8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Procedures Manual The Bizmanualz “ISO 9001 Quality Procedures for Quality Management Systems ro!ides you "ith easy to use Procedures# $ou "ill learn "hat ISO 9001 is all a%out& ho" to roduce an ISO 9001 Quality Manual, and ho" to "rite ISO 9001 Quality Procedures# The Bizmanualz ISO 9001 Manual comes "ith ractical documentation in roer ISO format and reflects '01( changes to the standard# standard# $ou also get a detailed e)lanation e)lanation of ISO 9000 and h elful information and guidance#
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Includes fi!e /2 modules* 1# 3 Sam Samle le Qual Quality ity Manual Manual co!e co!erin ring g common re4uirements and ractices '# ISO Manua Manuall Ta%l Ta%le e of 5onten 5ontents ts 2& Procedures and 5' corresonding forms +# '( ISO ISO 6o% 6o% 7es 7escr cri iti tion ons s
,# Intr Introd oduc ucti tion on to ISO ISO 900 9001 1 (# 8uid 8uide e to to re rear arin ing g a "el "elll "ritten manual /# 5om 5omle lete te ISO ISO Manu Manual al Inde)
Instant do"nload 3!aila%le immediately immediately
no shiing re4uired(
24 Prewriten Qualiy Procedures 1. 2. . . 5. 6. !. +. -. 10. 11. 12.
QP05 QP0500 00 Situ Situa aon onal al Anal Analys ysis is QP060 QP0600 0 Risks Risks & Opport Opportuni unies es Mana Manage gemen mentt QP0!0 QP0!00 0 "n#r "n#rast astru$ ru$tur ture e %ont %ontro roll QP100 QP1000 0 'o$ume 'o$ument nte( e( "n#orm "n#orma aon on %ontro %ontroll QP10 QP1020 20 "nte "ntern rnal al Au(i Au(its ts QP10 QP100 0 )on$on# )on$on#orm orming ing Outp Outputs uts %ont %ontro roll QP10 QP100 0 )on$on# )on$on#orm ormity ity %orr %orre$ e$*e *e A$on A$on QP10 QP1060 60 Man Manag agem emen entt Re*i Re*ie, e, QP10! QP10!0 0 %om %ompet peten$ en$e e A,a A,are renes nesss QP10+0 QP10+0 Or(er Or(er A$$epta A$$eptan$e n$e QP10-0 QP10-0 Pro Proe$t e$t Plann Planning ing QP1100 QP1100 'esign 'esign 'e*elopm 'e*elopment ent
1. 1. 15. 16. 1!. 1+. 1-. 20. 21. 22. 2. 2.
QP1110 QP1110 'esign 'esign %/ang %/ange e QP1120 ternal Pro*i(er *aluaon *aluaon QP110 QP110 Prepro( Prepro(u$o u$on n Planning Planning QP110 QP110 Manu#a$ Manu#a$turin turing g %ontrol %ontrol QP1150 "(en$aon "(en$aon an( 3ra$ea4ility 3ra$ea4ility QP1160 QP1160 ternal ternal Propert Property y %ontrol %ontrol QP11!0 MonitoringMeasuring MonitoringMeasuring Resour$es Resour$es %ontrol %ontrol QP11+0 QP11+0 MonitoringM MonitoringMeasu easurem rement ent QP11-0 QP11-0 %ustome %ustomerr Sas#a$ Sas#a$on on QP1200 'ata Analysis%onnual Analysis%onnual "mpro*ement "mpro*ement QP1210 QP1210 Re$ei* Re$ei*ing ing "nspe$ "nspe$on on QP122 QP1220 0 Pur$/as Pur$/asing ing
