For utilization of agro-wastes a house was constructed for the first time, using rice husk ash and lime as partial replacement of cement in construction.
Rice Husk Ash and Lime has been used as cement in the fabrication of hollow,
load bearing blocks and for mortar in plaster. The roof is prefabricated and consists of battens tiles here too port land cement
has been replaced b! Rice Husk Ash to the e"tent of #$%. The foundation and base course are made up with soil stabilized with cement.
The cost of construction was reduced b! #&%as compared to cost of construction b! con'entional methods.
For utilization of industrial waste material, a room was constructed, using ground granulated blast furnace slag, (a waste product of )akistan *teel +ills, as partial replacement of cement in construction.
• •
• •
Load bearing walls are made of lime-slag-soil stabilized blocks. The lime-slag mi"ture consists of #$% lime and &$% slag. The blocks contain $% of this mi"ture and $% $% of soil b! weight. The roof is prefabricated and consists of battens and tiles. #$% )ortland /ement has been sa'ed in the tiles b! replacing with it with slag.
The mosaic floor constitutes the mi"ture of slag, lime, cement and marble chips.
The cost of construction was reduced b! 01% to #$% as compared to cost of construction b! con'entional methods.
For utilization of industrial wastes, a fi'e room school was constructed using *oil-/ement *tabilized blocks for masonr! walls and pre-fabricated roof using slag as partial replacement of cement in construction .
The foundation and base course of the floor is made of soil cement stabilized
material. The load bearing walls ha'e been constructed using soil cement stabilized
blocks. The roof is constructed with precast batten tiles wherein #$% )ortland cement has been replaced with finel! ground granular slag.
Air cooled slag was used in all the roofing elements as coarse aggregate.
The cost of construction was reduced b! 2#% as compared to cost of construction b! con'entional methods.
A demonstration and e"perimental low cost housing unit was constructed b! utilization of alternati'e low cost construction materials and techni3ues including wastes. The o'erall sa'ing of this house is 02% as compared to cost of construction b! con'entional methods.
+asonr! walls ha'e been constructed using irregular stone pieces, cast in low
grade concrete to obtain shape of regular block masonr!. *a'ing in the cost of shuttering has been achie'ed b! using pre-cast 4-*haped /hannel 5locks as lintels. The hollow spaces are filled with concrete with
reinforcement bars. Arches ha'e been constructed b! using old truck t!res to sa'e shuttering and
labour cost. /ost of doors, windows, and their frames has been reduced b! casting them with ferrocement. i. Reinforced burnt cla! pot slab tiles, ii. Reinforced burnt cla! brick slab tile, iii. )recast R// battens and ferrocement barrel shell planks.
)R6-/A*T R678F9R/6+6 8T:54R8T /LA; 5R7/< =AFFL6 *LA5 T7L6* F9R R99F78>
F6RR9/6+68T 5ARR6L *H6LL R99F78> *;*T6+
)R6-/A*T /98/R6T6 *T986
4-*HA)6? /HA886L 5L9/<*
F9R L78T6L* +A*98R; 5L9/<*
A model room is constructed b! using wheat straw concrete block masonr! for load bearing walls with lightweight R././. Tile 5atten-Roofing s!stem. This t!pe of construction is economical and thermall! comfortable for rural houses. The construction is simple, low cost and can be constructed on self help basis.
+old Release Agents ha'e been de'eloped to pro'ide the 'er! best concrete stamp release and still allow optimum color retention in decorati'e concrete. 7t can be used in con@unction with /oncrete *tamping *tore /olor Hardener to insure the best combination on the market toda!. /oncrete *tamping *tore Release Agents gi'e a beautiful anti3ue finish to the surface of stamped concrete. =hen used alone, it highlights the natural gra! concrete with the defining lines of the concrete stamp. =hen used together, the color hardener and release agent create a 'er! pleasing contrast.
