Defining Jobs and JobSets This chapter provides an overview of jobs and JobSets, and discusses how to: •
Create job definitions.
Define scheduled JobSets.
Monitor jobs and JobSets.
Understanding Jobs and JobSets This section lists common elements and discusses jobs and JobSets.
Common Elements Used in This Chapter Schedule Name
Displays the name of the JobSet definition schedule that is assined when addin a new value.
Job Name
Displays the name of the job definition to be scheduled. The Job !ame can have a ma"imum lenth of # characters. Note. $lthouh you can create Note. $lthouh create a job with with a job name that e"ceeds e"ceeds # characters, you you will encounter an error messae when you attempt to run the job.
JobSet Report
Clic% to display a hierarchical view of the processes within the JobSet.
Report Manager
Clic% to access the &eport Manaer module to view report results.
Process Monitor
Clic% to access the 'rocess Monitor to view the status of job re(uests.
Jobs and JobSets 'eopleSoft 'rocess Scheduler Scheduler enables you to schedule one or more processes as a roup. )n this conte"t, job conte"t, job describes describes this type of process roup. $ process process is a sinle tas%, tas%, proram, or routine, such as a Structured *uery &eport +S*& +S*& report or C--/ proram that runs either on the client or on a server. $ job consists of one or more processes of the same or different types that are submitted as a unit and can run either in series or parallel. They re(uire the schedulin support that only a server environment can offer and all processes must be $')0aware. Scheduled JobSets JobSets enable enable you to schedule a recurrin job usin a schedule JobSet definition. 1ach process within a job can be altered to set up its own output destination options or set the operatin system where the process is to be scheduled. 2eatures that are available when schedulin JobSets that are not available with recurrin jobs are: •
3ou 3o u can have ha ve different run control )D for each process within a job.
Job items can be run from different operatin systems or servers.
Job items can run at specific times.
3ou can chane attributes to any job items.
See lso Definin Scheduled JobSets 4sin 'rocess &e(uest $')s
Creating Job Definitions This section lists common elements and discusses h ow to: •
Define jobs.
Set job definition options.
Define distribution lists.
Define notifications.
Set job notification messaes.
Common Elements Used in This Section !D T"pe
Select a role or user )D.
Distribution !D
1nter the actual user )D or the name of the role.
Pages Used to Create Job Definitions Page Name
Definition Name
Job Definition
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job Definition
Define a job definition
Job Definition Options
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job Definition Options
Define options for jobs that "ou run on a re#ular basis
Job Distribution
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job Distribution
Set up a distribution list for jobs, based on role or user $D
Job Notification
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job Notification
Set up a list of users to be notified if a process encounters an error, &arnin#, successfull" co'pletes, or is disabled
Job (essa#es
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job (essa#es
Specif" the 'essa#es that are sent &hen the Job Notification feature is used
Page Name Job Runti'e Para'eters
Definition Name JOB+RNCNT-+P)R) (
Navigation PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job Runti'e Para'eters
Usage Set the job runti'e para'eters
Defining Jobs To access the Job Definition pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Jobs, Job Definition. Job Definition pae
efore creatin a job definition, define the individual processes that are included in the job. Run Mode
Serial: Select to run each process in the job se(uentially. Parallel: Select if you don5t have a re(uirement for the processes to run in a certain order. )f you select this option, &un $lways chec% bo"es for all of the processes are selected.
Select High, Medium, or Low. 'eopleSoft 'rocess Scheduler initiates the job with the hihest priority first.
Process Categor"
Select a process cateory for this job. Note. The cateories Default and LOADCACH are delivered with your system.
Ma# Concurrent 1nter the ma"imum number of occurrences of this job that can be active at one time across all process schedulers. The default value is unlimited +blan%. Jobs e"ceedin the ma"imum will appear on the 'rocess Monitor with a run status of !lo"#ed. $s active occurrences complete, bloc%ed jobs are released and scheduled. $%erride Process Select to override the process definition retry count for the individual processes Retr" Count contained in this job. Selectin the chec% bo" activates the &etry Count field. Retr" Count
1nter the number of times the system should attempt to restart this job.
