Chapter 7 Paris to Berlin (1885-87)
v Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology. Ø He chose this branch because he wanted to to cure his mother’s eye ailment. In Gay Paris (1885-86)
v After studying at the entral !niversity !niversity of "adrid# Rizal# who was then $% yrs old# went to Paris to ac&uire more 'nowledge in ophthalmology. ophthalmolog y. v "a(imo )iola )iola * a medical student and a member of a rich family of +an "iguel# ,ulacan v +e-or usebio orominas * editor of /a Publicidad v 0on "iguel "orayta * owner of /a Publicidad and a statesman v Rizal gave ditor orominas 1an article on the arolines 2uestion3 2uestion3 v 4ovember 5667 * Rizal was living in in Paris 8 He wor'ed as an assistant to 0r. /ouis de 9ec'ert# 9ec'ert# a leading :rench ophthalmologist. v ;uan /una * great master of the brush< Rizal helped him by posing as model in /una’s paintings. 5. =>he 0eath of leopatra? leopatra? * where Rizal Rizal posed as an gyptian priest priest 2. =>he ,lood ompact? * Rizal posed as +i'atuna Rizal as Msi!ian
v Rizal Rizal had no natura naturall aptitu aptitude de for music# music# and this he admitt admitted. ed. He studie studied d music music only because because many of his schoolmates at Ateneo were ta'ing music lessons. v He told nri&ue /ete that he =learned the solfeggio# piano# and voice culture in one month and a half?. v He is also a flutist. v +ome of his compositions compositions are@ 8 Alin "ang /ahi 1Any Race3 * a pariotic song which asserts asserts that any race aspires for freedom 8 /a 0eportacion 10eportation3 * a sad danza# composed in 0apitan In "istori! "ei#el$er%
v :ebruary :ebruary # 566B * Rizal arrived arrived in Heidelberg# Heidelberg# a historic historic city in Germany Germany famous for its old university university and romantics surroundings. v He became popular among the Germans because they found out that he was a good chess player. player. v He wor'ed at the !niversity ye Hospital under the direction of 0r. Ctto ,ec'er# distinguished German ophthalmologist. &'o the loers o* "ei#el$er%+
v April $$# 566B * Rizal wrote a fine poem entitled =A /as :lores de Heidelberg? 1>o 1>o the :lowers of Heidelberg3 because he was fascinated by the blooming flowers along the 4ec'ar River# which is the light blue flower called =forgetDmeDnot?. ,ith Pastor Past or ller at ,ilhels* ,ilh els*el# el#
v Rizal spent a threeDmonth summer vacation at 9ilhelmsfeld 9ilhelmsfeld where he stayed at the place of a Protestant pastor# 0r. Earl !llmer. !llmer. >he pastor has a wife and two children named tta and :ritz. irst /etter to Blentritt
v ;uly 5# 566B * Rizal wrote his first letter to Professor :erdinand ,lumentritt who is the 0irector of the Ateneo of /eitmeritz# Austria. 8 ,lumentritt is an Austrian ethnologist and he has an interest in the Philippine language. v Rizal sent Aritmetica 1Arithmetic3 boo' to ,lumentritt which was published in $ languages * +panish and >agalog * by the !niversity of +anto >omas Press in 56B6. >he author was Rufino ,altazar Hernandez. v ,lumentritt became the best friend of Rizal. i*th Centenary o* "ei#el$er% ni0ersity
v >he famous !niversity of Heidelberg held its fifth centenary celebration on August B# 566B where Rizal had witnessed the said celebration. In /eipzi% an# res#en
v v v v v
August 5%# 566B * Rizal arrived in /eipzig He attended some lectures at the !niversity of /eipzig on history and psychology. He befriended Prof. :riedrich Ratzel# a famous historian# and 0r. Hans "eyer# German anthropologist. Rizal found out that the cost of living in /eipzig was the cheapest in urope so he stayed for $ months and a half. Cn Cctober $F# he went to 0resden# where he met 0r. Adolph ,. "eyer# the 0irector of the Anthropological and thnological "useum. Rizal ,el!oe# in Berlins 3!ienti*i! Cir!les
v v 8 8 8 8
Rizal was enchanted by ,erlin because of its scientific atmosphere and the absence of race preudice. +ome scientists Rizal met are@ 0r. :eodor ;agor * German scientistDtraveler and author of Travels in the Philippines 0r. Rudolf )irchow * famous German anthropologist 0r. 9. ;oest * German geographer 0r. Earl rnest +chweigger * famous German ophthalmologist Rizals /i*e in Berlin
v Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø v
:ive reasons why Rizal stayed in ,erlin@ >o gain further 'nowledge of ophthalmology >o further his studies of science and languages >o observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation >o associate with famous German scientists and scholars >o publish his novel# 4oli "e >angere Rizal wor'ed as an assistant in the clinic of 0r. +cweigger# and at night# he attended lectures in the !niversity of ,erlin. v He also too' private lessons in :rench under "adame /ucie erdole. Rizal on Geran ,oen
