Coatings standards and committees for the international oil & gas industry Report No. 428 June 2010
I n t e r na t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f O i l
& Gas Producers
Global experience Te International Association o Oil & Gas Producers has access to a wealth o technical knowledge and experience with its members operating around the world in many diferent terrains. We collate and distil this valuable knowledge or the industry to use as guidelines or good practice by individual members.
Consistent high quality database dat abase and guidelines Our overall aim is to ensure a consistent approach to training, management and best practice throughout the world. Te oil and gas ga s exploration and production production industry recognises recogn ises the need to develop consistent databases and records in certain elds. Te OGP’s members are encouraged to use the guidelines as a starting point or their operations or to supplement their own policies and regulations which may apply locally.
Internationally recognised source of industry information Many o our guidelines have been recognised and used by international authorities and saety and environmental bodies. Requests come rom governments and non-government organisations around the world as well as rom non-member companies. companies.
Disclaimer Whilst every e ort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, neither the OGP nor any of its members past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made thereof, which liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the recipient’s own risk on the basis that any use by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. e recipient is obliged to inform any subsequent recipient of such terms. is document may proide guidance supplemental to the requirements of local legislation. Nothing herein, however, is intended to replace, amend, supersede or otherwise depart om such requirements. In the event of any conict or contradiction between the proisions of this document and local legislation, applicable laws shall prevail. Copyright notice e contents of these pages are © e International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. Permission is given to reproduce this report in whole or in part proided (i) that the copyright of OGP and (ii) the source are acknowledged. All other rights are reserved.” Any other use requires the prior written permis sion of the OGP. ese Terms and Conditions shall be goerned by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising here om shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Global experience Te International Association o Oil & Gas Producers has access to a wealth o technical knowledge and experience with its members operating around the world in many diferent terrains. We collate and distil this valuable knowledge or the industry to use as guidelines or good practice by individual members.
Consistent high quality database dat abase and guidelines Our overall aim is to ensure a consistent approach to training, management and best practice throughout the world. Te oil and gas ga s exploration and production production industry recognises recogn ises the need to develop consistent databases and records in certain elds. Te OGP’s members are encouraged to use the guidelines as a starting point or their operations or to supplement their own policies and regulations which may apply locally.
Internationally recognised source of industry information Many o our guidelines have been recognised and used by international authorities and saety and environmental bodies. Requests come rom governments and non-government organisations around the world as well as rom non-member companies. companies.
Disclaimer Whilst every e ort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, neither the OGP nor any of its members past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made thereof, which liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the recipient’s own risk on the basis that any use by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. e recipient is obliged to inform any subsequent recipient of such terms. is document may proide guidance supplemental to the requirements of local legislation. Nothing herein, however, is intended to replace, amend, supersede or otherwise depart om such requirements. In the event of any conict or contradiction between the proisions of this document and local legislation, applicable laws shall prevail. Copyright notice e contents of these pages are © e International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. Permission is given to reproduce this report in whole or in part proided (i) that the copyright of OGP and (ii) the source are acknowledged. All other rights are reserved.” Any other use requires the prior written permis sion of the OGP. ese Terms and Conditions shall be goerned by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising here om shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry Report № 428 June 2010
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
Abbreviations (origin) AB ABS Amer Americ ican an Bure Bureau auo of fSh Ship ippi ping ng ABNT ABNT Associa Associação çãoBr Brasi asilei leira rade deNorm Normas asTé Técni cnicas cas AFNOR AFNOR Association AssociationFran Française çaisedeN deNormali ormalisation sation ASME ASME Americ American anSoc Society ietyof ofMe Mecha chanic nical alEng Engine ineers ers ANS ANSII Amer Americ ican anN Nat atio iona nallSt Stan anda dard rds sIn Inst stititute ute AP API Amer Americ ican an Petro etrole leum umI Innstit stitut utee AWWA AWWA AmericanW AmericanWaterW aterWorksA orksAssociat ssociation ion BS British Standards CEN CEN Europ Europea ean nCo Comm mmitt ittee eef for orS Sta tanda ndard rdiz izat atio ionn CSA CSA Cana Canadi dian anS Sta tand ndar ards dsA Ass ssoc ocia iatition on DNV DNV Det DetNo Nors rske keV Ver erititas as( (No Norw rway ay)) DIN DIN Germ German anI Ins nstititu tute tef for orS Sta tand ndar ardi diza zatition on EEMUA EEMU A Engineerin EngineeringEq gEquipmen uipment&M t&Materia aterialsUs lsUsers' ers'Assoc Association iation EFC EFC Europ uropea ean nFe Fede dera ratition ono of fCo Corr rros osio ionn EN European Norm GCC GCC Coopera Cooperatio tionC nCoun ouncil cilfo fort rthe heAra ArabS bState tateso soft fthe heGul Gulf f GSO GulfStanda GulfStandardiza rdization tionOrgani Organization zationfort fortheCoo heCooperati perationCou onCouncil ncilforth fortheGulf eGulfArab ArabState Statess IEC IEC Inte Intern rnat atio iona nal lEl Elec ectr trot otec echn hnic ical alC Com ommi miss ssio ionn IMO IMO Inte Intern rnat atio iona nal lMa Mari rititime meO Org rgan aniz izat atio ionn EEMUA EEMU A Instrumentat Instrumentationa ionandCon ndControlC trolCommitt ommittee ee IS Indian Standard ISO ISO Inte Interna rnatition onal alO Orga rgani niza zatition onf for orS Sta tand ndar ardi diza zatition on NACE NACE Nationa NationalA lAssoc ssociat iation ionof ofCo Corro rrosio sionE nEngi ngineer neers( s(US US)) NF National French Standard NORSOKNorwegianCompetitivePositionontheContinentalShelf NPD NPD Norw Norweg egia ian nPe Petr trol oleu eum mDi Dire rect ctor orat atee NS Nor wegian Standard OCIMF OCIMF OilCo OilCompa mpanie niesI sInte nternat rnation ional alMar Marine ineFo Forum rum OCMA OilCo OilCompa mpanie niesM sMate ateria rials lsAsso Associa ciatio tionn OGP Interna Internatio tional nalAs Associ sociati ation onof ofOil Oil& &Gas GasPr Produc oducers ers OLF OLF Norw Norweg egia ian nOi Oil lIn Indu dust stry ryAs Asso soci ciat atio ionn PAS Publ Public icly lyAv Avai ailab lable leS Spec pecif ific icat atio ion n(I(ISO SO)) PIP Proce rocess ssI Ind nduustry stryP Prract actices ices (US) PSA PSA Petro etrole leum umS Saf afet ety yAu Auth thor oritity y(N (Norw orway ay)) RAL German GermanRe Reich ichsau saussch sschuß ußfür fürLie Lieferb ferbedi edingu ngunge ngenu nund ndGüt Gütesi esicher cherung ung SDO SDO Stan Standa dard rds sDe Deve velo lopi ping ngO Org rgan aniz izat atio ionn SFS Finn innishS shSta tand ndar arddsAs sAsso socciati iation on SSPC SSPC Soci Society etyf for orPr Prot otec ectitive veC Coat oatin ings gs( (US US)) STG STG Spec Speciific ficTTech echnolo nology gy Grou Groups ps TBL TBL Fede Federa ratition ono of fNo Norwe rwegi gian anM Man anufa ufact cturi uring ngIInd ndus ustr trie iess TEG Techn echnol olog ogyy Exch Exchan ange ge Grou Groupps TC Technical Committee TF Task Force TG Task Group UKOOA UKOOA UKOffshore UKOffshoreOperator OperatorAssoc Association iation(No (NowUK wUKOil Oil&Gas &Gas)) VDI VDI Asso Associ ciat atio ion noofGe fGerm rman an Engi ngineer neerss WG Working Group
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
able o Contents 1 – Introduction 1 2 – Available coating standards (identified so far) 2 . General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coating standards specically available or the oil & gas industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Generally applicable coating or related standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OGP Catalogue o standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 – ISO/TC67 coating related standards work 16 3. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. ISO/C67/WG Materials, corrosion, welding and joining and ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3 ISO/C 67/SC WG External pipeline protective coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. ISO/C 67/SC /WG 9 Wet thermal insulation coatings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 – ISO/TC35 Paints and varnishes 18 5 – ISO/TC107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings 19 6 – ISO/TC56 Corrosion of metals and alloys 20 7 – API standard committees 20 8 – ASTM standard committees 21 9 – CEN/TC12 21 10 – CEN/TC139 Paints and varnishes 22 11 – CEN/TC219 Cathodic protection 22 12 – DIN/NA002 Coatings and Coating Materials standards committee 22 13 – ECISS/TC29 Steel tubes and fittings for steel tubes 23 14 – EEMUA (UK) 24 15 – European Federation of Corrosion 24 16 – Energy Institute 25 17 – Gulf Standards Organistion 25 18 – IMO 27 19 – NACE standards committee 28 20 – NORSOK standards committee – Standards Norway 30 21 – Process Industry Practices (PIP) 30 22 – Society for Protective Coatings 31 23 – Company specification 32
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
– Introduction Te International Association o Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) organised a workshop in or the (thin lm) coating specialists o OGP members with the objective: • o arrange or global networking o the coating technology specialists o OGP members. • Share coating experience. • Review and discuss the available coating standards, ongoing work and existing company specications related to this discipline. • Evaluate the needs or improvements o available industry, national or regional standards or company specications and harmonisation with international standards in this area. • o evaluate the need or new coating standards work in the upstream oil & gas industry, eg in the ISO area. • Discuss continued OGP networking eforts. Standards or corrosion protection by thick rubber or thermo plastic coatings are seen as separate issues and not (completely) included herein. Te purpose o this report is to provide an overview o the available and relevant international, regional, national and industry coating and painting related standards or or used by the oil and gas industries and a summary o technical committee work presently ongoing or this area as seen by the participants o this workshop. Tis report was initially prepared or the workshop mentioned above and it has since been updated by the OGP Coatings Standards ask Force, established aer the workshop. ext in this report is requently taken rom the open websites o the diferent standards development organisations described herein. Tis report documents the act nding mission that ollowed the workshop with the intent to serve as part o the basis or evaluation o urther standards work or the OGP members and interested suppliers in this area. Proposals or supplements or corrections o this report are welcome; please email
[email protected]
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
– Available coating standards (identied so ar) 2.1
Te primary and specic coating standards or the oil & gas industry are singled out in paragraph . below, as these standards are the responsibility o the coating experts o the oil & gas industry community to develop and maintain, and nobody else. Many o the reerences in .3 below are generally applicable coating and paint related standards not specically made or the oil & gas industry, but they are requently used by the coating discipline and hence listed to check i they are commonly reerenced by the global oil & gas industry or their individual and specic purposes.
