Using the VPN Client Command-Line Interface This chapter explains how to use the VPN Client command-line interface (CLI) to connect to a Cisco VPN devic device, e, gener generat atee stat statis isti tical cal repor reports ts,, and and disco disconne nnect ct from from the the devi device. ce. You can creat createe your your own own scrip scriptt files that use the CLI commands to perform routine tasks, such as connect to a corporate server, run reports, and then disconnect from the server.
CLI Commands This section lists each command, its syntax, and gives an example. It is organized by task.
Displaying a List of VPN Client Commands To get get a list list of all all VPN VPN Clie Client nt comm comman ands ds,, go to the the dire direct ctor ory y that that cont contai ains ns the the VPN VPN Clie Client nt soft softwa ware re,, and and enter the vpnclient command at the command-line prompt: C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client> vpnclient Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type(s): Windows Running on WinNT Usage: vpnclient connect
[user < username >][eraseuserpwd | pwd < password >] >] [nocertpwd ] [notrayicon | sd] vpnclient disconnect vpnclient stat [reset] [traffic] [tunnel] [route] [firewall] [repeat] vpnclient notify vpnclient verify [autoinitconfig]
Starting Starting a Connection— onnection— vpncli vpnclient ent connect connect To start a connection, enter the following command: vpnclient connect < profile > [user < username >][eraseuserpwd | pwd < password >] >] [nocertpwd ] [notrayicon | sd]
Table 4-1 list listss the the comma command nd opti options ons you you can can use use with with the vpncl vpnclien ientt connec connectt comma command nd,, inclu includes des the task task that each option performs, and gives an example of each option.
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4 -1
Chapter Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-L Command-Line ine Interface
CLI Commands
Table able 4-1 4-1
Command ommand Line ine Opti Option ons s
opti on
D e fi ni ti on
N ote s a nd Ex a mpl e s
Name of the connection entry (.pcf file), that you have previously configured. Required.
If the filename contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes on the command line.
erase us userp wd wd
Sp ecifies a username fo r authentication; with the pwd option, suppresses the username prompt in authentication dialog. Optional.
Era se ses th e u se ser p as asswo rrd d save d o n the Client PC thereby forcing the VPN Client to prompt for a password. Optional.
Example: vpnclient connect “to work” Updates the username in the .pcf file with this name. However, if the name supplied is not valid, the VPN Client displays the authentication dialog on a subsequent request. Example: vpnclien vpnclientt connect connect user user robron robron pwd siltango toVPN You might h ave configured a connection with Saved Saved Passwo Password rd to suppres suppresss a passwor password d prompt prompt when connecting using a batch file. You can then then use the the erase eraseus user erpwd pwd to retur return n to the the more more secure state of requiring password input from the console when connecting. Example: vpnclient connect eraseuserpwd toVPN
pw d
Sp ecifies a p assword for authentication; with the user option on the command line, suppresses the password prompt in authentication dialog. Optional.
If the password supplied is not valid, the VPN Client displays the authentication dialog on a subseque subsequent nt request. request. After After encrypt encrypting ing and using using the password for the connection, the VPN Dialer clears the password in the .pcf file. Using this option on the command line comprom compromise isess securit security y and is not recomm recommende ended. d. Example: vpnclien vpnclientt connect connect user user robron robron pwd siltango toVPN
noc ertpw d
Suppresses pr prompting fo for a certificate password. Optional.
Example: vpnclient connect nocertpwd toVPN
notra yi yicon
Su pp ppre ss sses disp la lay o f th e dialer icon in the Windows system tray (lower right corner of your screen). Optional.
This parameter lets you suppress prompting when when the conne connect ction ion is disco disconne nnect cted ed usin using g the the vpnclien vpnclient t disconne disconnect ct comm comman and d (see (see “ Not Notee on Notrayicon Parameter”). Parameter ”). If you use this parameter, you cannot use the sd parameter. Example: vpnclient connect notrayicon toVPN
Sile nt disco nnec t. S upp resses connection connection terminating terminating messages, messages, such as “Your IPSec connection has been terminated.” Optional.
You can use this parameter to improve the automatic connection process. If you use this parameter, you cannot use the notrayicon paramet parameter er.. Unlike Unlike the notrayi notrayicon, con, the sd option option adds the lock icon to the system tray, which provides access to statistics and connection parameters. Example: vpnclient vpnclient connect sd sd towork towork
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Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-Line Command-Line Interface CLI Commands
Note on Notrayicon Parameter When you connect using the vpnclient connect command, the connection icon (lock) displays in the system tray in the lower right corner of your screen. In this case, when you then use the vpnclient disconnect command to disconnect from the VPN device, the VPN Client displays the message: Your IPSec connection has been terminated [OK].
You must then click OK to continue. However, if you include the notrayicon argument in your command-line string, no icon appears in the system tray. When you disconnect, the above message does not occur. Also the “Disconnect VPN connection when logging off” feature is not in effect (see first Note).
