Chapter [1]: Introduction (1.1) Purpose: This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document will provide a detailed description of the steps, phases and design necessary for the Hotel Management System (HMS). This SRS document will allow for a complete understanding, of what is to be expected of the HMS to be constructed. A clear understanding of the HMS and its’ functionality will allow for the correct software system to be developed for the users of the software, and will be used for the development of the future stages of the project. This SRS document will provide the foundation for the project. From this SRS document, the HMS can be designed, constructed, and finally implemented and tested. This SRS document will be used by the software engineers for helping and working side-by-side with the system analysts while constructing the HMS, and the hotel end users. The software engineers will also use the SRS document to fully understand the expectations of this HMS, to construct the appropriate software. The hotel end users will be able to use this SRS document as a “test”, to see if the software engineers and system analysts will be able to construct the system according their expectations. If it is not to their expectations, then the end users can specify how it is not to their liking, and the software engineers will change the SRS document and ultimately the software, to fit the end users’ needs.
(1.2) Scope of Project: The system to be designed is a Hotel Management System, which will automate the major hotel operations. The first subsystem is a "Reservation and Booking System" to keep track of reservations and room availability. The second subsystem is the "Tracking and Selling Food System" that charges the current room. The third subsystem is a "General Management Services and Automated Tasks System" which generates reports to audit all hotel operations, and allows modification of subsystem information. These three subsystems’ functionality will be described in detail in following chapters. There are two end users for this HMS. The end users are the hotel staff (customer service representative) and hotel managers. Both user types can access the "Reservation and Booking System" and the "Food Tracking and Selling System". The "General Management System" will be restricted to management users.
(1.3) Glossary: HMS SRS Software
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specification Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and instructions, often broken into two major categories: system software that provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the computer, and application software which is used by users to accomplish specific tasks.
Software Engineering
SRS document
Systems Analysis
Systems Design
The computer science discipline concerned with developing large applications. Software engineering covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems, but also management issues, such as directing programming teams, scheduling, and budgeting. A SRS document, a requirements specification for a software system, is a complete description of the behavior of a system to be developed and may include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users will have with the software. The software requirements specification document enlists all necessary requirements that are required for the project development. (1) Analyzing in detail the components and requirements of a system. (2) Analyzing in detail the information needs of an organization, the characteristics and components of presently utilized information systems, and the functional requirements of proposed information systems. Deciding how a proposed information system will meet the information needs of end users. Includes logical and physical design activities, and user interface, data, and process design activities that produce system specifications that satisfy the system requirements developed in the systems analysis stage. A project management term for the quantifiable goods or services that will be provided upon the completion of a project. Deliverables can be tangible or intangible parts of the development process, and are often specified functions or characteristics of the project.
Any person, who is not a developer, but has a proper role with interest, in the project. Flowchart A graphical representation in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, logic, equipment, and so on. A program flowchart illustrates the structure and sequence of operations of a program, while a system flowchart illustrates the components and flows of information systems. System Flowchart System flowchart represents a graphic diagramming tool used to show the flow of information processing activities as data are processed by people and devices. Project Managing the accomplishment of an information Management system development project according to a specific project plan, in order that a project is completed on time, and within its budget, and meets its design objectives. Information (1) A set of people, procedures, and resources that System collects, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization. (2) A system that accepts data resources as input and processes them into information products as output. Heuristic Pertaining to exploratory methods of problem solving in which solutions are discovered by evaluation of the progress made toward the final result. It is an exploratory trial-and-error approach guided by rules of thumb. Opposite of algorithmic. Data Modeling Data modeling defines primary data objects, composition of each data object, and attributes of the object, relationships between each object and other objects and between objects and the processes.
(1.4) Overview of Document: Chapter [1] describes the purpose and scope of this SRS document, and its contribution on the overall software engineering project. It also includes a section, where some important keywords, used throughout this document, are defined. Thus, this chapter fulfills the needs of introductory discussions. Chapter [2] discusses about the plan for approaching the project. Here, the model to be used to develop the software is generally discussed. Some discussions about the structure of the team along with the schedule of deliverables with Gantt chart are also covered in this chapter. Chapter [3] discusses about the core components related with Software Requirements Specification (SRS). Here, the present or the existing system is compared with the proposed system. The requirements are specified in general. Later in the chapter, some discussions about the different stakeholders of the software system are also included. Chapter [4] describes about the analysis phase of the project. It includes some general techniques that can be used to find facts about the software system very easily in the context of this project. Later in the chapter, different UML diagrams related with the analysis phase, such as “use-case diagrams”, “activity diagrams”, “sequence diagrams” and so on are depicted.
Chapter [5] describes in detail, the related topics of the design phase of the software system. It includes an entity-relationship diagram. Based on this ERD, this chapter also depicts "Class Diagram" and describes data models. Chapter [6] discusses about the construction and deployment considerations. The different types of testing that should be performed on the software system are theoretically discussed here. Later in the chapter, some discussions about implementation, post implementation and maintenance are also held in short.