Architectural Narrative:
CONCEPT: In planning the design the activities and flow of operation such as learning at lab, lab practical works, and ow of students and other functional spaces considered to avoid unnecessar traffic in the corridors and considered co!ple" pleasant and co!fortable access to the students in the #irst floor is designed$ %lso Considered &odern design using !odern durable !aterials, structural safet and re'uired finishes$ #ollowed design regulation for (chools and educational buildings$ )sed Co!bination of !aterials for considering surrounding environ!ent and utili*ing universal roo! design$ #I+&: (i!ple +ectangular r! using for structural safet and flow space$ CO-O)+: %ll colours should be in white and gre for elusion for height gained e.ect and wide space$ Outer colours, gre and white are onl to be used considering surrounding architectural environ!ent$
Structural Narrative:
Project overview: The proposed -ab building at (irlanka is a two store building with a rectangular geo!etr /0$1"22$1!3$ The total floor area is appro"$245 s'uare !eters$ Though the configuration is 'uite si!ple, the structural sensitivit of the pro6ect is ver high$ The structural design aspects are 'uite challenging, due to its occupanc and the high level of seis!ic ha*ard and wind and gust condition at 7afna, (irlanka$ #or such an essential facilit like the school building, an operational level of seis!ic perfor!ance and wind condition is desirable, which will be considered in the structural design of this structure$ This is a highl stringent criterion that will ensure superior seis!ic perfor!ance and wind conditions$ #urther since a lab building itself 8 is a single operational unit, it has to serve practical -ab works for the students of the school with acade!ic related activities, it should re!ain operational despite the earth'uake intensit so that no curtail!ents of services will occur$ It should also re!ain functional in the after!ath of a large earth'uake or hurricanes even if the neighboring infrastructures heavil da!aged$ 9ecause the building will be able to serve as the shelter in the following such as seis!ic or hurricane event, !an !an childern will be able to receive shelter for life$
Design Criteria: Primary Structural system: The uni'ue attribute of the structural design is the accelerations that the building !ust be designed to resist the short period spectral values is 2$455g and wind and gust of ;2< !ph$ =owever, since the building is onl two stories, a suitable design !a be followed$ >e will propose !o!entresisting fra!es because the are sufficientl stronger and and re'uire less 'ualit control during construction than other tpes$ #urther, our preference for !o!entresisting Figure 1 (Moment resisting fra!es is based on li!iting lateral deections frame with sla! "D Mo#el$ so that perfor!ance ob6ectives can be !et$ (erviceabilit concerns are relevant and !ust be e"plicitl considered for the design of the structural and non structural sste!s$ The %(CE? and I9C codes are li!ited to a single perfor!ance li!it, that being life safet$ In a tpical perfor!ancebased design, these codes
!ust be !et, in addition to perfor!ance ob6ectives of i!!ediate occupanc at a lower intensit earth'uake and wind conditions$ The building should re!ain operable following the !a"i!u! earth'uake and !a"i!u! wind conditions with life safet or collapse prevention$ This !eans that displace!ents need to be considered as well as forces, and thus, we now propose for fle"ible fra!es$ (ee fig$; &o!ent resisting fra!es8@d !odeling$
Secon#ary structural elements% the &artitions: +esponse of non structural co!ponents will be considered since their da!age !ight i!pair operations of the lab buiding$ #or e"a!ple, collapse of a partition wall !ade of unreinforced !asonr could curtail operations as well as cause breakage of pipes or electrical conduits$ %ll nonstructural co!ponents will be designed so that the are attached securel to the pri!ar structural sste!$ %ll supports and attach!ents for nonstructural co!ponents shall be designed and constructed to resist the effects of earth'uakes and other natural disasters in accordance with the International 9uilding Code$ +einforced concrete !asonr walls are our proposition for non structural partitions$ The shall be properl anchored at their top to preclude out of plane collapse$ Floor System: The floor diaphrag!s shall be designed as rigid within the hori*ontal plane b constructing with solid castinplace reinforced concrete with a thickness of ;25!!$ (labs will be cast !onolithicall with concrete bea!s @<
(oil (ite Class: Deter!ined b a Feotechnical investigation as defined in %(CE?<5 I!portance #actorG;$5, +esponse reduction factor: ;$25 A
,in# loa#: >ind (peed: ;2< &phA 9asic >ind (peed /@second gust3: ;2< !ph and I!portance factor of ;$;5, E"posure categor D$ Structural Com&onent S&ecifications: Concrete (+#ay Com&ressive Strength$: A A A
#oundation fHcG2<&Pa (labs , bea!s, shear wall and colu!ns: fHcG25&pa Non structural !e!ber: fHcG2< &pa
Concrete (einforcement: A
(teel +einforce!ent %(T& %;5, Frade < >elded >ire #abric %(T& %;15
) 1 Foundation Layout This is done to layout the digging area of foundation and should be done according to plan of the building. Materials required B B
Long rope (preferably nylon) 150mm or 6” long nails or iron or wooden pegs (the number reuired depending upon the si!e of the building) "easuring tape (#0m or 50m) #$%$5 right angled wooden structure
Fixing the building corners and marking excavation areas B
&se your 'udgement for the alignment of the building. t can be done using reference from road or neighboring building (so that the building will be aligned properly). ecide the first corner (corner * in figure #) of the building and fi+ nail or peg &se #$%$5 method (i.e. # sides of the triangle measure #, % and 5 feet or meter) to fi+ the other corners of the building. -ou can use tape or wooden structure for the purpose. This would ensure the right angle of the corner of the building.
