Food Service Industry in the Philippines
Food is a basic necessity. The industry which deals with preparing food items/products refers to the food service industry. The food service industry is and will always remain in high demand because of its genre. These industries include restaurants, restaurants, fast foods, school and hospital cafeterias, catering operations, food carts and food trucks etc. estaurants and fast foods mainly contribute to the food service industry. !Fast food" generally refers to the type of restaurants that sell #uick, ine$pensive take%out food. &uring a relatively brief period of time, the fast food industry has helped to transform not only diet, but also landscape, economy, econo my, workforce, and popular culture. The e$traordinary growth of the fast food industry has been obsessed by b y fundamental changes in society. The whole e$perience of buying fast food has become so habitual, that it is now taken for granted, like brushing your teeth or stopping for a red light. estaurants and fast foods are meant for same services e$cept that restaurants offer a large menu including a variety of cuisines as compared to fast foods, which usually offers a small menu with #uick service. 'nother difference between a restaurant and fast food is, restaurants offer meals that are cooked and prepared and is eaten at the premises while fast food usually is pre%cooked meals or serves meals that are cooked easily. &iners may eat it inside the store or they can order their food !to%go". In fast foods you usually pay before eating unlike full service restaurants. (ike every other country, the food industry has flourished very well in Philippines. Filipinos love to eat and that)s the reason why you will see a lot o f restaurants and fast foods restaurants scattered in the cities. These restaurants and fast foods can be local or international food chains. Filipino food and chefs are considered one of the best in the world. It is hardly surprising that Filipino food is often labeled as somewhat strange *like the !balut" for e$ample+ but in its own way, its food is a uni#ue mi$ture of eastern and western cuisines and reflects the history of Philippines. The Filipino food includes dishes and cooking procedu res from hina, Spain, -e$ico, nited States, and more recently from further abroad. owever, what makes them Filipino is the history and society that introduced and adapted them0 the people who turned them
to their tastes and accepted them into their homes and restaurants, and specially the harmoni1ing culture that combined them into modern Filipino fare. Some of the popular fast food ch ains of Philippines are 2ollibee, -c&onald, 3F, howking, etc. and popular restaurants being 'be, helsea, Friday)s, hili)s and a lot more. 'ttracting a huge crowd to restaurants or fast foods re#uire more than 4ust good food. Though important, good food is only a part of the total dining e$perience. 5#ually important is believed to be the way people feel while in the restaurant. This physical and emotional response is a result of the atmosphere, the total environment to which customers are e$posed. The proper atmosphere can make the food, service and whole dining e$perience seem better. For that reason a restaurant or a fast food must take care of the following to please its customers. This includes checking the cleanliness of the place and freshness of the food, guarded premises, parking area where people can park, ambiance and landscaping, building design, lighting, and even music.
6e)ve chosen 7campo%(ansang &elicacies because it is one of the oldest delicacies manufacturing business here in Pampanga that still uses the old way of making such cuisines.
Food has always been an essential part of an individual’s life.
Phi l i ppi nef oodhasev ol v edo vers ev er al c ent ur i esf r om i t sMal ay oPol y nes i anor i gi nst oav ar i ed
c ui s i n ewi t hma nyHi s pa ni cc ul t u r al i n flu enc e s,d uet ot h ema nyLat i nAme r i c a na ndSp an i s hd i s h es
br oughtt ot hePhi l i ppi nesdur i ngt heSpani s hc ol oni al per i od.Fi l i pi noc ook i ngr efl ec t st hehi s t or yoft he i s l a nd s.Th e Sp an i s hc ol on i eso f t eni n flu en c edt h ePhi l i p pi n esi nma nyd i ff er e ntwa y s .Asmu chas8 0 per c entofFi l i pi nof oodor i gi nat esf r om Spai n
ht t p: / / www. t r adi ngec onomi c s. c om/ phi l i ppi nes / i ndus t r i al pr oduc t i on
For consumer goods, food manufactures posted a double-digit growth of 20.2 in terms of volume and 19.1 percent in value of production after a year of decline.
It helps to boost our energy and it is . A lot of cooking methods were also inuenced by the Spaniards like adding vinegar and salt to food to prolong its quality and process of preserving food were inuenced by them. According to ong !"##$% states that Filipino &enu was revolutioni'ed by Spanish with elaboration and stu(ed )esta dishes. ong !"##$% states that the )rst governor general &iguel de *egaspi who once lived in &anila taught his people how to cook Spanish dishes which the recipes are passed to family and friends.
3apampangans are known as ingenious cooks who have create fresh flavorful dishes out of borrowed recipes each with an undeniable Filipino twist that may be attributed to indigenous cooking techni#ues. !T785S &5 'S79" is one good e$ample of this. It is an age%old delicacy in Pampanga that was a Spanish inspired sweet delicacy. This are being wrapped by a paper like wrapper and it has sugary milk filling with cashew nuts inside which serves as the sweetest and delicious part of the delicacy. . The making of the delicacies were taught to them by a &ominican sisters. From then they started their own small business. 9ears had passed, the founder died and only the family of -rs. (ansang serves as the successor of the business. They continue producing sweet delicacies and e$pand their product line such as sylvannas and san1 rival. They maintain the original way of making their most famous product, the T785S &5 'S79.