Da Archive Annex of new links (^^)
AUGUST 30th 2017 New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE. If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. ----------------------------------------------
Sorry for the incomplete links and L33t gibberish. This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa,
is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.
Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” Special thanks to Mageguru, Decoderfriend, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden, Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, DiosMios, Porthos, The Greyhawk Ranger, Fitz-Empress bani Flambeau, helpful, CityofCarse, donkey, Magister Man, The_Guild, ABF, 3DoorsDownDude, All the Awesome Curators, and the entire Anon Brigade. Like Anons say; Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!! This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason! --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ---
Fun and Educational! What methods do people prefer to add OCR to a PDF? smallpdf.com does a pretty good job of lossless compression OCR shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the PDF by default. Unless you are setting the OCR to downsample a 300dpi page to 150dpi while performing the OCR. In which case you should set the OCR downsample to match the actual page dpi. But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi.
£0\/3 ¥Oµ! --A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b files dot c4tb0x dot moe /1d6m5k.zip TheWiz! Presents The Freebie Collection! 600+ Open Source, Copyright Free RPG PDFs M3G4EnZed /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg
Mageguru's Astoundingly Beautiful and Complete Troves $nipli /TSRTrov /WOTCTrove /PFTrove /HomebrewDesign Victory by Any Means 1st Ed. ss /file/2hbknd Victory by Any Means 2nd Ed. Campaign Guide MF /file/e9zk10a3y7y384w/Victory+by+Any+Means+-+2nd+Edition+-+Campaign+Guide.pdf With a Purpose 2nd Ed MF /file/jy13mvd999yl12v/Victory+by+Any+Means+-+2nd+Edition+-+With+a+Purpose.pdf Starmada X MF /file/9mno7avmsf2e94e/Starmada+X.pdf Crimson Skies MF /folder/pvudyd10909zd/Crimson_Skies Battlemech Manual uplo@dmb /dw.php?id=1502687768 Battletech - Tech Readout Succession Wars uplo@dmb /dw.php?id=1502687864 Car Wars trove m3g4 /#F!F9Y3FCTJ!tORCGEpdLkPvADkl5ogCQQ Dark Adventure Radio Theater #4 - The Shadow Over Innsmouth and #5 - The Call of Cthulhu ss /filegroup/miFJlzaKastJXRW%2Btz%2FRrA #6 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward ss /file/s66uhu #7 - The Colour Out of Space, #8 - Herbert West - Reanimator, #9 - The Dreams in the Witch House, and #10 - Imprisoned with the Pharaohs ss /filegroup/INSmTH3YZEirxLLo0YBkeP9gvzKMIaYT Superworld - Trouble for HAVOC ss /file/7n000r Shadow World zip ss /file/c3nyns ss /file/0rd0ms
Morrow Project - Fall Back! and American Outback ss /filegroup/ppOiWwUYr7VAFpsj0%2Fi8qA Pull of the Stars and Gloamhold ss /filegroup/8aKBROIpaBgu%2BTfV7S9F%2Bg Strange Cypher and Creature Decks ss /filegroup/uEWHPBWhkMY09iG3O5fGEw Cthulhu Invictus and Companion ss /filegroup/H0Jf22nfZVwGTliFpsszJQ Cthulhu Invictus - multiple files ss /filegroup/nNcyl1Kk2bjh%2FqgAZTWcbf4qM5skqOjmNBOCGdgfxQIEKEamRkIitF%2Bd63HJFebr Sandman - Map of Halaal ss /file/xu34a5 Tales of Blade and Heros - Tales of Beasts and Perils ss /file/qw6k1d Booth Hill - BH5 Range War ss /file/gsiayf World of Indiana Jones ss /file/56149j Mists of Akuma ss /file/t1cdjw Foreign Elements - Science Fiction Roleplaying ss /file/gni76n Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition ss /file/o3vl90 ss /file/2jrd3c ss /file/zeggvu ss /file/0ryeah ss /file/mosff9 ss /file/i8vngn Villains and Vigilantes zip ss /file/g7aihk Double Cross OEF ss /filegroup/NR%2FqK2%2FiLIujAdHANYA8pWvYoYyxVfS2 Better Angels - No Souls Left Behind ss /file/6fb87c
Dinky Dungeons ss /filegroup/iCVLq%2BUvju2VyrwsN6SaoA Karthun - Lands Of Conflict ss /file/2mm3yn Paranoia - Red Clearance Edition Starter Set ss /file/2qq1rn Maschine Zeit ss /file/bfkia9 Mindjammer and Hot War ss /filegroup/YuJ5HwHpKZHFqr0basY5BA Symbaroum Advanced Player's Guide ss /file/lrb0xj JG0860 Wraith Overlord - Poster Map $n!p /1dt KotDT 241-244 $n!p /KVw Hackmaster Zealots Guide Book 7 $n!p /KVw Jade Colossus - Ruins of the Prior Worlds $n!p /KQA Savage Worlds - Suzerain $n!p /tJBL Savage Worlds - Shaintar $n!p /KcQJZ LotFP trove $n!p /lament A new, differently organized and more comprehensive Traveller trove $n!p /kqm2x Night Below collection $n!p /kEf9 Savage Worlds - Lankhmar $n!p /vbgzK Masters of the Universe board game - rules, gameboard, cards, and counters
ss /filegroup/z6LeCXD9Civ9FxMgokA6ZbG9bNlYzHTD Masters of the Universe fan-made RPG http://www.he-man.org/forums/boards/bounce.php?URL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.box.com%2Fs%2Fbb9fj iuqb27s0vzqti53 Bedrock Games also has a PWYW Wuxia game, Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/191631/Wandering-Heroes-of-Ogre-Gate Legacy: Life Among The Ruins. sendspace /file/s0he5f 5e Critter Compendium $n!p (dot) li /TI0N The Gods Have Spoken for D&D fifth edition $n!p (dot) li /9Qct0 Action Castle The first seven games... https://www.sendspace.com/file/4219cl Go brain cramming on a planet with toasty conflict ss /filegroup/YuJ5HwHpKZHFqr0basY5BA peridot zine issue #1 Vola File Organization, room /r/db91awem Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands by Raging Swan Press /filegroup/Rx3bVxwAlUT0aTnSCpOWrCBP7WmUf8Q3 Towers Two s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/8Cod2KCX9ncF6puiDRePfA Shmeg Legacy of the Green Regent /#F!cYtEWACD!MR5w_6nrJSJJ9ewbgNdHEg Jade Colossus & Tal'dorei s3ndsp4ce /filegroup/jWNrFmTJhCZ7LnjHHDUYvhqm8HLLKxZ%2B "Power Legion" by Ganesha Games? It's a superhero skirmish game m3g@ /#F!jYFBGLwZ!52FvvgFga9KkhlGKXiabww Senzar -(incomplete) ss /file/4neq1y WilD6West ss /file/2u171p 1st edition of Ninja Crusade
ss /file/su3p4j Over the Edge rpg and then some... https ://www. sendspace. com/file/fbwazt Index C RPG update and print -n- play ss /file/u38oki ss /file/lrsig8 FASA 1879? https://www.sendspace.com/file/2mm3yn Awesome Cartoon RPG Trove snipli /JFwLb WOIN https ://www. sendspace. com/file/8ieovd Starfinder? https ://www .sendspace. com/file/z2vdiu something with 78 or more pages? https ://www. sendspace. com/file/zuhrhy Mutant: Year Zero Zone Compendium 3 "Die, meat eaters, die https://www.sendspace.com/file/ksnghx A plethora of PbtA... https ://www. seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeendspace. com/file/57hdy1 new Villians & Vigilantes from Monkeyhouse - Mighty Protectors. ss /file/n89tna NIN crusade, ja? Ninja Crusade 2E corebook https ://www. sendspace. com/file/8lz6ie Do: Pilgrims Of The Flying Temple, Golden Sky Stories, and Ryuutama: Natural Fantasy... http s ://www .s endspace. com/file/w7vlyy Deadlands20 https://www.sendspace.com/file/gxg952 Fat Goblin Games - FGG forms galore... https ://www.sendspace. com/file/bjftkj Warbirds WWII https ://www. sendspace. com/file/xrberq BOL Hack
https ://www .sendsp ace. com/file/5q9e2p pdf version- https ://www .sendspac e. com/file/58r941 Mutant Future u4er4cl0udcom Futant Muture /vvn1dclaf3gu Futant Muture:deviseR /5rmuwpdrd1vq Futant Muture:Shracter Cheets (for both versions) /487nsae0c9wn JG700 Restormel sending of space file/5snrfd JG1180 Jungle of Lost Souls sending of space file/s6rubc "mega". THE BLACK HACK The Black Hackzetter Volume 1, 2, & 3 A Hack Of Class Cybernetica - The Black Hack How The West Was Hacked - The Weird WIld West The Basic Hack The Pirate Hack The Pulp Hack The Space Hack The Stellar Hack - Starlite The Super Hack The Vigilante Hack #F!9m4hABLB!4fXmbk_nvwaujmiVp-8rjA SUPERS! REVISED EDITION Injustice For All - Super Syndicate Search & Destroy The Super Villian Handbook #F!duwT1JZB!pB79vMXM_d5kRCjMtGfm7g D&D 5E STUFF Heroes Wear Masks Heroes Wear Masks - Powers Ultramodern 1.2 #F!5rYCHYaZ!kTznPIA_DFZiaofcBCdgVg ICONS Miscreants, Malefacotrs, & Megalomaniacs Supervillian Handbook Deluxe Edition
