Martifier is one of the biggest IT firm in Chennai, commenced its operations from mid-2005 and has since been able to establish one of the largest networks of five branches in four different countries Martifier offers all kinds of Commercial Corporate and !ersonal web based services include software solutions Martifieris one of the IT firm which facilitate all kind of facilities that an IT firm offers It is working locall" loc all" as well as internationall" internationall" Customers are ver" important for ever" business IT firm in chennai has grown significantl" as #service-industr"$ overtime M" report is based on the marketing strateg" of Martifier for Man%u &roup In this report I tried to lift up a general condition of marketing strateg" of Martifier as IT firm promised and delivered to the customers The first part of the report contains information of the organi'ation itself, the products and services that IT firm is providing to the customer and vision for the future The second part of the report contains the nature of %ob, m" duties and responsibilities towards the %ob and some suggestions suggestions how the" can improve improve their current marketing marketing strateg" strateg" The third part contains contains the pro%ect part that I was involved in m" internship In this part I have discussed about marketing strateg" of Martifier, emplo"ee(s behavior and cooperation to the customer The last part contains the concluding part )efore drawing an" conclusion based on this report it ma" be noted that there might be lack in data, da ta, but still it ma" be useful for designing an " further stud" *istor" of Martifier+ Martifier is a global software firm on a mission to create brilliant softwares, websites and bla'ing fastt bro fas browse wserr bas based ed appl applica icatio tions ns The spe spectr ctrum um of thi thiss com compan" pan" was started started in 2005 2005 ur development offices span the world, with teams in ustralia, &reat )ritain and India .e provide an end to - end service, including customi'ed software, business automation, website appraisal, pro%ect management, website development, website update and maintenance, search engine optimi'ation and web marketing, e-Commerce, and graphic design / to name %ust a few )" removing the borders and boundaries which usuall" keep brilliant people apart, our international
teams provide an uncompromised talent pool from which to select the most suitable individuals Through this uniue approach we offer creative, distinctive, and effective solutions to build competitive compet itive advantage advantage and value for businesses businesses of an" si'e ll ll this is comple1, comple1, but it couldn t ‟
be simpler for "ou+ ur e1perienced IT consultants provide a single, local point of contact and act as advocates for "our pro%ect, selecting suitable team members, drawing up schedules and guiding our significant resources to action .hat is more, we practice development transparenc", making work logs, work in progress previews, schedules and other development information available in real time via our client portal Martifier closel" monitors latest industr" leading technol tec hnologi ogies, es, sof softwa tware re upda updates tes and sec securi urit" t" pat patches ches and off offers ers mos mostt rel reliab iable le sec secure ured d and effective solutions for "our organi'ation that definitel" beat most of our competitors, with vastl" superior customer service and production ualit" .e en%o" repeat business from almost ever" client we have worked with 34IC3+ s a total IT firm in Chennai, Martifier is capable to afford its customers almost an" kind of IT services ur highl" skilled team in various sectors presents "ou with customi'ed solutions that best fit "our business and technolog" needs Martifier Includes following services+
)usiness utomation+
ffice utomation or )usiness process automation, or )!, is the process a business uses to contain costs It consists of integrating applications, restructuring labor resources, and using software applications throughout the organi'ation ur industr" leading developers can implement all kind of business intelligence that help "ou to automate "our business process b" reducing "our time, effort and cost
Custom oftware+
Total business or office automation is reall" worth" )ut sometimes it is not that much cost effective for small or medium si'ed organi'ation or "ou ma" face problems with current
installed software in "our organi'ation In that case "ou need custom software that onl" best fit with "our organi'ation .e are happ" to do this custom development onl" for "ou
