Fluid power is the technology that deals with the generation, control, and transmission of power, using pressurized fluids. It can be said that fluid power is the muscle that moves industry. This ...Descripción completa
cement production
Sociology: a Global Introduction by Macionis & Plummer (2012). Summary Chapter 1.
Intoduction to Genetics reviewer.
introduction to reservation system
Lecture Notes
Energy Conservation and Management Terms:Energy Management EM: - The EM is the practical science of techniques and dynamic processes of setting/obecti!e setting/obecti!ess "tas#s$% planning% organi&ing% organi&ing% arranging material/ material/ finance/ human and other requir required ed resou resource rces% s% e'ecut e'ecutin ing% g% super super!is !ising ing mo moni nitor torin ing% g% remo!i remo!ing ng bottl bottlen enec# ec#ss to achie achie!e !e obecti!es and to set ne( obecti!es. Thee ener Th energy gy mana manage geme ment nt in!o in!ol! l!es es%% plan planin ing% g% dire direct ctin ing% g% and and cont contro roll llin ing g the the supp supply ly and and consumption of energy to ma'imi&ed producti!ity and comforts and to minimi&e the energy costs and to minimi&e the pollution% (ith consensus% udicious and effecti!e use of energy. 3 steps of EM
Energy )udit Energy *onser!ation Measures "E*MS$ +aste +aste ,ecycling ,ecycli ng
Steps of Energy Management:
)dm )dminis inistr trat ati! i!ee acti action ons. s.
2rga 2rgani ni&a &ati tion onal al char charge ges. s.
Trai Trainin ning g and and a(a a(aren reness ess progra programm mmes. es.
)ssoc )s socia iati tion on of (or#i (or#ing ng pers person onnel nel55s.
Energy )udit.
Ener En ergy gy cons consec ecra rati tion on m mea easu sure res% s%
E!al E! aluat uatio ion n of the pres present ent ene energ rgy y consum consumpti ption. on.
9 mplem mplementa entation tion of E*Ms. Monitori Monitoring ng of E* efforts efforts..
EC: - t in!ol!es (astage of energy and adsorption of methods to conser!e energy% (ithout
affecting producti!ity ; comforts% more energy efficient processes should be replaced by less efficient processes. Energy Conservation opportunities ECOs.
These Th ese are are the a!enu a!enues/ es/ opp opport ortuni uniti ties% es% (hic (hich h are open open to imple impleme ment nt energ energy y conser conser!a !ati tion on acti!ities.
Lecture Notes
Energy Audit:-
t is an official scientific study/ sur!ey of energy consumption of a region/ organi&ation/ process/ plant/ equipment aimed at the reduction of energy consumption and energy costs% (ithout affecting producti!ity and comforts and suggesting methods for energy conser!ation and reduction in energy costs.
Steps involved in energy management.
Energy management as policy and commitment
Management commitment
Selection of the Energy Manager ,esponsibilities of Energy Manager:-
Energy planning
Energy consumption monitoring
0laning energy conser!ation
mplementing energy conser!ation measures
2rgani&ation of <,= programmes
)chie!e E* obecti!es.
>ormulation of supply strategies and energy conser!ation plans
)(areness and n!ol!ement.
ntroduce suggestions% schemes and a(ard schemes.
)ppoint or select energy )udit Team or consultants.
To obtain report on E* measures.
To obtain technical assistant report "T)-report$ nstructions in T) report a$ E* measures b$ =o or =on5t c$ 2peration and maintenance instructions. d$ ,ecommendation of a ne( technology.
9 mplementation of T) report and E* measures. mplement E-optimi&ed operation and maintenance practices. Establish practice of monitoring energy consumption and effecti!eness of E*M5s. ,ecycling of scrap% (aste material% etc. 1 To re!ie( and optimi&e ne( design of the plant and equipment and to allocate finds for retro fitting.