57 Corresponding Forms 1. 2. . . 5. 6. !. +. -. 10. 11. 12. 1. 1. 15. 16. 1!. 1+. 1-. 20. 21. 22. 2.
QP050 QP05001 01 SO SO3 3 Analy Analysis sis ork orks/e s/eet et QP0500 QP05002 2 %ompe %ompe*e *e Analysis Analysis orks/ orks/eet eet QP050 QP0500 0 Situ Situa aona onall Analy Analysis sis Repo Report rt QP060 QP06001 01 Risk Risk Asses Assessm smen entt 7 Managem Management ent QP060 QP06002 02 Risk Risk %ontr %ontrols ols %ost %ost8e 8ene nett QP060 QP0600 0 Pre* Pre*en en*e *e A$ A$on on Repo Report rt QP0!0 QP0!001 01 Asset Asset Re9u Re9uisi ision on7'i 7'ispo sposal sal :orm :orm QP0!0 QP0!002 02 Asset Asset A$9uis A$9uisio ion n ;ist ;ist QP0!0 QP0!00 0 )on$o )on$on# n#orm orming ing Asse Assett :orm :orm QP0!00 QP0!005 5 Asset "n*entor "n*entory y 'ata4ase 'ata4ase QP0!00 QP0!006 6 )et,ork )et,ork Map QP1000 QP10001 1 'o$ument 'o$ument Re9ues Re9uestt QP1000 QP10002 2 'o$ument 'o$ument %ontrol %ontrol 'ata4ase 'ata4ase QP1020 QP10201 1 Au(it Au(it Progr Program am QP1020 QP10202 2 Au(it Plan Plan QP1020 QP1020 Quality Quality Au(it %/e$kli %/e$klist st QP1020 QP1020 Au(it Au(it Report Report QP100 QP1001 1 )on$on#or )on$on#orman$ man$e e Report QP100 QP1002 2 )on$on#o )on$on#ormin rming g Output ;og QP100 QP100 Return Return
0. 1. 2. . . 5. 6. !. +. -. 0. 1. 2. . . 5. 6. !. +. -. 50.
QP10+01 QP10+01 %ustomer %ustomer Or(er Or(er QP10-01 QP10-01 Proe$t Proe$t Plan Plan QP11001 QP11001 'esign 'esign Re*ie, Re*ie, %/e$kli %/e$klist st QP11002 'esign %ompleon %/e$klist #or le$trome$/ani$al 'e*i$es QP1100 'esign %ompleon %/e$klist #or )onle$trome$/ani$al 'e*i$es QP1100 Sample >eri$aon >eri$aon %/e$klist QP11005 QP11005 Pro( Pro(u$t u$t 3est 3est QP11101 QP11101 ngine ngineering ering %/ange %/ange )o$e )o$e QP11201 Appro*e( Appro*e( ternal ternal Pro*i(er Pro*i(er ;ist QP11202 ternal Pro*i(er Au(it %/e$klist %/e$klist QP1120 %ri$al Pro*i(er Pro*i(er *aluao *aluaons ns QP1120 ternal Pro*i(er Per#orman$e Per#orman$e ;og QP1101 QP1101 Pro(u$ Pro(u$tt 'esign Release Release :orm :orm QP1101 "nspe$on73esng "nspe$on73esng %/e$klist QP1102 Pro(u$t Release Aut/ori=aon Aut/ori=aon QP11601 QP11601 Materi Material al Pro4lem Pro4lem Report Report QP11!01 QP11!01 %ali4r %ali4raon aon 'o$umen 'o$umentt QP11!02 QP11!02 %ali4r %ali4raon aon 'ata4as 'ata4ase e QP11-01 PostSale PostSale Sas#a$ Sas#a$on on Report Report QP11-02 %ustomer Sas#a$on Sas#a$on Sur*ey QP11-0 QP11-0 %usto %ustomer mer Ser*i$ Ser*i$e e ;og
8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons 2. 25. 26. 2!. 2+. 2-.
QP10!01 mployee %ompeten$e Matri QP10!02 mployee 'e*elopment Plan QP10!0 mployee
51. 52. 5. 5. 55. 56. 5!.
QP12101 Re$ei*ing ;og QP12102 :irst Ar$le "nspe$on Report QP1210 Re$ei*ing an( "nspe$on Report QP12201 Pur$/ase Re9uision QP12202 Pur$/ase Or(er QP1220 Pur$/ase Or(er ;og QP1220 Pur$/ase Or(er :ollo,Bp
'o$ument "' QP1080 Re*ision 0'0 Ce$*e 'ate mm&dd&yyyy Stan(ar( *+O ,001-2015. clause 8'2'1/8'2'
3itle O!" #CC"P$#%C"
3/e %ompany ,ill re*ie, all $ommitments to a$$ept $ustomer or(ers Dsales or(ersE to ensure t/at $ustomer epe$taons are met or e$ee(e(.