6etwork olutions+ Its more or less as a part of )usiness !rocess utomation 7)!8 If "ou are running organi'ations with sufficient number of work stations "ou need a secured effective network amongst "our work stations 9or us networking is not %ust wiring some !Cs together .e implement latest network technologies that includes comple1 host server or even cloud servers
Mobile pplications+
It is so obvious that future of web is totall" depends on mobile devices Martifier understood its importance and setup a dedicated mobile application team for "ou .e can develop mobile applications for I-!hone, ndroid and windows
.eb pplications+
.eb application includes functional website to comple1 business application In toda" s ‟
world most of the comple1 desktop software comes in the form of web application It gives "ou the freedom to run "our application while "ou are not even connected with "our office intranet
3-Commerce olutions+ In this web era "ou can even run a business without having "our own ph"sical office 3ver"thing is virtual now :ou can displa" "our products online and even sell and collect revenues online via "our website and our ecommerce solutions alwa"s give "ou the latest technological favor for "our business
Technologies +
C;;, !63T,
, C, <
?atabases "stems+ M"@>, !ostgrel, ?octrine, *ibernate
9rameworks+ 3M, "mfon", Codeigniter, Cake!*!, Aend, ?otnet 6uke CM+ .ordpress,
erver !latforms+
>inu1, Mac = and .indows table .ith the new website la"out and would recommend Martifier to an"one
ur !rocedures+
ccording to "our demand, we will provide profile of our professionals who have the e1pertise of relevant information technologies and skill-sets "ou reuire, as "ou can communicate with them to take an interview t the commencement of new strategic partnerships, when the service begins, we can communicate directl" b" email, instant messenger, or telephone, so that the development team members can respond promptl" working in con%unction with "our team
:ou can control the progress of the offshore team b" web-based pro%ect management tools .e can submit dail" or weekl" progress reports tailored to customer needs
ccumulate 4euirements+
3fficient cooperation can prove e1pected result with minimal effort .e need the following minimum prereuisites to create an unbeaten conduit between us+ .e never start the pro%ect without understanding pro%ect reuirements !roper documented pro%ect specification or the detailed reuirement about what "ou want pen communication through email, chat or telephone for time to time response about our work
!ro%ect Team Management+
.e like to share good things, so were working hard to make our pro%ect and team management s"stem available to all If "ou are impressed b" our s"stem, let us know and we will get in touch when it is available for public consumption Martifier is one of the most e1traordinar" IT team in outh sia Im reall" pleased with their talents and efforts on m" pro%ects
?evelopment !rocess+
.e use an agile development Methodolog", which calls for iterative production, centered on collaboration of multi-skilled team members, combined with lots of freuent, transparent progress documentation and anal"sis .e are uite fuss" about ualit", too .e communicate with clients b" phone, e-mail, web messenger, and our development platform This makes it eas" to get in touch at an" time, while keeping a rigorous log of reuirements and a firm grip on the final ob%ective .e can provide contracts and pa"ment plans which suit "our business, with hourl", total uote, and installment based options to suit "our cash flow
nce formalities are sorted, we will talk in much more detail about goals for "our application, Including ideas "ou have for the site, target audience, relevant statistics, and an" other factors which influence the design and development of the pro%ect .e will also take relevant technical data, including 9T! logins, art resources, and other planned content
nce we have the DI design and content outlined, we will move into production :our pro%ect manager creates an account with our pro%ect tracking s"stem, which provides freuent development updates from the team themselves, and will produce weekl" development summaries of progress nce the application has reached an agreed stage of completion, we will
publish it on "our web servers, in a temporar" folder This gives "our team a chance to check functionalit" and content, and our team a chance to complete final testing on "our hardware and software platform
Team Structure:
DMM4: 9 I6T346*I!
