Hello, this is just a brief outline of my approach to working with the Qliphoth. As there are 10 Sephiroth in Qabalah, there are 10 Qliphoth. They are the dark reflections of the sephiroth, and they are each ruled by an archdaemon: Nahemoth, ruled by the archdaemon Naamah Gamaliel, ruled by the archdaemon Lilith Samael, ruled by the archdaemon Adramalech A'arab Zaraq, ruled by the archdaemon Ba'al Thagiriron, ruled by the archdaemon Belphegor Golachab, ruled by the archdaemon Asmodeus Agshekoloh, ruled by the archdaemon Ashtaroth Satariel, ruled by the archdaemon Lucifuge Ghagiel, ruled by the archdaemon Beelzebub Thaumiel, ruled by the archdaemons Satan and Moloch I work with the Qliphothtic spheres in a similar manner as to which a RHP Kabbalist might approach the Tree of Life: Ascending the Tree of Death sphere-by-sphere. sphere-by-sphere. To begin work with the forces, I might start with a ritual announcing my intention to work with the Qliphothic Spheres declaring my kinship with the forces of the Sitra Ahra(other side). I work with the Qliphothic forces as part of a paradigm in which I see myself as the inheritor of the Black Flame, a portion of the dark divine essence of the adversarial powers who do battle with the gods of the cosmic order. Mastering the Qliphothic spheres is a means of awakening and strengthening my own daimonic essence and transcending the limitations of the cosmic order as part of the dynamic process of Satanic self-becoming proceeding towards the horizon of self-deification. I begin with Nahemoth, the sinister reflection of Malkuth. Nahemoth, like Malkuth, is linked to the powers of the earth-Especially the Earth in Her more sinister and chthonic aspects. Nahemoth is ruled by the Archdaemon Naamah(the consort of Azazel and sister of Tubal-Qayin), so work with this sphere can be approached by ritually invoking the essence of Naamah. Astral pathworkings to gain a greater intuitive understanding of the sphere are another means of contacting the essence of Nahemoth. The goat and pig are especially sacred to Naamah as animals especially connected with chthonic powers, and outdoor workings are especially appropriate for work with this sphere. The next sphere is Gamaliel, the sinister reflection of Yesod. Gamaliel comprises some of the more sinister regions of the astral plane, especially those which are linked to the sexual subconscious of humanity. Gamaliel is the gateway to the astral landscapes where the Black Adept can make contact with astral larvae and familiars. Gamaliel is ruled by the Archdaemon Lilith, the bride of Samael and the first wife of Adam. Lilith is desire unrestrained, mistress of the dark aspects of the sexual power of the divine feminine. Snakes, black cats, and spiders are all sacred to Lilith(Lilith being connected to the serpent-woman of myth, such as the Lamia). Lilith is queen of the succubi, the forces which drain the sexual energy of men and use it to birth daimonic children which serve the Satanic powers of the Sitra Ahra. She is the chalice which contains the poisonous elixir of Gnosis(the essence of which is her husband, Samael, the "poison of
god"-meaning, in my favored interpretation, the poison which will kill the false god of the cosmic order) And so on, proceeding with the spheres Samael, A'arab Zaraq, Thagirion, Golachab, Agshekoloh, Satariel, Ghagiel, and lastly the mighty Qliphah of Thaumiel.