Estrategias para el cálculo de segundo ciclo de primaria.Descripción completa
metodo titan 24
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Descripción: manual del sistema eléctrico del avión D-24 iddhamsa !osted: 10th "an#ar$ 2015 b$ %&'( )*+,&'(&&D (&&,*( in "$otish rticles ags: ags: D-24 doctorate doctorate higher higher ed#cation ed#cation masters masters primar$ primar$ argala argala primar$ primar$ ed#cation ed#cation secondar$ secondar$ argala argala secondar$ secondar$ ed#cation ed#cation 0 3hat is iddhamsa and ho to interpret this arga. + hae made an attempt on m$ on chartstandard chartstand ard operating !roced#re and tr$ing to #nderstand the principles in anal$8ing the D-24 chart hich is also the arga o ed#cation.
his arga arga chart is is #sed to #nderstand #nderstand hether hether e hae good learning learning capabilities. capabilities.
4th ho#se is the ho#se o capabilities and ormal ed#cation. +n the arga chart o D-24 e need to rst check hich planet is placed in the 4th ho#se i there is no planet then e need to see the aspects o an$ graha on this ho#se or else e need to see the lord and its placement in this arga
4th ho#se is the ho#se o ormal ed#cation
6th ho#se is the ho#se o secondar$ ed#cation
9th ho#se is the ho#se o higher ed#cation
2nd ho#se is the ho#se o masters
7th ho#se is the ho#se o doctorate
4th ho#se is the ho#se o place here $o#r ormal ed#cation starts and 5th ho#se is the ho#se here the intelligence is receied as both the l#minaries ;oon and #n are the giers o intelligence. part rom this ;erc#r$ pla$s a important role as he is a child in the kingdom and he ants to learn and gro hence he is the nat#ral karaka o learning and he ons the
agna in an$ chart denotes as sel and the lagna lord is also er$ important in determining the path orard or o#r ed#cation. agna is intelligence and the lagna lord placed in other sign is called as !aka lagna and this denotes the applied intelligence
3e need to check all these planets in other ho#ses and signs and check ho these planets are shaping o#r ed#cation. igns denotes knoledge and planets nall$ shape that knoledge
agna is ith "#piter that means natie is intelligent as agna denotes intelligence b#t here the lagna lord ;erc#r$ is placed in ries hence ries o#ld become !aka lagna. 3hen e consider the ;erc#r$ as agna then e e o#ld that natie o#ld ace lot o iss#es ith regard to ed#cation and that too higher ed#cation as the lagna lord is ith 9th ho#se lord (ah#.
4th ho#se denotes the ormal ed#cation. +n this chart 4th ho#se is =an$a. ;oon is placed here hence ;oon o#ld s#pport the ed#cation and the natie as #nder the g#idance o the mother to complete his primar$ ed#cation s#ccess#ll$as both "#piter and #n are aspecting =an$a b$ rasi dristi.
he concept concept o argala argala is er$ er$ important important to #nderstand #nderstand ho planets planets pla$ the role. role. n$ planets planets or sign in in the 2nd4th and 11th hae hae primar$ primar$ argala on the 2nd ho#ses rom itsel hich means that the planets placed in these ho#ses o#ld hae argala on the 5th7th and the 2nd ho#se.
5th is intelligence intelligence
7th is o#r interaction ith others
2nd is o#r character
o i good planets are placed in these ho#ses it o#ld gie s#bha argala otherise bad planets o#ld gie papa argala.
hese primar$ argalas are co#ntered b$ other planets placed in a specic places hich are secondar$ argala or >irodha argala and these are 12th ho#se10th ho#se and
o coming back to the anal$sis 6th ho#se is the ho#se o secondar$ ed#cation and e nd that at#rn is e?alted hence the secondar$ ed#cation also ent ell or the natie and >en#s is the lord o the 6th ho#se and also he is the lord o the ,. +n D-24 ,hatika agna denotes hether the chool or @ollege is prestigio#s or not. o d#ring the period hen + as st#d$ing m$ intermediate the @ollege hich + as st#d$ing as a er$ ell kno college and highl$ respected.
9th denotes the higher ed#cation and this is connected to =#mbha and the lord o (ah#. (ah# is ith ket# and ;erc#r$ and as e mentioned earlier the !aka lagna is ;erc#r$pplied intelligence and here he is ith (ah# the 9th ho#se lord hich denotes higher ed#cation.
3ith great diAc#lt$ the natie co#ld p#rse the higher ed#cation and it as connected to @ommerce as "#piter is haing !rimar$#bha argala on the (ah# and ;erc#r$ and =et# d#e to hich the natie has completed ,rad#ation s#ccess#ll$. "#piter denotes nances.
ter that the natie tried to complete ;.@om b#t co#ld not do so as the !aka lagna has conBoined nodes (ah# and ket# hence the applied intelligence did not ork properl$ and natie had to abort his ;. @om een itho#t completing it and ed#cation stopped and natie entered into career.he ;araka or the 9th ho#se is 10th ho#se.
10th ho#se is the ho#se o artha trikona in this natie the 10th rom the 9th is !isces and "#piter is the lord placed in the lagna.
"#piter in ,emini lagna in D-24 also conBoins 109 hence the ar#dha o 10career rose and the r#dha o the 9 higher ed#cation diminshed
ence #sing the specic arga chart or a specic area o lie ill gie an indepth inormation abo#t the person lies in the areas connected to argas.'sing o argas is #tmost important along ith D1 and D9