When you use the notrayicon option either directly on the command line or in a batch file, make sure that you issue a vpnclient disconnect command before logging off or your VPN connection remains active.
If you you clic click k on the the VPN VPN Dial Dialer er opti option on in the the Cisc Cisco o Syst System em VPN VPN Clie Client nt list list of appl applic icat atio ions ns,, afte afterr you you have have used the notrayicon on the command line, the lock icon appears on the system tray. Exampl xample e 4-1 4-1
vpnc vpncli lien entt con conne nec ct Comman Command d
This section shows an example of the vpnclient connect command that connects you to the Documentation Server using the p rofile name “Docserver.” “Docserver.” C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ vpnclient connect Docserver Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type: Windows Running on WinNT Initializing the IPSec link. Contacting the security gateway at Authenticating user.
At this this poin point, t, the the VPN VPN Clie Client nt disp displa lays ys an auth authen enti tica cati tion on dial dialog og box box that that prom prompt ptss for for your your user userna name me and and password.
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Chapter Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-L Command-Line ine Interface
CLI Commands
Figur igure e 4-1 4-1
Authen uthentic ticati ating ng a User User
After you enter your name and password, authentication succeeds, and the command continues executing. Contacting the security gateway at Negotiating security policies. Securing communication channel. Your link is secure.
Example xample 4-2
vpnc vpnclient lient conn connec ectt Command Command Using Using Parameter arameters s
The following command connects to the remote network without user interaction. Notice that the password appears on the command line in clear text. C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ vpnclient connect Docserver user ronrob pwd silvertango Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type: Windows, WinNT Running on: 4.0.1381 Initializing the IPSec link. Contacting the security gateway at Authenticating user. Contacting the security gateway at Negotiating security policies. Securing communication channel. Your link is secure.
Displa Displaying ying a Not N otific ification— ation— vpncli vpnclient ent not notify ify When When you connec connectt using using the the notra notrayic yicon on optio option, n, you you can can displ display ay a noti notifficat ication ion using using the the vpncl vpnclie ient nt notif notify y command: vpnclient notify
Exampl xample e 4-3 4-3
vpnc vpncli lien entt notif notify y Comman Command d
The following session shows how to use the vpnclient notify command to display a notification from a network administrator. C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ vpnclient connect notrayicon Docserver
VPN Client Administrator Guide 4 -4
Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-Line Command-Line Interface CLI Commands
Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type: Windows Running on: 4.0.1381 Initializing the IPSec link. Contacting the security gateway at Authenticating user. Contacting the security gateway at Negotiating security policies. Securing communication channel. Your link is secure. C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\Vpn Client\ vpnclient notify Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type: Windows Running on: 4.0.1381 Notification: Your network administrator has placed an update of the Cisco Systems VPN Client at the following location: http://www.mycompany.com/clientupdate
Displaying an Automatic VPN Initiation Configuration To display your configuration for auto initiation, enter the following command: vpnclient verify autoinitconfig
If the mask in the output display does not match the value in the profile, then the mask is invalid. An invalid mask is displayed as Exampl xample e 4-4 4-4
vpnc vpncli lien entt ver verif ify y Command ommand
The following command shows your auto initiation configuration for three access points. c:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client> vpnclient verify autoinitconfig Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type: Windows, WinNT Running on: 4.0.1381 Auto-initiation Configuration Information. Enable:1 Retry Interval:2 List Entry 0:Network: Mask: Connection Entry:"SalesA" List Entry 1:Network: Mask: Connection Entry:"SalesB" List Entry 2:Network: Mask: Connection Entry:"SalesC"
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Chapter Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-L Command-Line ine Interface
CLI Commands
Ending a Conn Connec ection— tion— vpncli vpnclient ent disconnect disconnect To disconnect from your session, enter the following command: vpnclient disconnect
Exampl xample e 4-5 4-5
vpnc vpncli lien entt dis disconne onnec ct Command Command
The following command disconnects you from your secure connection. C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ vpnclient disconnect Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 3.6 Copyright 1998-2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type: Windows Running on: 4.0.1381 Disconnecting the IPSEC link. Your IPSec link has been disconnected.
Displaying Displa ying Informati Information on About About Your Your Conn Connec ection— tion— vpncli vpnclient ent stat To generate status information about your connection, enter the following command: vpnclient stat [reset] [traffic] [tunnel] [route] [firewall] [repeat]
When When enter entered ed witho without ut any any of the the optio optional nal param paramet eter ers, s, the the information. The following parameters are optional:
vpncli vpnclient ent stat stat
comma command nd disp display layss all all stat status us
Restarts all connection counts from zero. SA stats are not reset.
Displays a summary of bytes in and out, packets encrypted and decrypted, packets bypassed, and packets discarded.
Displays IPSec tunneling information.
Displays configured routes.
Identifies the type of filewall in use and displays information generated by the firewall configuration.
