BESH Bechtel Environmental, Safety, and Health EAMS - Core Processes
NO. NO. CP-103 REV. REV. 0 PAE 1 PAE 1 of 44 E!!EC"#VE E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb-98
'() P*RPOSE +() SCOPE () () E!# E!#N# N#"# "#ON ONS S .() .() RE!E RE!ERE RENC NCES ES /() /() RESP RESPON ONS# S#B# B#$# $#"# "#ES ES 0() 0() RE1* RE1*#R #REM EMEN EN"S "S 6.1
6.2 6.2
Emer Emergen gencie ciess and and Evac Evacua uati tion on
6.3 6.3
Incid ncideent Repo Reporrting ting
6.4 6.4
Vehicl hiclee Ope Operratio ation n
!!E "! "!!E#
6.$ 6.$
%res %resss Re&u Re&uir irem emen ents ts
6.' 6.'
(all all !ro !rotect tectio ion n
*aintenance o+ !!E
-igns an and ags
6.1 6.13
-ca++o ++olds an and !l !lat+orms
6.14 6.14
Radi Radios os and and Elec Electr tron onic ic E&ui E&uipm pmen entt
6.15 6.15
(loo (loorr/ Roo+ Roo+// 0all all and and !lat !lat+or +orm m Ope Openi nings ngs
6.1 6.1
aa aard rdo ous 0aste ste *at *ater eria ials ls
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
ENERA$ SA!E %OR& PRAC"#CES 6.1$ 6.1$
Con+i on+ine ned d-pa pace ce !ro !rocedur dures
6.1' 6.1'
%o %o o ot se se7 7 a ag !r !rocedur eduree
6.2) 6.2)
8oc9 8oc9o out: ut:a agout out !ro !rocedu cedurre
6.22 6.22
and and// ;ir/ ir/ and and E Ele lect ctri rica call o ools ols
6.23 6.23
Cart Cartri ridg dgee Op Oper erat ated ed ools
0elding an and ,urning
ealth an and giene
6.2$ 6.2$
Crane raness and and *ate *ateri rial al and andli ling ng
6.2' 6.2'
(ire (ire !re !revent ventio ion n and and !rot !rotec ecti tion on
6.3 6.3)
!hotographi phic E&ui E&uip pment
-mo9ing R eg egulations
6.33 6.33
-us -uspend pendeed !er !ersonne onnell !la !lat+or t+orm m
6.34 6.34
;rtic rticul ulat atin ing g ,oom oom !lat !lat+o +orm rm
-a+et 0atches
6.36 6.36
6.3 6.3
aard Communic nication
6.3 6.3$
Electri trical cal E&uipme pment
6.3 6.3'
Electri trical cal Installa llation ions
6.4) 6.4)
Elec Electr tric ical al 0or9 !ra !ractic ctices es
6.41 6.41
Emer Emerge genc nc (lu (lush shin ing/ g/ Ees Ees and and ,od ,od
O++ice -a -a+et
6.43 6.43
ear earin ing g Cons Conser erva vati tion on and and oi oise se Con Contr trol ol
6.44 6.44
eat eatin ing g %e %evic vices/ es/ e empor porar ar
6.4 6.46
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. NO. CP-103 REV. REV. 0 PAE ' PAE ' of 4) E!!EC"#VE E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
ENERA$ SA!E %OR& PRAC"#CES 6.1$ 6.1$
Con+i on+ine ned d-pa pace ce !ro !rocedur dures
6.1' 6.1'
%o %o o ot se se7 7 a ag !r !rocedur eduree
6.2) 6.2)
8oc9 8oc9o out: ut:a agout out !ro !rocedu cedurre
6.22 6.22
and and// ;ir/ ir/ and and E Ele lect ctri rica call o ools ols
6.23 6.23
Cart Cartri ridg dgee Op Oper erat ated ed ools
0elding an and ,urning
ealth an and giene
6.2$ 6.2$
Crane raness and and *ate *ateri rial al and andli ling ng
6.2' 6.2'
(ire (ire !re !revent ventio ion n and and !rot !rotec ecti tion on
6.3 6.3)
!hotographi phic E&ui E&uip pment
-mo9ing R eg egulations
6.33 6.33
-us -uspend pendeed !er !ersonne onnell !la !lat+or t+orm m
6.34 6.34
;rtic rticul ulat atin ing g ,oom oom !lat !lat+o +orm rm
-a+et 0atches
6.36 6.36
6.3 6.3
aard Communic nication
6.3 6.3$
Electri trical cal E&uipme pment
6.3 6.3'
Electri trical cal Installa llation ions
6.4) 6.4)
Elec Electr tric ical al 0or9 !ra !ractic ctices es
6.41 6.41
Emer Emerge genc nc (lu (lush shin ing/ g/ Ees Ees and and ,od ,od
O++ice -a -a+et
6.43 6.43
ear earin ing g Cons Conser erva vati tion on and and oi oise se Con Contr trol ol
6.44 6.44
eat eatin ing g %e %evic vices/ es/ e empor porar ar
6.4 6.46
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. NO. CP-103 REV. REV. 0 PAE ' PAE ' of 4) E!!EC"#VE E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
%rin9ing 0a 0ater
0ashing (acilities
8unch Rooms
-teel Er Erection
6.53 6.53
Conc oncrete and and *as *ason onr r 0or9
6.55 6.55
>ac9 >ac9s/ s/ Roll Roller ers/ s/ and and Rel Relat ated ed %evi %evice cess
6.5 6.56
!ile %r %rivi iving an and %r %redging
6.5 6.5
rans anspor portati tatio on o+ o+ 0o 0or9er r9erss
6.5$ 6.5$
Emer Emerge genc nc (lu (lush shin ing/ g/ Ees Ees and and ,od ,od
6.6 6.61
Ee=as =ash:% h:%rench nch -h -ho=er
6.62 6.62
(or9 (or9li+ li+tt r ruc9s uc9s "!o= "!o=er ered ed Ind Indus ustr tria iall r ruc9s uc9s##
6.6 6.63
8i&ue+i ue+ieed !e !etroleum ?a ?as
6.64 6.64
Comp ompressed sed ?as ?as Clin linde ders rs
6.65 6.65
Roll Rollov over er !rot !rotec ectiv tivee -tr -truc uctu turres "RO! "RO!-s -s##
-a+et ets
6.6 6.6
nder ndergr gro ound Cons onstruc tructi tion on
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. NO. CP-103 REV. REV. 0 PAE 3 PAE 3 of 4) E!!EC"#VE E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
NO. NO. CP-103 REV. REV. 0 PAE 4 PAE 4 of 4) E!!EC"#VE E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
P*RPOSE +o i*entif the %ini%u% reuire%ents for en#iron%ental, safet, an* health practices.
SCOPE +his proce*ure is applicable to Bechtel proects"facilities.
E!#N#"#ONS '
CSM - Construction /ite anaer
!M - Facilit anaer
ES2H - 2n#iron%ental, /afet, /afet, an* ealth
ES2HEP - 2n#iron%ental, /afet, an* ealth 2ecution Plan
ES2HR - 2n#iron%ental, /afet, an* ealth 5epresentati#e
S34er S34ervi visio sion n - nclu*e nclu*es s all person personnel nel $ho $ho ha#e ha#e respon responsibi sibilit lit for controllin the actions of others.
E$CB - 2arth 6ea7ae Circuit Brea7er
PPE - Personal Protecti#e 2uip%ent
MSS - aterial /afet ata /heet
ROPS - 5ollo#er Protecti#e /tructure
RESPONS#B#$#"#ES hen hen an acti acti#i #it t is *efi *efine ne* * for for a cert certai ain n posi positi tion on in this this proc proce* e*ur ure, e, a *esinee %a perfor% the responsibilit. responsibil it. /('
CSM8!M - +he +he C/ C/"F "F has has the the o#er o#eral alll resp respon onsi sibi bili lit t for for the the i%ple i%ple%en %entat tation ion of this this proce* proce*ure ure.. +he +he C/"F C/"F is respon responsibl sible e for suppor supportin tin this this proces process s an* for ensurin ensurin all proec proect"f t"facil acilit it entitie entities s acti#el participate. +he C/"F is responsible responsible for pro#i*in pro#i*in the personnel, personnel, facilities, facilities, an* other resources necessar necessar to effecti#el i%ple%ent this proce*ure.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE ( of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
+he C/"F an* the %anae%ent tea% $ill lea* b ea%ple, %o*ellin the beha#iour epecte* fro% all e%ploees perfor%in $or7. /(+
ES2H Re4resentative - +he a*%inisterin this proce*ure.
2/:5 %ust ensure that this proce*ure %eets the o#ern%ent reuire%ents in the location of the proect or facilit. hen o#ern%ent reuire%ents are %ore strinent than Bechtel reuire%ents, the 5eional 2/: anaer an* 2/:5 $ill chane Bechtel reuire%ents to %eet the o#ern%ent reuire%ent.
Construction anae%ent %a also reuire a %ore strinent practice. hen reueste*, the 2/:5 can %a7e the necessar chanes.
+hese chanes are consi*ere* a special con*ition an* *o not constitute a chane in corporate polic.
S34ervisor - /uper#ision $ill be thorouhl fa%iliar $ith this proce*ure an* $ith their in*i#i*ual responsibilities rear*in its i%ple%entation an* enforce%ent. urin the course of $or7, each super#isor $ho *irects the acti#ities of e%ploees $ill %onitor the $or7 acti#ities. +he applicable stan*ar*s an* proce*ures $ill be incorporate* into the plannin an* eecution of $or7. /uper#isors are responsible for correctin at-ris7 beha#iour an* substan*ar* con*itions $ithin their area of responsibilit an* a*%inisterin *isciplinar action to e%ploees $ho fail to follo$ the prescribe* /afe or7 Practices.