API Bull 91
API RP 5L2 API RP 5L7 API RP 5L9 API RP 652 API 1160 API 2217A ASTM 06.02 ASTM G 8 ASTM G14 ASTM G17
Paint-Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings Test method for cathodic disbanding of pipeline coatings Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Falling Weight Test). Standard Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Blunt Rod).
Pipeline eld joint coating and eld repair of line pipe coating Factory applied external pipeline coatings for corrosion control.
EN 10288
Steel Tubes and Fittings for Onshore and Offshore Pipelines - External Two Layer Extruded Polyethlene Based Coatings Steel Tubes and Fittings for Onshore and Offshore Pipelines - External Liquid Applied Epoxy and Epoxy-Modied Coatings Steel Tubes and Fittings for Onshore and Offshore Pipelines External Liquid Applied Polyurethane and Polyurethane-Modied Coatings Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore Pipelines - Bituminous hot applied materials for external coating Steel tubes and ttings for on and offshore pipelines - Internal coating for the reduction of friction for conveyance of non corrosive gas Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - Internal and external polyamide powder based coatings Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - External eld joint coatings
EN 10289 EN 10290 EN 10300 EN 10301 EN 10310 EN 10329
Planning and Conducting Surface Preparation and Coating Operations for Oil and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Facilities in a Marine Environment RP for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non- Corrosive Gas Transmission Service RP for Un-primed Internal Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe External Fusion Bounded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms Managing system integrity for hazardous liquid pipelines Guidelines for Work in Inert Conned Spaces in the Petroleum Industr y
Guidelines for Materials Selection and Corrosion Control for Subsea Oil and Gas Production Equipment
ISO 15741
Paints and varnishes - Friction-reduction coatings for the interior of onand offshore steel pipelines for non-corrosive gases
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
ISO 20340 ISO 21809
NACE 30105 NACE RP0105 NACE RP-0176 NACE RP0178
Paints and varnishes – Performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and related structures Petroleum and natural gas industries – External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems: Part 1: Polyolefn coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP) (In preparation) Part 2: Fusion-bonded epoxy coatings (issued 2007) Part 3: Field joint coatings (issued 2008) Part 4: Polyethylene coatings (2-Layer PE) (In preparation) Part 5: External concrete coatings (In preparation) Electrical Isolation/Continuity and Coating Issues for Offshore Pipeline Cathodic Protection Systems Standard Recommended Practice Liquid-Epoxy Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines Corrosion Control of Steel, Fixed Offshore Platforms Associated with Petroleum Production Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to be Lined for Immersion Surface. Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings Application of Internal Plastic Coatings for Oileld Tubular Goods and Accessories External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproong Materials - A Systems Approach High-Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings Standard Recommended Practice Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control Design, Installation, and Operation of Thermoplastic Liners for Oileld Pipelines Field-Applied Underground Wax Coating Systems for Underground Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating Plant Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, and Quality Control Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control Coatings and Linings over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment Service Corrosion Control of Offshore Structures by Protective Coatings Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems Liquid-Applied Internal Protective Coatings for Oileld Production Equipment Extruded Polyolen Resin Coating Systems with Sof t Adhesives for Underground or Submerged Pipe Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 um (10 to 30 Mils) Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground Pipelines Offshore Platform Ballast Water Tank Coating System Evaluation
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
Surface preparation and protective coating
ABS 49 ABS 153
The Inspection, Maintenance and Application of Marine Coating Systems Guide for the Class Notation Coating performance standard
AFNOR NF M87-803 AFNOR NF M88-516
Oil industry - Ballast coating for pipes - Implementation. Steel tanks with outside concrete coating for underground storage of mineral oils.
ANSI A13.1 ANSI Z535.1
Scheme for identication of piping systems Safety Color Code
API/EI Std 1541
Performance requirements for protective coating systems used in aviation fuel storage tanks & piping
ASTM A 123/A123M ASTM A 143
Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot- Dip, Galvanized Structural Steel Products Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware Standard Specication for Zinc Dust Pigment Specication for zinc-coated steel chain-link fence fabric. Specication for repair of damaged hot-dip galvanized coatings. Standard Specication for Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Pipe Piles Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (fog) Apparatus Standard Test Method for Adhesion or Cohesion Strength of Thermal Spray Coatings (NOTE - often preferred by thermal sprayers to ASTM D4541). Standard Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications Test methods for chemical analysis of zinc dust (metallic zinc powder) Standard test method for water absorption of pl astics Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces. Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Pl astics
ASTM A 153/A153M ASTM A 385 ASTM A 392 ASTM A 780 ASTM A 972/A972M ASTM B 117 ASTM C633
ASTM D16 ASTM D 521 ASTM D 570 ASTM D 610 ASTM D 638
Test Procedures for Organic-Based Conductive Coating Anodes for Use on Concrete Structures Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Linings Materials on Metallic Substrates in Immersion Service Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of 250 to 760μm (10 to 30 Mils) Dry Film Thickness Exterior Protective Coatings for Seawater Immersion Service Corrosion Control and Monitoring in Seawater Injection Systems Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone Maintenance Coating System Evaluation Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of Less Than 250 Micrometers (10 mils) Dry-Film Thickness Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction Coating System Evaluation
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
ASTM D 823 ASTM D 1000 ASTM D 1141 ASTM D 1186 ASTM D 1200 ASTM D 1212 ASTM D 3276 ASTM D 1640 ASTM D 2092 ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 2369 ASTM D 2371 ASTM D 3359 ASTM D 3418
ASTM D3451 ASTM D 4060 ASTM D4228 ASTM D 4285 ASTM D 4414 ASTM D 4417 ASTM D 4541 ASTM D 4752 ASTM D 4940 ASTM D5144 ASTM D7490 ASTM E 337 ASTM F 21 ASTM G 53
Method of producing lms of uniform thickness of paint, varnish, lacquer and related products on test panels Method of testing pressure sensitive adhesive coated tapes used for electrical insulation Specication for substitute ocean water Standard Test Methods for Non-Destructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Non-Magnetic Coatings Applied to a Ferrous Base. Test method for viscosity of paints, varnishes and lacquers by Ford viscosity cup Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness of Organic Coatings Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates) Standard Test Methods for Dr ying, Curing, or Film Formation of Organic Coatings at Room Temperature Practices for preparation of zinc-coated galvanized steel structures for paint Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness Test method for volatile content of coatings Test method for pigment content of solvent-reducible paints Method for measuring adhesion by tape test Standard Test Method for Transition Temperatures and Enthalpies of Fusion and Crystallization of Polymers by Differential Scanning Calorimetry Standard Guide for Testing Coating Powders and Powder Coatings Standard test method for abrasion resistance of organic coatings by the Taber abraser Standard Practice for Qualication of Coating Applicators for Application of Coatings to Steel Surfaces. Test method for indicating oil or water in compressor air Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notch Gages Method C Test method for Field Measurement of Surface Prole Test method for pull-off strength of coatings using portable adhesion testers. Standard Test Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate (Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers by Solvent Rub. Standard Test Method for Conductimetric Analysis of Water Soluble Ionic Contamination of Blasting Abrasives Standard Guide for Use of Protective Coating Standards in Nuclear Power Plants Standard Test Method for Measurement of the Surface Tension of Solid Coatings, Substrates and Pigments using Contact Angle Measurements Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (Wet and Dry Bulb Temperatures) Standard Test Method for Hydrophobic Surface Films by Atomiser Test Recommended practice for operating light – and water – exposure apparatus (uorescent UV-condensation type) for exposure of nonmetallic materials Standard Test Method for Measuring Abrasion Using the Dry Sand/ Rubber Wheel Apparatus Standard Test Method for Wear Testing with a Pin-on-Disk Apparatus Coal tar protective coatings and linings for steel water pipelinesenamel and tape-hot applied
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
Standard for Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Lines
BS 381C BS 1710 BS 2451 BS 2482 BS 3900 BS 4164
BS 6374
Colour for Identication, Coding and Special Purposes Identication of Pipelines and Services Chilled Iron, Shot and Grit Whirling Hygrometers Methods for Testing Coatings Specication for coal tar based, hot applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel including suitable primers. Specication for Paint Colours for Building Purposes Safety Signs and Colours: Colour and Design. Code of Practice for Protective Coating of Iron and Steel against Corro sion Code of Practice for Access and Working Scaffolds and Sp ecial Scaffold Structures in Steel Lining of Equipment with Polymeric Materials for the Process Industries
CSA–Z245.20-06 CSA Z245.21-06
External Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating for Steel Pipe External polyethylene coating for pipe
DIN 32521
Acceptance test and quality control for thermal spraying equipment.
