How to deal with…Aveva Bocad Tower Workflow and hints
Cédric Richard August 2013
Contents 3D MODEL ORA!"#A$"O!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 Pro&e't su(di)ision %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 E*a+,le%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Phases %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . E*a+,le%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 ERE/$"O! DRAW"! OM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /LA4 /4E/5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11 L"$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1-
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3D MODEL ORGAN!ATON "ro#ect s$%division
An energ6 +a&or ,ro&e't in'luding +ore than one single trans+ission tower is alwa6s s,litted into • •
A basic body 'o++on for ea'h t6,e of the different towers to (e deli)ered% 8ew different extensions 90 + 3 + . + :; to (e 'onne'ted to the (asi' (od6%
E%g% We +a6 ha)e to fa(ri'ate <0 (asi' (odies 30 e*tensions of 3 + 10 e*tensions of . +: A''ording to this 6ou should su(di)ide 6our o'ad +ain ,ro&e't into se)eral 3D +odels one for the (asi' (od6 9= ar+s; and one for ea'h e*tension% 1
>nder 6our o'ad ,ro&e'ts dire'tor6 'reate +anuall6 a dire'tor6 with the na+e of 6our +a&or ,ro&e't 9for e*a+,le ?+ain@Pro&e't;% tart (o'ad and inside the +ain@,ro&e't folder 'reate a new ,ro&e't na+ed for e*a+,le ?grid% "n this 3D +odel onl6 in,ut the &o( infor+ation and 'reate all the (asi' grids for the e*tensions (od6 stru'tures 'age and ,eak% As first grid in,ut a 'u(e of 1000 + s6+etri'al to the glo(al 000 referen'e ,oint% /reate the other grids using the $ower te+,lates and 2
'reate all the ,hases reBuired % /lose this ,ro&e't and 'o,6 its dire'tor6 under new ,ro&e't na+es for e*a+,le ?(asi'(od6 ?e*t3+ ?e*tC+ : O,en one of the+ and ,ro'eed%
Regarding the ,rofiles ha)ing so+e 'onne'tions in the (asi' (od6 as well as in the e*tensions 'reate 3
the+ on'e in the (asi' (od6 then e*,orti+,ort the+ in the e*tensions 3D +odels % A''ordingl6 to where the6 (elong to edit their ?initial +ark to 0 or 1%
Using Windows Explorer See next chapter 3 Using the functions "Partial Export" and "Partial Import" 2
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1% /reate a new ,ro&e't na+ed grid with a s+all 'u(i' grid of 1000 ++ s6+etri'al to glo(al 000 referen'e ,oint% Di+ensions and a*is na+es as (6 default in the 'lient2@1@$ower 9$ F $rans)ersal fa'e LF Longitudinal fa'e;
2% /reate all the reBuested grids and e+,t6 ,hases onl6%$hanks to the te+,late /A$10< 6ou are a(le to +odel the grids and 'reating the ,hases in on'e% $his ,ro&e't will (e used as a te+,late for the other +odel% On'e 6ou are done 'lose the ,ro&e't grid%
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3% /o,6 the new grid ,ro&e't as +u'h as reBuested (6 the +a&or ,ro&e't 9De,ending on the Buantit6 of e*tensions%%;% Rena+e ea'h ,ro&e't with signifi'ant na+es as (asi'(od6 e*t3+ e*tC+:
-% "nside these new ,ro&e'ts we will (uild the related ,arts of the tower 9(od6 e*tensions:;%
Figure 1 !asic!od model
Figure 2 ext3m model
Figure 3 ext#m model
<% Me+(ers ha)ing 'onne'tions in (asi' (od6 and e*tensions are 'reated in (asi' (od6 then the6 will (e e*,orted in the e*tensions +odels and their initial +ark edited to 0 a''ordingl6% "t +eans the6 will (e listed in the (asi'(od6 +odel%
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"n < words one s&lice one new &hase% $he s,li'e itself alwa6s (elongs to the ,hase a(o)e% 1
$he first ,hase should (e the to, of the tower then the following going down % "n towers the use of ,hases is not onl6 a fa(ri'ationGere'tion ,ur,ose the6 are ne'essar6 for the OM dis,la6ed in the ere'tion drawings% "ndeed in these drawings it is shown onl6 one fa'e of the tower (ut Buantities a,,earing in the OM are 'orres,onding to 2
the - identi'al fa'es% 8urthe+ore the +e+(ers 'an a,,ear onl6 in one OM % 8or OM in ere'tion drawings reason also 6ou +a6 (e o(liged to su(di)ide one ,hase into se)eral in 'ase of the drawings of this ,hase 'an not f it in one sheet of ,a,er% Regarding the (olts sin'e the6 +a6 'onne't +e+(ers fro+ different ,hases set the 3
+e+(er of 6our 'hoi'e as their owner %
See the example on next page See chapter "$%& in erection drawing" 3 Using the macro E'(%)% 2
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$od 2 Phase *
$od 1 Phase +
(age Phase 2
&,- Phase .