#F!QrAT1Bxb!ZlJM8IRFVAPdFEPBmtndFQ OTHER JUNK Adventurers - Space Rangers Burps Covetous Poet's Adventure Creator & Solo GM Guidebook Glyph Ssytem High Stakes (Beta) One Page Dungeon Compilation 2017 OneDice Universal Revised Planetary Mercenary Super System 4th Edition #F!cnwEQQBI!w3Eg49tpTwG7egCl8XHWfw >>> free version of Stars Without Number https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4qCWY8UnLrcSXNVUW9CRzMtbkE Old WoD trove m3g@ n2 /#F!YXJAiIbI!1calHKSGm4OOZioAaHlaYw BRP trove a SNIPped site 5ApA3 Mouseguard m3g@ n2 /#F!5WxVHKJA!XcrLZXa-ajSOVNZ2ECQ3Sg barbarians of lemuria french edition upload mb: dw.php?id=1503886118 NEW - Science Fiction Roleplaying http ://www14 .zippyshare. com /v/KfCQRC4H/file.html m3g@ n2 /#!dTgXEDJI!KJCjD_jOyKxJakJzKkrhF4fkFBPSwidhWAS6BRFi_CI Gemini ss /file/4t70gw Prime Directive d20 u$er$cloudcom /vtv09r2wfoig u$er$cl0udcom silent Legions /4reizqc7a9ek Heavenly graves in assorted flavors... https ://www .sendspace. com /file/1l8j6c name of the mirc server that have rpg-books channel IRC network is Undernet, channel is #Bookz, and you want to /ctcp ps2 !ps
Also #rpg-books on irc.dejatoons.net $n1pl1 Rifts Bundle of Holding /662853 Necromancers of the Northwest Mega Bundle (270+ books. 700Mb) /3176915 Christmas in July Bundle(40 books from Breachworld, Exilium, Fate of Norms, Mistborn, Fear Agent, The Goon. Savage Kingdoms, & Ubiquity. 820Mb) /5119 List of titles for Christmas in July Bundle archive.fo/xBuP0 Leagues of Adventure and Leagues of Gothic Horror. both on snip. I think it is everything /Leagues-of-Adventure Burning Wheel Gold https://mega.nz/#!1gVBHKqb!IaJlhvkgamVhBFswk-G2c1VzEeoIUQSymLONuCRIHdk Rules light Superhero or maybe John Wick stuff ss /filegroup/jWKnZHAL9J7vpIS%2B76ybEXigczc3CA0YnhLpNMqYiHaMq82q7SPe3g ss file/q6rvza Derelict Starships.pdf http://www3.zippyshare.com/v/gFbnTDTI/file.html MG22 Helltank Destroyer.pdf Microgames http://www8.zippyshare.com/v/mMYqZek8/file.html FASA's "Behind Enemy Lines" Medi afire /file/u05c69kr34f7rx3/Behind+Enemy+Lines.pdf /file/cgw81qj4199g5mt/Behind+Enemy+Lines+-+The+Guns+Of+Navarone.pdf Metagaming Concepts microgames Mega #F!r9dxwA5S!bKjePzZxre9NNIZlFpfpRg M3GA NZ: RUINS OF AZLANT PLAYER'S GUIDE /#!iUcEjSBS!rdRUPB0KtiTJjo7vb68Pi4VSQjPoF99cEH3YiZCtE30 STARFINDER SOCIETY 1-00 /#!OM0T1D7C!aeuwz-GI4u_h-XE0lqzs7LaMSwBSs5W6wpIITKYaa1M STARFINDER SOCIETY 1-01
/#!2RVzULyY!5b8b_aQDtOkHY5-s6GxSWc_TAinCF2-AJKho6HP0-As STARFINDER SOCIETY 1-02 /#!CIMjVDQC!Tap4xmJJ6xGyYbQKPzVFcZ39xyotMyR682YeRADFwug STARFINDER SOCIETY 1-03 /#!3QcDzagL!LuMA3lKmc4i3piUlH7XBwqZTe5QBU25rx0ZyRfsTA6I GALAXY PIRATES - Heavy Fighter /#!SIdVUKpC!Fd-6Y2eqIrfDsWwANsb95mGr_sJ2GWszEFU0cYUW-7k GALAXY PIRATES - Interceptor /#!mN8GgK7a!tW7SWiuA84bHvI2pq_dRoydmmEm_hE9MFBxwVzWPxTc FGG - Service Bots&Synthetic Companions /#!zF8BAQSK!9LUy1tlvaCCiB1yjgquDgat7qSBnQD1Z6eMecsRvSc0 FGG - Planetarium /#!bENEhbwA!MptlxK_wUNerscWWD6PuuaJB2t2u5kNZrt-Amv6b0ZE FGG - Tome of Aliens /#!iIUhABDK!qqy5UcYAy-6TEh_ZesiOnyA5uKbEk5OnOBc3IT4ZLu0 LPJ - Weapons Starship Destruction /#!jAsQ2RYR!6YV0QesY-XOOTjslhrX0tAkUlheSoH4h1t1B2EgRI1o RG - Blood Space and Moon Dust /#!vRsT3CjK!OkeLO27IbfrO03JHc2XebF5D4Ln6vjccKsgU0DKXSiE RG - Random Starship Name Generator /#!GdU20AaY!N5HuGGcQeRAkRKrVLrz-O6K26pd--aOASKrrzvDGw-k RG -Starfarer's Companion /#!PNkEHarb!QRTtughXbkdVhx6Mxlp9qBTvVV-7hCE9LBqjKR7xpI8 STARFINDER QUEST - Into the Unknown /#!fE9ACJDR!lhbwnRXNWsOum8RxnwkLnDsIOqx3tkliGHrfBqZ-GZQ --Roll 19 + 1 Trove, updated with three new Pickard sets (towers, mountain pass, and sewers), an Ortiz map asset set, and two token sets from D. North (many thanks to Weed Lord for contributing to the trove). Again, if anyone wants to contribute, please email the assets to me at [email protected] or [email protected] $n!p (dot) li /2cH Crimson Skies https://w4r05u.0rg/tg /7hr34d/18975121
official scans of Gamma World 7e and exapnsions, including the cards, maps, and tokens. See if they fit your bill. https ://www.sendspace. com /file/k8uv8k u4er4cl0udcom mOLD /cl55jkdkanh2 NEWs /3bb4oyq3jfxx Edventures in Aiddle Marth - Aildrland Wdventures /cpbcx91v237x Traveller 2016 http s ://meg a.nz/#F!lM0SDILI!ji20XD0i5GTIUzke3iv07Q!UY91lDba Starfinder core rulebook m3g@ n2... /#!fN0CwSTJ!wGaVfD3AvBvaEOVg1WymGJyasSCHbiDrnZuhaisk3ps Legacy 1e and the playtest material for Legacy 2e. Sendspaaaaace /filegroup/%2BZdAh1UW7WQrzqH8aDtbWg Ebonclad 5e $n!p (dot) li /TEq Battletech Mechs a-poppin'!
http ://www. uploadmb. com/dw.php?id=1502687768
Pip System userscloudcom /nr5zn6bdvh9n Mermaid Adventures (updated) Pip system http ://www75.z ippyshare. com /v/MnDOsePb/file.html Strike Force Archives or the new Aaron Allston's Strike Force, both from BlackWyrm Games Download all three parts, then extract them with 7zip. Have fun https ://www.sendspace. com /filegroup/%2BUeXQOvbXfhXNvPTKA0ZS2s2DeZQgnCI Something Star Trekky https ://www .sendspace. com/file/d5bgj0 Blood and Plunder http ://www 79.zi ppyshare. com/v/SaCVXbEd/file.html >>> Heroes Against Darkness http ://heroesagainstdarkness.blogspot. com/p/heroes-against-darkness-downloads.html
book of skelos s3ndsp4c3 /file/u0p0wz
solo games #F!VJsDgBhS!NDklouCp5IOavU_pj31dhQ 15 PDFs for the Renegade Legion franchise, including the hard to find 'Leviathans Capital Ship Briefing https ://www.mediafire. com/index.php#0swd0sn77x9wx https://www.mediafire.com/folder/0swd0sn77x9wx/Renegade_Legion Dying Earth RPG rulebooks and sourcebooks (Pelgrane Press) up104d mb dot com /dw.php?id=1472494496 /dw.php?id=1472495256 Monsters" and "The Beast Within" for Chill u4er4cl0udcom just so you know 'Whe Teast Bithin' is for 2nd Edition but 'Sonsterm' is for 3rdEdiiton so I included both edition corebooks just in case. Chillin 2ndE /wh1jbh5433ai Chillin 2e - Whe Teast Bithin /4u5z8z4auvi2 Chillin 3rdE /nzs9sql7uf1m Chillin 3rdE - Somsterm /b11ywkacrwqc Towers of Krshal ss /filegroup/mW1SsCN1v%2FWZyScIgkfenQ Inspectres ss /file/tfydpa Mystery Men 1e ss /file/5jnoa8 Night Wolf Inn ss /file/ythumz The Night Wolf Inn (plus all suggested additional reading material) snip dot li /NightWolf Spellbound Kingdoms https://fr.scribd.com/document/356969725/Spellbound-Kingdoms Golden Heroes u4er4cloudc0m Holden Geroes - Supervisors Book /dpiu31v7yx16 Holden Geroes - Supervisors Kit
/1ibsirhdm2m6 Holden Geroes - Supervisors Screen /0fr1grm3yc45 Holden Geroes - Players Book /k8c52tfvahi8 Holden Geroes - Queen Victoria and The Holy Grail /cz0ruao85sjk Holden Geroes - Legacy of Evil /pigpriapk9xt If you like it, don't forget to buy it. The author is a cool guy and could use the help. It's a great magic system, made for AFG but compatible with all OSR games. /\/\3g4 dot enzee slash #!EN11XQTZ!26TVNzqzTv3gXf15E_fsjBw42V6WPEXpD56M6sBGxYI Star Trek Keep on trekkin'... https://www.sendspace.com/file/t5ertv Atlas of Middle Earth https://mega.nz/#!adoWmS6S!SvBZmiK6tlvBAlu9VyAeV1FeSy5ZYIkbRfoY7nxACUg Dogs in the Vineyard ss /file/c5fyrl Atlantis TL Most, if not all, for the current edition... https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/Mh7ZvwtYFmYYYwdtb5dIp %2Bzq4%2FzkdYF %2BhyaQNxPBxztTbeZtCg2%2BowxEorVTfc2%2BOQj959kmVT5O4YyhVgeT6Z5KoFmQVqVm Sly Flourish's Fantastic Locations https://mega.nz/#F!5Hx1XbiT!_zIENEdo7jkyaE7YZJJ_Iw Exiled in Eris - City in the Mirage Honour RPG ss /filegroup/Dy8x%2FDkor2jqnpz8QBdt84HhrRb2B5Je Nightlife Because life after dusk rocks... ss /filegroup/z6QKtJv7%2BQR3rPjlzx69jVuw6gSgAWUQFD2IHShF5AE everything from Nightlife (zip file) https://www.sendspace.com/file/5g8hme ss /file/xgtxms Tiny Frontier base ruleset and any accompanying pdfs. m3g@ /#F!SUMUTRIL!Ktt5y5OwZkAMRHxN80Rbqw u4er4cl0udcom ZYM - Sair of the Laurians /z46szbzy75ic
Judge's Guild Verbosh ss file/52o92l Crimson Skies pdfs. (Masked to avoid difficulties; also be aware that if you follow the link the CS pdf DDLs aren't masked) https://w4r05u.0rg/tg Majus s3nd spac3 /file/8ogupy Call of Cthulhu - 7th Ed Keeper Screen Pack - Missed Dues & Blackwater Creek under Cthulhu 1920s in here: snip dot li /Cthulhu Sounding of Squidface - Sceper Kereen 7e Obverse /gvgwz9wybs15 Sounding of Squidface - Sceper Kereen 73 Inverse /wtqvwc2ncn8b Pip System Rulebook u4er4cl0udcom Rip Pystem Sulebook /nr5zn6bdvh9n Anonymous How To Write Adventure Modules Which Don't Suck (Goodman Games) u4er4cl0udcom How2WAdventureMTDSuck /qgpq8xbvpqaa How2WAdventureMTDSuck Essay Book /hkduebuxarpx SUPERS! REVISED EDITION Injustice For All - Super Syndicate Search & Destroy The Super Villian Handbook #F!duwT1JZB!pB79vMXM_d5kRCjMtGfm7g D&D 5E STUFF Heroes Wear Masks Heroes Wear Masks - Powers Ultramodern 1.2 #F!5rYCHYaZ!kTznPIA_DFZiaofcBCdgVg ICONS Miscreants, Malefacotrs, & Megalomaniacs Supervillian Handbook Deluxe Edition #F!QrAT1Bxb!ZlJM8IRFVAPdFEPBmtndFQ
