Many people won’t carry their government documents to all the places. They can face some difficult difficulties ies in the absence absence of documents documents.. Cases number number
need a specific specific
from aadhaar aadhaar card , pan card number number for expensive expensive purchase purchase , caught caught by
traffic police lack of driving license.
1.2 AIM
The main objective of this application is to store our important certificates and documents like driving license,vehicle insurance,!" insurance,!" card etc. in a digital format. 1.3 OBJECTIVE •
The main aspiration of this of this project project is for the for the ease of the of the students, officers who are
unable to carry the documents everywhere. •
They never want to wait for anything because everything is available within their
palm. palm. •
The information can be retrievable i.e. even if the mobile containing this
#nformation is lost or unisatlled they can be fetched easily with the given credentials.
The main aspiration of this of this project project is for the for the ease of the of the students, officers who are unable to carry the documents everywhere.They ever want to wait for anything because everything is available within their palm.The information can be retrievable i.e. even if
the mobile containing this #nformation is lost or unisatlled they can be fetched easily with the given credentials.
Many people won’t carry their government documents to all the places. They can face some difficulties in the absence of documents. Cases like they need a specific number from aadhaar card , pan card number for expensive purchase , caught by traffic police lack of driving license.
The answer to this $uestion may appear simple but the recent trend in android is too advanced that it re$uires high security. The bu%%word bu%%word &android apps' lingered in our thoughts and echoed in our ears that made us to choose the road not taken.
Chosen the most popular popular and promi and promising sing field, the path the path was not a cakewalk. (till, the outcome is fruitful. 2.1.1 ANDROID VIRTUAL DEVICE-EMULATOR And!"d E#$%&'!
The !ndroid )evelopment Tools *!)T+ includes an emulator to run an !ndroid system. The emulator beha emulator behaves ves like real !ndroid device *in most cases+ and allows testing the application without having a real device. e can configure the version of the !ndroid (ystem we would like to run the si%e of the () card, the screen resolution and other relevant settings. e can define several of them of them with different configurations. These devices are called &!ndroid -irtual )evice' *!-)+ and we can start several in parallel. parallel. (tarting a new emulator is very slow, because because the file system of the new !-) needs to get prepared. prepared. The !)T allows deploying and running !ndroid prog !ndroid program ram on the !-). 2.1.2 PLATFORM DESCRIPTIONS W(&' ") And!"d?
!ndroid is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The !ndroid () provi () provides des the tools and !#s necessary to begin begin developing applications on the !ndroid platform platform using the 3
/ava programm programming ing language. #t is developed by 0pen 1andset !lliance led by 2oogle. 2oogle purchased purchased the initial developer of software, of software, android #nc., in 3445.
6igure 3.7!ndroid (tatistics The unveiling of the !ndroid distribution in 3448 was announced with the founding of the 0pen 1andset !lliance, a consortium of 9: hardware, software and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. 2oogle release the !ndroid code as open source, under the !pache ;icense. The !ndroid 0pen (ource roject *!0(+ is tasked with the maintenance and further development further development of !ndroid. of !ndroid. !ndroid has a large community of developers writing applications *apps+ that extend the functionality of devices. )evelopers write primarily primarily in a customi%ed version of /ava. !pplications can be downloaded from third
6igure 3.3 !ndroid -ersions !ndroid was listed as the best
3474 by Canals with over ?44 million !ndroid devices in use by 6ebruary 3473. !ccording to 2oogle’s !ndy @ubin, as of 6ebruary 3473 there are over 9,54,444 !ndroid devices activated every day. 2.1.3 *OO*LE PLAY
2oogle offers the &2oogle lay' services. 2oogle hosts !ndroid applications and the 2oogle lay application allow installing new !ndroid application on an !ndroid device. 2oogle lay used to be to be called &!ndroid Market'. S+,$"' &nd P+#"))"!n)
)uring deployment on an android device, the !ndroid system will create a uni$ue user and group #) for every !ndroid application. Aach application file is private private to this generated user, eg. 0ther applications cannot access these files. 5
Therefore by means of the underlying ;inux operating system, every !ndroid application is isolated from other running applications. ! misbehaving application cannot easily harm other android applications. !ndroid also contains a permission permission system. !ndroid predefines predefines permission permissionss for certain tasks but every application can also defines its own permission permissions. s. !n application must declare in its configuration file *!ndroid Manifest.xml+ that it re$uires certain permi certain permission ssions. s. )epending on the details of the re$uired permission permission,, the !ndroid system will automatically grant the permission permissions, s, reject it or ask the user if he grants this permission permission to the application during installation. 2.1.4 DESI*N CONSIDERATIONS And!"d D++%!/#+n'
rior to begi to beginnin nning g this progress progress we had no experience of !ndroid of !ndroid )evelopment. The first step was to figure out how !ndroid rojects are structured. =
6igure 3.? ie Chart 2.1.5 HISTORY
!ndroid is a mobile phone phone operating system. #t was originally developed by !ndroid #nc, which was ac$uired by 2oogle in /uly 8,3445. Today development is overseen by overseen by the !ndroid 0pen (ource roject *!0(+, led by led by 2oogle. The !0( is 6 rd
&tasked with the maintenance and further development of !ndroid'. !s of the ?
