Appendix A: Crane Pre-Lift Inspection Checklist Crane Pre-Lift Inspection Checklist
Operating Group : Location
GPO-P Date:
The Crane Pre-Lift Inspection will inclue! "ut not "e li#ite to! the following: (
)isuall* inspect "oo# an lattice for an* sign of a#age
)isuall* inspect crane! rigging an hooks for #issing nuts! "olts! pins or keepers
nsure the area aroun the "ase of the crane is free fro# all o"structions
Check flui le/els in the engine fuel! water an oil! also check the h*raulic oil le/el
Appendix A: Crane Pre-Lift Inspection Checklist Crane Pre-Lift Inspection Checklist
Operating Group : Location
GPO-P Date:
The Crane Pre-Lift Inspection will inclue! "ut not "e li#ite to! the following:
)isuall* inspect "oo# an lattice for an* sign of a#age
)isuall* inspect crane! rigging an hooks for #issing nuts! "olts! pins or keepers
nsure the area aroun the "ase of the crane is free fro# all o"structions
Check flui le/els in the engine fuel! water an oil! also check the h*raulic oil le/el
nsure the engine safet* e/ices! i1e1! controls are set
)isuall* inspect all wire rope for a#age an correct spooling
Check all controls for correct operation! control le/ers are spring loae an #ust return to the center or neutral position when release
Check weight an raius inicator are functioning properl*! loa chart
Start engine an run at ile spee for , to 0 #inutes to allow the engine to war# up1 6hile war#ing up the engine! check aroun for an* sign of water! oil or h*raulic leaks
8aise the "oo#! test the anti-two "lock an "oo# kick out functions
Lower the "oo# an check "oo# tip shea/es! an ensure the wire rope is on the shea/e
8eport an* a"nor#alities an DO %OT operate the crane
On co#pletion of crane operations! la* the "oo# in the "oo# rest or awa* fro# the helieck! set all controls to off or neutral! an set the swing lock
%ote: $ 9 *es! %&' 9 not applica"le
Appendix B: Monthl* Crane Inspection Checklist Monthl* Crane Inspection Checklist Operating Group : Location
This inspection will "e perfor#e once per #onth for all cranes assigne a hea/* usage categor*1 This inspection will "e perfor#e "* a ualifie Crane Operator or a ualifie Crane Inspector an shall "e recore1 Monthl* inspections will inclue! "ut not "e li#ite! to the following: %o O";ect To Inspect (
Check all laers an cages
Check "oo# rest
Inspect crane structure
Inspect "oo#
Shea/es an Dru#s a1 Shea/es shall not ha/e e
6ire rope Check for e
Check conition of ca"
Inspect loa "lock! hea ache "all! = hooks a1 Check hoist "lock "o* for cracks! "reaks! e
'll pins a1 Shall "e lu"ricate as neee "1 8etainer shall "e in place an operational c1 Pins shoul not "e e
(7 Inspect electrical s*ste# (( Check anti-two "lock s*ste# (+ Check "oo# hi-angle kick out (, Lu"ricate "oo# foot pins
(. Lu"ricate "all ring an pinion (0 Lu"ricate all pins (2 Inspect wege sockets a1 Main "1 'uoo# (3 ngine ?check for an* irregularities or power losses1 Gages #ust "e operational an legi"le@ a1 Oil pressure = le/el "1 Coolant le/el c1 Auel le/el 1 Dri/e "elts e1 Boses f1 atter* an Charging S*ste# (4 B*raulic S*ste# a1 B*raulic oil le/el ?flui le/el shall "e #aintaine an reasona"l* clean@ "1 Boses an fittings ?lines shall "e free of nicks! "ulges! a"rasions! or leaks@ (5 Loa Li#it an Safet* De/ices +7 Control station a1 Check all controls for proper la"els "1 Check all controls for proper operation ?hoisting! swing! tra/el! = "oo#@ c1 Check "oo# angle&raius inicator 1 Check rains an rip pans +( 6inches! c*liners an gear "o
operational conition "1 Check /al/es shall "e protecte where reuire c1 'll le/eling e/ices #ust "e operational an legi"le +. Aire
$ 9 *es! % 9 %o! %&'9 not
Appendix C: Se#i&'nnual Crane Inspection Checklist TDI 'nnual Crane Inspection Location : Crane Moel
Safet* ( +
Date : Crane Serial
Perfor# S' prior to "eginning inspection Perfor# Pre-use Inspection ngine
Drain sluge&water fro# fuel tank
+ ,
Check e#ergenc* shutown at ile spee Check conition of rains an rip pans
. 0
Change oil in all gear"o
2 3
Check securit* of engine hol own "olts Check conition of h*raulic s*ste#
4 5
Inspect&lu"ricate throttle linkage Inspect&lu"ricate tach1 ri/e
(7 Lu"ricate fan shaft "earing (( 8eplace fuel filters (+ Clean&replace air filter (, Change crankcase oil an filter (. Clean "reather cap (0 Inspect&replace h*raulic starter flui (2 Clean "lower screen (3 Inspect e
Change h*raulic oil filters Inspect h*raulic oil
Drain sluge&water fro# h*raulic reser/oir Epper 8e/ol/ing Structure
( +
Check an lu"ricate chain an sprocket Lu"ricate ring gear an pinion
, .
