Responsibilities of billing engineerFull description
Responsibilities of billing engineer
Cost Control IN Manufacturing
I wrote this as a precursor to an e-book I am writing to explain the mechanics behind good project management methods. A lot of the basics have been lost to software programs, and young people tend...
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Cost Control Engineer Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) - UAE Undertake cost control activities for the project to ensure costs are within the project budget. oordinate oordinate all cost control functions for EGA !wner team and the onsultants ensuring that speci"cations# speci"cations# standards# budget and timescales are being met while monitoring and reporting all processes relating to all activities on project sites for management decision making. Ensure Ensure accurate# reliable and complete project cost control control s$stems are implemented for the budgeting# tracking# change control and forecasting of all project costs % &et-up 'ork reakdown and project coding structures % Assist in developing and managing project budget# in consultation with roject &ervices *anager and project team. % Anal$se variance in cost and schedule and recommend corrective actions % +dentif$ trends and deviations and report to the roject ontrols *anager % ,ecommend solution and recover$ plans to address schedule and cost impacts % *onitor the status of the allocation and ependiture ependiture of project commitments % repare documentation to support scope changes in relation to budget# estimate and forecast % repare monthl$ cost report which includes actual and forecast costs for the project based on information supplied b$ the * and information received from the GA accounting s$stem % ollow up on the actual and forecast !wners costs re/uired for the project and validate pa$ment claims for orders placed directl$ b$ the project team % rovide accurate and timel$ "nancial cost status reports# including maintaining cash ,e/uirements ,e/uirements 0) 1-2 $ears eperience in major projects 3) 1-2 $ears ost ontrol eperience 1) ro"cient in ost *anagement software4 ,+&*# Ecos$s# *& roject# roject# &A 5) achelors 6egree in Engineering
0) ,esponsible to control and monitor project total ependiture including verif$ing and checking of invoices and claims from suppliers#
vendors and subcontractors to ensure that all project ependitures are captured and properl$ recorded.
3) rovide planning and cost controlling support for all projects which includes variation reporting# monitoring of milestone progress to the preparation of customer billing processes# etc
1) erform and manage project activit$ scheduling and monitoring
5) erform technical and commercial review of E+ long time tenders (subcontractor9s /uotations) for the preparation of &ervice agreements
2) Ensure e:ective project implementation and utili;e productive reports from the creation of '& with the use of project management s$stem to monitor the status of all purchases# invoicing and deliver$ up to the closure of the project.
<) repare monthl$ vessel movement report for the monitoring of the vessel activities on a dail$ basis and register all downtime# consumptions and vessel related issues relating to the project promptl$ to the project manager and management.
=) oordinate and work with the project management team to resolve project issues to ensure the deliver$>completion of the project work.
?) Attend project meetings and discussions with the *@ and eternal clients # erform project costing related reporting to the team and management9s review on a monthl$ basis to ensure that ependitures are kept within the project budget.
) rovide cost control and planning advice to the internal *@ team as and when re/uired.
0B) Undertake an$ other ad-hoc duties as re/uired. ,e/uirements7
Skills 0)6egree in ivil Engineering with speciali;ation in roject *anagement or ost ontrol related training.
3)*in 1- 2 $ears relevant and similar capacit$ in project estimating and cost controlling preferabl$ in !:shore onstruction>E+ industr$
1) @echnicall$ strong in project cost planning# scheduling and reporting # 8nowledge in the use of *& roject# rimavera &cheduling and &A softwares is highl$ advantageous
5) 6emonstrate strong interpersonal# communication and presentation skills
2) &trong anal$tical and problem solving skills and meticulous
<) ossess good project background and technical writing abilit$ and skills.
=) *ature# proactive# resourceful and hands-on with good initiative.
?)+ndependent worker who is able to work well with minimal supervision.
)ast worker with abilit$ to work well under stress.
0B) 'ork Cocation7 6ubai
This job is posted in the following Specialties: &cheduling &A rimavera < *& roject ost ontrol
!ur client# an engineering compan$ is currentl$ seeking to recruit a ost ontrol Engineer . @his position will be based in Datar
ob 6escription7
F 6rafts project-speci"c ost ontrol rocedures if the contract so re/uires
F articipates in preparing ost reakdown &tructure (&) and establishing roject ost entres
F articipates in transforming the @ender Estimate into roject irst udget
F Ensures that costs are properl$ allocated to relevant ost entres
F articipates in preparing budgets and current estimates
F articipates in estimating new rates# pricing of variations# assessment of claims9 cost impact
F *onitors project actual costs# determine and anal$;e cost variances and develop cost trends and projections using and presenting the udgeted ost for 'ork &cheduled# udgeted ost for 'ork erformed# Actual ost for 'ork &cheduled# Actual ost for 'ork erformed and ost erformance +nde
F articipates in preparing cost reports or providing the necessar$ information for such reports.
F *aintains records of actual cost elements (materials# e/uipment# manpower etc.) to use in the roject lose-!ut ,eport and to provide feedback to tendering department.
F Ciaises with project di:erent sections in cost allocation# accounting and control matters.
F articipates in preparing the roject lose-!ut ,eport and Cessons Cearnt.
F erforms an$ other related duties as assigned.
Skills *inimum ,e/uirement
F Engineering 6egree an$ discipline# but preferabl$ ivil
F 2-0B $ears of eperience in ( *etro>,ail projects# !il and Gas projects# construction)
F 'ell conversant with cost control# cash Hows# budgeting# variations etc.
F omputer literate4 conversant with *& !Ice application and competent in rimavera (1 or <)