlement
Heel settlement is larger when there is substantial increase in
Toe settlements are produced by lateral earth pressure. To minimize toe settlements, ground may be strengthened using sand , , , . Differential settlements along the length of wall may produce cracks in the wall. This can be watched during construction itself an preemp ve ac on may e a en suc as ensur ng proper compaction of the ground.