>uarter of 3474 !ndroid has a market share of 35B making it the second most popular popular phon phonee operating system of the of the market *second only to "oki to "okiaa (ymbian+. This is a major rise major rise from the ?.5B share.
6igure 3.= !ndroid -ersion )etails 2.1.0 ARCHITECTURE
!ndroid is based based on the ;inux ernel. !ndroid )evelopers are able to access all the components of the !pplication 6ramework used by core applications when creating an application. These features include the ;ocation Manager, luetooth, the !ccelerometer and A
6igure 3.5 !ndroid !rchitecture 2.1. APPLICATION FRAMEWOR
!n !ndroid !pplication has four parts four parts
A,'""'"+)- !ctivities are the visual interfaces for each task in the
application. Aach activity, despite being being linked, is independent class. •
S+",+)- (ervices are the background background tasks that don’t have a user
interface. (ervices might be linked to one or more activities. #n this ap application
the route
over the
duration of the journey journey *this happens even when the map is not displayed+. 8 •
B!&d,&)' R+,+"+)- The roadcast @eceiver receives and reacts to
broadcast broadcast announcements *for example, *for example, a low batt low battery ery message+. •
C!n'+n' P!"d+)- The content rovider shares the application’s data
with other applications. This data can be can be stored in a (>;ite database. 7. !n
Manager manages
of applications
provides provides a common navigation back navigation back stack. stack. 3. ! @esource Manager, providing providing access to non
D#)!#,a government organi%ation already announced an app named )igilocker. #t can store the documents details in image format 2.2.1 DRAWBACS
The main drawbacks of the of the existing system are
e can’t directly convert our documents in e
Minor bugs like sometimes the documents uploads is failing.
"ot only overcoming the drawbacks of existing system is our propo our proposed sed system,
e have added some additional additional features like documents can uploaded uploaded as typographed typographed format i.e details can be manually typed as to avoid some blurry images and notification about expiration of an document like driving license,vehicle insurance is added. 9
"otific "otificatio ation n about about expiry expiry of docum documents ents is adde added. d.
#n our app,documents can be manually typed rather than converting it seperately.
This application can be can be used in offline.
1ardware is the collection of phys of physical ical elements that constitutes a computer system. Computer hardware refers to the physical physical parts parts or components of a computer such computer such as monitor, keyboard, computer data computer data storage etc. •
E #ntel 7?
Cache Memory
E 7 M
E 544 2
E = M
rocessor (peed E 7.3 21%
)isplay Type
0perating (ystem E indows 8,indows 9
Coding ;anguageE /!-!
(oftware ackage E !ndroid (), Aclipse #)A
E -2!
(oftware is any set of machine
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESI*N F!n'+nd: /!-!, !")@0#) 3.1 INPUT DESI*N
(ystems design is the process process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a for a system to satisfy specified re$uirements. (ystems design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product product development. There is some overlap with the disciplines of systems analysis, systems architecture and systems engineering. #nput )esign is the process process of converting a user oriented description of the inputs
business business
programmer programmer
specification. #nput data were found to be available for establishing and maintaining master and transaction files and for creating output records. The most suitable types of input media, for either off
The field length must be documented.
The se$uence of fields should match the se$uence of the fields on the source document.
The data format must be identified to the data entry operator.
These specify what the product product does, focusing on its operational capabilities and the proce the processing ssing of inputs of inputs and resultant outputs.
These specify how much or how well the product product must perform, perform, addressing such issues as speed, strength, response times, accuracy, limits of operations, of operations, etc.
! $uality output is one, which meets the re$uirements of the end user and presents presents e
of processin processing g
communicated to the users and to other system through outputs. #n output design it is determined how the information is to be displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy output. #t is the most important and direct source information to the user. Afficient and intelligent output design improves the system’s relationship to help user decision
)esigning computer output should proceed proceed in an organi%ed, well thought out mannerF the right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is designed so that people people will find the system can use easily and effectively. hen analysis design computer output, they should identify the specific output that is needed to meet the re$uirements.