icture / using #$%$5 method to fi+ the corners of the building
"easure the total length of the building along one side of the #$%$5 triangle (e+cept along side 5) to fi+ the peg on the other corner (). -ou need to apply this method two opposite corners (* and 2 in the figure) to fi+ all the % corners. 2hec3 the alignment of the building 4 for this, measure diagonally from one corner to other. The distance of two diagonal measurements (*2 and ) must be eual for suare or rectangular layout of the building.
igure # nitial foundation layout Foundation Excavation nce the foundation layout is completed, the e+ca7ation starts. ne need to dig out all soil along the ropes laid during layout phase to the reuired total foundation depth. A
8+ca7ate from one end by using local a7ailable tools 9eep the e+ca7ated soil for future use as bac3filling material (if found to be of good uality) ig %5$cm wide and %5 cm deep trenches. :owe7er the depth of the foundation will depend upon nature of the ground. f the ground is hard and roc3y, the total depth of digging can be reduced to #;.5 cm. n no case howe7er should the foundation depth be less than #;.5 cm.
Levelling n the undulated ground surface, le7elling is important so as to achie7e le7elled (hori!ontal) ground flooring at the later stage. -ou can do it using sprit le7el or transparent water pipe filled with water. The le7els of water in the both sides of the pipe show the hori!ontal le7el of the ground. -ou need to ta3e a fi+ed le7el in one corner and based on that, the le7el of other corners can be fi+ed seeing the water le7el in pipe. -ou can mar3 the le7el in the peg. The foundation wall will be construction only up to that mar3ed point . icture = Le7elling by transparent water pipe
Foundation wall nce the digging wor3 is finished, the foundation wall is started. -ou need to construct wall to a total height =00mm abo7e the trench concrete. :owe7er this height may differ according to slope condition of the ground. A
The first layer of the foundation concrete is the >trench? concrete@ of 1A5 mm thic3. This forms the base of the foundation wall. The mi+ proportions of the trench concrete is 1part of cement to # parts of sand to 6 parts of coarse stones (or 1#6). 2onstruct wall to a reuired height by using clay bric3 or sandcrete or large stones. The thic3ness of wall must be at least 150mm. &se cement mortar of 1% (cement and sand) proportion for bric3, sandcrete or stone 'ointing . Lea7e 150mm gap after e7ery 1.Am length of wall for the later construction of foundation base of the bamboo columns.
igure % oundation wall
icture =$10 oundation
Foundation base for bamboo columns *t this point you need to decide whether you want to embed bamboo column in the foundation or not. f the earth surface is marshy and the bamboo is 7ulnerable to decay due to high moisture, it is generally better to erect the column from abo7e the foundation le7el with the support of steel dowel embedded in the foundation. This method was applied in Bhana. Cuch foundation consists of mild steel rods (dowel) buried in concrete and resting on the trench concrete. They are to support the bamboo columns. A
ut # iron rods of / to 10mm in diameter in the middle of the gap (150mm L + 150mm < + =00mm :) in the foundation wall. The rod (dowels) must protrude to a height of #00mm abo7e the floor slab le7el. t means the total length of the rod must 1A00 (#00 abo7e wallD=00 under wall) in this case. t may 7ary according to the depth of foundation. ill the gap with concrete (1A%) to ma3e a column. *ppropriate timber frame or bloc3s must be pro7ided as supports (bac3ing) to 3eep the concrete in place.
icture 11$1A oundation column and ground slab lternative *lternati7ely you can embed the bamboo columns in the foundation with the proper treatment of soil and concrete footing (base) that holds bamboo firmly. This system has been applied at ET, anglore ndia. n this case, you don?t reuire to put steel bar in the foundation. nstead, you need %0 cm + %0cm + %5 cm space in the foundation to embed the bamboo column which is reinforced with three steel bars. The spaced is filled with concrete (1A%) to hold the bamboo column. icture 1# oundation to embed columns
!ack-filling and "round Flooring #$lab% *fter finishing the foundation wall wor3s you need to bac3 fill the foundation using granular sands. onding (pouring water) helps to settle faster. or the ground flooring, construct /5$100mm thic3 ground slab o7er the settled fill by using 1A% concrete. lease refer picture 1A. &all $tructure' (refabrication stage )rilling rilling of dowel holes in the bamboo column should be done during the prefabrication (before erecting them) stage. The holes recei7e hori!ontal dowels during the wall construction. or the purpose, appropriate si!e treated bamboo column (refer section A.5 for si!e and # for treatment) are selected. B
"ar3 the bamboo at #0cm height from the bottom and drill straight through both sides. #0cm free portion was reser7ed for the 7ertical foundation dowel and concrete filling. *fter the first mar3 (drill), mar3 the bamboo at e7ery 15cm and drill them both sides (straight through). &se /$10mm (diameter) drill so that similar si!e of steel dowel could be inserted later To ma3e easier to mar3 many bamboos together, 3eep them on the ground ne+t to each another and use a mar3ed stic3 to mar3 them simultaneously.
*ote B on?t drill the columns that are to be used in 7eranda. "ar3 and drill the bamboos in two perpendicular directions that are to be used in the B corners of the building. +ardwood (lugs
lternative way of fixing The bolting of plugs may be e+pensi7e and may consume a lot of time. To minimi!e the cost and time consumption, you can use plugs which length is eual to the length of internode where it would be inserted. The diaphragm (node) would hold the plugs. *dditionally you can nail it to fi+ it properly. :owe7er bamboo might split due to nailing &all $tructure' Fabrication stage Erection of !amboo ,olumns 2olumn is the main load bearing part of the building. *ll the columns are bamboos that are fi+ed with the foundation concrete through steel rod. istance between two columns is 1A00mm center to center e+cept for the 7eranda where the distance between two columns is A%00mm center to center. To fi+ the column, you need to B ill the one end of bamboo hole (internode length G#00mm) with cement mortar. f the internode length is shorter than #00mm, brea3 the lowest diaphragm to increase its length B *fter filling cement concrete mortar (1A%), close the mouth of bamboo using your hands to pre7ent spilling out B Clowly upend the bamboo pole o7er the 7ertical dowel with no loss of concrete and upright the bamboo 7ertically B Cha3e the bamboo from all directions for concrete to well set with steel rod icture 1% amboo column B race the bamboo column into two B
perpendicular directions for almost all the period of wall construction
1 igure 6 i+ing bamboo column
lternative The abo7e method is applied if you don?t want to embed the bamboo columns in the foundation. t should be applied especially in the marshy areas where the bamboo is highly 7ulnerable to decay due to moisture. :owe7er, you can also embed the bamboo in the foundation using concrete base. n that case, you don?t reuire embedding the steel dowel in the foundation. The picture shows embedding a bamboo columns in the foundation using cross reinforcement and concrete footing. icture 15 8mbedding bamboo column
!rick or !lock linth #)am (roof ,ourse% Twel7e (1A) hours after fi+ing the columns, a course of bloc3 plinth of AA5 high is laid down between the columns. t acts as a barrier between the bamboo strip grid and concrete floor slab. This pre7ents direct contact of strips with damp floor so also acts as dam proofing.