Lecture Notes
S.S.Sehgal 0o(er sector "Electricity$
Energy strategies (planning)
Supply side management
2il or ?as *oal Non commercial ;
rene(able *onsumption/ demand side
ndustrial sector )gricultural
Supply side
0o(er sector
Electrical energy management ?eneration of po(er- Thermal "coal/gas%
Transmission ")*% high !oltage interconnections%
@tili&ation of energy "0lant% industry% managed by S*)=) systems$ >uel "2il% natural gas% coal% fire-(ood% chemicals etc$
Non commercial/ rene(able energy "a$ Land biomass% solar% (ind% geothermal% tidal etc. "b$ human energy "labor$ "c$ )nimal energy
ote: on-Commer!ial is t"e #ood. SCA$A% - Supervisory !ontrol & $ata A!'uisition system
Lecture Notes Energy Management EM:-
Supply side EM 0o(er sector- generation% transmission% interconnection EM ; distribution%
Nuclear po(er Non-*on!entional /,ene(able Energy 2il ; ?as *oal *hemical Energy Sector "future$ e.g . Aatteries% hydrogen gas% fuel cells% synthetic fuels. Aio-energy sector "future$ e.g. Ethanol% biodiesels% methanol
E!aluate the economic !iability ; fi'ing of tariff/ ,ates
0lan the entire energy routes E'ploration/ E'traction/ *on!ersion 0rocessing/ by products/ *leaning Storage/ Transport/ Transmission =istribution/ Supply
>ormulate the long/ medium/ short term plan Organiation Stru!ture
Listing of essential acti!ities ?rouping of acti!ities B (hether it is related to space heating% po(er% fuel% etc. =ecision of responsibilities nterfacing bet(een the groups Organiation
Non- energy "They ust consume energy ; produce products$
Energy ntensi!e "(hich are using% as (ell as producing energy C products$
Lecture Notes
on- Energy Organiation C"art
0lant Manager 2peration ; maintenance manager (ith additional ,esponsibilities of EM
Line Managers
Energy *ntensive Organiation C"art
0lant Manager
Energy *onsultants
Energy manager for E.M
2 ; M Manager
)udit team
Testing Team
E* Measures Team
Engg. ; =ocumentation Team
Monitoring Team
Strategies Adopted +y *ndian ,overnment for E.M
)pply ,eforms to Energy ; 0o(er sectors% (ith de-control% pri!ati&ation and the international help for raid gro(th.
)ccelerate production and supply of energy though fast-trac# energy routes e.g. unbundling the potential in e'isting industries particularly those% (hich are generating their o(n po(er by impro!ing plant load factor "0L>$ and carrying out reno!ation and 4
Lecture Notes S.S.Sehgal moderni&ationD impro!e energy management systemD accelerate fast- trac# liquid ; gas fuel supply. 1
ncrease the per capita energy consumption rural sector. mpro!e efficiency and plant load factor "0L>$ from the present 49 to 73 and reduce the transmission losses from 9-3 to 9-.
Encourage E* Measures and impro!e energy demand side management and recycling of the (astes.
,educe the energy imports and achie!e self-reliance in energy.
Encourage the use of non-con!entional energies in industries and other sectors.
Encourage rural-electrification.
Encourage pri!ati&ation in energy sector.
9 ,educe or minimi&e the pollution. Encourage the forest de!elopment. Encourage the con!ersion of Aio-(aste to useful energy. Encourage the , ; = in energy sector for energy efficiency prospects and for finding alternati!es for the future.
Terms: Energy Management: EM: T"e EM is t"e pra!ti!al s!ien!e of te!"ni'ues and dynami! pro!esses of settingo+e!tives (tas/)0 planning0 organiing0 arranging materialsfinan!e"uman and ot"er re'uired resour!es0 e1e!uting0 supervising0 monitoring0 removing +ottlene!/s to a!"ieve o+e!tives and o set ne# o+e!tives.
