Advantages of Group Discussion This type of discussion group method provides in-depth information on the values and opinions of selected participants. As the data emerges from discussion within the group, the perspective is less influenced by interaction with the researcher than it might be in a one-to-one interview. The fact of bringing a number of people together provides a certain balance in the answers given and makes it easier for the evaluation team to define the general opinion on a particular programme. Owing to the participation of several persons, the focus group provides a level of 'quality control' over data collection by judging the pros and cons of each person's arguments and thus avoiding extreme opinions. In a short space of time (from one and half to two hours), it is possible to collect a large amount of qualitative information. Specific skills are required for managing the group dynamic and obtaining a balanced discussion while avoiding the dominant influence of opinion leaders in the group. The discussion may sometimes be biased, due to the fact that the participants (beneficiaries) of public policies are subject to an effect of dependency and will produce a positive judgement a priori. An opposite dynamic sometimes observed in groups, especially in situations where there are few opportunities to voice opinions, is for programme participants to dump their frustrations about some new policy initiative. It is possible that participation in a focus group changes peoples' perceptions - either because of the 'Hawthorne effect' (the fact that the behaviour of persons who know themselves to be under observation changes) or because their interaction with other participants gives them new insights and perspectives. Thus for example programme managers may actually improve their performance as a result of participating in a focus group. In this way the focus group methodology may therefore have an impact on the programme being evaluated or on successor programmes. The focus group thus becomes a form of action learning. (a) Members shed their shyness and learn to speak in a group. (b) They learn many new things and thus their knowledge is increased. (c) It stimulates thinking. Members learn to classify their thoughts and discard irrelevant ideas. (d) Qualities of self confidence. Mental alertness, manner of asserting oneself, showing regard for the opinion of others. (e) The members of the group learn to know each other and thus liable to assess themselves in relation to other members of the group. (f) True personality of each member is revealed and an d their qualities of leadership crystallize.
The disadvantages of Group Discussion can include :Competition Most people working in a group unconsciously perceive the situation as competitive. This generates behaviour which is destructive and drains the creative energy of the group. For example, we often perceive disagreement with our ideas as a put-down. The natural reaction is to regain our self-esteem, often by trying to sabotage the ideas of those who disagreed with us. Instead of looking for ways to improve on their ideas we choose to destroy them. Eager to express our own ideas, we may totally ignore what others are suggesting. Power-seekers may use ploys such as highlighting flaws in others' arguments, barbed questions and displays of expertise to show their supremacy. These types of behaviour create an atmosphere which is incompatible with effective problem solving.
Conformity . There is a strong tendency for individuals in a group to want to conform to the consensus. This can be for a variety of reasons, including the need to feel liked, valued or respected, and tends to make people censor their ideas accordingly. The compve status of the individuals present also has an important influence. Senior members often want to maintain their image of being knowledgeable, while junior members want to avoid appearing the inexperienced 'upstart'. Because agreement on ideas can be gained quickly in a group setting, groups tend to select and approve solutions quickly, without exploring all the possibilities.
Lack of objective direction Most traditional meetings and group discussions convened to solve problems are ineffectively directed. Sometimes there is no effective leader to give direction to the discussion, with the result that it wanders aimlessly. Even when there is strong leadership, the group leader or chairman often exerts undue pressure on the direction and content of the discussion. In addition, the ideas aired during a meeting are not usually recorded, apart from the minutes and individual notetaking, with the result that many ideas are forgotten and cannot act as a constant stimulus to the discussion.
Time constraints Group problem solving is a relatively slow process compared with working alone. It requires individuals to come together at an agreed time, usually for about one hour, and this can cause organisational problems as well as impatience amongst participants to 'get it over with' as quickly as possible.
Solving Problems using a group - advantages and disadvantages by Gary Hadler During our study and work life we will often be expected to work as a part of a group. Group work often leaves many feeling frustrated. I have at many times heard the complaint "It would have been quicker if I had just done it myself". So when should we use a group to address a particular problem and what are the major advantages and disadvantages of using groups to solve a problem.. A large amount of problem solving takes place in group settings. Meetings and informal discussions are often used to air different ideas and points of view to help solve problems for which the participants have either shared responsibility or a contribution to make. However, most of the time we do not take full advantage of these situations. Used at the right time and in the right way, group problem solving can be the most effective way of solving some problems.
When to use group problem solving Although there are very definite advantages to solving certain problems as a group, others can be solved more effectively by an individual. It's important to know whenand when not to work in a group. Use this checklist to decide when to use group roblem solving:
Can the problem be defined in many different ways? Is information from many different sources required? Is it a very specialised problem, where the expert' might be biased or not see the wider implications? Does the problem have implications for many people?
Are there likely to be many possible solutions? Is it a complex problem with many different aspects? Will a solution need to be agreed by others before it can be implemented?
The more questions you answer 'yes', the more appropriate it is to use group problem solving. However, the deciding question is always: 'Are suitable and relevant people available to work together in solving this roblem'. When people are working together it's inevitable that they will be influenced by each other. This can have a significant effect on the efficiency of group problem solving.
Advantages and disadvantages of using a group to solve a problem: The disadvantages of group problem solving can include:-
Competition Most people working in a group unconsciously perceive the situation as competitive. This generates behaviour which is destructive and drains the creative energy of the group. For example, we often perceive disagreement with our ideas as a put-down. The natural reaction is to regain our self-esteem, often by trying to sabotage the ideas of those who disagreed with us. Instead of looking for ways to improve on their ideas we choose to destroy them. Eager to express our own ideas, we may totally ignore what others are suggesting. Power-seekers may use ploys such as highlighting flaws in others' arguments, barbed questions and displays of expertise to show their supremacy. These types of behaviour create an atmosphere which is incompatible with effective problem solving.
