Chapter 2: Information Systems Systems Defined MULTIPLE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ! "hy do modern modern or#ani$at or#ani$ations ions %&i'd %&i'd IT(e IT(ena%'ed na%'ed Inform Information ation Systems Systems)) *! To in+rea in+rease se effi effi+ie +ien+y n+y ,! To impro impro-e -e effe+t effe+ti-e i-enes nesss C! To +omp'y .ith .ith e/terna' e/terna' re0&iremen re0&irements1 ts1 s&+h as re#&'ati re#&'ations ons D. All All of the the abov abovee E! On'y On'y * and and , Corre+t D 2! In +'ass1 +'ass1 .e ha-e defined defined Inform Information ation System Systemss as so+io(te+h so+io(te+hni+a' ni+a' systems systems made made &p of fo&r +omponents! S&+h +omponents are: A. Te Technology chnology,, Process, Process, Structure, Structure, People People B. Strate#y1 C&'t&re1 Information1 Pro+ed&re C. Inp&t1 Pro+essin#1 O&tp&t1 eed%a+3 D. Operators1 Comp&ters1 Information1 eed%a+3 E. ,oth * and , Corre+t * 4! The fo''o. fo'' in# is an e/am e/amp'e p'e of an an informal Information Information Systems A. Face Facebo book ok ,! 5o&r 5o&r &ni-ersi &ni-ersity6 ty6ss %&rsar %&rsar system system C! *ma$on! *ma$on!+om +om6s 6s %i'' %i''in# in# syste system m D! "a "a'(Mar '(Mart6 t6ss in-entor in-entory y system system E! The Interna' Interna' 7e-en&e 7e-en&e Ser-i+e Ser-i+e in+ome in+ome ta/ pro+essi pro+essin# n# system system Corre+t * 8! "hen dis+&ssi dis+&ssin# n# the fa+t that that Informat Information ion Systems Systems e/ist e/ist in +onte/t1 +onte/t1 .hi+h .hi+h of the fo'' is not part of the or#ani$ationa' +onte/t of an Information System) *! irm6s strate#y ,! irm6s IT infrastr&+t&re C! irm6s +&'t&re D. Fir!s e"ternal environent E! irm6s or#ani$ationa' str&+t&re Corre+t D
9! irst order +han#e A. B. C. D. E. process
is the easiest to mana#e %e+a&se: Emp'oyees are typi+a''y trained .hen it o++&rs Emp'oyees are typi+a''y on %oard and +ommitted to it The introd&+tion on an IT inno-ation on'y impa+ts peop'e The introd&+tion on an IT inno-ation on'y impa+ts str&+t&re The intro#uction on an $T innovation only ipacts
Corre+t E ! "hy do mana#ers need to +onsider the +onte/t in .hi+h the or#ani$ation is em%edded .hen ma3in# an information systems de+ision) *! * #en&ine &nderstandin# of the peop'e in-o'-ed1 their s3i''s1 interests1 and moti-ations is ne+essary .hen desi#nin# and imp'ementin# a ne. information systems! B. Every organi%ation is uni&ue an# the type of inforation systes the fir nee#s #epen#s on its uni&ue characteristics C! The &ser resistan+e1 in+enti-e systems1 and re'ationships .ithin the information systems are +r&+ia' to information systems s&++ess D! So that mana#ers +an stay a%reast of +&rrent de-e'opments E! To identify %est pra+ti+es so that a'' +ompanies in a #i-en ind&stry +an .or3 to %e+ome more identi+a' to ea+h other! Corre+t , ;! The information systems and or#ani$ationa' +han#es .hi+h hea-i'y in-o'-e the peop'e1 pro+ess1 and te+hno'o#y +omponents of the information systems is +a''ed: *! 7o%oti+s ,! irst(order +han#e C. Secon#'or#er change D! Third(order +han#e E! o&rth(order +han#e Corre+t C ,! User e0&ipment =PCs1 +e'' phones1 et+!> C! Te'e+omm&ni+ation e0&ipment =7o&ters1 +a%'es1 et+!> D. People ()sers, *anagers, etc.+ E! Soft.are ="indo.s1 Mi+rosoft Offi+e1 et+!> Corre+t D
