Pre-Activity: Ask the students to identify the most important lessons that they have learned in CIWETS 1 and explain on why they regard this to be important. -
Inform them that they need to apply these things as they about to take the final phase of CIWETS
CIWETS 2 will be partnered with STI’S Community Extension Program (CEP)
Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to: a. Be familiar with community and the elements of immersion b. Determine the problem of the t he community for a possible feasible intervention measure c. Display skills in effective leadership and management d. Plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate community service projects. e. Show a deep interest in community development task f. Develop a harmonious working relationship with the community -
This course intends to equip the students with fundamentals of project identification, planning and implementation of programs that will uplift the general welfare . To improve the quality of life of people in t he community through the enhancement of a particular facility especially to those that is devoted to pr otect and preserve the environment. The students are required to conceptualized plan and implement environmental projects that would benefit a barangay or community. The student may also adopt an existing environmental program of a particular barangay.
Expectation: -
Students are expected to undergo the process of community immersion They are also expected\ to regularly visit the community assigned to them in every milestone in their program plan up to its evaluation. The students with their instructors should build a harmonious relationship with the barangay/community officials in order for the program to be e ffectively implemented and to be successful.
The instructor will be the one who should select the barangay In addition, the instructor must also probe whether the host barangay has an existing environmental policy that the students can adopt.
Primary Considerations: -
Security Physical environment (safe and secure) The barangay officials should be approachable and open minded
The instructor must remind the students that it has one (1) objective examination PRELIM and Essay exam for Midterm, Pre-Finals and Finals.
Basis of grades: 1. Program preparation 2. Planning 3. Implementation 4. Monitoring 5. Evaluation
Review on Community Extension Program (CEP) Program Objective:
Develop competencies as they involve themselves in the Community activities that will led to better understanding the community. Productively channel the emotions as they positively interact with other people Develop a mature interpersonal relationship to learn and understand the community Establish identity as they learn to value and have a clear perception of the community Match personal value with socially r esponsible behaviour
Program Advocacy:
The following man-made activities have indeed directly and indirectly affected our environment; a. Illegal logging b. Unsupervised mining c. Littering However, despite of the threat brought about by these things, there is still lack of human capacity to respond to the environmental issues and as well as lack of understanding between the connection of environment and the sustainability of human life. STI recognizes this problem and has therefore chosen to be an advocate for the care and protection of the environment. Sharing of experiences: Divide the class into groups and ask them to share their CIWETS experiences using t he following guide questions: a. The most memorable topic/discussion in the module b. Preparation taken during the program planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation c. Effectiveness of CIWETS 1- Community extension program Saying it right Clarifying expectation: a. Ask the students of at least five (5) of their expectation of what they want to learn in the course b. In addition, they should also formulate a ground rules in setting up an appropriate learning environment and achieving their expectation.
Format: st 1 column: Expectation nd 2 column: Agreements/ground rules Guide questions: 1. What can we do to meet our list of expectation? 2. How can we act towards one another (i.e. be cooperative, accountable, open- minded) to maximize the time we spend together? 3. What can we do to ensure the success of our Community Extension Program?
After the students done with their activity, ask them if they agree w ith the items on the list. If not then conduct an open discussion about it. Ask the students to sign a covenant that will prove that they have accepted everything that was agreed upon by the class.
Assignment: Research the following: a. Development b. Development management c. Empowerment d. Community Empowerment Ask the student to cite their references.
LESSON 2: DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT, EMPOWERMENT, AND VOLUNTEERISM Pre- Activity: 1. Group the students 2. Ask them to think of at least five (5) environmental issues or problems in the community that they can act on it. 3. Write the output in a yellow paper 4. Then instruct them to number it according to its level of priority 5. Group presentation Guide questions: a. What were the consideration in listing these environmental issues and problems of the community? b. Have your personally experience these problems? When and how? c. What do you think can be done to solve these environmental problems?