In Martifier I have worked as a Mobile pplication ?eveloper Trainee !osition s a service and product oriented compan" the ma%or responsibilities were to visit the clients ph"sicall" and take the reuirement for their website and software I have done some other works too In the following there is a short description of m" work
Mobile pplication ?evelopment+
verview+ Mobile application development is the process b" which application software is developed for low-power handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacturing, downloaded b" customers from various mobile software distribution platforms, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing 7eg
teps of development+
F elect an e1clusive niche for "our app ?ecide e1actl" what "ou want "our app to do and how "ou should present it before "our future audience ee to it that "our chosen niche is popular, but not too saturated
2 Check out all similar apps in other app stores >ook up their popularit" uotient b" stud"ing their download statistics, or b" looking into their ratings and reviews lso tr" to find out how the" manage to strike that special chord with users a 5 of the )est Third-!art" Mobile Cloud "nc !roviders B If possible, tr" downloading similar apps, to know about their pros and cons and also to see what makes them tick, from an end-user perspective Though "ou ma" have to spend on some of these apps, it will give "ou a fair idea about the competition K ee that "our app offers something that e1tra something special to "our users This will let "our app stand out from the rest b *ow to 3ngage the Dser with :our Mobile pp 5 )e minimalistic with the app(s features initiall" Tr" not to cram too man" things into "our first release / more advanced features can be added onto "our future releases Initiall", develop mobile software for onl" one mobile platform ?o not rush to deliver the same to multiple mobile platforms unless "ou are absolutel" sure where "ou are going with "our app Make sure to plan ahead and choose the right mobile platform for "our app c *ow to Choose the 4ight Mobile !latform for pp ?evelopment L If possible, make detailed DI sketches of all app screens, instead of merel" writing them down This will make it easier for "ou and also give the app a better finish H ?evelop "our app in-house if "ou can This saves "ou a lot of time and mone" 3lse, be ver" particular about the person or compan" "ou hire to develop "our app for "ou )e activel" involved in ever" stage of the app development and test it thoroughl" before submitting it to the marketplace d *ire a !rofessional ?eveloper to Create pple i!hone pps G >ook into the nitt"- gritt"(s of the mobile app market "ou would like to target Dnderstand the app market(s specifications and stipulations, so that "ou minimi'e the chances of re%ection to that e1tent F0 et the right ke"word and description for "our app This is an important aspect of app submission and ma" also help minimi'e "our own app promotion efforts in the app store FF It is also important that "ou set the right price for "our app tud" the pricing of similar apps in the market and price "our app competitivel", at par with them Ideall", offer users a free trial edition of "our app This will let "ou gauge the public response to "our app, without immediatel" inviting criticism from end-users e *ow to !rice :our Mobile pplication
F2 Take "our customers seriousl" >isten closel" to what the" have to sa" via their feedback and app ratings This will give "ou pointers on how to proceed with later versions of "our app as well
9I4T !4<3T+ T I>>34+
The basics of creating applications+
To begin to program for ndroid I needed some basics, because some elements are ver" different, even if programming an application in ndroid uses the
public static void main7tringN O args8PQ
This method that allows launching a program in %ava is not present in an application android This e1ample is onl" the first of a long list o IRll tr" to e1plain what I had to learn to use to create m" first application which is the Task iller
ctivit" +
n activit" is a user interface that allows the user to interact with the screen, to perform actions 9or e1ample, a te1t messaging application could have an activit" that displa"s a list of contacts to send messages nce the contact is selected , activit" could send information to a second activit" that could serve to send the message to the contact .hen an application is launched, what it displa"s is the result of an activit" t the code level, for create an activit" , "ou must create a class that e1tends the ctivit" class n activit" has a reuired onCreate 78 method It is the main method To interact with the program, through
the activit", there must be something displa"ed, that is wh" the activit", contains what is called views
iew + iew is the basic building block for user interface components iew occupies a rectangular area on the screen iew is the base class for widgets, which are used to create interactive DI components 7buttons, te1t fields, etc8There is differents kinds of views, for e1ample a >istiew is able to displa" onl" an interactive list of what "ou want to displa", while a .ebiew allows "ou to to displa" a web page s said before, view occupies a rectangular area on the screen To organise these rectangles on the screen, there is a te1t file written in =M> for ever" different screen