Lu"ricate "all ring Inspect "all ring grease for #etal content
Check "all ring "olts
8otate crane ,27 an check s#oothness of rotation
Change oil in swing gear"o<
>oo#! Shea/es! an 6inches
( +
Check "oo# foot pin clearance an lu"ricate Inspect "oo# for a#age
, .
Inspect an lu"ricate shea/es Inspect&lu"ricate "oo# stops
0 2 3 4
Lu"ricate retracta"le "oo#s Inspect "oo# angle&raius inicator nsure ca"le is properl* secure in winch?s@ )isuall* inspect open "rakes
5 Inspect ru#s an flanges for cracks&wear (7 Check h*raulic c*liner?s@ operation Take oil sa#ple on all winches for anal*sis an change (( oil1 (+ Test winch "rakes (, Test static swing "rake (. Check the "oo# high angle kick-out setting 6ire 8ope an Books ( +
nsure loa "lock&heaache "all is painte nsure loa "lock is rille to rain water
, .
D*e penetrate test all hooks 8e#o/e an inspect heaache "all pin
0 2
Cut ,2F off ens of all ca"le Inspect an lu"ricate all wire rope General
Check conition of ca"
+ ,
Inspect electrical s*ste# Inspect crane structure for cracks&corrosion
. 0 2
)isuall* inspect general conition of wels Inspect&cali"rate weight inicator 8e/iew crane files for proper ocu#entation Inspection 8eaings
8ecor 'ccu#ulator Pressure
8ecor ngine Bour 8eaing
8ecor B*raulic 8eturn Pressure B*raulic Pressure Settings
>oo# 6inch 8elief )al/e Pressure Settings
Main 6inch 8elief )al/e Pressure Settings
Operator S*ste# Pressure Setting
8eaing Measure#ent ?(@
8eaing Measure#ent ?+@
Ca"le an Book Measure#ent (
O1D1 Measure#ent >oo# Ca"le
O1D1 Measure#ent Main Ca"le
O1D1 Measure#ent 'u
O1D1 Measure#ent Left Penant Ca"le
O1D1 Measure#ent 8ight Penant Ca"le
Main Book Throat Measure#ent
>oo# Ca"le
Main Ca"le
Left Penant Ca"le
8ight Penant Ca"le 6inch Ientification
>oo# 6inch
Main 6inch
Date Installe
'nti-Two >lock = >oo# Kick-Out Ient1 (
>oo# Kick-Out )al/e
Main >lock 'nti-Two )al/e
'uall 'nti-Two )al/e Epper 8e/ol/ing Structure
Manufacture Date
Certification %u#"er
6inch Moel H
6inch Serial H
Moel H
>all 8ing ?8ecor . o"ser/e 8eaings@ %O8TB
Check >oo# Shea/e Groo/e Dia#eter
Check Gantr* Shea/e Groo/e Dia#eter
Check Loa >lock Shea/e Groo/e Dia#eter
Check >oo# Aoot Pin Clearance
Check Gantr* Pin Clearance
)erif* 'ccurac* of 'ngle & 8aius Inicator Pull Test Data Loa Line
>oo# 'ngle
8aius ?AT1@
8ate Capacit* ?L"s1@
Loa Pulle ?L"s1@
8ate Capacit* ?@ 'u
>oo# 'ngle
8aius ?AT1@
8ate Capacit* ?L"s1@
Loa Pulle ?L"s1@
8ate Capacit* ?@
Inspector Signature: Co##ents: