Application for Information Information under Section 6 of the RTI Act 2005
I, a law abiding citizen of India and seek some information information related to my VAT Refund under the RTI Act, 2005:
Brief Details of the Matter Enclosed is a photocopy of my VAT Refund for the period 01-01-2008 to 3103-2008 approved and issued on 15-09-2009 against application dated 03-10-2008. In the mentioned refund application, I had claimed a refund of Rupees 85895/whereas only Rupees 63885/- was allowed and that too without any interest. In this connection, connection, please provide me the following information information under under the RTI Act 2005:
Information Sought 1.
The The name name,, desi design gnat atio ion, n, off offic icee addr addres esss and and Off Offic icee tele teleph phon onee numb number er of of ALL the
officers who have seen and processed my VAT Refund Application.
The The peri period od of day dayss for for whi which ch my my VAT VAT Ref Refun und d App Appli lica cati tion on was was pend pendin ing g wit with h
each of the officer mentioned above.
The cert certif ifie ied d copi copies es of of offic officia iall rema remark rkss / repor reports ts / file file not noting ing made made by by each each
officer as mentioned in point 1.
The The cert certifie ified d copy copy of any instru instructi ction onss recei receive ved d from from any any hig highe herr auth author ority ity of the
VAT Department or any other “Competent Authority” to delay or reject the refund claim made by me.
Ple Please ase info inform me me the the reas reason onss thro throug ugh h a cert certif ifie ied d copy copy of of order order tha thatt why why my
refund was rejected to the tune of Rupees 22,010/-.
Plea Please se inf infor orm m me the the reas reason onss why why no no inte intere rest st was was pai paid d for for the the dela delay y in iss issui uing ng
of my approved refund amount.
Further, I am willing to pay any additional charges as determined by the SPIO under the RTI Act and communicated communicated to me with detailed calculations which have been used for demanding the extra amount to be charged.
Please find enclosed herewith an IPO No. 89E 620795 for Rupees 10/- as the payment towards Application Fee for this RTI Application.
We are pleased to clarify any other point(s) as may desired in the matter.