Dominican Magnificat – Feargal King To Praise, Praise, my soul rejoices in God, To praise, praise, my soul shall glorify the Lord. He who is mighty has done great things for me Behold the servant of God.
+. )ave us )aviour of the world. )ave us )aviour of the world. "or by your cross and esurrection, you have set us free. f ree. -ou -ou have set us free.
Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea Dominum; Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea Dominum.
*. Lord the Light or -ou -ourr Love is shining, %n the midst of the dar'ness shining, /esus light of the world shine upon us, )et us free f ree by the truth -ou -ou now bring us, )hine on me. )hine on me.
To bless, bless, to bless the people of God, To bless, bless, to bless the name of the Lord. ll generations shall call me blessed, Behold the servant of God. Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea Dominum; Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea Dominum. To preach, to preach the !ord of our Lord, To preach, preach, to preach His truth to the earth. Teach us to follow Him and show us his way, "or holy is His #ame. Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea Dominum; Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea Dominum.
Come Holy Spirit - Cilla Horan/Paul Keogh
Come, Holy Spirit, power from above. Come, Holy Spirit, fill us with your love. $n the road %&ve travelled you have wal'ed with me. %n the dar'ness of the night you have carried me. (ays are dar', oh Lord, and % long to be set free. Holy )pirit come down and reign r eign on me. Come, Holy Spirit, power from above. Come, Holy Spirit, fill us with your love. Bro'en, weary, tired, you are healing me. Lost and sometimes all alone, you are guiding me (ays are dar', oh Lord, and % long to be set free. Holy )pirit come down and reign r eign on me.
Shine !e"u" Shine - #raham Ken$ric%
Shine Jesus shine Fill this lan with the Father!s glory "la#e, Spirit bla#e, Set our hearts on fire Flow, river flow Floo the nations with grace an an mercy Sen forth $our wor %or an an let there be light. +. Lord % come to -our -our awesome presence, "rom the shadows into -our -our radiance, By the blood % may enter -our -our brightness, )earch me, try me, consume all my dar'ness, )hine on me. )hine on me. 0. s we ga1e on -ou -ourr 'indly brightness. )o our faces display -our -our li'eness. 2ver changing from glory to glory, 3irrored here may our lives tell -our -our story. )hine on me. )hine on me.
&ai"e 'our (oice - Pa$raig Mere$ith
&aise your voice, raise up your spirit. Shout to all nations, together we sing. &aise your voice, raise up your spirit. 'ather all people, together we sing. (he Spirit of the %or is upon us. (he Spirit of the %or is within us.
Come, Holy Spirit, power from above. Come, Holy Spirit, fill us with your love.
*. Gathered here today, in this sacred place. $ne community, with one voice we sing.
Memorial Acclamation Acclamation - Liam Lawton
+. Here we&re one with 4hrist, come prepare the feast. )haring bread and wine, this our life and faith.
*. !e proclaim your (eath, $ Lord, and profess your ressurection until you come again.
0. )end your spirit Lord, to all gathered here. "ill us with your joy, joy, give us strength to sing.