(elect methods for presentin presenting g information.
Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced produced by by the system.
The output form of an #nformation system should accomplish one or more of the following objectives. •
Convey information about past about past activities, current status or proje or projection ctionss of the future. (ignal important events, opportunities, prob opportunities, problems, lems, or warnings. or warnings.
! use case diagram in the unified modeling language *DM;+ is a type of behaviora behaviorall diagram defined by and created from use case analysis. #ts purpose purpose is to present present a graphical overview of the functionality provided provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals and any dependencies betw dependencies between een those use cases.
Enter Details
Store Details
View Details
D(A@ Noti! E"#ir! Details
Retrie$e Lost Details
6igure ?.7 Dse Case )iagram
#n this use case diagram actors are students *user+
who use this app and admin who
update and store. The other attributes involves entering the application then selecting domain and attend test on corresponding domain by the user. Then the score is validated by admin and then admin will display the proje the project ct titles if the score is good and the user can view the abstract. ! use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organi%e system re$uirements. The use case is made up of a set of poss po ssib ible le se$uences of interactions between systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal. #t consists of a group of elements *for example, classes and interfaces+ that can be used together in a way that will have an effect larger than the sum of the separate elements combined. The use case should contain all system activities that have significance to the users. ! use case can be thought of as a collection of possible of possible scenarios scenarios related related to a particular particular goal, indeed, indeed, the use use case and goal are sometimes considered to be synonymous. ! use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of a system. ! use case diagram contains four components. G
The boundary, boundary, which defines the system of interest in relation to the world around it.
The actors, actors, usually usually individuals individuals involved with the system defined defined according according to their roles.
The use use cases, cases, which which are the the specific specific roles roles played played by the the actors actors within within and and around the system.
#n software engineering, a class )iagram in the unified modeling language
*DM;+ is a type of static of static structure diagram that describes the of a of a system by system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, operations *or methods+, *or methods+, and the relationship among the classes.
6igure ?.3 Class )iagram ! class has three components, #n the diagram classes are represented with three boxe three boxes, s, as given as follows •
The top compartment contains the name of the class. #t is print printed ed in bold and centered, and the first letter is capitali%ed.
The middle compartment contains the attributes of the class. They are left< aligned and the first letter is lowercase.
The bott bottom om compartment contains the operations the class can execute. They are also left
#n the design of of aa system, a number of of classes classes are identified and grouped together in a class diagram that helps to determine the static relations betw between een them. ith detailed modeling, the classes of the conceptual design are often split into a number of subclasses. of subclasses.
#n order to further describe the beha behavior vior of systems, these class diagrams can be complemented by complemented by a state diagram or DM; or DM; state machine. !n association represents a family of links. ! bina binary ry association *with two ends+ is normally represented as a line. !n association can link any number of classes. !n association with three links is called a ternary association. !n association can be named, and the ends of an association can be adorned with role names, ownership indicators, There
multiplicity, four different
visibility, types
of associationE bi
aggregation *includes composition aggregation+ and reflexive. i
6or instance, a flight class is associated with a plan planee class bi
1Login/Register 2Store Details
4anage Dataase
3View Details
5Noti! aot e"#ir!
6Retrie$e Lost Details
6igure ?.? (e$uence )iagram 17
! (e$uence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how proce processes sses operate with one another and in what order. #t is a construct of a message se$uence chart. chart. ! se$uence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time se$uence. #t depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the se$uence of messages exchanged betw between een the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario. (e$uence diagrams are typically associated with use case reali%ations in the ;ogical -iew of the system under development. (e$uence diagrams sometimes called event diagrams or or event event scenarios.