Stressed that the CIWETS- CEP focuses on rendering an environmental service in the community It should also be emphasized that the students has t hree (3) options to introduce and implement environmental program and policy: 1. Enhancing/supporting the existing environmental programs of the community 2. Facilitating a community survey/ needs assessment (result will be used in initiating a program)
3. Adopting their successful and sustainable environmental programs that they implemented during CIWETS 1
The students need to be acquainted with t he barangay officials in order for them to know on how they could work together with t he community to implement an environmental program. The first immersion will take place on Week 4 -5
Lesson proper: Motivational questions: What do you think is the best ingredient to ensure the success of a community environmental program? Answer:
The program organizer must work hand in hand with the community officials as well as to its members, for them to implement their desire program The involvement of the barangay officials and members are important in planning and formulating purposes, course of action, and implementation processes to make sure that the program is appreciated The main reason for the implementation of the program is to bring about a change and development. Ask the students of their idea of the word development and encourage them to e laborate their answers
Nature of development: a. It is equated with growth that has many dimensions such as social, cultural, political, economic, institutional, and environmental. b. According to United Nation Development Program, deve lopment is “to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a descent standard of living, and to be able to participate in the life o f the community. c. Development is also multi-disciplinary in a sense that such concept is present in different fields such as sociology, politics, sciences, and environment. Ask the students what does the picture on slide 3 wants to convey. The picture illustrate dynamism, from the word dynamic and its opposite is Static
Nature of development
Directed towards the people It is always the subject of desire to achieve human development Development is dynamic with respect to changes and transformation of people’s attitude, behaviour, and organizational structure. If the environmental Community Extension Program is successful, community members themselves will be empowered to take over the development process.
Five (5) concepts of development: (UNDP 1997) a. Man as the end of development b. De-alienation of man in the sense that he feels at home with the process o f development, he as subject of development and not as an obje ct. c. Development collective personality of man in which he finds the richest expression d. Participation as the true form o f democracy e. Self-reliance as the expression of man’s faith in his own ability.
These five (5) core concepts of development should be kept in mind in order to inspire themselves in bringing about an environmental change in the barangay/community.
Development Management:
Since there is something to be developed then the science of a rt and management should be applied in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the student’s program.
It is an integrative and complex field of study which examines the structure, processes, and t he development of behavioural patterns involved in managing development interventions at the project, program, and policy levels. Part of the development management is to identify and establish relations with various network and organizations that are relevant to the purpose, goal/s, and objective od cause oriented groups like the students of CIWETS During the planning stage (assuming that there is already a purpose, goals, and objectives) they can ask for sponsorship or other environmental groups to work together in ensuring the success of their environmental programs. Development management focuses on capacity building in strengthening community organization and in enhancing government institution.
Community empowerment: Ask the student to interpret the picture on slide 7 Answer: The picture shows empowerment Ask the students to identify it in their own words
Empowerment: Em- (Prefix) means to put on to, or to cover with Power- (Root word) means dominion, control and authority
Refer to transferring control and authority to other people or entity It occurs when power goes to the project implementers It is a process in which people take an action to overcome the obstacle to progress This action involves getting more control over their situation
Empowerment and the energy that comes with feeling of ownership are necessary for continuous improvement Commitment is very important to continuous improvement for it to remain competitive Empowerment is facilitated by various factors such as values, leadership action, job structure, training and reward system. The students were already empowered and trained to bring about the change in their school community and therefore expected to be: Responsible to empower the people outside their community by bringing about an environmental change in their barangay /community (Community empowerment) Prepared in empowering community
Primary consideration: a. The community must be properly informed about the progr am/change that the students are about to undergo by introducing proper and relevant skills and training. b. The community must also be motivated to exer cise power by explaining to the community what they can expect after the implantation of the program. c. The community must be rewarded for successful outcomes by ensuring the program success
Three (3) basic empowerment options: 1. Community can be encouraged to c ontribute ideas. 2. Community members work in teams which share and manage their own work within the policies and limits 3. There can be more extensive decentralization where the individual is free to change certain parameters and strategies. Evaluating outcomes is an important control me chanism.