$%erride Process Select to override the process definition retention days for the individual Retention Da" processes contained in this job. Retention Da"s
1nter the number of days before the files that are on the report repository are deleted.
JobSet Report
Clic% to o to the JobSet &eport pae.
See Definin 'rocess Cateories, Displayin a 6ierarchical 7iew of 'rocesses in a JobSet. Process &ist This roup bo" lists all p rocesses and jobs that are associated with this job. To add additional rows or processes, clic% the )nsert &ow button that precedes the location where you want the new row. Process T"pe
Select the processes that you want in the order that you want them to run.
Run l'a"s on (arning
Select to enable the ne"t process in the (ueue to run, reardless of whether the process situated immediately before this process ran to warnin.
Run l'a"s on Error
Select to enable the ne"t process in the (ueue to run, reardless of whether the process situated immediately before this process ran to error.
The &un $lways feature only wor%s if the process that is selected to run is always the ne"t process in the (ueue after the process that ran to error or warnin. 2or e"ample: $ serial job contains three processes. The third process in the (ueue is selected to &un $lways on 1rror. )f the first process in the (ueue runs to error, the third process will not run because the system loo%s only to see if the ne"t process in the (ueue is selected. 'rocess 89 is not selected, so the job runs to $o Su""ess. Note. $fter completin this pae, select a server name and recurrence name on the Job Definition -ptions pae. Procedure for Run l'a"s Settings This table shows the procedure for the &un $lways on arnin and &un $lways on 1rror settins: Run Always on Warning
Run Always on Error
Process Status
Job Status
Next Process Scheule
Run l'a"s ) *unctionalit" Rules 'rocess Scheduler uses the followin rules when either of the &un $lways chec% bo"es are selected for a 'SJob contained within another 'SJob. Note. The &un $lways chec% bo" must be selected for individual items within a 'SJob. The items do not automatically inherit the selection if the chec% bo" is selected for the 'SJob. )f a serial job +J- $ contains another job as an item +J- , the &un $lways chec% bo" is selected for J- , and the item that precedes J- receives a status of either rror or $o Su""ess. 'rocess Scheduler proceeds usin the followin rules: •
)f J- is also a serial job, then the first item in this job is chaned to %ueued. )f this first item encountered an error or warnin durin processin and received a status of either rror, &ar'i'g, or $o Su""ess, the ne"t item in the list is chaned from Pe'di'g to %ueued if the &un $lways chec% bo" is selected for that item. )f no item in J- has the &un $lways chec% bo" selected, then J- will receive an rror or &ar'i'g status when the first item did not run successfully.
)f J- is a parallel job, then the status for all items in J- is chaned to %ueued and will be run by 'rocess Scheduler. )f the status of J- is rror or &ar'i'g, the J- $ item listed after J- is only released by 'rocess Scheduler if its &un $lways chec% bo" is selected.
)f the chec% bo" is not selected, 'rocess Scheduler will consider J- $ complete and no other items in J- $ will be run. 'rocess Scheduler will update the status of J- $ to rror or &ar'i'g.
Setting Job Definition $ptions To access the Job Definition -ptions pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Jobs, Job Definition -ptions. Job Definition -ptions pae
4se the Job Definition -ptions pae to define options for jobs that you run on a reular basis. Ser%er Name 1nter a server name if you want to re(uire this job to run on a specific server only. )f you leave this field blan%, the job finds an available server on which to run, based on the process class. Recurrence Name
+-ptional Select a recurrence name for runnin at previously defined intervals.
Job Reco%er" Process Process T"pe and Process Name
1nter the type and name of an optional process that can be run in case this job runs to an error. The job will not restart until the system recovery optional process entered here has run.
Job Definition Securit" Component To add new rows, clic% the $dd button. This ma%es the job definition a member of that component. $ddin a component to a job definition causes that job definition to appear on the 'rocess Scheduler &e(uest pae when you select 2ile, &un within that component roup, if you have security to run the process. Process +roups
Select an e"istin roup, or add a new class by enterin a uni(ue process roup. To add new rows, clic% the $dd button. $ job definition may be a member of multiple process roups. 'rocess ;roups are assined in 'eopleSoft Security $dministrator. This enables you to specify the process re(uests that classes of users can run.
