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Since the birth of the ‘creative industries’ a decade ago, there has been a series of attempts to link the cultural sectors with innovation policy and to downplay the connection between them and ...
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Grad/ 11 Tra'0 S,)'t T!t : Creative Industries 1: Arts and Design Appreciation and Production
Tra'0 S,)'t Ds'r!+t!on/ The course presents a surve) o$ the various arts and design production $or senior secondar) students+ It intends to provide students &ith kno&ledge o$ the di4erent arts and design $ors( aterials( edia and production in the creative industries+ It &ill also introduce signi$icant and in$luential artists and their &orks across tie and place+ CONTEN T A. Arts and Ds!"n For#s 1. $ISUAL ARTS Painting %including dra&ing and printaking'( architecture %including interior design and landscape architecture'( photograph) and $il %including video'( and cra$ts 2. APPLIED ARTS *edia arts %including aniation( &e! design( interactive o!ile applications and the like'( decorative arts
CONT CONTEN ENT T STAND STANDAR ARD D The learner deonstrates: 1+ appr apprec ecia iati tion on o$ all all the the visual art $ors( and the processes that enter into the production o$ each, 2+
appr apprec ecia iati tion on o$ $or $ors( s( aterials( techni-ues and eanings o$ various visual and applied art e.pressions, and unde unders rsta tan nding ding o$ the the historical conte.t( cultural traditions( and the production and arketing aspects o$ visu visual al and and a lied lied
PERF PERFOR ORMA MANC NCE E STANDARD The learner is a!le to: 1+ e.plai ain n the the hist histor oric ical al conte.t and cultural traditions !ehind e.isting e.aples and pieces( local and international, 2+
e.p e.plain lain the the ea eani ning ng and signi$icance o$ various visual art( edia art and applied art $ors !ased on $unctions and uses through presentations %galler) st)le or ulti edia' &ith suppleentar) te.ts/notes, and
LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learner: 1+ iden identi ti$i $ies es vari variou ous s visu visual al art art and and applied art $ors( e.plains the historical conte.t( cultural traditions( processes and production o$ each through docuentation and cataloguing %te.t and iages in digital or print: e.+ 0lossar) o$ art/design 2+
dist disting ingui uishe shes s !as !asic ic ateri aterial als( s( tools and processes %including so$t&are and traditional practices' in the production o$ visual( edia and applied arts, arti articu cula late tes s the the eani eanings ngs and and signi$icance o$ various e.pressions o$ visual and applied arts+
evaluate artistic and 3+ iden identi ti$i $ies es the the di4e di4eren rentt proc proces esse ses s B. Co#+onnts !n t( AD%ADP11&IIa&d& design productions and coponents o$ arts and A++r'!at!on and 1 !ased on $or( design Prod,'t!on ocontent( conte.t and $!s,a and production+ $unctionalit) !) A++!d Arts 5+ rela relate tes s the the cop copon onent ents s o$ o$ art arts s Historical conte.t criti-uing and design production to di4erent Cultural content e.isting saples and !) AD%ADP11&II&)&2 arts and visiting na!lers design $ors+ useus/galler)( studio( and production houses( trans$ore 7ote: The 7ote: The choice o$ topics o4ered in content A &ill !e !ased on the schools8 and counities8 resources %$acult)( aterials( and e-uipent' • • •
K to 12 Senior High School Arts and Design Track – Creative Industries I: Arts and Design Appreciation and Production
Page 1 o$
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Arts and Design Track
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Doain/Conten t/ Coponent/ Topic
Creative Industries I: Arts and Design Appreciation and
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K to 12 Senior High School Arts and Design Track – Creative Industries I: Arts and Design Appreciation and Production
Page 2 o$
Ara!' N,#r
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identi$ies various visual art and applied art $ors( e.plains the historical conte.t( cultural traditions( processes and production o$ each through docuentation and cataloguing %te.t and iages in digital or print: e.+ 0lossar) o$ art/design voca!ular) in a
K to 12 Senior High School Arts and Design Track – Creative Industries I: Arts and Design Appreciation and Production