DIAGNOSTIC TEST IN SCIENCE 7 First Quarter 1. Which of the following is an example of a solution? (Choose more than one) a. Vinegar c. Food coloring in water b. Mud Mud in water ter d. Suga Sugarr diss dissol olv ved in water ater e. Ice cream eam 2. Which statement describes the soute! a. It is the solid formed in solution. b. It is the liquid part of the solution. c. It is the component of a solution in smaller amount. d. It is the component of a solution in bigger amount. "oe and #en $anted to %nd out ho$ much sat is needed to ma&e a saturated soution in '(( m) o* $ater. +se the *oo$in, data to ans$er the -uestions beo$ the tabe. Ste Number Amount o* sat added Obser/ations 1 6 grams After stirring salt completel! dissolved. " 6 grams After stirring salt completel! dissolved. # 6 grams After stirring salt completel! dissolved. $ 6 grams After stirring salt completel! dissolved. % 6 grams After stirring salt completel! dissolved. 6 6 grams After stirring salt completel! dissolved. some salt is seen at the bottom of & 6 grams After stirring the container . 0. Which is the soute o* t he soution! Which is the so/ent! b. In $hich ste is the soution described as saturated soution! E1ain our ans$er. 3. What the concentration o* the soution in ste 3! For items 5-7: group of stu!ents was as"e! to in#estigate how fast sugar !issol#es in col! an! in hot water?
4. I* this is ,oin, to be a *air test5 $hat /ariabes shoud the contro! I. Amount of water and sugar in each cup method of stirring time when the solid is added to water how long each solution is stirred. II. Amount of water and sugar in each cup method of stirring how long each solution is stirred. III. Amount of sugar in each cup' method of stirring time when the solid is added to water how long each solution is stirred. IV. Amount of water in each cup method of stirring time when the solid is added to water' how long each solution is stirred.
6. What is the deendent /ariabe $hat is bein, measured8! I. (he temperature of water. II. (he amount of sugar. III. (he length of time that sugar completel! dissolves in hot water. IV. (he length of time that sugar completel! dissolves in cold water. a. I onl! c. II and III b. II onl! d. III and IV 7. What is the indeendent /ariabe i n the in/esti,ation! a. I onl! c. I II and III b. II and III d. II III and IV 9. :ou $ere tas&ed to chec& i* the i-uid same ou ha/e is a substance or a mi1ture. Which amon, these tests is the #EST $a to do so! I. )olor comparison II. (aste comparison III. *oiling test IV. Melting test A. I II III and IV ). I II and IV onl! *. I II and III onl! +. I and III onl! ;. A i-uid has the *oo$in, roerties< one=hase5 cooress5 bois at /arin, temerature. Which o* the *oo$in, #EST describes t he i-uid! A. Solution ). Suspension *. Substance +. )oarse mi,ture '(. "i has an unoened bo1 o* a 2=meter *oi abeed '((> made o* auminum. Auminum is a substance. "i ta&es ?ust a thumb=si@e iece o* the auminum *oi. Which o* the *oo$in, statements is
T+E about the iece o* auminum *oi that "i too& comared $ith the rest that $as e*t in the bo1! A. Its mass and melting behavior are di-erent. *. Its mass and melting behavior are the same. ). (he mass is di-erent but the melting behavior is the same. +. (he mass is the same but the melting behavior is di-erent. ''. Which o* the *oo$in, statements is T+E! A. Ferrous sulfate cannot be broen down into simpler substances. *. )ompounds are made up of one ind of element. ). /ater is composed of more than two elements. +. )ompounds are more comple, than elements. '2. Cacium choride is a comound o* the t$o eements cacium and chorine. Which o* the *oo$in, statements is T+E! A. )alcium chloride is listed in the periodic table. *. (he s!mbol for calcium chloride includes )a and )l. ). )hlorine ma! still be broen down into a simpler form. +. )alcium and chlorine belong to the same group in the periodic table. For questions 16 to 18. Refer to the information below. You may also refer to the periodic table. Write the symbols only. Substance Smbo bois at )a )u Fe 3e Mg 5)l# 5 5a")# Si"
Substance mets at 0% 10# 1%$ 4"& 6% 4#& 416# 0%0 161
o) o) o) o) o) o) o) o) o)
1$2 "6 "2 4"62 111 &1 41%" 02 ""#
Substance o) o) o) o) o) o) o) o) c
'0. Which comound mets abo/e '(((oC and bois abo/e 2(((oC! '3. Which eement is ,aseous at room temerature! '4. Which substance is i-uid at 0(oC! '6. Arran,e the *oo$in, househod items< toothaste5 bath soa5 ta $ater5 /ine,ar *rom the most acidic to most basic! a. tap water mil toothpaste vinegar
b. mil tap water vinegar toothpaste c. toothpaste mil tap water vinegar d. vinegar tap water mil toothpasteBreBost Test '7. Which o* the *oo$in, eements is most i&e ductie at room temerature! A. Sulfur ). 5itrogen *. Mercur! +. Aluminum '9. An eement $as sub?ected into ame and the acidit o* the o1ide *ormed $as tested. Soution o* this o1ide turned red itmus aer to bue. Which is most i&e that eement! A. )hlorine ). 7hosphorus *. 5icel +. Silicon
For questions 19 to 21. Refer to the information below. Write the symbols only. Eement S mbo BoC8 #BoC8 Eectrica conducti/it Al 66 "$% 8ood *r 4& %0 7oor )a 0% 1$2 8ood )l 411 4#% 7oor )u 10# "6 8ood 3e 4"& 4"62 7oor Fe 1%$ "2 8ood 7b #"& 1&% 8ood Mg 6% 111 8ood 3g 4#2 #%& 8ood 5 4"1 4126 7oor 4"12 410# 7oor 7 $$ "0 7oor 9 6$ &6 8ood 5a 20 02 8ood S 112 $$% 7oor :n $12 26 8ood ';. Which meta is i-uid at room temerature! 2(. Which nonmeta is i-uid at room temeratures
sho$s that it contains 3(> eth acoho. What is the /oume o* eth acoho does the rubbin, acoho contain! Sho$ our cacuations. a. Which is more concentrated5 a soution containin, 4 ,rams o* sat in '( ,rams o* $ater or a soution containin, '9 ,rams o* sat in ;( ,rams o* $ater! Sho$ our cacuations. b. The abe o* the 2((=m) rubbin, acoho that rs. errera bou,ht
c. Wh do ou thin& that it is easier to disso/e o$dered bro$n su,ar than a bi, $hoe iece or chun& o* bro$n su,ar the si@e o* a sma ice cream cu8 in $ater!