DNV CN 33.1 DNV OS–F101
Corrosion prevention of tanks and holds Submarine pipeline systems
EFC 20
Organic and Inorganic Coatings for Corrosion Prevention - Research and Experience Innovative pre-treatment techniques to prevent corrosion of metallic surfaces
BS 4800 BS 5378 BS 5493 BS 5973
EFC 54
EN Standards
EN 582 EN 1403 EN 10142 EN 10147 EN 10240 EN 12540
EN 13143 EN 13144 EN 22063 IMO MSC.215(82)
CEN has adopted most of the ISO standards issued by ISO/TC35 Paints and varnishes, but for simplicity they are not shown here. Go to for individual standards title references. Thermal spraying. Determination of tensile adhesive strength Corrosion protection of metals - Electrodeposited coatings - Method of specifying general requirements Specication for continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming: technical delivery conditions Continuously hot-dip zinc coated structural steels strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions Internal and/or External Protective Coatings for Steel Tubes - Specication for Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings Applied in Automatic Plants Corrosion protection of metals - Electrodeposited coatings of nickel, nickel plus chromium, copper plus nickel and copper plus nickel plus chromium Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Denitions and conventions concerning porosity Metallic and other inorganic coatings – Method for quantitative measurement of adhesion by tensile test Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings – Thermal Spraying Performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
IMO MSC.1/Circ.1330
Performance standard for protective coatings for void spaces on bulk carriers and oil tankers Guidelines for the selection, application and maintenance of corrosion prevention systems of dedicated seawater ballast tanks Guidelines for corrosion protection of permanent means of access arrangements Guidelines for maintenance and repair of protective co atings
IS-5 IS-101 IS-2379
Colour coding Methods for test for ready mixed paints and enamels Indian Standard for Pipe line identication-colour code
ISO 62 ISO 179-2
Plastics – Determination of water absorption Plastics – Determination of Charpy impact properties – Part 2: Instru mented impact test Plasctics – Thermoplastic materials – Determination of Vicat softening temperature Plastics – Determination of tensile properties – Part 1: General principles Plastics – Determination of tensile properties – Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part 10: Determination of density. Pyknometer method Plastics and ebonite – Determination of indentation hardness by means of a Durometer (Shore hardness) Plastics – Determination of the melt-mass ow rate (MFR) and meltvolume ow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics Plastics-Test method for determinig the density and relative density of non-cellular plastics Metallic coatings - Hot-dip galvanised coating on fabricated ferrous products Paints and varnishes – Sampling of products in liquid or paste forms Paints and varnishes – Examination and preparation of samples for t esting Paints and varnishes – Standard panels for testing Paints and varnishes – Closed cup equilibrium method Paints and varnishes – Surface-drying test – Ballotini method Paints and varnishes – Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Paints and varnishes – Determination of neness of grind Thermal Spraying - Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings - Zinc, Aluminium and Their Alloys Metallic and other inorganic coatings – Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings – Vocabulary Paints and varnishes – Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes – Determination of ow time by use of ow cups Plastics – Resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions – Determination of apparent viscosity by the Brookeld Test method Paints and varnishes - Determination of lm thickness Paints and varnishes – Determination of density Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids Paints and varnishes – Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint lms at 20 degrees, 60 and 85 degrees. Paints and varnishes - Comparison of contrast ratio (hiding power) of paint of the same type and colour
IMO MSC.244(83) IMO A.798(19) IMO MSC.1/Circ.1279
ISO 306 ISO 527-1 ISO 527-2 ISO 787-10 ISO 868 ISO 1133 ISO 1183 ISO 1461 ISO 1512 ISO 1513 ISO 1514 ISO 1516 ISO 1517 ISO 1519 ISO 1524 ISO 2063 ISO 2080 ISO 2409 ISO 2431 ISO 2555 ISO 2808 ISO 2811 ISO 2812 ISO 2813 ISO 2814
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
ISO 2815 ISO 2632 ISO 2808 ISO 2814 ISO 3001 ISO 3231 ISO 3233 ISO 3251 ISO 3549 ISO 3678 ISO 3892 ISO 4287 ISO 4541 ISO 4543 ISO 4623 ISO 4624 ISO 4628 ISO 4892-2 ISO 4998 ISO 6270 ISO 6860 ISO 6964 ISO 7253 ISO 7724 ISO 8130-6 ISO 8401 ISO 8403 ISO 8302 ISO 8501
ISO 8502
Paint and Varnishes – Buchholz Indentation Test Method Roughness Comparison Specimens, Cast Surfaces Paints and varnishes – Determination of lm thickness Paints and varnishes - Comparison of contrast ratio (hiding power) of paint of the same type and colour Plastics – Epoxy compounds – Determination of epoxy equivalent Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulphur dioxide Coating and varnishes determination of volume of dry coating obtained from a given volume of liquid coating Paints and varnishes –Determination of non-volatile matter of paints, varnishes and binders for paints and varnishes Zinc dust pigments for paints – Specications and test methods Paints and varnishes - Print-free test Conversion coatings on metallic materials - Determination of coating mass per unit area - Gravimetric methods Geometrical Product Specications (GPS) – Surface texture: Prole method – Terms, denitions and surface texture parameters Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Corrodkote corrosion test Metallic and other non-organic coatings - General rules for corrosion tests applicable for storage conditions Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to liform corrosion Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of paint c oatings Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect Plastics - Methods of exposure to laborator y light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to humidity Paints and varnishes – Bend test (conical mandrel) Polyolene pipes and ttings: Determination of carbon black content by calcinations and pyrolysis: Test method and basic principles Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Resistance to Neutral Salt Spray. Paints and varnishes. Determination of colour and colour difference Coating powders – Part 6- Determination of gel time of thermosetting coating powders at a given temperature Metallic coatings - Review of methods of measurement of ductility Metallic coatings - Coatings anodic to the substrate - Rating of test specimens subjected to corrosion tests Thermal insulation-Determination of steady state thermal resistance and related properties-Guarded hot plate apparatus Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections Part 4: Initial surface conditions, preparation grades and ash rust grades in connection with high-pressure water jetting Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Test for the assessment of surface cleanliness
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
ISO 8503
ISO 8504
ISO 9220 ISO 9223 ISO 9227 ISO 10308 ISO 11124 ISO 11125
ISO 11126
ISO 11127
ISO 11295 ISO 11357-1
Part 2: Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for p ainting (pressure-sensitive tape method) Part 4: Guidance on the estimation of the probability of condensation prior to paint application Part 5: Measurement of chloride on steel surfaces prepared for painting (ion detection tube method) Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis - The B resle method Part 8: Field method for the refractometric dedetermination of moisture Part 9: Field method for the conductometric determination of watersoluble salts Part 11: Field method for the turbidimetric determination of water-solu ble sulfate Part 12: Field method for the titrimetric determination of water-soluble ferrous ions Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned substrates. Part 1: Specications and denitions for ISO surface prole comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces Part 2: Method for the grading of surface prole of abrasive blastcleaned steel - Comparator procedure Part 3: Method for the calibration of ISO surface prole comparators and for the determination of surface prole - Focusing microscope procedure Part 4: Method for the calibration of ISO surface prole comparators and for the determination of surface prole - Stylus instrument procedure Part 5: Replica tape method for the determination of the surface prole Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface preparation methods Part 1: General principles Part 2: Abrasive blast cleaning. Part 3: Hand- and power-tool cleaning Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Scanning electron microscope method Corrosion of metals and alloys. Atmospheres’ corrosivity. Classication Corrosion tests in articial atmospheres – Salt spray tests Metallic coatings – review of porosity test Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – 4 parts Paints and varnishes – Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – 7 parts Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – 8 parts Paints and varnishes – Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Test methods for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – 7 parts Guidance on the classication and design of plastics piping systems used for renovation Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 1: General principles
