Education in the Philippines is far below the global average and due to this the department of education has made many attempts to Reform the Philippine education system to match the UN initiatives. The 3 main parts to the UN education initiative are putting every child in school, improve the uality of learning, and foster global citi!enship. "#Priorities#$. "#Priorities#$. Putting every every child in school means to create eual opportunities and access to education for %&& school aged children. 'mproving 'mproving the uality of learning bene(ts not only the students but the surrounding communities. communities. The higher the uality of learning the better euipped and prepared prepared students are to members of society. society. )ostering global citi!enship is the encouragement and emphasi!e on global responsibility and spreading *nowledge throughout the globe. 'n +-, the average percentage of student enrollment in primary school was 3-. 'n +3 that that percentage increased increased to -. "#/ata#$. This shift in enrollment numbers is most li*ely due to the implementation of a *0+ school curriculum. 'n +, the Philippine1s /epartment of Education 'mplemented the (rst phase of *0+ curriculum. The announcement of *indergarten as a prer p rereuisite euisite for all primary education courses. "2n.d.$. This new curriculum curriculum replaced the the previous ten year year education curriculum. curriculum. The purpose behind this was to start building building a foundation from 4indergarten 4indergarten and up to improve students learning and *eep them in schools once they reached secondary education. "2n.d.$. "2n.d.$. The average percentage percentage of enrollment enrollment in 5econdary school in the Philippines is 67. "#/ata#$. This percentage shows that 3 percent of )ilipino
students drop out of schools once they reach secondary level. There are many factors that may contribute to this. 8ne being, in rural areas older children are needed at home to help maintain the (elds and crops. Part Part of the Philippines new curriculum campaign is promoting 29igher 29igher levels of learning lead to higher levels levels of 'ncome. "2n.d.$. "2n.d.$. Through this this campaign, there has been an increase in the number of college graduates but the poverty and income levels levels remain remain the same. "2n.d.$. "2n.d.$. Promoting Promoting higher levels of education fosters the third United Nations education priority: priority: )ostering )ostering global citi!enship. 'n higher level education courses, students no longer learn the basics. They develop critical thin*ing s*ills, necessary to be a successful member of society. %nother way the Philippine1s /epartment of Education attempted to reform reform their education curriculum to meet the 3 UN priorities, was through moderni!ing moderni!ing their secondary education classrooms. "2n.d.$. "2n.d.$.
moderni!ation moderni!ation of the classroom was implemented to promote student1s desire to continue their education through college. The Philippine1s /epartment of Education also allocated funds to form a scholarship fund for students wishing to attend college. "2n.d.$. The reforms reforms made by the Philippine1s Philippine1s /epartment of education are are slowing increasing enrollment percentages percentages and educational opportunities for )ilipino students. ;y creating a scholarship fund, they are fostering global citi!enship. Through the implementation of a 40+ curriculum the /epartment of education is providing more opportunities to attend school
and obtain an education. This also, improves the uality of education students are receiv receiving ing because they start school sooner, and can learn more sub
5ources : "n.d.$. Retrieved 8ctober +>, +7, from in0the0philippine0education0s in0the0philippine0education0system0the0*0to0+0prog ystem0the0*0to0+0program= ram= /ata. "n.d.$. Retrieved 8ctober +>, +7. Priorities. "n.d.$. Retrieved 8ctober +>, +7.