Volunteerism Ask the students on how many times t hat they have volunteered to he lp somebody else? What does it mean to volunteer? Identify the pictures on slide 11 (Volunteer)
Someone who does a task/job or renders services freely and usually without anything in return. This is one of the main thrust of CIW ETS-CEP (to imbibe the spirit of volunteerism) When the student volunteered they can have fun experiences sharing their time, knowledge, and skills/talent
Tips for volunteers: a. Research for issues or causes that are in line with your personal advocacy by focusing on the care and protection of the environment b. Tailor fit your skills in your chosen volunteer work in order for the success of the environmental programs c. Do not over commit your schedule (tie management is the key in order not to sacrifice your family, friends, and for yourself)
d. Give voice to your heart through your giving and volunteering. Voluntarism includes enthusiastic spirit which were priceless Activity: list down at least 10 advantages that they can get from volunteering.
Assessment: I. Explain the following: a. Development b. Development management c. Community d. Empowerment e. Volunteerism II. How will you be able to use this (empowerment) at the community level?
Assignment: 1. Research the following: a. Social mobilization b. Five keys mobilization avenues and goals c. Elements and processes of social mobilization Write the answer in one (1) whole yellow paper
LESSON 3: SOCIAL MOBILIZATION Pre- Activity: - Ask the student to watch the Video 3 (Social mobilization that saves the children lives through vaccination to reduce child mortality in Madagascar) Guide question: Based on the video presentation, what is t he key to the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns in Madagascar? Answer: Involving local people (mobilizing them) in the awareness campaign Like the vaccination campaign in Madagascar, the C IWETS 2 students have realize the importance o f social mobilization in ensuring the success of their environmental program
Social Mobilization
An important element to ensure the success of the intended environmental program by working together with the partner barangay or community. It is the primary step of community development for recovery from conflict of disaster
It allows people to think and understand their situation and to organize and initiate action for their own recovery using their own initiative and creativity. A process of bringing together all feasible and prac tical inter-social allies to raise awareness of and demand for a particular program. To assist in the delivery of the resources and to strengthen the community participation. According to United Nation Children Fund, it is a process that engages and motivates a wide range of partner in the international and local level to raise awareness of and demand for a particular development objectives through dialogue. Through Social mobilization, people can organize themselves to take action co llectively by developing their own plan and strategy for recovery rather than being imposed outside. The allies include decision- and policy makers, opinion leaders, non-governmental organization such as professional and religious groups, the media, the private sector, communities, and individual.
Its long term is to create community will and commitment With the context of project, it helps create immediacy and a call for action from the community level around a policy-related advocacy objective. It helps create a motivation and a call for action around a developmental objective.
Basic concept involved in Social mobilization:
Involving people in the community through social mobilization is important in ensuring any success of environmental program.
The Concept of Social mobilization: (Lee and Lee 2008) 1. It is a broad scale movement. It involved and mobilized large number of people in ac tion to achieve development goals 2. It is a planned process. It seek to facilitate change and development 3. It entails accountability. It takes into account the felt needs of the people, embraces critical principle in the community involvement and seeks to empower individuals to action. 4. It includes problem recognition. It begins with a conscious recognition of problems and seeks the probable solutions to these problems. 5. It is a problem-solving advocacy. A consensus between the affected and people that has solution to the problem including the allocation of adequate resources. 6. It include decision making. It includes initiation, discussion and making decision for political will, action, and resource commitment. 7. It fosters acceptance and commitment. It generates the acceptance of new ideas, attitude and technologies.
8. It avails of all communication resources. It uses all available and potential communication resources for effective networking and active social mobilization. 9. It is a network for institutional sustainability. It sustains awareness, cooperation, commitment and action leading to the achievement of the community’s vision, mission, and goal.
The students need to establish a good working relationship with the c ommunity, individual, and institution that could help in achieving the common goals. Aside from that, it is also important to t he students to reach, influenced, and involved all the segment of the society to affect positive behavioural and social change. E.g. From public (Barangay) to Private (Community’s homeowner association) The CEP must stick to plan and program t hat intends to protect and take care of the environment.