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
ISO 11357-3 ISO 12944
ISO 14713 ISO 14918 ISO 16348 ISO 19840
ISO 28199
NACE 6A100 NACE 6A192
NACE 6A287 NACE 6H188 NACE 10D199 NACE 2103 NACE 37507 NACE 80200 NACE NO. 4 NACE NO. 5 NACE NO. 8 NACE NO. 11 NACE RP0169 NACE RP0188 NACE RP 0274 NACE RP0287 NACE RP0394
Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 3: Determination of temperature and enthalpy of melting and crystallization Paints and Varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems Part 1: General introduction Part 2: Classication of environments Part 3: Design considerations. Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation Part 5: Protective paint systems Part 6: Laboratory performance test methods Part 7: Execution and supervision of paint work Part 8: Development of specications for new work and maintenance Protection Against Corrosion of Iron and Steel in Structures – Zinc and Aluminium Coatings - Guidelines Thermal Spraying - Approval Testing of Thermal Sprayers Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Denitions and conventions concerning appearance Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems – Measurement of, and acceptanc e criteria for, the thickness of dry lm on rough surfaces Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of properties of coating systems related to the application process – 3 parts Coatings Used in Conjunction with Cathodic Protection Dehumudication and Temperature Control During Sur face Preparation, Application, and Curing for Coatings/Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other Enclosed Areas Electroless Nickel Coatings Coatings over Nonabrasive-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Coatings for the Repair and Rehabilitation of the External Coatings of Buried Steel Pipelines Liquid-Applied Coatings for High-Temperature Atmospheric Service Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings Preparation of Protective Coating Specications for Atmospheric Service Brush-Off Blast Cleaning Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating Industrial Blast Cleaning Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels Standard Recommended Practice for Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems Discontinuity (holiday) testing of protective coatings High voltage electrical inspection of pipeline coatings prior to installa tion Field Measurements of Surface Prole of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surface Using Replica Tape. Standard Recommended Practice for Application, Performance and Quality Control of Plant Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating. Standard Recommended Practice for Holiday Detection of FusionBonded Epoxy External Coating of 250 to 760 Microns (10 to 30 mils) Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail Industries
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
NF A 49 710 NF A 49 711 NF T 34 550
Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates Aboveground Survey Techniques for the Evaluation of Underground Pipeline Coating Condition Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials on Metallic Substrates in Immersion Service Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods in an Aqueous Flowing Environment External three layer polyethylene based coating External triple layer polypropylene based coating – Appendix K: Test for evaluating delamination resistance under negative polarization Paints and varnishes- Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paints systems – Specications
Material selection Working environment
NS 476
Paints and coatings - Approval and certication of surface treatment inspectors
International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
External Coating System Selection Criteria Application of Coatings to Concrete Application of External Coatings Application of Internal Linings Application of Underground Coatings Guidelines for Use of Coatings Practices Coatings Document Use Guideline
RAL 840 HR
Deutschen Normen Auschuss
SIS 055900
Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Coating Steel Surfac es
SFS 8145
Anticorrosive painting, surface preparation methods of blast cleaned and shop primer coated steel substrates and preparation grades for respective treatments.
Volume 1 Good Painting Practice Volume 2 Systems and Specications Surface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates Solvent Cleaning Hand Tool Cleaning Power Tool Cleaning White Metal Blast Cleaning Commercial Blast Cleaning Brush-Off Blast Cleaning Pickling Near-White Blast Cleaning Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating Surface Preparation of Concrete
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
Industrial Blast Cleaning Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning Thermal Pre-Cleaning Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Dehumidication and Temperature Control During Surfac e Preparation, Application, and Curing for Coatings/Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other Enclosed Spaces SSPC-TR 4/NACE 80200 Preparation of Protective Coating Specications for Atmospheric Service SSPC-TR 5/ICRI 03741/NACE 02203 Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Protective Polymer Flooring Systems for Concrete Mineral and Slag Abrasives SSPC-AB 1 Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives SSPC-AB 2 Ferrous Metallic Abrasive SSPC-AB 3 Guide for Selecting Oil Base Painting Systems SSPC-PS 1.00 Three-Coat Oil Base Zinc Oxide Painting System (Without Lead or SSPC-PS 1.09 Chromate Pigment) Four-Coat Oil Base Zinc Oxide Painting System (Without Lead or ChroSSPC-PS 1.10 mate Pigment) One-Coat Oil Base Slow Drying Maintenance Painting System (Without SSPC-PS 1.13 Lead or Chromate Pigments) Guide for Selecting Alkyd Painting Systems SSPC-PS Guide 2.00 Guide for Selecting Vinyl Painting Systems SSPC-PS Guide 4.00 Four-Coat Vinyl Painting System SSPC-PS 4.02 Four-Coat White or Colored Vinyl Painting System (For Fresh Water, SSPC-PS 4.04 Chemical, and Corrosive Atmospheres) Guide for Selecting One- Coat Shop Painting Systems SSPC-PS Guide 7.00 Guide to Topcoating Zinc-Rich Primers SSPC-PS Guide 8.00 Cold-Applied Asphalt Mastic Painting System with Extra Thick Film SSPC-PS 9.01 Hot-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Painting System SSPC-PS 10.01 Cold-Applied Coal Tar Mastic Painting System SSPC-PS 10.02 Black (or Dark Red) Coal Tar Epoxy-Polyamide Painting System SSPC-PS 11.01 Guide to Zinc-Rich Coating Systems SSPC-PS Guide 12.00 One Coat Zinc-Rich Painting System SSPC-PS 12.01 Epoxy Polyamide Painting System SSPC-PS 13.01 Steel Joist Shop Painting System SSPC-PS 14.01 Guide for Selecting Chlorinated Rubber Painting Systems SSPC-PS Guide 15.00 Chlorinated Rubber Painting System for Salt Water Immersion SSPC-PS 15.01 Chlorinated Rubber Painting System for Fresh Water Immersion SSPC-PS 15.02 Chlorinated Rubber Painting System for Marine and Industrial At mosSSPC-PS 15.03 pheres Chlorinated Rubber Painting System for Field Application Over a Shop SSPC-PS 15.04 Base Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primer Silicone Alkyd Painting System for New Steel SSPC-PS 16.01 Guide for Selecting Urethane Painting Systems SSPC-PS Guide 17.00 Three-Coat Latex Painting System SSPC-PS 18.01 Guide for Selecting Painting Systems for Ship Bottoms SSPC-PS Guide 19.00 Guide for Selecting Painting Systems for Boottoppings SSPC-PS Guide 20.00 Guide for Selecting Painting Systems for Topsides SSPC-PS Guide 21.00 Guide for Selecting One-Coat Preconstruction or Prefabrication PaintSSPC-PS Guide 22.00 ing Systems SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/NACE No. 12 SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8 SSPC-SP 15 SSPC-TR 1/NACE 6G194 SSPC-TR 2/NACE 6G198 SSPC-TR 3/NACE 6A192
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