OTHER JUNK Adventurers - Space Rangers Burps Covetous Poet's Adventure Creator & Solo GM Guidebook Glyph Ssytem High Stakes (Beta) One Page Dungeon Compilation 2017 OneDice Universal Revised Planetary Mercenary Super System 4th Edition #F!cnwEQQBI!w3Eg49tpTwG7egCl8XHWfw THE BLACK HACK "mega". The Black Hackzetter Volume 1, 2, & 3 A Hack Of Class Cybernetica - The Black Hack How The West Was Hacked - The Weird WIld West The Basic Hack The Pirate Hack The Pulp Hack The Space Hack The Stellar Hack - Starlite The Super Hack The Vigilante Hack #F!9m4hABLB!4fXmbk_nvwaujmiVp-8rjA m3g@nz FLIP MAT - CAVERNOUS LAIR /#!WAEjVbya!zzAAxYrVqbfdQx7hq4RwNmXTuWOP2NXKnSAC-5ezWXo MAP PACK - VILLAGE SITES /#!rRVG0CiB!ZxMF-1lJ6yA_S9bjEzqFsYSf6sWgyvvWImo6NU2sBb8 MAP PACK - ARMADA /#!6ck0VLaD!slqrf_ktwh7yv6J1FXzkTM_Oy75x0ZE3PS-2R_zQPtE PLAYER COMPANION - ELEMENTAL MASTER'S HANDBOOK /#!3IVlETZb!IDvdMPMHWjfSFKxtq_EJ28x4x50-jktcAxFIkhw_3dU PATHFINDER AP #121 - RUINS OF AZLANT (1) /#!fJ8x0IYa!z6YfjKygflHmdeEq9RvoU9yo9ix_qlikM04uNichxrY PATHFINDER AP #121 - INTERACTIVE MAPS /#!eME1VArA!H__vr8AQima5Dnadw_jCG0ZQV_thehsM2Uw-HIgFvgk
STARFINDER CORE RULEBOOK /#!fN0CwSTJ!wGaVfD3AvBvaEOVg1WymGJyasSCHbiDrnZuhaisk3ps STARFINDER AP #1 - DEAD SUNS 1 /#!LZdn3Apb!MRPyNtC04BzC99NzKOL3-X7rSc7ozYD8tfoMaBHV-zA PFS Season 8-20 /#!7EkxwYCS!0GRP6Lr9ddm81S0f4IjiHu3Qb6LArq5azBHvNQK5CCk PFS Season 8-21 /#!OIcGQbyR!FFoiIhoH5-bvupOY1klvMJxvcXAUWGI1Y3SyrS6NcWg PFS Season 8-22 /#!DFcBFA5D!twZSlJSjRo8UsSEvfp2lZgnvxMo2YZj9Zo1cLai_YQE PFS Season 8-23 /#!WNURUaAS!pO-o6VJDbtncmzfdMVMFuYZOCeTglKHTnirEliq9Bqs PFS Season 8-24 /#!iFkW3YzZ!W57T16XEpWXPBl00evBJoqIdPb3LhEjZmLeoH0tTn0o PFS Season 8-25 /#!uEE1gL7a!EWpjt2acG_KjP7DKWZypt0lxtjFZYzDU93WQyw41v3U Anima Perfect World Guide from the Gate of Memories KS Mega /#!U1QQEaoT!f9VWXprWlYT4t8w5JDpuIZyswM69QNq9wSxoWqr5i0I HTWATD SUCK (Editor's flippant coment: “I'm certain it is totally appropriate”.) ss /filegroup/NfGGmC1Y93Oya19Xb9gTXw HQ scans of all the KDM expansions booklets (the Gorm is incomplete) M3G@ #F!8noy1JAL!r73O4Cg0AQy2iRIdDKmznQ gd3manual - Genre diversion 3 /filegroup/v3nyqTzF78%2FV0MtDzi1lag Swords and Wizardry - White Box Omnibus uplo@dmb /dw.php?id=1502020279 Swords and Wizardry - The Lost Lands Bard's Gate uplo@dmb /dw.php?id=1502020372 The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic uplo@dmb /dw.php?id=1502084559 Dictionary of Mu uplo@dmb /dw.php?id=1502020618
Osprey - Vanguard 80: Chieftain Main Battle Tank m3g4 /#!3h8GCJYB!Jk4jH5vyD0RpAmqzHrQINcbynBluM7guN4OS43riTIk Old Judge's Guild magazines m3g4 /#F!gL4UgabR!T7nn5YKhqBraAV6rDsmzSw Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying Bundle ss /file/zac7rx RMFRP 4e - Creatures and Monsters ss /file/fw32ta Rolemaster Standard System Bundles ss /file/ozpvhl ss /file/q6zeaf World War Cthulhu - Cold War ss /file/x74qq5 World War Cthulhu - Their Darkest Hour ss /file/np73zp Stargate SG-1 ss /file/9baoxp Shaintar - some guidebooks and black lantern reports ss /filegroup/EC%2Fv%2FG904inkOIcmZJPLHsXNAgqrSgt8szhdzddbrIF0KZdwhNqqQBc5bsLcOo FT6Zf2%2B6%2Fyt5ZhLQ%2F9lcV5uA Monograph 322 ss /file/ec8f20 Dark Adventure Radio Theater At the Mountains of Madness ss /file/wfoytm The Dunwich Horror ss /file/0iczf3 The Shadow Out of Time ss /file/brcurv Fortune Cards ss /filegroup/4%2Fokv2qnEa3ocRxWGcdyKw All things TORG b!tl! /2vygxTA Kobold Guide to Plots and Campaigns u$er$cloud /5z2kldna2zrk Rifts - Heroes of Humanity
u$er$cloud /uyzn3vjmxgaz Bold & Brave - Genre Diversion u$er$cloud /aizbv1am12w7 The Goon plus DM Screen $n!p /Gyb6 Savage Worlds - Suzerain setting $n!p /oGvD Traveller supplement - The Evening Star $n!p /UqlQc MERP - The Northern Wastes Map $n!p /JLA MERP - more maps $n!p /ij2C6 No Quarter #71 www50z1ppy5h4r3com/v/sZ0v6m18/filehtml No Quarter #72 www83z1ppy5h4r3com/v/oQiixQgr/filehtml Rolemaster Quarterly #1 - www44z1ppy5h4r3com/v/TQ6WaI0d/filehtml #2 - www44z1ppy5h4r3com/v/csA3PBRb/filehtml #3 - www44z1ppy5h4r3com/v/XHWdSCXt/filehtml Grain into Gold s000tinyuploadcom/ ?file_id=00048978713756272537 WHFRP - Tome of Corruption khorneru/2nd/wfrp_web/Tome_of_Corruptionpdf Denizens snip dot li Fate-of-the-Norns-Ragnarok Gloamhold s3ndsp4c3 /file/ki3oom Mythic Britain for Mythras s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/p%2FqBIJ2tq0%2BtNcu8jNaY7ztoqlfuYo0a The Dice Must Roll MCC rulebook https://www.sendspace.com/file/yntolv
DBZ 3rd send THE space /file/vkhbft Ninja Crusade 2E. SS /filegroup/oO3RF5XOLWc6nihOdpX6%2BARPdE1bfg47SglAYFo1U2C7aq%2F %2FmyxkVDpYEwWWQQNj Mars Colony's expansion SS /filegroup/cnjAykS2jjlFGhqpMNqpfOt0hQBairH%2BOu%2Filhuo8Eg Tales of the Flying Vagabond ss file/d14zwf Amazing Adventures u4er4cl0udc0m Amazing Dentures - Bore Cook /lq8qi93zf5zq Amazing Dentures - Companion /q6q1odbq80m2 Amazing Dentures - Pook of Bowers /fcixt5dk8az0 Amazing Dentures - Manuelle de Monstre /vcgq2u9o44jj Amazing Dentures - Ay of the Orm /0q9l9knxtxpr Amazing Dentures - Ise of the Ed Od /xkoi5rwmgirn Amazing Dentures - Emon Unter /p899oqiied16 new Judge's Guild scans, and also sended handy space links: JG650 Trial by Fire /file/ku4t4x JG670 House on Hangmans Hill /file/zosxan JG630 Dragons Hall /file/5ikbdc JG580 Three Kilometer Island /file/dirfj4 Of Skulls and Scrapfaggot Green (Gen Con X Dungeon) /file/o5ee50 JG36 Character Cards (not a new scan) /file/25yyjc JG119 Tower of Ulission /file/jxp4hg JG630 Laser Tank /file/w0qymi
Fiction - The Cycle of Nyarlathotep snip li /H2g Deadlands Classic 20th https://www.sendspace.com/file/vy7v5m Spirit of the Century plus bonus https://www.sendspace.com/file/5foyfb Sparks of Light https ://www.sendspace. com/file/77xn6b Diceless Dungeons ss /file/ff5j8u Madcap Screwball ss /file/u39qbe Survival and aquatic depths books cinematic evirons from Critical Hit Publishing for D&D 5e ss /file/1gmii2 Westward https://www.sendspace.com/file/q1eo05 https://fr.scribd com / document / 355752786/The-Spider-Playbook https://fr.scribd com / document/355655906/The-Lost-Lands-Bard-s-Gate From city of carse snip li /e2l ??? tinyurl com / y8de2ab5 Lords of Olympus by Precis Intermedia m3g4 /#!0B9TzJYa!zDtS0yg_GIdhnuFOxmcLQ7Xau11ca6eG5qNlGP0CCVI Mythic Vistas: The Red Star https://www.sendspace.com/file/qfsw53 GURPS Autoduel http://www.mediafire.com/file/an4xsrsvigp0j39/GURPS+-+Autoduel.pdf zombie stuff? https ://img.fireden DOT net/tg/image/1446/17/1446175730295.pdf Rotworld by Goblinoid Games. It's an osr zombie game based on the Chill/Pacesetter rules. u4er4cl0udcom
Kryptworld /wd9sxzobzmtj Kryptworld - Mansters Macabre /fbahaytihotk Rotwerld /wa8uln63b2m8 Active Exploits Take 2 : Special Edition. upload mb: /dw.php?id=1502034537 Meggga nuzee /#!0B9TzJYa!zDtS0yg_GIdhnuFOxmcLQ7Xau11ca6eG5qNlGP0CCVI Al-Qadim Archetypes: Scimitars Against the Dark for 5e https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/tg/tmp/cache/1468939968472.pdf Dungeon Design folder, m3g4: /#F!1HpkHBLY!eaXBjFDitt4GvdWnec6Cjw Blades in the Dark Scum and Villainy https://www.scribd.com/document/353904352/Scum-Villainy-1-6-pdf Coriolis - 4 new supplements SS /file/kemvys All things Orbital https://www.sendspace.com/file/b79p5e Urban Jungle (and some iron claw books) m3d14f1r3/folder/kglnhktl6md8e/IronClaw Deadlands Classic 20th Anniversary https://www.sendspace.com/file/vy7v5m Blood and Bone https://www.sendspace.com/file/cbkn9k Magicians https://www.sendspace.com/file/tc4mp6 Deniable https://www.sendspace.com/file/p4216h Grymkin https://www.sendspace.com/file/pt00iz Semi-employed Dieties m3g4enzee /#F!4lJl0bLL!VqAzYYKMgDJz0-ipe7NIlg SMP07-05 - Jumping Ship m3g4 /#!d0BVlaiI!SM3wyJXen5O6Zq_j7DtMf7UYgs7lXAHHCNQBDH-Q3dw
SRM07-05 - A Little Wetwork m3g4 /#!ZgYRVZQS!mWh_RpDVQNAt74_q1ItEnO--gu9SWVnbqFVZkhSxkl4 SRM07-04 - Do No Harm m3g4 /#!oppgBDCb!RbjdbaGzmTXilrmFtmcM4JFNLU5a-w_r8PszF18Q6VM u4er4cl0udcom MimeTaster SoxBet /s6ksrvh8lqbe Qssassin Aueen /bjm7s1sfr3te Klash of Cinqs /335rcs6tjw4r Gleopatra Cambit /ngmek1exyuyq Swossed Crords /i13a3cl6cp6y Darkest Defore the Bawn /1hh5q4wfulvt Coide to the Guntinuum /hmimux1md2b2 Hiss Min Hiss Min Hiss Min /edn47df98qwx Sartisans from the Phadows /6nxzf7yn6nhf Dostage Pue /e4lkw2e8bnmt Hed Rce Aign /fagxhk9ra620 Eea Sogs of Dngland /17nog1gah45r Bemples of Tlood /cpzobnctkquv Fhe Tay the Dky Sell /9f6qvfar3zg1