Em4loyee - 2%ploees %ust 7no$ an* un*erstan* the 2/: reuire%ents of this proce*ure that appl to the $or7 the perfor%. 2ach e%ploee perfor%in $or7 %ust 7no$ an* un*erstan* the 2/: reuire%ents that appl to the $or7 the perfor%. 2%ploees $ho recei#e assin%ents the *o not un*erstan* ha#e an obliation to reuest a**itional infor%ation an* further clarification before startin $or7. ;ll e%ploees $ill follo$ the 2%ploee 2/: Practices an*boo7.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE ) of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
RE1*#REMEN"S 0('
Orientation ;ll %anual an* non-%anual e%ploees, $hether ne$l hire* or rehire*, $ill recei#e, as a %ini%u%, a basic ne$ e%ploee 2/: orientation.
Emer9encies and Evac3ation ).'.1
;n e%erenc action plan to ensure e%ploee safet in the e#ent of fire an* other e%erencies $ill be prepare* in $ritin an* re#ie$e* $ith affecte* e%ploees *urin orientation. +he plan $ill inclu*e the follo$in ele%ents< escape proce*ures an* routes, critical plant operations, e%ploee accountin follo$in an e%erenc e#acuation, rescue an* %e*ical *uties, %eans of reportin e%erencies, an* persons to be contacte* for infor%ation or clarification.
urin orientation, a proect"facilit $ill appraise e%ploees of the fire ha=ar*s of the %aterials an* processes to $hich the $ill be epose*.
#ncident Re4ortin9 Occurrences $hich result in propert *a%ae, inur or >?ear iss@ e#ents that ha#e potential for inur or propert *a%ae, $ill be pro%ptl reporte* to super#ision an* the Bechtel 2/:5 an* a report co%plete*.
Vehicle O4eration ).4.1
otor #ehicles $ill be operate* b license* an* authorise* *ri#ers. ;ll poste* spee* li%its an* other traffic sins $ill be strictl obser#e*. here $eather or other con*itions *ictate, a**itional precautions %ust be ta7en.
/eat belts $ill be $orn at all ti%es $hen tra#ellin in co%pan #ehicles.
2%ploees are prohibite* fro% ri*in on loa*s, fen*ers, runnin boar*s, si*eboar*s an* tailates.
;ll #ehicles in use $ill be chec7e* at the beinnin of each shift to ensure that all parts, euip%ent, an* accessories that affect safe operation are in proper operatin con*ition an* free fro% *efects.
o not operate an unsafe #ehicle.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
5eport an unsafe #ehicle to super#isor.
;ll *efects $ill be correcte* before the #ehicle is place* in ser#ice.
Anatten*e* #ehicles %ust not be left $ith their enines runnin.
ri#ers %ust not %o#e #ehicles until ri*ers co%pl $ith all safet practices.
?o proect"facilit $ill authorise *ri#ers to use an %otor #ehicle or earth%o#in or co%pactin euip%ent $hen the ha#e an obstructe* #ie$ to the rear unless<
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE ! of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
+he #ehicle has a re#erse sinal alar% *istinuishable fro% the surroun*in noise le#el, or
+he #ehicle is bac7e* up onl $hen an obser#er sinals that it is safe to *o so.
hen hea# %achiner, euip%ent, or parts thereof are suspen*e* or hel* aloft, the $ill be substantiall bloc7e* to pre#ent fallin or shiftin before e%ploees are per%itte* to $or7 un*er or bet$een the%.
Cond3ct Bechtel e%ploees $ho enae in horse pla, fihtin, an* a%blin $ho possess firear%s or $ho possess or use alcohol or unauthorise* *rus $ill be *is%isse*. ?on - Bechtel e%ploees $ill be re%o#e* fro% the proect" facilit.
Visitors ).).1
;ll #isitors %ust o throuh a basic orientation see CP-10', Orientation an* +raininD.
;ll #isitors $ill be issue* $ith a pair of safet lasses an* a har* hat an*"or other appropriate PP2 prior to enterin an construction $or7 area.
Co#erall safet lasses $ill be issue* to an* $orn b #isitors $ho $ear prescription lasses that *o not %eet specifications.
Persons escortin or allo$in a #isitor onto the Bechtel proect " facilit are responsible to see that the
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 8 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
#isitor is properl $earin the reuire* PP2 an* has recei#e* a safet orientation. 0(5
PPE :PPE; ).!.1
+he $earin of protecti#e euip%ent an*"or clothin $ill be in co%pliance $ith applicable o#ern%ent reulations. Onl euip%ent co%plin $ith national reulations or other applicable reulations"stan*ar*s $ill be use*. 2uip%ent that has been altere* in an $a $ill not be $orn on the proect.
Bu%p caps an* %etallic har* hats or caps are prohibite*.
el*ers are reuire* to $ear hea* protection har* hatsD *urin $el*in operations. /oft cap $el*in or cuttin %a be authorise* onl at the *irection of Bechtel 2/:5.
;ll personnel are reuire* to ha#e the co%pan loo an* na%e *isplae* pro%inentl on their har* hat. +he na%e $ill be applie* abo#e the bri% of the hat usin bloc7 letters.
ar* hats are reuire* to be $orn at all ti%es $hile on Bechtel proects $ith the follo$in eceptions< •
;*%inistration buil*in office $or7D
6unch an* brea7 perio*s pro#i*in no $or7 is in proress in i%%e*iate brea7 area
Offices an* super#isors acco%%o*ation.
ar* hats $ill not be altere* in an $a, an* %ust be $orn $ith bri% to the front, ecept $hile $el*in. ar* hats $ill confor% to the appropriate national stan*ar*.
;ll personnel on the Bechtel proect $ill $ear appro#e* protecti#e ee$ear *urin $or7in hours. 2e$ear %ust ha#e #en*or"%anufacturer tra*e%ar7 on the lenses an* the appropriate national stan*ar* sta%p on the fra%es.
+inte* lenses are prohibite* insi*e buil*ins or other structures $ith li%ite* illu%ination. +his inclu*es prescription lasses.
/afet lasses $ill ha#e si*e shiel*s.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 9 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
n cases $here e%ploees perfor% $or7 in tiht or enclose* spaces of the Bechtel proect, oles, face shiel*s, an* other protecti#e euip%ent that are reuire* to be $orn to pre#ent ee inur.
;ll rin*in operations $ill be perfor%e* $ith a full-face shiel* an* safet lasses or oles.
Persons $ho $ear prescription or correcti#e eelasses $ill $ear oles or co#ere* safet lassesD o#er the ee$ear or ha#e prescription lasses $ith fra%es, lenses, an* si*e shiel*s that %eet the appropriate national stan*ar*s
el*ers $ill $ear *ual ee protection $hile $el*in.
/afet lasses are reuire* to be $orn at all ti%es $ith the follo$in eceptions< •
n a*%inistration buil*ins office $or7D
urin lunch an* brea7 perio*s pro#i*in no $or7 is in proress in i%%e*iate brea7 areaD
n proect offices an* super#isorEs acco%%o*ation.
hen oles are $orn
appro#e* respirator protection euip%ent $ill be $orn an* onl at the *irection of Bechtel 2/:5.
5espirator euip%ent $ill be use*, store*, an* %aintaine* in accor*ance $ith the %anufacturerEs reuire%ents an* the Bechtel 5espirator Protection Prora%%e.
5espirator protection euip%ent $ill be selecte* on the basis of the ha=ar*s to $hich the $or7er $ill be epose*.
;ppro#e* hearin protection $ill be $orn b all personnel in *esinate* areas.
+he 2/:5 is responsible for establishin areas un*er control of the construction roup $here hearin protection %a be reuire* to be $orn. +his inclu*es the %an*ator use of hearin protection $hen operatin plant an* euip%ent that pro*uces soun* le#els at or abo#e the 90 *B ;D le#el.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 10 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
ress Re<3irements ).8.1
;ll personnel are reuire* to $ear clothin appropriate for the $or7 bein perfor%e*.
/hirts $orn b personnel %ust ha#e slee#es at least 100 %% in lenth. nit shirts, slee#eless shirts, slee#es rolle* up onto the ball of the shoul*er, an* other such apparel or practices are prohibite*.
Persons $or7in near %o#in %achiner %ust pre#ent clothin an* bo* parts fro% bein cauht b %o#in co%ponents.
Clothin soa7e* $ith rease, paint, thinners, sol#ents, or si%ilar %aterials $ill not be $orn.
/tur* leather$or7 shoes or safet boots that are reuire* to be $orn.
!all Protection ).9.1
Fall protection sste%s $ill be use* in accor*ance $ith applicable reulations.
Persons $ho are perfor%in $or7 in unuar*e* areas an* epose* to a potential fall of + metres or more $ill utilise fall protection euip%ent.
n situations $here a fall coul* result in i%pale%ent or other inur i.e., $or7in o#er a hot process, operatin euip%entD, fall protection euip%ent $ill be utilise* rear*less of the potential fallin *istance. o$e#er, $hene#er practicable, $or7 shoul* be carrie* out fro% a safe $or7in platfor%.
Gertical i%palin obects, such as rebar, $ill ha#e the en*s cappe* $ith an article such as a bloc7 of (0%% b 100 %% $oo*, rebar cap, or other ite% $hich a*euatel co#ers the i%palin en* of the obect. ;lternati#el, if practicable the rebar can be bent o#er.
; personal fall protection sste% %ust be inspecte* prior to use b the user. ;n *efects note* in the sste% %ust be reporte* to an i%%e*iate super#isor.
/afet bo* harness asse%blies, lanar*s, an* other personal euip%ent $ill be inspecte* e#er si %onths b a co%petent person *esinate* b the 2/:5.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 11 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
;uiliar fall protection euip%ent, such as static lines, peri%eter uar*s, or other suitable %eans, $ill be utilise* b personnel tra#ellin fro% one location to another in ele#ate* positions.
Personnel $ill be pro#i*e* safe access an* eress to all $or7 areas
Persons $ho are obser#e* not utilisin fall protection euip%ent $ill be i*entifie* an* the appropriate super#isor or subcontractor $ill be notifie*. 2%ploees are subect to *isciplinar action up to an* inclu*in ter%ination.
2%ploees %ust use a full bo* harness lanar* sste%, unless other$ise authorise* b the 2/:5..