SSPC-PS 24.00 SSPC-PS 26.00 SSPC-PS 27.00 SSPC-Paint COM SSPC-Paint 8 SSPC-Paint 9 SSPC-Paint 15 SSPC-Paint 16 SSPC-Paint 17 SSPC-Paint 18 SSPC-Paint 19 SSPC-Paint 20 SSPC-Paint 21 SSPC-Paint 22 SSPC-Paint 23 SSPC-Paint 24 SSPC-Paint 25 SSPC-Paint 25 SSPC-Paint 26 SSPC-Paint 27 SSPC-Paint 28 SSPC-Paint 29 SSPC-Paint 30 SSPC-Paint 31 SSPC-Paint 32 SSPC-Paint 33 SSPC-Paint 34 SSPC-Paint 35 SSPC-Paint 36 SSPC-Paint 37 SSPC-Paint 38 SSPC-Paint 39 SSPC-Paint 101 SSPC-Paint 102 SSPC-Paint 104 SSPC-Paint 106 SSPC-Paint 108 SSPC-PA COM
Specication for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Met allizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel Latex Painting System for Industrial and Marine At mospheres, Performance-Based Aluminum Pigmented Epoxy Coating System Materials Specication, Performance-Based Alkyd Coating System Materials Specication, Performance-Based Commentary on Paint Specications Aluminum Vinyl Paint White (or Colored) Vinyl Paint Steel Joist Shop Primer/Metal Building Primer Coal Tar Epoxy-Polyamide Black (or Dark Red) Paint Chlorinated Rubber Inhibitive Primer Chlorinated Rubber Intermediate Coat Paint Chlorinated Rubber Topcoat Paint Zinc-Rich Coating, Type I - Inorganic and Type II - Organic White or Colored Silicone Alkyd Paint Epoxy Polyamide Paints (Primer, Intermediate, and Topcoat) Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces Latex Semigloss Exterior Topcoat Zinc Oxide, Alkyd, Linseed Oil Primer for Use Over Hand Cleaned Steel BCS, Zinc Oxide, Alkyd, Linseed Oil Primer for Use Over Blast Cleaned Steel Slow-Drying Linseed Oil Black Maintenance Primer (Without Lead or Chromate Pigment) Basic Zinc Chromate-Vinyl Butyral Wash Primer Water-Borne Epoxy Primer for Steel Surfaces Zinc Dust Sacricial Primer, Performance-Based Weld-Through Inorganic Zinc Primer Single-Package Water-Borne Alkyd Primer for Steel Surfaces, Performance-Based Coal Tar Emulsion Coating Coal Tar Mastic, Cold Applied Water-Borne Epoxy Topcoat for Steel Surfaces Medium Oil Alkyd Primer (Air Dry/Low Bake) Two-Component Weatherable Aliphatic Polyurethane Topcoat, Performance-Based Waterborne Epoxy Coating for Cementitious Substrates, PerformanceBased Single-Component Moisture-Cure Weatherable Aliphatic Polyurethane Topcoat, Performance-Based Two-Component Aliphatic Polyurea Topcoat, Fast or Moderate Dr ying, Performance-Based Aluminum Alkyd Paint Black Alkyd Paint White or Tinted Alkyd Paint Black Vinyl Paint High-Build Thixotropic Leang Aluminum Paint Commentary on Paint Application Monitoring and Controlling Ambient Conditions During Coating Operations
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
SSPC-QS 1 SSPC-Guide 6 SSPC-Guide 7 SSPC-Guide 9 SSPC-Guide 10 SSPC-Guide 12 SSPC-Guide 13 SSPC-Guide 14 SSPC-Guide 15 SSPC-Guide 16 SSPC-Guide 17 SSPC-TU 1 SSPC-TU 2 SSPC-TU 3 SSPC-TU 5
Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages A Guide to Safety in Paint Application Guide to Maintenance Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd Painting Systems Guide to Maintenance Coating of Steel Structures in Atmospheric Surface Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Applying Thin Film Coatings to Concrete Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels Commentary on Qualication Procedures Standard Procedure for Evaluating Painting Contractors (Field Application to Complex Industrial Structures) Standard Procedure for the Qualication of Painting Contractors (Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings from Complex Stru ctures) Standard Procedure for Evaluating Qualications of Shop Painting Applicators Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualications of Contractors Disturbing Hazardous Coatings During Demolition and Repair Work Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualications of Coating and Lining Inspection Companies Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualications of Contractors Who Apply Thermal Spray (Metallizing) for Corrosion Protection of Steel and Concrete Structures Procedure for Evaluating Painting Contractors with Limited Industrial Work Experience Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualications of Contracting Firms That Install Polymer Coatings and Surfacings on Concrete and Other Cementitious Substrates Standard Procedure for Evaluating a Contractor's Advanced Quality Management System Guide for Containing Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations Guide for the Disposal of Lead- Contaminated Surface Preparation Debris Guide for Atmospheric Testing of Coatings in the Field Guide to Specifying Coatings Conforming to Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content Requirements Guide for Illumination of Industrial Painting Projects Guide for the Identication and Use of Industrial Coating Mat erials in Computerized Product Databases Guide for the Repair of Imperfections in Galvanized, Organic, or Inorganic Zinc-Coated Steel Using Organic Zinc-Rich Coatings Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates Guide to Specifying and Selecting Dust Collectors Guide to Developing a Corporate Safet y Program for Industrial Painting and Coating Contractors Surface-Tolerant Coatings for Steel Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Coating Systems for Concrete Used in Secondary Containment (NACE 6G197) Overcoating Accelerated Testing of Industrial Protective Coatings
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
Chemical Stripping of Organic Coatings from Steel Struc tures Conducting Ambient Air, Soil, and Water Sampling During Sur face Preparation and Paint Disturbance Activities The Use of Isocyanate- Containing Paints as Industrial Maintenance Coatings Estimating Costs for Protective Coatings Projects Procedures for Applying Thick Film Coatings and Surfacings Over Concrete Floors Inspection of Fluorescent Coating Systems
OGP Standards committee has developed a Catalogue o International – IEC and ISO – Standards used in the petroleum and natural gas industries. Tis report lists about 3 ISO standards and 7 IEC standards used by the OGP Standards committee member companies. For ull catalogue re. OGP report № 36, January 5 available at .
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
3 – ISO/C67 coating related standards work 3.1
ISO/C67 “Materials, equipment and ofshore structures or the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry” is the main ISO committee or development o standards within the upstream oil & gas industry. A number o the ISO standards developed are also applicable to the downstream industry. ISO/C67 enjoys good cooperation with API, ABN, CEN, CSA, GSO, Rostechregulirovanie (ex GOS), SAC and other standards development organisations which adopt many o the ISO standards published.
Following the OGP Materials Workshop 7- February 7, it was proposed, balloted and agreed within ISO to reactivate this WG, which is now well underway with its rst ISO standard on materials selection, ISO 57. Statoil has the chair and the secretary is held by ABN, Brazil. Te present scope o WG include among others: • to provide advice to ISO/C 67 subcommittees and work groups on the selection o Standards or materials, corrosion control, welding and joining and NDE, either ISO or others as appro priate at the time; • to analyse the current and pending ISO/C 67 design and equipment standards or reerences to materials, corrosion control, welding and joining and NDE requirements in order to determine the gaps and overlaps; • to identiy possible new work items to ll the gaps; • to propose rationalisation where overlaps exist, or example by identiying possible new work items to harmonise the overlaps; • to assist in the prioritisation o work items or materials, corrosion control, welding and joining and NDE; • to propose the initiation o new work items that are directly relevant to ISO/C 67 and that are specically in the elds o materials, corrosion control, welding and joining and NDE, and to recommend where in ISO the work could be done most eciently; • to propose liaisons, on behal o ISO/C 67, with other ISO Cs covering materials, corrosion control, welding and joining and NDE, where it is necessary to ensure that the needs o ISO/ C 67 are met. Observation & comment: WG has one active new work item to develop an ISO 57 or “Materials selection and corrosion control or oil and gas production systems”. Te WG scope o work may be considered to include coating standards (..corrosion control..) in general, but there is no work on coating standards at present.
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
Tis is a large and very active WG with ve task groups with the responsibility to develop a new series o standards or external protective coatings or transport pipeline systems, ISO 9, Petroleum and natural gas industries – External coatings or buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems, currently in 5 parts: • WG- Polyolen coatings (3-layer PE & 3-layer PP) • WG- Fushion bonded epoxy coatings • WG-3 Field joint coatings • WG- Polyethylene coatings (-layer PE) • WG-5 External concrete coatings Observation & comment: SC has indicated that the work o WG needs more participation rom the end user companies.