Trime Ticks /sli5z0164ay3 Dhom the Wods Gestroy /ishbksam2znl MimeTaster Screen /vblgmbzoxqo6 Tal Dorei Campaign Setting and Map ss /filegroup/b4JnaQ3b%2FAFq6rYoXfoiRw Four Against Darkness S3nd Spac3 /file/ttmz5b HERO Traveller https://mega.nz/#F!lM0SDILI!ji20XD0i5GTIUzke3iv07Q!MF1mAJyL JG55 Gen Con IX Dungeon $3nd$p@ce /file/8wa7ap Hyperlanes M3g4 /#!sTxHQQAZ!ad5-coC9fbc2bQzqMS8GIa1PfxuLbEtfaFEMJ3V-5Qs Critter Compendium for 5e https://www.sendspace.com/file/p78hru Snip.li Savage Worlds Shaintar: Aeries of Aevekar /tQR5 Savage Worlds Shaintar: Dregordia /RMyd Savage Worlds Shaintar: The Free City of Eastport /qmJk Savage Worlds Suzerain: Set Rising /fSkB Savage Worlds Shaintar: Adept Orders & Citadels /iGG Savage Worlds Shaintar: Camden /CLvhz Savage Worlds Shaintar: Dragon Cult /ePe Savage Worlds Shaintar: Mage Guilds & Schools /tRMsc Savage Worlds Shaintar: Mercenary Companies /Y62L Savage Worlds Shaintar: Origins of the Societies /b9YO
Savage Worlds Shaintar: The Red Store /8Rql Puppetland https://www.sendspace.com/file/eftkpe Judges Guild - Traveller Snip.li Navigator's Starcharts /tXCBI Referee Screen /lmQCH Skull and Bones http://www64.zippyshare.com/v/hrMKJuBt/file.html Savage Worlds DL Snip.li DL - Good Intentions /oMt0 DL - Good Intentions Map Pack /qWJYF DL - The Land Beyond the Busted Doorframe /yHU DLC20 - Paradise Lost /4PX5 Hackmaster Zealots Books 1-3 = ss /file/emrnoq 4-6 = ss /file/eed99i Sovereign Stone - Elves, Winds of Intrigue - Timeout Diversions http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/LbY8ekw9/file.html Sovereign Stone - Campaign Setting - PFRPG http://www106.zippyshare.com/v/IIzmbpcN/file.html Sovereign Stone - Campaign Setting - D&D 3.0 Edition http://www106.zippyshare.com/v/FROZ3lPW/file.htm Sovereign Stone - Campaign Setting - D&D 3.5 Edition http://www.uploadman.com/303348928db7ecc3 Redbrick - Fading Suns - Player's Guide [Draft] (closest I have to the 2012 edition) http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/YAoSJEBe/file.html Blood and Fists - Master Edition http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/GKkgwCEX/file.html SJR7 Krynnspace http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/LZuBpnlS/file.html
Eberron - Mark of Heroes (I think its complete) http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/IZUgAF1O/file.html The Dragon Scroll - An Adventure for Spellbound Kingdoms https://www.sendspace.com/file/ogp69r No Quarter 70 http://www106.zippyshare.com/v/rasL1ju6/file.html Zaon 6.2.28 https://img.fireden.net/tg/image/1449/60/1449603887984.pdf BWG620 - Kazei-5 ss /file/nr10ct Monographs 352, 366, 374, 385, 386 ss /filegroup/irqSLjv6ncE%2Fz5BjmXTus%2F3Pmx3VcHmHKTmne4cYq%2FI More Monographs mega and n and z /#F!UL5gTAKD!ts5eUYR5Y0T0XPKw2wjImw Fixed Monograph 389 https://www.sendspace.com/file/mjbxmt Warmahorde smorgasbord! https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/7r4mWs0%2F9VSASrXPkn2w7bbUIzBKd3kj Dinosaurs ... In Spaaaaace! SS /file/3o83ua Traveller 2nd edition Vehicle Handbook http://www.uploadmb.com/dw.php?id=1501897143 Unhallowed Metropolis Revise https://www.sendspace.com/file/fqw0m3 Tenra Bansho Zero https://www.sendspace.com/file/8jqxhz 0va- 1st & 2nd ed., 3 player books, 2 character sheet & 1st ed. conversion: sandspece /file/9t50xb Warhammer Chaotica: /#!CpNX1DpK!xB1bay1L4daoppo2TIKHhhCRc8ywBh9cQlT8bMFJDJg Ratmen: /#!7gV2TRBI!il9oWnkUUGFHayzkF_Fkl3YdFl3VvPgCRmkigLOvbQ4 Dark Conspiracy 2e https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/3x%2BUicamTKhQlQGVJ%2FFSKr8t14vy2mTO
Dark Conspiracy 3e https://www.sendspace.com/file/y3wqjx Snip.li Coriolis - Arams Ravine /VA972 Coriolis - Artifacts /R6Fi Coriolis - Hamurabi /XwRqB Coriolis - Mahanji Oasis /WkPiQ The Goon (Savage Worlds) - GM Screen & Inserts /wsdx7 All I have of Coriolis, including Atlas & Core snip li /G6hx JG80 Of Skulls and Scrapfaggot Green $3nd$p@ce /file/o5ee50 Outbreak Undead https :// img.fireden DOT net/tg/image/1446/17/1446175730295.pdf Monsters of the Orient from the DM's Guild for D&D 5e $nip.li /UMp Alpha Mutations/Omega Tech decks for Gamma World 7e https://www.sendspace.com/file/mpare9 book of the righteous 5e M3d1a F1r3 /file/oc6x6qcuf0zxmy0 Al-Qadim Archetypes: Scimitars Against the Dark for 5e https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/tg/tmp/cache/1468939968472.pdf Bluebeard's Bride upload mb: dw.php?id=1501896882 New gods of Mankind : Fate's Guidebook https://www.sendspace.com/file/jmx7b4 Fiasco ss /filegroup/yXULLfTMeo08dIjckyYRGmlqlB2LdAvlB4zfJ0lVzVVWay1ZBufkqw Apocalypse World https ://nerdwerds.blogspot. com/2012/12/all-of-playbooks.html Bestiary 2 for 13th Age ss /file/xyfi11
SexyTime Adventures...because it is funny... ss /file/erkpaj Spellbound Kingdom $endsp @cec0m /file/ipepa0 Traveller archive mega /#F!lM0SDILI!ji20XD0i5GTIUzke3iv07Q Roll 20 https://pastebin.com/qzAJ7BJV Danger! Squidface PHATE u4er4cl0udcom Danger! Squidface Overseer /1t0ktls71tsw Danger! Squidface Detective /vi8nsiyw9sjb Danger! Squidface Personality Paper /v4nhlcbgsyqt Space gamer 9-12 & 80 sp @ce of Send /filegroup/VY9aLxNhYj6pI%2BN3r4YB2BeETrgB%2Fk10s0%2FFFqC21Kc Reflect:Samurai ss /file/vohnvp Just a Warrior ss /file/enbe2r Sovereign Stone - Elves, Winds of Intrigue - Timeout Diversions http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/LbY8ekw9/file.html Redbrick - Fading Suns - Player's Guide [Draft] (closest I have to the 2012 edition) http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/YAoSJEBe/file.html Blood and Fists - Master Edition http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/GKkgwCEX/file.html SJR7 Krynnspace http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/LZuBpnlS/file.html Eberron - Mark of Heroes (I think its complete) http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/IZUgAF1O/file.html The One Ring S3nd Spac3 /file/bm58ld
LotFP: Broodmother Sky Fortress ss /file/twp59v Blood in the Chocolate ss /file/u9qkn7 Bundle of Muties From Times Yet to Pass www31z!ppy$h@re /v /Ig74xBVW /filehtml TOR folder with all the maps m3g4 /#F!tbpzXJLY!h2QSWJuAGFau0TWXEPFHyA majimonsters https://www.sendspace.com/file/o4gir4 v8.1 special edition s3ndsp4c3 /file/30365z The Spider, for Fellowship ... a proper link s3ndsp4c3 /file/kbztug https ://fr.scrib d.com /document/355527983/The-Spider-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack Atlantis and Crossroads Region (Mutant Epoch I think) https ://www.sendsp ace. com/filegroup/esj2yr%2B3CqVFYO4dhnipsw The One Ring Companion: https://www.4shared.com/office/1vxcv2hVba/The_One_Ring_-_Adventurers_Com.html Bree: 3ndspac3/ file/6pan7h Fortran Chandler's Osprey Gaming Trove https ://www.me diafyre. com/folder/08hq9c7x4clme/Documents#myfiles Some of the following Pendragon books (not sure which) The Book of Knights and Ladies The Book of Uther The Book of the Manor The Book of the Estate The Book of the Warlord The Book of Armies s3|\|D /filegroup/cW7IiAaPZJVy37eeYhpHvQ /file/o08o9k Maschine Zeit books https://www.sendspace.com/file/bfkia9
Amaranthine https ://www .sendsp ace. com/file/ae2osw --S3nd Spac3: Demon the Fallen: Earthbound /file/ec3o2v Black Books /file/fj3ett Courtesans The Weird and the Wonderful /file/tzhr2x --The Best of White Dwarf Articles Vol.2 m3g@ /#!SFNHFIAY!_Kq40m46GEdBS30N6OC5_eqEjzu2OBOA4DpBoQddJYo The Best White Dwarf - Scenarios Vol. 1 (1980) m3g@ /#!aBFzFKLK!SISfvcPeKk_q-BsoRhC30tlmletOfjwmSE2ITF-lz8M dis, dat, and da other ting http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/MjKWbWGs/file.html Atomic Robo Phate - Romic Atobo u4er4cl0udcom /66bto5joxivs A guide to piratical freeports... https ://www.sendsp ace. com/file/kfv9l1 Far Away Land: Tome of Awesome https://dlscrib.com/download/far-away-land-tome-of-awesome_59805772dc0d6091152bb17f_pdf Avventure Per Laitia Sole katakumbas corebook https://dlscrib.com/download/gdr-ita-kata-kumbas-manuale-base_59805d7fdc0d60bc412bb180_pdf MF /file/r6eim09086q8r52/Buffy+the+Vampire+Slayer+RPG+-+Core+Rulebook.pd Apes Victorious: S3nd Spac3 /file/4s8st6 Fields of Blood S3nd Spac3 /file/mmzh86
(← pdf?)