Maintenance of PPE ).10.1
PP2, $hich has been ta%pere* $ith or altere* in an %anner so as to re*uce its effecti#eness, $ill be confiscate* an* repaire* or *estroe*.
+he 2/:5 or *esinee is responsible for trainin e%ploees in the proper inspection, use, %aintenance, an* storae of PP2.
Barriers ).11.1
/uper#isors are responsible for the erection an* %aintenance of barriers reuire* for e%ploee protection an* establishin boun*aries aroun* euip%ent or %aterials to protect fro% potential *a%ae.
Barriers %ust be %aintaine* at least 0.) %etres fro% the e*e of an open trench or eca#ation.
Barrier tape $ill be use* for its inten*e* purpose accor*in to appro#e* %etho*s. Apon co%pletion of the $or7 bein perfor%e*, the installin super#isor %ust re%o#e the tape.
Hello$ barrier tape $ill be use* in areas $here caution is reuire* re* barrier tape $ill be use* in areas $here i%%inent *aner is present. Barrier tape is not to be use* to protect a phsical ha=ar* such as a floor openin or $all openin.
Anauthorise* persons $ho enter re* barriere* areas are subect to *isciplinar action up to an* inclu*in *is%issal.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 1' of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
;reas $here asbestos re%o#al or other re%e*ial $or7 is in process $ill be barriere* an* sine* an* entr $ill be restricte* to authorise* personnel onl.
Si9ns and "a9s ).1'.1
/ins an* tas $ill be in confor%ance $ith reulations as to use, colour, postin, $or*in, si=e reulator restrictions, an* reuire%ents.
+he 2/:5 is responsible for authorisin the eneral postin of sins relati#e to $arnins, precautions, notices, an* other infor%ation pertinent to personnel, roa* access$as, an* closures.
/ubcontractors are responsible for postin or *isplain sins relati#e to their scope of $or7, e.., sins reuire* at a co%presse* as clin*er storae area or asbestos re%o#al area.
Scaffolds and Platforms ).13.1
; co%petent person in confor%ance $ith appropriate national stan*ar*s $ill erect all scaffol*in. ; co%petent person %ust inspect each scaffol* prior to use..
;ll scaffol*in $ill ha#e toe boar*s, %i*-rails, top rails, an* access la**ers.
/caffol*in $ill be re%o#e* accor*in to construction reuire%ents an* $hen $or7 has been co%plete*.
+he scaffol* tain proce*ure is to be obser#e* an* follo$e* b e%ploees usin scaffol*s.
Radios and Electronic E<3i4ment ).14.1
5a*ios, C plaers, cassette tape plaers, an* other such euip%ent are prohibite*..
Batter po$ere* euip%ent are prohibite* in areas classifie* as >ha=ar*ous@ unless the euip%ent is appro#e* for use in such ha=ar*ous areas an* $ritten per%ission has been obtaine* fro% the 2/:5.. +he use of hearin ai*s in ha=ar*ous areas %ust be appro#e* b the 2/:5"Client.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 13 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
!loor, Roof, %all and Platform O4enin9s Proper precautions %ust be ta7en to ensure that floor, roof, $all, an* platfor% openins are uar*e* or co#ere* an* %ar7e* to $arn all personnel of the potential ha=ar*. +his inclu*es installin te%porar han* rails, %i*rails, toe boar*s, screenins, plan7in, an* $al7$as, as $ell as pro#i*in safe access $as fro% establishe* uar*e* or protecte* areas to unprotecte* or unuar*e* areas.
Radio9ra4hy ).1).1
/ubcontractors or others in#ol#e* in ra*ioraph $ill ha#e current certification an* trainin, an* $ill i%ple%ent safe operatin proce*ures for ra*ioloical acti#ities as reuire* b all applicable reulations.
>Per%it for 5a*ioraph@ is reuire* ra*ioraph $or7 on a proect.
Ha=ardo3s %aste Materials a=ar*ous $aste %aterials such as paint sol#ents, paint slu*e, reases, or other %aterials $ill be han*le* an* *ispose* of in accor*ance $ith the proect 2/:2P, applicable reulator stan*ar*s, an* %anufacturerEs reuire%ents.
Confined S4ace Proced3res ).18.1
2ntr into an confine* space %ust be in accor*ance $ith the proce*ures in CP-'19, Confine* or 2nclose* /paces.
Confine* spaces can be *efine* as an space $here the access or eress is li%ite*, $here oen *eficienc %a occur, or $here toic substances or other ha=ar*s %a accu%ulate in a restricte* $or7 area. Confine* spaces inclu*e tan7s, #essels, hoppers, bins, tan7 cars, stea% boilers, con#eor tunnels, coal bun7ers, su%ps, *ucts, scrubbers, %anholes, se$ers, an* eca#ations 1.' %etres *eep or %ore.
>o Not *se? "a9 Proced3re ).19.1
>o ?ot Ase@ tas $ill be utilise* to prohibit the use or operation of tools an* euip%ent. >o ?ot Ase@ tas are for eneral use of proect super#isor personnel, tool an* $arehouse personnel, an* the safet personnel. 2a%ples of $hen tas $ill be use* are to i*entif< •
efecti#e tools an* euip%ent © Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199!
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 14 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
a%ae* la**ers
hen tas are use* to prohibit operation of an *e#ice or euip%ent, the e%ploee $ho affie* the ta $ill sin an* *ate it, an* *escribe the taEs purpose. +he installer can onl re%o#e tas or in*i#i*uals authorise* b %anae%ent.
Anauthorise* re%o#al of tas $ill result in *isciplinar action, inclu*in ter%ination or re%o#al fro% the proect.
$oc@o3t 8 "a9o3t Proced3re
+he loc7out " taout proce*ures $ill be in place to preclu*e the ina*#ertent operation of euip%ent such as %otors, #al#es, pu%ps, or rotatin euip%ent or release of ener such as electrical, pneu%atic, ther%al, che%ical, or store* potential ener. 0(+'
Ho3se@ee4in9 ).'1.1
ouse7eepin is a fun*a%ental an* necessar acti#it an* $ill be perfor%e* b e#er e%ploee $or7in on the proect.
or7 areas, passae$as, stair$as, an* all other areas $ill be 7ept free of *ebris, euip%ent, an* %aterials.
;ppropriate refuse containers $ill be place* strateicall an* use* for *isposal of scrap %aterials an* other enerate* *ebris.
6iui*s such as paints, sol#ents, thinners, oils, an* reasesD an* an other %aterial or containers, $hich ha#e containe* che%icals, $ill be *ispose* of in accor*ance $ith the ha=ar*ous $aste proce*ures an* reulator reuire%ents.
/torae areas $ill be 7ept clean an* %aterials neatl stac7e* or place*.
aterials $ill be store* or place* in an or*erl %anner.
2lectric $el*in lea*s, cor*s, $ires, electrical cables, hoses, an* other te%porar sste%s $ill be 7ept off the $al7in surface in an ele#ate* position.
6unch or eatin areas $ill be 7ept clean an* free of all foo* scraps, $rappers, cups, an* other *isposable ite%s.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 1( of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
hene#er %aterials are *roppe* %ore than ) %etres to an point lin outsi*e the eterior $alls of the buil*in, an enclose* chute of $oo* or eui#alent %aterial $ill be use*. ;n enclosed chute is a sli*e, close* in on all si*es, throuh $hich %aterial is %o#e* fro% a hih place to a lo$er one.
hen *ebris is *roppe* throuh holes in the floor $ithout the use of chutes, the area onto $hich the %aterial is *roppe* $ill be co%pletel enclose* $ith $alls not less than 1.8 %etres hih an* not less than 1.8 %etres bac7 fro% the proecte* e*e of the openin abo#e. /ins $arnin of the ha=ar* of fallin %aterials $ill be poste* at each le#el. 5e%o#al $ill not be per%itte* in this lo$er area until *ebris han*lin ceases abo#e.
;ll scrap
;ll sol#ent $aste, oil ras, an* fla%%able liui*s $ill be 7ept in fire-resistant co#ere* containers until re%o#e* fro% the $or7site.
ti%ber, $aste %aterial, an* rubbish $ill be re%o#e* fro% the i%%e*iate $or7 area as the $or7 proresses.
Hand, Air, and Electrical "ools ).''.1
2%ploees are reuire* to report *a%ae* an* *efecti#e tools to their super#isor or returns the% to the tool roo% for proper tain an* repair.
a%ae* or *efecti#e tools are to be ta7en out of ser#ice, tae* >o ?ot OperateI an* store* in a controlle* area until appropriate repairs ha#e been %a*e.
+ools are not to be altere* in an $a an* $ill be operate* in accor*ance $ith %anufacturin specifications.
+ools, such as sa$s an* rin*ers, $ill ha#e uar*s in place *urin their operation.
Persons $ho operate earth co%pactors, rollers, chisel i%pact ha%%ers, an* other such tools $ill $ear appropriate protecti#e foot$ear.
+ools $ill not be abuse* an* $ill be 7ept in oo* operatin con*ition.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 1) of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
+ools $ill be inspecte* prior to each use for *efects such as crac7e* han*les, *a%ae* cuttin e*es, splittin or crac7e* parts, an* bro7en a*ustin co%ponents. a%ae* tools $ill not be use*.
+ools $ill be use* onl for their inten*e* purpose.
;ll electricall po$ere* tools $ill be *ouble insulate* or earthe*. .
+he use of non-spar7in tools %a be reuire* on the proect as specifie* in $or7 authorisation per%its.
+he pressure of co%presse* air use* for cleanin purposes %ust be re*uce* to 30 psi or less. Co%presse* air $ill not be use* for cleanin or blo$in *ust fro% an part of the bo* or clothin.
;irline hoses for tools an* other euip%ent $ill be secure* toether to pre#ent uncontrolle* $hippin in the e#ent hose couplins beco%e separate* $hile un*er pressure.
;ir supplin hoses ecee*in 1'%% internal *ia%eter $ill be protecte* b ecess flo$ #al#es to pre#ent >$hippin@ in the e#ent of hose separation or failure.