Elements of Social Mobilization: a. Advocacy It identifies the prospective actors who will be involved in the initiation, planning, and implementation of the program. b. Information dissemination, Education and Communication It intends to introduce accurate and important facts about the community programs that is being implemented in the community. Information materials includes the following: a. Brochure b. Posters c. Newsletter d. Audio Visual Materials It is advisable for the students to use ecological method in information dissemination that will help reduce environmental impact as well as the c ost. These materials should be distributed to the people concerned for them to know what should be expected during the implementation of the program.
Process of Social Mobilization; 1. Community Organization Social mobilization includes recognizing and gathering allies that will raise people’s awareness of and demand for a particular environmental program. Building coalition composed of different groups in the community but have the same advocacy. 2. Capacity building Refer to a process of enabling the people to do something significant for themselves that can be sustained by the rest of the community. E.g. Waste segregation must be start with themselves before it could be tr ansferred to the rest of the community.
Benefit of Social Mobilization: 1. Poverty alleviation 2. Promoting Democratic Governance Poverty and Bad governance are mutually connected with each other. Social Mobilization must be started by the government to e ncourage the community to participate and to ensure transparency. A decentralized system of governance including its fiscal must be in place and functional Social Mobilization can facilitate tripartite leadership: a. National Government b. Local government c. Civil society The local government must increase its capacity to manage and respond to the demands of the community that will lead into the improvement of governance practices. 3. Conflict Prevention Social Mobilization helps organized people to address common problem and to collectively improve the socioeconomic condition in an adequate, democratic, and transparent manner. 4. Sustainable environment Social mobilization organize people to better manage their natural resources, fight illegal practices, and establish organization that will promote a sustainable environmental management programs through appropriate legal regulatory and institutional framework and policy dialogue.
Generalization: Answer the following questions briefly: a. What is social mobilization? b. Give the feature of social mobilization c. What are the elements and processes of social mobilization? Describe each. Activity: Role Play 1. Ask the students to choose a role and to be the representative of the following: a. Government b. NGO c. Community d. Family e. Private members of the community 2. Choose any from the following environmental projects: a. Solid waste disposal system to be conducted within the community b. Tree planting c. Estero declogging d. Disseminating information on environmental protection and climate change e. Setting up environmental signage
3. With their respective role, each member should show how they would resolve their group c hosen projects. 4. The skit must show how they will be able to mobilize themselves and the inhabitant of the community.
LESSON 4: GUIDELINES ON PROGRAM PREPARATION Options to reach out to the community: a. Enhancing and supporting the existing environmental programs of the barangay/community. The student have to arrange a m eeting with the officials of the community Ask if they have an existing or old environmental program and they are willing to re -run the said program b. Facilitating a community survey/needs assessment (the result will be the basis of community environmental program) The student must facilitate a survey or needs assessment to the members of the community Its main purpose is to gather relevant information regarding the environmental practices of the community their awareness, consciousness, and needs c. Adopting their successful and sustainable environmental programs that they implemented during the CIWETS 1 The main thrust of STI community Extension Program CWETS2 is focused on implementing environmental service/literacy projects in their partner barangay/community. st The student will have their 1 immersion on the last and first hours of wee k 4-5 Students must conduct first a survey before the program implementation
Is an effective method to identify and eventually solve simple and complex community problem. It provides rapid feedback to the class/group that intends to implement an environmental program.
Questionnaire The most important tool in conducting survey It reflect the specific concern of the people within the comm unity and willingness to participate It is important to deliberate in fo rmulating a community survey.