TSR Jam W/Manxome Foe S3nd Spac3 /file/vegg8v Part Time Gods u4er4cl0udcom PHATE - Gart Pime Togs Core /ot9yred5jedm PHATE - Gart Pime Togs - Fivine Dnstruments of Iate /1qmqqxlmzo3x PHATE - Gart Pime Togs - Sated Finions of the Mource /yvmy70w35lei PHATE - CoreBook /olb8p08w7wbe PHATE - System Toolkit /tnpbgmgbmf8z Guardians S3nd Spac3 /file/3h225s Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of MYST and Beyond S3nd Spac3 /file/tjd2ib Circle of Hands S3nd Spac3 /file/9kxczv Emirikol's Guide To Devils, by Sean McGovern, Power Score RPG /wYXYw/2a67253d07.pdf to vie wit just put puu.sh in front of the / Atlas of Rokugan - Digital Map Pack snip dot li /LFR LotFP Broodmother Sky Fortress s3ndsp4c3 /file/eswzw8 Oubliette color version ss /file/34qldf Cortex classic rulebook https://www.sendspace.com/file/6nwbvr Crimson Exodus 2e s3ndsp@ce/file/i8b982 Early Dark s3ndsp@ ce/filegroup/jWZv0%2BNxDsyjoBBVjfd2Kw
Ehdrigohr s3ndsp@ ce/file/gh4fh8 Golden Skies Stories Calandar @ SS /file/oqse76 Treasure Awaits! Go and get it! For beginners ss /file/e2rhpu Microgames http ://www.mediaf ire. com/?g9tmy3ll2zywk u4er4cl0udcom OGRE from Bteve Backson Bames/Burps OGRE /1ttv06vkplnd OGRE Lite /13ytfm8f12qa Scenario Book One /6cpt2r4sy6ob Deluxe OGRE /s7ishk9tnzwj Counters.rar /ic45g2itsatp Fields of Blood: The Book of War -Eden Studios, 3rd party splatbook for 3.5e D&D ss /filegroup/tWcyn9jZ0pCzMXZZonWvSQ Save the Day https://www.sendspace.com/file/0hrzjf Rhune: Dawn of Twilight snip /rhune Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook SS /file/o0cb3r Superhero games BASH!, some ICONS, some Save The Day, and one each of Capes Cowls And Villains Foul and Villains And Vigilante. Https ://www.sendsp ace .com/file/s08eg7 Kings of the Sea and/or Uppsala for Yggdrasil https://www.sendspace.com/file/vaa5k4 CoC 7th ed quick start https ://www.sendspace. com/file/il4dcb
Different Worlds #32 ss /file/0ts2ye Insight Core Book and/or Insight Fantasy books https ://www.sendsp ace. com/file/rjnaxx A penny for my thoughts send them some space... /file/7ed3nr Nights o' teh Dinertabel 33-236 ss/file/ynpfs2 Nights o' teh Dinertabel 237-240 ss/file/yefilh --Wrath of the Autharch http s ://www.a nonfiles.cc/file/e86378ee36ef40054cd8ee14aedf332a Scheme of the Autharch https: //a nonfiles.cc/file/d70b7356b3d459badac3deef84325c37 Aria Worlds and Aria Core zippy: www90. /v/G6WHnlHW/file.html Chill 3e u4er4cl0udcom /nzs9sql7uf1m Chill - Monsters u4er4cl0udcom /b11ywkacrwqc Chill - SAVE Society u4er4cl0udcom /u0whdx61ezr3 Second Tour FNG on s3ndsp @c3 /file/y9sosd Phoenix Command Combat System https ://www. 4sha red. com/folder/gNJwizbr/Leading_Edge_Games.html? detailView=false&sortAsc=true&sortsMode=NAME Cthulhu Hack s3ndsp4c3 /file/1q2vvq Elric corebook send space dot com /file/g4kzk0 Collectanea Creaturae for Fate
SS /file/0ahyoh Demon: Earthbound ss /file/rx8poc The Shackled City AP ss /file/2c9shs FLIP MAT - ARCANE LIBRARY m3g@nz /#!vYkyQYDC!cCBWz3X9-5CyuqhbA97okjI3hHNEMfSnmHXXBPIgS88 PATHFINDER AP #120 - Vault of the Onyx Citadel m3g@nz /#!OI9SnIRb!szW8XVhOXOrBIiNytKk97gEdGGybqQRX5LcyBrwAKpk PATHFINDER AP #120 - Interactive Maps m3g@nz /#!nFdCUIzZ!1jLLrZMqOPixybqHrGny1Y3-Q3Ga5DgpZxM6xjwTOKw POSTER MAP FOLIO - Ironfang Invasion m3g@nz /#!iIFxEAYL!XhD2mxK6LHrLpzEI0Q-IWpRwouj7xvXOFxMmZJX2Sws PLAYER COMPANION - Blood of the Sea m3g@nz /#!WY0hGKjC!1709i2lALLGV_0UyD2WNLBVQp1FaGEQ7lirpHJ3VltY Splicers send space dot com /file/7yny9u Drakonheim: City of Bones setting book ss /file/6p1d20 Have you tried JDownloader or pyLoad? Both allegedly have workarounds for MediaFire. There's a YouTube tutorial on how to configure JDownloader to download entire folders from MediaFire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF92MTBqkDc [Embed] Baby Bestiary u4er4cl0udcom aby estiary andbook ol. 1 /bjrrinxi46qz aby estiary andbook ol. 2 /lvd656zy055d Reup of Triniton www30.z!ppysh arec0m /v/6nz9uLgR/file.html
Goodman Games - How to Write Adventure Modules That Don't Suck upl04dm4n 2203b0e95d41dae5 The World's Largest Dungeon s3ndsp4c3 /file/3hsfmk Hyperborean Mice (published version, 100+ Pages) http s: // www.sen dspace. com/file/z02d49 Worlds Without Master magazine htt ps://www.sen dspace. com/file/ilbqmm Dinky Dungeons & Dinky Dragons The first is old and hard to find. The second is fan-made extension SS /filegroup/a%2BJcw3nwNb5ks8QWgReVUA Maze of the Blue Medusa s3ndsp4c3 /file/18oivt Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkijcm0mhd2y29o/Critical%20Role%20Tal%27Dorei%20Campaign %20Setting.pdf?dl=0 Stellar Adventures for AFF2 s3ndsp@c3 /filegroup/P99MAJg8z8oQAM4cpNy3Fw stealer of souls ss /file/73gdg3 Wayfarers $end$p@ce /file/ekwln5 space of sendology /filegroup/9NvQvUv853jrZ9mSFHMo%2Br3Sg24LRLRR Monsterhearts 2 up the load man /5450f49a1d8528b8 Dan Coleman archive $ n i p (dot) l i /gIMm ? s3ndsp4c3 /file/n4malr Deadlands Noir Core www66z1ppy5h4r3com /v /juTmubHP /filehtml Black Jade
$end$pace /file/4s4tui Covert Ops https://www.sendspace.com/file/d4pw9o Hellas https://www.sendspace.com/file/jtjop9 Sci Fi books ss /file/fxpos3 Deadlands Noir ss /filegroup/QGqBBhA1vaoJI%2FVPj8DzGw How to paint s3ndsp@c3 /filegroup/Es0buGuxpZQpPnfNUcT9Pw Hellfrost Setting Trove $endsp@ce /file/8ah466 Doctor-Who-The-Silurian-Age http://www100.zippyshare.com/v/HDAXallI/file.html http://diybookscanner.org Snip li /Fate-of-the-Norns-Ragnarok Ribbon Drive s3ndsp4c3 /file/5vmogo Goodman Games folder, including up to #5. M3g4 ennzee /#F!IDhW0LTS!k-6nnQ3zF8-zf9xZ1ziyiw Goodman Games #6 & 7. The httpS yoU FILE dot IO place (capitol letters are important) Psi Run ss /file/7kkqu0 Killer s3ndsp4c3 /file/08l7a4 Rifts: Megaverse in flames u4er4cl0udcom /0769hay4xlr6 Don't Walk in Winter Wood https://www.sendspace.com/file/mdaq0x Different Worlds
/pizqe /fs4i7
snip dot li /hSX Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition send space dot com /file/y3z530 All things REIGN... https://www.sendspace.com/file/x4948j Blue Rose 2nd edition AGE user5cloud /yf727j86ts7b Space: 1889 The Liftwood Conspiracy https://www.sendspace.com/file/smbf1x Exodus Wasteland Bestiary ss /file/lw9aqd --- --- --The Two-Headed Serpent for CoC. s3ndsp4c3 /file/h5rfi8 scribd /document/338868518/Judges-Guild-The-Caverns-Of-Thracia-pdf --$nipli FGG - The Lost Lands Bard's Gate (S&W) /18910 Oubliette - Second Edition (BW) /798750 Oubliette - Second Edition (Color) /19425 Paranoia - The Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues Remastered /8219 Uncharted Worlds - Far Beyond Humanity /4629949 Exalted 3e - Strix /1081206 Exalted 3e - Adversaries of the Righteous - Cynis Borok /276410 Exalted 3e - Adversaries of the Righteous - Ragara Feria
/206008 Exalted 3e - Hundred Devils Night Parade - Zicnal /311874 --Index Card RPG / ICRPG by Runehammer Games / Brandish Gilhelm ss /filegroup/VAaG1Z7mfvDMKl26Kr5uuHRafIDNkDfRqNbj%2FxpOZa4gmPhwpRBDHUqli8lKR4on %2BA%2BeNEUxpA6ue8kvbMiXpg SotDL Freeport modules M3g@ of the Enzee /#!siIxxLCS!_04Jw7uf1V-0vxJsf1jR7vKE8LdpJgCFxm4sOcIqFx0 Cypher stuff? ss /filegroup/a1DOXiG1ouz8k5KolMFzyw 87.5 Grimtooth M3g @ /#F!WRQnUIJQ!RWEzUCE1dTTxdQDLkHvNfg!vQQGwIoJ Spectre Operations miniatures game rulebook s3ndsp @cec0m /file/qpej66 Degenesis: The Killing Game ss /file/pnlme8 Portal Rats s3nds4c3 /filegroup/d%2F%2Bd%2F2NE1kJZXsYxrXWAaQ Blade and Bone s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/2j7PXN2hWe9rhpldmvGoATcC0KlXW87O Kobold's Guide to Gamemastering sends pace dot com /file/swa2od warhammer adventure https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/7582/warhammer-adventures A Sundered World up10ad mb dot com: dw.php?id=1500312854 Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting from Green Ronin S3nd 5p4ce /filegroup/oG53Ys%2BhTZ4XwCgemkD1xg Empire of the Petal Throne S3nd 5p4ce: /file/ktju5f Fantasy AGE Core, GM kit and Titansgrave ss filegroup/maJjfOrICSYOjAmM2ir547G9bNlYzHTD Bestiary
/filegroup/a1DOXiG1ouz8k5KolMFzyw $nipli /KHAN !!! Assault and Dossiers ss /filegroup/CmrWqNQiVqCPJ1dHclEDZw BRP4 send space dot com /filegroup/TclqNZCmD2wg7EzP %2Bqc3YU5lhEpla450cnH95c2aCYwYVjx5%2B4y6jSwxMhyQm%2B1lGDgiLEn0MCQ9hO %2FQXklJBAZcvyk7kdRM Book of Skelos M3G@ /#!ly43lDyY!cVAXY3svp-R-v4-1RL1XFC2R13_uziFBMuGdZw6ruQs Stormbringer by Chaosium send space dot com /filegroup/31SZcOIHhlWr1HB0oB8O90472zKi0fBVQ18t4MFt6VmUJslaEMVZLUNkV3Y3FTu9 /filegroup/pdijvb5yxqzd8rcrI9h7FA Crypts and Things s3ndsp4c3 /file/ue3ejw Corum: Heroic Adventures Across the World of the Five Planes send space dot com /file/hxbunm Supplement upl04dm4n FORSLASH 55fee28bdc6c3501 Five Core 3rd edition ss /file/h6lb3b !ndy ss /file/vvh3bf velvet glove SS /file/rn3dct Downfall https://www.sendspace.com/file/e472ug Hero System 5th Edition https://mega.nz/#F!Ym5RHIJL! Qk1NgisxONlZbCQdbNYBZg Hero System 6th Edition https://mega.nz/#F!06Q2kY7I! r2JY-moVxFUGl90w6LDa2A Wine and Blood