+e%porar construction outlets use* for 110 G tools $ill be protecte* b earth 26CBEs or an assure* earthin prora%%e.
Portable rin*ers $ill be pro#i*e* $ith hoo* tpe uar*s $ith si*e enclosures that co#er the spin*le an* at least (0J of the $heel. ;ll $heels $ill be inspecte* reularl for sins of fracture.
Bench rin*ers $ill be euippe* $ith *eflector shiel*s an* si*e co#er uar*s. +ool rests $ill ha#e a %ai%u% clearance of 3%% bet$een the $heel an* rin*in stone.
;ir suppl lines $ill be protecte* fro% *a%ae, inspecte* reularl, an* %aintaine* in oo* con*ition.
Petrol po$ere* tools $ill not be use* in un#entilate* areas Petrol $ill be *ispense* onl in appro#e* safet cans. +hese cans $ill be properl labelle* an* store*.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 1! of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
+ool retainers $ill be installe* on portable tools, $hich reuire the% to be fitte*.
an* hose connections use* for connectin co%presse* air $ill be *esine* for the pressure an* ser#ice to $hich the are subecte*.
Cartrid9e O4erated "ools ).'3.1
Onl e%ploees $ho ha#e been traine* in the operation of the particular tool in use $ill be allo$e* to operate a cartri*e-operate* tool.
+he tool $ill be teste* each *a before loa*in to see that safet *e#ices are in proper $or7in con*ition. +he %etho* of testin $ill be in accor*ance $ith the %anufacturerEs reco%%en*e* proce*ures.
;n tool foun* not in proper $or7in or*er, or that *e#elops a *efect *urin use, $ill be i%%e*iatel re%o#e* fro% ser#ice an* not use* until properl repaire*.
+ools $ill not be loa*e* until ust prior to the inten*e* firin ti%e. ?either loa*e* nor e%pt tools are to be pointe* at an e%ploees. an*s $ill be 7ept clear of the open barrel en*.
6oa*e* tools $ill not be left unatten*e*.
Fasteners $ill not be *ri#en into #er har* or brittle %aterials, inclu*in cast iron, la=e* tile, surfacehar*ene* steel, lass bloc7, li#e roc7, face bric7, or hollo$ tile.
;#oi* *ri#in into %aterials easil penetrate* unless such %aterials are bac7e* b a substance that $ill pre#ent the pin or fastener fro% passin co%pletel throuh an* creatin a flin %issile ha=ar* on the other si*e.
?o fastener $ill be *ri#en into a spalle* area cause* b an unsatisfactor fastenin.
+ools $ill not be use* in an eplosi#e or fla%%able at%osphere.
;ll tools $ill be use* $ith the correct shiel*, uar*, or attach%ent reco%%en*e* b the %anufacturer.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 18 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
%eldin9 and B3rnin9 ).'4.1
;ll $el*in, cuttin or burnin operations in areas classifie* ha=ar*ous areas reuire an authorisation fro% the 2/:5.
;ll cuttin, $el*in, or burnin operations to be *one $ithin confine* spaces reuire authorisation fro% the 2/:5.
; suitable, appro#e* fire etinuisher $ill be rea* for instant use in an location $here $el*in is bein perfor%e*.
/creens, shiel*s, or other safeuar*s $ill be pro#i*e* for the protection of personnel, euip%ent, an* %aterials epose* to spar7s, sla, %olten %etal, fallin obects, or ultra#iolet AGD"infrare* 5D ra*iation.
el*ers $ill $ear appro#e* ee an* hea* protection. Persons assistin the $el*er $ill also $ear protecti#e lasses"lenses. el*ers $ill $ear a har* hat $hile perfor%in $el*in operations.
2lectric $el*in euip%ent, inclu*in cable, $ill %eet national stan*ar*s.
2lectric $el*in lea*s shoul* be 7ept off the $al7in surface in an ele#ate* position. hen ele#ate*, the pose less *aner to personnel an* are less susceptible to *a%ae b construction acti#ities.
el*in lea*s or cor*s that cross a path$a or roa*$a $ill be protecte* fro% *a%ae b un*erroun* burial or euall effecti#e %eans.
el*in lea*s $ith bro7en insulation $ill be ta7en out of ser#ice or repaire* b the electrical *epart%ent. 2arth lea*s can be repaire* $ith tape pro#i*e* the safe current carrin capacit is not co%pro%ise*.
$adders ).'(.1
6a**ers $ill be inspecte* prior to each use. ; uarterl inspection $ill be con*ucte* b a co%petent person an* results note* on the nspection 6o an* file* $ith the 2/:5.
6a**ers $ith bro7en or %issin runs, bro7en or split si*e rails, or other$ise *a%ae*, $ill not be use* an* $ill be *estroe*. © Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199!
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 19 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
;ll portable la**ers $ill be place* on a stable base. +he access areas at the top an* botto% of la**ers in use $ill be 7ept clear of obstructions.
6a**er si*e rails $ill eten* 1.0( %etres abo#e the lan*in. hen this is not practical, rab rails $ill be installe*. ;ll la**ers in use $ill be tie*, bloc7e*, or other$ise secure* to pre#ent *isplace%ent.
+he eneral rules applin to the use of %anufacture* la**ers also appl to the use of ob-%a*e la**ers.
6a**ers $ill be i*entifie* b nu%ber an* co%pan.
+ripo* la**ers la**ers $ith three lesD are prohibite* on Bechtel proects. ;ll fol*in la**ers $ill ha#e four supportin rails or les.
Onl non-%etallic, appro#e* la**ers $ill be use* on Bechtel proects.
Railroads ).').1
+he bloc7in, re%o#al, %o*ification, or an other alteration of the plant railroa* sste%s reuires authorisation fro% the 2/:5.
n the e#ent a rail sste% is bloc7e*, *a%ae*, or potentiall *a%ae* or altere*, the C/"F %ust be notifie* i%%e*iatel. ;n e%ploee %ust be left at the *a%ae* or bloc7e* area until relie#e* b another e%ploee or until the ha=ar* is correcte*.
Health and Hy9iene ).'!.1
ashin facilities are pro#i*e* for e%ploees $ho are usin or han*lin %aterials, che%icals, or other substances that coul* be har%ful. /uch facilities $ill be locate* near the $or7site an* $ill be use* b e%ploees.
+oilets $ill be pro#i*e* for an* use* b construction personnel.
Klass bottles are prohibite* on Bechtel proects.
Cranes and Material Handlin9 ).'8.1
+a lines $ill be use* $hen liftin %aterials $ith an cranes or other liftin *e#ice.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '0 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
aintenance, repair, an* recor* 7eepin $ill be carrie* out in co%pliance $ith the Bechtel %aintenance %anual.
+he s$in ra*ius of cranes an* other liftin euip%ent $ill be barriere* to $arn personnel of the ha=ar*.
Current test an* ea%ination reports for all cranes in use $ill be locate* on the Bechtel proect.
Cranes an* other liftin euip%ent $ill be inspecte* *ail b the operator an* recor*e* in a ail nspection 6o. ;ll *efects or repairs $ill be recor*e* in the lo.
+he super#isor in chare of euip%ent $ill re#ie$ the los *ail.
Personnel operatin cranes $ill be traine* an* co%petent to operate such euip%ent.
!ire Prevention and Protection ).'9.1
/%o7in is per%itte* onl in *esinate* areas. /%o7in $ill be prohibite* at or in the #icinit of operations, $hich constitute a fire ha=ar*. +hese areas $ill be clearl sine* >?o /%o7in or Open Fla%e.@
2lectrical $irin an* euip%ent for liht, heat, or po$er purposes $ill be installe* in co%pliance $ith the reuire%ents of appropriate national stan*ar*s.
?o te%porar buil*in $ill be erecte* $here it $ill a*#ersel affect an %eans of eit. Clearance $ill be %aintaine* aroun* lihts an* heatin units to pre#ent inition of co%bustible %aterials.
+e%porar buil*ins, $hen locate* $ithin another buil*in or structure, $ill be of either non-co%bustible construction or of co%bustible construction ha#in a fire resistance capabilit of not less than one hour.
+e%porar buil*ins, locate* other than insi*e another buil*in an* not use* for the storae, han*lin, or use of fla%%able or co%bustible liui*s, fla%%able ases, eplosi#es, or blastin aents, or si%ilar ha=ar*ous occupancies, $ill be locate* at a *istance of not less than 3 %etres fro% another buil*in or structure. Kroups of te%porar buil*ins, not ecee*in ',000 suare
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '1 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
feet in areate, $ill be consi*ere* a sinle te%porar buil*in. ).'9.)
+he Bechtel proect"facilit $ill be 7ept free fro% accu%ulation of unnecessar co%bustible %aterials. ee*s an* rass $ill be 7ept *o$n an* a reular proce*ure pro#i*e* for the perio*ic cleanup of the entire area.
Onl appro#e* containers an* portable tan7s $ill be use* for storae an* han*lin of fla%%able an* co%bustible liui*s. ;ppro#e* safet cans $ill be use* for han*lin an* usin fla%%able liui*s in uantities of one allon or %ore. +his $ill not appl to those fla%%able liui* %aterials $hich are hihl #iscous etre%el har* to pourD, $hich %a be use* an* han*le* in oriinal shippin containers. For uantities less than one allon, the oriinal %anufacturers container or a s%all appropriate *ispenser %a be utilise* pro#i*e* it is use* i%%e*iatel.
Fla%%able or co%bustible liui*s $ill not be store* in areas nor%all use* for eits, stair$as, or for the safe passae of people.
+ransfer of fla%%able liui*s fro% one container to another $ill be *one onl $hen containers are electricall interconnecte* bon*e*D.
+he *ispensin units $ill be protecte* aainst collision *a%ae.
Conspicuous an* leible sins prohibitin s%o7in $ill be poste*.
Portable heaters, inclu*in sala%an*ers, $ill be euippe* $ith an appro#e* auto%atic *e#ice to shut off the flo$ of as to the %ain burner an* pilot if use*, in the e#ent of fla%e failure. /uch heaters, ha#in inputs abo#e (0,000 Btu per hour, $ill be euippe* $ith either a pilot, that %ust be lihte* an* pro#e* before the %ain burner can be turne* on, or an electrical inition sste%.