The energy management in!ol!es planning% directing% controlling the supply and consumption of energy to ma'imi&e the producti!ity and comforts and to minimi&e the energy costs% and to minimi&e the pollution% (ith consensus % udicious and effecti!e use of energy. steps of EM: . Energy )udit . Energy *onser!ation Measures "E*Ms$ . +aste recycling Steps of Energy Management: . Strategies . )dministrati!e actions . 0olicy 1. 2rgani&ational changes 3. Training and a(areness program 4. )ssociation of (or#ing personals 6
Lecture Notes 6. Energy )udit 7. Energy *onser!ation Measures 8. E!aluation of the present Energy *onsumption 9. mplementation of E*Ms. . Monitoring of E* efforts.
Ausiness% industry and go!ernment organi&ations ha!e all been under tremendous economic and en!ironmental pressures in the last fe( years. Aeing economically competiti!e in the global mar#etplace and meeting increasing en!ironmental standards to reduce air and (ater pollution ha!e been the maor dri!ing factors in most of the recent operational cost and capital cost in!estment decisions for all organi&ations. Energy management has been an important tool to help organi&ations meet these critical obecti!es for their short term sur!i!al and long-term success. The problems that organi&ations face from both their indi!idual and national perspecti!es include: F Meeting more stringent en!ironmental quality standards% primarily related to reducing global (arming and reducing acid rain. Energy management helps impro!e en!ironmental quality. >or e'ample% the primary culprit in global (arming is carbon dio'ide% *2. Equation .% a balanced chemistry equation in!ol!ing the combustion of methane "natural gas is mostly methane$% sho(s that .63 pounds of carbon dio'ide is produced for e!ery pound of methane combusted. Thus% energy management% by reducing the combustion of methane can dramatically reduce the amount of carbon dio'ide in the atmosphere and help reduce global (arming. *ommercial and industrial energy use accounts for about 13 percent of the carbon dio'ide released from the burning of fossil fuels% and about 69 percent of the sulfur dio'ide emissions from stationary sources. *<1 C 2 G *2 C <2 " C 1H$ C"H4$ G " C H4$ C "H C4$ ".$ Thus% 4 pounds of methane produces 11 pounds of carbon dio'ideD or .63 pounds of carbon dio'ide is produced for each pound of methane burned. Energy management reduces the load on po(er plants as fe(er #ilo(att hours of electricity are needed. f a plant burns coal or fuel oil% then a significant amount of acid rain is produced from the sulphur dio'ide emitted by the po(er plant. )cid rain problems then are reduced through energy management% as are N2' problems. Less energy consumption means less petroleum field de!elopment and subsequent on-site pollution. Less energy consumption means less thermal pollution at po(er plants and less cooling (ater discharge. ,educed cooling requirements or more efficient satisfaction of those needs means less *>* usage and reduced o&one depletion in the stratosphere. The list could go on almost indefinitely% but the bottom line is that energy management helps impro!e en!ironmental quality. F AecomingIor continuing to beIeconomically competiti!e in the global mar#etplace% (hich requires reducing the cost of production or ser!ices% reducing industrial energy intensi!eness% and meeting customer ser!ice needs for quality and deli!ery times. Significant energy and dollar sa!ings are a!ailable through energy management. Most facilities "manufacturing plants% schools% hospitals% office buildings% etc$ can sa!e according to the profile sho(n in >igure .. E!en more sa!ings ha!e been accomplished by some programs.
Lecture Notes Lo( cost acti!ities first year or t(o: 3 to 3 Moderate cost% significant effort% three to fi!e years: 3 to 9 Long-term potential% higher cost% more engineering: 9 to 39 6igure 9.9 Typi!al Savings t"roug" Energy Management
• • •
Thus% large sa!ings can be accomplished often (ith high returns on in!estments and rapid paybac#s. Energy management can ma#e the difference bet(een profit and loss and can establish real competiti!e enhancements for most companies. Energy management in the form of implementing ne( energy efficiency technologies% ne( materials and ne( manufacturing processes and the use of ne( technologies in equipment and materials for business and industry is also helping companies impro!e their producti!ity and increase their product or ser!ice quality. 2ften% the energy sa!ings is not the main dri!ing factor (hen companies decide to purchase ne( equipment% use ne( processes% and use ne( high-tech materials.