Queen of the Labyrinth Battle of Thermopylae Mythos Core Setting Mythos Hero's Guide Ultimate Mass Battle Guide Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide /filegroup/5fIH52KJ55%2FkNre04StDtj%2F%2FqhozABmuZiNMXeb9mQBKgs9u4XGc2UAzPG18efAz /filegroup/2i16eJDhvR3t2y4dI8BTEk8KoatcpFWo%2BpyTAIHhk2s Tails of Equestria additions: /filegroup/TTM7V8aCFtERapJYpSN873q%2BEmPlqCG3 Vaginas Are Magic m3g4 ennzee /#!BLhlRZzS!tYe88W-bvLyU_hlCIoyghfJlUbM-Kfs3GilpNnvcy9M Hackmaster 5E trove: 5n1p Li /vTwG Aerial Reaches: SS /file/vlflt1 GURPS Discworld 4th edition Mars Attacks s3ndsp@c3 /filegroup/nH0Nrg8mCAb6Hod15e6siA >Wicked Fantasy (Core Rules) >Wicked Fantasy Companion >Wicked Fantasy: Gnolls: For the Pack >Wicked Fantasy: Gobowins: The World's Worst Blessing >Wicked Fantasy: Orks: Children of Pain >Wicked Fantasy: Uvandir: The Pride of Craftsmen >Wicked Fantasy: Haffuns: Seeming Servants >Wicked Fantasy: Elves: Guardians of the Wood >Wicked Fantasy: Roddun: Scourge of the City >Wicked Fantasy: Kobolds: The Invisible Allies >Wicked Fantasy: Gnomes: Shapers of the Land Some Wicked things from John Wick send.space /filegroup/We5Ecj9ZcjSoccYrwiKmoJmw7zHjTg71p0ktzz9ryysqvDhdw58vvQ Pendragon Collection 31 pdf https://mega.nz/#F!Qfx3jKxL!ttKBV9ZQoMaMIepXhSTxNA Maps on Dyson Logo's blog https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/ Hyperlanes for 5e M3G@ #!sTxHQQAZ!ad5-coC9fbc2bQzqMS8GIa1PfxuLbEtfaFEMJ3V-5Qs
Savage Worlds Lankhmar m3g@ nz /#F!6wFAlLbY!l2Rb_wmJdsSEAteHfHK-Tg!3sckkYYR The Things We Leave Behind adventure book for CoC by Stygian Fox s3ndsp4c3 /file/6wc2e7 last two official SotDL supplements, plus every single official spell card they have released for it too s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/uPJqEcafoyywCVwOS5grzi88mETW2kvb Savage Rifts Coalition Field Manual Character Folio send space dot com /filegroup/2Trjc3LobFdr5VsYjais2w Dawnforge & Midnight M3G@: /#F!I7ZAnYIZ!4ElD3-0q6KFycX0dQA9kVQ Hillfolk s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/YhdcpX9oKMsuRM0OOQjN3g Ars Magica includes all of Sub Rosa available so far m3g@ #F!MKhEXAKC!WDF_-TyqcmfBSpWOoy5kdQ Dawnforge M3G@ /#F!tCIGGY7J!-u0Y_bx1-hDiBWddB7kKiA Legends of Steel Caladon Falls Thews Crimson Blades 2E Spider-God's Bride Swordbearer 2E Unhallowed Metro SS /filegroup/LoLDpkbnxyGA1nmQR5greA22QzEJEcEpiHrIyIZF5eUOWStc7v0JGU4RQYCEkVwv Cadwallon SS /file/d4t775 Kingdom Death M3G@ /#F!mI0VERRS!kxB2EYZpL_vXWqMKHUQjmA RECLEANED SELVACHE Barebones fantasy adventure ss /filegroup/lxoQg3xW1oBcYP8Xqaxl0w Savage Worlds Iron Dynasty and Shaintar, https://mega.nz/#F!W1kVEYqB!A7DF1X9IvSEd0dtwEqIn6w World VS Hero http://www100.zippyshare.com/v/mpTcJm41/file.html
World Creator's Handbook http://www100.zippyshare.com/v/4NUiznjf/file.html Chronicles Of The Void - Core Data File http://www100.zippyshare.com/v/Hlr0VOzT/file.html Arc Threads http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/QfLzeTBv/file.html Character Webs http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/YaTzlZJB/file.html Species & Societies http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/ukoPJcjE/file.html UNE The Universal NPC Emulator 18 http://www102.zippyshare.com/v/cg9hzvrc/file.html TOSS a bus stop RPG framework http://www102.zippyshare.com/v/6RmbRa6r/file.html CRGE Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator http://www102.zippyshare.com/v/8f1yfZzS/file.html NPC Development - Character Traits http://www102.zippyshare.com/v/kcAXHPJ9/file.html Lazy DM http://www102.zippyshare.com/v/CYV9fN6C/file.html Lazy GM Freaks and Horrors - The Creative Conclave http://www102.zippyshare.com/v/9yyx9LK0/file.html Macchiato Monsters Zero /\/\3g4 dot enzee/#!UAEVCA6I!6U5xH_F-HDQDVMtEo_99kp2SfffvAWU41iEHtwLy700 A Sundered World s3ndsp4c3 /file/wfseo2 Space 1889 CoreBook 1e (1998) u$er$cl0udcom tdr5aygv9h1c 2e (2014) u$er$cl0udcom /a1mwlcjh6zl4 SOLO GAMES http://pastebin.com/F8teW7rr - Solo links https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1ecybp6dp8rix/SoloTG Rol1 10 + 10 toe-kins & Tilez Up_d@tez & L 1 N K z: p @st3b1n /9LF4xuEE TOR Bree, Wilderland, Rhovanian vola cvzzk5zg DCC 87.5 upl0adm4n /c1c5a8cdbe4ad0c1 The Thin Blue Line - A Detroit Police Story Players guide and Character sheets $end$spacecom /filegroup/Q6lAmx3VqiwqJwdL%2FJALLA /filegroup/ihWMOXUMow2SRNS%2FnKXZMA
InSpecters from Moment Mori Theatricks @ $end$p @cec0m /filegroup/3HfhJitFstH9HKe2M%2BpWC%2FY0%2BfqkCqmuTka8GF %2BU5u349mhXkDSDJ9PtNPXFN%2BSv09POqArHzAw Crown of Kings - The Sorcery Campaign (Arion Games) https://www.sendspace.com/file/uyb21m Blades in the Dark v8.1 Special Edition, with about 30-odd extra pages featuring a whole extra locale and stuff s3ndsp4c3 /file/9y7nca Blade of the Iron Throne - beta s3ndsp @cec0m /file/4zum1c Eragged Fmpire snip DOT li /KPBh7 Fragged Empire Protagonist @m3g @nzee /#!IwQ2gLLK!ivgGFGp7FpfR27ZJ_xlNUHvdyeR2YGHyqs6QGiA0wcw Gixth Sun for Wavage Sworlds The Sixth Gun for Savage Worlds snip DOT li /11g Star Trek RPG by Mophidius s3ndsp4c3 /file/t8dd2v Fighting Fantasy ss /filegroup/GWCzBZbPhPsQiaPuzxURrQv701kGuL7B%2B7eYm2a3Z1LmcIKGmUIFPfWhqBNrwf %2Bjh2WS2wp%2FZRuJTRrBqITu9%2FKK8vIyHfpX Includes: Advanced Fighting fantasy Core Book Titan Titan map Blacksand Blacksand map Out of the Pit Beyond the Pit Heroes Companion Character sheet Reference tables Character generation guide A couple of FF miscellaneous items ss /filegroup/QBaWyaQGFxOr8vNoCiqv7w Atlas of Titan (A 380 page atlas made by a seriously dedicated dude) Grand map of Allansia jpgs zip a Fighting Fantasy fanzine http://www.fightingfantazine.co.uk/page/
not the new Runequest. https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-glorantha/ Metamorphosis Alpha the old one from 1976, here you go! @ $end$p @cec0m /file/p1o1pw ? http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/MjKWbWGs/file.html ?????????? upl04dmb: dw.php?id=1499467787 The Chaos Gods Come to Meatlandia s3ndsp4c3 file/zmoyrw Old Mesilla, Death School, Escape from Thenatos, As the tea leaves grow, & Robot Hamlet vs. Richard JJJ. $end$p @ce/filegroup/twsBg3AVq0sjY%2BebciypyeRkC2h2cRGszFUGcPj05M0 Oh...there's more, many more... check http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/engine:hackbird for another list, plus rpg geek also had a "Hack the Black" contest which includes a bunch more from many amateur designers last year (see https://rpggeek.com/thread/1586797/rpgg-contest-hack-black-closed). Breaking the Ice found it on irc using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLUMXdx5ySE [Embed] /file/kgfje4qgk4ep2vo/Romance_Trilogy.pdf Airships by Bastion Press ss /file/dv7ydc Sky Pirate PrC. Free preview version ss /file/ae54f7 Airship Pirate and Aerial Adventure ss /filegroup/QnswSFIWdDNcQSk5DKbGwg Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies: /file/5f6tv9 Sundered Skies, a Savage Worlds setting. /file/iv9s96 --Rippers send space dot com /filegroup/ZacSpD7kxrWVa64Vsi%2FS6N0sA2T6Bf7sPrPfY%2BPyHwRLeMjP9DXhng Rippers - The Horror Wars Rippers - The Horror Wars, Gargoyles The Laughter of Death up1o4d "em-bee" /dw.php?id=1499583519
RIPPERS - TEMPLAR LEGACY (SW) $nipli /21786 --Tales of equestria: the my little pony RPG Vp1oadMB dw.php?id=1499637768 The complete Coleman collection as of July 2017, including Dungeons on Demand and even Ebonclad. $nip (dot) li /Xpycr VOR: The Maelstrom http://www.mediafire.com/file/kepvtecvvkv1lpi/VOR+The+Maelstrom+Corebook.pdf FAQ, Errata, etc fansite. http://vor.understairs.nl/index.html Airships by Bastion Press $nip (dot) li /Kmuah Bill Coffin's Septimus free on Drivethru, here...http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/63991/Septimus?term=septimus&test_epoch=0 Starship Troopers pdfs: Ambush at Altai Mobile Infantry Field Manual s3nd$p @cefilegroup/MwSnV%2B3LE60h7%2Bq%2FTBPTHg Arachnid Empire s3ndsp @c3/filegroup/8A90J8c60cY6r5hmOI%2Fwumu0NFYG8100 https://www.scribd.com/doc/306540051/Starship-Troopers-The-Arachnid-Empire --www106.z!ppysh@r3c0m QIN - Core Rulebook.pdf /v/aYO3kIOJ/file.html QIN - The Warring States - Map.pdf /v/tmYlLHxd/file.html QIN - Bestiary.pdf /v/bXd9XsyP/file.html Qin- The Art of War.pdf /v/XStj7wDJ/file.html Qin - Legends.pdf /v/t5vmEdAG/file.html
QIN - Tournament of Scarlet and White.pdf /v/vczWBuCy/file.html Qin-Demo.pdf /v/OCowfhV0/file.html Qin-Charactersheet.pdf /v/5b1Fiml1/file.html Ninja Crusade 2e - Empires Reign www26.z!ppysh@recom /v/m0GPJVdD/file.html The Lapis Observatory: /\/\3g4 dot nz slash #!BU1ACSAJ!qOjkN9PFYlioHgopOXbE1lXiW2Z10gA7cMcB0T7cwhk The Numenera stuff (Numenera - Exploring Numenera Strand; Numenera - The Bridges We Burn; Numenera Ninth World Bestiary 2) s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/U%2FAvimeFbK5PQ4GK%2FL0wiSTgwIePwn4x ? s3ndsp @ce /file/xlmd1s Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion PDF (draft) https://www.sendspace.com/file/a6gzkx http://www.mediafire.com/file/52en2v00hbigat9/Do_Not_Let_Us_Die_In_The_Dark_Night_Of_This_Cold_ Winter.pdf More for the Kid-friendly trove Shadows, Buggin, Bean, Wildlings, Dungeonteller, 2 spanish kids rpgs (pequeno detectives, Magissa), Dungeon Romp, Dndish, How to Train your dragon, Mini dungeon adventures $end$p@c3c0m /filegroup/69Rzr251GRu5ZuJHN7FvROvvmzED%2BL0TOk2bhLMNzYbxlf %2FY6GKV1KqUSAqXkD93oFXjaBQ%2F40IURfARdI5wOb2PdYfk9eeW2A4rm%2BKbnVtRjtvbHtjeYw Top Secret AC5 the space to send /file/gjlzbx TS4 102.zippyshare.com /v/JeUmT2yZ /file.html Maybe more for kids trove PDQ system, Truth & Justice, Swashbuckler of 7 skies, Dragon, Land of Og, Faraway Land quick, bestiary, & adventure, Everything is dolphins, Mouse Tails, Dungeon Escape & Abstract Dungeon S3nd$p@ce /filegroup/qm41%2FS01N6JhXJSLPodp2tHWAAupRHaEb0e2q
%2FhUrHZWM753UVW3m2eTAjvN0SBEJrotyOLiC1nfYc2fkt8KPBZ3E2DyDZJ2WLEjcGlzf8w faith and coin rogue trader sendspace /file/ek8uk7 https :/ /ww w.sendspace . com/file/di8xlu 5e Version... FGG - Bard's Gate (5e) $nipli /1558800 Bard's Gate (PFRPG) $nipli /009148 ~ Dare the Stars ~ Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells ~ Cursed Empires (Crimson Empire) 2nd ed. ~ Witch Hunter: The Invisible World 2nd Ed ~ Hubris: a World of Visceral Adventure (DCC) ~ Unhallowed Metropolis ~ Swordbearer 2nd Ed. s3ndsp4c3 /file/dy1xyc Grand Grimoire s3ndsp4ac3 /file/1fnfgm Mutant Year Zero m3d1af1r3 /?fmqn7fzpuy4a8 Savage Worlds version of Agents of Oblivion s3ndsp4c3 /file/4fn92b ST Adventures (re-up zip contains both versions) s3ndsp4c3 /file/j0ry5g ??? s3ndsp@ce /file/v1pc4g free TORG Eternity quickstart guide is up on Drivethru: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215400/Torg-Eternity--Free-RPG-Day-Special Scum & Villany, keep in mind that you do need Blades in the Dark for it. sendspace /file/wkh7zj Bluebeard's Bride, which is honestly flippin' incredible and you really should go buy it. sendspace /file/qknkof Infected! RPG us3rscl0ud /aakpdkk1xbp5 Conan the Thief (Mophidius)
m3g4 /#!Q8d2SBYD!vtOT41CEuIZrTOcUpJ3wXtXpAkkzibaSy2JeTf9vI24 Hyperborean Mice ssp@ce /file/zwrij4 Perdition @$3nd$p@cec0m /file/gkh5b5 C45u5 B3ll1 #22 https://www.sendspace.com/file/bsb9wp Chr0n1qu35 0ubl1335 https://www.sendspace.com/file/0pktt3 Another Hyperborean thing up10admb c0m /dw.php?id=1499098684 This is Not a Test www111z!ppysh@recom /v /DNJ1fCIe /file html Pandemonio @s3ndsp@c3c0m /filegroup/ZOtuLte%2FapQ9iJpYZXxL355Q5Zt4Qm7MZ1KR%2BeHABbMyeesW3jZiYw Vornheim the complete city kit s3ndsp4c3 /file/qj7d4i Leverage RPG stuff send space dot com /file/al9fqi Awaken us3rscloudDOTcom/w9t45tnyvb3i --Argyl3 & Cr3w Gummybears Secret lif3 of G!ng3rbread Tale Weaver C@vem@ster K!ng of $l!m3s Kid$ & Cr!tt3rs RPG Trillogy Nighttime Animals s@ve the world LEGO rpg on $end$p@c3/filegroup/YZigg1S2BVLkawrDhZVETTl1Awqnp50T01F9mht3vDlkpSj7Rg8vX7DrsgGKebGms
%2FqUIbEa%2FxC5DpXp6YvtGIeeqUpKpNP1h --ghostbusters RPG https://mega.nz/#!c3gjXbwI!6tmiPF8Vgn5nIvrt4Fb9SoRfLqBhgGcxqMBTU7-976M Hoodoo Blues www22 z1ppysh@re com/v/o8AJnqT2/file.html Into the Breeding Pits for Frostgrave s3ndsp@c3c0m/file/dyjb0l Kult: Beyond the Veil s3ndsp4c3/file/czs7tr The Coming Storm send space dot com/file/tu8ngk --$nipli Shadowrun 5e - Ripping Reality /850859 COC - Curious Characters Deck /803354 COC - The Phobia Deck /2160398 COC - Unfortunate Events Deck /5397442 COC - Weapons Artifacts Deck /585304 Pugmire - Core Rulebook /32404 Sunken City (DCC) /4817642 --C@rebears the St@ring, C@mp Myth, a kids D&D scenario - Monster Sl@yers W@rriors Adventure Game, T@ils of Equ3stri@ (by far the most simple MLP RPG actually aimed at kids) $3ndsp@c3c0m /filegroup/OsgH2%2BGVH1mdKRcCU7cdGhr0n3d3IIFmb6Rcm8vlzWc Fire on the Velvet Horizon:
https://mega.nz/#!tMtk3b4A!ICubXRK9C7O_dlCfGoFaqa-cvdesY2fsps43PI_sGBE Catacombs Gnomes 100, Dragons 0 $endsp@cec0m /file/aesxjt Kamigakari Baseline stuff http://www.mediafire.com/file/183vmgy8b3w1uj3/Kamigakari.rar Expansions and errata http://pastebin.com/u/RoyalTeaRed Google Docs Character sheet (for if you play online) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xY5uiJleOpnlh93SGLq2_iKteOFZnlMH1X-MtEDsWsw/edit#gid=0 Mononoke homebrew Guide, FAQ, And quick rules cheatsheet https://pastebin.com/u/HomebrewAnon --M-Space s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/Leo30E5D%2BKWXIOrRLRw8fw Witch Girls Adventures and supplements s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/GqJCAODlMwr1doSSlTJ3G%2BENJJEuI8vF s3ndsp4c3/file/2a7ry8 No Thank You, Evil! s3ndsp4c3/file/e9e38l book of the manor s3nd /file/9kpbic Indie Hack s3ndsp4c3/file/9up8nx Use $nip(d0t)li for... The Big Crime (noir RPG which I've seen requested before) The Big Crime - Death Kisses Coldly (adventure) Retrostar (1970s scifi TV RPG) Slash Flick (Director's Cut) all at a Spectrum Games trove under /Aagsf Play Dirty 2 send space dot com/file/y7q6t7
Tales from the Crypt stuff send space dot com/filegroup/SiWk3qHG6GDs6woPIUChlzIRVrnEYZTY French Language Call of Cthulhu //m3g4 dot nz//fm/BDxDRDAD Les 5 Supplices: m3g4 dot nz/#F!lTIinbzS!VE205k6WeJFoXVglUPzv4w Les Contrees du Reve: m3g4 dot nz/#F!4OBlnSxR!Y9dLdKhuZONdZpDacIHQPw Le Plateau de Leng: m3g4 dot nz/#!9WA2xJKC!ISdk0k01_qU71wbecxDMhjVX7Z5NlHvkq0xFOsBZkOI --Operation Whitebox Mega:/#F!nlVkzaaI!DJpMkMnq-2Ax-PLiRvUgjg Iron Edda & Lonely World - PbtA games that are not in the PbtA trove s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/OVFHlzqLphlOjpgaDmOSOw Mythos World + bits s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/xoPhb8AkEXSDcGAP54xBcywllpo5DB7%2B --$nipli Castle Falkenstein - Babbages Engine /74678 Castle Falkenstein - The Ability Variations /2180 Fantasy AGE - GMKit /8527505 Fractured Futures - Ethernauts /2029944 Golden Oceans Bundle /9090194 Runed Age Bundle /6688000
Kaigaku - Chronicles of the Ninja Issue 2 /247768 Leagues of Gothic Horror - Guide to Walking Dead /0128118 Necropolis 2350 - Templar Handbook (Savage Worlds) /6592331 The Code of Shojo and Shonen /60840 --Hunt the Wicked s3ndsp4c3/file/n4malr Tome of Enlargement http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/MjKWbWGs/file.html $nipli D&D Character Sheets (2017) /27006 Shores of Korantia Taskan Empire send space dot com /filegroup/%2BlWX%2FaIRR%2Bm5adYBxXHqQA wizard's world s3ndsp4c3 /file/siyjvu $nipli Castle Zagyg - Yggsburgh Moatgate District /136160 Castle Zagyg - Yggsburgh Town Halls /217 Exalted 3e - Charm Cards Set 1 /2606 Exalted 3e - Charm Cards Set 2 /4404 Exalted 3e - Charm Cards Set 3
/5076 Exalted 3e - Miracles of the Solar Exalted /403843 Exalted 3e - Tales from the Age of Sorrows Novel /669374 wizard's world s3ndsp4c3 /file/siyjvu Hillfolk: Blood on the Snow $nip(dot)li /zY7T Runequest Quickstart s3ndsp4c3 /file/vhzbff Tome of Beats by Kobold Press s3ndsp4c3 /file/j29efv Grimtooths ultimate trap collection s3ndsp4c3 /file/5ho3t7 Rogue Stars M3G4 #F!wmAFmaIS!E-zNp4l1lWAX6Ehv0eQtAA ??? m3ga
NEW s3ndsp4c3 /file/2r1a7o Honor + Intrigue M3ga nz #F!9k0mnRDA!4izJiGrCIFeoHBlbskROwg!A5NyzLRT Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies m3diafir3 /?yjmwetyqemj Black Tokyo stuff m3diafir3 /file/1em1zyakk5umvi9/BT_Collection.rar BW (Gold rules compat) mega #F!Y6gSGQqD!rAAqiGFFWOHPpSZQiZPqQQ TB mega
M&M3e - Star Raiders $nipli /6124218
Lovecraftesque s3ndsp4c3 /file/m5tq58 --EMERALD CITY for M&M 3e All @ www20z!ppysh@rec0m ECPG /v/f4AosdsV/file.html ECKnights /v/JQtEttMa/file.html ECSecrets /v/8UZlps22/file.html --realm of chaos slaves to darkness s3ndsp4c3 /file/qwdw89 Triniton www20zippysh@recom/v/P43R0RZQ/file.html "Solo" by Zozer Games for Traveller original 2013 version s3ndsp4c3 /file/192bwa the Lost and the Damned s3ndsp4c3 /file/7raxgz Phoenix command, Aliens rpg and living steel I found some time ago. mega(dot)nz (forwardslash)#F!b5tgXRwa!mzelRNrKPjiT8gP7VrS-Jw M20 Book of Secrets sendspace file apabnr Myfarog s3ndsp4c3 /file/bpzdly The last Shadow of The Demon Lord Spell Cards needed to make it all up to date... s3ndsp4c3 /file/5m3b9f /file/jzgj4k /file/bp6w5j WH40K https://mega.nz/#F!9MtDERpJ!2ICpnSJbAglSy6ZCyXXqRQ Stalker -2 different ones
s3ndsp4c3/file/e9c0ku s3ndsp4c3/file/21uif1 Hero Kids Supplements medi @ f /folder/yglxxkccg18fl/Hero_Kids Blood bowl stuff (new rulz of course) m3g4 dot nz /#F!uw4XiYxK!tboZyS7RM-rrPJ93nSAmSg --$nipli Cepheus - From the Ashes /25611 Cepheus - World Guide Zaonia /72081 S&W - The Price of Rebirth /4006752 TSAO - 50 Wonders of the Reticulan Empire /95447 White Star - Aliens Capsules - Book One /2316383 White Star - Aliens Capsules - Book Two /5828 White Star - Scum and Villainy.pdf /5587516 White Star - Zeta and Tuko /8976424 SRM07-04 - Do No Harm /2019437 SRM07-05 - A Little Wetwork /114211 SMP07-05 - Jumping Ship /874499 --DRYH s3nd /file/pknsg3 Fear Itself 2E
s3nd /file/hr5jxe Rifter issues 64-72 s3ndsp@ce (DOT) com /filegroup/4PYMa%2B8C5OMvZZSa7AQAlINdDeQw8TsPw5CORtuLULXSKZPmgE%2FZSRaBqRZNsW%2Fl
Into the Odd (Full) M3g4 • NZ \ #!Ze4HhBAC!NbjaAik2wexM1q6512hBwaI7Vxr9g0qeF81qIqz71WI Chaos Codex and RT stuff ? s3ndsp4c3 /file/q55k9v s3ndspac3 /file/w70oza Tales from the Loop Final Release: upl0@dm@ncom/f22322e986193107 --$nipli Astulae - Location Index /838977 Dieselpunk in a Nutshell /16243 $nipli Hypercorps 2099 - Wasteland /88645 Westward RPG - Premium Edition /17612 TITAN 2100 - Encyclopedia /9189 Through the Breach RPG - Til Death Do Us Part /643803 Savage Worlds - Mythic (Revised) /54381 Mummy - Cursed Necropolis Rio /0424411 Mistrunner the RPG /792
M&M 3e - Starraiders /6124218 OLD $nip {dot} li /Y7h4p Cat SS /file/12lhr8 Dime Adventures core $snip /T9O --Some Powered by Apoc stuff - usable by those who know the system and free, though probably not complete Star Wars world plusgooglecom/communities /101545959795911789402 Jedi Hearts dropboxcom /s/n683xbhk90i17lt/Jedi%20Hearts.pdf?dl=0 --$nipli Atlas of Rokugan - Digital Map Pack /2847837 Mutant Future Bundle /631692 CUBM - Issue 18 (DCC) /64440 CUBM - Issue 17 (DCC) /047153 SotDL - Demonology Spell Cards /0688 SotDL - Exquisite Agony Spell Cards /842830 SotDL - Tombs Spell Cards /1128 CORPS TimeLords v10