;ppropriate fire protection euip%ent fire etinuishers an* fire hosesD $ill be accessible, rea*il a#ailable, an* $ell %aintaine* *urin all phases of the proect.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '' of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Photo9ra4hic E<3i4ment +he use of photoraphic euip%ent is prohibite* on proect pre%ises $ithout the authorisation of the C/"F.
Smo@in9 Re93lations /%o7in is onl per%itte* in *esinate* areas.
Ri99in9 ).3'.1
5iin $ill be con*ucte* b, or un*er the super#ision of, ualifie* e%ploees $ho are fa%iliar $ith all aspects of riin.
+he loa* i%pose* on ropes, chain, slins, an* fittins $ill not ecee* the safe $or7in loa* reco%%en*e* b the %anufacturer.
ire ropes, chains, ropes, an* other riin euip%ent $ill be inspecte* prior to use an* as necessar *urin use to ensure their safet. efecti#e ear $ill be re%o#e* fro% ser#ice.
/lins constructe* fro% non-%etallic fibres $ill not be subecte* to a te%perature abo#e 180 °F 8'°CD.
?on-%etallic fibre slins, sho$in nic7s, cuts, burns, or an *a%ae or *efect $ill be re%o#e* fro% ser#ice.
Lob or shop hoo7s an* lin7s or %a7eshift fasteners for%e* fro% bolts, ro*s, or other such attach%ents $ill not be use*.
hen A-bolts are use* for ee splices, the A-bolt $ill be applie* so that the >A@ section is in contact $ith the *ea* en* of the rope.
hen a $e*e soc7et connector is use* as a $ire rope ter%inal, %eans $ill be pro#i*e* to secure the en* of the rope to pre#ent acci*ental release of the soc7et or rope slippae at the soc7et.
).3'.9 ).3'.10
Open hoo7s $ill not be use* for hoistin. +he strenth of an sinle u-line an* its anchor $ill ecee* the brea7in strenth of the loa*-line riin arrane%ent.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '3 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Ku-line anchors $ill be so place* that the interior anle, bet$een the u-line an* the hori=ontal plane, $ill not ecee* 4( *erees.
Ku-lines $ill be arrane* to ensure that the strain in an *irection is share* b not less than t$o us.
/prea*er bars an* si%ilar specialise* liftin *e#ices $ill be *esine* b ualifie* persons an* $ill be clearl %ar7e* to in*icate their safe $or7in loa*s.
S3s4ended Personnel Platform ;ll $or7 platfor%s co%%onl 7no$n as $or7 bas7ets or %an bas7ets $ill be *esine* an* use* in accor*ance $ith current reulator stan*ar*s an* in accor*ance $ith CP-''4, /uspen*e* Personnel Platfor%s.
Artic3latin9 Boom Platform ).34.1
Prior to use, all personnel %ust be traine* an* *e%onstrate co%petenc to safel operate an articulatin boo% platfor% an*"or possess an operatorEs car* issue* b the proect"facilit.
;ll personnel $ill rea* an* obe all $arnin placar*s on the %achines an* $ill beco%e fa%iliar $ith operatorEs %anual.
; %alfunctionin lift $ill not be operate* until repaire* as per %anufacturerEs reco%%en*ations. +he euip%ent $ill be clearl tae* >out of ser#ice@ an* the super#isor $ill be pro%ptl notifie*.
+he function of the controls $ill be clearl %ar7e*.
; pre-start inspection of the euip%ent $ill be perfor%e*. +he user $ill be responsible to ensure this has occurre*.
+he euip%ent $ill onl be use* on fir%, le#el roun*.
Platfor%s"bas7ets $ill not be loa*e* in ecess of the *esin$or7in loa*.
eiht of personnel in bas7ets is counte* as part of the loa*.
;rticulatin boo% platfor%s $ill be use* for liftin personnel an* s%all han* tools. +he use of an articulatin boo% platfor% for liftin %aterials is prohibite*.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '4 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Personnel nee* to re%e%ber the o#erall *i%ensions of the %achine an* al$as ensure that there is sufficient clearance before %o#in un*er an o#erhea* obstruction an* $or7in near electrical lines.
Personnel $ill not $al7 un*er a boo% in or*er to ain access to the platfor%.
Personnel $ill not tie the platfor% off to an structure for an reason.
Personnel are reuire* to stan* on the platfor% floor. /tan*in on the railin is prohibite*.
Personnel $ill al$as loo7 in the *irection the %achine is %o#in.
Personnel $ill not rest the boo% or bas7et on a steel structure of an 7in*.
/afet harnesses %ust be $orn an* tie*-off insi*e the platfor%.
Platfor%s $ill not be use* as access to an structure. Personnel %ust sta in the bas7et at all ti%es.
;ll euip%ent %ust be euippe* $ith a 10 lb. 4.(7D fire etinuisher %ounte* on the bas7et.
Ase effecti#e barriers an*"or a fla person $hen operatin in hih traffic areas. +his inclu*es all plant roa*$as.
Personnel in bas7et %ust 7eep han*s off han*rail $hen raisin or lo$erin bas7et.
Bas7ets are not to be raise* $ith cor*s, lea*s, or hose tie* to han*rail. ; taline %ust be use* to raise these ite%s $hen bas7et is in position to $or7.
hen one or %ore persons are ri*in in a bas7et, the shoul* atte%pt to face one another. +his $ill enable each to %onitor phsical obstructions" ha=ar*s.D
Safety %atches Before perfor%in $atch *uties, e%ploees $ill be i#en trainin an* $ill be i*entifie* $ith stic7ers on their har* hats or b other %eans to in*icate that the ha#e recei#e* /afet atch trainin.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '( of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Ecavation and "renchin9 ).3).1
+he esti%ate* location of utilit ser#ices M such as se$er, telephone, fuel, electric, $ater lines, or an other un*erroun* installations that reasonabl %a be epecte* to be encountere* *urin eca#ation $or7 M $ill be *eter%ine* prior to openin an eca#ation. 2istin ser#ices *ra$ins an* Cable ;#oi*ance +ools $ill be use* to locate these ser#ices.
Atilit co%panies or o$ners $ill be contacte* $ithin establishe* or custo%ar local response ti%es, a*#ise* of the propose* $or7, an* as7e* to establish the location of the utilit un*erroun* installations prior to the start of actual eca#ation. hen utilit co%panies or o$ners cannot respon* to a reuest to locate un*erroun* utilit installations $ithin '4 hours unless a loner perio* is reuire* b o#ern%entD, or cannot establish the eact location of these installations, the proect"facilit %a procee*, pro#i*e* the proect"facilit *oes so $ith caution, an* pro#i*e* *etection euip%ent or other acceptable %eans to locate utilit installations are use*.
hen eca#ation operations approach the esti%ate* location of un*erroun* installations, the eact location of the installations $ill be *eter%ine* b safe an* acceptable %eans e.. han* *iin. hile the eca#ation is open, un*erroun* installations $ill be protecte*, supporte*, or re%o#e*, as necessar, to safeuar* e%ploees. 2ach e%ploee in an eca#ation $ill be protecte* fro% collapse b an a*euate protecti#e sste% ecept $hen< •
2ca#ations are %a*e entirel in stable roc7, or
2ca#ations are less than 1.' %etres *eep an* ea%ination of the earth b a co%petent person pro#i*es no in*ication of a potential collapse.
Protecti#e sste%s $ill ha#e the capacit to resist, $ithout failure, all loa*s that are inten*e* or coul* reasonabl be epecte* to be applie* or trans%itte* to the sste%.
2%ploees $ill be protecte* fro% open eca#ations or %aterials or euip%ent that coul* pose a ha=ar* b fallin or rollin into eca#ations. Protection $ill be pro#i*e* b placin an* 7eepin such %aterials or euip%ent at least 0.) %etres fro%
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
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the e*e of eca#ations, or b usin stop los etc. that are sufficient to pre#ent %aterials or euip%ent fro% failin or rollin into eca#ations, or b a co%bination of both if necessar.
; co%petent person $ill con*uct *ail inspections of eca#ations, the a*acent areas, an* protecti#e sste%s for e#i*ence of a situation that coul* result in possible collapse, in*ications of failure of protecti#e sste%s, ha=ar*ous at%ospheres, or other ha=ar*ous con*itions. +he co%petent person $ill con*uct an inspection prior to the start of $or7 an* as nee*e* throuhout the shift. nspections $ill also be %a*e after e#er rainstor% or other ha=ar*-increasin occurrence.
here a co%petent person fin*s e#i*ence of a situation that coul* result in a possible collapse, in*ications of failure of protecti#e sste%s, ha=ar*ous at%ospheres, or other ha=ar*ous con*itions, epose* e%ploees $ill be re%o#e* fro% the ha=ar*ous area until the necessar precautions ha#e been ta7en to ensure their safet.
; stair$a, la**er, ra%p, or other safe %eans of access "eress $ill be locate* in trench eca#ations. ;ccess"eress points %ust be pro#i*e* in the eca#ation at a *istance of e#er !.) %etres.
Ha=ard Comm3nication ).3!.1
+he purpose of this practice is to ensure that the potential ha=ar*s of all ha=ar*ous substances pro*uce* or i%porte* are e#aluate*, an* that infor%ation concernin their ha=ar*s is trans%itte* to proect"facilit an* e%ploees. +his trans%ittal of infor%ation is acco%plishe* b %eans of co%prehensi#e ha=ar* co%%unication prora%%es, $hich inclu*es container labellin an* other for%s of $arnin, aterial /afet ata /heets //EsD an* e%ploee trainin.
+he proect"facilit $ill *e#elop, i%ple%ent, an* %aintain at the $or7place a $ritten ha=ar* co%%unication prora%%e for their $or7places. +he proect"facilit $ill infor% its e%ploees of the a#ailabilit of the prora%%e, inclu*in the reuire* listsD of ha=ar*ous substances an* //Es reuire*.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
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+he proect"facilit $ill ensure that each container of ha=ar*ous substances in the $or7place is labelle*, tae*, or %ar7e* $ith the i*entit of the ha=ar*ous substances containe* therein an* sho$s ha=ar* $arnins appropriate for e%ploee protection.
