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Testbank to accompany Accounting 8e
Chapter 9: Cost accounting systems Multiple Choice
% The costing costing system system used when when entities entities provide provide goods or services services in response response to to customer customer orders and speci'ications is (nown as) a *rocess costing b Job costing costing c E+uivalent unit costing d onversion co costing "-!E. B !ection /%
# Match the business business with the most most li(ely li(ely type o' o' costing costing system system % 0il re'inery # "utomotive br bra(e re repairer 1 Bathroom renovator 2 ommercial pr printer 3 Management consultant 4 44
Job costing *rocess costing
a b c d
% and 4, 4, # and 44, 1 and 4, 2 and 44, 3 and 4 % and 44, 44, # and and 4, 1 and 4, 4, 2 and and 4, 3 and 4 % and 4, 4, # and 4, 1 and 4, 2 and 44, 3 and 44 % and 44 44, # an and 44, 1 an and 4, 4, 2 an and 4, 4, 3 an and 4
"-!E. B !ection /% 1 The stateme statement nt concerning concerning the 5ob 5ob cost order that is is incorrect incorrect is) a 4t prov provid ides es an an ite itemi mise sed d list list o' o' all all cost costss char charge ged d to a par parti ticu cula larr 5ob 5ob b 0rders 'or incomplet incompletee 5obs serve serve as a subsidiary subsidiary ledger ledger 'or the wor( wor( in process account c 4t traces all costs to 5obs d Thee con Th contr trol ol num numbe berr ass assig igne ned d to to eac each h 5ob 5ob is is rec recor orde ded d on the the 5ob 5ob ord order er "-!E. !ection /# 2 hich best best describes describes the set o' costs costs that are debited debited directly directly to wor( wor( in process process inventory6 inventory6
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