Preparation: Consult the barangay official for them to have an idea on environmental programs that they have already implemented in the community. Discussion of the students their plan to the officials of the community All plans and activities must be first approved by the Instructo r before be implemented
The instructor should also approve the number of participants to be involved in the survey based on the total number population of the community. The data gathered from the accomplished form will then be converted into a partner profile
Conducting a community survey; The student must photocopy the approved community survey form (should be presente d by week 7) The instructor must ensure the proper conduct of community survey and proper coordination between the school administration and the officials of the barangay regarding t he program that will be implemented. nd
Under the 2 option (Facilitating a community survey), the students are required to prepare and submit
a Community Profile Report. A community profile report describes the present and general condition of the people in the community. (Affected by past and present issues and factors that occurred in their community) The students may create graphs and chart s which present the significant statistical data gathered from the survey. Present the result of the survey in narrative form Include a portfolio of photos (with caption) of the partner barangay resources and facilities which depicts its strengths, weaknesses, and lifestyle in re lation to environmental practices/awareness. Submission of the result of Community survey and profile report is on Week 8 Report must be submitted first to the instructor before endorsing it to the barangay officials In preparing for the development of e nvironmental program for the community it is important to identify the following; a. Goals and objectives that the class/group wants to achieve b. What their vision encompasses c. What their intentions are in o rganizing such environmental program The task can only be achieved if its implementers have a vision
Refer to the main focus for having or implementing the program It is relatively based on the result of the community survey and its profile report It also serve as an aid of interpreting the program goal’s and its objective It is vital to the success of any program/event because it outline everything that the student should do from planning up to the implementation of the program. But before vision can be identified, the student’s must first set the program goals and o bjective.
Setting the Program goals and objective (essential in order to define vision)
The general purpose of the event /program that provide a road map for the planning process.
Objective A measurable and attainable target that contribute to the accomplishment of the goal.
A mini environmental program can have one goal and object ive. Medium/Large event may require a number of goals and multiple objectives Example: Project title: Solid Waste Management Goal: Minimize waste by promoting prevention, reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste Objective: To be familiar with the knowledge and skills on how to properly manage solid waste in the community. To develop strategies that would address methods of solid waste management.
Hypothetical program vision: To implement a program that would increase student aware ness on effective and sustainable solid waste management in the community. The vision should be in line with the program goals and objective. Subject to the approval of the instructor. The student may prepare an outline of their program proposal Parts: a. Program Title- should be creative and catchy, without actually compromising the goals of the activity. b. Program Nature- should focus on environmental care, preservation, and protection. Two (2) ways the class can identify their program nature: The class may initially define the program nature that they want to promote and use it as a guide in identifying the appropriate activities The class may start conceptualizing the activities they want to perform and the start clustering it according to its program nature. c. Program Duration - the implementation of their program may be held on the last two or three weeks before Finals. d. Program description It answers the question on what is the program about. It narrates and describe the environmental program intend to do and accomplish. e. Program rationale It answers the following questions: 1. Why was it proposed by the students? 2. What were their reasons for coming up with such program? 3. Is there really a need for this kind of endeavour?
Program Objective:
The class may use the objective that they have identified in line with their program It is important to present the program objectives in bullet form The objective serve as indicators for the program’s success or failure
Time Table: Two (2) to three (3) weeks for the program implementation Usually it is scheduled on the last two (2) or three (3) weeks before the finals Proposed activities must be screened according to its relevance and appropriateness to the program central theme. Program proposal should be presented and submitted on Week 7 (Option 1 and 3) and Wee k 9 for Option 2. Guides in assessing the program proposal: a. Ensure that you utilize the prescribed progr am proposal format b. Is the nature of the activity is in line with CIWETS-CEP? (Does it promote the environmental protection and awareness?) rd
3 Options: Ask the students if their implemented environmental program during the CWETS1 can be adapted to their partner community. If the answer is yes, ask them to reproduce the program proposal that they presented during the CWETS 1. (still subject to instructor approval) nd The student may schedule a 2 visit to the barangay officials for the presentation of the approved program proposal to know if it is feasible to the ir partner community. Consider the suggestion of the barangay officials Start the preparation of the program only after getting the approval of the community officials.