Che%ical %anufacturers an* i%porters $ill obtain or *e#elop a // for each ha=ar*ous substance that the pro*uce or i%port. +he proect"facilit $ill ha#e a // for each ha=ar*ous substance the use.
+he proect"facilit $ill pro#i*e e%ploees $ith infor%ation an* trainin on ha=ar*ous substances in their $or7 area at the ti%e of their initial assin%ent, an* $hene#er a ne$ ha=ar* is intro*uce* into their $or7 area. +he proect"facilit $ill also pro#i*e e%ploees $ith infor%ation on an operations in their $or7 area $here ha=ar*ous substances are present, an* the location an* a#ailabilit of the $ritten ha=ar* co%%unication prora%%e, inclu*in the reuire* listsD of ha=ar*ous substances an* //Es reuire* b the stan*ar*.
+he proect"facilit $hich pro*uces, uses, or stores ha=ar*ous substances at %ulti - e%ploer $or7places $ill a**itionall ensure that its ha=ar* co%%unication prora%%e inclu*es the %etho*s the proect"facilit $ill use to pro#i*e other Co%panies $ith a cop of the // for ha=ar*ous substances.
Electrical E<3i4ment 2lectrical euip%ent $ill be free fro% reconise* ha=ar*s that are li7el to cause *eath or serious phsical har% to e%ploees. ).38.1
Fleible Cor*s an* Cables 2tension Cor*sD Fleible cor*s an* cables $ill be protecte* fro% acci*ental *a%ae. Anless specificall per%itte*, fleible cor*s an* cables $ill not be use* as a substitute for the fie* $irin of a structure, $here attache* to buil*in surfaces, $here conceale* or $here run throuh holes in $alls, ceilins, or floors, or $here run throuh *oor$as, $in*o$s, or si%ilar openins. Fleible cor*s $ill be connecte* to *e#ices an* fittins so that strain relief is pro#i*e* that $ill pre#ent pull fro% bein *irectl trans%itte* to oints or ter%inal scre$s.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '8 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
2arthin For an earthe* sste%, an earthin electro*e con*uctor $ill be use* to connect both the euip%ent earthin con*uctor an* the earthe* circuit con*uctor to the earthin electro*e. Both the euip%ent earthin con*uctor an* the earthin electro*e con*uctor $ill be connecte* to the earthe* circuit con*uctor on< 1D the suppl si*e of the electrical isolator, 'D the suppl si*e of the electrical isolator, or 3D o#ercurrent *e#ices if the sste% is separatel *eri#e*. For an unearthe* ser#ice-supplie* sste%, the euip%entearthin con*uctor $ill be connecte* to the earthin electro*e con*uctor at the point $here the ser#ice euip%ent is connecte*. +he path to earth fro% circuits, euip%ent, an* enclosures $ill be per%anent an* continuous.
Kuar*in 2lectrical euip%ent $ill be free fro% reconise* ha=ar*s that are li7el to cause *eath or serious phsical har% to e%ploees.
*entification 2ach electrical isolator $ill be leibl %ar7e* to in*icate its purpose, unless it is locate* so the purpose is e#i*ent.
6istin an* 6abellin 6iste* or labelle* euip%ent $ill be use* or installe* in accor*ance $ith an instructions inclu*e* in the listin or labellin.
Openins Anuse* openins in cabinets, boes, an* fittins $ill be effecti#el close*.
/afet-5elate* or7 Practices /afet-relate* $or7 practices $ill be e%ploe* to pre#ent electric shoc7 or other inuries resultin fro% either *irect for in*irect electrical contacts, $hen $or7 is perfor%e* near or on euip%ent of circuits that are or %a be enerise*. © Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199!
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE '9 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
2lectrical safet-relate* $or7 practices co#er both ualifie* persons those $ho ha#e trainin in a#oi*in the electrical ha=ar*s of $or7in on or near epose* enerise* partsD an* unualifie* persons those $ith little or no such traininD. +here $ill be $ritten loc7out an*"or taout proce*ures. /ee CP ''1D O#erhea* po$er lines $ill be *e - enerise* an* earthe* b the o$ner or operator of the lines, or other protecti#e %easures $ill be pro#i*e* before $or7 is starte*. Protecti#e %easures, such as uar*in or insulatin the lines, $ill be *esine* to pre#ent e%ploees fro% co%in into contact $ith the lines. ;s a eneral rule no #ehicles, plant or euip%ent shoul* be brouht closer than •
1(%etres of o#erhea* lines suspen*e* fro% steel to$ers or
9 %etres of o#erhea* lines supporte* on $oo*en poles.
Portable la**ers $ill ha#e non-con*ucti#e si*e rails if use* b e%ploees $ho are $or7in $here the %iht contact epose* enerise* circuit parts. ).38.8
/plices Con*uctors $ill be splice* or oine* $ith *e#ices i*entifie* for such use or b bra=in, $el*in, or sol*erin $ith a fusible allo or %etal. ;ll splices, oints, an* free en*s of con*uctors $ill be co#ere* $ith an insulation eui#alent to that of the con*uctor or $ith an insulatin *e#ice suitable for the purpose.
Electrical #nstallations ).39.1
Proects"facilities $ill pro#i*e either earth - lea7ae circuit brea7ers or an assure* euip%ent earthin con*uctor prora%%e to protect e%ploees fro% earth - fault ha=ar*s at construction sites. +he t$o options are *etaile* belo$. •
;ll 110 G, sinle-phase, 1( ; an* '0 ; receptacles that are not part of the per%anent $irin $ill be protecte* b 26CBEs. 5eceptacles on s%aller enerators are ee%pt un*er certain con*itions.
;n assure* euip%ent earthin con*uctor prora%%e co#erin etension cor*s, receptacles, an* cor* an* plu
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 30 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
connecte* euip%ent $ill be i%ple%ente*. prora%%e $ill inclu*e the follo$in<
; $ritten *escription of the prora%%e.
;t least one co%petent person to i%ple%ent the prora%%e.
ail #isual inspections of etension cor*s an* cor*- an* plu-connecte* euip%ent for *efects. 2uip%ent foun* *a%ae* or *efecti#e $ill not be use* until repaire*.
Continuit tests of the euip%ent earthin con*uctors or receptacles, etension cor*s, an* cor*- an* plu-connecte* euip%ent. +hese tests $ill enerall be %a*e e#er 3 %onths.
6a%ps for eneral illu%ination $ill be protecte* fro% brea7ae, an* %etal shell soc7ets $ill be earthe*.
+e%porar lihts $ill not be suspen*e* b their cor*s, unless the are so *esine*.
Portable lihtin use* in $et or con*ucti#e locations, such as tan7s or boilers, $ill be operate* at no %ore than 1' #olts or $ill be protecte* b 26CBEs.
2tension cor*s $ill be of the three-$ire tpe. 2tension cor*s an* fleible cor*s use* $ith te%porar an* portable lihts $ill be *esine* for har* or etra har* usae e.., tpes /, /+, an* /OD.
6iste*, labelle*, or certifie* euip%ent $ill be installe* an* use* in accor*ance $ith instructions inclu*e* in the listin, labellin, or certification.
Electrical %or@ Practices ).40.1
2%ploees $ill not $or7 near li#e parts of electrical circuits, unless the e%ploees are protecte* b< •
e - enerisin an* earthin the parts,
Kuar*in the part b insulation, or
;n other effecti#e %eans.
n $or7 areas $here the eact location of un*erroun* electrical po$er lines is un7no$n, e%ploees usin ac7 ha%%ers, bars, or other han* tools that %a contact the lines $ill be protecte* b insulatin lo#es, aprons, or other protecti#e
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 31 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
clothin that $ill pro#i*e eui#alent electrical protection.
Barriers or other %eans of uar*in $ill be use* to ensure that $or7space for electrical euip%ent $ill not be use* as a passae$a *urin perio*s $hen enerise* parts of euip%ent are epose*.
orn or frae* electrical cor*s or cables $ill not be use*. 2tension cor*s $ill not be fastene* $ith staples, hun fro% nails, or suspen*e* b $ire.
Fleible cor*s $ill be connecte* to *e#ices an* fittins so that strain relief is pro#i*e* $hich $ill pre#ent pull fro% bein *irectl trans%itte* to oints or ter%inal scre$s.
2uip%ent or circuits that are *e - enerise* $ill be ren*ere* inoperati#e an* $ill ha#e tas attache* at all points $here the euip%ent or circuits coul* be enerise*.
Emer9ency !l3shin9, Eyes and Body f e%ploees are epose* to inurious corrosi#e %aterials, suitable facilities for uic7 *renchin or flushin of the ees an* bo* $ill be pro#i*e* $ithin the $or7 area for i%%e*iate e%erenc use.
Office Safety ).4'.1
al7, *o not run, in corri*ors or on stairs an* use han*rails $here pro#i*e.
o not stan* in front of close* *oors, the %a open su**enl.
o not rea* correspon*ence or other %aterial $hile $al7in. /top or return to our *es7. hile concentratin on rea*in ou %a beco%e una$are of our surroun*ins an* epose ourself to possible ha=ar*s.
o not push or cro$* at lifts, entrances, eits, or on stair$as.
Be careful of s$i#el chairs. o not slu%p bac7 in the% $ithout testin our $eiht ra*uall.
for telephone an* office %achine cor*s, $astebas7ets, an* other ha=ar*s $hich %a cause trippin.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 3' of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Ase han*les $hen closin files, *es7 *ra$ers, an* safe or #ault *oors.
eep file *ra$ers, *es7 *ra$ers, an* loc7er *oors close* $hen not in use. Open onl one file or *es7 *ra$er at a ti%e. /ee that files are properl secure*.