$,- Phase /
3M od6 e*tension Phase .M od6 e*tension Phase C :%%
Peak Phase 1
$HA Phase 3
&iddle , -0& $ottom , -0& 3 op , -0& 2
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ERECTON DRA'NG( ) BOM !ote that the OM is not 'orres,onding to what is shown or designated inside the drawing% "n the drawing we show onl6 1 fa'e of the tower (ut i n the OM it should (e listed the +e+(ers of the fa'es% $o do so We ask the OM on the whole ,ro&e't and we filter out +anuall6 whi'h ,hase is the one 'orres,onding to the drawing we are ,rodu'ing the OM fo r% Regarding the (olts o'ad will sele't auto+ati'all6 the (olts owned (6 the +e+(ers 9asse+(lies; sele'ted in the OM +e+(er list%
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$his is the +e+(er filter to (e a,,lied Do not forget to filter out the ,a'k washers ?du++6 ? ,lates 9nu+(ers C00011000; %
"n the (olt list 8ilter out the ,o, +arks and holes
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MEMBER *AMLE( Me+(ers fa+ilies are alwa6s used to regrou, so+e +e+(ers with a 'o++on 'riteria to fa'ilitate their sele'tion later on in the filters% "n towers we set the +e+(ers fa+ilies for 2 +ain reasons • •
/lash 'he'k (etween the ? $rans)ersal fa'e ? and the ? Longitudinal fa'e ?% 1 Re,resentation andGor not the designation of +e+(ers in the ,lane )iews drawings %
Iour (o'ad +enu 'onfiguration is set for the following fa+ ilies organiJation 9for 6our ease alwa6s follow the sa+e; • • • • • • •
8a+il6 1 leg 8a+il6 0 longitudinal fa'e e*'luding +e+(ers in a floor le)el 8a+il6 -0 longitudinal fa'e +e+(ers in'luded in a floor le)el 8a+il6 2 trans)ersal fa'e e*'luding +e+(ers in a floor le)el 8a+il6 -2 trans)ersal fa'e +e+(ers in'luded in a floor le)el 8a+il6 3 floor le)el +e+(ers not in longitudinal or trans)ersal fa'es 8a+il6 < 3rd fa'e +e+(ers
!ote $o set in one shot the fa+ilies of the $ and L fa'e do as e*,lained here under At the (eginning of the ,ro&e't 6ou should 'reate 6our $fa'e 9(od6Kside1; in the fa+il6 0 9default; then &ust after 'o,6ing fro+ $fa'e to Lfa'e use the 'o++and ? "nfor+ation G 4andled Me+(ers ? and edit all of the+ to fa+il6 2% • • • • • • •
8a+il6 11 ar+ leg (etween front and (otto+ ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 12 ar+ leg (etween rear and (otto+ ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 13 ar+ leg (etween front and to, ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 1- ar+ leg (etween rear and to, ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 21 ar+ front and rear fa'e +e+(ers 8a+il6 22 ar+ (otto+ and to, fa'e +e+(ers 8a+il6 2< ar+ diagonales
See chapter "Plane iews"
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CLA(H CHEC+ $o 'he'k the 'lashes in the whole tower 6ou should e*e'ute the ? filter G Me+(er /ollision ? test (etween the followings $he angles fa+il6 0 -0
with angles fa+il6 2 -2
$he angles fa+il6 3
with all fa+il6 0 2
$he angles fa+il6 11 1- 21 22 with all fa+il6 0 -0 $he angles fa+il6 <
with all fa+il6 0 -0 2 -2 3
$he angles fa+il6 2<
with all fa+il6 111- 21 22
$he angles fa+il6 21
with angles fa+il6 22
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8a+il6 ,
8a+il6 3
8a+il6 -
8a+il6 /-
8a+il6 .
8a+il6 /.
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8a+il6 ,,
8a+il6 ,/
8a+il6 ,-
8a+il6 ,3
8a+il6 -,
8a+il6 --
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L(T( e'ause of the PA/5 WA4ER whi'h are 'reated as (olt in a du++6 ,late ha)ing (6 default the initial +ark eBual to C000 we ha)e to •
for the lists of (olts in'lude e)er6thing in the list data(ase
and •
for the lists of +e+(ers filter out all those ,ie'e nu+(ers 9C00011000; %
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A0E0A (ol$tions Li1ited
4igh /ross Madingle6 Road /a+(ridge /3 04 >5 $el =-- 90;1223 <<..<< 8a* =-- 90;1223 <<....
Co&ri4ht 5 -.,3 A0E0A (ol$tions Li1ited2 All ri4hts reserved2 A0E0A (ol$tions Li1ited is owned % A0E0A Gro$& &lc2 A0E0A6 the A0E0A lo4os and A0E0A &rod$ct na1es are trade1ar7s or re4istered trade1ar7s o8 A0E0A Gro$& &lc or its s$%sidiaries in the 9nited +in4do1 and other co$ntries2 Other %rands and &rod$cts na1es are the trade1ar7s o8 their res&ective co1&anies2