v Rizal sent a letter to his sister# >rinidad# dated on "arch 55# 566B. n his letter# Rizal e(pressed his high regard and admiration for German womanhood. Rizal said that German woman is serious# diligent# educated and friendly. Geran Cstos
v +ome of the German customs Rizal admired@
Ø Cn Iuletide season# people will select a pine tree from the bushes and adorned it with lanterns# papers# lights# dolls# candies# fruits# etc. Ø +elfDintroduction to strangers in a social gathering. Rizals ar4est ,inter
v v v v v v
>he winter of 566B in ,erlin was his dar'est winter. He lived in poverty because no money arrived from alamba and he was flat bro'e. He could not pay his landlord and he was eating only one meal a day. His clothes were old and threadbare. His health bro'e down due to lac' of proper nourishment. >his is one of the most memorable days in the life of Rizal. /I M 'GR PB/I3" I BR/I (1887)
D>he blea' winter of 566B in ,erlin was Rizal’s dar'est winter because no money arrived from alamba and he was flat bro'e. >he diamond ring which his sister# +aturnina# gave him was in the pawn shop. t was memorable in the life of Rizal for two reasons (1) it was a painful episode for he was hungry, sick and despondent in a strange city (2) it brought him great joy after enduring so much sufferings, because his first novel, oli !e Tangere came off the press in !arch, 1""#$ /i'e to the legendary +anta laus# 0r. "a(imo )iola# his friend from ,!/AA4# arrived in ,R/4 at the height if his despondency and loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel. I#ea o* ritin% a no0el on the Philippines. •
0uring his stay at 4>RA/ !4)R+A>I of "A0R0 His reading of "arriet Bee!her 3toes n!le 'os Ca$in D inspired 0r. Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict the miseries of his people1:ilipinos3 under the lash of +panish tyrants
9anary 2: 188;D in a reunion of :ilipinos in the Paterno residence in "adrid# Rizal proposed the writings of a novel about the Philippines by a group of :ilipinos. His proposals were approved by PA>R4C+ 1Pedro# "a(imo and Antonio3# Graciano /opez ;A4A# varisto AG!RR# duardo 0 /># ;ulio //CR4># "elecio :G!RCA and )alentin )4>!RA.
,ut unfortunately# those friends which approved and willing to participate in that novel# to be serious in writing# instead they wasted their time in gambling or flirting with +panish +enoritas. +o# he wrote the 4ovel alone. •
>oward the end of 566%# Rizal began writing the novel in "adrid and finished about oneDhalf of it
9hen Rizal went to Paris# in 5667# after completing his studies in the entral !niversity of "adrid# he continued writing the novel# finishing one half of the second half
Rizal finished the last fourth of the novel in Germany. He wrote the last few chapters of the 4oli in 9ilhelmsfeld in AprilD;une# 566B
n ,erlin during the winter days of :ebruary# 566B# Rizal made the final revisions on the manuscript of the 4oli
r. Ma=io A4GR.
After the hristmas season# Rizal put the finishing touches on his novel. >o save printing e(penses# he deleted certain passages in his manuscript# including a whole chapterK &lias an# 3aloe+ •
e$rary 21: 1887 D the 4oli was finally finished and ready for p rinting
Berliner B!h#r!4rei-!tion-Gessels!ha*t D a printing shop which charged the lowest rate# that is# LL pesos for $#LL copies of the novel
Rizal 3spe!te# as ren!h 3py.
0uring the printing of 4C/# the chief of police ,R/4 visit RJA/’s boarding house and re&uested to see his passport# unfortunately# that time to travel with or without passports is possible. >he police chief then told him to produce a passport after % days. mmediately )C/A accompanied RJA/ in the +panish Ambassador# the C!R> of ,4C"AR# who promised to attend to the matter. ,ut the ambassador failed to 'eep h is promise# but it turns out that he had no power to issue the re&uired passport. >he % day ultimatum e(pired. RJA/ himself apologize to the chief police# while as'ing why has he to be deported# the police chief answered that he was always seen visiting many villages# thereby pronoun cing him as a :rench +PI. RJA/ in fluent GR"A4 e(plained to the police# that he was a :ilipino ethnologist# who visits rural areas to observe customs and lifestyles of their simple inhabitants. >he chief impressed and fascinated on RJA/’s e(planation# allowed him to stay freely in GR"A4I. Printin% o* the oli inishe#.
veryday Rizal and )iola were always at the printing shop proof reading the printed pages. Mar!h 21: 1887D the 4oli "e >angerecame off the press# RJA/ immediately sent the first copies to ,/!"4>R>># 0R. A4>C4C RG0CR# G. /CPJ ;A4A# "ARA4C PC4# and :/M R. H0A/GC.