Chec7 office furniture reularl for sharp e*es, splinters, an* loose casters or bolts.
eep sharp obects in their proper place. an*le carefull.
o not a*ust or clean po$er-*ri#en office %achines $hen the are in operation.
o not atte%pt to %a7e electrical repairs. Call a ualifie* person.
f s%o7in is per%itte*, use ashtras. Obe >?o /%o7in@ sins.
Hearin9 Conservation and Noise Control ).43.1
Feasible enineerin or a*%inistrati#e controls $ill be utilise* to protect e%ploees aainst soun* le#els in ecess of those sho$n in the follo$in table. Permissile Noise E4os3res 3ration, ho3rs8day 8 ) 4 3 ' 1-1"' 1 1"' 1"4 or less
So3nd $evel, dB:A; slo res4onse 90 9' 9( 9! 100 10' 10( 110 11(
2posure too i%pulsi#e or i%pact noise shoul* not ecee* 140 *B ;D pea7 soun* pressure le#el. ).43.'
hen enineerin or a*%inistrati#e controls fail to re*uce soun* le#els $ithin the li%its sho$n in the table, hearin protection $ill be pro#i*e* an* use*.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 33 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
).43.3 n all cases $here the soun* le#els ecee* the #alues sho$n in the table, a continuin, effecti#e hearin conser#ation prora%%e $ill be a*%inistere*. Cotton $ool is not an acceptable as a for% of hearin protection. 0(..
Heatin9 evices, "em4orary ).44.1
Fresh air $ill be supplie* in sufficient uantities to %aintain the health an* safet of $or7ers.
/oli* fuel sala%an*ers are prohibite* in buil*ins an* on scaffol*s.
E4losives and Blastin9
Onl authorise* an* ualifie* persons $ill be per%itte* to han*le an* use eplosi#es.
2plosi#e %aterial $ill be store* in appro#e* facilities.
/tore* pac7aes of eplosi#es $ill be lai* flat $ith topsi*e up. Blac7 po$*er, $hen store* in %aa=ines $ith other eplosi#es, $ill be store* separatel.
/%o7in an* open fla%es $ill not be per%itte* $ithin 1( %etres of eplosi#es an* *etonator storae %aa=ines.
+he lan* surroun*in the %aa=ine $ill be 7ept clear of all co%bustible %aterials for a *istance of at least !.( %etres.
Proce*ures that per%it safe an* efficient loa*in $ill be establishe* before loa*in is starte*.
$aser ).4!.1
Onl ualifie* an* traine* e%ploees $ill be assine* to install, a*ust, an* operate laser euip%ent.
2%ploees $ill $ear proper antilaserD ee protection $hen $or7in in areas $here there is a potential eposure to *irect or reflecte* laser liht reater than 0.00( $att ( %illi$attsD.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
Bea% shutters or caps $ill be utilise*, or the laser turne* off, $hen laser trans%ission is not actuall reuire*. hen the laser is left unatten*e* for a substantial perio* of ti%e, such as *urin lunch hour, o#erniht, or at chane of shifts, the laser $ill be turne* off.
2%ploees $ill not be epose* to liht intensities in ecess of the follo$in<
).4!.1 0(.6
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 34 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
*irect starin M 1 %icro$att per suare centi%etre
inci*ental obser#in M 1 %illi$att per suare centi%etre
*iffuse* reflecte* liht M '-1"' $atts per suare centi%etre.
2%ploees $ill not be epose* to %icro$a#e po$er *ensities in ecess of 10 %illi$atts per suare centi%etre.
rin@in9 %ater ).48.1
;n a*euate suppl of potable $ater $ill be pro#i*e* in all places of e%plo%ent.
Portable *rin7in $ater containers $ill be capable of bein tihtl close* an* euippe* $ith a tap.
Asin a co%%on *rin7in cup is prohibite*.
here sinle ser#ice cups are supplie*, both a sanitar container for unuse* cups an* a receptacle for use* cups $ill be pro#i*e*.
%ashin9 !acilities ).49.1
+he proect"facilit $ill pro#i*e a*euate $ashin facilities for e%ploees.
ashin facilities $ill be locate* close to the $or7site..
$3nch Rooms ).(0.1
2%ploees $ill not consu%e foo* or be#eraes in toilet facilities or in an area epose* to a toic %aterial.
; co#ere* receptacle of corrosion-resistant or *isposable %aterial $ill be pro#i*e* in lunch areas for *isposal of $aste
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 3( of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
foo*. +he co#er %a be o%itte* $hen sanitar con*itions can be %aintaine* $ithout the use of a co#er. 0(/'
"oilets +oilets $ill be pro#i*e* accor*in to the follo$in< '0 or fe$er persons M one facilit '0 or %ore persons M one toilet seat an* one urinal per 40 persons '00 or %ore persons M one toilet seat an* one urinal per (0 $or7ers.
Steel Erection ).('.1
Per%anent floors $ill be installe* so there is not %ore than eiht stories bet$een the erection floor an* the upper%ost per%anent floor, ecept $hen structural interit is %aintaine* b the *esin.
urin s7eleton steel erection, a tihtl plan7e* te%porar floor $ill be %aintaine* $ithin t$o stories or 9 %etres, $hiche#er is less, belo$ an* *irectl un*er that portion of each tier of bea%s on $hich an $or7 is bein perfor%e*.
urin s7eleton steel erection of buil*ins an* structures not a*aptable to te%porar floors, an* $here scaffol*s are not use*, safet nets $ill be installe* an* %aintaine* $hene#er the potential fall *istance ecee*s t$o stories or !.( %etres.
; safet railin of 1'%% $ire rope or eui#alent $ill be installe* aroun* the peri%eter of all te%poraril floore* buil*ins, approi%atel 1.0( %etres, *urin structural steel asse%bl.
hen placin structural %e%bers, the loa* $ill not be release* fro% the hoistin line until the %e%ber is secure* b at least t$o bolts, or the eui#alent, at each connection, an* *ra$n up $rench tiht.
Concrete and Masonry %or@ ).(3.1
6oa*s $ill not be place* on a concrete structure or portion of a concrete structure unless the super#isor *eter%ines base* on infor%ation recei#e* fro% an e%ploee $ho is ualifie* in structural *esin, that the structure or portion of the structure is capable of supportin the loa*s. ;ll
protru*in reinforce* steel onto an* into $hich e%ploees coul* fall $ill be uar*e* to eli%inate the ha=ar* of i%pale%ent. ?O+2< t shoul* be
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 3) of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
un*erstoo* that the little plastic caps co%%onl use* on rebar *o ?O+ pre#ent i%pale%ent.D ).(3.3
?o e%ploee $ill be per%itte* to $or7 un*er concrete s7ips, $hile the are bein ele#ate* or lo$ere* into position.
here#er practicable, concrete s7ips $ill be lifte* into position b a route, $hich $ill %ini%ise the ris7 of the s7ip *roppin onto e%ploees.
For%$or7 $ill be *esine*, fabricate*, erecte*, supporte*, brace*, an* %aintaine* so that it is capable of supportin $ithout failure all #ertical an* lateral loa*s that %a reasonabl be anticipate* to be applie* to the for%$or7.
For%s an* shores ecept those use* for slabs on ra*e an* slip for%sD $ill not be re%o#e* until the super#isor *eter%ines that the concrete has aine* sufficient strenth to support its $eiht an* superi%pose* loa*s. /uch *eter%ination $ill be base* on co%pliance $ith one of the follo$in<
+he plans an* specifications stipulate con*itions for re%o#al of for%s an* shores, an* such con*itions ha#e been follo$e*, or
+he concrete has been properl teste* $ith an appropriate test %etho* *esine* to in*icate the concrete co%pressi#e strenth, an* the test results in*icate that the concrete has aine* sufficient strenth to support its $eiht an* superi%pose* loa*s.
; li%ite* access =one $ill be establishe* $hene#er a %asonr $all is bein constructe*. +he li%ite* access =one $ill confor% to the follo$in< ).(3.'
+he li%ite* access =one $ill be establishe* prior to the start of construction of the $all.
+he li%ite* access =one $ill be eual to the heiht of the $all to be constructe* plus 1.' %etres, an* $ill run the entire lenth of the $all.
+he li%ite* access =one $ill be establishe* on the si*e of the $all that $ill be unscaffol*e*.
+he li%ite* access =one $ill be restricte* to entr b e%ploees acti#el enae* in constructin the $all. ?o other e%ploees $ill be per%itte* to enter the =one.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 3! of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
+he li%ite* access =one $ill re%ain in place until the $all is a*euatel supporte* to pre#ent o#erturnin an* to pre#ent collapse. here the heiht of a $all is %ore than '.4 %etres, the li%ite* access =one $ill re%ain in place until the reuire%ents of pararaph iiD of this section ha#e been %et.
;ll %asonr $alls %ore than '.4 %etres hih $ill be a*euatel brace* to pre#ent o#erturnin an* to pre#ent collapse unless the $all is a*euatel supporte* so that it $ill not o#erturn or collapse. +he bracin $ill re%ain in place until per%anent supportin ele%ents of the structure are in place.
6ift-slab operations $ill be *esine* an* planne* b a reistere* professional enineer $ho has eperience in liftslab construction. /uch plans an* *esins $ill be i%ple%ente* b the proect"facilit an* $ill inclu*e *etaile* instructions an* s7etches in*icatin the prescribe* %etho* of erection.
Lac7in euip%ent $ill be capable of supportin at least t$o an* one-half ti%es the loa* bein lifte* *urin ac7in operations an* the euip%ent $ill not be o#erloa*e*.
?o e%ploee, ecept those essential to the ac7in operation, $ill be per%itte* in the buil*in"structure $hile an ac7in operation is ta7in place unless the buil*in"structure has been reinforce* sufficientl to ensure its interit *urin erection.
2uip%ent $ill be *esine* an* installe* so that the liftin ro*s cannot slip out of position or the proect"facilit $ill institute other %easures, such as the use of loc7in or bloc7in *e#ices, $hich $ill pro#i*e positi#e connection bet$een the liftin ro*s an* attach%ents an* $ill pre#ent co%ponents fro% *isenain *urin liftin operations.