icture 16 * course of bloc3 plinth &all late
igure ;Ficture 1;
,onstruction of &all (anels
icture 1/$1= amboo wall grids Fixing ,hicken #&ire% Mesh *fter fi+ing bamboo strips, one needs to fi+ chic3en mesh on one side of the strips, generally e+terior part of wall. The chic3en mesh is tied to the steel dowel and with the bamboo strips using binding wire. The wire$mesh holds the mortar and also pre7ents the de7elopment of shrin3age crac3s in the cement mortar. *ote' f you don?t want to co7er bamboo columns with cement plaster, then don?t put chic3en mesh around it.
icture A0 i+ing chic3en mesh
(lastering #&all ,ladding% *fter fi+ing chic3en wire mesh, the grid is plastered with cement sand mi+ture (1#) to the both sides of the wall. B irst do plaster the interior part of the wall. &se bac3ing (some supporting material) such as bamboo mats or plywood on the other sides of the wall to pre7ent spilling out of cements mortar. B The first plaster is rough which intend to fill the grid space. B :umidify the plaster at least twice a day for the better bonding of mortar B *fter %/ hours, the second smooth plaster can be done on the both sides of the wall.
icture A1$AA Eough and smooth plastering
igure /
)oors and &indows The dimensions of doors and window may 7ary according to the situation and designs. n case of Bhana, the dimensions of the windows are 1100mm (<) and 1#00mm (L) and those of doors are 1100 (<) and A100 (L) long respecti7ely. oor and window frames and panels can be made up of wooden frames or bamboo mats. :owe7er, wooden frames were used in Bhana, as bamboo mats are not a7ailable in the mar3et. The door and window frames are hanged to the bamboo columns by dri7ing the 1A5mm nail through the 7ertical frame member and into the column. The nails are dri7en at #00mm (1A”) centres along the height of the frame. *long the hori!ontal members of the frame, the nail can be dri7en in half$way through the frame from the outside. The remainder of the nail will act as a 3ey (dowel) when the cement mortar plaster is being applied. The height of the bottom of the window from the ground floor slab is =00 mm and this is chosen by e+ample of similar classroom buildings and the width of the chic3en wire (=00 mm). *ote' oor or window frames must be hanged before plastering the walls.
igure = oor and window oof Eoof is made up of bamboo trusses, hardwood purlins and roofing sheets. oof /russes Trusses are generally installed at A.%0m apart on the roof so as to coincide with the column position. Co, di7iding total length of a building by A.% you can easily calculate the number of trusses reuired for a house
)imensions The dimensions of a truss may 7ary with the width of the building. n any case the total base length should be eual to the width of the building. "oreo7er, the dimensions of other members of a truss depend upon the pitch or angle of the truss. Benerally the height of the trusses are 1F% to 1F6 of the total length of the trusses. *s the width of the Bhana school is /.%m that ma3es the length of the trusses as well. :owe7er, 65cm additional slopes were pro7ided on both sides for o7erhanging, hence ma3ing total length =.;m. 0
n the Bhana school case, a 15 pitch or #.; hori!ontal to 1 7ertical has been used. This slope is the least that can be used if the roof is not to be easily blown away by winds and to reduce unused roof space. lease see the dimensions of each member of a truss (in Bhana case) in the following figures. /ools required to assemble trusses B B B B B B B
rilling "achine 6mm gusset plates made up of plybamboo or plywood :and saws Hail and wires 10mm and 1Amm diameter olts (#0 number for each truss) Cpanners and screw dri7ers :ard wood plugs
igure 10 Truss 4
ssembling a truss #For a 0.m long2 13 itch% B
Celect bamboo poles suitable for the truss. referred diameter is /0 to =0mm and the wall thic3ness is 10mm. lease refer to the section 4 for the details.