%& am sending you a book, my first book' bold book on the life of tagalongs' ilipinos will find it the history of the last ten years' Mar!h 2>: 1887D Rizal# in to'en of his appreciation and gratitude# gave )iola the galley proofs of the 4oli carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and a complimentary copy# with the following inscription@ &'o y #ear *rien#: Ma=io
>he title oli Me 'an%ere is a /atin phrase which means &'o!h Me ot+. t is not originally conceived by Rizal# for he admitted ta'ing it from the ,ible
Rizal# writing to :eli( Hidalgo in :rench on "arch 7# 566N# said@ =4oli "e >angere# words ta'en from the Gospel of +t. /u'e# signify =do not touch me? but Rizal made a mista'e# it should be the Gospel of +t. ;ohn 1hapter $L )erses 5 to 5N3 =>ouch me not< am not yet ascended to my father...? Rizal dedicated his 4oli "e >angere to the Philippines?&'o My atherlan#+
>he cover of 4oli "e >angere was designed by Rizal. t is a 'etch of e(plicit symbols. A woman’s head atop a "aria lara bodice represents the nation and the women# victims of the social cancer. Cne of the causes of the cancer is symbolized in the friar’s feet# outsized in relation to the woman’s head. >he other aggravating causes of oppression and discrimination are shown in the guard’s helmet and the iron chains# the teacher’s whip and the alferez’s scourge. A slight cluster of bamboo stands at the bac'drop < these are the people# forever in the bac'ground of their own country’s history. >here are a cross# a maze# flowers and thorny plants# a flame< these are indicative of the religious policy# the misdirected ardor# the people strangled as a result of these all
>he novel 4oli "e >angere contains B chapters and an epilogue
r. ntonio Ma. Re%i#or D :ilipino patriot and lawyer who had been e(iled due to his complicity in the avite "utiny of 56N$# read avidly the 4oli and was very much impressed by its author
C"RC'R3 /I •
>he 4oli "e >angere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last dec ades of +panish rule
Maria ClaraDwas /eonor Rivera# although in real life she became unfaithful and married an nglishman
I$arra an# lias D represented Rizal himself
'asioDthe philosopher was Rizal’s elder brother Paciano
Pa#re 3al0iDwas identified by Rizalists as Padre Antonio Piernaviea# the hated Augustinian friar in avite who was 'illed by the patriots during the Revolution
Capitan 'ia%oDwas aptain Hilario+unico of +an 4icolas
Basilio an# Crispin D were the risostomo brothers of Hagonoy
Pa#re aasoD typical of a domineering friar during the days of Rizal# who was arrogant# immoral and antiD:ilipino Rizals Gran# 'or o* rope ith Ma=io
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO After the publication of 4oli# Rizal planned to visit the important places in urope. 0r. "a(imo )iola agreed to be his traveling companion. Rizal received Pacianos remittance of P5LLL which forward by ;uan /una
from Paris and immediately paid his debt to )iola which he loaned so that the 4oli could be printed. :irst# he and )iola visited Potsdam# a city near ,erlin. 'or Be%ins
At the dawn of "ay 55# 566N# Rizal and )iola# two brownedDs'inned doctors on a roaming spree# left ,erlin by train. +pring was an ideal season for travel. >heir destination was in 0resden# =one of the be st cities in Germany?. res#en
Rizal and )iola tarried for sometimes in 0resden. >hey visited 0r. Adolph ,. "eyer# who was overoyed to see them. n the "useum of Art# Rizal was deeply impressed by painting of =Prometheus ,ound?. >hey also meet 0r. ;agor and heard there plan about /eitmeritz in order to see ,lumentritt. He advice to wire ,lumentritt because the old professor might be shoc' of their visit. irst Meetin% ith Blentritt
At 5@L pm of "ay 57# 566N the train arrived at the railroad station of /eitmeritz. Professor ,lumentritt was at the station carrying a pencil s'etch of Rizal which he sent to identify his friend. ,lumentritt get a room at Hotel Erebs# after which he bought them to his house and stayed /eitmeritz "ay 5 to 5% 566N. Beati*l Meories at /eiteritz
>hey enoyed hospitality of ,lumentritt family. >he professor’s wife# Rosa# was a good coo'. +he prepared Austrian dishes which Rizal’s li'ed very much. ,lumentritt proved to be a great tourist as well as hospitable host. He showed the scenic and historical spots of /eitmeritz to his visitors. >he ,urgomaster 1town mayor3 was also amazed by Rizal’s =privileged talent? Pra%e
Rizal and )iola visited the historic city of Prague. >hey carried letters of recommendation from ,lumentritt to 0r. 9il'om# professor in !niversity of Prague. Rizal and )iola visited the =>omb of opernicus?
"ay $L they arrived at )ienna capital of AustriaDHungary. >hey met 4orfenfals# one of the greatest novelist iun that time. >hey stayed at Hotel "etropole. >hey also meet two good friends of ,lumentritt * "asner and4ordman: Austrianscholars. an$ian
"ay $%# Rizal and )iola left )ienna on a river boat too se beautiful sights of 0anube River. As they travelled along the famous river# Rizal observed 'eenly river sights. or /intz to Rhein*all
>he river voyage ended in /intz. >hey travelled overland to +alzburg# and from there to "unich where the soourned for a short time to savor the famous "unich ,eer. Crossin% the rontier to 3itzerlan#
>hey stayed from ;une $ to 566N and continued tour to ,asel 1,ale3# ,ern# and /aussane. Gene0a
Rizal and )iola left /aussane in a little boat crossing the foggy /eman /a'e to Geneva. Cn ;une 5F# 566N# his $Bth birthday# Rizal treated )iola to a blowDout. Rizal and )iola spent fifteen days in Geneva. Cn ;une $# they parted ways. )iola decided to return to ,arcelona while Rizal continued his tour to taly. Rizal Resents =hi$ition o* I%orots in 1887 Ma#ri# =position Rizal received sad news from his friends in "adrid of the deplorable conditions of the primitive gorots who were e(hibited in this e(position. +ome of these gorots died. Rizal was outraged by the degradation of his fellow countrymen. Rizal in Italy
He visited >urin# "ilan# )enice and :lorence. Cn ;une $N# 566N# he reached Rome. He was thrilled by the sights and memories of the ternal ityKRome. Cn ;une $Fth# Rizal visited for the first time the )atican# the =ity of the Popes? and the capital of hristendom. After a wee' of staying in Rome# he prepared to return to the Philippines. He had already written to his father that he was coming home. irst "oe!oin%: 1887-88
All the alluring beauties of foreign countries and all the beautiful memories of his soourn in alien lands could neither ma'e Rizal for his fatherland nor turn his bac' to his own nationality. >rue that he studied abroad# ac&uired the love and languages of foreign nations# and enoyed the friendship of many great men of the 9estern world< but he remained at heart a true :ilipino with an un&uenchable love for the Philippines and an unsha'able determination to die in the land of his birth. >hus# after five years of memorable soourn in urope# he returned to the Philippines in August 566N and practiced medicine in alamba. He lived the &uite life of a country doctor. ,ut his enemies# who resented his 4oli# persecuted him# even threatening to 'ill him. e!ision to Retrn "oe.