Tis is a Joint WG between SC and SC o ISO/C 67 that is just starting to develop an ISO standard or this subject.
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
– ISO/C35 Paints and varnishes Scope: Standardisation in the eld o paints, varnishes and related products, including raw materials.
Tis C and its SCs have developed and published a large number o ISO standards (33 as o November 9). Te complete listing o these standards can be seen at this link: iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_tc_browse.htm?commid=47962&published=on&includesc=true – C35 list o published standards. Participating countries: 6 Observing countries: 7
For updated information, please visit mittees/list_of_iso_technical_committees/iso_technical_committee_participation.htm?commid=47962 .
Subcommittees and Working Groups: Chairman's advisory group TC 35/CAG Volatile organic compounds TC 35/WG 1 Terminology TC 35/WG 2 Pigments and extenders TC 35/SC 2 General test methods for paints and varnishes TC 35/SC 9 Test methods for binders for paints and varnishes TC 35/SC 10 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related TC 35/SC 12 products Protective paint systems for steel structures TC 35/SC 14 Protective paint systems TC 35/SC 14/WG 5 Laboratory performance test methods TC 35/SC 14/WG 6 Protective paint systems for offshore structures. TC 35/SC 14/WG 9 Observation & comment: Te latter o these WGs deals specically with coating standards or ofshore structures, ISO 3, that is largely based on reerences to ISO 9.
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
5 – ISO/C7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Scope: as ollows:
• Standardisation o the characteristics o protective and decorative metallic coating applied by electrolysis, usion, vacuum or chemical means, mechanical deposition, ion plating. • Standardisation o the characteristics o protective and decorative non-metallic coatings (excluding paints and other organic coatings) on metal surace applied by electrolysis, usion, vacuum or chemical means. • Standardisation o testing and inspection methods or such coatings. • Standardisation o the preparation o the substrates prior to the deposition o metal lic and inorganic coatings Total number of published ISO standards related to the TC and its SCs: For updated information, please visit tc_browse.htm?commid=51358&published=on&includesc=true . Participating countries: Observing countries:
For updated information, please visit mittees/list_of_iso_technical_committees/iso_technical_committee_participation.htm?commid=51358 .
Subcommittees and Working Groups: Thermal spraying TC 107/WG 1 Vitreous and porcelain enamel coatings TC 107/WG 2 Terminology: surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings TC 107/WG 3 Test methods – STANDBY TC 107/SC 2 Electrodeposited coatings and related nishes TC 107/SC 3 Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) TC 107/SC 4 Corrosion tests TC 107/SC 7 Chemical conversion coatings TC 107/SC 8
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
6 – ISO/C56 Corrosion o metals and alloys Scope: Standardisation in the eld o corrosion o metals and alloys including corrosion test meth-
ods and corrosion prevention methods. It also deals with the coordination o these activities within ISO (WG). Te secretariat has been transerred to China and the C is working on a new business plan. Document No. ISO/C56/SG N6 o January 9. Total number of published ISO standards related to the TC and its SCs: 5
For updated information, please visit tc_browse.htm?commid=53264&published=on&includesc=true . Participating countries: 9 Observing countries: 5
For updated information, please visit mittees/list_of_iso_technical_committees/iso_technical_committee_participation.htm?commid=53264.
Committee structure (WG No., Title and Secretariat): Terminology SIS WG 1 Stress corrosion cracking BSI WG 2 Atmospheric corrosion testing and Classication of corrosivity of atmosphere CNI WG 4 Intergranular corrosion GOST R WG 5 General principles for testing and data interpretation SIS WG 6 Accelerated corrosion tests SIS WG 7 Coordination BSI WG 8 Corrosion testing of materials for nuclear power generation AFNOR WG 9 WG 10 Cathodic protection of buried and immersed metallic structures SCC WG 11 Electrochemical test methods JISC WG 12 Industrial and cooling water systems- Testing and performance BSI WG 13 High temperature corrosion JISC (DIN) WG 14 Tribo-corrosion KATS ISO/C 56 work program currently include standards o interest to the oil & gas industry, like: Cathodic protection for xed steel offshore structures ISO/NP 12495 Cathodic protection for steel offshore oating structures ISO/NP 13173 Next meeting o ISO/C 56 will be held 9 March – April , in Suzhou, China.
7 – API standard committees API has been working on standards or the oil & gas industry since 93, and published a ew coating standards relative to this subject: • API Bull 9 Planning and Conducting Surace Preparation and Coating Operations or Oil and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Facilities in a Marine Environment • API RP 5L RP or Internal Coating o Line Pipe or Non-Corrosive Gas ransmission Service • API RP 5L7 RP or Un-primed Internal Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating o Line Pipe • API RP 5L9 External Fusion Bounded Epoxy Coating o Line Pipe
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
– ASM standard committees Numerous ASM standards are published or the broad application o relevant industries and many o the ASM standards are being used in the oil & gas industry as reerence documents. According to the ASM website, ASM technical committees are made up o proessionals rom around the globe who develop ASM standards. Tere are over 3 ASM technical committees covering diverse industry areas ranging rom metals to the environment, such as: • Coating (Protective) and Lining Work or Power Generation Facilities D33 ( COMMIT/COMMITTEE/D33.htm) • Coatings (Metallic and Inorganic) B ( • Coatings (Paint and Related), Materials and Applications D ( MITTEE/D01.htm) • Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products B9 ( • Metallic and Inorganic Coatings B ( • Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products A5 ( • Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications D ( TEE/D01.htm) • Paint and Varnishes (US AG ISO/C35) 35 ( • Protective Coating and Lining Work or Power Generation Facilities D33 ( COMMIT/COMMITTEE/D33.htm) • Ships and Marine echnology F5 ( OGP is, however, not aware o any active participation by global oil & gas industry representatives in the ASM work.
9 – CEN/C Tis CEN/C committee “Materials, equipment and ofshore structures or petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries” mainly mirrors and adopts the standards developed by ISO/ C67 as EN-ISO standards. Tese in turn are adopted by all national members o CEN, which are basically all the 3+ members countries o the European Union and its European Economic Area. As o December 9, CEN/C has adopted more than 5 o the ISO/C67 published standards.
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
– CEN/C39 Paints and varnishes Subcommittees and Working Groups: Paint systems for the protection of steel structures against corrosion SC 1 Test methods and interpretation of test results SC 1/WG 2 Coating systems for masonry WG 1 Coating systems for wood WG 2 Powder organic coatings for hot-dip-galvanized steel products WG 8 Testing of coil coated metals WG 9 CEN/C39 adopts most o the standards published by ISO/C35 as European Norms (EN).
– CEN/C9 Cathodic protection Tis committee has issued the ollowing standard: EN 6 Cathodic protection - External organic coatings or the corrosion protection o burried or immersed steel pipelines used in conjunction with cathodic protection - apes and shrinkable materials.
– DIN/NA Coatings and Coating Materials standards committee NA committee is an institution o DIN with the task o organizing the standardization work on the ollowing topics: • Raw materials or coating materials (paints, varnishes and similar coating materials. Raw materials are including binders, eg oils, synthetic resins, plasticisers, solvents and driers, as ar as they are used or coating materials • Coating materials (paints, varnishes and similar coating materials) • Coatings
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
3 – ECISS/C9 Steel tubes and ttings or steel tubes Published standards o relevance to the oil & gas industry: EN 10288 EN 10289 EN 10290 EN 10298 EN 10300 EN 10301 EN 10310 EN 10329 EN 10339
Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - External two layer extruded polyethylene based coatings Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - External liquid applied epoxy and epoxy-modied coatings Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - External liquid applied polyurethane and polyurethane-modied coatings Steel tubes and ttings for on shore and offshore pipelines - Internal lining with cement mortar Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - Bituminous hot applied materials for external coating Steel tubes and ttings for on and offshore pipelines - Internal coating for the reduction of friction for conveyance of non corrosive gas Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - Internal and extern al polyamide powder based coatings Steel tubes and ttings for onshore and offshore pipelines - External eld joint coatings Steel tubes for onshore and offshore water pipelines - Internal liquid applied epoxy linings for corrosion protection
Te ollowing three standards emanating rom the ISO/C67 work are on the ECISS/C9 programme or adoption: prEN ISO 21809-1
prEN ISO 21809-3
prEN ISO 21809-5
Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 1: Polyolen coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP) (ISO/DIS 21809-1) Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 3: Field joint coatings Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 5: External concrete coatings (ISO/DIS 21809-5)
Te structure o ECISS/C9 includes the ollowing o interest: Coatings for steel tubes ECISS/TC 29/SC 4 ECISS/TC 29/SC 4/WG 15 Internal liquid epoxy lining
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
– EEMUA (UK) EEMUA (Engineering Equipment & Materials Users’ Association) was ounded in 93 by amalgamating the Engineering Equipment Users Association (EEUA) ounded in 95 with the Oil Companies Materials Association (OCMA), also ounded in the early 95s. EEMUA has its head oce in London and most o its members are British companies. EEMUA’s mission is to improve quality and saety, and to reduce the cost o operating industrial acilities by sharing experience and expertise, and by the active, enlightened promotion o the distinct interests o engineering users. Tis mission is achieved by: • Providing the organisation within which networking, inormation sharing and collaboration among users on non-competitive technical matters can take place • Inuencing the way written regulations are interpreted and applied in practice • Promoting and presenting the users’ views, and encouraging the application o good sound engineering practice • Developing and publishing user standards, specications, and training materials • Facilitating members’ participation in national, European and international standards making • Inuencing relevant national and European legislation and regulations. One o the EEMUA committees ocus on Material echnology (EEMUA MC) but there is no committee on Coating as such. Some o their publication touches upon coating, such as their "EEMUA 9 – Guidelines or Materials Selection and Corrosion Control or Subsea Oil and Gas Production Equipment". Te document provides an overview o principles and practices relating to materials selection and corrosion control or subsea oil and gas production equipment, and incor porates valuable lessons learned rom designers, manuacturers, ofshore contractors and operators. It covers cathodic protection, wellheads and Christmas trees, maniold piping, owlines and risers, valves, asteners and gaskets, exible piping, hydraulic control and chemical injection systems, umbilicals, instruments, and protective coatings and insulation.