Summary of activity in the next meetings: Last and first hour of week 4 and 5 First Immersion The purpose of which is to meet the barangay/community officials Week 6 Option 1: Research on the existing/previous environmental program of the partner Barangay Option 2: Presentation of the community survey form to the NSTP Coordinator for approval Option 3: Revision of CIWETS1-CEP Program Proposal (according to the needs of the partner barangay/community) Week 7 Option 1 & 3: Presentation of t he program proposal to the NSTP Instructor for approval. Option 2: Community survey proper
Week 8 nd
Option 1 and 3: 2 immersions- presentation of the approved program proposal to the barangay official for approval. Option 2: Submissions of the result of the community survey and profile report, presentation, ans submission of program proposal to the instructor. Week 9 Option 1 and 3: Revisions of the program proposal based on the recommendation of the barangay officials and prepare for the prese ntation of the revised and approved proposal to the CIWETS coordinator. Note: if the proposal has been approved, the students may start preparing for their program.
Option 2: Presentation of the approved program proposal to the barangay/community officials Application: 1. Inform the students that they w ill be having their first immersion in their partner barangay (Ocular inspection) and as well as to meet the barangay officials. 2. The student may ask the partner barangay whether they may continue /re-run the program with STI.
LESSON 5: GUIDELINES ON ACTUAL PROGRAM PREPARATION Show to the students the sample program preparation as shown in slides 1-9 of 05 presentations. Note that: It contains a Program monitoring tool which is e ssential for the class to assess their progress in preparing the activity. Some part may be added or omitted depending on the program that they want to organize. By this time the students should already know the persons in charge of a particular t ask and expected date of accomplishment of these task. Each task must have a deadline The instructor must make sure that all students understand their roles, assess the implementation of the student’s plans and identify the task that is still pending.
Actual program Preparations:
Let the students do the planning session (two (2) weeks before the actual program implementation) Processing 1: After the program preparations gather the whole class and encourage them to share his/her thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned from the activity. The main aim of this activity what are the right and wrong in the preparation of the t ask that would give the students an opportunity to improve their performance or to implement PLAN B.
In facilitating the discussion, the instructor may use the following guide questions: 1. How did you find your class/group program preparations? Was it easy? difficult? Explain your answer. 2. Did the group enumerate the task and responsibilities of each member before the implementation of the event? 3. Was there a time when you had a conflicting view on a particular task with the other members of the group? How did you deal with it? 4. What did you learn from the program preparations?
LESSON 6: ACTUAL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION AND PROCESSING (PART 2) Actual program implementation: 1. Let the student perform the environmental program in their partner barangay and community. 2. The students will be given eight (8) hours to conduct the program (Preparation - Conclusion)
Processing 2
It is strongly suggested that the processing must not be scheduled not more than a wee k after the program implementation.
Gather the class and ask them to share their thoughts, experiences, and lesson learned from the actual program implementation. This is done in order to determine the task that went right or wrong and the underlying reason behind them.
Guide questions: 1. What unexpected things have you e ncountered during the program implementation? 2. In what areas do you need more preparation? 3. Was the program plan effective? Explain your answer. 4. What changes should be made to improve the program plan for future community programs? Question to address student’s potential for l ife-long learning and their pro-active behaviour.
1. What did you learn from this course? Ple ase give instances where you have applied the lessons that you have learned from NSTP 1 and 2? 2. How will the lessons that you have le arned affect your attitude in bringing about changes in the society?
Question address to the student ’s role as a team player , on how they handled working collaboratively with others, managing conflict, if any and delegating and a ccepting task for the project. 1. Did everyone have the opportunity to participate in the activity? 2. When the class/group encountered problems, how did yo u reach a good resolution? 3. When receiving feedback whether it will be positive or negative, how was it handled?
4. Have you encountered a member w ho was not clearly pulling his weight in spite o f the fact that the others are working efficiently to achieve a common goal? What steps did you take to encourage him to participate? 5. How did your group accomplish your goals? Questions that address student’s conscientiousness (diligence)
1. Did the class/group use a daily planner, calendar, or GANTT chart to monitor the progr ess of each member in achieving the success of t he program? 2. Did you feel responsible and accountable on the task assigned to you before, during, and after the implementation of the program? Explain your answer.