,ecause of the publication of the oli !e Tangere and the uproar it caused among the friars# Rizal was warned by Paciano 1his brother3# +ilvestre !baldo 1his brotherDinDlaw3# hengoy 1;ose ". ecilio3# and other friends to return home. ,ut he did not heed their warnings. He was determined to return to the Philippines for the following reasons@ 153 to operates on his mother’s eye’s< 1$3 to serve his people who had long been op pressed by the +panish tyrants< 13 to find out for himself how the oli and his other writings were affecting the :ilipinos and +paniards in the Philippines@ and 1%3 to in&uire why /eonor Rivera remained silent. n a letter to ,lumentritt# written in Geneva on ;une 5F# 566N# Rizal said@ =Iour advice that live in "adrid and continue to write from there is very benevolent but cannot accept it . cannote endure the life in "adrid where everything is a voice in a wilderness. "y parents wants to see me# and want to see them also. All my life desire to live in my country by the side of my family. !ntil now am not uropeanized li'e the :ilipinos of "adrid< always li'e to return to the country of my birth?. n Rome# on ;une $F# 566N# Rizal wrote to his father# announcing his homecoming. =Cn the 57th of ;uly# at the latest?# he wrote# = shall embar' for our country# so that from 57th to the Lth of August# we shall see each other?. eli%ht*l 'rip to Manila.
Rizal left Rome by the train for "arseilles# a :rench port# which he researched without mishap. Cn ;uly # 566N# he boarded the streamer 0emnah# the same streamer which brought him to urope five years ago. >here were about 7L passengers# including % nglishmen# $ Germans# hinese# $ ;apanese# many :renchmen# and 5 :ilipino 1Rizal3.
Rizal was the only one among the passengers who could spea' many languages# so that he acted as interpreter for his companions. >he +treamer was enroute to the Crient via the +uez anal. Rizal thus saw this historic canal for the second time# the first time was when he sailed to urope from "anila in 566$. Cn board# he played chess with fellow passengers and engage in lively conversation in many languages. +ome passengers sang@ others played on the piano and accordion. After leaving Aden# the weather became rough and some of Rizal’s boo's got wet. At +aigon# on ;uly L# he transferred to another streamer Haiphong which was "anilaDbound. Cn August $# this streamer left +aigon to "anila. rri0al in Manila.
Rizal?s voyage from +aigon to "anila wa pleasant. Cn August rd the moon was full# and he slept soundly the whole night. >he calm see# illumined b y the silvery moonlight# was a magnificent sight to him. 4ear midnight of August 7# the *aiphong arrived in "anila. Rizal went ashore with a happy heart for he once more trod his beloved native soil. He stayed in the city for a short time to visit his friends. He found "anila the same as when he left it five years ago. >here were the same old churches and buildings# the same holes in the road# the same boats on the Pasig River# and the same heary walls surrounding the city. "appy "oe!oin%.
Cn August 6th# he returned to alamba# His family welcomed him affectionately# with plentiful tears of oy. 9riting to ,lumentritt of his homecoming# he said@ = had a pleasant voyage. found my family enoying good health and our happiness was great in seeing each other again. >hey shed tears of oy and had to answer ten thousand &uestions at the same time?. >he reoicings of Rizal’s return over# his family became worried for his safety. Paciano did not leave him the first day of his arrival to protect him from any ene my assault. His own father would not let him g o out alone# lest something might happen to him. n alamba# Rizal established a medical clinic# his first patient was his mother# who was almost blind# he treated her eyes# but could not perform any surgical operations because her eye cataracts were not yet ripe. 4ews of arrival of a great doctor from Germany spread far and wide. Patients from "anila and the provinces floc'ed to alamba. Rizal# who came to be called =0octor !liman? because he came from Germany# treated their ailments and soon he ac&uired a lucrative medical practice. His Professional fees were reasonable# even gratis to the poor. 9ithin a few months# he was able to earn PFLL as a physician. ,y :ebruary# 5666# he earned a total of P7#LLL as medical fees. !nli'e many successful medical practitioners# Rizal did not selfishly devoted all his time to enriching himself. He opened a gymnasium for young fol's# where he introduced uropean sports. He tried to interest his townmates in gymnastics# fencing and shooting so as to discourage the coc'fights and gambling. Rizal suffered one failure during his si( months of soourn in alamba * his failure to see /eonor Rivera. He tried to go to 0agupan# but his parents absolutely forbade him to go because /eonor’s mother did not li'e him for a sonDinDlaw. 9ith a heavy heart# Rizal bowed to his parent’s wish. He was caught within the iron grip of the custom of his time that marriages must be arranged by the parents of both groom and bride. 3tor o* the oli.