f energy producti!ity is an important opportunity for the nation as a (hole% it is a necessity for the indi!idual company. t represents a real chance for creati!e management to reduce that component of product cost that has risen the most since 86. Those (ho ha!e ta#en ad!antage of these opportunities ha!e done so because of the clear intent and commitment of the top e'ecuti!e. 2nce that commitment is understood% managers at all le!els of the organi&ation can and do respond seriously to the opportunities at hand. +ithout that leadership% the best designed energy management programs produce fe( results. n addition% (e (ould li#e to suggest four basic principles (hich% if adopted% may e'pand the effecti!eness of e'isting energy management programs or pro!ide the starting point of ne( efforts. The first of these is to control the costs of the energy function or service provided, but not the Btu of energy. )s most operating people ha!e noticed% energy is ust a means of pro!iding some ser!ice or benefit. +ith the possible e'ception of feed stoc#s for petrochemical production% energy is not consumed directly. t is al(ays con!erted into some useful function. The e'isting data are not as complete as one (ould li#e% but they do indicate some surprises. n 867% for instance% the aggregate industrial e'penditure for energy (as K33 billion. Thirty-fi!e percent of that (as spent for machine dri!e from electric motors% 8 for feedstoc#s% 6 for process heat% 6 for electrolytic functions% and for space conditioning and light. )s sho(n in Table .% this is in blunt contrast to measuring these functions in Atu. Machine dri!e% for e'ample% instead of 3 of the dollars% required only of the Atu. n most organi&ations it (ill pay to be e!en more specific about the function pro!ided. >or instance% e!aporation% distillation% drying% and reheat are all typical of the uses to (hich process heat is put. n some cases it has also been useful to brea# do(n the heat in terms of temperature so that the opportunities for matching the heat source to the (or# requirement can be utili&ed. n addition to energy costs% it is useful to measure the depreciation% maintenance% labor% 8
Lecture Notes S.S.Sehgal and other operating costs in!ol!ed in pro!iding the con!ersion equipment necessary to deli!er required ser!ices. These costs add as much as 39 to the fuel cost. t is the total cost of these functions that must be managed and controlled% not the Atu of energy. The large difference in cost of the !arious Atu of energy can ma#e the commonly used Atu measure e'tremely misleading. n No!ember 868% the cost of Atu of electricity (as nine times that of Atu of steam coal. Table . sho(s ho( these !alues and ratios compare in 993.
2ne of the most desirable and least reliable s#ills for an energy manager is to predict the future cost of energy. To the e'tent that energy costs escalate in price beyond the rate of general inflation% in!estment pay bac#s (ill be shortened% but of course the re!erse is also true. ) quic# glance at Table . sho(s the inconsistency in o!erall energy price changes o!er this period in time. E!en the popular conception that energy prices al(ays go up (as not true for this period% (hen normali&ed to constant dollars. This !olatility in energy pricing may account for some business decisions that appear o!erly conser!ati!e in establishing rate of return or paybac# period hurdles. )!ailabilities also differ and the cost of maintaining fuel fle'ibility can affect the cost of the product. )nd as sho(n before% the a!erage annual price increase of natural gas has been almost three times that of electricity. Therefore% an energy management system that controls Atu per unit of product may completely miss the effect of the changing economics and a!ailabilities of energy alternati!es and the maor differences in usability of each fuel. *ontrolling the total cost of energy functions is much more closely attuned to one of the principal interests of the e'ecuti!es of an organi&ation I controlling costs. OTE: The recommendation to control energy dollars and not Atus does not al(ays apply. >or e'ample% trac#ing building energy use per year for comparison to prior years is best done (ith Atus since doing so negates the effect of energy price !olatility. Similarly% comparing the heating use of a commercial facility against an industry segment benchmar# using cost alone can yield (ild results if% for e'ample% one building uses natural gas to heat (hile another uses electric resistanceD this is another case (here using Atus yields more meaningful results.
