Milk products, Saras Competitiors, Area Covered in jodhpur, diferrent Product Simplifcation and product line
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This project proposal is part from Jibachha Hand Book of Animal Husbandry,edited by Dr.Jibachha Sah and DR.Prabhakar k.Sah,from Jibachha Publishing. The project proposal is developed for seeking f...
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PROJECT REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION Agriculture along with animal husbandry has been and will continue to be the lifeline of Indian economy. India has the highest livestock production with 50% of the buffaloes and 20% of the world’s world’s cattle cattle population population most of which are milk milk cows and milk buffaloes. buffaloes. Indi a as emerged as the largest milk producing country in the world with present level of annual milk produc production tion estimated estimated as !".5 million million tones . It is the most important important sector of the Indian economy particularly in poverty alleviation and employment employment generation. #his sector contributes contributes close to one$fourth of India’s ational income and total work force engaged in agriculture is about &0 percent. India is endowed with a largest livestock population in the world having a total bovine population of '0" million compared to the world(s total bovine population of )"00 million. It accounts for 5*.'% of the world’s buffalo population and )".*% of the cattle population. As per )+th,ivestock -ensus 200* the country has ''.0& million cross bred cattle )!!.0* million indigenous cattle and)05.'" million buffaloes. #he cross bred cattle are predominant in #amil adu aharashtra /e /est st engal 1arnataka Andhra radesh 3ttar radesh and ihar /hile buffaloes are very common in 3ttar radesh 4aasthan Andhraradesh adhya radesh 6uarat unab 7aryana and ihar. 4ecent study shows that India is the largest producer of milk in the world which is nearly )0% of the wor world ld pro produc ductio tion. n. 8ario rious us mil milk$b k$base ased d pro product ductss whi which ch can be man manufa ufactu ctured red commercially in a rural industry are aneer 9-heese: ;hahi 9-urd: 6hee etc. #hese products can be manufactured by low cost traditional methods and machineries. #his kind of industries can be located in area where abundance pe >perat ration ion ?lo ?lood od 9>? 9>?:: pro progra gramme mme Int Intens ensive ive ;ai ;airy ry ;eve ;evelop lopmen mentt rogramme rogr amme 9I;; 9I;;: : @tren @trengtheni gthening ng infr infrastru astructure cture for -lean ilk rodu roduction ction Assistance Assistance to -ooperatives -ooper atives 8enture -apita -apitall ?und 98-?: for ;airy ;airy ;airy ntre ntrepreneur preneurship ship ;evelo ;evelopment pment @cheme etc. In order to meet the rapidly growing demand for milk with a focus to improve milch animal productivity and increase milk production the 6overnment has approved ational ;airy lan hase$I 9;$I: in ?ebruary 20)2 with a total investment of about 4s.22"2 crore to be implemented from 20))$)2 to 20)&$)*. ;$I will help to meet the proected national demand of )50 mi mill llio ion n to tons ns of mi milk lk by 20) 20)&$ &$)* )* fr from om dom domes esti ticc pr prod oduct uctio ion n th thro rough ugh pr produ oduct ctiv ivit ity y enhancement strengthening and eBpanding village level infrastructure for milk procurement and provide producers with greater access to markets. ;$I would focus on )" maor milk producing @tates $ 3ttar radesh unab 7aryana 6uarat 4aasthan adhya radesh ihar /est /e st engal engal ahara aharashtr shtra a 1arnat 1arnataka aka #amil #amil adu Andhra rade radesh sh >riss >rissaa and 1eral 1eralaa which account for over !0% of the country’s milk production. -overage of ;$ I will however be across the country in terms of benefits accruing from the scheme.
At global level milk has been identified as an integral part of food for centuries. #he success of /hite 4evolution in India has largely been written by millions of small holders. About *0 million dairy farmers produce more than 50 per cent of the milk in the country. ilk and milk products such as -urd ?lavored milk 6hee utter aneer etc. are the important components of the Indian food industry. -onsumption of milk and milk products is deeply rooted in our tradition and it is an essential item during rituals festivals and other auspicious events. ;airy products are commonly consumed in every household as they are highly nutritive and farm fresh. In hot tropical climate like ours they are nourishing cooling and less eBpensive. #hey also form an alternative to aerated and bottled soft$drinks. ;airy farming is a profitable business. It provides an eBcellent opportunity for self employment of unemployed youth. ;airying is an important source of subsidiary income to smallCmarginal farmers and agricultural labourers. In addition to milk the manure from animals provides a good source of organic matter for improving soil fertility and crop yields. #he gobar gas from the dung is used as fuel for domestic purposes as also for running engines for drawing water from well. #he surplus fodder and agricultural by$products are gainfully utilised for feeding the animals. Almost all draught power for farm operations and transportation is supplied by bullocks. @ince agriculture is mostly seasonal there is a possibility of finding employment throughout the year for many persons through dairy farming. #hus dairy also provides employment throughout the year. #he main beneficiaries of dairy programmes are smallCmarginal farmers and landless labourers.
Milk Procurement and Processing
#he organi=ed dairy sector 9both cooperatives and private: is presently handles about )5 per cent of total milk production in the country. #hus it indicates there is a wide scope for processing of milk and manufacture of milk products for domestic consumption as well as eBport. Export Perormance
;airy products form one of the fastest growing segments in the livestock product eBport. India(s Bport of ;airy products was )5!22+.52 # to the world for the worth of 4s.'')+.5' crores during the year 20)'$)".#he maor eBport destinations are angladesh gypt 3A Algeria Demen 4epublic akistan @audi Arabia and alaysia. #he maor products eBported were utter E other milk fat cheese /hole ilk owder @kimmed ilk owder fresh cream ghee butter milk etc. O!"ecti#es o T$e Pro"ect #he financial assistance is eBtended for processing of milk with the following obectives.
i: ii: iii:
#o enhance the keeping
%cope or Dair& 'arming and its National Importance India is endowed with the largest livestock population in the world. It accounts for about 5*.' per cent of the world’s buffalo population and )".* per cent of the cattle population. #he value of output of milk is 4s. '05"+" crore in 20))$)2. #he total milk production in the country is )2*.! million tonnes per annum at the end of the leventh lan 920))$)2: and the demand is eBpected to be )+0 million tonnes by 2020. #o achieve this demand annual growth rate in milk production has to be increased from the present 2.5 % to 5%. #he Annual growth rate for production of milk is about 5% in 20))$)2. #hus there is a tremendous scopeCpotential for increasing the milk production through profitable dairy farming.
#he io$;ata of the promoter is given below.
I> ;A#A >? .@/AA
9): ame 92: ?ather’s ame 9': Age 9": Gualification
F ;4A3 @/AA F heemaiah F 2! Dears F 6raduate
F @he is engaged in ;iary activity since last 2 years since it is the family business.
+a, )(ND - U)IDIN/*
#he unit is proposed at @y. o.'0C) and ')CA ')Ca yalkal ir=apur 8illage yalkal andal edak ;istrict. #he unit has entered into lease agreement of 20 years which is sufficient for present and future re
+!, Manpo0er* #he unit re
Administrative C-lerical
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& o. s
All the manpower is locally available and there is no problem of recruiting the manpower. +c, Utilities* I. POER* 23 ower 4e
+d, %ECURIT4*
7ypothecation of proposed lant E achinery to be created out of the term loan.