Defining Distribution &ists To access the Job Distribution pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Jobs, Job Distribution. 4se the Job Distribution pae to set up a distribution list for jobs, based on role or user )D. Note. 3ou must specify an output type of &eb, &i'dow, or mail for the distribution list to be accepted when the 'SJob is created $%erride Distribution Select to use the distribution )Ds from the job definition. )f the chec% bo" is &ist from Processes deselected, distribution )Ds from both the job and process definitions are in Job used. Job &ithi' Job: The -verride option for the main job is inored. 'rocess Scheduler uses the distribution )Ds from the 'SJob definition. )f the chec% bo" is deselected, distribution )Ds from both the 'SJob and process definitions are used. Note. hen the -verride option is selected for the main job, 'rocess
Scheduler uses the distribution )Ds from the main job definition and inores only the distribution )Ds from the individual process definitions within the main job.
Defining Notifications To access the Job !otification pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Jobs, Job !otification. 4se the Job !otification pae to set up a list of users to be notified if a process encounters an error, warnin, successfully completes, or is disabled. Set up the list based on role or user )D. $%erride Notification &ist Select to notify only users that are specified in the job definition. )f from Processes in Job deselected, users specified in the job a'd process definitions are &ist notified. Job &ithi' Job: Select to notify only users that are specified in the main job definition. )f deselected, users specified in the main job, jobs within, and process definitions are notified. !mportant, The -verride option is inored for any job listed within the main job. $n Error
Send notification to the Distribution )D if an error occurs in the process.
$n (arning
Send notification to the Distribution )D if a warnin occurs in the process.
$n Success
Send notification to the Distribution )D when the process successfully completes.
Select if you do not want to send notifications to users specified on this line.
Specif"ing Job Notification Messages To access the Job Messaes pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Jobs, Job Messaes. 4se the Job Messaes pae to confiure the messaes that are sent when the Job !otification feature is used. 3ou can specify messaes for successful completions, errors, and warnins. Job Messaes pae
Message T"pe
Select the messae type: Default Message: 4se the basic default messae. Customi(ed Message: Create your own messae. Message Catalog: Select a messae from the Messae Catalo.
Message Set-Number
Select the Messae Catalo set and number of the messae. Complete these fields when the messae type is Message Catalog.
1nter the messae te"t when the messae type is Customi(ed Message.
Setting Job Runtime Parameters To access the Job time 'arameters pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Jobs and clic% the Job &untime 'arameters tab.
Job &untime 'arameters pae
4se this pae to enable the &un option from the &eportin Console. Enable +eneric Prompting
Select this chec% bo" to allow users to schedule this job from the &eportin Console.
llo' ccess Select the type of permission re(uired to schedule the job from the &eportin " User (ith Console. )t specifies whether full process security or process roup security should be applied when the process is run from the &eportin Console or a web service. •
)ull Pro"ess Se"urit* indicates that the process security defined on the Job Definition -ptions pae will be used to determine which users can schedule this process from the &eportin Console. The user must h ave permission to at least one of the Components, as well as be a member of at least one of the 'rocess ;roups listed on the Job Definition -ptions pae. Pro"ess Se"urit* +rou indicates that the user must be a member of at least one of the 'rocess ;roups listed on the Job Definition -ptions pae to schedule this process from the &eportin Console. Note. 4sers with the role 'eopleSoft $dministrator will always et the &un option on the &eportin Console if ;eneric 'romptin is enabled. 4sers with the role 'eopleSoft $dministrator have access to run all jobs reardless of process security settins.
Defining Scheduled JobSets This section provides an overview of schedule JobSets and discusses how to: •
Create scheduled JobSet definitions.
Display a hierarchical view of processes in a JobSet.
Set options for JobSet items.
7iew scheduled JobSet re(uests.
Understanding Scheduled JobSets 'eopleSoft 'rocess Scheduler provides the ability to define and set up interdependencies amon application jobs and processes, which enables the user to schedule jobs in accordance with the loical business model. 2or e"ample, in 'eopleSoft 6&MS, all employees5 time cards can be tabulated in 'eopleSoft Time and /abor before runnin the human resources +6& payroll jobs.