! se$uence diagram shows, as parall parallel el vertical lines *lifelines+, different processes proce sses or objects that live simultaneously,
and, as hori%ontal
arrows, the
messages exchanged betw between een them, in the order in which they occur. This allows the specification of of simple simple runtime scenarios in a graphical manner. Messages, written with hori%ontal arrow with the message name written above them, display interaction. (olid arrow heads represent synchronous, open arrow heads calls, represent asynchronous, and dashed lines represent reply messages. #f #f aa caller sends a synchronous message, it must wait until the message is done, such as invoking a subroutine. #f #f aa caller sends an asynchronous message, it can continue processing proce ssing and doesn’t have to wait for for aa response. !synchronous calls are are prese present nt in multithreaded applications and in message oriented cells. cells. !ctivation boxes boxes,, or method
Store Details
View Details
Noti! E"#irationRetrei$e Lost Details
Eit Details
6igure ?.= !ctivity )iagram
!ctivity diagrams are mainly used as a flow chart consists of activities performed performed by the system. ut activity diagram are not exactly a flow chart as they have some additional capabilities. These additional capabilities include branching branching,, parallel parallel flow, swim lane etc. efore drawing an activity diagram we must have a clear understanding about the elements used in activity diagram. The main element of an activity diagram is the activity itself. !n activity is a function performed performed by the system. !fter identifying 19
the activities we need to understand how they are associated with constraints and conditions. (o before (o before drawing an activity diagram we should identify the following elementsE G
Constraints 0nce the above mentioned parameters parameters are identified we need to make a mental
layout of the entire flow. This mental layout is then transformed into an activity diagram. The following is an example of an activity diagram for order management system. #n the diagram four activities are identified which are associated with conditions. 0ne important point point should be clearly understood that an activity diagram cannot be exactly matched with the code. The activity diagram is made to understand the flow of activities of activities and mainly used by used by the busi the business ness users. The following diagram is drawn with the four main activitiesE G
(end order by by the customer
@eceipt of the of the order
Confirm order
Eit Details goo
Store Details
View Details
a Enter orretl!
6igure ?.5 (tate Chart )iagram The name of the diagram itself clarifies the purpose purpose of the diagram and othe r details. #t describes different states of a component in a system. The states a re specific to a componentIobject of a of a system. ! (tate chart diagram describes a state machine. "ow to clarify it state machine can be defined as a machine which defines different states of an object and these states are controlled by controlled by external or internal or internal events.
!ctivity diagram explained in next chapter, is a special kind of a (tate cha
diagram. !s (tate chart diagram defines states it is used to model lifetime of an object. (tate chart diagram is one of the five DM; diagrams used to model dynamic nature of a system. They define different states of an object during its lifetime. !nd these states are changed by events. (o (tate chart diagrams are useful to mod el 21
reactive systems. @eactive systems can be defined as a system that responds to external or internal or internal events. (tate chart diagram describes the flow of control of control from one state to another state. (tates are defined as a condition in which an object exists and it changes when some event is triggered. (o the most important purpose purpose of (tate chart diagram is to model life time of an of an object from creation to termination. (tate chart diagrams are also used for forward and reverse engineering of a system. ut the main purpo main purpose se is to model reactive system. 6ollowing are the main purposes purposes of using of using (tate chart diagramsE
To model dynamic aspect of a of a system.
To model life time of a of a reactive system.
To describe different states of an of an object during its life time.
)efine a state machine to model states of an of an object. ! (tate
6igure ?.: Antity @elationship )iagram Antity @elationship model is a data model for describing the data or information aspects of a business business domain or its process process re$uirements .the main components of this diagram are entities and the relationship that can exist among them. The above diagram describes entity which defines a student which can exist the relationship by attending and it followed by test. 1ere a student attending the test is explained where attends can be described in relationship symbol. This defines the relation betw relation between een student and test. !n entity admin related to test by validating. 1ere also an relationship exist between between admin and test. This diagram represents about the relationship exist between between student and test and also betw also between een the admin and test.
!n entity is a thing that exists either either phys physical ically ly or or logically. logically. !n entity may may be be a physical phys ical object such as a house or a car *they exist physi physicall cally+, y+, an event such as a house sale or or aa car car service, service, or or aa concept such as a customer transaction or or order order *they exist logicallyJas a concept+. !lthough the term entity is the one most commonly used, following Chen we should really distinguish betw between een an entity and an entity< type. !n entity
! relationship captures how entities are related to one another. @elationships can be an
of as verbs, verbs,
or more
own relationship betw between een a company and a computer, a supervises relationship between betw een an employee and a department, a perfo performs rms relationship betw between een an artist and a song, a prove provess relationship relationship betw between een a mathematician and a conjecture. The modelKs linguistic aspect described above is utili%ed in the declarative database A@@0;,
mimics constru ruccts ts..