Sas ).(4.1
/a$s, Ban* ;ll portions of ban* sa$ bla*es $ill be enclose* or uar*e*, ecept for the $or7in portion of the bla*e bet$een the botto% of the ui*e rolls an* the table. Ban* sa$ $heels $ill be full encase*.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 38 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
/a$s, Portable Circular Portable, po$er-*ri#en circular sa$s $ill be euippe* $ith uar*s abo#e an* belo$ the base plate or shoe. +he lo$er uar* $ill < 1D co#er the sa$ to the *epth of the teeth, ecept for the %ini%u% arc reuire* to allo$ proper retraction an* contact $ith the $or7, an* 'D auto%aticall return to the co#erin position $hen the bla*e is re%o#e* fro% the $or7.
/a$s, 5a*ial 5a*ial sa$s $ill ha#e an upper uar* that co%pletel encloses the upper half of the sa$ bla*e. ; *e#ice that $ill auto%aticall a*ust to the thic7ness of an* re%ain in contact $ith the %aterial bein cut $ill uar* the si*es of the lo$er epose* portion of the bla*e. 5a*ial sa$s use* for rippin $ill ha#e non-7ic7bac7 finers or *os. 5a*ial sa$s $ill be installe* so that the cuttin hea* $ill return to the startin position $hen release* b the operator.
/a$s, /$in, or /li*in Cut-Off ;ll s$in or sli*in cut-off sa$s $ill be pro#i*e* $ith a hoo* that $ill co%pletel enclose the upper half of the sa$. 6i%it stops $ill be pro#i*e* to pre#ent s$in or sli*in tpe cut-off sa$s fro% eten*in beon* the front or bac7 e*es of the table. 2ach s$in or sli*in cut-off sa$ $ill be pro#i*e* $ith an effecti#e *e#ice to return the sa$ auto%aticall to the bac7 of the table $hen release* at an point of its tra#el. n#erte* sa$in of sli*in cut-off sa$s $ill be pro#i*e* $ith a hoo* that $ill co#er the part of the sa$ that protru*es abo#e the top of the table or %aterial bein cut.
/a$s, +able Circular table sa$s $ill ha#e a hoo* o#er the portion of the sa$ abo#e the table, so %ounte* that the hoo* $ill auto%aticall a*ust itself to the thic7ness of an* re%ain in contact $ith the %aterial bein cut.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 39 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Circular table sa$s $ill ha#e a sprea*er aline* $ith the bla*e, space* no %ore than 1'%% behin* the larest bla*e %ounte* in the sa$. +his pro#ision *oes not appl $hen roo#in, *a*oin, or rabbetin. Circular table sa$s use* for rippin $ill ha#e non-7ic7bac7 finers or *os. Fee*er attach%ents $ill ha#e the fee* rolls or other %o#in parts co#ere* or uar*e* so as to protect the operator fro% ha=ar*ous points. Push stic7s $ill be pro#i*e* for use on e#er circular table sa$. 0(//
Dac@s, Rollers, and Related evices
Pile rivin9 and red9in9
"rans4ortation of %or@ers
Emer9ency !l3shin9, Eyes and Body f e%ploees are epose* to inurious corrosi#e %aterials, suitable facilities for uic7 *renchin or flushin of the ees an* bo* $ill be pro#i*e* $ithin the $or7 area for i%%e*iate e%erenc use.
Eits ).(9.1
2#er buil*in *esine* for hu%an occupanc $ill be pro#i*e* $ith eits sufficient to per%it the pro%pt escape of occupants in case of e%erenc.
2its an* the $a of approach an* tra#el fro% eits $ill be %aintaine* so that the are unobstructe* an* are accessible at all ti%es.
;ll eits $ill *ischare *irectl to the street or other open space that i#es safe access to a public $a.
2it *oors ser#in %ore than (0 people, or at hih-ha=ar* areas, $ill s$in in the *irection of eit tra#el.
ha=ar*ous areas, or $here e%ploees %a be en*anere* b the bloc7in of an sinle %eans of eress *ue to fire or s%o7e, there $ill be at least t$o %eans of eress re%ote fro% each other.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 40 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
5ea*il #isible, suitabl illu%inate* eit sins $ill %ar7 eits. 2it sins $ill be *istincti#e in colour an* pro#i*e contrast $ith surroun*ins. +he $or* >2it@ $ill be of plainl leible letters, not less than1(0%% hih.
;n *oor, passae, or stair$a that is neither an eit nor a $a of eit access an* that is so locate* or arrane* as to be %ista7en for an eit, $ill be i*entifie* b a sin rea*in >?ot an 2it@ or si%ilar *esination.
!la9men ).)0.1
hen sins, sinals, an* barriers *o not pro#i*e necessar protection on or a*acent to a roa* or street, fla%en or other appropriate traffic controls $ill be pro#i*e*.
Fla%en $ill be pro#i*e* $ith an* $ill $ear a re* or orane $arnin ar%ent $hile flain. arnin ar%ents $orn at niht $ill be %a*e of reflecti#e %aterial.
Onl traine* personnel $ill perfor% this tas7.
Eyeash8rench Shoer /uitable facilities for uic7 *renchin or flushin of the ees an* bo* $ill be pro#i*e* if there is a possibilit that an e%ploee %iht be epose* to inurious, corrosi#e che%icals.
!or@lift "r3c@s :Poered #nd3strial "r3c@s; ).)'.1
f at an ti%e a po$ere* in*ustrial truc7 is foun* to be in nee* of repair, *efecti#e, or in an $a unsafe, the truc7 $ill be ta7en out of ser#ice until it has been restore* to safe operatin con*ition.
ih-lift ri*er truc7s $ill be euippe* $ith substantial o#erhea* uar*s unless operatin con*itions *o not per%it the use of these uar*s.
For7 truc7s $ill be euippe* $ith #ertical-loa* bac7rest etensions $hen the tpes of loa*s present a ha=ar* to the operators.
+he bra7es of truc7s $ill be set an* $heel choc7s place* un*er the rear $heels to pre#ent the %o#e%ent of truc7s, trailers, or railroa* cars $hile loa*in or unloa*in.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 41 of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
Onl traine* an* authorise* operators $ill be per%itte* to operate a po$ere* in*ustrial truc7. etho*s $ill be *e#ise* to train operators in the safe operation of po$ere* in*ustrial truc7s.
$i<3efied Petrole3m as ).)3.1
2ach sste% $ill ha#e containers, #al#es, connectors, %anifol* #al#e asse%blies, an* reulators of an appro#e* tpe.
2#er container an* #aporiser $ill be pro#i*e* $ith one or %ore appro#e* safet relief #al#es or *e#ices.
Containers $ill be place* upriht on fir% foun*ations or other$ise fir%l secure*.
Portable heaters $ill be euippe* $ith an appro#e* auto%atic *e#ice to shut off the flo$ of as in the e#ent of fla%e failure.
;ll clin*ers $ill be euippe* $ith an ecess flo$ #al#e to %ini%ise the flo$ of as in the e#ent the fuel line beco%es rupture*.
/torae of liuefie* petroleu% as $ithin buil*ins is prohibite*.
/torae locations $ill ha#e at least one appro#e* portable fire etinuisher rate* not less than '0 lb. 9 7D Class B an* C.
Com4ressed as Cylinders ).)4.1
Co%presse* as clin*ers $ill be use* an* store* in an upriht position.
;ll co%presse* as clin*ers $ill be secure* in place *urin use an* storae.
Clin*ers $ill be returne* to the %ain storae area $hen e%pt.
Clin*ers $ill be store* in *efinitel assine* places a$a fro% lifts, stairs, or an$as.
f a 7e $rench is reuire*, the $rench $ill be in place on the #al#e of acetlene bottles at all ti%es *urin use.
Clin*ers $ill be transporte* in an upriht position. Clin*ers $ill not be haule* in euip%ent be*s or © Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199!
NO. CP-103 REV. 0 PAE 4' of 4) E!!EC"#VE 01-Feb.-98
truc7 be*s on their si*e. Clin*ers lifte* fro% one ele#ation to another $ill be lifte* onl in rac7s or containers *esine* for that purpose. /lins $ill not be use* to hoist clin*ers.
+he #al#es of co%presse* as clin*ers $ill be co%pletel close* $hen not in use.
Co%presse* as clin*ers $ill not be transporte* $ith aues attache*.
+he aues $ill be re%o#e* fro% clin*ers an* protecti#e caps installe* *urin transportation an*"or $hen not in use.
Clin*ers $ill not be 7ept in un#entilate* enclosures.
Rollover Protective Str3ct3res :ROPSs; 5ollo#er protecti#e structures 5OP/EsD appl to the follo$in tpes of %aterials han*lin euip%ent< ;ll rubber-tire*, self-propelle* scrapers, rubber-tire* front-en* loa*ers, rubber-tire* *ossiers, $heel-tpe aricultural an* in*ustrial tractors, cra$ler tractors, cra$ler-tpe loa*ers, an* %otor ra*ers, $ith or $ithout attach%ents, that are use* in construction $or7. +his reuire%ent *oes not appl to si*eboo% pipelain tractors.
Safety Nets ).)).1
/afet nets $ill be pro#i*e* $hen $or7places are %ore than !.( %etres abo#e the surface an* $here the use of la**ers, scaffol*s, catch platfor%s, te%porar floors, safet lines, or safet belts is not practicable.
here nets are reuire*, operations $ill not be un*erta7en until the net is in place an* has been teste*.
*nder9ro3nd Constr3ction ).)!.1
+he proect"facilit $ill pro#i*e an* %aintain safe %eans of access an* eress to all $or7 areas.
+he proect"facilit $ill control access to all openins to pre#ent unauthorise* entr un*erroun*.. Anuse* chutes, %an$as, or other openins $ill be tihtl co#ere*, bull-hea*e*, or fence* off, an* $ill be poste* $ith sins in*icatin >eep Out@ or si%ilar lanuae. Co%plete or unuse* sections of the un*erroun* facilit $ill be barriere*.
© Bechtel Construction Operations, nc., 199! "#ar"$$$"apps"con#ersion"t%p"scratch&'"'(8144!3).*oc