Provides a continuous display, refreshing it every few seconds. To end the display, press .
vpnclient ent The The foll follow owin ing g exam exampl ples es show show sample sample outpu outputt from from the vpncli on statistical output, see VPN Client User Guide for Windows.
stat stat
command command.. For more more inform informati ation on
VPN Client Administrator Guide 4 -6
Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-Line Command-Line Interface CLI Commands
Exampl xample e 4-6 4-6
vpnc vpncli lien entt stat stat Comman Command d
Following is an example of the information that the vpnclient stat command displays.
Exampl xample e 4-7 4-7
vpnc vpncli lien entt s stat tat res reset et Comman Command d
The vpnclient stat reset command resets all connection counters.
Exampl xample e 4-8 4-8
vpnc vpncli lien entt stat stat traf traffic fic Command ommand
Here is a sample of the information that the vpnclient stat traffic command generates.
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Chapter Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-L Command-Line ine Interface
CLI Commands
Exampl xample e 4-9 4-9
vpnc vpncli lien entt s stat tat tunn tunnel el Command ommand
To display only tunneling information, use the vpnclient stat tunnel command. Here is a sample.
Example xample 4-10 4-10 vpnc vpnclient lient stat stat route route Command Command
The vpclient stat route command displays information similar to the following display.
Example xample 4-11 4-11 vpnc vpnclient lient stat stat firewall firewall Command Command
The vpnclient stat firewall command displays information similar to the following display.
VPN Client Administrator Guide 4 -8
Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-Line Command-Line Interface Return Codes
Return Codes This section lists the error levels (return codes) that you can receive when using the VPN Client command-line interface.
Re turn Code
M e ssa ge
M e a ni ng
The VPN Client connection started successfully.
The VPN Client connection has ended.
The VPN Client has generated statistical information successfully.
The enumppp command has succeeded. This comman command d lists lists phone phone book entries entries when connecti connecting ng to the Internet via dial-up.
An unidentifiable error has occurred during command-line parsing.
Command is missing from command-line input.
There is an error in the command entered; check spelling.
The command-line input is missing required parameter(s).
The parameter(s) in the command input are incorrect; check spelling.
The command-line input contains too many parameters.
The comma command nd ente entere red d does does not not requ requir iree param paramete eters rs..
Interprocess communication error occurred attaching to the generic interface.
Interprocess communication error occurred detaching from the generic interface.
The VPN Client failed to read the profile.
The password contains too many characters. The group password limit is 32 characters; the certificate password limit is 255 characters.
Attem Attempts pts to enter enter a vali valid d passw passwor ord d have have exce exceed ed the the amount allowed. The limit is three times.
The connection attempt has failed; unable to connect.
The disconnect action has failed; unable to disconnect.
The atte attemp mptt to displ display ay conne connect ctio ion n stat status us has fail failed. ed.
Unable to list phonebook entries.
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Chapter Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-L Command-Line ine Interface
Return Codes
Re tur n Code
M e ssa ge
M e a ni ng
A serious interprocess communication error has occurred.
Set console control handler failed.
Attempt to clean up after a user break failed.
Out of memory. Memory allocation failed.
Internal display error.
In communi communicat cating ing with with the Connecti Connection on Manager Manager,, an unexpected callback (response) occurred.
User quit at a banner requesting “continue?”
Cannot use the command-line interface when connected through the graphical interface dialer application.
The atte attempt mpt to set the the work working ing direc directo tory ry has has fail failed ed.. This This is the the dire direct ctory ory where where the the progr program am files iles resi reside. de.
Attem Attempt pt to displ display ay statu statuss has has fail failed ed becau because se there there is no connection in effect.
The group name configured for the connection is too long. The limit is 128 characters.
The group password configured for the connection is too long. The limit is 32 characters.
The authentication type configured for the connection is invalid.
Interprocess communication timed out.
Failed to launch a third-party dialer.
Connec Connecti tion on needs needs to be estab establi lishe shed d for comm command and to execute.
Command cannot work because connection is already established.
VPN Client Administrator Guide 4-10
Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-Line Command-Line Interface Application Example
Appli Applica cation tion Exa Examp mple le Here Here is an exam exampl plee of a DOS DOS batc batch h file ile (.ba (.bat) t) that that uses uses CLI CLI comm comman ands ds to conn connec ectt to the the corp corpor orat atee off office ice from a branch office, run an application, and then disconnect from the corporate site. runxls.bat rem assume you have generated a report in the middle of the night that needs rem to be sent to the corporate office. rem .. generate report.xls . . rem connect to the home office vpnclient connect sd myprofile rem check return code from vpnclient call.... if %errorlevel% neq 200 goto failed rem if okay continue and copy report copy report.xls \\mycorpserver\directory\over \\mycorpserver\directory\overnight_reports night_reports /v rem now disconnect the VPN connection vpnclient disconnect echo Spreadsheet uploaded goto end :failed echo failed to connect with error = %errorlevel% :end
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Chapter Chapter 4
Using the VPN Client Command-L Command-Line ine Interface
Application Example
VPN Client Administrator Guide 4-12