"eanwhile# as Rizal was peacefully living in alamba# his enemies plotted his doom. Aside from practicing medicine# attending to his gymnasium# which he established# and ta'ing part in the town’s civic
affairs. He painted several beautiful landscapes and translated the German poems of )on 9ildernath into >agalog. A few wee's after his arrival# a storm bro'e over his novel. Cne day Rizal received a letter from Governor General milio >errero 15667D663 re&uesting him to come in "alaca-an Palace. +omebody had whispered to the governor’s ear that the olicontained subversive ideas. Rizal went to "anila and appeared at "alaca-ang. 9hen he was informed by Governor General >errero of the charge# he denied it# e(plaining that he merely e(posed the truth# but he did not advocate subversive ideas. Pleased by his e(planation and curious about the controversial boo'# the governor general as'ed the author for a copy then because the only copy he brought home was given to a friend. However# he promised to secure one for the governor general. Rizal )isited the ;esuit father to as' for the copy he sent them# but they would not part with it. >he ;esuits# especially his former professors * :r. :rancisco de Paula +anchez# :r. ;ose ,ech# and :r. :ederico :aura# who ventured an opinion that =everything in it was the truth?# but added@ =Iou may lose your head for it?. :ortunately# Rizal found a copy in the hands of a friend. He was able to get it and gave it to Governor General >errero. >he governor general# who was a liberalDminded +paniard# 'new that Rizal’s life in eopardy because the friars were powerful. :or security measure# he assigned a young +panish lieutenant# 0on ;ose >aviel de Andrade# as bodyguard of Rizal. >his lieutenant belonged to a noble family. He was cultured and 'new painting# and could spea' nglish# :rench# and +panish. Governor General >errero rand the oli and found nothing wrong with in. ,ut Rizal’s enemies were powerful. >he Archbishop of "anila# "sgr. Pedro Payo 1a 0ominican3 sent a copy of the olito :ather Rector Gregorio chavarria of the !niversity of +anto >omas for e(amination by a committee of the faculty. >he committee# which was composed of 0ominican professor’s# submitted its report to the :ather Rector# who immediately transmitted it to Archbishop Payo. >he archbishop in turn# lost no time in forwarding it to the governor general. >his report of the faculty members of the !niversity of +anto >omas stated that the oli was =heretical# impious# and scandalous in the religion order# and antiDpatriotic# subversive of public order# inurious to the government of +pain and its function in the Philippine slands in the political order?. Governor General >errero was dissatisfied with the report of the 0ominicans# for he 'new that the 0ominicans were preudiced against Rizal. He send the novel to the Permanent ommission of ensorship which was composed of priest and laymen. >he report of this commission was drafted by its head# :r. +alvador :ont# Augustinian curaof >ondo# and submitted to the governor general on 0ecember $F. t found the novel to contain subversive ideas against the hurch and +pain# and recommended =that the importation# reproduction and circulation of this pernicious boo' in the islands be absolutely prohibited?. 9hen the newspapers published :ont’s written report of the censorship commission# Rizal and his friends became apprehensive and uneasy. >he enemies of Rizal e(ulted in unholy glee. >he banning of the oli only served to ma'e it popular. verybody wanted to read it. 4ews about the great boo' spread among the masses. 9hat the hated +panish masters did not li'e# the oppressed masses li'ed very much. 0espite the government prohibition and the vigilance of the cruel Guardia ivil many :ilipinos were able to get hold of copies of the oli which they read at night behind closed doors. >han's to Governor General >errero# there were no mass imprisonment or mass e(ecution of :ilipinos. He refused to be intimidated by the friars who clamored for harsh measures against people who caught reading the novel and its author. tta!4ers o* the Noli.
>he battle over the olitoo' the form of a virulent war of words. :ather :ont printed his report and distributed copies for it in order to discredit the controversial novel. Another Augustinian# :r. ;ose Rodriguez# Prior of Guadalupe# published a series of eight pamphlets under the general heading +uestiones de umo &nteres12uestions of +upreme nteres3 to blast the oli and other antiD+panish writings. >hese eight pamphlets wer entitled as follows@ 5$ Por-ue no los he de leer. 19hy +hould not Read >hem3. $. /uardaos de ellos$ Por-ue.1,eware of >hem. 9hy3. . 0-ue me dice usted de la peste. 1And 9hat an Iou >ell "e of Plague3. %. Por-uetriufan los impios. 19hy 0o the mpious >ruimph3. 7. +ree usted-ue de versa no hay purgatorio. 10o Iou >hin' >here s Really 4o Purgatory3. B. *ay o no hay infierno. 1s >here o s >here 4o Hell3. N. ue le pareceausted de esoslibelos. 19hat 0o Iou >hin' of >hese /ibels3. 6. +onfession o condenacion. 1onfession or 0amnation3. opies of these antiDRizal pamphlets written by :ray Rodriguez were sold daily in the churches after "ass. "any :ilipinos were forced to buy them in order not to displease the friars# but they did not believe what their author said with h ysterical fervor. Repercussions of the storm over the oli reached +pain. t was fiercely attac'ed on the session hall of the +enate of the +panish ortes by various senators# particularly General ;ose de+alamanca on April 5# 5666# General /uis ". de Pando on April 5$# and +r. :ernando )ida on ;une 55. >he +panish academician of "adrid# )icente ,arrantes# who formerly occupied high government positions in the Philippines# bitterly criticized the oli in the article published in 3a 4sapa-a!oderna 1a newspaper of "adrid3 in ;anuary# 56FL. e*en#ers o* the oli.