A@@0;Ks semantics and
implementation are based on @@!, a relational algebra that is adapted to the entityL relationship model and captures its linguistic aspect. Antities
an employee entity might have a (ocial (ecurity
(oftware testing is an investigation conducted to provide provide stakeholders with information about the $uality of the product product or service under test. (oftware testing can also provide provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business business to appreciate and understand the risks of software of software implementation. Test techni$ues include, but are not limited to the process process of executing a program program or application with the intent of finding software bugs *errors or other defects+. The purpo The purpose se of testing is to discover errors. Testing is the proc the process ess of trying to discover every conceivable fault or weakness or weakness in a work produ work product. ct. #t provi #t provides des a way to check the functionality of components, subassemblies, assemblies andIor a
finished product product it is the process process of executing software with the intent of ensuring that the software system meets its re$uirements and user expectations and does not fail in an unacceptable manner. There are various types of test. Aach test type addresses
the process process
evaluation a software item to detect differences between between given input and expected output. !lso to assess the feature of a software item. Testing assesses the $uality of the product. product. (oftware testing is a process that should be done during development process. process. #n other words software testing is a verification and validation. 4.2 UNIT TESTIN*
This type of testing is performe performed d by the developers before before the setup is handed over to the testing team to formally execute the test case. Dnit testing is performed performed by the respective developers on the individual units of source code. The developers use test data that is separate from the test data of the
$uality assurance team. The goal of unit of unit testing is to isolate each part each part of the of the prog program ram and show that individual parts individual parts are correct in terms of re$uirements of re$uirements and functionality. LIMITATIONS OF UNIT TESTIN* •
Testing cannot catch each and every bug in an application. #t i
s impossible
execution path
application. The same is the case with unit testing. •
There is a limit to the number of scenarios and test data that th
e developers can use to verify the source code. (o after he has exhausted all options there is no choice but to stop unit testing and merge the code segment with other units. 4.3 SYSTEM TESTIN*
This is the next level in the testing and tests the system as a whole. 0nce all
the components are integrated, the application as a whole is tested rigorously to see that it meets >uality (tandards. This type of testing is performed performed by a speciali%ed testing team. (ystem testing is so important because because of the of the following reasons. (ystem Testing is the first step in the (oftware )evelopment ;ife
Cycle, where the application is tested as a whole. The application
is tested
thoroughly to
verify that
meets th
e functional and technical specifications. The application is tested in an environment which is very close to the
producti production on environment where the application will be deployed.
error testing
implementing the projec the projects, ts, as follows
error while
6igure =.7 #mage Arror This error occurred when inserting an image of inappropriate format which can be recovered by recovered by giving a proper proper name and correct format.
6igure =.3 @un Timeout Arror
!bove mentioned about run out error, this error occurs when emulator is not responding for long time. which can be corrected by giving continuous response to the emulator or launcher. or launcher.
6igure =.? ;aunching Arror The above mentioned figure=.=.? mentions error occurs when giving unnecessary library in java file. !nd it also occurs when essential library is not present present in java file.
6igure.=.= Amulator Arror Amulator Arror This error occurs when
an emulator is started while another emulator is in working
state. 0nly one emulator should emulator should be started at a time.
6igure =.5 1ome age The above mentioned screenshot is the home page of the kickstarter app,by clicking the butt the button on kickin in this homepage leads to next page next page of selecting of selecting domain.
6igure =.: (electing )omain age
This screenshot describes about the domain selection by clicking the particula particular r domain that is needed by needed by the user which leads to test module.
6igure =.8
;oginI@egister age
The above screenshot describes the ;oginI@egister page of the application to store the user details.
6igure =.9 (erver age This screenshot shows the local server startup to control the database.
6igure =.
Arror age
The above screenshot shows that if user if user answers were not appropriate then it shows this error page error page of sorryN of sorryN try again... the test.
6igure =.74 )atabase age
This screenshot mentions mys$l database which is back end,that stores the details in the documents.
77 (ample 6illing age
6igure =.
The above screenshot shows the abstr act of the of the proje projects cts selected in the title p age. #t will show the front end, back end, back end end O description of the of the proje project. ct.
e have demonstrated an application which defines a self< evaluation test regarding the selection of proj of project ect based based on different #T )omains. ! major motive of our app is to test the performance performance of the students and it will provide provide a project project based based on marks scored in domains. The scope of this application is used to make students to choose their proje their projects cts easily. (tudents can update their knowledge by taking over this test. (tudents longing for proj for project ect centers can be avoided. (tudents can choose
appropriate domain based on their scores. This app will ensure abstract of the project. project. (tudents find comfortable in finishing project project in a time. !s there is a more possibilit possibility, y, that students can use this application because because our app can be used in offline. This is a major advantage of our application. This will be more benef more beneficial icial to future generations. 5.2 FUTURE WOR
The kick
00(E •
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0’@A#;;P Media, #nc., (0D@CA ;#"(E • aesse on e 13 2017
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