Descripción: For the book Bertsimas/Freund: Data, Models, and Decisions , solution
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Is matter around us pure
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Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important co…Full description
EXTRACTION OF METALS - Iron using reduction by carbon - Zinc using reduction by carbon and - Copper - purified using electrolysis - Aluminium - using electrolysis electrolysis
EXTRACTION OF IRON - Use of iron ore (hem!i!e or Fe"O# $% - Fu Furnce rnce is lo&e& 'i!h chr)e* + 'hich consis!s of iron ore+ co,e ( form of cron m&e from col$ n& limes!one (clcium cron!e$% - Limes!one is use& !o remo.e impuri!ies (sn& s sl) of clcium silic!e$% - Ore is sin!ere& or he!e& 'i!h co,e n& limes!one% - Cron urns 'i!h !he ho!
The m/or impuri!ies of iron ore (hem!i!e$ 'hich is silic ( SiO"$% Limes!one (CCO#$ is use& n& &ecompose& !o lime ( CO$ !o rec! 'i!h !he silic (SiO "$ !o pro&uce clcium silic!e (CSiO #$ or !he sl) on !op of !he iron% REACTIONS0
"TEE# MA$ING - Uses pi) iron* or cs! iron* pro&uce& 1 !he ls! furnce 'hich is no! pure n& con!ins ou! 23 cron (m,in) iron ri!!le$ n& o!her impuri!ies% - Cron con!en! is re&uce& 1 urnin) i! off s CO" n& sulfur con!min!ion is o4i&ise& !o SO" (The
Rusting of iron and its pre%ention Rus! - re&-ro'n po'&er consis!in) minl1 of h1&r!e& h1&r !e& iron (III$ o4i&e% - Cuse& 1 '!er+ o41)en n& sl!% - Se'!er n& ci& r rin in cn increse !he r!e ! 'hich iron o/ec!s rus!%
EXTRACTION OF &INC - Use of 7inc ore0 7inc len&e ZnS -!in) 7inc len&e !o sulfi&e 1 he!in)%
- ZnO is he!e& in ls! furnce 'i!h co,e !o re&uce o4i&e !o me!l Zn%
EXTRACTION OF COER - Use of copper ore 0 copper p1ri!es 8 CuFeS"% - The concen!r!e& ore is he!e& in e4cess suppl1 of ir in !he furnce0 "CuFeS" 9 O" Cu"S 9 "Fe "FeS S 9 SO" - Then o4i&!ion of !he sulfi&e0 "Cu"S 9 #O" "CuO 9 "SO"
- Re&uc!ion of o4i&e 'i!h cron0 "CuO 9 C "Cu 9 CO" - 5urifie& copper use& specificll1 for elec!ricl 'irin) mus! e refine& or purifie& 1 elec!rol1sis%
EXTRACTION OF METALS - Iron using reduction by carbon - Zinc using reduction by carbon and - Copper - purified using electrolysis - Aluminium - using electrolysis electrolysis
Three- s!)e process ( The :ll:éroult process)0 ;% minin) !he ore "% purific!ion of !he mol!en ore #% elec!rol1sis of !he mol!en ore
Industrial electrolysis is used for extracting aluminum from its mineral ore, bauxite. The bauxite ore is rst treated with sodium hydroxide – Na! to obtain pure aluminium oxide – "l#$ or alumina. "l#$ is dissol%ed in molten cryolite or sodium aluminium &uoride – Na$"l'( to lower the woring temperature of the l t l ti ll
*ryolite can reduce to melting point of alumina form #+$+ o* to +++* thus pro%ides a considerable sa%ing in energy costs.
The mixture is electrolysed between graphite electrode.
-olten aluminium is attracted to the cathode
xygen is released at the anodes
"t the high temperature of the cell oxygen reacts with carbon of the anode to form *#
"luminium *opper / 0sed for o%erhead / 0sed for domestic power 1strengthen with steel core) cables because it conducts electricity well, has low density %ery resistant to corrosion. / 2eaage of power is pre%ented by
cables because it is a %ery good conductor of electricity . / *o%ered or sheathed in plastic as insulation.