Hill 1
Ryker Hill Cris Longhurst English 1010 10 April 2016 The Death of Human Interaction?
Like this! Post that! that! Tweet Tweet this! this! Pin that! Soial e"ia is a huge part o# e$eryone%s e$eryone%s li$es right now& Appro'iately 1&() *illion people or one thir" o# the worl" use soial e"ia& +ost o# us an agree that soial e"ia has ha" soe sort o# in#luene in our li#e, *ut in the en" is it soial e"ia "oing ore ore *a" than goo"- Are people spen"ing too too uh tie on soial e"ia.hat negati$e e##ets "o soial e"ia ha$e on you- / *elie$e soial e"ia ultiately ultiately has ha" a negati$e e##et on us aa"eially, soially, an" entally&
Hill 2
Social Media and Communication
Soial e"ia was in$ente" #or the sole purpose o# *eing a*le to e'press yoursel# online an" to *e a*le to stay onnete" with with those you are a*out& A*out (0 o# ouniation ouniation is through non$er*al signals, like han" otions, #aial e'pressions, eotions, $oie in#letion, et& Can we e'press all o# this through a post or essage- The answer is siple, no we an%t& People ight say that they an use eo3i%s to e'press thesel$es, *ut in the en" you "on%t get the sae *ene#it like a #ae to #ae on$ersation& Soial e"ia an *e a great tool to stay in ontat with people, *ut ha$e we taken it too #ar- .hen we hang out with #rien"s we alost always talk a*out what we saw on soial e"ia or say things like 45i" you see what Aaron poste" on ae*ook-7 .hen hanging out "oes e$eryone look at their "i##erent soial e"ia apps-
1: Teenagers "hanging out"
4Soial e"ia is the pre#erre" etho" o# ouniation aong young people an" ore young people are spen"ing ore tie on it7 8owlkes9& :o atter what ati$ity you "o when you hang out with your #rien"s, you will e$entually en" up heking soial e"ia at least one& +ost teenagers ha$e ore than one soial e"ia, whih inreases the aount o# tie spent on soial
Hill 3
e"ia& 4;2 o# teens report going online online "aily<& (1 o# teens use use ore than one soial network site7 8Lenhart9& There are ountless "i##erent "i##erent soial e"ia sites& sites&
2. A typical teenager's phone with diferent social media apps Negative Effects of Social Media on the Bod
Soial e"ia has ha" negati$e n egati$e e##ets on your *o"y as well as your interati$e skills& Ha$e you e$er *een "oing soething an" you #eel your phone $i*rate *ut when you hek it, there was nothing there- This is known as phanto $i*ration syn"roe, where you you think your phone goes o## *ut it atually "i"n%t& /n one stu"y a*out =; o# people sai" that they #eel the phanto $i*ration one e$ery two weeks& .hy "o people e'periene phanto $i*ration syn"roe- The *rain sees to ha$e rewire" itsel# so that when you ha$e an ith, your *rain *rain on$ines itsel# it%s your your phone $i*rating& >eause soial e"ia an gi$e you ie"iate results o# happiness with little to no e##ort re?uire" your *rain will "esire to ha$e this happiness ore an" an atually ause your *rain to ra$e ra$e soial e"ia, aking it highly highly a""iti$e& Soial e"ia triggers your *rain to release "opaine the ost a""iti$e "rugs inrease your "opaine ati$ity whih plays a #ator in aking soial e"ia so a""iti$e&
Hill 4
Social Media is a Distraction
Soial e"ia also plays a *ig role in "istrating us #ro what%s what%s going on aroun" us& At work take a look aroun" an" see how any any people are using their phones instea" instea" o# working& At @aes +a"ison ni$ersity a*out (0 o# stu"ents laie" that they were 4soeties7 or 4always7 on soial e"ia "uring lass 85aniel9& .hene$er people get to a "estination "estination an" ha$e tie to kill, ost o# the tie they will hek their phones rather than soialiBing with people aroun" the& There ha$e *een nuerous ases o# ar ai"ents that ha$e ourre" *eause the "ri$er was "istrate" "istrate" *y soial e"ia& Soial e"ia has e$en turne" people into stalkers, soiopaths, ur"erers, et& As you you an see, soial e"ia hanges people in little little an" *ig ways&
!. A guy about to get in a car accident because he was using social media while driving Does Social Media Have "n #ood To It?
Hill 5
There are soe goo" aspets to soial e"ia it is a $ery goo" tool to *e a*le to stay in ontat with people all aroun" the worl"& worl"& Soial e"ia is $ery goo" #or #in"ing out in#oration #ast& >ut while it has its pros, there nee"s to *e a line line "rawn& .hen soial e"ia e"ia *eoes the ain soure o# ouniating with others, it an *e a *ig pro*le& ou an get a""ite", sae thing with *eing a*le to aess a ess in#oration at inre"i*le spee"s, i# you%re not are#ul your *o" y will "e$elop a onstant ra$ing #or ore new n ew in#oration& $hat Can $e Do?
People o#ten think that they aren%t a""ite" to soial e"ia *ut go a "ay an" tally how any ties you get on a soial e"ia site, the aount will surprise you& Soial e"ia is a""iti$e an" i# we%re not are#ul we an #all $iti to it& Soial e"ia only *eoes a pro*le when we allow it to take ontrol o# our li$es& 5o we go out an" hang out with our #rien"s to ha$e #un, or "o we hang out with the so that we an post a new piture on soial e"ia- >y > y liiting our "aily aount o# tie on soial e"ia we an "rastially "erease the pro*a*ility o# us *eo ing a""ite" to it& E$en though soial e"ia was reate" reate" with goo" intentions an" has soe goo" things a*out it, ultiately ultiately it has ha" ore negati$e negati$e e##ets on us than goo"& >eause o# the pre$alene an" popularity o# soial e"ia, our interpersonal ouniation skills are "ying& .ill you you allow soial e"ia to "estroy your ouniation skills-
Hill 6
.orks .orks Cite" 5aniel, :aoi& The 5ownwar" Spiral #or Cogniti$e an" Soial Skills& @aes +a"ison ni$ersity, 21 April April 201D& .e .e*& *& 2( +arh 2016 Lenhart, Aan"a& Teens, Teens, Soial +e"ia, Tehnology& Tehnology& Pew Researh Center& ; April 2012& .e*& 10 April 2016& owlkes, @asine& 4.hy Soial +e"ia is 5estroying our Soial Skills7 SA TF5A TF5A& Fto*er 11 2012& .e*& +arh D& Tar"anio, Susan& 4/s Soial +e"ia Sa*otaging Real Couniation7 or*es +agaBine& April )0 2012& .e .e*& *& +arh G 2016