5 – European Federation o Corrosion Te main activities o the EFC are: • EFC reports and state-o-the-art reviews on corrosion and protection • Working Parties on corrosion and protection issues • Organization o congresses: – Te European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR ) – Application o Electrochemical echniques to Organic Coatings (AEOC) WP is the denomination o a Working Group on “Coatings”. One o the latest activities o the WP is the Green Book on “Sel Healing Properties o New Surace reatments (EFC 5)”, which is expected or April .
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
6 – Energy Institute During 6, the Corrosion Management Working Group (CMWG) was ormed which comprises the Energy Institute, Health & Saety Executive, ofshore operators and consultants supported by Oil and Gas UK. On behal o this group, the EI managed development o the publication Guidance For Corrosion Management In Oil And Gas Production And Processing and its associated Corrosion threats handbook both o which were published during . Te CMWG is now working on developing urther guidance on external corrosion in particular, management o coatings through the development o KPIs or External Corrosion Protection. It is envisaged that this publication will be accepted and applied throughout the wider industry and will aid reducing costs associated with this important aspect o plant maintenance. In parallel to this, the group will also be developing an External corrosion awareness handbook aimed at inorming inspectors and on-site personnel.
7 – Gul Standards Organistion GSO TC 7 – Gulf Standards Technical Committee for Oil and Gas Industry
International Standards Workshop or Global Oil and Gas Industry ocus on Region 3- April 6 jointly organised between OGP and Qatar Petroleum took a recommendation to establish a Gul Region Oil and Gas Industry Standards echnical Committee. Te main purpose would be to uniy the oil and gas industry standardization eforts in the Gul countries by adopting International Standards as Gul Standards and developing new Gul standards to satisy the Gul region specic requirements . Te echnical Committee No.7 was approved on the 9 th o April 6 by GSO GS and with Qatar as Chair and Secretary. General Objectives
• o uniy the Gul Oil & Gas Industry Standardisation work in order to achieve uniormity, reliability and eciency through: – Variety control and inter-changeability. – Provide technical guidance or design, engineering, procurement and maintenance activities. – Improve communication by implementing codes, terminology, symbols and other standards. – Implement solutions to various problems through standard legislation. – Educate through provisions or instructions, warnings, demonstrations, symbols, etc. – Improve the quality o lie by providing improvements in HSE standards. • o improve quality o work and avoid work duplication o standardization work within GCC. • o achieve cost optimisation in procurement (material/equipment), design, production/ processing and services. Tis can be through: • Eliminate conusion in design, construction, maintenance & procurement. • Uniorm design o acilities will allow or lower manuacturer /contractor quotations, which leads to cost saving. • Reduction in Engineering and construction project schedules and project cycle time. • Reduction in HSE costs as a result o standardisation.
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
Specic GSO TC 7 Objectives
• o harmonise GCC Countries Oil, Gas & Petrochemical companies standards with each other and with international standards. • o develop new and update current Oil & Gas relevant Gul Standards to satisy the GCC Countries specic requirements, latest technology and international standardisation needs. Tis is in cooperation with the relevant national, regional and international organisations • o establish a system or involvement o GCC Countries in ISO C 67, C 76, C and C 93 technical work to include Gul Region specic requirements. • o adopt latest revisions o Oil & Gas International Standards, which satis y the region specic requirements as Gul Standards. Tis is in cooperation with the relevant national, regional and international organisations. • o establish a database or Gul Oil & Gas Companies Standards & Specications and provide easy access to all members GSO TC7 Scope of Work
Gul Standards echnical Committee or oil & gas industry in the GCC Countries (GSO C7) covers the ollowing activities: • Standards and echnical Regulations or materials, equipment and ofshore structures used in Petroleum, Petrochemical, Natural Gas industries and LNG industries i.e., drilling, production, processing, transportation and storage equipment. • Standards & echnical Regulations related to the Petroleum and natural gas products (rened products, ie uel Products & LNG/NGL Products) and petrochemicals. • Standards and echnical Regulations related to technical terminology, inspection and testing, Management Systems: uality, Health, Saety, Security and Environment. GSO TC 7 Structure
GSO C 7 Structure includes our Sub-committees (SC- SC) and ve Working Groups (WG WG5). Within GSO C 7 WG5 – Working Group on Coatings and Linings handles standards on coatings and linings. Qatar is the Chair and Secretary o this WG. Current work programme on coating related standards: Group
Standard No.