http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/igMoBlgT/file.html BTRC - CORPS - Dystopia http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/hVakinFE/file.html D&D 3.5 Midnight M3D14F1R3 /?esqfc3bk9d43w Midnight MN7 with HQ covers. MN9, MN15, MN17 - 18 Now complete. $end$p@cecom /filegroup/BhZLclx3y7ukH3BIaUw6Cy77OwCgGy5UoR60EdYqvcc Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2E $3nd $pac3 com /file/95mw30 Aria s3ndsp4c3 /file/uggeji Aria Worlds s3ndsp4c3 /file/k5cfdf World of Adventure bit. li /2lSmwx3 BW Codex (chunky blue book) s3ndsp4c3 /file/z44ptc Shock: The Game of Social Science Fiction the original v1.2 s3ndsp4c3 /file/7mm7l8 Human Contact PAX East 2010 Preview Version (requries Shock to use) s3ndsp4c3 /file/7mm7l8 --m3dia fyre Aperita Arcana (OSR for Fate) /folder/jz8yvvgmojbb3/Aperita_Arcana Collectanea Creaturae (fantasy bestiary for Fate) /file/695xisvk1oovgg5/Collectanea_Creaturae.pdf Aspects of Fantasy (Fate for D20)
/file/0rvy84u3no5mk2y/Aspects_of_Fantasy.pdf ScreenPlay /file/8qs3w3y8ukcj7jm/ScreenPlay.pdf Spellbound Kingdoms /file/7l0i3tux0239yxc/Spellbound_Kingdoms.pdf The Play's the Thing /file/rp7npzxy7gbn9up/The_Plays_The_Thing.pdf --The Watch preview and extra Playbooks sendspace /filegroup/T88rUWOiaoK2Hl4%2BdYB%2Fvw ? m3g@ Enz33 (Nz) #F!pBE1hYSK!DQKqkQgl8vs5mV9qaIWDnw Strange Trails http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/Tp8OK0SW/file.html Strange Stars - Setting http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/bxN012ML/file.html Strange Stars - Fate Rulebook http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/n7mDnsQi/file.html Weird Adventures http://www75.zippyshare.com/v/KxkwlucZ/file.html Strange-Stars-Rule-Book-OSR http://www75.zippyshare.com/v/u9EbvxSY/file.html --$nipli Champions 4E Alien Enemies (Corrected) /2382157 Aetheric - Aetheric Heroes (PFRPG) /244404 Changeling - Anthology of Dreams (Novel) /303590 Werewolf - Song of Unmaking (Novel) /0096798
Anthro Adventures - Coloring Book /1955210 Anthro Adventures - Reigning Cats and Dogs (Novel) /9711 Anthro Adventures - World Guide /36222 Crisis of the World Eater - The Collected Epic /8504 Rhune - Frigid Reflections /2190776 Starjammer - Fractured Futures - Ezzana /48554 Starjammer - Fractured Futures - Unmen /727107 Starjammer - Hailing Frequencies 01 /9212084 $nipli Azamar the RPG /87Pz Azamar the RPG - Core Supplement /XCXm Azamar the RPG - The Road to Azamar /KN73 Colonial Gothic - Flames of Freedom Beginnings /yoF Exalted 3e Adversaries of the Righteous - Harrowing Silence /9iSKm Adversaries of the Righteous - The Broker and Ifraja the Librarian /gETWa Hundred Devils Night Parade - Doppleganger Mata Yadh /1afR2
Tale of the Visiting Flare /8UU0S Tomb of Dreams /BL9kL Mutant Chronicles - Dark Eden Campaign /ZfW Mutant Chronicles - Universal Index /DhcS $nipli Cypher - Sea of Time /900670 Gods of the Fall - Mortal Fantasy /074566 Gods of the Fall - Somorrah in Soulrest /36786 Numenera - Creature Deck 2 /06348 Numenera - Creature Deck Expansion /156212 $nipli Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences - Nefarious Adversaries /2106 Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences - The Ministry Initiative /18216 Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences - Tools of the Trade /3083420 Shardland - Muskets Blades and Words of Power /8368 Tianxia - Strife Fire Smoke /4573158 Wrath of the Autarch /729582
Wrath of the Autarch - Schemes of the Autarch /782748 Mindjamm3r m3g@ dot en zee /#!oocWXaKB!ChzTsrEePQ4huLaisBneDly-6F-UlztdBlNYjh2LTx8 Witch - The Road to Lindisfarne (cleaned and zipped) s3ndsp4c3 /file/4qb90a 2wenty 2orches U53rscl0 ud /eh58ddlb1mbc Cold & Dark www40zippysh @rec0m /v/Ncobflel/file.html C&D Better Worlds /v/k6yAO93b/file.html Noirlandia sendspace /file/dwvnkx Monsterhearts 2 (though you really should support the author, the book is cheap and she's lovely) sendspace /file/z4cm9f Strike! Medi @fir3 /file/vqs69vlxa44qx8d/Strike%21_Core_Rulebook.pdf Be A Better Campaign Master, Book One: Building the World $end$p @ce /filegroup/mPzQ6NEkGfrRWYqlv3uKBw TDE core & world info m3g4 dot en zed /#F!KcYnFRwB!svAhjnY3pBgihPFs2CUoUg ---
$nipli Gratuitous Anime Gimmick /77951 Invulnerable Super Hero RPG Vigilante Edition /176115 Kaisers Gate Bundle /6522746 Steamscapes Bundle /44550 The King is Dead - Dhampir /91439 The King is Dead - Vargr /5796117
$nipli Critter Compendium /295102 Tales from the Loop /81798 FR Archetypes - Savagery Shadow /9553 A Single Moment /folder/vqoptkcjiyd42/A_Single_Moment Showdown /folder/qxvvmxm2qpk6d/Showdown Dungeon Grappling /file/ifefdxaoq1p7w7k/Dungeon_Grappling.pdf the trove of terrain. m3g@ /#F!G8w3jBpb!58u_ZlY-xUUhoKsEtdWFgQ More things on m3di@fir3 Do - Fate of the Flying Template /file/tn2hjsla6tat7lk/Do_-_Fate_Of_The_Flying_Temple.pdf Young Centurions /file/4bkbdrh4s836r2m/Young_Centurions.pdf Calidar in Stranger Skies /file/8nihuail9v7xq34/Calidar_in_Stranger_Skies_%28CAL1%29.pdf Lone Wolf Adventure Game /file/3u5lfu64c45ylc6/Lone_Wolf_Adventure_Game.zip Macabre Tales /file/ndm6528766p16s1/Macabre_Tales.pdf No Thank You Evil /file/cc63i3ll65ie4v6/No_Thank_You_Evil.zip Stories From The Grave /file/0cxbhbabu8a9b8p/Stories_From_The_Grave.pdf King For A Day
/folder/rze1rdvavc9n9/King_For_A_Day --$nipli MYRR Bundle /00187 Shadows over Vathak Bundle /1268520 Professor Anderssen's Farewell to Fear /8852 Professor Anderssen's Revelation /0717 --medi@fire ACKS - Guns of War /file/8navfzfms83ais0/ACKS_-_Guns_Of_War.pdf ACKS - Sinister Stone of Sakkara /file/d3an4hekyj2y71u/ACKS_-_Sinister_Stone_of_Sakkara.pdf All For One: Regime Diabolique /file/322er3zwtywjzjr/All_For_One.pdf Questlandia /file/yrsa92b7x2wcc5y/Questlandia.pdf Blood Red Sands (there's a beta version somewhere but I've never seen the final version) /file/k177i89zja9s967/Blood_Red_Sands.pdf Desolation - Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Roleplaying /file/fgb8tjfo7fi823s/Desolation_A_Post-Apocalyptic_Fantasy.pdf Montsegur 1244 /file/458c91az1icrwz2/Montsegur_1244.pdf Romance Trilogy /file/kgfje4qgk4ep2vo/Romance_Trilogy.pdf Tragedy in Five Acts /file/3dzydc7y7oil596/Tragedy_in_Five_Acts.pdf Sundered World (Dungeon World supplement) /folder/7x3qsv8u79uhu/Sundered_World --$nipli AAW Games - Monster of the Month 2 Krasue /16343
Blue Sword Games - The Burning Goblins /31201 Coldlight Press - The Fall of Whitecliff /12463 FGG - Call to Arms The Magic Satchel /1076744 FGG - Campaign Kits Maidenhill and Her Many Secrets /7610533 FGG - Campaign Kits What Lies in the Shadows Under the Trees /80338 FGG - CLASSifieds Time Assassin /344328 FGG - Master Players Adventurers Journal /0898199 FGG - The Gamemaster's Allies and Adversaries Journal /6261376 FGG - The Gamemaster's Star Log /1233 FoE - Eldoria 200 Mundane Items /14593 FoE - Eldoria Ten Market Stalls /1369 Infinium Game Studio - Artifacts Artifice Abhorrent Naginata /8349 Raging Swan Press - Gloamhold Campaign Guide /48674 Raging Swan Press - GM's Monthly Miscellany May 2017 /9088775 Stormbunny Studios - Bloodlines Black Magic The City of Hauberk /9847617 --older versions of Princess the Hopeful https://sites.google.com/site/princessthehopeful/files Endless Dead Fear the Reaper Graveyard Earth m3di4fir3/folder/lfoghycvo5oog/Dead_Reign remnant playbook from fellowship t!nyurl com llxgepu t!nyurl com kb484fy Lairs & Encounters m3di@fir3 /file/cwb6lrl6nmr9gsg/ACKS-Lairs-and-Encounters.pdf
Mirror of some stuff m E g @ #F!wWB1UbCC!MhwWhskzk7ChTD1KRSp02A CORPS 2nd Edition (pg. 6 of annex) m3di@fir3/file/5z3xbhne43j0niz/corps-rpg.pdf Pulp Hero (pg. 6) m3di@fir3/file/ct5011ry3bpshv4/hero-system-pulp-hero-pdf.pd Warriors of the Red Planet (pg. 7) m3di@fir3/file/lqvv288g7bismhr/Warriors_of_the_Red_Planet.pdf The Wasteland Hack Special Edition (pg. 8) m3di@fir3/file/u70369qsi1ed68a/The_Wasteland_Hack_Special_Edition.pdf Random Solo Adventure - Post Apocalyptic (pg. 8) m3di@fir3/file/dk4z2c7gi9c765e/RSA-PA_EBOOK_PAGEs.pdf Sabres and Witchery v2 (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/file/680813p1h1y1q6k/Sabres_and_Witchery_v2.pdf Polyhedral Dungeon (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/434090hddj3o9/Polyhedral_Dungeon Protocol (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/5lrfs09qk896l/Protocol Mythoard One-Page Adventures 19-24 (pg. 9) m3di@fir3/folder/pd68cno3qleu0/Mythoard --GSS stuff All at http ://ww w58.zip pyshare .com Henge candies /v/PReBmCOa/file.html Friends final /v/TKOw2ss9/file.html KS /v/56F71KEx/file.html https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457060/The-Dragon-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457196/The-Giant-An-Official-Fellowship-Expansion-Pack https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457412/The-Dragon-Playbook https://fr.scribd.com/document/343457844/The-Giant-High-Quality-Playbook https://fr.scribd.com/document/343456061/The-Constructed-High-Quality-Playbook Touch of Class by EN5ider $end$p@ce /file/hp3x0f --vzturlcom Arrowflight A Cast of Thousands
/bnh96 Anima /bnh97 Arrowflight 2nd edition /bnh98 Arrowflight Corebook /bnh99 Cold Roads /bni00 Island Nations /bni01 Lands of Enchantment /bni02 Mystic East /bni03 Northern Empires /bni04 Severed Threads /bni05 --vzturlcom Bleeding Edge Core Rulebook /bnh82 Bleeding Edge Liberty Boost /bnh83 Farflung Character Sheet /bnh84 Farflung Core Rulebook /bnh85 Farflung Playbooks /bnh86 Magenta /bnh87 --vzturlcom Albedo Platinum Catalyst Structural Integrity /bnh72 Myriad - Aliens /bnh73
Myriad - Doom /bnh74 Myriad - Quest /bnh75 Myriad - Song Adventures /bnh76 Myriad - Song Core Rules /bnh77 Myriad - Threat /bnh78 Noggle Stones /bnh79 Urban Jungle /bnh80 Usagi Yojimbo RPG /bnh81 ---
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“May he be in a heaven of big-titted christmas cake nurses.” Anonymous