=ml means 31tensible Markup >anguage ndroid provides a straightforward =M> vocabular" that corresponds to the iew classes and subclasses The goal of using ndroidRs =M> vocabular", is to uickl" design DI la"outs and the screen elements the" contain, in the same wa" that creating web pages in *TM> + with a series of nested elements
*ere is an e1ample +
S1ml versionUEF0E encodingUEutf-HEV S>inear>a"out 1mlns+androidUEhttp+WWschemasandroidcomWapkWresWandroidE android+la"outXwidthUEfillXparentE android+la"outXheightUEfillXparentE android+orientationUEverticalE V STe1tiew android+idUEY;idWte1tE android+la"outXwidthUEwrapXcontentE android+la"outXheightUEwrapXcontentE android+te1tUE*ello, I am a Te1tiewE WV S)utton android+idUEY;idWbuttonE
android+la"outXwidthUEwrapXcontentE android+la"outXheightUEwrapXcontentE android+te1tUE*ello, I am a )uttonE WV SW>inear>a"outV
In the previous e1ample, hereRs an =M> la"out that uses a vertical >inear>a"out to hold a Te1tiew and a )uttonIt will be possible to modif" attributes the elements in the activit" class that use this =M> file 9or e1ample to change the te1t
Intent +
n activit" can of course start another one, even if it but to do this, it will need a special ob%ect called Intent n intent is basia description of an operation to be performed It can launch an ctivit", send a broadcastIntent to an" interested )roadcast4eceiver components, and communicate with a background ervice n Intent performs binding between the code in different applications it can be thought of as the link between activities It is possible to add some informations to an Intent, thanks to an ob%ect called bundle, that "ou add to the intent thanks to the method +
Intent.putExtra!"un#$e %&'et&un&$e ()
ndroid Manifest+
ndroidManifest1ml file is necessar" for all android applications and must have this name in its root director" In the manifest "ou can find essential information about the application for the ndroid s"stem, information that the s"stem must have before it can run an" of the applicationRs code *ere is what "ou can find in the ndroid manifest+ The name of the
The description of the components of the application + the activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers that the application is composed of and under what conditions the" can be launched The processes that will host application components The permissions the application must have in order to access protected parts of the !I and interact with other applications The permissions that others are reuired to have in order to interact with the applicationRs components The list of the Instrumentation classes that provide profiling and other information as the application is running These declarations are present in the manifest onl" while the application is being developed and testedZ the"Rre removed before the application is published The minimum level of the ndroid !I that the application reuires The list of the libraries that the application must be linked against
.hit all theses elements, an application can be created o iRll e1plain m" first application which was a Task iller
Meeting *4 Manager
bservation of the %ob
bservation of the %ob
bservation of the %ob
Training on )asic !rogram
Training on )asic !rogram
imple Task ssigned
.orking on Task
Task Completed and reviewed
Correction .orks
4eview two
Task 2 on ndroid pplication
Coding app
Coding app
?eplo"ment 3rrors
Completing Task 2
4eviewing with Mr 4a%aram Completion of internship meeting *4 Manager to get
completion letter
3M36T 9 T*3 I6T346*I!
The pro%ect+
9or m" first application, I was not reall" comfortable with android, so in this application there is onl" two differents screen, and so two differents activities, but it was a good training to tr" how to communicate between the activities, how to displa" elements 7Te1tiew, )uttons 8 on the screen and how to interact with them
The first screen is drawn in a linear la"out which is the simplest la"out mechanism available on ndroid "ou can add components hori'ontall" or verticall"( This is a prett" simple wa" of getting components assembled on a screen :ou can find the =M> code for this screen in the ppendi1es s "ou will see, there is one Te1tiew, two buttons and again one Te1tiew
The two buttons have been declared in the =M> file, but it is not enough for them for being active I must declare them in the code+
private )utton ok)uttonZ
private )utton uit)uttonZ
Then "ou instantiate the buttons+ the" are linked with those of the 1ml file as follows+
ok)utton U 7)utton8 findiew)"Id74ido8Z uit)utton U 7)utton8 findiew)"Id74iduitter8Z
In this wa" it is now possible to interact with the buttons, thanks to the ne1t method+ )uttonsetnClick>istener7nClick>istener listener8 The aim of the RR button is to access the process list, so to a new screen and thus a new activit"+ we will have a new Intent as e1plained previousl" The action on the button code is as follow+