?! "hi+h of the fo'' is NOT one of the +omponents of Information Systems) A. The collection of beliefs, e"pectations an# values share# by the ebers of an organi%ation ,! The indi-id&a's or #ro&ps dire+t'y in-o'-ed C! The or#ani$ationa' desi#n1 reportin#1 and re'ationships D! ,oth pro+essin# and te'e+omm&ni+ations e0&ipment E! Soft.are &sed to mana#e data1 information1 and de+ision ma3in#! Corre+t * @! ASystemi+ effe+tsB refers to: A. The inter#epen#ence of the four coponents of inforation systes ,! The a+hie-ement of the #oa's of information systems C! The effe+ts of e/terna' en-ironment on information systems imp'ementation D! The effe+ts of firm strate#y on information systems s&++ess E! The effe+ts of %&siness o&tp&t on %&siness inp&t Corre+t * ! The information systems and or#ani$ationa' +han#e .hi+h hea-i'y in-o'-es a'' fo&r +omponents of the information systems is +onsidered as: *! *&tomation ,! irst(order +han#e C! Se+ond(order +han#e D. Thir#'or#er change E! o&rth(order +han#e Corre+t D
2! "e ha-e defined Information Systems =IS> as so+io(te+hni+a' systems! "hat does the term Aso+io(te+hni+a'B mean in this definition) *! That an IS is desi#ned and %&i't %y peop'e ,! That an IS is ena%'ed %y IT C. That an $S has to subsystes, a social an# technical one D! That an IS is #enera''y %&i't for the #reater #ood of so+iety E! That an IS re0&ires that &sers %e te+hni+a''y trained! Corre+t C 4! * %&siness pro+ess is: A. The series of steps that a fir perfors in or#er to coplete an econoic activity B. The pro+ed&re man&a's typi+a''y &sed in 'ar#e or#ani$ations to train ne. hires C. The firm6s +&'t&re and its manifestations D. * methodo'o#y for stream'inin# %&siness operations so as to a+hie-e s&%stantia' performan+e impro-ements E. The .ay that information is hand'ed .ithin the +ompany! Corre+t * 8! IT in+'&des .hi+h of the fo'' A. 7e+orded data B. Softare C. *n or#ani$ation6s str&+t&re D. Users E. Paper and pen+i' Corre+t , 9! "hen desi#nin# an information system yo& m&st optimi$e the IS as a .ho'e1 not ea+h indi-id&a' +omponent! This is %e+a&se the +omponents of an IS intera+t .ith one another! "e ha-e termed this phenomenon: A. Systeic effects ,! Component interre'ationship C! The ar+hite+t&re of the IS D! M&t&a' +omponent dependen+y E! Ena%'er effe+ts Corre+t *
! * so+io(te+hni+a' system has the fo'' f&ndamenta' +omponents: *! So+ia' ro&ps1 Hard.are1 Soft.are1 and Te+hni+a' En-ironment ,! IT1 o-ernan+e1 En-ironment1 and Peop'e C. Process, People, $T, an# Structure D! IT1 Peop'e1 and Pro+ess E! IT1 Pro+ess1 and So+ia' ro&ps Corre+t C ;! ario&s 'e-e's of or#ani$ationa' +han#e +an %e %roht a%o&t %y the introd&+tion of ne. IT! They in+'&de: *! Intermediate ,! Inte#rate C! Inp&t D! Interfa+e E! Transform Corre+t ,
2@! *n Information System +onsists of the fo'' +omponents: IT1 Pro+ess1 1 and Str&+t&reF these fo&r +omponents are then #ro&ped into t.o s&%systemsF te+hni+a' and ! *! E/terna' en-ironment1 phi'osophi+a' ,! Peop'e1 or#ani$ationa' +onte/t C. People, social D! Mana#ers1 strate#y E! Data1 informationa' Corre+t C 2! "hi+h *! ,! C. D! E!
of these definitions %est des+ri%es hard.are) * series of statements or instr&+tions to the +omp&ter The +ontents of a +omp&ter6s memory The physical coponents of your coputer syste. Net.or3 ro&tin# ta%'es Soft.are 'oaded on a +omp&ter6s hard dri-e!
