PING: The ping command helps to verify IP-level connectivity. connectivity. When troubleshooting, you can use ping to send an I!P echo re"uest to a target host name or IP address. #se ping $henever you need to verify that a host computer can connect to the TP%IP TP%IP net$or& and net$or& resources. resources.
Tracert Tracert Tracert Tracert is a route tracing tracing utility that display a list of near-side near-side router interfaces of the routers along the path bet$een a source host and a destination. de stination. Tracert Tracert uses the IP TT' (eld in I!P )cho *e"uests and I!P Time )+ceeded messages to determine the path from a source to a destination through an IP internet$or&.
T)'N)T The telnet commands allo$ you to communicate $ith a remote remote computer that is using the Telnet protocol. ou can run telnet $ithout parameters in order to enter the telnet conte+t, indicated by the Telnet prompt telnet/. 0rom the Telnet prompt, use the follo$ing commands to manage a computer running Telnet lient.
112 112, or 1ecure 1hell, is a protocol used to securely log onto remote systems. It is the most common $ay to access remote 'inu+ and #ni+-li&e servers.
Nsloo&up Nsloo&up name server loo&up/ is a useful tool for troubleshooting 3N1 problems, such as host name resolution. When you start Nsloo&up, it sho$s the host name and IP address of the 3N1 server that is con(gured for the local system, and then display a command prompt for further "ueries. If you type a "uestion mar& 4 /, Nsloo&up sho$s all available commands. ou can e+it the program by typing e+it .
Netstat 5bbreviation of net$or& statistics, the netstat command is a command found in almost all command line environments that allo$ you to vie$ the statistics of the net$or&. 3isplays active TP connections, ports on $hich the computer is listening, )thernet statistics, the IP routing table, IPv6 statistics for the IP, I!P, TP, and #3P protocols/, and IPv7 statistics for the IPv7, I!Pv7, TP over IPv7, and #3P over IPv7 protocols/. #sed $ithout parameters, netstat displays active TP connections. In computing, netstat net$or& statistics/ is a command-line net$or& utility tool that displays net$or& connections for the Transmission ontrol Protocol both incoming and outgoing/, routing tables, and a number of net$or& interface net$or&
interface controller or soft$are-de(ned net$or& interface/ and net$or& protocol statistics.
5*P The host or the router sends an 5*P "uery pac&et. The pac&et includes the physical and IP addresses of the sender and the IP address of the receiver. 8ecause the sender does not &no$ the physical address of the receiver, the "uery is broadcast over the net$or&. )very host or router on the net$or& receives and processes the 5*P "uery pac&et, but only the intended recipient recogni9es its IP address and sends bac& an 5*P response pac&et. The response pac&et contains the recipients IP and physical addresses. The pac&et is unicast directly to the in"uirer by using the physical address received in the "uery pac&et. *5*P *everse 5ddress *esolution Protocol *5*P/ (nds the logical address for a machine that &no$s only its physical address. NI Net$or& Interface ard is a computer hard$are component that connects a computer to a computer net$or&. 32P
3ynamic 2ost on(guration Protocol 32P/ is a client%server protocol that automatically provides an Internet Protocol IP/ host $ith its IP address and other related con(guration information such as the subnet mas& and default gate$ay. I0;N0IG IPon(g is a command-line tool that displays the current con(guration of the installed IP stac& on a net$or&ed computer. <10TP3 3N1 3omain Name 1ystem or 1ervice or 1erver/, an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. 8ecause domain names are alphabetic, theyre easier to remember. The Internet ho$ever, is really based on IP addresses. )very time you use a domain name, therefore, a 3N1 service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. 0or e+ample, the domain name $$$ might translate to =>
[email protected]. Web 1erver 5 Web server is a program that uses 2TTP 2yperte+t Transfer Protocol/ to serve the (les that form Web pages to users, in response to their re"uests, $hich are for$arded by their computers 2TTP clients. TP The Transmission ontrol Protocol TP/ is a core protocol of the Internet protocol suite. It originated in the initial net$or& implementation in $hich it complemented the Internet Protocol IP/. Therefore, the entire suite is commonly referred to as TP%IP. #3P The #ser 3atagram Protocol #3P/ is a transport layer protocol de(ned for use $ith the IP net$or& layer protocol. It provides a best-eDort datagram service to an )nd 1ystem IP host/. 5pache 5pache is a freely available Web server that is distributed under an Eopen sourceE license.
2TTP3 2TTP 3aemon is a soft$are program that runs in the bac&ground of a $eb server and $aits for the incoming server re"uests. The daemon ans$ers the re"uest automatically and serves the hyperte+t and multimedia documents over the internet using 2TTP. httpd is the 5pache 2yperTe+t Transfer Protocol 2TTP/ server program. It is designed to be run as a standalone daemon process. When used li&e this it $ill create a pool of child processes or threads to handle re"uests. 2;1T IP =BF.@.@.= is the loopbac& Internet protocol IP/ address also referred to as the localhost. 0TP The 0ile Transfer Protocol 0TP/ is a standard net$or& protocol used to transfer computer (les bet$een a client and server on a computer net$or&. 1oc&et 5 soc&et is one endpoint of a t$o-$ay communication lin& bet$een t$o programs running on the net$or&. 5 soc&et is bound to a port number so that the TP layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent to.