Pages Used to Define Scheduled JobSets Page Name Schedule JobSet Definition
Definition Name
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions, Schedule JobSet Definition
Set JobSet schedulin# options
Page Name
Definition Name
JobSet Report
Clic2 the JobSet Report lin2 on the Schedule JobSet Definition, Schedule Job $te's, or Schedule JobSet Re3uests pa#e
Displa" a hierarchal 4ie& of processes in a JobSet
Schedule JobSet $te's
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions, Schedule JobSet $te's
Specif" options for indi4idual jobs and processes
Schedule JobSet Re3uests
SC1D-+R5ST+-$S T
PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions, Schedule JobSet Re3uests
6ie& the status of each process re3uest contained in the selected JobSet &ithout usin# Process (onitor
Creating Scheduled JobSet Definitions To access the Schedule JobSet Definition pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions, Schedule JobSet Definition. Schedule JobSet Definition pae
4se the Schedule JobSet Definitions pae to set JobSet schedulin options. 3ou should use this pae rather than the 'rocess Scheduler &e(uest pae. User !D
Displays the user )D of the person enterin the information.
Description 1nter a description for the JobSet schedule. The default is the schedule name. Status
Select A"ti-e, Comleted, or 'a"ti-e +default. To schedule the JobSet, you must enter and save chanes, chane the status to A"ti-e, and then save. -nce scheduled, the status is Comleted.
Run Control 1nter the run control )D. !D Priorit"
Select High, Medium +default, or Low.
egin Date 1nter the date on which the JobSet should bein to run. The default is today5s date. Time
1nter the time at which the JobSet should run. The default is the current time.
Time /one
Select the time
Recurrence Select a recurrence name for runnin at previously defined intervals. Name Note. This name does not display on the 'rocess Monitor 0 'rocess Detail pae. 4se the Schedule JobSet &e(uests pae to view the ne"t scheduled start date and time based on the recurrence d efinition. !mportant, To eliminate the possibility of duplicatin JobSets, you must confiure the system with a master scheduler. The tas% of schedulin JobSets has been removed from a standalone 'S'&CS&7 and is strictly the responsibility of the master scheduler. )f a master scheduler is not confiured, the recurrence settin will be inored.
Run No'
Select this button to run the process immediately. !mportant, The ein Date and Time fields are populated by default with the current date and time. To run the JobSet immediately, leave the default values in these fields, activate the JobSet, and select Save. Do not clic% the &un !ow button, as this will also trier a process re(uest. The &un !ow button should only be used if the ein Date and Time values are chaned to a future date and time and you want the process to run immediately then.
Ser%er Run Select the server on which this job should run. Select A'* Ser-er +default, Primar* $ption Ser-er, Se"ifi" OS, or Se"ifi" Ser-er. Primar" Ser%er
Select the re(uired server if the Server &un -ption value is Primar* Ser-er or Se"ifi" Ser-er.
$perating S"stem
Select the re(uired operatin system if the Server &un -ption value is A'* Ser-er or Se"ifi" OS. The default is A'* Ser-er.
Note. -nce a jobset has been scheduled, if a user chanes the ein Date, ein Time or Time =one fields, the ne"t start date time will be overwritten with the new date and time. )f a &ecurrence e"ists for this schedule, the &ecurrence will be blan%ed out because chanin the initial values will brea% the &ecurrence. The user will need to re0enter the recurrence.
Displa"ing a 0ierarchical 1ie' of Processes in a JobSet Select the JobSet &eport lin% to access the JobSet &eport pae. Select the chec% bo"es for the items you want to display. Select from: •
Show Job Tree.
Show Distribution /ist.
Show !otification /ist.
Show Messae /ist.
Show 'arameters /ist.
JobSet &eport pae with Show Job Tree chec% bo" selected
Setting $ptions for JobSet !tems To access the Schedule JobSet )tems pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions, Schedule JobSet )tems. Schedule JobSet )tems > ;eneral pae with processes e"panded
)f the output options were specified at the main JobSet level, then these options apply to all items of that job. 3ou can specify options for individual jobs and processes on this pae. These options override the output options that are specified for the parent job. This pae lists each individual process that is contained in the jobs and JobSet and displays a hierarchical view of the processes. This section discusses how to specify: •
;eneral settins.