ok)uttonsetnClick>istener7new nClick>istener78 P public void onClick7iew v8 P Tr" P Intent i U new Intent7TaskManagerthis, !rocess>istclass8Z startctivit"7i8Z finish78Z
Q catch731ception e8 P Te1tiew e1 U new Te1tiew7TaskManagerthis8Z e1setTe1t7etotring788Z setContentiew7e18Z >oge7thisgetClass78getimple6ame78, E3rreur2 +E, e8Z Q Q Q8Z
To start an activit" it is necessar" to declare an intent and then implement it with what is called the conte1t 7current activit"8 and the name of the class that defines the ne1t event 7this one e1tends the ctivit" class8 The ne1t screen is a list of processes currentl" running on the device "ou must know that when the first of an applicationRs components needs to be run, ndroid starts a >inu1 process for it with a single thread of e1ecution )" default, all components of the application run in that process
To view this list several things are essential 9irstl", activit" that allows the displa" of the list is a >istctivit", which allows combined with the =M> file,the displa" of a screen with a list 9or the =M> file it is simpl" a Te1tiew 9or the code itself there are several things to e1plain
9irst, to retrieve information on the processes, "oumust declare the ob%ect ctivit"Manager It must then instanciate it so that it retrieves the s"stem datas, and especiall" datas about activities Then, the goal is to recover all the processes running, so we need a list to store data of each process This gives+
.hile working at laborator" in Martfier, I gained some knowledge on how to create good user friendl" DI s"stem ?oing this, I had to full" understand what the DI s"stem is DI
s"stem is a complete management s"stem &rasp on the sub%ect is a ver" important matter Moreover, she 7the mentor8 needs to create all the materials for hisWher lesson as power point presentation, providing useful
links, creating note from referenced books Communication with the other is mandator" The supervisor has to make sure that we feel free to ask uestion about the sub%ect matter and contact with himWher, if the" face problems M" instructor provided email address so that student can communicate with
her, if the" face problem on the sub%ect matter ll students do not have the same programming skill Therefore, it is necessar" to group them in accordance with their skill Then the" can be counseled b" group to improve their
skill I acuired a great skill which is to find the errors from a program ver" uickl" b" unit testing I applied unit testing to find out the errors from the codes of the students *owever, the visual studio compiler helped me a lot find those defects In a word m"
defect determination capabilit" increased to a higher level fter this internship I think I become good at fi1ing errors of the programs with the
effective approach to solve it I learnt how to schedule the topics and lab tasks in the computer lab for a particular course I understood how to do the timing with the student(s activities in the lab and
maintain them I came to know how to evaluate the students( based on their performances and how to co-operate with them I understood when and how to approach them with a problem and solution I found that depth of knowledge along with care for the students makes a successful teacher
s a summar" about the internship in martifier I have to sa" that the e1periences I mad there were ver" interesting, but sometimes also ver" shocking
)eside the e1periences as a software engineer, I had the chance to live in a complete different culture for a months which were totall" different from the thougths I had before I 31perianced
6ot onl" the e1perience in working together with software developer were different from m" thoughts, also the whole living as there with all the ver" different and hard
lso often I worked around - H hours a da" including the weekends, because there are onl" ver" few places where "ou can go as to spend "our spare time
)ut still overall I would sa" that it was ver" interesting to make this e1perience and to work together with software developers, even if the" are not as good as I have heard and thought before fter conducting this report successfull" I have found that Martifier can be able to create a significant position to our econom" and tr" to boost up the econom" of India In conclusion I can strongl" predict that Martifier contains a great future ahead of it
ample Code which I worked over there+ public void onCreate7@>ite?atabase db8 P dbe1ec@>7EC43T3 T)>3 E ; T)>3X6M3 ; E 7id I6T3&34 !4IM4: 3: autoincrement, wordF T3=T, word2 T3=T8E8Z dbe1ec@>7EI634T I6T E;T)>3X6M3;E 7wordF,word28 >D37RhelloR,Rkon nichi waR8E8Z dbe1ec@>7EI634T I6T E;T)>3X6M3;E 7wordF,word28 >D37Rspic"R,RkaraiR8E8Z dbe1ec@>7EI634T I6T E;T)>3X6M3;E 7wordF,word28 >D37RsweetR,RamaiR8E8Z
dbe1ec@>7EI634T I6T E;T)>3X6M3;E 7wordF,word28 >D37RbitterR,RnigaiR8E8Z dbe1ec@>7EI634T I6T E;T)>3X6M3;E 7wordF,word28 >D37Rsour tartR,RsuppaiR8E8Z [ [ Q
4393436C3 + 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
!hilip otler, !rinciples of Marketing, !rentice / *all, FGH0 Marketing Mi1+ http+WWwwwmindtoolscomWpagesWarticleWnewT4XGKhtm Martifier Technologies wwwmartifiercom Man%u &roup+ wwwMan%u-cit"com &oogle .ikipedia answercom