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PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Introduction: The key purpose of Community Development work is to build cohesive, active and sustainable communities based on social justice and mutual re…Full description
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Social Work CO Subject
Descripción: Algunas indicaciones para manejar redes sociales
Reflection 3 (A)
The text vision and vo lunteerism spoke about voluntarism from back in the days until present times and based on my m y understanding it was much more important and effective in past times. In our modern society voluntarism is on the decline because decline because persons don’t have the spirit for it as they once did. Voluntarism is an act of selflessness, giving of one’s time and service to a worthy cause not because of what can be gained from it but because it is the right thing to do to help those less fortunate. After reading the text I realized that voluntarism is an important aspect of a countries development. An example of such would be agencies that are nonprofit organizations. They work for those who are in need (Salvation Army) and most of not all of their staff is made up from volunteers. This in itself is a prime example of wh y it is important to do voluntary work, because organizations such as this depend on volunteers to help carry out their day to day operations. In addition there are also other a gencies that may be understaffed and because of economic problems are unable to employ more staff and would be grateful and appreciative of the voluntary program. It is therefore very important that the community service program be continued in Jamaica because it is beneficial to tour countr y. As a volunteer myself it is my role and duty du ty to educate others as to the importance of o f doing voluntary work not just to the community but the nation as a whole, especially if we are to achieve some of the goals that we have set for our country such as Vision 2030. Lecturer’s Signature ………………………. … ……………………. Date of Submission ……………………….
Reflection 3 (B)
Sociology teaches about commitment to the common good, responsibilities as a member of society and ethical issues. This helped me to understand the community service experience in that, even before I started my voluntary work I was aware that it is based in the premise of goodwill. It is supposed to be done out of the goodness of your heart and not just because it has to be done. This is reminiscent of what is thought in sociology because it teaches us that as citizens we have certain moral or ethical responsibilities that we must perform not to benefit ourselves but the society as a whole. In addition voluntarism is focused mainly on the morals of those volunteering. This is to say that, their decision to do voluntary work is because they genuinely want to do it to help those less fortunate than themselves. This is seen in the way they approach their duties while doing voluntary work, they seem irritable, upset or unen thusiastic about it as opposed to someone who is willing doing it who is optimistic and eager to d o duties. Sociology also teaches about a group which has better prepared me to understand that I will meet up on different people from different social back grounds and orientations and one has to interact with them based on the understanding of their differences in how they interact. While doing community service I met up on various persons from various social orientations and sociology has helped me to have an understanding of these different social backgrounds and how they interact on a daily basis. This has helped me to be able to socialize with them more effectively making the experience a beneficial one for both parties. Lecturer’s Signature ……………………………. Date of Submission ……………………………..