-utput settins.
Server settins.
Time settins.
-ther settins.
Specif"ing +eneral Settings To specify individual eneral settins: ?. Select the ;eneral Settins tab. 9.
1nter run control )Ds for the re(uired jobs and processes.
Specif"ing $utput Settings To specify individual output settins: ?. Select the -utput Settins tab. 9.
Select the output type and format for the re(uired jobs and processes.
Clic% the Distribution lin% for re(uired processes to enter distribution detail information. 3ou must specify an output type of &eb, &i'dow, or mail for the distribution list to be accepted when the 'SJob is created !mportant, The distribution list is based solely on the information specified for individual processes within the JobSet. Do not enter distribution information in the job header. )f the JobSet has no distribution lists, the re(uester will be the only recipient of the reports.
Specif"ing Ser%er Settings To specify individual server settins: ?. Select the Server Settins tab. 9.
Select the server option for the re(uired jobs and processes: •
A'* Ser-er
Primar* Ser-er
Se"ifi" OS
Se"ifi" Ser-er
Select the re(uired server if the server option is Primar* Ser-er or Se"ifi" Ser-er.
Select the re(uired operatin system if the server option is A'* Ser-er or Se"ifi" OS.
Note. $ Master Scheduler is re(uired to be up and runnin if you want to distribute the wor%load across multiple 'rocess Schedulers. See 6ow to 4se Multiple Master Schedulers. Specif"ing Time Settings To specify individual time settins: ?. Select the Time Settins tab.
Select the runtime option for the re(uired jobs and processes: •
Job /ule 0ime.
Se"ifi" 0ime.
1nter the run time and estimated C'4 time if the runtime option is Se"ifi" 0ime.
Specif"ing $ther Settings To specify individual other settins: ?. Select the -ther Settins tab. 9.
Clic% the !otification lin% for re(uired jobs and processes to enter notification detail information. Note. -nly notification information entered in the JobSet will be in effect. -nce 'rocess Scheduler detects notifications in any of the items of the JobSet, it will inore any notification information found in the Job Definition and 'rocess Definition.
Clic% the Messaes lin% for re(uired jobs and processes to enter messae detail information. Note. -nly messae information entered in the JobSet will be in effect. -nce 'rocess Scheduler detects messaes in any of the items of the JobSet, it will inore any messae information found in the Job Definition and 'rocess Definition.
Clic% the 'arameters lin% for re(uired jobs and processes to enter values for the process parameters. Note. 1ach process within the jobset has its parameters defined as part of either its 'rocess Type Definition +'arameter list or 'rocess Definition -verride -ptions.
1ie'ing Scheduled JobSet Re2uests To access the Schedule JobSet &e(uests pae, select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions, Schedule JobSet &e(uests. Schedule JobSet &e(uests pae
4se the Schedule JobSet &e(uests pae to view the status of each process re(uest contained in the selected JobSet without usin 'rocess Monitor. Ne#t Start Datetime
Displays the date and time at which the JobSet is scheduled to run.
Re2uest &ist This roup bo" lists each individual process contained in the jobs and JobSet.
Monitoring Jobs and JobSets Select 'eopleTools, 'rocess Scheduler, 'rocess Monitor to access the 'rocess Monitor 0 'rocess /ist pae.
Note. 3ou can also access this pae by clic%in the 'rocess Monitor lin% on either the Schedule JobSet Definition pae or the 'rocess &e(uest Dialo pae.
'rocess Monitor 0 'rocess /ist pae
$fter a job is submitted usin the 'rocess Scheduler &e(uest pae or your scheduled job is triered, use 'rocess Monitor to review the status of scheduled or runnin processes. hen a job or JobSet is listed, only the main job appears on the 'rocess Monitor 0 'rocess /ist pae. To see the status of all jobs and processes that are attached to the main job, clic% the Job lin% to display the 'rocess Monitor 0 'rocess Detail pae. This pae consists of a collapsible tree whenever a job is referenced. Select the &efresh button to update the status of each process. 'rocess Monitor 0 'rocess Detail pae