Prepared By Preparer’s Name / Title
Re*ie,e( 8y e(iewer)s %ame & $ile Appro*e( 8y Final #ppro(er)s %ame & $ile
Print 'ate mm&dd&yyyy 'ate Prepare( mm&dd&yyyy 'ate Re*ie,e( mm&dd&yyyy 'ate Appro*e( mm&dd&yyyy
3o (ene t/e met/o(s an( responsi4ilies #or t/e preparaon o# (o$uments@ paper,ork Fo,@ 4y in(i*i(uals an( (epartments #or pro$essing sales or(ers.
3/is pro$e(ure applies to all in(i*i(uals7(epartments in*ol*e( in t/e sales pro$ess@ espe$ially t/e Sales Manager@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es@ an( A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le.
3/e Sales Manager is responsi4le #or iniang t/e sales pro$ess an( #or o4taining@ pro*i(ing@ an( re*ie,ing all (o$uments an( in#ormaon #rom a $ustomer in or(er to $omplete t/e sales or(er. %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es are responsi4le #or re*ie,ing sales or(ers to ensure re9uirements are a(e9uately (ene(@ t/at t/e or(er is $onsistent ,it/ t/e 9uotaon i# one ,as pro*i(e(@ an( t/at t/e %ompany /as t/e $apa4ility o# meeng t/e (ene( re9uirements or else take appropriate a$on. A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le is responsi4le #or #a$ilitang $ustomer nan$ing an( appro*ing sales terms in a$$or(an$e ,it/ %ompany poli$ies.
Sales Representa*e G Person Dirrespe$*e o# tleE ,/o $ommuni$ates ,it/ t/e $ustomer regar(ing t/e sale7lease o# t/e %ompanyHs pro(u$ts or ser*i$es.
1.1 3/e %ompanyIs Sales Representa*e Dor JSalesKE s/all present in#ormaon regar(ing t/e %ompanyHs pro(u$ts or ser*i$es@ ans,er 9uesons@ soli$it or(ers@ an( e nter sales in#ormaon on t/e appropriate or(er (o$umentDsEL #orm QP10+01 %BS3OMR OR'R is one eample.
8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons 1.2 3/e Sales Representa*e s/all enter a$$urate an( $omplete in#ormaon on t/e $ustomer or(er #orm@ in$lu(ing terms@ $on(ions@ re9uirements@ $ustomer in#ormaon@ an( or(er $onguraon. 1. 3/e Sales Representa*e s/all i(en#y t/e $ustomerHs spe$ie( re9uirements?
in$lu(ing t/ose #or (eli*ery an( post(eli*ery a$*ity@ re9uirements not state( 4y t/e $ustomer 4ut ne$essary #or t/e pro(u$tHs spe$ie( or inten(e( use@
appli$a4le regulatory DstatutoryE pro(u$t re9uirements@ an(
re9uirements t/e %ompany@ #rom its uni9ue *antage point@ $onsi(ers ne$essary.
1.4 3/e Sales Manager an( ngineering s/all re*ie, t/e $ustomerHs re9uirements prior to $omming t/e %ompany an( its resour$es to supplying pro(u$ts@ ensuring t/at DaE re9uirements are $learly (ene(@ D4E $ontra$t or or(er re9uirements t/at (iCer #rom t/ose epresse( earlier are resol*e(@ an( D$E t/e %ompany $an meet t/e state( re9uirements an( t/ey s/all re$or(@ in t/e proe$t le?
3/e results o# t/e re9uirements re*ie,L an(
Any a$ons arising #rom t/at re*ie,.
1.5 3/e Sales Manager s/all su4mit a $opy o# t/e $ustomer or(er to A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le to o4tain $re(it preappro*al@ i# nee(e(@ an( #a$ilitate pro$essing o# appli$a4le paper,ork. Payment terms #or t/e $ustomer s/all 4e in a$$or(an$e ,it/ t/e %ompanyIs $re(it poli$ies.
1.6 "# appli$a4le@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all #or,ar( lease-fnancing (o$umentaon (ire$tly to A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le@ ,/ere it ,ill 4e /el( #or pro$essing upon re$eipt o# t/e A$$ounng $opy o# t/e $omplete( sales or(er Di.e.@ aNer s/ipmentE. 1.! Bpon appro*ing $ustomer $re(it an( terms@ A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le s/all (istri4ute $opies o# t/e $ustomer or(er to t/e appropriate pares D,/i$/ s/oul( 4e s/o,n on t/e 4oom o# t/e #ormE.