>he muchDmaligned olihad its gallant defenders who fearlessly came out to prove the merits of the novel or to refute the arguments of the un'ind attac'ers. "arcelo H. delPilar# 0r. Antonio "a. Regidor# Graciano /opez ;aena# "ariano Ponce# and other :ilipino reformist in foreign lands# of course# rushed to uphold the truths of the oli$ :ather +anchez# Rizal’s favorite teacher at the Ateneo# defended and praised it in public. 0on +egismundo"oret# former "inister of the rown< 0r. "iguel "orayta# historian and statesman< and Professor ,lumentritt# scholar and educator# read and li'ed the novel. A brilliant defense of the oli came from an une(pected source. t was by Rev. )icente Garcia# a :ilipino atholic priestDscholar# theologian of the "anila athedral# and a >agalog translator of the famous mitation of hrist by >homas a Eempis. :ather Garcia# writing under the penname ;usto 0esiderio"agalang# wrote a defense of the oli which was published in +ingapore as an appendi( to a pamphlet dated ;uly 56# 5666. He blasted the arguments of :r. Rodriguez as follows@ 5
Rizal cannot be an =ignorant man?# as :r. Rodriguez alleged# because he was a graduated of +panish universities and was a recipient of scholastic honors.
Rizal does not attac' the hurch and +pain# as :r. Rodriguez claimed# because what Rizal attac'ed in the oliwere the bad +panish officials and not +pain# and the bad and corrupt friars and not the hurch.
:ather Rodriguez said that those who read the oli commit a mortal sin< since he 1Rodriguez3 had read the novel# therefore he also commits a mortal sin.
/ater# when Rizal learned of the brilliant defense of :ather Garcia of his novel# he cried because his gratitude was overDwhelming. Rizal# himself defended his novel against ,arrantes attac'# in a letter written in ,russels# ,elgium# in :ebruary# 566L. n this letter# he e(posed ,arrantes’ ignorance of Philippine affairs and mental dishonesty which is unworthy of an academician. ,arrantes met in Rizal his master in satire and polemics. 0uring the days when the oli was the target of a heated controversy between the friars 1and their minions3 and the friends of Rizal# all copies of it were sold out and the price per copy soared to unprecedented level. ,oth friends and enemies of the oli found it e(tremely difficult to secure a copy. According to Rizal# in a letter to :ernando anon from Geneva# ;une 5# 566N# the price he set per copy was five pesetas 1e&uivalent to one pese3# but the price later rose to fifty pesos per copy. Rizal an# 'a0iel #e n#ra#e.
9hile the storm over the oliwas raging in fury# Rizal was not molested in alamba. >his is due to Governor General >errero’s generosity in assigning a bodyguard to him. ,etween this +panish bodyguard# /t. ;ose >aviel de Andrade# and Rizal# a beautiful friendship bloomed. >ogether# Rizal and Andrade# both young# educated and cultured# made wal'ing tours of the verdant countrysides# discussed topics of common interest# and enoyed fencing# shooting# hunting# and painting. /t. Andrade became a great admirer of the man he was ordered to watch and protect. Iears later# he wrote for Rizal@ =Rizal was refined# educated and gentlemanly. >he hobbies that most interested him were hunting# fencing# shooting# painting and hi'ing. . . well remember our e(cursion to "ount "a'iling# not so much for the beautiful view . . . as for the rumors and pernicious effects that result from it. >here has one who believed and reported to "anila that Rizal and at the top of the mountain# hoisted the German flag and proclaimed its sovereignty over the Philippines. imagined that such nonsense emanated from the friars of alamba# but did not ta'e the trouble to ma'e in&uiries about the matter?. 9hat marred Rizal’s happy day’s in alamba with /t. Andrade were 153 the death of his older sister# Climpia# and 1$3 the groundless tales circulated by his enemies that he was =a German spy# an agent of ,ismarc'# a Protestant# a "ason# a witch# a soul beyong salvation# etc? Cala$as %rarian 'ro$le.
Governor General >errero# influenced by certain facts in oli !e Tangere, ordered a government investigation of the friar estates to remedy whatever ini&uities might have been present in connection with land ta(es and with tenant relations. Cne of the friars estates affected was the alamba Hacienda which the 0ominican Crder owned since 566. n compliance with the governor general’s orders# dated 0ecember L# 566N# the ivil Governor of /aguna Province directed the municipal authorities of alamba to investigate the agrarian conditions of their locality. !pon hearing of the investigation# the alamba fol's solicited Rizal’s help in gathering the facts and listing their grievances against the hacienda management# so that the central government might institute certain agrarian reforms.
After a thorough study of the conditions of alamba# Rizal wrote down his findings which tenants and three of the officials of the hacienda signed on ;anuary 6# 5666. >hese findings# which were formally submitted to the government for action# were the following@ 5. >he hacienda of the 0ominican Crder comprised not only the lands around alamba# but also the town of alamba. $. >he profits of the 0ominican Crder continually increased because of the arbitrary increase of the rentals paid by the tenants. . >he hacienda owner never contributed a single centavo for the celebration of the town fiesta# for the education of the children# and for the improvement of agriculture. %. >enants who had spent much labor in clearing the lands were dispossessed of said lands for flimsy reason. 7. High rates of interest were charged the tenants for delayed payment of rentals# and when the rentals could not be paid# the hacienda management confiscated their carabaos# tools and homes. areell to Cala$a .