Lecture Notes
) second principle of energy management is to control energy functions as a product cost, not as a part of manufacturing or general overhead. t is surprising ho( many companies still lump all energy costs into one general or manufacturing o!erhead account (ithout identifying those products (ith the highest energy function cost. n most cases% energy functions must become part of the standard cost system so that each function can be assessed as to its specific impact on the product cost. The minimum theoretical energy e'penditure to produce a gi!en product can usually be determined en route to establishing a standard energy cost for that product. The seconds of 3-hp motor dri!e% the minutes necessary in a 99> furnace to heat a steel part for fabrication% or the minutes of 3- electricity needed to ma#e an electrolytic separation% for e'ample% can be determined as theoretical minimums and compared (ith the actual figures. )s in all production cost functions% the minimum standard is often difficult to meet% but it can ser!e as an indicator of the si&e of the opportunity. n comparing actual !alues (ith minimum !alues% four possible approaches can be ta#en to reduce the !ariance% usually in this order: •
• •
An "ourly or daily !ontrol system !an +e installed to /eep t"e fun!tion !ost at t"e desired level. 6uel re'uirements !an +e s#it!"ed to a !"eaper and more availa+le form. A !"ange !an +e made to t"e pro!ess met"odology to redu!e t"e need for t"e fun!tion. e# e'uipment !an +e installed to redu!e t"e !ost of t"e fun!tion.
The starting point for reducing costs should be in achie!ing the minimum cost possible (ith the present equipment and processes. nstalling management control systems can indicate (hat the lo(est possible energy use is in a (ell-controlled situation. t is only at that point (hen a change in process or equipment configuration should be considered. )n equipment change prior to actually minimi&ing the e'penditure under the present system may lead to o!ersi&ing ne( equipment or replacing equipment for unnecessary functions. The third principle is to control and meter only the main energy functions — the roughly 9 that ma#e up 79 of the costs. )s 0eter =ruc#er pointed out some time ago% a fe( functions usually account for a maority of the costs. t is important to focus controls on those that represent the meaningful costs and aggregate the remaining items in a general category. Many manufacturing plants in the @nited States ha!e only one meter% that leading from the gas main or electric main into the plant from the outside source. ,egardless of the reasonableness of the standard cost established% the inability to measure actual consumption against that standard (ill render such a system useless. Submetering the main functions can pro!ide the information not only to measure
Lecture Notes S.S.Sehgal but to control costs in a short time inter!al. The cost of metering and submetering is usually incidental to the potential for reali&ing significant cost impro!ements in the main energy functions of a production system. The fourth principle is to put the major effort of an energy management program into installing controls and achieving results. t is common to find general #no(ledge about ho( large amounts of energy could be sa!ed in a plant. The missing ingredient is the discipline necessary to achie!e these potential sa!ings. Each step in sa!ing energy needs to be monitored frequently enough by the manager or first-line super!isor to see noticeable changes. Logging of important fuel usage or beha!ioral obser!ations are almost al(ays necessary before any particular sa!ings results can be reali&ed. Therefore% it is critical that an energy director or committee ha!e the authority from the chief e'ecuti!e to install controls% not ust ad!ise line management. Those energy managers (ho ha!e achie!ed the largest cost reductions actually install systems and controlsD they do not ust pro!ide good ad!ice. )s suggested earlier% the o!erall potential for increasing energy producti!ity and reducing the cost of energy ser!ices is substantial. The 9 or so impro!ement in industrial energy producti!ity since 86 is ust the beginning. To quote the energy director of a large chemical company: Long-term results (ill be much greater.O )lthough no one #no(s e'actly ho( much (e can impro!e producti!ity in practice% the )merican 0hysical Society indicated in their 861 energy conser!ation study that it is theoretically possible to achie!e an eightfold impro!ement of the 86 energy/production ratio.8 Most certainly% (e are a long (ay from an economic saturation of the opportunities "see% e.g.% ,ef. 9$. The common argument that not much can be done after a 3 or 9 impro!ement has been reali&ed ought to be dismissed as baseless. Energy producti!ity pro!ides an e'panding opportunity% not a last resort.