Customer Service
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all re*ie, all or(ers against t/eir $orrespon(ing proposals@ statements o# ,ork@ et$. Dsee QP10-0 PRO%3 P;A))")
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all enter t/e in#ormaon pro*i(e( on t/e $ustomer or(er #orm in t/e or(er management system an( ensure t/at all $ustomer in#ormaon in t/e or(er management system is a$$urate.
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all *eri#y part in*entories on t/e or(er management system to ensure a(e9uate in*entory is a*aila4le. "# t/ere a(e9uate in*entory is not a*aila4le@ t/e system ,ill esmate an a*aila4ility (ate 4ase( on ,ork in pro$ess D"PE or pro(u$on s$/e(uling. "# t/ere is any (is$repan$y or i# t/e pro(u$t is to 4e 4a$kor(ere(@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/oul( no#y t/e $ustomer imme(iately D4y p/one@ "M@ or ot/er meansE an( #ollo, t/at ,it/ a ,rien $onrmaon De.g.@ postal ser*i$e@ emailE.
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/oul( not issue an or(er a$kno,le(gement unl?
t/e Sales Manager an( ngineering /a*e re*ie,e( an( appro*e( t/e or(er ,it/ respe$t to pro(u$t re9uirementsL an(
8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons
A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le DA7RE /as gi*en no$e t/at t/e $ustomer /as 4een appro*e( Dsee Se$on 1.E.
/en t/e or(er is a$$epte(@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all $omplete an or(er a$kno,le(gement@ sign it@ an( mail or #a it to t/e $ustomer. A $opy o# t/e a$kno,le(gement s/oul( 4e #or,ar(e( to t/e Sales Manager an( one le( in t/e %ustomer le. 2.5
:or $ustom pro(u$ts? %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es must no#y ngineering to start t/e (esign pro$ess Dsee QP1100 'S"<) A)' '>;OPM)3E i# t/e $ustomer /as not supplie( (esign spe$i$aons an( supporng (o$umentaon De.g.@ te$/ni$al (ra,ingsE. %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all also #or,ar( a $opy o# t/e sales or(er an( any a((ional in#ormaon re$ei*e( aNer t/e 9uotaon pro$ess to ngineering.
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all maintain a $ustomer le@ ,/i$/ s/oul( $ontain $opies o# all $ommuni$aons 4et,een t/e $ompany an( t/e $ustomer@ as ,ell as in#ormaon rela*e to sales or(ers.
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all a((ress $ustomer $omplaints an( #ee(4a$k in a$$or(an$e ,it/ QP11-0 %BS3OMR SA3"S:A%3"O).
"# t/e $ustomer is nan$ing t/e or(er@ A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le s/all pro$ess an( #or,ar( all appli$a4le (o$umentaon to t/e nan$ing sour$e.
"# A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le ree$ts t/e terms o# t/e $ustomer or(er@ it s/all no#y t/e Sales Manager an( t/e $ustomer@ as appropriate.
A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le s/all re*ie, t/e $ustomer or(er an(@ i# terms are appro*e(@ up(ate t/e $ustomerHs $re(it status on t/e or(er management system@ releasing t/e Sales Or(er #or pro$essing.
I!ter!et "E#ECTRONIC$ Orders
3/e %ompanyHs pro(u$t page must 4e re*ie,e( 4y t/e Sales Manager@ Markeng@ ngineering@ an( A$$ounts Re$ei*a4le an( appro*e( prior to its going li*e. 3/e Sales Manager s/all ensure t/at a re$or( o# t/e results o# t/e pro(u$t page re*ie, G as ,ell as a$ons arising #rom su$/ a re*ie, G is kept ,it/ t/e proe$t le.
Or(ers pla$e( t/roug/ t/e %ompany ,e4 site DportalE or *ia email re9uire eit/er a $re(it $ar( or an a$$ount ,it/ t/e %ompany@ esta4lis/e( in a(*an$e.
3/e ,e4 site s/oul( intera$t (ire$tly ,it/ t/e or(er management system to *eri#y $ustomer or(ers@ generate sales or(ers ,it/ s/ipto in#ormaon@ an( a$kno,le(ge s/ipment to t/e $ustomer.