There are total of / members of round bamboo reuired to assemble a truss. The longest truss member is /.%m. *s it is difficult to find a /.% meter long bamboo, select A each of %.Am length. Length of a member Humber reuired /.% m 1 (or A of %.A m) 5.1 m A 1.#;m 1 1.1%m A #0 cm A
2ut both ends of the bamboo members to a shape reuired for 'ointing. or e+ample, for the right angle 'ointing, one end of the 7ertical member reuires to be fish mouth shape. n each open end, insert a wooden plug for better 'ointing. :owe7er, if the member end coincides with bamboo node, insertion of a wooden plug may not be necessary. *ssemble each member of bamboo as shown in figure. repare gusset plates@ / pairs of plates of different si!es are reuired for a truss. etermine the si!e of plates according to the shape of 'oint and the number of members to be 'oined. rill through the gusset plate and bamboo together. f a wooden plug is inserted, the plug is drilled through at the same time. This process ensures that the drilled holes are in line. olt all the holes.
igure 11 Truss Ioints
. ictures A#$A% Trusses and a 'oint /russes nchorage Trusses can be installed manually or by using crane. :owe7er, if a7ailable and affordable, crane is preferred for the safety and efficiency. B &se pair of steel L brac3ets (angle plates) and 1Amm bolts to hold down truss to the wall plates at each end of the truss. &se & clamps (as shown in the picture) or holding down bolts to secure the trusses B to the wall plates in between the end L brac3ets@ if the bottom chord of the truss sits on a wall plate throughout. Two & clamps are sufficient for each truss. *ote' n the absence of & clamps 10mm diameter reinforcement bars can be folded around the bottom chord of the truss and the wall plate.
ictures A5$A6 Truss hanging and fi+ing
ictures A;$A/ L rac3et and & clamp (urlins urlins are important to support the roof co7ering. They are laid down at right angle to the truss. t is possible to use half$culm or smaller diameter round bamboo (#0$%0mm) or wood as purlins. n this case, 50 J;5 mm hardwood was used as purlin. B
The purlins are fi+ed to the trusses through nail or binding wire. inding wire is better as nail might split the bamboo truss. The purlins could be stopped from further sliding down the truss if a
icture A= i+ing purlins
1Amm deep rebate (notch) is made at the contact area of purlin to truss. f you are using smaller diameter bamboo as a purlin, you don?t need to ma3e notch (rebate). -ou can simply bind them using binding wire as shown in the picture.
8otch )urlin Trus
igure 1A urlins
oof ,overing Eoof co7ering may be of bamboo$corrugated sheets, aluminium sheets or any other materials according to their a7ailability and affordability. n this case alu!inc sheets were used as roof co7ering. These types of sheets are 3nown to pr o7ide a cool ambient atmosphere to rooms. The sheets were held to the purlins by I bolts that are incorporated with washers for pre7ention of rain lea3age through the nail points.
ictures #0$#1 i+ing roof co7er 5.6 Finishing *fter the completion of the structure, you can do finishing wor3s such as painting, electrification, toilet, gardening and drin3ing water supply. The uantity and uality of the finishing wor3s depend upon the reuirements and financial situation.
eading Materials 1. Butierre! I.*. A000. Ctructural *deuacy of Traditional maboo :ousing in Latin *merica. H*E technical report no. 1=. A. Ianssen I. *. 1=// uilding with amboo. &ni7ersity of 8indho7en, The Hetherlands #. Ianssen I.*. A000 esigning and uilding with amboo. H*E Technical Eeport Ho A0. %. Ianssen I.*. A000 uilding with amboo * handboo3. ntermediate Technology ublications limited. 10#$105 Couthampton Eow, London <21 %::, &9 5. iane iacon (1==/) :ousing the homeless in 8uador *ffordable housing for the poorest of the poor. ublished by uilding and Cocial :ousing oundation, "emorial Cuare, 2oal7ille, L8 6; #&T, &9 6. Ianssen I. *. 1==1 "echanical roperties of amboo. 8indho7en &ni7ersity of Technology. ublished by 9luwer *cademic ublishers, the Hetherlands. ;. Iayanetti . L. and ollet . E. 1==/ amboo in 2onstruction *n introduction. ublished by TE** and H*E for /. amboo for Custainable e7elopment (1==/). roceedings of the 5th nternational bamboo congress and the 5th nternational amboo wor3shop. H*E proceeding Ho. ;. 8ditors 9umar *., Eamanu'a Eao .K. and Castry 2. . =. amboo 2urrent Eesearch (1=//) roceeding of the nternational amboo
Structural Analysis . Design Calculation
(oftware package: (T%%D$ pro 2<< for analsis and design of bea!s and colu!ns$ (T%%D foundation for deign of foundation spread footings and co!bined footings A