Rizal’s e(posure of the deplorable conditions of tenancy in alamba infuriated further his enemies. >he friars e(erted pressure on "alaca-an Palace to eliminate him. >hey as'ed Governor General >errero to deport him# but the latter refused because there was no valid charge against Rizal in court. Anonymous threats against Rizal’s life were received by his parents. >he alarmed parents# relatives and friends 1including /t. >aviel de Andrade3 advised him to go away# for his life was in danger. Cne day Governor General >errero summoned Rizal and =advise? him to leave the Philippines for his own good. He was giving Rizal a chance to escape the fury of the friar’s wrath. >his time Rizal had to go. He could not very well disobey the governor general’s veiled orders. ,ut he was not running li'e a coward from a fight. He was courageous# a fact which his worst enemies could not deny. A valiant hero that he was# he was not afraid of any man and neither was he afraid to die. He was compelled to leave alamba for two reason@ 153 his presence in alamba was eopardizing the safety and happiness of his family and friends and 1$3 he could not fight better his enemies and serve his country’s cause with greater efficacy by writing in foreign countries. Poe *or /ipa .
+hortly before Rizal left alamba in 5666 his friend from /ipa re&uested him to write a poem in commemoration of the town’s elevation to a villa 1city3 by virtue of the ,ecerra /aw of 5666. Gladly# he wrote a poem dedicated to the industrious fol's of /ipa. >his was the =Himno Al >rabao? 1Hymn to /abor3. He finished it and sent it to /ipa before his departure from alamba. t runs as follows@ In "on% Aon% an# Ma!ao: 1888
Rizal was a fullDgrown man of $N years of age when he was forced to leave his country for a second time in :ebruary 5666. Rizal at $N was an embittered victim of human ini&uities# a disillusioned dreamer# a frustrated reformer. >he trip to Hong Eong
Cn :ebruary Rizal left "anila for Hong Eong on board the Jafiro. He was sic' and sad during the crossing of the hina +ea. He did not get off his ship when it made brief stopover at Amoy on :ebruary N for three reasons@ He was not feeling well t was raining hard He heard the city was dirty
Cn :ebruary 56# Rizal accompanied by ,asa# boarded the ferry steamer EiuDEiang for "acao He was surprised to see a familiar figure among the passengersK+ainz de )aranda. Rizal described "acao as a small# low and gloomy. >here are many un's# sampans# but few steamers# it loo's sad and is almost deadDli'e. >he two stayed in at the home of 0on ;uan :rancisco /ecaros who was married to a Portuguese lady. )isit to "acao (periences in Hong Eong He arrived in Hong Eong on :ebruary 6 0uring his stay in Hong Eong# Rizal wrote a letter to ,lumentritt# dated :ebruary 5B# 5666# e(pressing his bitterness. n Hong Eong Rizal stayed at )ictoria Hotel. He was welcomed by the :ilipino residents# including ;ose "aria ,asa# ,albino "auricio# and "anuel Iriarte. A +paniard# ;ose +ainz de )aranda# shadowed Rizal’s movement in Hong Eong. )aranda was a former secretary of Gov. Gen. >errero and he was ordered by the +panish au thorities to spy on Rizal.
0uring his two day stay in "acao# he visited the theater# casino# cathedral and churches# pagod as and botanical gardens and the bazaars. n the evening of :ebruary 5F# he witnessed a atholic procession wherein the devotees were dressed in blue and purple dresses and were carrying unlighted candles. Cn :ebruary $L# Rizal and ,asa returned to Hong Eong on board the ferry steamer EiuDEiang. Rizal stayed in Hong Eong for two wee's. >here he studied the hinese way of life# language# drama and customs. Rizal noticed some e(periences and wrote them in his diar +ome of them include the noisy celebration of the hinese 4ew Iear which lasted from :ebruary 55th to 5th.
He also observed the boisterous hinese theater
>he marathon /auriat party# which was the longest meal in the world< >he 0ominican Crder was the richest religious order in Hong Eong# And the Hong Eong cemeteries belonging to Protestants# atholics# and "uslims. 0eparture from Hong Eong Cn :ebruary $$# 5666# Rizal left Hong Eong on board the Cceanic# an American steamer and his destination was ;apan. Rizal did not li'e the meals on board but li'ed the ship because it was clean and efficiently managed.
Rizals rri0al in 9apan
Rizal :irst arrive at Io'ohama. He registered at Grand Hotel. >hen he go to >o'yo and proceeded at >o'yo Hotel. 9as enchanted by the natural beauty of ;apan n the >o'yo Hotel# he was visited by ;uan Perez aballero# secretary of +panish /egation. Rizal being an intelligent man# realized that the +panish diplomatic authorities were instructed to monitor his movement. He accepted the invitation because he had nothing to hide from them. Cn "arch N# Rizal chec'ed out >o'yo Hotel and lived at the +panish /egation. He and Perez became good friends. Rizal studied the ;apanese language. ,eing a linguist# he was able to spea' it within a few days. Rizal also had encountered the >o'yo "usicians one cool afternoon. >o his surprised the "usicians are :ilipinos.