"# $ustomers run into pro4lems ,it/ t/e %ompany ,e4 site or /a*e te$/ni$al 9uesons regar(ing pro(u$ts@ t/ey s/oul( 4e pro*i(e( ,it/ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es $onta$t in#ormaon Dp/one num4erDsE@ email a((resses@ ,e4 links@ et$.E. %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/oul( eit/er assist t/e $ustomer ,it/ t/e "nternet or(er or /an(le t/e or(er as in(i$ate( else,/ere in t/is pro$e(ure.
C&a!'es to orders
%ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all pro$ess all re9ueste( $/anges to $ustomer or(ers. :or $/anges in 9uanty or (elays in (eli*ery (ate@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all re*ie, t/e status o# t/e or(er in t/e or(er management system an( i# t/e or(er /as not s/ippe(@ makes t/e appropriate $/anges as a re*ision to t/e sales or(er. %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all $onta$t Manu#a$turing@ S/ipping@ an( ot/er intereste( pares to a(*ise t/em o# an( to *eri#y t/e re*ision.
8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons 5.
:or epe(ing t/e (eli*ery (ate@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all $onta$t Manu#a$turing@ S/ipping@ an( ot/er intereste( pares to *eri#y t/at t/e ne, (ate is a$$epta4le or to (etermine ,/at t/e earliest (eli*ery (ate may 4e. "# t/e epe(ite( (ate is a$$epta4le@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all sen( t/e $ustomer an a$kno,le(gement. "# t/e $ustomerIs re9ueste( (ate is not a$$epta4le De.g.@ $annot 4e met 4e$ause t/e $ustomer (i( not pro*i(e enoug/ lea( meE@ %ustomer Ser*i$e Representa*es s/all $onta$t t/e $ustomer to $onrm a 4est possi4le (ate.
"# t/e $/anges are te$/ni$al $/anges to t/e pro(u$t@ t/e or(er is put on /ol( ,/ile t/e original proposal is re*ie,e( in a$$or(an$e ,it/ Se$on 1. o# t/is (o$ument.
Re$or(s o# $/anges to or(ers@ as ,ell as re$or(s o# $/ange re*ie,s@ s/all 4e maintaine( in t/e $ustomerIs le.
"ec(eness Crieria
Sales or(ers or standard products G $omplete( an( s/ippe( ,it/in me #rame state( 4y %ompany Din markeng materials@ et$.E. Sales or(ers or custom products G lle( an( s/ippe( ,it/in me #rame 9uote( to@ an( agree( to 4y@ t/e $ustomer. )um4er o# $ustomer $omplaints (ue to or(er ina$$ura$ies@ or(er pro$essing.
"SO -001?2015@ JQuality Management System Re9uirementsK@ "nternaonal Organi=aon #or Stan(ar(i=aon D"SOE@ Sept.@ 2015.
Qualiy Procedures
QP10-0 PRO%3 P;A))")<
QP1100 'S"<) A)' '>;OPM)3
QP11-0 %BS3OMR SA3"S:A%3"O)
8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons
Form 6
!ocumened *normaon
+as3es *+O ,001 Clause
%ustomer re9uirements
Re9uirements re*ie, re$or(DsE
Pro(u$t page re*ie, re$or(DsE
%ustomer Or(er #orm %ustomer le Or(er a$kno,le(gement Or(er $/anges
e(ision isorye(ision
!escripon o canges "nial Release
e9uesed :y
8i=manual= Sample #rom t/e "SO -001?2015 Quality Pro$e(ures Manual in$lu(es
an eample Quality Manual@ pro$e(ure@ a list o# topi$s@ #orms an( o4 (es$ripons
QP10)0*1 +USOM!- O-!8";; 3O?
S"P 3O?
P/one? D E
Sales %onta$t
Pur$/ase Or(er
'ate o# Or(er
'ate Re9uire(
Qty. Or(.
Qty. S/ip
Qty. 87O
Payment 3erms
S/ippe( >ia
S/ipping 'ate
Bnit Pri$e
)o. %artons? Su43otal 3otal eig/t? Sales 3a S/ipping 3otal 'ue
'istri4uon? /ite%ustomer Ser*i$e@ ello,A$$ounng@ Pink%ustomer@