Corre+t C 22! The term interfa+e is &sed to represent: A. The so&r+e +ode for a soft.are app'i+ation! B. The part of a softare application that a user interacts ith. C. The information pro+essin# 'o#i+ of a soft.are app'i+ation! D. The separation %et.een the soft.are and the &ser! E. The en-ironment that a +omp&ter operates in! Corre+t , 24! * third(order +han#e in+'&des .hi+h of the fo'' +omponents: *! Pro+ess and IT ,! IT1 Str&+t&re1 and Peop'e C. Process, People, $T, an# Structure D! IT1 Peop'e1 Pro+ess1 and En-ironment E! IT and Peop'e Corre+t C
T7UEG*LSE QUESTIONS 28! "hen se+ond order +han#e o++&rs1 on'y the manner in .hi+h the pro+ess is performed +han#es1 ma3in# it re'ati-e'y easy to en-ision1 &stify1 and mana#e! * a'se 29! IT and IS are e/a+t'y the same +on+epts! * a'se 2! Net.or3in# De-i+es are IT +omponents! * Tr&e 2;! There is on'y one .ay to +orre+t'y perform a %&siness a+ti-ity! * a'se 2
SHO7T *NS"E7 QUESTIONS 48! "hat is an Information System and .hat are some e/amp'es) * orma'1 so+iote+hni+a'1 or#ani$ationa' systems desi#ned to +o''e+t1 pro+ess1 store1 and distri%&te information! E/amp'es in+'&de a+e%oo31 Se+ond Life1 et+! 49! Pro-ide some e/amp'es of informa' Information Systems * a+e%oo31 Se+ond Life1 MySpa+e1 et+! 4! "hy is the peop'e +omponent a ne+essary part of an IS) * Peop'e .i'' %e a+t&a''y &sin# the IT +omponent of the IS on+e it is imp'emented! or this reason1 a #en&ine &nderstandin# of the peop'e in-o'-ed1 their s3i''s1 interests1 and moti-ations is ne+essary .hen desi#nin# and imp'ementin# a ne. IS1 or .hen tro&%'eshootin# an e/istin# one that is not performin# as e/pe+ted! 4;! Prod&+e the AInformation Systems in Or#ani$ationa' Conte/tB mode'! "hy is the eed%a+3 Loop important to this mode') *
The feed%a+3 'oops represented %y the so'id 'ine reminds &s that .hate-er o&t+omes are prod&+ed %y the information system1 positi-e or ne#ati-e1 .i'' affe+t or#ani$ationa' +hara+teristi+s and f&t&re information systems de+ision ma3in#! This mode' is important for yo& as a #enera' or f&n+tiona' mana#er %e+a&se it dra.s to yo&r attention a'' of the e/terna' inf'&en+e that .i'' aid or &ndermine information system s&++ess!
4 tai'ored to the &ni0&e +hara+teristi+s of the imp'ementin# or#ani$ation and its +onte/t! 8@! "hat are some 3ey imp'i+ations that stem from the notion of systemi+ effe+ts and the fa+t that Information Systems e/ist in an or#ani$ationa' +onte/t) * IT sho&'d ne-er %e the start of an Information Systems desi#n pro+ess! Chan#es to one +omponent of the IS .i'' e-ent&a''y prod&+e effe+ts on a'' of the other +omponents! Constant ree-a'&ation of IS #oa's and pro+essin# is ne+essary o-er time 8! "hy is +onstant re(e-a'&ation of Information Systems ne+essary) * The desi#n and &se of an IS sho&'d %e seen as an iterati-e pro+ess in-o'-in# the +y+'i+a' e-a'&ation of indi-id&a' IS +omponents and the assessment of ho. different or#ani$ationa' systems .or3 to#ether to s&pport the %&siness! The syner#y %et.een IS +omponents1 as .e'' as %et.een dis+rete or#ani$ationa' IS1 +an %e maintained o-er time on'y if there is a .i''in#ness to modify aspe+ts of this IS +onfi#&ration as needed! *dditiona''y1 any time a +han#e o++&rs the +&rrent IS desi#n m&st %e re(e-a'&ated and the system m&st %e on+e a#ain optimi$ed! 82! Define Ainformation systemsB and pro-ide an e/amp'e of forma' information system! * Information Systems are forma'1 so+io(te+hni+a'1 or#ani$ationa' systems desi#ned to +o''e+t1 pro+ess1 store1 and distri%&te information! "a'(Mart6s in-entory rep'enishment system is a forma' information system and a+e%oo3 is an informa' information system!
84! P'ease dra. the so+io(te+hni+a' system dia#ram to sho. the +omponents of information systems and the intera+tion amon# the +omponents1 and define a Athird(orderB information systems and or#ani$ationa' +han#e) * * third(order +han#e is the +han#e in-o'-es te+hno'o#y1 str&+t&re1 peop'e and pro+ess! It starts .ith the intera+tion %et.een str&+t&re and te+hno'o#y .hen the there is a +han#e in the .ay the or#ani$ation se'e+ts1 &ses and mana#es te+hno'o#y! The intera+tion %et.een the or#ani$ationa' str&+t&re and the peop'e res&'ts in a +han#e in the reportin# and a&thority str&+t&re of the or#ani$ation! The intera+tion %et.een the or#ani$ationa' str&+t&re and pro+ess res&'ts in a ne. set of tas3s or a ne. .ay to +omp'ete the tas3s!
88! Define Ainformation systemsB and pro-ide an e/amp'e of an informa' information system * Information Systems are forma'1 so+io(te+hni+a'1 or#ani$ationa' systems desi#ned to +o''e+t1 pro+ess1 store1 and distri%&te information! a+e%oo3 and MySpa+e are informa' information systems!