:ling with a ;apanese girl Cne spring afternoon while Rizal is at the +pa nish /egation# he saw a pretty ;apanese girl wal'ing past the /egation gate. a ;apanese gardener told Rizal that she was +ei'o !sui. >he following afternoon# Rizal and the gardener waited for !sui# then when she came# Rizal politely introduced himself. +ei'o +an was mildly amused at the gallant gentleman from the Philippines who spo'e in halting ;apanese. +he replied in nglish. >he two then conversedDthe language barrier was eliminated. >ogether# they visit some of the most famous places in the city1tour guide3 He fell deeply in love with CD+eiD+an# 1+ei'o !sui3 ,ut# Rizal decided to leave ;apan.He sacrificed his own happiness to carry on his wor' for the redemption of his oppressed people# >he :ilipinos
1About 56FN# a year after RizalQs e(ecution# CDseiDsan married "r. Alfred harlton# ,ritish teacher of chemistry of the PeerQs +chool in >o'yo. >hey are blessed with one child# a daughter named Iuri'o.3 9hile Rizal was on board leaving ;apan on his way to !+# he met a passenger named >etcho +uehiro# 1a fighting ;apanese ournalist# novelist and champion of hu man rights# who was forced by the ;apanese government to leave the country# ust li'e Rizal leaving Philippines by the +panish au thorities.3 After the publication of his travel diary# >etcho resigned his position as editor of >o'yo newspaper# hoya and entered politics. He was elected as member of the lower house of the :irst mperial 0iet 1;apanese Parliament3. He published a political novel titled 4an'aiDnoD0aiharan 1+torm Cver the +outh +ea3 which resembles RizalQs 4oli . and CD!nabara 1>he ,ig Ccean3 which was similar to RizalQs l :ili.
>etcho died at heart attac' in >o'yo on :eb# 56FB 15Lmonths before RizalQs (ecution3 Rizal in eri!a
April $6# 5666D the steamer ,elgic# with Rizal on board# doc'ed at +an :rancisco on +aturday morning "ay %# 5666D :riday afternoon# the day Rizal was permitted to go ashore Palace HotelD Rizal registered here which was then considered a firstDclass hotel in the city Rizal stayed in +an :rancisco for two daysK"ay % to B# 5666 "ay B# 5666D+unday# %@LP"# Rizal left +an :rancisco for Ca'land "ay 5# 5666D+unday morning# Rizal reached 4ew Ior'# thus ending his trip across the American continent Rizal stayed three days in this city# which he called the =big town.? "ay 5B# 5666D Rizal left 4ew Ior' for /iverpool on board the ity of Rome. According to Rizal# this steamer was =the second largest ship in the world# the largest being the Great astern? Rizal had good and bad impressions of the !nited +tates. >he good impressions were 153 the material progress of the country as shown in the great cities# huge farms# flourishing industries and busy factories 1$3 the drive and energy of the American people 13 the natural beauty o f the land 1%3 the high standard of living 173 the opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants Cne bad impression Rizal had of America was the lac' of racial e& uality@ =America is the land par e(cellence of freedom but only for the whites?
Rizal in /on#on
DAfter visiting the !nited +tates# Rizal lived in /ondon from "ay# 5666 to "arch# 566F for three reasons@ 153 to improve his 'nowledge of the nglish languag e 1$3 to study and annotate "orga’s +ucesos de las slas :ilipinas# a rare copy of which he heard to be available in the ,ritish "useum 13 /ondon was a safe p lace for him to carry on his fight against +panish tyranny 'RIP CR33 '" '/'IC >he transDAtlantic voyage of Rizal from 4ew Ior' to /iverpool was a pleasant one. Rizal entertained the American and uropean passengers with his marvelous s'ills with the yoDyo as an offensive weapon. IoyoDis a small wooden disc attached to a string from the finger. "ay $%# 5666DRizal arrived at /iverpool# ngland Adelphi HotelDRizal spend the night here while staying for one day in this port city
According to Rizal# =/iverpool is a big and beautiful city and its celebrated port is worthy of its great fame. >he entrance is magnificent and the customhouse is &uite good.? /I I / "ay $7# 5666D a day after doc'ing at /iverpool# Rizal went to /ondon Rizal stayed as guest at the home of 0r. Antonio "a. Regidor# an e(ile of 56N$ and a practicing lawyer in /ondon. ,y the end of "ay# Rizal found a modest boarding place at 4o. N halcot rescent# Primrose Hill 0r. Reinhold RoztD librarian of the "inistry of :oreign Affairs and an authority on "alayan languages and customs DHe was impressed by Rizal’s learning and character and he gladly recommended him to the authorities of the ,ritish "useum. He called Rizal =a pearl of a man? 1una perla de hombre3 ,oth good and bad news from home reached Rizal in /ondon. Cf the bad news# were the inustices committed by the +panish authorities on the :ilipino peo ple and the Rizal :amily >he greatest achievement of Rizal in /ondon was the annotating of "orga’s boo'# +ucesos de las slas :ilipinas 1Historical vents of the Philippine slands3# which was published in "e(ico# 5BLF. +eptember 5666D Rizal visited Paris for a wee' in order to search for more historical materials in the ,ibliothe&ue 4ationale Rizal was entertained in this gay :rench metropolis by ;uan /una and his wife 1Pas Pardo de >avera3# who proudly showed him their little son Andres 1nic'name /uling3 0ecember 55# 5666DRizal went to +pain# visiting "adrid and ,arcelona Rizal met# for the first time# "arcelo H. del Pilar and "ariano Ponce# two titans of the Propaganda "ovement 5F 0ecember $%# 5666DRizal returned to /ondon and spent hristmas and 4ew Iear’s 0ay with the ,ec'etts Rizal sent as hristmas gift to ,lumentritt a bust of mperador Augustus and a bust of ;ulius aesar to another friend# 0r. arlos zepela' 1Polish scholar3 >he /ife and Adventures of )alentine )o(# the )entrilo&uistDa hristmas gift from Rizal’s landlady# "rs ,ec'ett