Conformity . There is a strong tendency for individuals in a group to want to conform to the consensus. This can be for a variety of reasons, including the need to feel liked, valued or respected, and tends to make people censor their ideas accordingly. The comparative status of the individuals present also has an important influence. Senior members often want to maintain their image of being knowledgeable, while junior members want to avoid appearing the inexperienced 'upstart'. Because agreement on ideas can be gained quickly in a group setting, groups tend to select and approve solutions quickly, without exploring all the possibilities.
Lack of objective direction Most traditional meetings and group discussions convened to solve problems are ineffectively directed. Sometimes there is no effective leader to give direction to the discussion, with the result that it wanders aimlessly. Even when there is strong leadership, the group leader or chairman often exerts undue pressure on the direction and content of the discussion. In addition, the ideas aired during a meeting are not usually recorded, apart from the minutes and individual notetaking, with the result that many ideas are forgotten and cannot act as a constant stimulus to the discussion.
Time constraints Group problem solving is a relatively slow process compared with working alone. It requires individuals to come together at an agreed time, usually for about one hour, and this can cause organisational problems as well as impatience amongst participants to 'get it over with' as quickly as possible.
The advantages of group problem solving can include: Greater output. Simply because of the number of people involved, each with differing experience, knowledge, points of view and values, a larger number and variety of ideas for solving a problem can be produced.
Cross fertilisation The exchange of ideas can act as a stimulus to the imagination, encouraging individuals to explore ideas they would not otherwise consider.
Reduced bias The shared responsibility of a group in arriving at decisions can. encourage individuals to explore seemingly unrealistic ideas and to challenge accepted ways of doing things. Individual biases and prejudices can be challenged by the ,group, forcing the individual to recognise them. Group pressure can also encourage individuals to accept that change is needed.
Increased risk taking Shared responsibility makes individuals more willing to take risks. The discussion of different points of view also helps the group to be more realistic in assessing the risks associated with particular courses of action.
Higher commitment
When goals are agreed it gives a common purpose to the group, within which individuals can gain a feeling of self-determination and recognition through their contribution. Individuals who have contributed to finding a solution feel a greater commitment to its successful implementation.
Improved communication When .people who are affected b y a problem or who will be involved in implementation are involved in finding a solution, they will know how and why that particular solution was chosen. Also, people with knowledge relevant to the problem can communicate that knowledge directly if they participate in solving the problem.
Better solutions Groups of individuals can bring a broad range of ideas, knowledge and skills to bear on a problem. This creates a stimulating interaction of diverse ideas which results in a wider range and better quality of solutions.
10 things to succeed in Group Discussion
Following are some of the things which you must take care off to succeed in the GD.
Read voraciously Make a habit of reading voraciously on every subject. This will keep you ready for any topic for a discussion in GD Your knowledge is your most important weapon in a discussion.
Initiate the discussion Most of us have a misconception that initiating the discussion would give you an advantage over others. It does give you an advantage but only if you know the subject well and have something relevant to start the discussion otherwise it is a disadvantage.
For e.g. When a group was given a subject “Is Capital punishment right?” some members of the group heard the word punishment and jumped at starting the discussion with out understanding the meaning of Capital Punishment. The evaluators kept hearing for 2 minutes after which the y intervened and asked the group if they knew the meaning of Capital Punishment. Not to say, the members who initiated were quite looking at e ach other’s faces. That is when a quite member of the group got up and explained the meaning of the topic. From this incidence, you can easily tell who must have succeeded in the GD, the ones who initiated the discussion or the one who explained the topic and gave it a right direction. They say, “Speaking just for the sake of speaking is noise”. So, don’t create noise in the GD rather make some useful and resourceful contributions to get no ticed in the discussion.
Speak politely and pleasantly As you speak make sure that you do not speak at the top of your voice. You should be audible and clear. Remember that you are participating in a discussion which is different from a speech given out by the leaders in their rallies. Even if you disagree with the other’s point of view, disagree politely. Use phrases like, I would like to disagree a bit here, I am sorry but I think I have a slightly different point of view here.
Be précised Abstain from using irrelevant information and data from your talks during a GD Speak precisely so that others also get a chance to put across their point of view.
Acquire and apply knowledge
Stay attentive to the ideas put forward by other group members and keep writing the important points discussed during the GD As you get a chance to speak, put forward your views about the topic. You can also agree or disagree with other’s ideas, based on your knowledge about the subject.
Agree with the right Don’t take a stand on either extreme when the discussion begins. It might happen that you get convinced by other’s argument and want to change your stand. Respect other’s opinion as well and agree with what is right, even if you initially had a different opinion.
Speak confidently Maintain your confidence as you speak. Establish eye contact with other members of the group and do not let your voice tremble.
Moderate Try to moderate the discussion if any arguments arise. This is necessary to ensure that the group doesn’t wander from the goal of the GD
Use positive body language Your body language should not demonstrate dominance or low self confidence. Show your interest in the discussion through your gestures like bending forward a bit, nodding your head.
Be a team player Last but not the least, be a team player as this is a group activity. Be comfortable with the group members and vice versa.