89! "e ha-e &sed the mode' %e'o. to aid in the ana'ysis of information systems and ho. they intera+t .ith ea+h other! P'ease fi'' in the missin# +omponents and des+ri%e a'' fo&r +omponents of an information system! * *! Te+hno'o#y: Hard.are1 soft.are and te'e+omm&ni+ation e0&ipment ,! Pro+ess: The series of steps ne+essary to +omp'ete a %&siness a+ti-ity C! Peop'e: The indi-id&a's or #ro&ps dire+t'y in-o'-ed in information system D! Str&+t&re: The or#ani$ationa' desi#n1 reportin# and re'ationships .ithin the information system
8! ,rief'y define the notion of Systemi+ Effe+ts and pro-ide an e/amp'e to i''&strate yo&r definition! * Systemi+ effe+ts represent the fa+t that the +omponents of an Information System are interdependent and +han#e in any one of them .i'' affe+t a'' other! *n e/amp'e of systemi+ effe+ts is the introd&+tion of +he+3(in 3ios3s at air'ine +he+3(in +o&nters! "hen a 3ios3 is introd&+ed =IT>1 the #&est %e+omes an inte#ra' part of the Information System =peop'e> and the a#ents ha-e to start Atrainin#B the #&ests to &se them =pro+ess>! Moreo-er1 the introd&+tion of 3ios3s m&st %e +aref&''y hand'ed as not to a'ienate the a#ents .ho may per+ei-e the 3ios3 as Aa&tomatin# their o%B a.ay =str&+t&re>!
8;! Ima#ine the fo'' s+enario: 5o& mana#e a ta%'e resta&rant in yo&r to.n! 5o& ha-e %een as3ed to imp'ement .ire'ess ta%'e orderin# &sin# porta%'e .ire'ess =e!#!1 pa'm> de-i+es! This is +'ear'y a sit&ation .here yo& need to desi#n an Information System! Use the frame.or3 .e ha-e introd&+ed in +'ass to identify the most important +omponents that .i'' ma3e &p s&+h Information System =%e spe+ifi+ to the e/amp'e of the resta&rant>!Note1 yo& are as3ed to 'ist the +omponents yo& .i'' need1 not to tro&%'eshoot this imp'ementation effort * The +riti+a' aspe+t of this .as to %e a%'e to sho. that yo& +an app'y the appropriate theoreti+a' frame.or3 to a Area'B pro%'em! Th&s1 yo& need not dis+&ss the frame.or3 itse'f1 %&t &se it to ma3e de+isions! In this +ase1 yo& .o&'d +hose a resta&rant1 any resta&rant1 and identify the a+t&a' +omponents of the IS yo& ha-e %een tas3ed to imp'ement! In this type of 0&estion1 yo& sho&'d stri-e to %e pre+ise and1 &sin# the #i-en +onte/t1 identify .hat spe+ifi+ +omponents are needed to f&'fi'' the information pro+essin# re0&irements of the .ire'ess orderin# system! or e/amp'e: Str&+t&re In+enti-e system: Ho. is • the speed of ser-i+e1 mi/ of ta%'es1 and tips #oin# to +han#e =if at a''> .ith the ne. system In+enti-e system: Ho. .i'' • the system impa+t ho. friend'y or hi#h 0&a'ity the intera+tion is .ith #&ests =and therefore tips> note here it may impro-e or deteriorate 7eportin# system: • Introd&+tion of &sers .ho +an s&pport .ait staff on the f'oor Peop'e "ait staff • 'oor mana#ers • Jit+hen staff • Potentia''y ne. staff to • maintain the system Note: &ests are not part of this IS1 rather they are +'ient of it! They .o&'d %e part of the peop'e +omponent if it .e .ere &sin# a se'f(orderin# de-i+e
IT • • • • •
Pa'm de-i+es Jit+hen printers "ire'ess net.or3 POS soft.are Centra' ser-er
Pro+ess Orderin# pro+ess =instead of • .a'3in# to POS de-i+e %eams ordersF or instead of &sin# paper pad and pen1 the de-i+e is &sed> On#oin# trainin# pro+ess for • ne. staff ,a+3 &p pro+ed&res to re-ert to • man&a' system in +ase of IT fai'&re =not ne+essari'y a ne. pro+ess if they &se a POS a'ready>
ESS*5 QUESTIONS ! E/p'ain .hy it is ne+essary for mana#ers to %e a.are of the fo&r +omponents of an information system! In+'&de dis+&ssion re#ardin# .hat the fo&r +omponents are1 a'on# .ith e/amp'es! *ns.ers .i'' -ary! 2! E/p'ain .hy it is ne+essary for mana#ers to %e mindf&' of %oth or#ani$ationa' and nationa' +&'t&re differen+es .hen ma3in# de+isions re#ardin# information systems! Pro-ide e/amp'es to s&pport yo&r statements! *ns.ers .i'' -ary!