Specifications for pipelin e cle aning, gauging flooding & hydro-testing
Pipeline internal coating and lining
External coating of riser pipes
Corrosion inhibitors and their inje ction package for oil and gas production facilities
Internal lining of above ground steel storage tanks and vessels - rigid reinforced fibre glass lining
GSO/ISO 21809-1
Petroleum and natural gas industries - external coatings for buried and submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - par t1: polyolefin coatings (3-layer pe and 3-layer pp)
GSO/ISO 21809-3
Petroleum and natural gas industries - external coatings for buried and submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - part 3 : field joint coatings
GSO/ISO 21809-4
Petroleum and natural gas industries – external coatings for buried and submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems – p art 4: polyethylene coatings (2-layer pe)
GSO/ISO 21809-5
Petroleum and natural gas industries - external coatings for buried and submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - part 5: external concrete coatings
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
– IMO A group o experts under the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment (DE) has developed a number o standards and guidelines or perormance standard or protective coatings o dedicated seawater tanks, void spaces, oil tankers etc. Te relevant ones are approved by the IMO Sub-committee and the IMO Marine Saety Committee or use. Normally, minimum ½ year have to pass beore the standards enter into orce. Some o these are mandatory under the SOLAS regu lations, whereas others are voluntary or the shipping industry. Tese standards and guidelines may well be useul or the oil & gas industry. MSC.215(82)
MSC.244(83) A.798(19) MSC.1/Circ.1279 MSC.1/Circ.1330 DRAFT
Performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers Performance standard for protective coatings for void spaces on bulk carriers and oil tankers Guidelines for the selection, application and maintenance of corrosion prevention systems of dedicated seawater ballast tanks Guidelines for corrosion protection of permanent means of access arrangements Guidelines for maintenance and repair of protective co atings Draft new SOLAS regulation and the draft performance standard for cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers. See report of t he Coating Working Group from the last session of the DE Sub-Committee (DE 52/WP.5) 9 March 2009, annexes 2 and 3. Guidelines for test procedures (in development)
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
9 – NACE standards committee NACE International was originally known as "Te National Association o Corrosion Engineers" when it was established in 93 by eleven corrosion engineers in the pipeline industry. Since then NACE has been dedicated to a single mission – to protect people, assets, and environment rom the efects o corrosion. NACE have members in 9 countries. Built upon decades o knowledge and expertise rom dedicated members all around the world, NACE International is involved in every industry and area o corrosion prevention and control, rom chemical processing and water systems to transportation and inrastructure protection. NACE International is a track to the corrosion engineering and science community, and is recognized around the world as an authority or corrosion control solutions. NACE International serves its members by: • Setting standards or the corrosion industry • Disseminating the latest technology worldwide through peer-reviewed journals and technical papers • Hosting and managing the most important international conerences, exhibits and topical meetings in the corrosion industry • Recognising distinguished achievement in corrosion through the presentation o well-respected awards • Linking you to colleagues and important career inormation • Enhancing programs, services and connections with the corporate community • Promoting the interests o the corrosion science and engineering industry throug h government relation activities in Washington, D.C. NACE has three Specic echnology Groups (SG) relevant or this subject and reporting to these there are a large number o ask Groups (Gs) and echnology Exchange Groups (EGs), some o them are listed here: STG 02 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Atmospheric Offshore Platform Maintenance Coatings (Nonimmersion): Standard Test Methods TG 260 Offshore Platforms: Coatings for Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction TG 312 Offshore Coating Condition Assessment for Maintenance Planning TG 340
STG 03 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Immersion and Buried Service TEG 354X Pipeline Coatings: Underground Blistering TEG 359X External Pipeline Coatings: Performance Under High-Operating-Temperature Conditions Pipeline Coating, Plant-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy: Review of NACE Standard TG 031 RP0394 Pipeline Coatings, External: Gouge Test TG 034 Pipelines, Oileld: Thermoplastic Liners TG 037 Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints TG 248 on Pipelines Coatings, Tape for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines TG 251 Offshore Ballast Water Tank Coatings: Standard Test Method TG 263 Offshore Exterior Submerged Coatings: Standard Test Method TG 264 Coating, Polyolen Resin Systems: Review of NACE SP0185-2007 TG 265 Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on TG 281 Pipelines Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems: Review of NACE StandTG 296 ard RP0375
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
TG 336 TG 337 TG 352 TG 353
External Pipeline Coatings: Practices, Test Methods, and/or Test Methodologies for High Operating Temperature Pipelines, Immersion and Buried Ser vice Only External Pipeline Coatings: Field Installation and Inspection Criteria for Maximum Performance Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Directional Drill Applications External Pipeline Coatings: Multi-Layer Polyolen Coating Systems
STG 04 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Surface Preparation TEG 314X Pipelines: Liquid Petroleum Industry Corrosion Control Issues Forum TEG 351X Coatings Under Insulation Material Testing Procedure Recommendations: Discussion TEG 399X Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated and Uninsulated Service TEG 424X Insulative Coatings Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints TG 248 on Pipelines Coatings, Tape for External Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines TG 251 Coating, Polyolen Resin Systems: Review of NACE SP0185-2007 TG 265 Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on TG 281 Pipelines Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Systems: Review of NACE StandTG 296 ard RP0375 TG 325 CUI Revision of NACE Standard RP0198, "The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproong Materials—A Systems Approach" Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Directional Drill Applications TG 352 Below-Grade Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and Substation StrucTG 386 tures Above Grade (Atmospheric) Corrosion Control of Transmission, Distribution, and TG 395 Substation Structures by Coating Systems
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
– NORSOK standards committee – Standards Norway Te NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry since 993 to ensure adequate saety, value adding and cost efectiveness or petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore, NORSOK standards are as ar as possible intended to replace the Norwegian oil company specications and serve as reerences in the authorities’ regulations. Te NORSOK standards are normally based on recognized international standards, adding the provisions deemed necessary to ll the broad needs o the Norwegian petroleum industry. Where relevant, NORSOK standards will be used to provide the Norwegian industry input to the international standardization process. Subject to development and publication o international standards, the relevant NORSOK standard will be withdrawn. Te NORSOK standards are developed according to the consensus principle generally applicable standards work and according to established procedures dened in NORSOK A-. Te NORSOK standards are prepared and published with supported by OLF (Te Norwegian Oil Industry Association) and Norsk Industri (Federation o Norwegian Industries). NORSOK standards are administered and published by SN (Standards Norway). Expert Group Materials (SN/K/EgM) is active, includes coating in its scope and meets reg ularly and is responsible or the publication and maintenance o eg ollowing NORSOK standards: • M- Materials selection (Rev. , August ) • M-5 Surace preparation and protective coating (Rev. 5, June ) • M-53 Cathodic protection (Rev. , Sept. 997)
– Process Industry Practices (PIP) PIP is a sel-unded consortium o process industry companies that share the goal o reducing process plant costs by up to 6% through the development and implementation o common industry practices or projects and maintenance work. Related industries such as power, pulp & paper, and pharmaceuticals will also nd the PIP harmonization process and published Practices to be o value in their industries. PIP operates under the umbrella o the Construction I ndustry Institute, a recognized research unit within the University o exas at Austin, in the USA. PIP has eight active Function eams harmonising Practices in the ollowing a number o engineering disciplines, including Coatings, Insulation, Reractory. In , PIP chartered a standing Globalization Committee that is providing direction or uture additional development. Current activities include “enablement” o PIP Practices or g lobal application and identication o specic globalization needs or each PIP discipline. BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Shell and others are members o PIP.
Coatings standards and committees or the international oil & gas industry
– Society or Protective Coatings Te Society or Protective Coatings (hereinaer reerred to as SSPC) was ounded in 95 as the Steel Structures Painting Council, a non-prot proessional society concerned with the use o coatings to protect industrial steel structures. Head oce is in Pittsburg, PA, US. SSPC has over 7. individual members and 7 organizational members. In 997, the name o the association was changed to Te Society or Protective Coatings to better reect the changing nature o coatings technology and the ever-expanding types o construction materials. Te mission and purpose the SSPC is to advance the technology and promote the use o protective coatings to preserve industrial, marine and commercial structures, components and substrates. SSPC’s vision: SSPC will be the worldwide acknowledged resource and authority or protective coatings technology and inormation. SSPC claims to be the only non-prot association that is ocused on the protection and preservation o concrete, steel and other industrial and marine structures and suraces through the use o high perormance industrial coatings. SSPC claims to be the leading source o inormation on surace preparation, coating selection, coating application, environmental regulations, and health and saety issues that afect the protective coatings industry. Te association's many industry-specic products and service s include: • standards development [] • technical publications (books, videotapes, CDs) [] • training courses [] • company and individual certication programs [] • publications [] • conerences [] SSPC echnical Committees are divided into six large Group Committees, as ollows: • C. – Coating Materials • C. – Surace Preparation • C.3 – Application, Inspection, and uality Control • C. – Methods or Improved Perormance • C.5 – Environmental, Health, and Saety Compliance • C.7 – Protection o Concrete and Cementitious Substrates Each Group Committee contains one or more Unit Committees. I you join a Unit Committee, you will automatically become a member o the Group Committee to which it belongs. Since SSPC standards must be balloted through both the developing Unit and its corresponding Group Committee, you may receive ballots on subjects which appear to be outside the scope o the unit committee you joined. Tis is done in order to provide as many concerned individuals as possible the opportunity to review and comment on dra standards, and we encourage you to provide as much input as possible. SSPC Standards
SSPC has over the years developed a signicant volume o standards, specications, guidelines, reports and other relevant publications. Many o these are collated in their two large manuals: SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 1
Te th edition o SSPC’s “Good Painting Practice” provides a detailed overview o the procedures, equipment and materials used or surace preparation and coating work on industrial steel and concrete structures. Herein is inormation on a wide range o relevant topics - rom the undamentals o surace preparation and coating application-to recent advances in alternate coating removal technologies-to the complexities o painting specic acilities and structures, regulations afecting the coatings industry, strategies or the development o maintenance coating programs, and much more.
International Association o Oil & Gas Producers
SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 2
Te 5 edition o “Systems and Specications” is a complete, up-to-date colle ction o SSPC standards, guides, specications, and other consensus documents or the cleaning and preparation o steel and concrete suraces, the selection and application o protective coating systems, the composition and perormance capabilities o paints and coatings, and other materials, processes, and technologies. SSPC Visual Standards and Reference Photographs
Tese collections o high-quality colour reerence photos are used to supplement and illustrate the cleaning requirements o certain SSPC Surace Preparation Specications.
3 – Company specication All o the international operators have their own in-house technical specications in order to speciy exactly what is considered required or their plants and installations. Tese specications also carry valuable experience and they may be supplemented by individual project specications to cover specic project needs. Tese documents are normally based on, but include various degrees o supplements, variation control, option selection and amendments to international, national, regional and industry standards. Tese documents carry diferent designations in operating companies such as: company standards, design & engineering practices, best practices, supplementary technical specications, etc .
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